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1.14 SafariNet config working

a guest
May 6th, 2019
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  1. # grief prevention support, blocks releasing and capturing of any mob in claims if set to true.
  2. block-release-and-capture-on-claims: false
  4. # defines whether the player can catch mobs in protected regions or not.
  5. can-catch-mobs-in-protected-regions: false
  7. # defines whether the player can release mobs in protected regions or not.
  8. can-release-mobs-in-protected-regions: false
  10. # defines wether to use the PlotSquared integration or not.
  11. # Set to false if plotsquared gives errors.
  12. use-psq: true
  13. # Can players release/capture on plots?
  14. can-release-and-capture-on-plots: false
  16. # Item with this displayname would turn in a safarinet. Nice to use in Essentials-kit.
  17. pseudo-item:
  18. enabled: false
  19. single-use-display: "&cSingleuse"
  20. reusable-display: "&cReusable"
  22. # Blacklisted mob types that can't be caught
  23. blacklist:
  24. - PLAYER
  27. # Debug mode
  28. debug: false
  30. # Logger that logs every capture and release event
  31. disable-logger: false
  33. # Mobs can not be caught in this worlds
  34. disabled-worlds:
  35. - exampleworld
  36. # Blacklisted mobs by display name can not be caught (case insensitive)
  37. blacklist-by-name:
  38. - "dinnerbone"
  40. can-catch-tamed-mobs: true
  41. disable-mythicmobs: true
  42. play_sound_on_capture: true
  43. sound_on_capture:
  44. sound: SLIME_WALK
  45. volume: 1.00
  46. pitch: 1.00
  47. play_sound_on_spawn: true
  48. sound_on_spawn:
  49. sound: SLIME_WALK
  50. volume: 1.00
  51. pitch: 1.00
  53. # Activate this to only allow certain mobs for player. Example permission: safarinet.catch.pig AND safarinet.release.pig
  54. per-mob-permissions: false
  55. use-permission-for-crafting: false
  56. single-use:
  57. display-name: "&7SafariNet &3(&7Single-Use&3)"
  58. lore: "Right click on an entity%to catch it!"
  59. recipe:
  60. enabled: true
  61. line1: "aaa"
  62. line2: "aba"
  63. line3: "aaa"
  64. ingredients:
  65. - "a:STRING"
  66. - "b:ENDER_PEARL"
  67. reusable:
  68. display-name: "&7SafariNet &3(&7Reusable&3)"
  69. lore: "Right click on an entity%to catch it!"
  70. recipe:
  71. enabled: true
  72. line1: "aaa"
  73. line2: "aba"
  74. line3: "aaa"
  75. ingredients:
  76. - "a:STRING"
  77. - "b:EYE_OF_ENDER"
  79. # ability to change lore of filled safarinet -> %s is the entity's name, the second %s custon name of the entity
  80. lore_filled_safarinet:
  81. - "&c%s"
  82. - "&a%s"
  84. # catch chances. This sections is designed to set a certain chance, whether to success or fail on catch.
  85. # chance goes from 0.0 to 1.0
  86. # Multiple entity can be added.
  87. # remove the '#' if you want to use this section!
  88. #catch-chances:
  89. # CREEPER:
  90. # chance: 0.5
  91. # remove-egg-on-fail: true
  92. # remove-entity-on-fail: true
  93. # SKELETON:
  94. # chance: 0.1
  95. # remove-egg-on-fail: true
  96. # remove-entity-on-fail: false
  98. # messages
  99. messages:
  100. #Configurable messages brought to you by Scorpion(scorpionvssub)
  101. #Messages now support new lines via \n
  102. config_reloaded: "Config reloaded!"
  103. no_perms: "&cYou don't have permission to use this!"
  104. no_perms_cmd: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command!"
  105. no_perms2: "&cYou don't have permission to use this here!"
  106. cant_release: "&cYou can't release that!"
  107. cant_catch: "&cYou can't catch that!"
  108. safarinet_broken: "&cThis SafariNet is broken."
  109. cant_catch_zhorse: "&cSorry, but you can't catch ZHorses!"
  110. cant_catch_mypet: "&cSorry, but you can't catch MyPets!"
  111. cant_catch_tamed: "&cYou can't catch tamed animals!"
  112. catch-failed: "&cYou failed to catch {0}!"
  113. syntax: "&cSyntax error: /safarinet give (player) (singleuse/reusable) [amount]"
  114. invalid-eggs: '&cInvalid eggs found. Valid: (singleuse/reusable)'
  115. #{0} = amount {1} = egg type {2} = player name
  116. egg-given: '&aGiven {0} {1} eggs to {2}'
  117. reloaded: '&aSuccessfully reloaded the configuration file!'
  118. no-number: '&cMust be a valid number!'
  119. not-online: '&cThis player is not online.'
  120. recipe-syntax: '&c/safarinet recipe (singleuse/reusable)'
  121. egg-broken: '&cThis egg appears to be broken :('
  122. blocked-world: '&cThis world does not allow mobs/animals to be captured.'
  124. #This is the help file.
  125. #Its list based e.x:
  126. #Help:
  127. #- '/sn give....'
  128. #- 'To capture an egg right click a mob while holding it.'
  129. Help:
  130. - '&a/sn reload &c- Reloads the plugin'
  131. - '&a/sn recipe &c- Shows recipe''s for eggs(if loaded)'
  132. - '&a/sn give (player) (egg) [amount] &c- Give a player an egg'
  133. RecipeShowcase:
  134. - '&a==================='
  135. - '&7Crafting pattern for %egg%'
  136. - 'aaa'
  137. - 'aba'
  138. - 'aaa'
  139. - '&a==================='
  140. - '%items%'
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