
Guardian Anti Cheat

Jul 29th, 2017
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  1. #------------------------------------------------------------
  2. # Guardian ACheat
  3. # by Xenons (RealmMianite)
  4. # Protect your server from Cheaters with Guardian!
  5. #------------------------------------------------------------
  7. #Permissions:
  8. # guardian.admin - Use of /guardian command
  9. # guardian.elder - Use of /elder command
  10. # guardian.check - Use of /check command
  11. # guardian.bypass - Cannot be banned!
  13. #Commands:
  14. # /guardian - Usage for bannig, kicking, unbaning
  15. # /elder - Used for animated banning
  16. # /check - Shows all of your or other players checks
  18. #Hacks Blocked:
  19. # KillAura
  20. # MultiAura
  21. # LegitAura
  22. # CrazyAura
  23. # FastAura
  24. # FastAura
  25. # FastEat
  26. # Regen
  27. # Auto Sneak
  28. # Fast Place
  29. # Fast Break
  30. # Fly
  31. # Jesus
  34. #------------------------------------------------------------
  35. # Edit after this part!
  36. #------------------------------------------------------------
  38. options:
  39. #Logo will be displayed before each message!
  40. logo: &6[&3TNTGuardian&6]|
  42. #Should people be banned by Guardian?
  43. banwave: true
  45. #Should animation of guardian banning be used?
  46. animated: true
  48. #This is how players will see ban screen when they
  49. #try to log on the server
  50. banmsg: &6[&3TNTGuardian&6]| &cYou are banned for: &e%arg 3%
  52. #Should staff members recieve reports only in staff mode?
  53. onlyinstaff: false
  55. #-----------------------
  56. #Kill Aura
  57. #-----------------------
  58. #Should Kill Aura be checked?
  59. killaura: true
  61. #Should players get banned for Kill Aura?
  62. auraban: true
  64. #After how much checks should players get banned?
  65. killauradetect: 10
  67. #-----------------------
  68. #Multi Aura
  69. #-----------------------
  70. #Should Multi Aura be checked?
  71. multiaura: true
  73. #Should players get banned for Multi Aura?
  74. multiauraban: true
  76. #After how much checks should players get banned?
  77. multiauradetect: 10
  79. #-----------------------
  80. #Regen
  81. #-----------------------
  82. #Should Regen be enabled?
  83. regen: true
  85. #Should Fast eat be enabled?
  86. fasteat: true
  88. #-----------------------
  89. #Anti KB
  90. #-----------------------
  91. antikb: true
  93. antikbdetect: 10
  95. #-----------------------
  96. #Auto Sneak
  97. #-----------------------
  98. autosneak: true
  100. sneakdetect: 10
  102. #-----------------------
  103. #Fast Place/Break
  104. #-----------------------
  105. fastplace: true
  106. fastbreak: true
  108. fastplacecheck: 10
  109. fastbreakcheck: 10
  111. #-----------------------
  112. #Fly/Jesus [BETA]
  113. #-----------------------
  114. #Fly and Jesus are in beta which means that players will not
  115. #get banned/kicked for it, staff members will get notifications
  116. #but nothing else!
  117. #Once its out of the beta proper banning and kicking will be added!
  118. fly: true
  119. jesus: true
  121. #-----------------------
  122. #Custom Banning
  123. #-----------------------
  124. #Use this feature if you want to make guardian ban
  125. #players using third party plugins (Lite bans for example)
  126. #If this is used then banning animation will not be used!
  128. custombanning: false
  129. custombancmd: ban %loop-player% Hacking
  131. #-----------------------
  132. #Broadcasts
  133. #-----------------------
  134. #Should certain things be broadcasted?
  135. broadcastban: true
  137. broadcastkick: true
  139. #-----------------------
  140. #Promotion Message
  141. #-----------------------
  142. #This message is displayed when op joins!
  143. promotionmsg: false
  145. #------------------------------------------------------------
  146. # Do NOT touch anythinc after this! It might break!
  147. #------------------------------------------------------------
  149. variables:
  150. {killaura.%player%} = 0
  151. {multichecker.%player%} = 0
  152. {multiaura.%player%} = 0
  153. {waittimer.%player%} = 0
  154. {dban.%player%} = false
  155. {set.%player%} = false
  156. {guardianstaffmode.%player%} = false
  157. {invis.%player%} = false
  158. {antikb.%player%} = 0
  159. {sneaking.%player%} = 0
  160. {fastplace.%player%} = 0
  161. {fastbreak.%player%} = 0
  162. {fly.%player%} = 0
  163. {jesus.%player%} = 0
  165. on join:
  166. if {set.%player%} is false:
  167. set {killaura.%player%} to 0
  168. set {multiaura.%player%} to 0
  169. set {set.%player%} to true
  170. set {antikb.%player%} to 0
  171. set {sneaking.%player%} to 0
  172. set {fastplace.%player%} to 0
  173. set {fastbreak.%player%} to 0
  174. set {fly.%player%} to 0
  175. set {jesus.%player%} to 0
  177. on join:
  178. if player is op:
  179. if {@promotionmsg} is true:
  180. send "&6===========================" to player
  181. send "&aThank you for using &3Guardian!" to player
  182. send "&e " to player
  183. send "&eIf you like this skript please" to player
  184. send "&econsider donating! It will help" to player
  185. send "&eIn future &3Guardian &edevelopment!" to player
  186. send "&6===========================" to player
  187. else:
  188. stop
  189. else:
  190. stop
  192. command /check [<offline player>]:
  193. permission: guardian.check
  194. trigger:
  195. if arg 1 is not set:
  196. message "{@logo} &aKill Aura: &e%{killaura.%player%}%"
  197. message "{@logo} &aMulti Aura: &e%{multiaura.%player%}%"
  198. message "{@logo} &aAnti Knockback: &e%{antikb.%player%}%"
  199. message "{@logo} &aAuto Sneak: &e%{sneaking.%player%}%"
  200. message "{@logo} &aFast Place: &e%{fastplace.%player%}%"
  201. message "{@logo} &aFast Break: &e%{fastbreak.%player%}%"
  202. message "{@logo} &aFly: &e%{fly.%player%}%"
  203. message "{@logo} &aJesus: &e%{jesus.%player%}%"
  204. stop
  205. if arg 1 is set:
  206. message "{@logo} &aKill Aura: &e%{killaura.%arg 1%}%"
  207. message "{@logo} &aMulti Aura: &e%{multiaura.%arg 1%}%"
  208. message "{@logo} &aAnti Knockback: &e%{antikb.%arg 1%}%"
  209. message "{@logo} &aAuto Sneak: &e%{sneaking.%arg 1%}%"
  210. message "{@logo} &aFast Place: &e%{fastplace.%arg 1%}%"
  211. message "{@logo} &aFast Break: &e%{fastbreak.%arg 1%}%"
  212. message "{@logo} &aFly: &e%{fly.%arg 1%}%"
  213. message "{@logo} &aJesus: &e%{jesus.%arg 1%}%"
  215. every minute:
  216. loop all players:
  217. if {killaura.%loop-player%} is higher than 0:
  218. remove 1 from {killaura.%loop-player%}
  219. stop
  220. if {multiaura.%loop-player%} is higher than 0:
  221. remove 1 from {multiaura.%loop-player%}
  222. stop
  223. if {antikb.%loop-player%} is higher than 0:
  224. remove 1 from {antikb.%loop-player%}
  225. stop
  226. if {sneaking.%loop-player%} is higher than 0:
  227. remove 1 from {sneaking.%loop-player%}
  228. stop
  229. if {fastplace.%loop-player%} is higher than 0:
  230. remove 1 from {fastplace.%loop-player%}
  231. stop
  232. if {fastbreak.%loop-player%} is higher than 0:
  233. remove 1 from {fastbreak.%loop-player%}
  234. stop
  235. if {fly.%loop-player%} is higher than 0:
  236. remove 1 from {fly.%loop-player%}
  237. stop
  238. if {jesus.%loop-player%} is higher than 0:
  239. remove 1 from {jesus.%loop-player%}
  240. stop
  242. command /guardian [<text>] [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  243. permission: guardian.admin
  244. aliases: /ac, /anticheat, /guard
  245. trigger:
  246. if arg 1 is not set:
  247. message "&6&m---------[&3Guardian&6&m]---------"
  248. message "&f/guardian help"
  249. message "&f/guardian ban <player> <hack>"
  250. message "&f/guardian kick <player> <reason>"
  251. message "&f/guardian reset <player>"
  252. message "&6&m---------[&3Guardian&6&m]---------"
  253. if arg 1 is "help":
  254. message "&6&m---------[&3Guardian&6&m]---------"
  255. message "&f/guardian help"
  256. message "&f/guardian ban <player> <hack>"
  257. message "&f/guardian kick <player> <reason>"
  258. message "&f/guardian reset <player>"
  259. message "&6&m---------[&3Guardian&6&m]---------"
  260. if arg 1 is "ban":
  261. if arg 2 is set:
  262. if arg 3 is set:
  263. if arg 2 has permission "guardian.bypass":
  264. message "{@logo} &cYou cannot ban this player!"
  265. else:
  266. kick arg 2 due to "{@banmsg}"
  267. ban arg 2 due to "{@banmsg}"
  268. if {@broadcastban} is true:
  269. broadcast "{@logo} &a%arg 2% &ewas banned by &a%player% &efor &c%arg 3%"
  270. stop
  271. if arg 1 is "kick":
  272. if arg 2 is set:
  273. if arg 3 is set:
  274. if arg 2 has permission "guardian.bypass":
  275. message "{@logo} &cYou cannot kick this player!"
  276. else:
  277. kick arg 2 due to "{@logo} &cYou have been kicked by &e%player%! &aReason: &e%arg 3%"
  278. if {@broadcastkick} is true:
  279. broadcast "{@logo} &a%arg 2% &ewas kicked by &a%player% &efor &c%arg 3%"
  280. if arg 1 is "reset":
  281. if arg 2 is set:
  282. set {killaura.%arg 2%} to 0
  283. set {multiaura.%arg 2%} to 0
  284. set {antikb.%arg 2%} to 0
  285. set {sneaking.%arg 2%} to 0
  286. set {fastplace.%arg 2%} to 0
  287. set {fastbreak.%arg 2%} to 0
  288. set {fly.%arg 2%} to 0
  289. set {jesus.%arg 2%} to 0
  290. set {banned.%arg 2%} to false
  291. message "{@logo} &aReset stats of player!"
  292. execute console command "/unban %arg 2%"
  293. stop
  294. if arg 1 is "unban":
  295. if arg 2 is set:
  296. set {killaura.%arg 2%} to 0
  297. set {multiaura.%arg 2%} to 0
  298. set {antikb.%arg 2%} to 0
  299. set {sneaking.%arg 2%} to 0
  300. set {fastplace.%arg 2%} to 0
  301. set {fastbreak.%arg 2%} to 0
  302. set {fly.%arg 2%} to 0
  303. set {jesus.%arg 2%} to 0
  304. set {banned.%arg 2%} to false
  305. execute console command "/unban %arg 2%"
  306. broadcast "{@logo} &a%arg 2% &ewas unbanned by &a%player%!"
  308. #====================================================================================================
  309. # Kill Aura
  310. #====================================================================================================
  311. on damage:
  312. if {@killaura} is true:
  313. attacker is a player:
  314. if victim is a player:
  315. if damage cause is not a projectile:
  316. if tool of the attacker is a bow:
  317. stop
  318. if tool of the attacker is a snowball:
  319. stop
  320. if tool of the attacker is a egg:
  321. stop
  322. if tool of the attacker is a ender pearl:
  323. stop
  324. if tool of the attacker is a fishing rod:
  325. set {fishingrod.%attacker%} to 10
  326. stop
  327. else:
  328. if {fishingrod.%attacker%} is higher than 0:
  329. stop
  330. else:
  331. add 1 to {dmg.%attacker%}
  332. if distance between attacker and victim is greater than 5:
  333. cancel event
  334. if {@auraban} is true:
  335. add 1 to {killaura.%attacker%}
  336. loop all players:
  337. if {@onlyinstaff} is true:
  338. if {guardianstaffmode.%loop-player%} is true:
  339. send "{@logo} &c%attacker% &eMight be using &cKill Aura&e!" to loop-player
  340. else:
  341. if loop-player has permission "guardian.notify":
  342. send "{@logo} &c%attacker% &eMight be using &cKill Aura&e!" to loop-player
  343. stop
  345. on damage:
  346. if tool of the attacker is a sword:
  347. attacker is blocking
  348. cancel event
  350. every second:
  351. if {@killaura} is true:
  352. loop all players:
  353. if {dmg.%loop-player-1%} is less than or equal to 20:
  354. set {dmg.%loop-player-1%} to 0
  355. stop
  356. if {dmg.%loop-player-1%} is higher than 20:
  357. set {dmg.%loop-player-1%} to 0
  358. add 1 to {killaura.%loop-player-1%}
  359. loop all players:
  360. if {@onlyinstaff} is true:
  361. if {guardianstaffmode.%loop-player-2%} is true:
  362. send "{@logo} &c%loop-player-1% &eMight be using &cKill Aura&e!" to loop-player-2
  363. else:
  364. if loop-player-2 has permission "guardian.notify":
  365. send "{@logo} &c%loop-player-1% &eMight be using &cKill Aura&e!" to loop-player-2
  366. stop
  367. #====================================================================================================
  368. # Multi Aura
  369. #====================================================================================================
  370. on damage:
  371. if {@multiaura} is true:
  372. if attacker is a player:
  373. if {victim.%attacker%} is not set:
  374. set {_victim} to victim
  375. set {multichecker.%attacker%} to 5
  376. stop
  377. if {_victim} is set:
  378. if "%name of victim%" is not {_victim}:
  379. if {multichecker.%attacker%} is higher than 0:
  380. add 1 to {multiaura.%attacker%}
  381. loop all players:
  382. if {@onlyinstaff} is true:
  383. if {guardianstaffmode.%loop-player%} is true:
  384. send "{@logo} &c%attacker% &eMight be using &cMulti Aura&e!" to loop-player
  385. else:
  386. if loop-player has permission "guardian.notify":
  387. send "{@logo} &c%attacker% &eMight be using &cMulti Aura&e!" to loop-player
  388. else:
  389. stop
  390. else:
  391. stop
  392. else:
  393. stop
  394. else:
  395. stop
  397. every tick:
  398. loop all players:
  399. if {multichecker.%loop-player%} is higher than 0:
  400. remove 1 from {multichecker.%loop-player%}
  401. stop
  402. else:
  403. stop
  404. #====================================================================================================
  405. # Anti Knockback | BETA
  406. #====================================================================================================
  408. on damage of a player:
  409. if {@antikb} is true:
  410. if victim's gamemode is survival or adventure:
  411. set {_loc1} to location of victim
  412. wait 10 ticks
  413. set {_loc2} to location of victim
  414. block at victim is not cobweb:
  415. victim is not riding:
  416. loop blocks in radius 2 around victim:
  417. loop-block is air:
  418. distance between {_loc1} and {_loc2} = 0:
  419. add 1 to {antikb.%attacker%}
  420. loop all players:
  421. if {@onlyinstaff} is true:
  422. if {guardianstaffmode.%loop-player%} is true:
  423. send "{@logo} &c%attacker% &eMight be using &cAnti Knockback&e!" to loop-player
  424. else:
  425. if loop-player has permission "guardian.notify":
  426. send "{@logo} &c%attacker% &eMight be using &cAnti Knockback&e!" to loop-player
  427. else:
  428. stop
  429. else:
  430. stop
  431. else:
  432. stop
  433. else:
  434. stop
  436. #====================================================================================================
  437. # Regen | Fast Eat
  438. #====================================================================================================
  440. on consume:
  441. if {@regen} is true:
  442. if player does not have permission "guardian.regen":
  443. if difference between {heal.%player%} and now is less than 2 ticks:
  444. cancel event
  445. set {heal.%player%} to now
  446. stop
  447. set {heal.%player%} to now
  449. on consume:
  450. if {@fasteat} is true:
  451. if player does not have permission "guardian.fasteat":
  452. if difference between {eat.%player%} and now is less than 2 ticks:
  453. cancel event
  454. set {eat.%player%} to now
  455. stop
  456. set {eat.%player%} to now
  458. #====================================================================================================
  459. # Auto Sneak
  460. #====================================================================================================
  462. on chat:
  463. if {@autosneak} is true:
  464. if player is sneaking:
  465. add 1 to {sneaking.%player%}
  466. loop all players:
  467. if {@onlyinstaff} is true:
  468. if {guardianstaffmode.%loop-player%} is true:
  469. send "{@logo} &c%player% &eMight be using &cAuto Sneak&e!" to loop-player
  470. stop
  471. else:
  472. if loop-player has permission "guardian.notify":
  473. send "{@logo} &c%player% &eMight be using &cAuto Sneak&e!" to loop-player
  474. stop
  475. else:
  476. stop
  478. on command:
  479. if {@autosneak} is true:
  480. if player is sneaking:
  481. add 1 to {sneaking.%player%}
  482. loop all players:
  483. if {@onlyinstaff} is true:
  484. if {guardianstaffmode.%loop-player%} is true:
  485. send "{@logo} &c%player% &eMight be using &cAuto Sneak&e!" to loop-player
  486. stop
  487. else:
  488. if loop-player has permission "guardian.notify":
  489. send "{@logo} &c%player% &eMight be using &cAuto Sneak&e!" to loop-player
  490. stop
  492. on inventory click:
  493. if {@autosneak} is true:
  494. if player is sneaking:
  495. add 1 to {sneaking.%player%}
  496. loop all players:
  497. if {@onlyinstaff} is true:
  498. if {guardianstaffmode.%loop-player%} is true:
  499. send "{@logo} &c%player% &eMight be using &cAuto Sneak&e!" to loop-player
  500. stop
  501. else:
  502. if loop-player has permission "guardian.notify":
  503. send "{@logo} &c%player% &eMight be using &cAuto Sneak&e!" to loop-player
  504. stop
  506. on sprint toggle:
  507. if {@autosneak} is true:
  508. if player is sneaking:
  509. add 1 to {sneaking.%player%}
  510. loop all players:
  511. if {@onlyinstaff} is true:
  512. if {guardianstaffmode.%loop-player%} is true:
  513. send "{@logo} &c%player% &eMight be using &cAuto Sneak&e!" to loop-player
  514. stop
  515. else:
  516. if loop-player has permission "guardian.notify":
  517. send "{@logo} &c%player% &eMight be using &cAuto Sneak&e!" to loop-player
  518. stop
  519. #====================================================================================================
  520. # Fast Place/Break
  521. #====================================================================================================
  523. on place:
  524. if {@fastplace} is true:
  525. if difference between {fastplacetest.%player%} and now is less than 1 tick:
  526. cancel event
  527. add 1 to {fastplace.%player%}
  528. loop all players:
  529. if {@onlyinstaff} is true:
  530. if {guardianstaffmode.%loop-player%} is true:
  531. send "{@logo} &c%player% &eMight be using &cFast Place&e!" to loop-player
  532. else:
  533. if loop-player has permission "guardian.notify":
  534. send "{@logo} &c%player% &eMight be using &cFast Place&e!" to loop-player
  535. stop
  536. set {fastplacetest.%player%} to now
  538. on break:
  539. if {@fastbreak} is true:
  540. if difference between {fastbreaktest.%player%} and now is less than 1 tick:
  541. cancel event
  542. add 1 to {fastbreak.%player%}
  543. loop all players:
  544. if {@onlyinstaff} is true:
  545. if {guardianstaffmode.%loop-player%} is true:
  546. send "{@logo} &c%player% &eMight be using &cFast Break&e!" to loop-player
  547. else:
  548. if loop-player has permission "guardian.notify":
  549. send "{@logo} &c%player% &eMight be using &cFast Break&e!" to loop-player
  550. stop
  551. set {fastbreaktest.%player%} to now
  552. #====================================================================================================
  553. # Fly/Jesus [BETA]
  554. #====================================================================================================
  556. on any movement:
  557. if player's gamemode is not creative:
  558. if player's fly mode is not true:
  559. if {@fly} is true:
  560. if block 0.1 below the player is air:
  561. if {flytest.%player%} is set:
  562. set {_y} to y coordinate of location of player
  563. set {_ry} to rounded up {_y}
  564. set {_check} to "%{_ry}-{_y}%"
  565. if player doesn't have jump boost:
  566. if {_check} is not "0.47" or "0.45" or "0.63" or "0.72" or "0.2" or "0.18" or "0.68" or "0.6" or "0.3" or "0.38" or "0.87" or "0.94" or "0.77" or "0.55" or "0.8" or "0.69" or "0.97" or "0.81" or "0.74" or "0.82" or "0.85" or "0.62" or "0.61" or "0.79" or "0.53" or "0.66" or "0.88" or "0.42" or "0.39" or "0.44" or "0.57" or "0.64" or "0.02" or "0.84" or "0.9" or "0.52" or "0.48" or "0.51" or "0.49" or "0.43" or "0.23" or "0.11" or "0.07" or "0.12" or "0.24" or "0.43" or "0.7" or "0.36" or "0.17" or "0.06" or "0.04" or "0.09" or "0.14" or "0.86" or "0.67" or "0.56" or "0.54" or "0.59" or "0.73" or "0.9" or "0.58" or "0.34" or "0.21" or "0.08" or "0.48" or "0.71" or "0.5" or "0.75" or "0.83" or "0" or "1" or "0.33" or "0.25" or "0.46" or "0.98":
  567. if {flytest.%player%} is less than {_y}:
  568. add 1 to {fly.%player%}
  569. set {_found} to true
  570. if {_y} is {flytest.%player%}:
  571. if {_check} is not "0.21" or "0.98" or "0.9" or "1" or "0.83" or "0.58" or "0.75" or "0.74" or "0.25" or "0.5" or "0":
  572. add 1 to {fly.%player%}
  573. loop all players:
  574. if {@onlyinstaff} is true:
  575. if {guardianstaffmode.%loop-player%} is true:
  576. send "{@logo} &c%player% &eMight be using &cFly&e!" to loop-player
  577. stop
  578. else:
  579. if loop-player has permission "guardian.notify":
  580. send "{@logo} &c%player% &eMight be using &cFly&e!" to loop-player
  581. stop
  583. if {@jesus} is true:
  584. if block 0.25 below the player or block 1 below the player or block 0.5 below the player or block 0.75 below the player is water:
  585. if block 0.25 above the player is air:
  586. set {_y} to y coordinate of location of player
  587. set {_ry} to rounded up {_y}
  588. set {_check} to "%{_ry}-{_y}%"
  589. if {_check} is not "0.16" or "0.12" or "0.1" or "0.04" or "0.93" or "0.78" or "0.61" or "0.96" or "0.19" or "0.24" or "0.54" or "0.76" or "0.02" or "0.86" or "0.44" or "0.47" or "0.14" or "0.07" or "0.68" or "0.64" or "0.85" or "0.15" or "0.48" or "0.06" or "0.49" or "0.62" or "0.43" or "0.13" or "0.84" or "0.51" or "0.69" or "0.74" or "0.75" or "0.58" or "1" or "0.57" or "0.7" or "0.21" or "0.97" or "0.81" or "0.77" or "0.22" or "0.03" or "0.91" or "0.08" or "0.79" or "0.18" or "0.98" or "0.83" or "0.82" or "0.2" or "0.46" or "0.42" or "0.77" or "0.65" or "0.66" or "0.92" or "0.71" or "0.88" or "0.67" or "0.6" or "0.55" or "0.52" or "0.9" or "0.23" or "0.5" or "0.53" or "0.56" or "0.25":
  590. if {_check} is "0":
  591. set {_x} to rounded down x coordinate of location of player-1
  592. set {_y} to rounded down y coordinate of location of player
  593. set {_z} to rounded down z coordinate of location of player-1
  594. set {_loc} to location at {_x}, {_y}, {_z} in player's world
  595. if block at {_loc} is not water:
  596. set {_failed} to true
  597. if {_failed} is not set:
  598. add 1 to {jesustest.%player%}
  599. if {jesustest.%player%} is more than 0:
  600. clear {jesustest.%player%}
  601. if block 0.05 above the player is air:
  602. add 1 to {jesus.%player%}
  603. if {SkCheat.jesus.notify::%uuid of player%} is not set:
  604. set {SkCheat.jesus.notify::%uuid of player%} to now
  605. if {jesus.%player%} is greater than 3:
  606. loop all players:
  607. if {@onlyinstaff} is true:
  608. if {guardianstaffmode.%loop-player%} is true:
  609. send "{@logo} &c%player% &eMight be using &cJesus&e!" to loop-player
  610. stop
  611. else:
  612. if loop-player has permission "guardian.notify":
  613. send "{@logo} &c%player% &eMight be using &cJesus&e!" to loop-player
  614. stop
  615. else:
  616. wait 2 seconds
  617. if {jesustest.%player%} is more than 0:
  618. remove 1 from {jesustest.%player%}
  619. set {flytest.%player%} to y coordinate of location of player
  621. #====================================================================================================
  622. # Banwaves
  623. #====================================================================================================
  625. command /elder [<text>] [<player>] [<text>]:
  626. permission: guardian.elder
  627. trigger:
  628. if arg 1 is not set:
  629. message "&b&m============================="
  630. message "{@logo} &f/elder settp"
  631. message "{@logo} &f/elder setguardian"
  632. message "{@logo} &f/elder ban <player> <reason>"
  633. message "&b&m============================="
  634. if arg 1 is "help":
  635. message "&b&m============================="
  636. message "{@logo} &f/elder settp"
  637. message "{@logo} &f/elder setguardian"
  638. message "{@logo} &f/elder ban <player> <reason>"
  639. message "&b&m============================="
  640. if arg 1 is "settp":
  641. set {} to location of player
  642. message "{@logo} &aSuccessfully placed &6Tp Location&a!"
  643. if arg 1 is "setguardian":
  644. set {} to location of player
  645. message "{@logo} &aSuccessfully placed &6Guardian Location&a!"
  646. if arg 1 is "ban":
  647. if arg 2 is set:
  648. if arg 3 is set:
  649. if arg 2 does not have permission "guardian.bypass":
  650. teleport %arg 2% to {}
  651. set {reason.%arg 2%} to arg 3
  652. wait 3 ticks
  653. spawn an guardian at {}
  654. set the name of the last spawned entity to "&3Guardian"
  655. apply strength 200 to last spawned entity
  656. apply slowness 200 to last spawned entity
  657. apply water breathing 200 to last spawned entity
  658. apply resistance 200 to last spawned entity
  659. set {dban.%arg 2%} to true
  660. set {guardian.kill} to true
  661. stop
  663. every second:
  664. if {guardian.kill} is true:
  665. loop all entities:
  666. if "%name of loop-entity%" is "&3Guardian":
  667. kill loop-entity
  668. set {guardian.kill} to false
  669. stop
  670. else:
  671. stop
  673. on any movement:
  674. if {dban.%player%} is true:
  675. cancel event
  677. on damage:
  678. if victim is a player:
  679. if {dban.%victim%} is true:
  680. set {_attacker} to the attacker
  681. kill {_attacker}
  682. kick victim due to "{@logo} &cYou are banned! Reason: &e%{reason.%victim%}%&c!"
  683. set {banned.%victim%} to true
  684. broadcast "{@logo} &a%victim% &eis banned by &3&lGuardian &efor &c%{reason.%victim%}%"
  685. set {dban.%victim%} to false
  686. execute console command "/guardian ban %victim%"
  687. else:
  688. stop
  690. on quit:
  691. if {dban.%player%} is true:
  692. set {banned.%player%} to true
  693. broadcast "{@logo} &a%player% &eis banned by &3&lGuardian &efor &c%{reason.%player%}%"
  694. set {dban.%player%} to false
  695. execute console command "/guardian ban %player%"
  697. every 10 seconds:
  698. if {@banwave} is true:
  699. loop all players:
  700. if {@custombanning} is false:
  701. if {@animated} is true:
  702. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  703. if {killaura.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@killauradetect}:
  704. execute console command "elder ban %loop-player% KillAura"
  705. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  706. if {multiaura.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@multiauradetect}:
  707. execute console command "elder ban %loop-player% MultiAura"
  708. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  709. if {antikb.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@antikbdetect}:
  710. execute console command "elder ban %loop-player% AntiKB"
  711. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  712. if {sneaking.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@sneakdetect}:
  713. execute console command "elder ban %loop-player% AutoSneak"
  714. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  715. if {fastplace.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@fastplacecheck}:
  716. execute console command "elder ban %loop-player% FastPlace"
  717. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  718. if {fastbreak.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@fastbreakcheck}:
  719. execute console command "elder ban %loop-player% FastBreak"
  720. else:
  721. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  722. if {killaura.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@killauradetect}:
  723. execute console command "guardian ban %loop-player% KillAura"
  724. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  725. if {multiaura.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@multiauradetect}:
  726. execute console command "guardian ban %loop-player% MultiAura"
  727. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  728. if {antikb.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@antikbdetect}:
  729. execute console command "guardian ban %loop-player% AntiKB"
  730. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  731. if {sneaking.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@sneakdetect}:
  732. execute console command "guardian ban %loop-player% AutoSneak"
  733. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  734. if {fastplace.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@fastplacecheck}:
  735. execute console command "guardian ban %loop-player% FastPlace"
  736. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  737. if {fastbreak.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@fastbreakcheck}:
  738. execute console command "guardian ban %loop-player% FastBreak"
  739. else:
  740. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  741. if {killaura.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@killauradetect}:
  742. execute console command "{@custombancmd}"
  743. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  744. if {multiaura.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@multiauradetect}:
  745. execute console command "{@custombancmd}"
  746. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  747. if {antikb.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@antikbdetect}:
  748. execute console command "{@custombancmd}"
  749. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  750. if {sneaking.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@sneakdetect}:
  751. execute console command "{@custombancmd}"
  752. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  753. if {fastplace.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@fastplacecheck}:
  754. execute console command "{@custombancmd}"
  755. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  756. if {fastbreak.%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {@fastbreakcheck}:
  757. execute console command "{@custombancmd}"
  759. command /staff:
  760. aliases: /guardianstaff, /guardianstaffmode
  761. permission: guardian.admin
  762. trigger:
  763. if {guardianstaffmode.%player%} is false:
  764. set {guardianstaffmode.%player%} to true
  765. message "{@logo} &eYou are now in staff mode!"
  766. set {_count} to 0
  767. loop 36 times:
  768. set {inv.%player%.%{_count}%.main} to slot {_count} of player's inventory
  769. add 1 to {_count}
  770. set {inv.%player%.helmet.main} to player's helmet
  771. set {inv.%player%.chest.main} to player's chestplate
  772. set {inv.%player%.legs.main} to player's leggings
  773. set {inv.%player%.feet.main} to player's boots
  774. wait 1 seconds
  775. set {_count} to 0
  776. clear player's inventory
  777. hide player from all players
  778. set {invis.%player%} to true
  779. set slot 8 of player to green dye named "&6Staff Mode"
  780. set slot 4 of player to water bottle named "&aInvisibility"
  781. set slot 0 of player to feather named "&aFly"
  782. else:
  783. set {guardianstaffmode.%player%} to false
  784. message "{@logo} &cYou are no longer in staff mode!"
  785. clear player's inventory
  786. loop 36 times:
  787. set slot {_count} of player's inventory to {inv.%player%.%{_count}%.main}
  788. add 1 to {_count}
  789. set the helmet of player to {inv.%player%.helmet.main}
  790. set the chestplate of player to {inv.%player%.chest.main}
  791. set the leggings of player to {inv.%player%.legs.main}
  792. set the boots of player to {inv.%player%.feet.main}
  793. set {invis.%player%} to false
  794. reveal player from all players
  796. on click with a green dye:
  797. if name of player's tool is "&6Staff Mode":
  798. if {guardianstaffmode.%player%} is true:
  799. execute player command "/staff"
  800. stop
  802. on click with a potion:
  803. if name of player's tool is "&aInvisibility":
  804. if {guardianstaffmode.%player%} is true:
  805. if {invis.%player%} is true:
  806. reveal player from all players
  807. send "{@logo} &eYou are no longer invisible!" to player
  808. set {invis.%player%} to false
  809. else:
  810. hide player from all players
  811. send "{@logo} &eYou are now invisible!" to player
  812. set {invis.%player%} to true
  813. stop
  817. on click with a feather:
  818. if name of player's tool is "&aFly":
  819. if {guardianstaffmode.%player%} is true:
  820. execute player command "/fly"
  821. stop
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