

Jun 5th, 2011
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  1. -- facinorousFebruation [FF] began pestering obdurateAesthesia [OA] --
  2. FF: Such an 1ncr3d1bly stup1d plan.
  3. OA: what
  4. OA: who 15 th15
  5. FF: 1 suppos3 you m1ght hav3 a hard t1m3 r3m3mb3r1ng m3.
  6. FF: Last t1m3 w3 m3t you took qu1t3 a nasty blow to th3 h3ad.
  7. OA: fuck
  8. OA: you
  9. FF: Th3r3 w3 go! D3l1c1ous. And how ar3 you, my d3ar?
  10. OA: 5ore
  11. OA: recovered though
  12. FF: A p1ty! You would no doubt surv1v3 much long3r 1f you stay3d off your f33t.
  13. FF: 1 must thank you, though. 1 hav3n't had a good t3n-on-on3 f1ght 1n ag3s! R3ally loos3n3d up som3 knots 1n my back.
  14. OA: my 5urv1val 15 1rrelevant
  15. FF: What about th3 surv1val of your m3n?
  16. OA: 1f our object1ve 15 complete our l1ve5 were well5pent
  17. FF: Y3s, y3s, my d3ar, you'r3 v3ry tough. Say h3llo, Ms. Utur1n.
  18. OA: toughne55 ha5 noth1ng to do w1th 1t
  19. FF: hhhhelp
  20. FF: Now now, hands off th3 k3yboard, 1'll translat3 for you!
  21. FF: Sh3's b33n cry1ng out for you, you know.
  22. FF: At n1ght, wh3n 1 r3br3ak h3r hands
  23. FF: You should hav3 s33n th3 pa1n on h3r fac3 as sh3 tr13d to typ3 just now!
  24. FF: Adorabl3.
  25. FF: Sh3's b33n v3ry us3ful, you know!
  26. OA: fuck you
  27. FF: So much 1nformat1on lock3d up 1n h3r darl1ng l1ttl3 gutt3rblood th1nkpan.
  28. FF: You'd b3 amaz3d how qu1ckly a sp3ct3rm1nator br3aks wh3n you tak3 away h3r cyan1d3.
  29. OA: you should be ashamed of yourself we already know shes dead
  30. OA: i saw her die myself you bastard
  31. FF: R3ally?
  32. FF: Would you l1k3 to s33 h3r? B3caus3 sh3's r1ght h3r3.
  33. FF: Sh3's not 1n th3 b3st shap3, though.
  34. OA: youre full of shit
  35. FF: Som3 of th3 m3n hav3 tak3n turns w1th h3r. Th3r3 ar3 no lady dron3s, aft3r all, so th3y'r3 a b1t of an 3xot1c tr3at.
  36. FF: And 1 just can't br1ng mys3lf to t3ll th3m no.
  37. FF: Th3 good n3ws 1s, sh3's appar3ntly stopp3d b3gg1ng for d3ath.
  38. OA: you are utterly contemptible
  39. FF: Now sh3 just lays th3r3 s1l3ntly.
  40. FF: And you ar3 not Ms. Gault13r.
  41. FF: How d1str3ss1ng.
  42. FF: Ah, but l3t m3 gu3ss, l3t m3 gu3ss, don't spo1l th3 fun.
  43. FF: 3l3nt3, y3s?
  44. OA: miss gaultier is taking a little nap right now
  45. OA: yes
  46. FF: Mm.
  47. OA: se last sing she needs is your kind of distraction
  48. FF: You know, thanks to your darl1ng l1ttl3 fr13nd h3r3, 1 would say your m1sgu1d3d attack on my p3rson d1r3ctly r3sult3d 1n th3 3mp1r3's d3f3at at Putr1d Pass, and th3 d3struct1on of an 3nt1r3 prot3ct3d glubb3r bas3. 3xc3ll3nt work.
  49. FF: 1 r3ally can't thank you 3nough for your ass1stanc3.
  50. OA: unlike miss gualtier i have no attachments to sat little shitblood
  51. OA: and wis your information i can now see to it sat anysing she gives you will be incorrect
  52. FF: 1 w1ll sp3ak to Ms. Gault13r now.
  53. OA: no you wont
  54. OA: shes asleep like i said
  55. FF: You w1ll awak3n h3r.
  56. OA: nope
  57. FF: And unt1l 1 sp3ak to h3r, h3r comrad3 w1ll cont1nu3 to 3ndur3 th3 pa1n of 3v3ry tortur3 1 can 1nfl1ct. And now, 1t's just for fun!
  58. OA: sats just too bad
  59. OA: because i really dont care
  60. FF: Mm. But sh3 w1ll.
  61. FF: And 1 don't th1nk sh3'll b3 pl3as3d wh3n sh3 s33s you say1ng all th1s, oh no.
  62. OA: oh sat
  63. OA: you forget
  64. OA: im a communications expert
  65. OA: she wont see it
  66. FF: So sad.
  67. FF: W3ll, th3n.
  68. OA: isnt it just
  69. FF: 1 b1d you ad13u.
  70. OA: fuck off an dont come back
  71. FF: Do s33 that sh3 r3cov3rs for m3.
  72. FF: 1 look forward to a s3cond round.
  73. OA: shes fine
  74. OA: eyes are even working again
  75. -- obdurateAesthesia [OA] ceased pestering facinorousFebruation [FF] --
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