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Sep 12th, 2016
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  1. Ozu had decided it had been a while since the four of them had been together anywhere but at the penthouse, so he decided to round his family up and take them out for dinner. (That and Yes Man had finally collapsed from all domestic chores he does and couldn't cook the three's dinner for once.) They choose to go to Sunset Bay, a well known restaurant that Ozu had never been to but had sponsored in exchange for Lilymu product placements. The four pulled up to the place and quickly went inside to order. But they noticed everyone was in tuxedos and dresses, while they were all in casual jeans, sloppy untucked t-shirts, etc. People around them looked in discomfort.
  3. "Dude, I thought you said this place was so laid back, that you could wear your birthday suit and no one would care." Kiyoko said quietly.
  5. "I must thought of the wrong kind of suit then." Ozu whispered back and they slowly walked out of there awkwardly until a sudden pour down of food came at them. The restaurant customers we're throwing pieces of their fancy folded napkins, entrees and such as they ran out.
  7. "PFFT, I'M RICHER THAN ALL OF YOU ANYWAYS." Ozu shouted back at them as he was closing the entrance's doors. Some food came at his face but Ozu simply used Yes Man as a human shield.
  9. "I served my country! And with that, I bid my family farewell!" Yes Man passed out for a second but then licked the egg roll off of his face.
  11. "Man, being booted out by the place you are sponsoring Lilymu at Ozu.. I should have thought of that!" Kiyoko commented and got thumped in the head by him.
  13. "What are we gonna do now? Should we come back in proper clothing?" Guano suggested as they walked on the street, heading back to the limo.
  15. "Nonsense Guano! If that restaurant treats its' customers that way then we won't come back or any sponsoring with them to begin with. Come on, I have a better idea." Ozu said and Guano smiled.
  17. The limo driver took them to a much smaller joint, it was a restaurant/bar called Taka-tin's.
  19. "Whenever my family came into city, my grandfather use to take me here." Ozu said happily but opened his eyes and saw it looked like a dump. It was completely dark minus a few very dim lights around the tables and bar area. The people there seemed either pissed off looking or happily boozed up. "Then again that foggy memory was over forty years ago...and I do remember leaving there without my grandfather usually.."
  21. "Looks great!" Yes Man said as Kiyoko and Guano looked at the restaurant in horror.
  23. "Are you sure you still don't have food in your eyes Yes Man?! This looks-" Guano commented but Yes Man shoved his hand on his purple little mouth.
  25. "If we don't settle down for dinner eventually, they'll force me to cook for them, Ozu Junior. And when they're in a bad mood..." Yes Man said with sorrowful eyes instead of sinister ones at Guano.
  27. "Man! There's no way I'm going to that bar. It looks colder and darker than Batman's underground lair." Kiyoko commented.
  29. "Well there's nothing wrong with just going inside and taking a quick look." Ozu said but even he knew that this was a bad idea.
  31. Ozu and Yes Man stood next to each other as Kiyoko hid behind her husband and in return Guano hid behind his mother.
  33. "See Yes Man? Those two fraidy-cats don't know what they're missing." Ozu said completely doubtful of himself but laughed it off anyway.
  35. "Uh huh..." Yes Man tried to stare at a blood stain on the wall like it no big deal.
  37. Suddenly out of a ceiling square, a body covered in rags came down from the ceiling. They all jumped and let out yells. Guano literally clinged on Ozu's face as Kiyoko passed out on the ground with her Astro Boy comic book on her face.
  39. "AHOY ME MATEYS! WELCOME TO-" The ragged body sprung up and had the full pirate captain costume on. But Yes Man hit him in the face with a cooking pan.
  41. "I got it!" Yes Man said like he had splatted a fly. The bearded guy fell on the floor again.
  43. "What did you just do?" Ozu asked confused as his face was still covered with shivering Guano, who was now traumatized by Yes Man (albeit not for the first time in his life.)
  45. "HEY! If I go out of my way to put myself into a ceiling and launch out every time a new customer comes in, the least you could do is let me finish my talk! $2.50 an hour, my mother embarrassing me by constantly dropping off snacks for me around the guys at work and this is all I get?! Customers hitting their waiters?!" The pirate guy spoke in his normal geeky voice and brushed himself off.
  47. "Oh hey! This fly has two lives and one of them is a laughable personal life!" Yes Man went to go hit him again but Ozu motioned him to stop with his hand. Then Ozu picked Guano off of his face with his other hand and gently put him on the floor.
  49. "You're telling me this is a pirate themed restaurant?" Ozu asked confused.
  51. "Is that why the atmosphere is so eerie and there's bloody teeth on the ground?!" Guano commented.
  53. "Argh! Of course it's a pirate bar my mateys! And those are my teeth from your glasses buddy hitting me in the head... Now follow me, Captain Binstein for a rip snortin' good time! And also bring that carcass of yours!" The pirate waiter did a belly laugh.
  55. The three remembered that Kiyoko was still on the floor. Ozu and Yes Man carried her as they walked on.
  57. "As you can see, EVERYONE is wearin' their costumes tonight!" Captain Binstein motioned to all the customers and staff as the three looked happily relieved at each other. Until they looked at the people around them to see no one had any pirate costumes what so ever. Ozu, Yes Man and Guano looked even more alarmed.
  59. "Hargh argh argh! Here is your table lads and dead or maybe not dead lass! I'll be back for yer orders soon!" The man said leaving them alone.
  61. "Ozu we GOT to get out of here. This is not like a fun Pirates of the Caribbean experience. Heck, it's not even a pirate themed restaurant! " Guano whispered as a big guy behind his barrel chair was giving him a dirty look. Guano gulped.
  63. "I promise I'll make dinner, just please get us out of here!" Yes Man pleaded.
  65. "Yeah, I know boys just let me think of something that won't have any of us damaged in the process." Ozu said and they looked at Kiyoko. "Well MORE damaged.."
  67. "Mama! Oh mama been so busy with my fears that I forgot to help you out with yours!" Guano panicked.
  69. He grabbed Kiyoko's arm, trying to wake her up. He tried waving her comic book in front of her face and she snapped out of it.
  71. "Please tell me we're just at home with the lights off." Kiyoko said opening her eyes.
  73. "Afraid not honey, we're trying to find out a way to escape here." Ozu whispered.
  75. "Well you're strong, man. I'm sure you could just take out the punches for us if it came down to it." Kiyoko said sitting straight up now.
  77. "That's not the point Kiyoko...I don't want to resort to that." Ozu said and suddenly the crazed Captain came by with water.
  79. "Here you go, some water to start me mateys! Anyone ready for drinks or to order yet?!" He said excitedly but they all looked at him, not wanting to talk. "Alright, I'll just come by in five minutes to ask again." He left but got his hook stuck in the wooden table. The pirate waiter didn't even look back and kept walking until his hook fell off and his arm stub began bleeding.
  81. "DAD, PLEASE!" Guano choked out and at hearing this, Captain came back, looking peeved off now.
  83. "So it was YOU who took me hook when I wasn't lookin' little purple lad!" Captain Binstein putting back his hook on his arm stub and screwed it in. He held Guano by his suit with it.
  85. "Hey just wait a minute!" Ozu and Kiyoko both said out loud as Yes Man was just sitting quietly alarmed.
  87. "You're the one who had your hook stuck on the table and it fell off, Mr. Loud Pirate Who Lives with His Mom! ...uh sir." Forcefully Kiyoko said grabbing Guano from his hook. And then sitting back down quietly now, not wanting to get slashed or something.
  89. "Are ye gonna let yer woman dictate over a grown-man like this?!" He asked being insulted.
  91. "Hey I dictate over an entire company buddy, including several 'grown-men' unlike yourself!" Kiyoko jabbed and the guy looked at her evilly. And scared out of his wits Guano tugged on her shirt to motion her to stop.
  93. "What I AM gonna do is call the police for a hostile, psycho staff and this horrid building." Ozu finally put his dominant foot down and began dialing.
  95. "I wouldn't do that Mr. Long Hair Silver, for you see we could call the police on ye for not paying for yer bill here!" The Captain said.
  97. "What are you talking about?! All you gave us was water!" Ozu said not afraid of getting loud enough so that everyone around them could hear.
  99. "Ah ah! This water costs 25 dollars per cup! It's a special mineral water." Captain Binstein pulled out a bottle from no where, but it looked like a Sparklet's water jug he might have gotten from his house. "Now ye will have to pay up!"
  101. Ozu reached for his wallet, only to not find it there. Kiyoko tried the same but neither her nor their two boys could find any of their money. They must have forgotten their bags in the limo.
  103. "Welp if ye can't pay with yer dollars, you're gonna have to pay another way! With stand-up!" The crazy guy motioned towards the stage that had a spotlight on it. There were some half-drunk guys trying to make a few jokes but the crowd boo'ed them and they were pulled off the stage with one of those comedically large canes. Except it was really a hook and it scrapped their throats.
  105. "If you just wait a minute I myself could go outside to get the money-" Ozu started to say but before he knew it, they were all behind stage getting ready to tell jokes.
  107. "Okay the goal is to say as many lowbrow jokes as possible, to get them to laugh enough." Guano said as they huddled up.
  109. "Guano we have to keep the writing at least somewhat decent on this story, this is a children's forum after all." Ozu reminded him.
  111. "I'm pretty sure that most of the stuff written so far hasn't been.." Kiyoko added.
  113. "Whatever we do, it just has to make them laugh so who cares!" Yes Man said and they agreed.
  115. "So go ahead and make them laugh or you're fired!" Cheeful Ozu said as him, Kiyoko and Yes Man pushed Guano off into the stage. He stood up, smiling and very much sweating at a very tough looking audience.
  117. "A-ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Guano loudly whispered to the three who were back stage watching.
  119. "You're the actor! Go ahead, act out something funny sweetie!" Kiyoko with a smile said.
  121. Guano began hitting the microphone and testing it. No one even dared to break their staring silence.
  123. "Uh heh, hey everyone. Have any of you heard of Lilymu?" He asked grasping for straws.
  125. "SHUT UP AND SHOW US SOME SKIN!" One biker dude yelled out.
  127. "I'm a boy!" Guano yelled out and they boo'ed. "Um, um.." Guano saw that the hook of death was near him.
  129. "And here's a word from the thorn at my backside, Yes Man!" Guano pushed him onstage.
  133. They threw tomatoes at him and he fell on his face, as did the unicycle fell on his body. Ozu grabbed him to the backstage and gave him a long hard stare. While Ozu was doing this, Guano looked at Kiyoko who was reading in the corner.
  135. "Now let's give it up for my company's rival and my mama, Kiyoko!" He said pushing her onto stage as she was frozen as a statue for several seconds.
  137. "Oh no, if she doesn't un-clam up soon, she's gonna get hit with that hook for sure." Guano said nervously from backstage.
  139. "I'll have to become the new Mrs. Ozu if that happens!" Yes Man said sadly.
  141. "Uh no, I'm sure she'll just get a bad cut at the most.." Guano straightened him out.
  143. "Oh wait I got one. One time back in like the 12th grade Ozu and I were in health class and then he-" Kiyoko tried to say but then got literally pushed out of the way by him.
  145. "Uh heh." Ozu said at the big audience. "Who likes money?!"
  147. "I do!" Many of them shouted out.
  149. "Well laugh at my jokes and you'll get some afterwards, okay?!" They all cheered and followed Ozu outside afterwards. He gave everyone dollars as they looked joyful.
  151. "You know, that pirate guy always gave me and the other regular guys such a hard time coming here." One big dude wailed as he given money and the other guys agreed.
  153. "No worries, my friend. I will buy out this place and make it safe for everyone." Ozu said but decided to tear it down and build a Lilymu mall instead.
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