
Third Dancie comm outline

Feb 9th, 2019
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  3. Alright so a recent event had a mini-story where the three characters of this commission find a coloring book and color it in (you get to color with them in a minigame!). There were actually like four other characters involved BUT I'M BROKE WOOHOO! I had to do something with this. Sorry Chang Chun. You avoided my grasp this time!
  5. Our three cuties, first:
  7. An Shan:
  8. Fu Shun:
  9. Tai Yuan:
  11. As usual just ignore the mechanical rigging/guns and stuff.
  13. Concept: Tai Yuan finds a new coloring book in a warehouse, that happens to have mental age regression (and reality-warping) powers. Fu Shun and An Shan come across her and book, her already being regressed and poopy. Soon they are. Who knows, probably Sirens messing around and screwing things up again. This pic has several variations with minor pose changes in a few of them. Please shade (messed) diapers brown and provide dialogue-less versions.
  14. ////////
  16. 1: The three of them are in warehouse, probably by some boxes or something (we're keeping it simple here). From left to right, Tai Yuan is on the left of the "camera", and then An shan is in the middle, facing the middle of the picture, and Fu Shun is to her right, also facing her and the middle of the camera.
  18. Tai Yuan has already been regressed. She's in a very messy (but not super messy like my last few comms, think the size of a beanbag one could sit on) diaper and suckling one of her feet (obv. she's barefoot, in fact everyone in this is) babbling to herself. Her face is deeply stained with drool. An Shan is standing and holding the coloring book up and looking at with an furrowed brow, inquisitive. Fu Shun is sitting across from her on the floor, watching An Shan. Both of them have already been affected by the book! Their underwear has been replaced with VERY thick diapers (for An Shan, so comically thick hers resembles the triple tape one in that recent Espurr pic you did) poofing around their waists, and their shoes and socks have disappeared! Keep those phoenix-wing things around Fu Shun's legs though, but her socks are otherwise gone. Draw magic "poofs" or sparkles to signify that this has clearly happened suddenly.
  20. Tai Yuan: "Buuuuaahhhhh...pooooopiiiieeezzzzhhhh"
  21. An Shan: "The reports of siren activity on base led us here, but there's only a new coloring book? Nothing seems out of place though..."
  22. Fu Shun: "I don't see any Sirens around! Hey, let's color in this book like the old one, An Shan!"
  24. ////////
  26. 2: Tai Yuan is...mostly the same, really.
  28. An Shan has dropped the book which now lies on the ground. She's looking down at it with a gigglish expression on her face, drooling over her chin. She's pooped her diaper pretty heavily (but not to the level where it hits the ground).
  30. Fu Shun has taken her right foot into her mouth and is suckling on it with a somewhat vacant, happy expression.
  32. Tai Yuan: "hehe...mowe poopies~!"
  33. An Shan: "I dun get it, why would there just be a book...we shouwd cowor in it...hehehe, I fink I poopied...? Poopies ah fun~!"
  34. Fu Shun: "Hehe, toesies..."
  36. ////////
  38. 3: Tai Yuan has pooped her diaper even more, expanding it (though not a LOT, but definitely a noticeable amount).
  40. An Shan looks over at Fu Shun with an angry expression--think the kind one would have if they were dealing with an annoying sibling. Fu Shun on the other hand, has scrunched up her face and is pooping HER diaper this time. Also she's drooling even more.
  42. Tai Yuan: "pooooooopoooooooo~"
  43. An Shan: "Wat da heck, Fu Shyun! Stop dwoowin' on youw toesies and hewp me cowor in da book!"
  44. Fu Shun: "But I dun wanna cowor wight now, I wanna go POOPY~!"
  45. An Shan (position the bubble so it's clear she's responding to Fu Shun): "Dass' dumb, coworin' is way better than making poopies--"
  47. //////
  49. 4: This image is completely silent.
  51. Except for An Shan dumping a huge load into her diaper (once again it doesn't overwhelm Tai Yuan, who should still remain visible, but the diaper should expand a lot--think like Zero Two in the final image of the fourth comm I got from you), scrunching her face up tightly.
  53. //////
  55. 5: All three girls have vacant, very silly, and regressed expressions, giggling and looking very very dumb and silly with drool running down their chins~<3
  57. Over the heads, a radio transmission from the base plays: "An Shan-class Destroyers, report to dock 134 in T-Minus 30 minutes for practice sorties!"
  59. Tai Yuan: "I dunno what a 'sowtie' is...can I make poopies in it~?"
  60. An Shan: "Whateva' it is, it sounds reawwy dumb! We shouwd jus' focus on making **BIG STINKY POOPOOS** in our diadees **AWW DAY WONG~!!** (HEAVY emphasis on the parts in asterisks~)
  61. An Shan: Big sis is wight! Poopies! Poopies! **BIG POOPOOS~!**"
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