
Random ideas

Jun 25th, 2012
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  1. Celestia and The Tank.
  2. "Retreat!" Yelled the tank commander, hurriedly. The tank sped into full reverse and backed away from the giant princess. Celestia smirked at the fulitity of the tank's situaation and cast a spell, making her horn glow bright, that wrapped the tank in magic tendrils and flipped it on its back.
  4. The tank now faced skyward, and the crew inside was stunned or incapacitated by the force of the crash. The commander tried to force the hatch open but the tendrils held it shut. The crew heard the loud stomping of Celestia's hooves and began to panic.
  6. With a wide grin, Celestia positioned herself above the tank and stared down. "Well, you rebels wanted me to fall, so I think I will!" With a loud crash, Celestia brought her giant marehood down onto the tank, trapping it within her fleshy walls.
  7. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. Big Jelly and Little Mac.
  9. Big Macintosh woke up in a daze, after his bout with the Great and Powerful Trixie. He could see nothing around him...but he felt something...something VERY sticky. With a grunt, Big Mac felt the sticky substance wrap itself all around him. It was it in hooves, his hair, his face, even his nethers were stuck.
  11. Big Mac attempted to fight off the goop, only to trap himself further in. "Nnnnope." He angrily stated as he fought his way out.
  13. A loud grinding sound could be heard as a circular section came out of the top, bringing light into the dark prison. Finally regaining some of his senses and calming down, Big Mac took note of his surroundings. he was covered in a dark blue goo that smelled strongly of...grape?!
  15. A large, blue-ish face appeared and loomed over the jar. It was Jelly Pony! His hoof descended into the jar, and scooped up a large amount of jelly (and Big Mac as well), and brought it to his tongue. With a plop, the jelly and Big Mac landed on the slippery organ.
  17. Bit by bit, Jelly Pony swallowed his mouthful of jelly. Finally able to free himself, Big Mac escaped the goop and tried to climb the tongue to freedom. He gasped in happiness as the mouth opened, thinking that he could escape. However, another hoof-ful of jelly hurdled towards him, knocking him out cold! Jelly Pony was none the wiser when the Strong Macintosh slid down his throat and into his stomach.
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