
lmao just read this

Mar 16th, 2017
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  2. zed - 07/01/2016
  3. jenny, im sure this was a long time ago, but i think we met before
  4. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  5. We have yes
  6. On call
  7. Briefly
  8. zed - 07/01/2016
  9. no, it was an old skype group
  10. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  11. ...
  12. zed - 07/01/2016
  13. i recondize your art
  14. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  15. Uh
  16. Shit
  17. How long ago was this
  18. zed - 07/01/2016
  19. like 3 years
  20. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  21. What Skype group
  22. zed - 07/01/2016
  23. sara ran it
  24. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  25. ...
  26. Oh god
  27. Oh god
  28. You
  29. zed - 07/01/2016
  30. me
  31. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  32. Who are you
  33. zed - 07/01/2016
  34. im alyson
  35. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  36. I
  37. zed - 07/01/2016
  38. i think thats what i went by
  39. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  40. I know that name.
  41. Fuck fuck fuck
  42. zed - 07/01/2016
  43. im out of that phase
  44. i moved on
  45. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  46. No its not you
  47. zed - 07/01/2016
  48. i still cant believe
  49. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  50. You mentioned Sara and my blood ran cold
  51. zed - 07/01/2016
  52. i saw your art, and name, and it came flooding back
  53. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  54. My art looks nothing like it used to though
  55. zed - 07/01/2016
  56. i know, but something clicked
  57. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  58. The signature
  59. zed - 07/01/2016
  60. yes
  61. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  62. My signature is very similar
  63. To how it was
  64. zed - 07/01/2016
  65. i am still
  66. like
  67. in shock
  68. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  69. Yeah
  70. Trust me I am too
  71. zed - 07/01/2016
  72. how strange of a place to meet, years later, in a reddit touhou discord of all places
  73. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  74. Yeah
  75. God.
  76. This is odd
  77. zed - 07/01/2016
  78. this is
  79. im not really friends with sara anymore, she started to get too weird
  80. now im here
  81. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  82. Wait
  83. You're still in contact?
  84. zed - 07/01/2016
  85. we go to the same highschool
  86. i have no choice to see her sometimes
  87. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  88. Pffftahaha
  89. She's a liar and a nut
  90. zed - 07/01/2016
  91. yes
  92. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  93. A sociopath if you will
  94. zed - 07/01/2016
  95. i saw through everything but i didnt want to be rude
  96. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  97. No no
  98. zed - 07/01/2016
  99. i distanced myself
  100. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  101. Yeah
  102. I learned some useful skills from her tho
  103. zed - 07/01/2016
  104. same
  105. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  106. How to recognize manipulation
  107. zed - 07/01/2016
  108. i was a bab, under her wing
  109. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  110. And how to manipulate
  111. zed - 07/01/2016
  112. i learned the ins and outs of internet friends
  113. now im zed
  114. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  115. She was my first Internet friend
  116. zed - 07/01/2016
  117. also how to make people believe total bs
  118. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  119. But now
  120. I'm the goddess of the sea or something
  121. And an artist
  122. And smarter than she'll ever be
  123. zed - 07/01/2016
  124. omg you are
  125. she would come to my friend and i at lunch and tell us about her ocs
  126. and her 'trans babies'
  127. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  128. .....
  129. zed - 07/01/2016
  130. then interuppt our conversations
  131. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  132. K Sara
  133. Interesting to hear that Ms. Sara Lowery is still alive and well
  134. zed - 07/01/2016
  135. she is
  136. and kicking
  137. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  138. Or was it spelled Lowry
  139. Idfc
  140. zed - 07/01/2016
  141. she has senior friends, and cant drive
  142. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  143. How old is she even
  144. zed - 07/01/2016
  145. turning 17
  146. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  147. She lied about her age so much I can't remember
  148. Ah thank you
  149. zed - 07/01/2016
  150. im going to be a sophmore and she'll be a senior next year
  151. then...
  152. gone
  153. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  154. Ugh
  155. Tbh I am surprised she hasn't committed suicide
  156. zed - 07/01/2016
  157. i am too
  158. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  159. Considering she was OH SO SUICIDAL
  160. As rude of me as that is
  161. zed - 07/01/2016
  162. this is so surreal
  163. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  164. It is
  165. zed - 07/01/2016
  166. yeah, shes fine, she says she has 2 cute asian boyfriends
  167. its a poly relationship
  168. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  169. Lmao
  170. zed - 07/01/2016
  171. my friend and i just wanted to talk about jojo
  172. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  173. Is one of them living in Japan
  174. zed - 07/01/2016
  175. no, korea
  176. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  177. Pfft
  178. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  179. Still lying after i took away everyone because she hurt us
  180. zed - 07/01/2016
  181. yes she is
  182. remember 0163
  183. its still alive
  184. but...less so
  185. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  186. Lmao
  187. 0163 is the number on a schizophrenia pill
  188. zed - 07/01/2016
  189. the last time she mentioned it i booked out of the library so fast
  190. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  191. Did you know that?
  192. zed - 07/01/2016
  193. no i did not but i believe it
  194. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  195. Google it
  196. zed - 07/01/2016
  197. GOD
  198. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  199. It's a drug called olanzapine
  200. zed - 07/01/2016
  201. 2.5 mgs
  202. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  203. Used to treat schizophrenic persons
  204. zed - 07/01/2016
  205. no
  206. wonder
  207. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  208. Among others
  209. God
  210. It's good that you found me Zed
  211. Holy christ
  212. This is what I needed
  213. zed - 07/01/2016
  214. release
  215. yes me too
  216. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  217. Okay but because Sara is Sara and liked to make alternate accounts to pretend to be other people
  218. zed - 07/01/2016
  219. shit really
  220. i didnt know that
  221. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  222. Do I have your absolute honor to say thst you are not her
  223. zed - 07/01/2016
  224. i am not her
  225. i am not
  226. i dont wanna be
  227. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  228. Wait. I've heard your voice and I know what her stupid voice still sounds like
  229. Whew
  230. Lol are her tits still watermelons
  231. zed - 07/01/2016
  232. YES
  233. i bumped into her once and almost cried
  234. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  235. Lmao
  236. Do you remember Jake?
  237. zed - 07/01/2016
  238. i think
  239. its hazy
  240. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  241. Yeah he said the same about you
  242. God this is so crazy
  243. Never thought my past would roll up ready to be the Zeppeli to my Joestar
  244. zed - 07/01/2016
  245. haha
  246. i was joking around too lol
  247. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  248. Ikr
  249. We got jenjen, zedppeli
  250. Jars
  251. Vexidisi
  252. Loen loen
  253. Who COULD HAVE BEEN R.O.E.NWAGON(edited)
  254. *nwagon
  255. zed - 07/01/2016
  256. that wouldve been better
  257. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  258. He wanted to be a milf
  259. zed - 07/01/2016
  260. dammit roen
  261. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/01/2016
  262. Ikr
  263. Also I'm starting to get tired
  264. So I'm gonna hit the hay
  265. G'night yo
  266. It was awesome meeting you again
  267. zed - 07/01/2016
  268. same to you, its cool to meet
  269. and gnight
  270. July 2, 2016
  271. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  272. Yo
  273. zed - 07/02/2016
  274. hey(edited)
  275. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  276. Can I ask a question?
  277. zed - 07/02/2016
  278. go ahead
  279. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  280. Who else do you remember from the old Skype group
  281. zed - 07/02/2016
  282. that mike guy
  283. he still follows me on tumblr
  284. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  285. Ayy
  286. Noice
  287. zed - 07/02/2016
  288. yeah
  289. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  290. Sorry if I seem like I'm obsessing over the past for a bit
  291. zed - 07/02/2016
  292. no no you arent
  293. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  294. This is one of those things where I am fascinated by the possibility of an alternative point of view
  295. Like
  296. Sara had a very long lasting influence on me
  297. zed - 07/02/2016
  298. same here
  299. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  300. Like
  301. I wonder
  302. Did she ever whine about everyone abandoning her
  303. zed - 07/02/2016
  304. nope
  305. she moves on quickly
  306. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  307. Both in terms of people and fandom
  308. zed - 07/02/2016
  309. yes
  310. she really likes fire emblem
  311. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  312. Hahaha hahahahaha
  313. Figures
  314. Weird question: did she actually have a twin brother
  315. zed - 07/02/2016
  316. no
  317. she has 2 sisters
  318. one of them is in my grade
  319. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  320. Victoria and Elizabeth
  321. zed - 07/02/2016
  322. yes
  323. but no brother
  324. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  325. She said she had two
  326. In addition to Victoria and Elizabeth
  327. zed - 07/02/2016
  328. ive never heard of them from her mom
  329. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  330. Lol
  331. They don't exist then
  332. zed - 07/02/2016
  333. no
  334. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  335. I figured as much
  336. Is Elizabeth as crazy as Sara described her or no
  337. I knew Victoria was normal and actually very nice
  338. zed - 07/02/2016
  339. elizabeth is just a mean older sister, and victoria is chill
  340. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  341. She was super chill
  342. So how'd you figure out that Sara was a liar and a nut
  343. zed - 07/02/2016
  344. some stories she told me would contridict themselves
  345. and the fact she cant hide behind a computer with me
  346. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  347. The stories definitely started to contradict at the end
  348. Did you know that she tried to apologize to me a year after I tore her out of everyone's lives
  349. zed - 07/02/2016
  350. really?
  351. damn
  352. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  353. I had just gotten very good at understanding manipulation when she tried and it was fucking hilarious
  354. A week prior I had said she could rot in hell
  355. And then she came crawling back to me
  356. zed - 07/02/2016
  357. she does that
  358. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  359. It was so funny
  360. Because she only thought to apologize to me
  361. Rather than any of the other people she'd hurt
  362. zed - 07/02/2016
  363. i guess she thought you would be easy
  364. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  365. I was easy to trap in her web when we met yes
  366. But I hold grudges and am way smarter than she is
  367. zed - 07/02/2016
  368. she gets caught up in her own web
  369. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  370. If she knew 8 languages, why would she take Spanish
  371. Any other language that none of us knew sounded like gibberish from her lips
  372. Nothing like it was supposed to(edited)
  373. zed - 07/02/2016
  374. she could only speak weaboo japanese
  375. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  376. Ikr lmao
  377. She is admittedly crap at Spanish
  378. zed - 07/02/2016
  379. yeah
  380. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  381. Yo puedo hablar en español
  382. zed - 07/02/2016
  383. and she says she knows norweigian but, its just a few phrases
  384. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  385. What about whatever language Icelanders speak
  386. And welsh
  387. zed - 07/02/2016
  388. shes never really talked in those before
  389. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  390. She's such a fake
  391. zed - 07/02/2016
  392. she is
  393. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  394. The girl trying to be a real life Mary Sue
  395. zed - 07/02/2016
  396. YES
  397. its worse when you know her irl
  398. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  399. I'm sure
  400. zed - 07/02/2016
  401. her school friends are pretty bad
  402. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  403. Oh?
  404. zed - 07/02/2016
  405. they made little braclets with 'smol ___' on them
  406. and little frames for their fave fire emblem characters
  407. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  408. Eeurgh
  409. zed - 07/02/2016
  410. theyre seniors
  411. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  412. Is she still a mediocre cosplayer who acts like she's the best
  413. zed - 07/02/2016
  414. her mom doesnt let her go to cons anymroe
  415. but yes
  416. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  417. Oh? Why not?
  418. zed - 07/02/2016
  419. i think she did something, im not too sure
  420. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  421. Sounds like her
  422. zed - 07/02/2016
  423. so its good i dont run into her when i actually go
  424. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  425. whispers quietly please talk shit about her
  426. zed - 07/02/2016
  427. can do
  428. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  429. Because she was horrible and I enjoy feeling validated for feeling as much
  430. zed - 07/02/2016
  431. well, at my school, in the mornings the nerds hang out in the library. shes there like everyday and tries to come and take my personal space
  432. she talks about her wonderful 2 boyfriends
  433. who are 2 cute asian boys
  434. she wears the worst clothes
  435. ill fitting shirts and ugly skirts
  436. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  437. I remember when she was a lesbian
  438. zed - 07/02/2016
  439. she said she'll never learn to drive, and even though shes going to be a senior this year, she has no college plans
  440. i think shes pan now
  441. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  442. Lmao
  443. She sounds more like a straight girl with bicuriosity and a huge need to be a snowflake
  444. zed - 07/02/2016
  445. i think she is
  446. she tried to get me to join a gay club
  447. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  448. She said to me once that she didn't believe in science
  449. zed - 07/02/2016
  450. like at our school
  451. i came to one meeting
  452. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  453. That's like the worst thing to say to a girl who ended up deciding she wants to major in [marine] biology
  454. zed - 07/02/2016
  455. and they were talking about demisexuality and these 2 girls who havent left their homestuck phase were praising her like the new messiah
  456. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  457. A lot of schools have a gay-straight alliance
  458. But that sounds like hell
  459. zed - 07/02/2016
  460. tell me about it
  461. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  462. As a demisexual
  463. That sounds like actual hell
  464. zed - 07/02/2016
  465. she thinks she's the messiah for the gay kids of our school(edited)
  466. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  467. She forgets that she's not in her fantasy world
  468. zed - 07/02/2016
  470. lgbt4uandme
  471. lgbt4uandme
  472. Breaking down barriers.
  473. heres a blog she made(edited)
  474. read the about the author
  475. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  476. Pfft
  477. Her art is mediocre at best
  478. Also the Web design screams Sara
  479. zed - 07/02/2016
  480. i know right
  481. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  482. Let me guess
  483. She's above tumblr
  484. zed - 07/02/2016
  485. no she still has one
  486. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  487. Really
  488. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  489. I thought she'd be all "tumblr sjws are cancer" even tho she's basically one
  490. zed - 07/02/2016
  491. no shes not
  492. she likes the sjw movement
  493. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  494. That's even worse
  495. zed - 07/02/2016
  496. it is
  498. hayato is my husband
  499. Abbey | Proud mother of Rhajat | ♉ | She/Her | hoshido biased af | Fire Emblem, Haikyuu!!,...
  501. here she is
  502. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  503. Her art hasn't even changed
  504. zed - 07/02/2016
  505. no it has not
  506. do you want my tumblr? its mostly touhou
  507. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  508. Sure
  509. Do you want mine? It's mostly jojo atm
  510. zed - 07/02/2016
  511. yes
  512. i love jojo
  513. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  514. Good
  515. zed - 07/02/2016
  517. lazy flower viewing
  518. zed | 15 | bi | ♐ touhou waifus are the best waifus
  519. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  521. ☆shark princess☆
  522. ☆Jenny☆18☆ ☆I like sharks, drawing, and math☆ ☆This is hopefully going to be geared more towards my...
  523. I actually follow you already apparently?
  524. zed - 07/02/2016
  525. you do??
  526. holy crap
  527. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  528. Yeah
  529. I just double checked and I do
  530. zed - 07/02/2016
  531. it must be super old then
  532. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  533. Yeah lmao let's see how long I've followed you
  534. It does not say, oddly enough
  535. zed - 07/02/2016
  536. damn
  537. ☆Jenny☆ - 07/02/2016
  538. Ikr
  539. It's hilarious that she has no college/future plans
  540. Like she thinks she'll be a high schooler forever
  541. zed - 07/02/2016
  542. just like my sugoi animes
  543. July 4, 2016
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