
The Elite Boyo

Nov 22nd, 2019
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  1. Key: King Destroyer
  2. Discord: Don't Leave It's My Fault#5031
  3. Character: Kallabash (will be his name)
  4. Skill/Rank(or transformation): Elite
  5. How well do you know the source material? (obviously not relevant if it's a transformation): I watched Dragonball Z through my whole childhood So
  6. Reasoning: Because I think I can play good and evil and will add a lot to the RP if I can have it.
  8. RP:
  9. A space planet in the far distances of space was starting to become a problem for the Saiyan army. Multiple attacks on the bases that sat as an outpost that shared data between the planet Sadala and the planet. The Planet's inhibitors grew tired of the treatment given to them by the Saiyans made them form a rebellion group. A group of Pirates called Star Raiders, a name meant to liberate the stars and free anyone who was under the Saiyan rebellion. They were no normal aliens, they were stronger than many of the Saiyans opponents they have faced before. Some of them even could counter the main enemy of the Saiyans, the damned Icers, the issues only grew for the Saiyans. The Star Raiders began to grow confident in their abilities even challenging guards during the day. They started to become less organized and more ruthless criminals taking the outpost by force. A symbol for an uprising that started to spread around the planet.
  11. Star Raiders became cancer growing on the pride of the Saiyans. Embarrassing to say the least, a hardy chuckle the situation become while the Saiyans tried to reclaim the planet time and time again. It lowered the respect and just put in perspective how reality could change for the Saiyans. This only helped to frustrate the King and a plan came into fruition. A messenger was captured, someone to portray the King as something less than an evil creature. The King offered the male a meal at the table with the Saiyans. Awkward eyes on the new alien, but the Saiyans gave him the treatment that could be rivaled by only the King himself. It was something of a festival for the arrival of the Star Raider ambassador. Once the days of partying had ended the male was sent back to his planet with a promise of the Saiyans not going to treat them that way. They wanted the aliens to lower their arms while the Saiyans began to mount for war.
  13. The alien made it back to the planet and told the Raiders to watch themselves but that it was over. The promise of the Saiyans would be upheld but to keep your weapons close. Over the course of a few months, things had changed as the Saiyans promised with those placed on the planet went quiet. The aliens were finally at ease letting the Saiyans being in the events and around the other villagers without the eyes or things being flung at them. The villagers and inhabitants finally calmed down with the Star Raiders turning from the symbol of an uprising to one of hope. One of peace, love, and happiness with celebrations starting to take place all over the planet. The Saiyans were growing angered by the happiness these people started to display. The warriors in the Saiyans could not hold this plan together for much longer. They started to get excited when the King of Sadala finally sent the space pods towards them. Warriors of the Elite class would handle this mission with a bit extra manpower to help the warriors.
  15. They just had to play pretend for a bit longer. The Saiyans sat back watching over the events allowing the people to be manipulated by this false peace. The evils that loomed in the background were going to be so great that not even the purest god could overcome them. The planet was quiet while they rebuilt themselves from the war for the months while close to a year had passed. The pods would travel far and wide throughout space. They went across from Sadala to this unknown planet with five pods rocketing against the cold, silence of space. The days, hours, minutes, seconds of the end of these people grew closer without them being able to know what was coming for them. The Saiyans saw it as them celebrating their last days on the planet before it all became the burial of their people.
  17. It was finally the day while the pods broke through the atmosphere. The sound of what seemed like thunder cracking in the air sounded around the planets. This was a signal of the pods crashing onto the planets. It was as if meteors were raining from the sky. Deep craters around ten feet in radius would be left behind from the impact of the pods in different parts of the ground. Four Saiyans who were sitting in the pods would proceed to climb out of them. The ground of the planet they were on had been very green until the pod's collision with the planet ruined it. The one saiyan female with the group had looked at the others wondering where the people were hiding. She looked at the other three motioning her head to the pod with the rest of them nodding going to lift it up. They surprisingly had no issue lifting whatever was in the pod carrying it to the closest village where they had been informed the old Star Raiders group was now hiding out.
  19. The elite Saiyan female turned to the rest of her group letting them sit the pod down with a hand being raised to the sky. The smaller woman started to charge energy in her hand letting the ball grow bigger and bigger in her palm. The woman flicked her wrist and let the ball go into the village with the fireworks going off and knocking over homes. The aliens were quick to arms for something that came out of nowhere. The woman clicked her scouter so she can check the power level of the aliens. She only uttered one word with disgust towards them. "Weak." Hands were extended behind her with the males starting to shoot off rapid ki blast ending the lives of the aliens in front of them. Screams of pain and agony started to ring around the planet with the people they came to kill finally notified. The Star Raiders were readied and on the way to the Saiyans knowing that they would be betrayed.
  21. As the Saiyans watched the dust settle on their massacre of the aliens in the area. They would see a large army of aliens coming towards them. The power level of the beings was quite low, but the Saiyans read through the weak powers feeling the strength in the mass of people. So the group knew that they would have no problem with wiping out all of the weak ones. As they raised their hands again the Saiyans would fire into the arm. The Saiyans would keep the pressure on the army with all of their might. The deaths of the aliens only pushed to anger the warriors of the Star Raider group. A blue alien with orange hair standing six-foot, way above the smaller saiyan woman, charged in with a punch to her chest. Her arms crossed in an X blocking the attack from the male with a smile on her face. She was pushed back cutting through the ground with the male throwing strikes at her. She dodged the attacks while blocking some while they began to clash with one another.
  23. Three other aliens shot from the army knocking over the aliens in the way heading to the Saiyans clashing with them creating a four-way fight. The Saiyans were being overpowered for a moment until they started to get stronger due to the battle. They were learning the abilities of their enemies pretty quickly turning the tide of the battle. The Saiyans in the outpost began to make short work of the army while the surrounded aliens began to figure there was only one way out of this. The aliens got closer linking hands together with their backs to one another as the Saiyans let out one final charge. The aliens spun rapidly throwing away the Saiyans killing them in a blast as the aliens went from many to one. A new higher power level creature stepped out of the dust looking at the Saiyans. The mangled monster of the combined powers let out a small chuckle to them.
  25. The four eyes of the creature slowly turned to the woman with the scouter. The ruined armor of the smaller Saiyan was a display of the battle that had ensued. The four-eyed alien watched her closely with a smile coming to the face of it. Teeth growing sharper to her with the raspy voice of the create letting itself known to her. "What did you say earlier? Weak?!" The Saiyan woman was appalled by the words of the alien. This only set to anger the woman while she dashed in to meet him with her own fist. The woman was in over her head trying to fight the new fused alien. She did not care if it was going to appear to have his friends disappeared. She did not care if the alien got an appearance change. It was still the same old weak alien to her, no matter what she was going to make it pay for the word it tried to call her. She began to clash with the alien, the beast was taking the attacks she was throwing with arms held crossed. Only setting her off more with the woman moving faster with her punches trying to knock the alien backward or on its ass so she could gloat.
  27. She wanted to prove her power at this moment with the others just watching on letting her compete. The alien finally had enough with it pulling back an arm smashing it into the abdomen of the woman making her release blood and saliva on its forearm. This was a cause for concern with the other three dashing in to protect the woman who was turned into a girl in front of them. She held onto her stomach stumbling back coughing up the blood and spit to the ground. The other three began to lay fist and feet into the body of the alien creature while the woman sat back recovering. Two of them were giving an assault on each side while one tried to attack behind the alien. The alien turned to the side kicking the one from the left away from him back into the pod that laid unreleased. The other two were grabbed by one side of their head-smashing them together.
  29. The woman fell back on her ass looking back at the pod slowly getting up floating over to it. The pain raced throughout her body with the alien lurking behind her. The alien disappeared appearing behind her punching towards the woman trying to take her head off. The girl dodged out of the way able to let the pod be hit sending it flying across the ground. The woman dodged out of the way again as the alien now was trying to kill her the way she killed his people, mercilessly. She was about to get away when she felt a tug on her armor with the alien pulling her back. An elbow was pressed into her spine bending her backward over the arm weirdly holding her for a moment. The Saiyan who was sent over the pod went over to it grabbing the door with blood spilling out of his head. The door was peeled off with a mountainous male slowly being shown to the sunlight sitting in the darkness as the creature was released.
  31. The male got out of the pod stepping to the ground with the hands in chains up to the forearm and a muzzle on his is mouth staring forward at the alien. The Saiyan male grabbed the gauntlets and opened them letting him out of the restraints. The Saiyan grabbed the muzzle crushing it with his hands smiling evilly while the male was abusing the woman. Punches over and over to the back dropping her to the ground stomping on the back of the woman. The roar of the new Saiyan erupted over the battlefield with the alien turning to the male. The alien turned to the Saiyan fully after kicking the woman away with this new Saiyan starting to approach. The aura began to wrap around the alien while the Saiyan began to come closer to him. The Saiyan had his own darkish red aura wrap around him getting in the face of the Alien. The two of them were staring at one another with the Saiyan growing a smile as well as the alien.
  33. The alien was first pulling back a fist smashing it in the stomach of the Saiyan but this time was different. This Saiyan did not flinch with this action happening to the brute in front of him. The alien was a bit worried now, but the assault was not over with the alien pulling back his fist. The alien threw a fist towards the face of the Saiyan trying to smash it across the face. The Saiyan head-butted the fist so hard that it shattered the bones in the alien's hand. The Alien let out a screech moving back while the Saiyan grabbed the broken hand squeezing it to bring more pain yanking the alien back. The arm of the Saiyan smashed into the head of the alien flipping it inside out. The alien laid on the ground trying to recover from the strength of the strike. The Saiyan smirked as his left palm stretched to the ground charging a ball in his hand placing it in the back of the alien. The ball went downward into the back of the Alien creature creating a big ball of light flashing around everyone. The aliens split back into the four while the aliens looked at this new creature that was upon them.
  35. A cackle out of the mouth with his hands going up in the air throwing down ki blast on them. The screams of agony made him excited and wanting more of this pained yells while he started to fly around the area killing whoever got in his way. The male got closer to the Saiyans in his group preparing to tear through the male until something impeded his path. It was the Saiyan girl reaching a hand up to the male and rubbing his cheek. She was apprehensive but slowly gave his cheek the rub with him staring at her. "Stop Kallabash, you have done your job. I am safe. Calm down now." Slowly turning to the side the male walked back to the cuffs holding out his arms. The Saiyans put cuffs on his arms once more turning him back to the pod and pushing him inside one of the pods. The Saiyan was closed off from the world watching the Princess of the Saiyans.
  37. Kallabash, the ruthless evil Saiyan warrior they claimed under elite watching what kept him from a full rage. The woman that kept everything together being the leader of the group of elites he was in. He sat still in the pod waiting for the world to change back to the black depths of space. He just sat there quietly reading the lips of the warriors as they all spoke about fearing for their lives. The woman reassuring that she could control the monster inside of him. The male closed his eyes leaning backward on the chair in the pod while the Princess informed her dad of the win. Everything went to plan with the males all getting prepared to leave, one of them staying behind while they were sent to return back to Sadala. The days grew dark once more which forced the giant Saiyan to fall back asleep until it was time for him to wake up again. Always prepared to wreak havoc on the world if the Princess needed him to or for his own fun.
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