
Unusuality - Demo v2 Credits

Jul 27th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. EeveeEuphoria: Creator, lua code, graphics, level design, etc.
  2. Sharb (aka Renhoex): Level design
  3. - Factory Forest
  4. - Cold Cave Climb
  6. -- Code --
  7. Axiom: Original Red Birdo code
  8. Proloe: Snippits of lua code
  9. Enjl:
  10. - "Quantumenace's Fence Bug Fix" lua code
  11. - anothercurrency.lua (modified)
  12. - anotherwalljump.lua (modified)
  13. - coyotetime.lua
  14. - font provided for textplus (modified slightly)
  15. KBM-Quine:
  16. - anotherPowerDownLibrary.lua
  17. - modernReserveItems.lua
  18. MrDoubleA:
  19. - NPC Pack
  20. - Code to allow GameData to work on loadscreens
  21. - Code to get textplus/shaders to work on loadscreens
  22. Elf of Happy and Love: ModernStyledHud.lua (though i heavily gutted it for my own use)
  23. Rednaxela: Collected star count code (
  24. Sambo: nsmbwalls.lua
  26. -- Music/Sounds --
  27. TheLegendofRenegade: Genesis remix for SMB2 Overworld (
  28. Hooded Edge: Music (
  29. Pinci (SMW Central): Super Mario Maker 2 - SMW Forest SPC conversion
  30. Hypnospace Outlaw: Coin SFX used for the HUD
  32. -- Graphics/GFX --
  33. Josiah: Peach's Castle GFX (
  34. Sednaiur: SMB1 Expanded-GFX Pack (
  36. -- Misc --
  37. [ No Name ]: Playtester
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