
How to win

Jun 23rd, 2020
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  1. They Hate You and Everything You Stand for!
  2. The Modern Left is swayed by not only the enemy but also the holdovers from the Soviet era. There exists sleeper cells and agents who've taken control of academia, media and businesses in the name of Communism, and in some cases, the New World Order.
  4. While a certain long nosed tribe is involved, the issue at hand is the Soviet propaganda being re-tailored for modern day. We are seeing a present version of the great Cultural Shift like Mao forced. Instead of bugs and birds, it's people and religion.
  6. So, how do we fix this? Well, if you've looked at one of their holy scriptures, like, Saul Alinsky's 12 rules for radicals it isn't that hard to flip the script and attack the hordes against us.
  10. Below I'll list some ways to fight back.
  12. 1. Women are easily aligned to causes because of socialization and trends.
  13. >Fix this by showing how being a "trad wife" and traditional gender roles would get them more attention and friends.
  15. 2.Cancel the Cancel Culture
  16. >Dig up every celebrity's past, dig into big name activists, community leaders, and whoever else is in the lime light. Expose them for the Social Justice Sins (AKA, use cancel culture against them).
  18. 3.Immigrants and Refugees hate the West, The Left hates themselves. Use this hatred against them.
  19. >Islam hates Faggots. LGBT hates Pedos. Gay hates Lesbian. Lesbian and Gay hate Trans. Fixate, point out, exploit.
  21. 4.Culture is heritage + history. Dismantle it is to wipe out a culture.
  22. >If they attack the past, attack theirs. This person or leader hates this group or said this bad word. Knock out celebs and Social Media icons. Exploit their history and heritage.
  24. 5.All targets are now equal.
  25. >If European and Caucasian things are bad, so are Asian, Muslim, Egyptian...etc Paint a target on it all.
  27. 6.Show victims their aggressors.
  28. >Japanese hate BLM. Exploit this by showing other groups how BLM treats them. Ghandi statues were attacked.
  30. 7.Exposure is bad for those who commit crimes.
  31. >Snitches get stitches? Can't expose
  32. anons. Flood social media with their crimes, attacks, and general misbehavior. Show the world they're different.
  34. 8.If you aren't black you aren't BLM.
  35. >Show BLM how non-blacks are a problem no matter what. Asians do black face. Chinese exploit Africa. Jews sold slaves...etc
  37. 9.Ego and Self Esteem are closely linked, crush them.
  38. >Black men love the BBC meme. Exploit this. Show them that black women are stolen by White men and Asian men. Show them BWC and BAC memes.
  40. 10. Facts are facts.
  41. >Spam social media with facts and statistics. Historical, biological and scientific. What happens when blacks learn of twitch muscles.
  43. 11.Expose the African American's lack of culture.
  44. >We wuz kangs & sheet. Expose their theft of culture.
  46. 12. Light VS Dark
  47. >Check your light skinned privilege, light skin ;)
  49. 13. PSY OPs work
  50. >Shouldn't be that hard to make a few to target certain groups.
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