
Second Darkness Postgame: Session 111

Jan 28th, 2014
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  1. [15:56] <@Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:56] <@Kilarra> ~~~Postgame~~~
  3. [15:56] <@Kilarra> \Kilarra and Aluthyra/
  4. [15:57] <@Kilarra> -Session 111-
  5. [15:59] <@Kilarra> The party appears at the eastern gate of Riddleport with a pop. A few people start at the sudden appearance, but most keep moving.
  6. [16:00] * Kilarra smiles wit ha touch of nostalgia, "It's only been a couple months, but it felt like a lot longer."
  7. [16:03] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods to Kilarra, "Welcome back." He looks to Kahree, "Do you mind if we go and see the Cyphermages first? I'm wondering if Samaritha hasn't moved on already."
  8. [16:05] * Aluthyra smiles. "The detour will be fine, I am sure."
  9. [16:06] * Kilarra chuckles and begins walking back in the direction of the Veil. She still remembered the streets, although it felt wierd to have the paved road beneath her hooves again.
  10. [16:07] <@Kilarra> Kjell smiles appreciatively and begins heading in the direction of the Cypherlodge
  11. [16:08] <Aluthyra> Kahree follows Kjell!
  12. [16:09] * Aluthyra keeps next to Kilarra. "So," she chuckles. "how do you think they will react to all that we have done?"
  13. [16:09] <@Kilarra> As Aluthyra and Kilarra head through the streets, all people seem to be talking about is the star that exploed overhead.
  14. [16:10] * Kilarra chuckles, "I'm sure Shorafa will at least be impressed."
  15. [16:10] * Kilarra notes, "Lil might be jealous that we got to travel so far."
  16. [16:13] * Aluthyra nods, and jokingly suggests, "Perhaps, if she desires travel, she'd be interested in traveling with Kahree and Kjell."
  17. [16:16] * Kilarra chuckles, "Maybe. That's up to her though. I imagine she's been enjoying herself though, since she doesn't have to worry about Zincher anymore."
  18. [16:16] * Aluthyra nods. "I am sure."
  19. [16:18] <@Kilarra> When Aluthyra and Kilarra approach the Silken Veil, they find its exterior to be cleaner than when last they were there. The lower half of the pyramid has been dutifully scrubbed and cleansed of the stains left there by emmissions from the gas forges. A small crew is currently in the midst of assembling a scaffold to reach higher
  20. [16:20] * Kilarra blinks, looking impressed. "Damn. I've never seen the place look this clean in... well, since I started living there."
  21. [16:20] * Aluthyra smiles. "Perhaps they now have the opportunity, with Zincher gone."
  22. [16:21] * Kilarra nods, "If memory serves, the ledger we gave Shorafa was how she was able to convince Gaston to set some funds aside for cleaning up the place. Pretty good work for a couple months." She smiles and strides up to the entrance, parting the curtains.
  23. [16:24] * Aluthyra follows behind, looking around.
  24. [16:25] <@Kilarra> Aluthyra and Kilarra are once again hit with the strong scents of perfume and incense as they enter the Calistrian Temple-Brothel. A few of the prostitutes are sitting around chatting, while a couple of the lesser acolytes are tidying up.
  25. [16:25] * Kilarra waves to a few of them as she passes, but heads straight for the stairs up to the temple area.
  26. [16:32] * Kilarra pulls Aluthyra along with her up the stairs, looking a bit giddy
  27. [16:33] <@Kilarra> In the temple area, Shorafa is currently recieving a pedicure. Lavender Lil is seated nearby, idly strumming a lute.
  28. [16:33] * Aluthyra remains silent for now, by Kilarra's side.
  29. [16:34] <@Kilarra> Shorafa looks up as Kilarra and ALuthyra approach. Her eyes linger, a bit wider than usual, on Aluthyra. Specifically, on her wings. "Well well well," she intones in her sultry voice, "it seems you two have been rather busy." She gives Kilarra a smirk, "Two months and not even a sending? I'm hurt."
  30. [16:34] * Kilarra blushes a bit, "Well... we were kinda busy."
  31. [16:35] * Aluthyra chuckles. "We have much to tell."
  32. [16:35] <@Kilarra> Shorafa nods, "I suspected as much. Did that star bursting in the sky have anything to do with you? I remember all of these strange ocurrences began when Devil's Elbow was struck."
  33. [16:36] * Aluthyra looks to Kilarra, figuring she would want to tell.
  34. [16:36] * Kilarra nods and begins to tell Shorafa about everything that happened in the time since the left here, shortly after meeting Kahree. The time in Zirnakaynin, the Winter Council, and the Land of Black Blood.
  35. [16:37] <@Kilarra> Lavender Lil stops playing and pays attention as well. A good story was a good story.
  36. [16:37] * Kilarra concludes with mentioning the job offer from Telandia
  37. [16:38] <@Kilarra> Shorafa smirks, "Well well, you've certainly come quite a ways. But what about your pursuit of revenge?"
  38. [16:39] * Aluthyra notes, "The job only requires us one day of the month. That will be soon."
  39. [16:39] * Kilarra nods, "Well, my mother is still, so far as I know, out there somewhere, and I intend to deal with her. However, like Aluthyra said, we'll still have plenty of time for it. As well, I need to find her first, and I'll have plenty of time to attempt various divinations."
  40. [16:40] <@Kilarra> Shorafa nods, "I suspect you will. I can tell that these experiences have made you strong. Stronger even than me I wager by now."
  41. [16:40] * Kilarra nods, "Not that I ever intended to upstage you Madam."
  42. [16:41] <@Kilarra> Shorafa waves a hand, "No, you were in a desperate situation and needed more power, and Calistria saw fit to grant it to you. That is her decision, and I would honour it."
  43. [16:41] <@Kilarra> Lil looks a little jealous. "And I thought I was having a good time being able to get out on the streets again."
  44. [16:45] <@Kilarra> Shorafa looks to Aluthyra, "Now, I must address my own curiosity, how did you end up with wings? They are quite lovely."
  45. [16:46] * Aluthyra smiles. "It was not a grand tale-- I simply woke up with them. As you helped me find my celestial heritage, they are from it." She flutters her wings.
  46. [16:47] * Kilarra notes, "We think it might have been our brief excursion to Elysium that awoke more of her dormant celestial heritage."
  47. [16:48] <@Kilarra> Shorafa nods, then looks to the scar on Kilarra's arm. "That must have been quite the ordeal. It is quite fortunate you had power enough to mend it."
  48. [16:48] * Kilarra nods, "You're telling me."
  49. [16:48] <@Kilarra> Lil chuckles, "May not have been fun, but how many people get to truthfully claim they saved the world?"
  50. [16:49] * Kilarra giggles, "Four of us at least."
  51. [16:49] * Aluthyra chuckles.
  52. [16:50] <@Kilarra> Shorafa smiles, "Good. I suspect you could use some rest and relaxation, yes? Kilarra, why don't you go run a bath for yourself and Aluthyra."
  53. [16:50] * Kilarra nods and stands, turning towards the stairs.
  54. [16:51] <@Kilarra> Shorafa gives Aluthyra subtle, but noticeable look. Seeming to state with her eyes alone that she wanted a private word.
  55. [16:52] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow, then calls after Kilarra. "I will join you in a moment, Kilarra."
  56. [16:52] * Kilarra nods and heads down.
  57. [16:52] * Aluthyra looks to Shorafa, quirking her head as she approaches.
  58. [16:52] <@Kilarra> Shorafa looks to Aluthyra, "So, it has not gone beyond my notice that you and Kilarra are in a rather close relationship."
  59. [16:53] * Aluthyra nods. "Yes, we are."
  60. [16:53] <@Kilarra> Shorafa smiles, "And of course, this is a good thing. Kilarra is quite taken with you, physically of course, but with an emotional resonance I have rarely seen her display as well."
  61. [16:54] <@Kilarra> Shorafa notes, "However, I can tell that you are far less experienced than she is."
  62. [16:56] * Aluthyra blinks. "...Yes. That I am." She frowns. "Is it that obvious?"
  63. [16:56] <@Kilarra> Shorafa nods, "To one such as myself who has seen many relationships both intimate and passing, physical and emotional, yes it is. Which is why I hoped to provide you with a bit of advice."
  64. [16:58] * Aluthyra smiles and nods. "Then I thank you. What is your advice?"
  65. [16:59] <@Kilarra> Shorafa moves her feet into a soaking tub, letting out a contented sigh. "My advice to you is simple enough, and a mannerism many of us who follow Calistria already know. Love the food, not the chef."
  66. [17:02] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow. "I... do not quite follow."
  67. [17:03] <@Kilarra> Shorafa nods, "In your inexperience, that is understandable, and please know I only speak in the interest of sparing you heartbreak, as opposed to a sense of malice. You and Kilarra both carry the blood of outsiders, and will have lives longer than most mortals. Save for elves at least."
  68. [17:04] * Aluthyra nods. "Yes...?"
  69. [17:05] <@Kilarra> Shorafa nods, "Love, like anything else in life, can be sweet and joyous to experience, but it can also fade and wither with age. The relationship between you and Kilarra may be strong now, but there is no guarantee it will last the rest of your lives. Be it a decade, two perhaps, the odds are likely that one of you will wish to experience something different, or your feelings as they are now will grow stale."
  70. [17:06] <@Kilarra> Shorafa concludes, "Savour what you have now, but for what it is in the now, not what you might hope it to be, or how long you hope it to last."
  71. [17:07] * Aluthyra 's eyebrows furrow. "I do not think... that will happen." She frowns, shaking her head. "Thank you... but I pray it will not come to pass."
  72. [17:08] <@Kilarra> She notes, "Doing otherwise will only make an eventual parting less sweet and more sorrowful." Shorafa nods, "And of course, that is entirely possible, it is simply not likely, and being prepared for the possibility will make it easier on you."
  73. [17:10] * Aluthyra sighs and nods. "I will think on it." Aluthyra shakes her head after another sigh and makes her way towards the baths.
  74. [17:10] * Kilarra is already undressing as another acolyte fills the large ivory tub.
  75. [17:11] * Kilarra looks to ALuthyra as she approaches, "I imagine after all that time underground your desire for cleanliness must be going nuts." She giggles
  76. [17:12] * Aluthyra chuckles weakly and nods. "Definitely so."
  77. [17:13] * Kilarra tilts her head, "Something the matter?"
  78. [17:16] * Aluthyra diverts her eyes, looking to the pool. "Nothing you need to concern yourself with." She puts on a smile. "But I would like to get to that bath."
  79. [17:17] * Kilarra slips off her undergarments and slips into the tub after it fills. "Ahhhh... that's lovely. So, did Shorafa give you the Food vs Chef speech?"
  80. [17:19] * Kilarra smirks knowingly
  81. [17:20] * Aluthyra blinks. "...Yes." She quirks her head. "How did you know?"
  82. [17:20] * Aluthyra takes the moment to slip off her robes and garments to slip in with Kilarra.
  83. [17:21] * Kilarra chuckles, "She gave it to me once the first time I got into a relationship. Granted, she happened to be right about me, but... with you it does feel different." She grabs a brush and motions for Aluthyra to spread her wings.
  84. [17:22] * Aluthyra blushes and nods, turning and spreading her wings. "So... you do not think it will come to pass?"
  85. [17:24] * Kilarra shrugs, "It's hard to say, really. I do love you, and so long as that love persists, we'll be together." She begins giving Aluthyra thorough preening and washing.
  86. [17:26] * Aluthyra smiles, groaning as she relaxes. "I suppose that is all I can ask for..."
  87. [17:30] * Kilarra smirks. "It may very well last for the rest of our lives, and if it does all the better." She makes Aluthyra thoroughly enjoys being cleaned, and then shoos out the acolyte to take care of 'other business'
  88. [17:32] * Aluthyra nods. "Indeed," Aluthyra sighs with content.
  89. [17:33] * Kilarra enjoys their bath together until the water turns cold. "That was wonderful."
  90. [17:37] * Aluthyra nods, slipping out and drying herself. "It was. Thank you for the preening."
  91. [17:37] * Kilarra smirks, "And I'm sure what came after was nice too." She winks, getting out of the tub.
  92. [17:38] * Aluthyra smiles, drying her feathers.
  93. [17:39] * Kilarra notes, "Of course, I still have plenty of other things for us to 'relax' with in my room that you haven't tried yet. Or, if you've had enough for now, we could just sit and read and enjoy the time to relax."
  94. [17:43] * Aluthyra chuckles. "For now, I think relaxation would be best. Though... later tonight..."
  95. [17:43] * Aluthyra winks.
  96. [17:44] * Kilarra smirks approvingly, then leads Aluthyra to her room.
  97. [17:48] <@Kilarra> A week passes, Aluthyra and Kilarra having plenty of time to read the magical tomes form the Emerald Library, as well as enjoy each other's company in their time off. Kilarra is occasionally asked to attend some temple duties, but the days are largely uneventful
  98. [17:51] * Kilarra wakes up the morning after finishing the tome feeling more charismatic and chipper than usual. She rolls over, cuddling into Aluthyra's wings.
  99. [17:54] <@Kilarra> -End Session-
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