
Ozzie is a bro

Mar 5th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Adam was running around the basketball court in the gym, his handling of the ball drastically increasing since the last practice since he'd been working at it so diligently. He quickly ran by the front of the hook, pushing the ball upward and flicking his wrist to send it through the air to fall through the hoop perfectly. Collecting the bouncing rebound, he started to take it back up the court to begin again.-
  2. Tsaaq: Ozzie walked into the basketball court and rose his eyebrow. "Hey buddy. Need any help training?" Ozzie smiled as he went towards Adam.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Adam stopped his running, taking a deep breath and smiling at Ozzie. "Hey. Uh... I'm not sure. How good are you at basketball?"-
  4. Tsaaq: Ozzie stared at Adam a moment before hanging his head. "I'm not allowed to say no but, I don't think I'm very good." Ozzie sighed. "But I have to ask, cause I work here! And I can help all I can."
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Adam frowned a bit as he turned to fully face Ozzie, holding the ball between his hands. "They make you lie and say you're good at everything just because you work here?"-
  6. Tsaaq: "Well I mean. I can't say I can't help somebody with training things." He shrugged. "I'm a trainer. I'm supposed to be good at all the things but I'm not."
  7. Alexithymiaa: "But to force you to say you're good at basketball, when you're not? It's alright that you're not. Not everyone can be good at everything all the time. That's what makes us special." He dribbled the ball a bit in front of him before passing it over to Ozzie. "You can definitely play with me if you'd like to though."-
  8. Tsaaq: "You kind of have to oversell yourself to sell gym memberships. It's just business stuff." He shrugged casually. "What do you need me to do? He asked as he looked at the ball then caught it, sloppily mind you. He almost dopped it. He began to dribble with both hands.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know just.. sort of..." He paused, because he didnt even know what would help him at this point. "Maybe try to stop me from shooting?"-
  10. Tsaaq: He nodded his head. "I can do that. I'm way taller than you." He smiled and jogged towards the hoop.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Definitely an advantage, but that's why it's such a good challenge for me to practice against you." He took the ball up the court, dribbling it a few times before looking up to Ozzie. "Are you ready?"-
  12. Tsaaq: "I was born ready!" He opened his arms wide and shuffled back and forth dramatically. "Shoot the ball! Hey hey hey! Shoot it!"
  13. Alexithymiaa: -Adam started to move down the court as he dribbled the ball, closing in on Ozzie a bit before putting the ball up and trying to shoot for the hoop, not exactly practiced with pressure as of yet so he probably shot it right at his hands because Ozzie was tall and shit.-
  14. Tsaaq: Ozzie went to slap the ball to the ground then growled loudly as he flexed his muscles. "Wooo! This is my house!" He shouted, cause Ozzie is a bro.
  16. Tsaaq: ((He doesn't have to spell just cut!))
  17. Alexithymiaa: (LMFAO)
  18. Alexithymiaa: -Adam sighed when Ozzie knocked the ball down to the ground, feeling a little defeated, but going to grab it from rolling away from them. "Yeah... uh... just like that..." He said unconvincingly, dribbling back to the court with the ball.-
  19. Tsaaq: Ozzie pounded his chest as he waited for Adam to attempt to shook again. "Come on! Lay it on me bro!"
  20. Alexithymiaa: -Adam stopped to stare at Ozzie a little confused because bro chill the fuck out. "Oh... you know this is just practice, right? I'm not very good yet, but I made the team and I want to get better as fast as possible."-
  21. Tsaaq: "Yeah but you gotta give a hundred and ten percent if you want to be good at things!" He shouted. "Shoot it bro! Shoot it!"
  22. Alexithymiaa: -He dribbled a bit more and tried to shoot from much farther back so Ozzie's being tall didnt effect him so much. Giving a little jump and a flick of his wrist, he sent the ball sailing through the air in the direction of the basket only to have it bounce off the rim. "Damn..."-
  23. Tsaaq: "Bro..." He trailed off. "I think you're getting it bro. What else do you want me to do?"
  24. Alexithymiaa: "I think I'm going to call it a night for tonight." He said to Ozzie, forcing a smile because too much broing. "I really appreciate you helping me though."-
  25. Tsaaq: "No problem." Ozzie said, patting his back. "I'll come see you at a game or something to see if I helped you get better!"
  26. Alexithymiaa: "Of course, you're always invited to come watch. That would be nice." He walked the ball over to the rack where the others were, sending Ozzie a wave. "Have a good night!" He called out to him before heading for the exit.-
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