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Nov 18th, 2019
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  1. void C_OP_RenderBlobs::Render(IMatRenderContext *param_1,CParticleCollection *param_2, Vector4D *param_3,void *param_4)
  2. {
  3. int iVar1;
  4. undefined4 uVar2;
  5. undefined4 uVar3;
  6. int iVar4;
  7. uint uVar5;
  8. void *pvVar6;
  9. undefined4 uVar7;
  10. ImpTiler *pIVar8;
  11. IMaterial *pIVar9;
  12. undefined8 *extraout_EAX;
  13. undefined8 *puVar10;
  14. int iVar11;
  15. ImpParticle *pIVar12;
  16. int iVar13;
  17. int iVar14;
  18. ImpTiler *pIStack108;
  19. int iStack100;
  20. int iStack96;
  21. int local_5c [2];
  22. ParticleRenderData_t *local_54;
  23. uint local_50;
  24. float local_4c;
  25. float local_48;
  26. float local_44;
  27. float local_40;
  28. float local_3c;
  29. float local_38;
  30. float local_34;
  31. float local_30;
  32. float local_2c;
  33. undefined4 uStack40;
  35. pIVar8 = ?getTiler@ImpTilerFactory@@QAEPAVImpTiler@@XZ(factory);
  36. if (*(char *)((int)param_4 + 8) != '\0') {
  37. SetupParticleVisibility
  38. (param_2,(CParticleVisibilityData *)param_4,(CParticleVisibilityInputs *)(this +0x58)
  39. ,(int *)((int)param_4 + 0xc),param_1);
  40. }
  41. if ((
  42. _?$S7@?4??Render@C_OP_RenderBlobs@@EBEXPAVIMatRenderContext@@PAVCParticleCollection@@ABVVector4D@@PAX@Z@4IA
  43. & 1) == 0) {
  45. _?$S7@?4??Render@C_OP_RenderBlobs@@EBEXPAVIMatRenderContext@@PAVCParticleCollection@@ABVVector4D@@PAX@Z@4IA
  46. =
  47. _?$S7@?4??Render@C_OP_RenderBlobs@@EBEXPAVIMatRenderContext@@PAVCParticleCollection@@ABVVector4D@@PAX@Z@4IA
  48. | 1;
  49. DAT_00002124 = 0;
  50. _DAT_00002128 = 0x10;
  51. _imp_particles_sa = _malloc(0x200);
  52. _atexit(`dynamic_atexit_destructor_for_'imp_particles_sa'');
  53. }
  54. ?setCubeWidth@SweepRenderer@@SAXM@Z(*(float *)(this + 0x8c));
  55. ?setRenderR@SweepRenderer@@SAXM@Z(*(float *)(this + 0x94));
  56. ?setCutoffR@SweepRenderer@@SAXM@Z(*(float *)(this + 0x90));
  57. ?setCalcSignFunc@SweepRenderer@@SAXP6A_NEEEMMMPAVProjectingParticleCache@@@Z@Z(calcSign);
  58. ?setCalcSign2Func@SweepRenderer@@SAXP6AXEEEMMMQAUCornerInfo@@PAVProjectingParticleCache@@@Z@Z
  59. (calcSign2);
  60. ?setCalcCornerFunc@SweepRenderer@@SAXHP6AXEEEMMMQAUCornerInfo@@PAVProjectingParticleCache@@@Z@Z
  61. (0x20,calcCornerNormal);
  62. ?setCalcVertexFunc@SweepRenderer@@SAXP6AXMMMHPBUCornerInfo@@0PAVIndexTriVertexBuffer@@@Z@Z
  63. (calcVertexNormalDebugColor);
  64. pIVar9 = ?GetMaterial@CParticleSystemDefinition@@QAEPAVIMaterial@@XZ
  65. (*(CParticleSystemDefinition **)(param_2 + 0x48));
  66. local_54 =
  67. ?GetRenderList@CParticleCollection@@QAEPBUParticleRenderData_t@@PAVIMatRenderContext@@_NPAHPAUCParticleVisibilityData@@@Z
  68. (param_2,param_1,false,local_5c,(CParticleVisibilityData *)param_4);
  69. iVar4 = *(int *)(param_2 + 0xe0);
  70. local_50 = *(uint *)(param_2 + 0x140) >> 2;
  71. ?GetBounds@CParticleCollection@@QAEXPAVVector@@0@Z
  72. (param_2,(Vector *)&local_34,(Vector *)&local_40);
  73. local_4c = (local_40 + local_34) * __real@3f000000;
  74. local_48 = (local_3c + local_30) * __real@3f000000;
  75. local_44 = (local_38 + local_2c) * __real@3f000000;
  76. (**(code **)(**(int **)(g_pParticleSystemMgr + 0xf0) + 100))(&local_4c);
  77. (**(code **)(*(int *)param_1 + 0x24))(pIVar9,&local_50);
  78. local_34 = 0.00000000;
  79. local_30 = 0.00000000;
  80. local_2c = 0.00000000;
  81. uStack40 = 0;
  82. ?beginFrame@ImpTiler@@QAEXAAVPoint3D@@PAX_N@Z(pIStack108,(Point3D *)&local_34,&param_1,true);
  83. while (DAT_00002124 < (int)pIVar8) {
  84. ??0ImpParticle@@QAE@XZ((ImpParticle *)&local_34);
  85. if (_DAT_00002128 <= DAT_00002124) {
  86. _DAT_00002128 = DAT_00002124 * 2 + 2;
  87. _imp_particles_sa = _realloc(_imp_particles_sa,_DAT_00002128 * 0x20);
  88. }
  89. puVar10 = (undefined8 *)(DAT_00002124 * 0x20 + (int)_imp_particles_sa);
  90. *puVar10 = *extraout_EAX;
  91. puVar10[1] = extraout_EAX[1];
  92. puVar10[2] = extraout_EAX[2];
  93. puVar10[3] = extraout_EAX[3];
  94. DAT_00002124 = DAT_00002124 + 1;
  95. }
  96. iVar13 = 0;
  97. iStack100 = 0;
  98. if (0 < (int)pIVar8) {
  99. iVar14 = iStack96 + 4;
  100. do {
  101. uVar7 = __real@3f800000;
  102. pvVar6 = _imp_particles_sa;
  103. uVar5 = *(uint *)(iVar14 + -0x10);
  104. iVar14 = iVar14 + -0x10;
  105. iVar11 = ((int)(uVar5 + ((int)uVar5 >> 0x1f & 3U)) >> 2) * local_5c[0];
  106. iVar1 = (uVar5 & 3) + iVar11 * 4;
  107. uVar2 = *(undefined4 *)(iVar4 + 0x10 + iVar1 * 4);
  108. uVar3 = *(undefined4 *)(iVar4 + ((uVar5 & 3) + 8 + iVar11 * 4) * 4);
  109. *(undefined4 *)((int)_imp_particles_sa + iVar13) = *(undefined4 *)(iVar4 + iVar1 * 4);
  110. pIVar12 = (ImpParticle *)((int)pvVar6 + iVar13);
  111. *(undefined4 *)(pIVar12 + 4) = uVar2;
  112. *(undefined4 *)(pIVar12 + 8) = uVar3;
  113. *(undefined4 *)(pIVar12 + 0x14) = uVar7;
  114. *(undefined4 *)(pIVar12 + 0x10) = uVar7;
  115. ?insertParticle@ImpTiler@@QAEXPAVImpParticle@@@Z(pIStack108,pIVar12);
  116. iStack100 = iStack100 + 1;
  117. iVar13 = iVar13 + 0x20;
  118. } while (iStack100 < (int)pIVar8);
  119. }
  120. ?drawSurface@ImpTiler@@QAEXXZ(pIStack108);
  121. ?endFrame@ImpTiler@@QAEXXZ(pIStack108);
  122. ?returnTiler@ImpTilerFactory@@QAEXPAVImpTiler@@@Z(factory,pIStack108);
  123. return;
  124. }
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