
Dash Cooks for You

Jun 6th, 2016
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  2. "Alright alright, hold on, I'm coming!"
  3. >You drop the wooden utensil in your mouth and leave your pot to stop the oven timer.
  4. >Just as you turn off the timer, you hear a loud explosion coming from the pot you just left on the range.
  5. >You turn around just in time to see the aftermath of a sauce explosion, spanning across the entire countertop.
  6. >You throw your hooves up in exasperation.
  7. "Sweet Celestia, gimme a break, would ya?"
  8. >You are the "best" chef in Equstria, Rainbow Dash.
  9. >Today is the 11 month anniversary of your and Anon's first date.
  10. >Every month, the two of you stay at home for the night, and Anon cooks a huge meal.
  11. >He's a great cook, and he knows all of your favorite foods, so he usually ends up cooking everything.
  12. >Ok fine, he ALWAYS cooks the dinner.
  13. >And cleans up afterwards.
  14. >Not this month though!
  15. >You got Fleetfoot to cover your shift for todays usual cloud clearing over Ponyville, so you've been home for about an hour.
  16. >While Anon was at work, you thought you'd surprise him by cooking tonight's dinner for a change.
  17. >The look on his face when he finds out I'm even better at cooking then he is will be priceless!
  18. >However, you forgot one tiny issue.
  19. >You have no idea how to cook anything outside of a sandwich or a protein shake.
  20. >Remembering the food, you reach into the oven and pull out a very burnt chicken breast, served with a side of char.
  21. >After you turn off the oven, you turn your attention to the sauce massacre on your counter.
  22. "How the buck does Anon do this? He makes it look so easy!"
  23. >You pull the pot of sauce off the range quickly to prevent more mess.
  24. >The pot of pasta right next to it is long past the point of boiling, and looks close to boiling over.
  25. "That means it's done, right?"
  26. >You remove it from the pot from the burner, but forget to put on your oven mitts, and burn your hoof on the hot metal.
  27. "OWW!"
  28. >In your pain, you drop the pot of water on the floor, causing it to splash everywhere.
  29. >You internally facepalm as you get some ice from the freezer for your hoof.
  30. "Come on Rainbow, you can do this. Anon can do it, and you're wayyy more awesome then he is!"
  31. >Out of pure habit, you follow up with:
  32. "No offence Anon."
  33. >As you pick up the pot from the floor (with mitts on this time), you glance up at the clock on the wall.
  34. >It reads 5:20 on the nose.
  35. "Ah buck, Anon's going to be home soon! I can't let him see this mess, or I'll never hear the end of it!"
  36. >You rush to the closet and grab the mop to clean up the water mess on the floor.
  37. >You scramble into the dining room to finish plateing dinner before moving onto the mess in the kitchen.
  38. >Just as you finish hiding the dirty towels, you can hear the front door swing open.
  39. >"Dashie, I'm home! You ready for some of my world famous cooki-"
  40. ..........
  41. >You are Anon.
  42. >You just got home from a long day at work, and are ready to start cooking dinner.
  43. >But it looks like diner's already done and the table's already set.
  44. >What the hell?
  45. >As if on cue, your favorite mare rounds the corner from the kitchen into the dining room.
  46. >"Surprise!"
  47. "Wow Dash,.... What's all this?"
  48. >She motions to the food on the table.
  49. >"I got home early, so I went ahead and made dinner! I hope you're hungry, because you're gonna want a lot of this."
  50. >After taking off your shoes, you pull out a chair and sit down at the table.
  51. "Oh, is that so?"
  52. >"You bet! I made it myself, so its gonna be awesome, right? Just try not to feel bad knowing I'm the better chef."
  53. >She flashes you a smug smile as she takes her seat across from you.
  54. >You look down at the food infront of you.
  55. >Everything on this plate looks like it just went ten rounds with a flamethrower.
  56. >You didn't even know it was possible to burn pasta.
  57. >You look up from your plate to see Dash staring at you expectantly.
  58. >Well, no backing out now.
  59. >You place the forkful in your mouth and chew.
  60. >You're pretty sure that this kind of food is what they serve to violent prisoners.
  61. >Everything is horribly burnt, and the chicken is as dry as Marco Rubios mouth.
  62. >As you swallow you first bite with a loud gulp, Dash is still staring at you intensely.
  63. >"Well? How was it? Pretty great, huh?"
  64. >As "non-positive" your actual feelings are, you could never even imagine saying anything to hurt Rainbows feelings.
  65. "Damn, this is delicious Dash. Who know how great of a cook you were?"
  66. >You eat another mouthful, backing up your statement.
  67. >Dash beams at your complement, her entire face lighting up and splitting with a huge smile.
  68. >She grabs a mouthful of the food on her fork.
  69. >"Well, I can't say I'm surprised. Im awesome at everything else, so why not cooking?"
  70. >You chuckle at her boastfulness as she puts the food in her mouth.
  71. >After holding it in her mouth for a while, she instantly spits it back out on her plate, and her entire face shrivels up.
  72. >Doing your best to stifle a giggle, you down another mouthful.
  73. "What's wrong Dash?"
  74. >Not wanting to admit her minimal culinary skills, she quickly makes something up.
  75. >"N-nothing, I'm just..... Not in the mood for chicken! Yea, that's it."
  76. >You put your fork back down on the plate and smile at her.
  77. "Well, do you want me to cook you something else then?"
  78. >"You could do that, or..... We could order a pizza."
  79. >She has an almost pleading smile on her face, which is way to cute to resist.
  80. "Alright, but I expect to be repayed in full with cuddles."
  81. >The usual pinkish hue creeps its way back onto her face and she crosses her forelegs.
  82. >"Fine, deal. But I get to pick the toppings!"
  83. >Dash stands from the table and starts clearing it while you contact the pizza place.
  84. >Just as you go to place your order, you're caught off guard by a hug.
  85. >You look down to see Rainbow around your chest, looking up at you with two adorable eyes.
  86. >"Thanks for not making fun of the food Nonny. I guess I'm not a very good chef, huh?"
  87. >You return the warm embrace, wrapping your long arms around her, holding her tight.
  88. "If you made it Dash, then I think it was great, no matter what."
  89. >She nuzzles your chest slightly with her chin.
  90. >"Happy 11th anniversary Anon, I love you."
  91. "Happy 11th Dash, I love you too."
  92. >Almost instantaneously, she puts back on her usual attitude after breaking the embrace.
  93. >"You know, I think I might just stick around for another month."
  94. "Is that right?"
  95. >She gives you a light tap on the shoulder.
  96. >"Well yea, so long as I'm getting free pizza out of it."
  97. FIN
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