
New Daring Doo book

May 17th, 2016
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  1. >*Yawn* "You coming Anon? You're cutting into our reading time, slowpoke."
  2. "I'm coming, hold on a sec."
  3. >You strip off your jeans, exit the bathroom, and head to the bedroom.
  4. >Dash sure did love her reading time, so she was always in a bit of a rush to get to it.
  5. >You felt honored that she included you on such a sacred ritual of hers.
  6. >You enter the room, apparently much too slow for Rainbow Dash.
  7. >She's already in her pajamas, and Tank is in his matching pair.
  8. >The book of choice is already laying on the bed.
  9. "Come on Dash, Daring Doo and the Ring of Destiny again?"
  10. >"What? It's got the two most awesome ponies to ever live in it, Daring Doo and....?"
  11. >She motions for you to complete the sentence.
  12. "And Rainb-"
  13. >"Rainbow Dash! What's not to like?"
  14. "Only that we've read it a thousand times already."
  15. >You lift the covers and hop into bed, careful not to lay on Tank.
  16. >Not that you'd hurt him, but he'd probably break your back if you did.
  17. >You lift your arm, and place it back down as soon as Dash is snuggled up against your chest.
  18. >"But awesomeness doesn't expire, so unless you have a better idea, get reading slowpoke!"
  19. >Actually you do. A really good one.
  20. "I thought that instead of reading that, we could read something else."
  21. >Noting Dash's puzzled look, you lean over and reach under the bed.
  22. >Finding it's prize, tour hand takes hold of the object and brings it up.
  23. "I thought we could read this instead."
  24. >"Anon, is that...?"
  25. "You bet it is."
  26. >The rainbow mare springs from the bed, frantically running in place.
  28. >You've got the smuggest look ever on your face.
  29. "Yes it is, first of it kind."
  30. >"HOW DID YOU GET THAT? It's not coming out for another month!"
  31. "The publisher owed me a favor, and they have a bunch ready now, just waiting to ship. So he gave me one."
  32. >Rainbow wraps you up in a huge hug, catching you completely off guard.
  33. >She breaks away and gives you a quick peck on the lips.
  34. >This much affection is rare from her, so you've learned to cherish it.
  35. >"Thanks Anon, this is so awesome!"
  36. "Come on Dash, let's crack into it."
  37. >She settles back into her usual place under your arm, while Tank crawls his way back onto her side.
  38. >You crack open the book, and after a brief pause, you begin.
  39. >She has a huge grin the whole time and at times of action, she even kicks her legs in excitement.
  40. >You reach a place that seems fit to stop.
  41. >Closing the book earns you a huge groan from Dash
  42. >"Come on Nonny, if we don't find out how she gets out of that alligators stomach, I think I'll explode!"
  43. "Sorry Dash, but it's getting really late."
  44. >She gives you the saddest look she can muster.
  45. >"Come on Anon, don't be lame. Just one more chapter?"
  46. >Fuck, you hate to see her sad.
  47. >She looked just as sad as she did the last 17 times she asked for "just one more chapter".
  48. "Alright Dash, one more chapter."
  49. >"Yes!"
  52. FIN
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