

Aug 9th, 2017
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  1. hi every1 im new here in my garage with my new :sparkles:LAMBORGHINI:race_car:!!!!!!! holds up:arrow_up:️ spork:fork_and_knife: What the :eggplant:fuck:peach: did you just :point_right:�:ok_hand:fucking say about me, you little:ok_hand::ok_hand: good shit you little good shit you little :ok_hand::ok_hand: good shit? shut you the FUCK UP F*GGOT:x: teleports around and shoots beams at you:gun::space_invader: I’ll have you know I :mortar_board:graduated:mortar_board: :top: of my class in the :whale:Navy Seals:whale::anchor:️:anchor:️, and I’ve been involved in numerous:1234: :speak_no_evil:secret:mag_right: :fire:RAIDS:boom: on :bomb:Al-Quaeda:man_with_turban::skin-tone-3:, and I have over :three::100: confirmed :blue_book::green_book:bookshelves:books:. thats :heavy_check_mark:️ some impressive:ok_hand::ok_hand:shit right:ok_hand::ok_hand:th :ok_hand: ere:ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand: right:heavy_check_mark:️there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) isn't it? has anyone really been far:milky_way: even as decided :v::skin-tone-1: use even go want to do look more like:heavy_check_mark:️up :point_right:here:point_left: in :clapper:the :stars:HOLLYWOOD:film_frames::movie_camera:HILLS:mountain:? I am trained:muscle::skin-tone-1: in gorilla:see_no_evil: warfare and I’m the :top::gun:sniper:telescope: in the entire :clapper:HOLLYWOOD:city_dusk:HILLS:mountain::flag_us: armed:muscle::skin-tone-1:forces. my name is katy:girl::skin-tone-1: but u can call me :penguin::skull::penguin:t3h PeNgU1N oF T41 LoP3Z:penguin::skull::penguin::bangbang:️:bangbang:️:bangbang:️:one::bangbang:️:bangbang:️ lol…as u can see im very :game_die:randomaterialistic:dollar::sunglasses::thumbup::skin-tone-1::star_of_david::exclamation:️:exclamation:️ You are :no_entry_sign:NOTHING:no_entry_sign: to me but just another fuel:fuelpump:️unit target:dart::point_left:you. I will wipe you the fuck out:heavy_check_mark:️ with KNOWLEDGE:mortar_board::nerd::money_mouth: the :thumbup::skin-tone-1:likes:thumbup::skin-tone-1: of which has never been :eyes:seen b:four: on this :earth_asia:Earth:earth_americas:, mark my :point_right::ok_hand::eggplant:fucking:peach: w:new_moon_with_face:rds. You think you can get away with saying that good:heavy_check_mark:️shit:poop::ok_hand: :two: me over the Internet? Think:bow::skin-tone-1: again, fucker:point_right::ok_hand:. You! kicks you from behind:athletic_shoe::boom: Are! teleports:sparkles::alien: in front of you and uppercuts you into the air Just! flies into the air with flaming spiral uppercut A STUPID TROLL!:japanese_ogre::imp: As we speak:lips: I am contacting my :speak_no_evil:SECRET:speak_no_evil: network of :five:MENTORS across the USA:flag_us: and your IP is being traced:microscope: right now so you better prepare 4 the :cloud:️storm:zap:️, maggot:bug:. The :cloud:️storm:zap:️ that wipes:raised_hands: out the pathetic little thing you call your life:bug::fire::fire:.
  2. You’re fucking dead:skull:, kid. thats why i came here, 2kill random ppl on the internetz:computer::fax: … im :one::three: years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) I can be anywhere:earth_africa:, anytime:hourglass_flowing_sand::hourglass:️, and I can kill you in over seven:100:ways, and that’s just with my :bear:bare:bear: hands:raised_hands:. i like 2 watch invader:space_invader:zim:alien: w/ my lamborghini:information_desk_person: (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it:rainbow::couple_ww::couple_ww::couple_ww:) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO FUN TO DRIVE UP HERE IN THE HOLLYWOOD HILLS!!!! shes random:game_die::two: of course but i want :v::skin-tone-1: meet more random ppl:two_men_holding_hands::two_women_holding_hands::couple::couple::two_women_holding_hands::two_men_holding_hands: =) like they say the more the merrier:joy:!!!! hits you with flame:fire::punch::skin-tone-1: uppercut and grabs your head:sunglasses: and throws you down to the ground NOW DIE FAG:ghost:!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^ hehe…toodles!!!!! Garfield:kissing_cat: leans towards Jon.:kissing_heart: Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed:no_entry:️:muscle::skin-tone-1: combat, but I have :credit_card:access:bookmark::key: to the entire arsenal:scissors:️:gun::smoking::bomb::hammer::knife::airplane:️:helicopter: of the United States :flag_us:Marine:anchor:️ Corps:dolphin::whale::whale2::fish::tropical_fish: and I will use it to its full:open_hands::skin-tone-1: extent to wipe your miserable as:peach:s off the face of the continent:earth_africa::heavy_check_mark:️, you little good shit:ok_hand::ok_hand:. Jon slowly sticks his hand into the :spaghetti:pasta:ramen: dish. As he lifts his warm hand out of the lasaga:spaghetti:, he holds a large clump of pasta:spaghetti:, sauce:spaghetti: and cheese:pizza:. He slowly brings the lasaga:spaghetti::spaghetti: towards Garfield's:heart_eyes_cat::tongue: mouth who ate all the lasaga:spaghetti:. If only you could have known:mortar_board::heavy_check_mark:️ what unholy:raised_hands::skin-tone-1: retribution your little “clever:page_with_curl:” commen:pencil:t was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking :eggplant::sweat_drops:tongue:tongue:. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re :heavy_check_mark:️paying the price:heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign:, you goddamn:triumph: idiot. crashes into you with meteor:dizzy::boom: slam attack and kills you:knife: heh... another :four:channer:four_leaf_clover: falls to me. I will shit:poop:bookshelves:blue_book: all over yo:100:u and you will drown:ocean::scream::ocean: in it.
  3. You’re fucking dead:skull:, kidd:cry:o. "i ate those food:sushi::fried_shrimp::spaghetti::fries::lollipop::chocolate_bar::bento::eggplant:" Garfield replies. Jon then inserts the lasaga into Garfield's mouth:kiss: and proceeds to eat the rest of the stray lasaga:spaghetti: in his hand.:wave: "this lasaga:spaghetti: is great, Jon." Garfield:smirk_cat: says. Time for something a little different :heavy_check_mark:️:heavy_check_mark:️if i do ƽaү so my self :100: i say so :100: thats what im talking about ri:heavy_check_mark:️ght there Jon grabs another glob of lasaga:spaghetti:. He reaches behind Garfield and slowly inserts the fuel unit:spaghetti::spaghetti: into his anus:peach:. "do you like that you big fat cat?:smirk_cat:" Jon questions. Garfield pu:smirk_cat:rrs with joy. "thank you Jon for this wonderful time" :spaghetti::spaghetti::spaghetti::spaghetti:Garfield says. At the entrance of the door to the kitchen, :dog:a silhouette of a :dog2:dog appears. A quiet mumble is heard but inaudible for the man and feline to hear. "bOrf":tongue: the dog mumbled.:dog2: mMMMMᎷМ:100: :ok_hand::ok_hand: :ok_hand:НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ:ok_hand: :ok_hand::ok_hand: :ok_hand: :100: :ok_hand: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :ok_hand::ok_hand:love:heart:️ and waffles and CUMMIES:sweat_drops: you little goo:100:d shit:ok_hand:,:penguin:t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m:penguin: Psssh, :x::x::x:notting personnel, kid:information_desk_person::smoking: teleports away
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