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- .data
- .balign 4
- string1: .asciz "\n l= %d,r=%d"
- .balign 4
- string2: .asciz "\n A= %d"
- .balign 4
- A: .skip 512 @128*4
- .balign 4
- B: .skip 512 @128*4
- .balign 4
- C: .skip 512 @128*4
- .balign 4
- N: .word 128
- .text
- .balign 4
- .global main
- .extern printf
- .extern rand
- @mergeSort(int arr[], int l, int r)
- mergeSort: push {r0,r1,r2,LR}
- @ {
- push {r0,r1,r2}
- ldr r0,=string2
- bl printf
- pop {r0,r1,r2}
- @ if (l < r)
- cmp r1,r2
- bge mergeSortEnd
- @ {
- @ // Same as (l+r)/2, but avoids overflow for
- @ // large l and h
- push {r1,r2} @ save L and R
- @ int m = l+(r-l)/2;
- sub r2,r2,r1 @ This was a bug (was a 1) int the morning and afternoon versions
- lsr r2,r2,#1
- add r2,r2,r1
- push {r2} @ save m
- @ // Sort first and second halves
- @ mergeSort(arr, l, m); // Remember l is R1, R2 is r=m
- bl mergeSort
- pop {r3} @ put m into r3
- pop {r1,r2} @restored l and r
- push {r1,r2}
- push {r3}
- add r1,r3,#1
- @ mergeSort(arr, m+1, r);
- bl mergeSort
- pop {r3}
- pop {r1,r2}
- @ // Not doing the merge step for now
- @ // merge(arr, l, m, r);
- @ >>>>> Note the formal params are r0=arr,r1=l,r3=m,r2=r <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- @ }
- mergeSortEnd: pop {r0,r1,r2,PC} @ notice put LR into PC to force return
- @}
- @-------------- MERGE CODE START ------------------------
- @ This line will be copied and paste around the merge function so I do not have to scroll up and down consistantly when writting the code
- @r1 -> 'l' | r2 -> 'r' | r3 -> 'm' | r4 -> 'i'; | r5 -> 'j' | r6 -> 'k' | r7 -> 'n1' | r8 -> 'n2' | r9 -> Array B [L] | r10 -> Array C [R] | r11 -> No use| r12 -> No use
- @----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- merge:
- @ void merge(int arr[], int l, int m, int r)
- @{
- @ int i, j, k;
- mov r4, #0 @ initilizing 'i'
- @ int n1 = m - l + 1;
- mov r7, #0 @ initializing 'r1'
- add r7, r3 @ r3 is 'm'. I added 'm' to n1 first as that way I don't have to push/pop 'm'
- sub r7, r7, r1 @ We are taking l away from m.
- add r7, r7, #1 @ Just adding 1 to the n1
- @ int n2 = r - m;
- mov r8, #0
- add r8, r8, r1 @ Adding r to n2 for the same resason I did m into n1. Doing it this way avoids having to push/pop uncessessarily
- sub r8, r8, r3 @ Just taking m away from r (essentially n2 at this point)
- @^-- Do to the multiple times i've written this code and not knowing where it crashes, i'm going to be making comments periodicaly that will let me know,
- @ the chunk of code up to this point work. This will help when debugging as I know where the last section of working code is.
- @ -----------------------------------------------
- @ /* create temp arrays */
- @ int L[n1], R[n2];
- @ L[n1] will be array B
- @ R[n2] will be array C
- @ /* Copy data to temp arrays L[] and R[] */
- @ for (i = 0; i < n1; i++)
- @ This line will be copied and paste around the merge function so I do not have to scroll up and down consistantly when writting the code
- @r1 -> 'l' | r2 -> 'r' | r3 -> 'm' | r4 -> 'i'; | r5 -> 'j' | r6 -> 'k' | r7 -> 'n1' | r8 -> 'n2' | r9 -> Array B [L] | r10 -> Array C [R] | r11 -> No use| r12 -> No use
- @----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @ This is the for loop that iterates through and does the proper data assignments for L[n1], hence it's name 'forLoopL'
- @ For L[n1] I am going to use r4 for indexing and r11 as the index element. I must remember to push/pop after I'm done
- mov r11, #0
- mov r12, #0
- @ I have set those registers outside of the for loop as it will conistently be reset to 0 each time the for loop iteration
- @ L[i] = arr[l + i];
- @forLoopL is L[i] = arr[l + i]
- forLoopL:
- cmp r4, r7 @ checks to see if we have finished out iteration
- bge forLoopLEnd @ Leave the for loop if we are doen iterating
- ldr r9, =B @ Load L[i]
- lsl r11, r4, #2 @ Gets our indexed value offset (i * 4)
- add r11, r9, r11 @ This is the L[i] part of the array. Remember that the array has 128 elements, where each element is 4 bytes long. Thus, we are adding i to our current
- @ spot in the array.
- str r11, [r11] @ Stores the value of the of our indexed element.
- @^---L[i]
- ldr r0, =A @ Arr load
- lsl r12, r4, #2 @ Gets our index value offset (i * 4) : I'm doing this again as this element was never added to a register and left untouched.
- add r12, r12, R1 @ We want our value that is at l + i, not just i. Which is why this extra step is done here and not with L[i]
- add r12, r0, r12 @ Getting the memory address in r0 of our desired element
- str r12, [r12] @ Storing the value of our indexed value.
- str r12, [r11] @ Setting L[i] to equal arr[l + i]
- add r4, r4, #1 @ i++
- forLoopLEnd:
- @ -----------------------------------------------
- @ This line will be copied and paste around the merge function so I do not have to scroll up and down consistantly when writting the code
- @r1 -> 'l' | r2 -> 'r' | r3 -> 'm' | r4 -> 'i'; | r5 -> 'j' | r6 -> 'k' | r7 -> 'n1' | r8 -> 'n2' | r9 -> Array B [L] | r10 -> Array C [R] | r11 -> No use| r12 -> No use
- @----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- mov r11, #0
- mov r12, #0
- @ I'm going to use these for the j for loop. The reason I didn't push them to the stack is because I do not need to save their values. I want to overwrite them.
- @ j was set to 0 earlier in the code.
- @ for (j = 0; j < n2; j++)
- @ R[j] = arr[m + 1+ j];
- forLoopJ:
- cmp r5, r8
- bge forLoopJEnd
- ldr r10, =C
- lsl r11, r5, #2 @ J * 4 indexed element.
- add r11, r10, r11 @ Get the memeory address of our indexed element
- str r11, [r11] @ stores our value into r11
- @ ^-- This is R[j]
- ldr r0, =A
- lsl r12, r8, #2 @ indexed element position in array
- add r12, r12, r3 @ adding m to it
- add r12, r12, #1 @ adding 1 to it
- add r12, r0, r12
- str r12, [r12]
- str r12, [r11]
- add r8, r8, #1
- forLoopJEnd:
- @ ----
- @ This line will be copied and paste around the merge function so I do not have to scroll up and down consistantly when writting the code
- @r1 -> 'l' | r2 -> 'r' | r3 -> 'm' | r4 -> 'i'; | r5 -> 'j' | r6 -> 'k' | r7 -> 'n1' | r8 -> 'n2' | r9 -> Array B [L] | r10 -> Array C [R] | r11 -> No use| r12 -> No use
- @----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @ /* Merge the temp arrays back into arr[l..r]*/
- @ i = 0; // Initial index of first subarray
- mov r4, #0
- @ j = 0; // Initial index of second subarray
- mov r5, #0
- @ k = l; // Initial index of merged subarray
- mov r6, #0
- add r6, r6, r1 @ After this I am going to pop r1. But before I did, I wanted to make sure I used it for k, which I did.
- mov r11, #0 @ This will be used for L[i]
- mov r12, #0 @ This will be used for R[j]
- push {r1} @ I am going to a register for the while loops. I don't have a spare free one so I chose r1. I need to pop it from the stack after I am done using it though.
- @ r1 -> arr[k]
- @ I didn't push these to the stack before setting them to 0 as I do not need the contents later on.
- @ while (i < n1 && j < n2)
- whileLoop1:
- cmp r4, r7 @ i < n1
- bge whileLoop1End
- cmp r5, r8 @ j < n2
- bge whileLoop1End
- @ {
- @
- @
- @ k++;
- @ }
- whileLoop1End:
- bl whileLoop2 @ Branch to whileLoop2 and not run the if statements once whileLoop1 is complete
- ifStatement:
- @ This line will be copied and paste around the merge function so I do not have to scroll up and down consistantly when writting the code
- @r1 -> 'l' | r2 -> 'r' | r3 -> 'm' | r4 -> 'i'; | r5 -> 'j' | r6 -> 'k' | r7 -> 'n1' | r8 -> 'n2' | r9 -> Array B [L] | r10 -> Array C [R] | r11 -> No use| r12 -> No use
- @----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @if (L[i] <= R[j])
- @ {
- @ arr[k] = L[i];
- @ i++;
- @ }
- @ This code is from an earlier point in the code. There was no point in retyping what I already had so I copied it down.
- ldr r9, =B @ Load L[i]
- lsl r11, r4, #2 @ Gets our indexed value offset (i * 4)
- add r11, r9, r11 @ This is the L[i] part of the array. Remember that the array has 128 elements, where each element is 4 bytes long. Thus, we are adding i to our current
- @ spot in the array.
- str r11, [r11]
- @^--- L[i]
- ldr r10, =C
- lsl r12, r5, #2 @ J * 4 indexed element.
- add r12, r10, r12 @ Get the memeory address of our indexed element
- str r12, [r12] @ stores our value into r11
- @^--- R[j]
- cmp r11, r12
- bgt elseStatement
- ldr r0, =A
- lsl r1, r6, #2 @ indexed element position in array
- add r1, r0, r1
- str r1, [r1]
- str r11, [r1]
- add r4, r4, #1 @ i++
- add r6, r6, #1 @ k++ | This is done after the forloop has been run. It DOES NOT matter if it was the main for loop, or the else statement. So I am adding it here
- @ and will add it to the else statement as well.
- bl whileLoop1 @ return back to the while loop
- elseStatement:
- @ This line will be copied and paste around the merge function so I do not have to scroll up and down consistantly when writting the code
- @r1 -> 'l' | r2 -> 'r' | r3 -> 'm' | r4 -> 'i'; | r5 -> 'j' | r6 -> 'k' | r7 -> 'n1' | r8 -> 'n2' | r9 -> Array B [L] | r10 -> Array C [R] | r11 -> No use| r12 -> No use
- @----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @else
- @ {
- @ arr[k] = R[j];
- @ j++;
- @ }
- ldr r0, =A
- lsl r1, r6, #2 @ indexed element position in array
- add r1, r0, r1
- str r1, [r1]
- @^--- arr[k]
- str r12, [r1] @ The reason why the array for j is not in else, is because it runs before the else statement has been reached, thus already in memeory.
- @ remaking it would not make much sense.
- add r5, r5, #1 @ j++
- add r6, r5, #1 @ k++
- bl whileLoop1
- @ ----
- @ This line will be copied and paste around the merge function so I do not have to scroll up and down consistantly when writting the code
- @r1 -> 'l' | r2 -> 'r' | r3 -> 'm' | r4 -> 'i'; | r5 -> 'j' | r6 -> 'k' | r7 -> 'n1' | r8 -> 'n2' | r9 -> Array B [L] | r10 -> Array C [R] | r11 -> No use| r12 -> No use
- @----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @ From this point on, most of the code has been copied from earlier spots in this code file.
- whileLoop2:
- @ /* Copy the remaining elements of L[], if there
- @ are any */
- @ while (i < n1)
- @ {
- @ arr[k] = L[i];
- @ i++;
- @ k++;
- @ }
- cmp r4, r7
- bge whileLoop2End
- ldr r9, =B @ Load L[i]
- lsl r11, r4, #2 @ Gets our indexed value offset (i * 4)
- add r11, r9, r11 @ This is the L[i] part of the array. Remember that the array has 128 elements, where each element is 4 bytes long. Thus, we are adding i to our current
- @ spot in the array.
- str r11, [r11]
- @^---- L[i]
- ldr r0, =A
- lsl r1, r6, #2 @ indexed element position in array
- add r1, r0, r1
- str r1, [r1]
- @^--- arr[k]
- add r4, r4, #1
- add r6, r6, #1
- bl whileLoop2
- str r11, [r1]
- whileLoop2End:
- whileLoop3:
- @ /* Copy the remaining elements of R[], if there
- @ are any */
- @ while (j < n2)
- @ {
- @ arr[k] = R[j];
- @ j++;
- @ k++;
- @ }
- ldr r10, =C
- lsl r12, r5, #2 @ J * 4 indexed element.
- add r12, r10, r12 @ Get the memeory address of our indexed element
- str r12, [r12] @ stores our value into r11
- @^--- R[j]
- ldr r0, =A
- lsl r1, r6, #2 @ indexed element position in array
- add r1, r0, r1
- str r1, [r1]
- @^--- arr[k]
- str r12, [r1]
- add r5, r5, #1
- add r6, r6, #1
- bl whileLoop3
- @}
- whileLoop3End:
- pop {r1} @ at this point, I am done with the merge function and and returning to the mergeSort code
- @bl mergeSort
- @-------------- MERGE CODE END --------------------------
- @ ----
- main:
- push {ip,lr} @ This is needed to return to the Operating System
- @ldr r0,=A
- @mov r1,#0
- @ldr r2,=N
- @ldr r2,[r2]
- @bl mergeSort
- @ This part of the code was copied from OuterLoopWithMerge.s file as it prints out to the screen
- mov r5,#0 @ Print out the array
- ldr r4,=A
- printArray:
- ldr r0,=N
- ldr r0,[r0]
- cmp r5, r0
- beq printArrayEnd
- ldr r0,=string2 @ string2 is a data I created to better display the output
- mov r1,r5
- ldr r2,[r4],#4
- bl printf
- add r5, r5, #1
- bl printArray /* Go to the beginning of the loop */
- printArrayEnd:
- @bl mergeSort
- mov r0,#0
- pop {ip, pc} @ This is the return to the operating system
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