
Jolixia, the Satyr Troubador [WIP]

Apr 7th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Jolixia, the Satyr Troubador
  3. Intelligence Ranged
  5. Support Disabler
  7. # Appearance
  9. [Concept Art by Drew Wolf](
  11. # Overview
  13. Q: Ballad
  14. Performs a sentimental song that overwhelms heroes in the target area with emotion, disarming enemies, dealing damage per second and slowing their cooldowns for a duration while granting increased mana regeneration to allies in the area.
  16. W: Staccato
  17. Strikes three powerful notes, damaging enemies, slowing them and reducing their status resistance for a duration with each note.
  19. E: Harmonize
  20. Every 3 seconds your next attack places the Harmonize debuff on the target enemy, creating a musical note that heals the nearest ally and recovers 1.5 seconds of their most recently cast spell's cooldown. Each allied hero can attack the Harmonized target once every 3 seconds to increment their Harmonize stacks, and at 4 stacks the Harmonized enemy releases a musical chord that damage all nearby enemies as well as a quadruple-strength musical note towards the nearest allied hero.
  22. R: Rhapsody
  23. Unleashes an enrapturing melody that massively increases the damage dealt by allies in a large radius around Jolixia as long as she remains channeling.
  25. Shard: (new ability) D: Crescendo
  26. Places a buff on the target ally that increases the radius of their next spell cast by 50%, up to a maximimum of 300 units (does not effect items).
  28. Scepter: Rhapsody & Harmonize
  29. Rhapsody now applies Harmonize to a random enemy in range once per second while channeling. When triggering a chord, creates a musical note targeting every ally who participated in the chord, rather than just the nearest ally, and which reduces all of that ally's cooldowns, instead of just their most recently cast spell.
  31. # Attributes
  33. Str: 18 + 2.1
  34. Agi: 18 + 2.6
  35. Int: 23 + 3.5
  37. Attack Range: 525
  38. Movement Speed: 310
  40. Base Damage: 23-27
  41. Base Armor: -2
  42. Base Mana Regen: 0.4
  44. # Talents
  46. Lvl 10: +40% Ballad Increased Mana Regen
  47. Lvl 10: +200 Health
  48. Lvl 15: Move During Rhapsody
  49. Lvl 15: Harmonize Chord 2s Silence
  50. Lvl 20: Rhapsody 20% Ally Damage Reduction
  51. Lvl 20: -5s Staccato Cooldown
  52. Lvl 25: Ballad Pierces Spell Immunity
  53. Lvl 25: -3s Harmonize Cooldown
  55. # Abilities
  57. Q: BALLAD target point, magical
  58. Performs a sentimental song that overwhelms heroes in the target area with emotion, disarming enemies, dealing damage per second and slowing their cooldowns for a duration while granting increased mana regeneration to allies in the area.
  59. Cast Range: 500
  60. Radius: 400/450/500/550
  61. Duration: 4/5/6/7s
  62. Cooldown Rate Reduction: 80%
  63. Damage per Second: 30/35/40/45
  64. Ally Increased Mana Regen: 50/60/70/80% (talent: 90/100/110/120%)
  65. <cd> 16/15/14/13s <mana> 110/130/150/170
  66. * Ballad places a debuff that lasts for the duration of its ground effect on the enemy when they enter, meaning that negative status resistance/debuff duration increases can extend the duration of Ballad's disarm and cooldown rate reduction.
  68. W: STACCATO no target, magical
  69. Strikes three powerful notes, damaging enemies, slowing them and reducing their status resistance for a duration with each note.
  70. Number of Notes: 3
  71. Note Interval: 1s
  72. First Note Radius: 320
  73. Second Note Radius: 360
  74. Third Note Radius: 400
  75. Damage per Note: 40/70/100/130
  76. Slow per Note: 9/12/15/18%
  77. Status Resistance per Note: -12/16/20/24%
  78. Debuff Duration: 4s
  79. <cd> 12s (talent: 7s) <mana> 75/90/105/120
  81. E: HARMONIZE passive, magical
  82. Every 3 seconds your next attack places the Harmonize debuff on the target enemy, creating a musical note that heals the nearest ally and recovers 1.5 seconds of their most recently cast spell's cooldown. Each allied hero can attack the Harmonized target once every 3 seconds to increment their Harmonize stacks, and at 4 stacks the Harmonized enemy releases a musical chord that damage all nearby enemies as well as a quadruple-strength musical note towards the nearest allied hero.
  83. Max Number of Notes: 1 (Scepter: 5)
  84. Note Search Radius: 600
  85. Ally Note Healing: 15/25/35/45
  86. Ally Note Cooldown Reduced: 1.5s
  87. Chord Radius: 600
  88. Chord Damage: 60/100/140/180
  89. Chord Silence Duration: 0s (talent: 2s)
  90. Ally Chord Healing: 60/100/140/180
  91. Ally Chord Cooldown Reduced: 6s
  92. <cd> 3s (talent: 0s)
  93. Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade: When triggering a chord, creates a musical note targeting every ally who participated in the chord, rather than just the nearest ally, and which reduces all of that ally's cooldowns, instead of just their most recently cast spell.
  94. * Only one enemy can be Harmonized at a time, and the Chord counter stack is visible over their head to both teams.
  95. * Examples: Alone, Jolixia can trigger a Chord every 12s by attacking that enemy every 3s. With four allied heroes attacking a single enemy, so long as Jolixia attacks first to place the Harmonize debuff, they can trigger a Chord every 3 seconds.
  96. * Harmonize expires after 6 seconds without being attacked.
  97. * With the level 25 -3s Harmonize Cooldown talent, only Jolixia herself gains the reduced cooldown for applying Harmonize, meaning that allies can still only increment each Harmonized enemy once per 3s.
  98. * The musical notes Jolixia creates will only target herself if she is the closest ally in range (excluding those created with Aghs Scepter chords).
  100. R: RHAPSODY ultimate, no target, channeling
  101. Unleashes an enrapturing melody that massively increases the damage dealt by allies in a large radius around Jolixia as long as she remains channeling.
  102. Radius: 500/700/900
  103. Ally Increased Damage Dealt: 40/50/60%
  104. Ally Incoming Damage Reduction: 0 (talent: 20%)
  105. Harmonize Applied to Enemies per Second: 0 (scepter: 1)
  106. <cd> 50/40/30s <mana> 180/210/240
  107. Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade: Rhapsody now applies Harmonize to a random enemy in range once per second while channeling.
  108. * With Aghanim's Scepter, prioritizes enemy heroes when choosing targets but is otherwise random. Harmonize stacks cast this way do not apply to the 1 enemy hero limit for Harmonizes applied by Jolixia's right-clicks.
  109. * Cooldown begins after the channeling ends.
  111. D: CRESCENDO target ally
  112. (Unlocked with Aghanim's Shard)
  113. Places a buff on the target ally that increases the radius of their next spell cast by 50%, up to a maximimum of 300 units (does not effect items).
  114. Cast Range: 700
  115. Increased Cast Radius: 50%
  116. Maximum Cast Radius Increase: 300
  117. Buff Duration: 20s
  118. <cd> 30s <mana> 125
  121. -----
  123. # Changelog
  125. -----
  127. # 0.4.0 – April 2023
  129. * Harmonize reworked: previously only Jolixia could incremenet Harmonize, now allied heroes can add a stack once per 3s each, with 1 max harmonized enemy at a time.
  131. * Reduce Harmonize Ally Note Healing from 15/35/55/75 to 15/25/35/45, Ally Chord Healing from 60/140/220/300 to 60/100/140/180, and Chord Damage from 75/125/175/225 to 60/100/140/180
  133. * Increased Rhapsody manacost from 180/200/220 to 180/210/240
  135. * New Aghanim's Scepter upgrade: Rhapsody now applies Harmonize to a random enemy in range once per second while channeling. When triggering a chord, creates a musical note targeting every ally who participated in the chord, rather than just the nearest ally, and which reduces all of that ally's cooldowns, instead of just their most recently cast spell.
  137. * Reduced level 20 Rhapsody 30% Ally Damage Reduction to 20%
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