
Sovereign Claim 2

Sep 4th, 2017
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  1. >The air is crisp and cold on this breezy day.
  2. >Bright sunlight warms where it touches but does little more than remind you of the days of summer that you had missed.
  3. >In many ways it is like the day that you had returned to your kingdom.
  4. >But now that the celebrations have ended, and the tears of joy have dried, there are duties to be fulfilled.
  5. >Promises to be kept.
  6. >Far from the busy streets of the Crystal Empire, you climb the stout hill where a single tree stands.
  7. >Two changelings, one female and one male, wait for you there.
  8. >They're unlike the others in both hue and temperament.
  9. >But they have done well to fit into this world that is not their own.
  10. >They've already dug the hole.
  11. >It's small and shallow but it will do fine.
  12. >Kneeling before the hole you look to one then the other of your adopted children.
  13. “It's a nice spot. Do you think she would have liked it?”
  14. >Your daughter struggles to contain her sadness as your son does his best to comfort her.
  15. >”I think she would love it. It's… peaceful.” he answers.
  16. >You take a deep breath and reach into your coat.
  17. >She has served you well over the months.
  18. >She had saved the three of you more times than you could count.
  19. >But now it is time for her to find rest.
  20. >You look down at the jagged dagger in your hand.
  21. >A tightly wound strip of cloth serves as a handle for the makeshift blade of a changeling queen’s horn.
  22. >Carefully, you begin unwrapping the blood and dirt stained cloth.
  23. >You can hear the sorrow of your two children as they lay eyes on the last remains of their mother.
  24. “I'm sorry that I couldn't do more.”
  25. >”You've done more than anyone else could.” the changeling girl says softly.
  26. >”More than we could have asked.”
  27. >The dirty strip of cloth escapes into the wind as you consider the remains and the shallow grave before you.
  28. “I still wish it was more.”
  29. >The low howl of the wind punctuates the drawn out silence.
  30. >You fight back the lump in your throat as you see the tears in their eyes.
  31. >What more can be said.
  32. >All of the wishing in the world can't bring her back.
  33. >And in the end, you really were too late to do anything to save her.
  34. >You try to ignore the burning in your shoulder.
  35. >The scar, a blackened mark laced with the magic given by a changeling queen, will always serve as a reminder.
  36. >It is also the reason why her children will never abandon you.
  37. >Of course, sooner or later you would have to explain it.
  38. >Chrysalis had noticed the mark and while she didn't ask, you could see her curious eyes linger on it.
  39. >”F-Father?” a small voice breaks the silence. “What's going on?”
  40. >You turn to find Amethyst standing a short distance behind you wearing a concerned expression.
  41. >The male changeling moves to intercept her flaring his wings out in a show of force.
  42. >”Get out of here!” he barks, “This is private! You have no…”
  43. >“Vis!” his sister hisses before you can even react.
  44. >She struggles to wipe away her tears as she scolds her brother.
  45. >”We're family now. She has every right to be here with us.”
  46. >Vis hesitates for a moment, staring Amethyst down as he considers his sister’s words.
  47. >He gives you a glance before relenting with a small grumble. “Sorry, Lene.”
  48. >”You should apologize to her.”, Lene says.
  49. >”N-no… It's alright.” Amethyst says quickly.
  50. >She looks ready to turn and leave when you speak up.
  51. “Please, Liss…”
  52. >You mentally scold yourself for calling her by her old name.
  53. “Amethyst... Come have a seat with us.”
  54. >Amethyst hesitates looking to Vis who then looks away, neither giving his consent nor objection to your request.
  55. >Stepping gingerly she moves closer keeping eyes on Vis for any reaction.
  56. >Only when she looks away from him does she see the queen’s horn cradled in your hands.
  57. >She gasps and looks to you her eyes begging for answers while her words fail to form. “Is… is that…”
  58. “Yes. Queen Candeo... Their mother.”
  59. >Amethyst looks to Vis and Lene then back to you. “D-does Mother know about this?”
  60. >With a sigh, you shake your head.
  61. “No. What we're doing here is no secret but… it's just been hard to talk about.”
  62. >You close your eyes and let another sigh escape your chest.
  63. >All of the memories come flooding back into your mind.
  64. “I suppose there's no point in putting it off any longer.”
  65. …………..
  67. I had been running. World after unsuitable world I crossed holding my breath and shielding my face through toxic winds, blazing heat, and bitter cold. I had encountered strings of bad worlds before but never like this. I had been running so long. I had struggled so hard to keep going even as I felt the magic draining from my body. But it had been worth it.
  68. I now stood in a vast field of tall grass.The full moon lined the distant horizon in silver light and illuminated the ghostly outline of my breath in the cool autumn air. And standing no more than a hundred yards away was my love. My queen. Even at a distance I could see her cool playful smile. I chuckled slightly remembering how I had teased her before we were truly acquainted and wondered if I was due a round of taunting.
  69. I began to move toward her and she called out “Where are you?”. I smiled and replied, “I'm right here”. Her expression turned to worry as she called out again, “Where did you go? Don't leave me!” I began to run as the urgency in her voice drove me. “I'm here! I'm right here!”
  70. The howl of the wind filled my ears and the image vanished but the call came once again. “Where are you? Please answer!”
  71. My heart jumped and I opened my eyes to blasting wind and sand. Shielding my face as best I could I slowly pushed my aching body up and got to my feet.
  72. “Help me! Please anyone!”
  73. Instinct guided me while my mind was still a blur. I stumbled blindly toward the cries for help just struggling to keep one foot in front of the other against the wind. I didn’t know what I was expecting or what I was planning on doing when I reached whoever it was. I was only focused on getting there.
  74. Each step met the shifting sand with my full weight while I worked to pull my other foot free from desert’s grasp. My next step failed to find solid ground before I could react. Sharp rocks clawed at me down the shallow slope until I came to a harsh stop at the bottom greeted by a frightened squeal.
  75. “V-Vis?! Is that you?”
  76. I gave a pained groan in response before answering, “No”. In the dim light I could make out some movement. A shape moved over me and a light reached out from the top of the obscured form. In that moment of fleeting light I saw a face. It was a changeling. She screamed and shuffled back. Fearing she would disappear into the murky backdrop of the storm I reached out and grabbed her leg.
  77. She cried out as she kicked wildly at me. Not knowing what else to do I quickly got to my hands and knees and crawled over to restrain the struggling creature.
  78. “Stop! Stop fighting me! I’m not going to hurt you!”, I shouted over the roar of the wind.
  79. “NO!” she cried back, “Let me go! Let me go, monster!”
  80. I managed to get my weight over her and restrain her. Leaning closer I repeated firmly, “I’m not going to hurt you. My name is Anon. Where is the hive?”
  81. She looked up at me and I could see it coming. Panic erupted from her. She screamed and struggled to get free.
  82. A sharp kick just below the ribs knocked when wind out ot me. I gasped and struggled for breath as she squirmed away and began running with a noticeable limp.
  83. I managed to get to my feet just as she vanished into the storm; her tracks eroding behind her. Still trying to catch my breath I moved in the direction she ran. Even with the way she was limping I knew I stood little chance of catching up to her in this storm. But I didn't know what else to do.
  84. The vague imprints left in the sand soon diminished into nothing and again I was alone and hopelessly lost.
  85. “Lene!” A distant call echoed through the wind. It was so faint that I couldn't be sure of the direction it came from.
  86. “Vis?!” A much closer call came. One that I could follow.
  87. “Lene! Where are you?!”
  88. “Vis! I'm here! I'm coming!”
  89. The two continued their exchange drawing me in close behind Lene. Little by little her tracks returned.
  90. “Vis?! Vis?! I'm almost there!” Lene yelled out to no reply.
  91. What light there was grew dimmer yet and the wind kept at my back. I was certain we were approaching something. Some kind of shelter.
  92. The sand parted at the base of a sheer rock face. The wind blowing along the wall made it impossible to look in either direction. I felt along the rock surface hoping I hadn't overshot where I had last heard the calls from.
  93. The wall edged back under an overhang then gave way entirely to a wide opening. It was dark but with what little light shone in I could make out three shapes huddled together. Three changelings staring back at me in terror.
  94. I didn't even get a word out before I was struck in the side of the head. The blow was hard enough to topple me into the dirt. I groaned, my head spinning from the impact. I struggled to stay conscious but my senses began to slip away. As the darkness closed in around me I saw something massive loom over me.
  95. ……………
  97. (Thomas Bergersen - Cry)
  98. I woke slowly feeling the warmth of the sun against the side of my face and the dry wind rushing over me. I felt my form dangling; suspended from under my arms.
  99. As I lifted my chin from my chest and lazily opened my eyes I saw the world rushing by in a blur of sand and stone far below. Nervous tension filled me. Fear struggled to take my groggy mind driving shuttering electricity up my spine.
  100. The instinct to struggle revealed to me that my arms were pinned by hard unyielding chitten. My eyes drifted up to the hulking black monstrosity that had me in its grip. It was only then that the deep rumble of it's wings dawned on me being as deep and loud as to be felt as much as heard.
  101. Even in my dazed state I could see the familiarity in this creature. The impossible reality that this enormous beast was a changeling.
  102. My eyes fell forward and fear finally took hold. In the amber glow of evenings light, standing in defiance of the low horizon a black tower reached to the sky. It was easily twice the height of the Crystal Empire and spread just as wide.
  103. A second roar of monstrous wings drew my attention left, away from the setting sun. From the side I could have no doubt that as twisted and massive as these creatures were, they were indeed changelings.
  104. Held pinned to its chest under its forelegs were the three changelings I had only caught a glimpse of before I was knocked unconscious. Two males faced each other, their expressions angry arguing in shouts that could not overcome the sound of our captors. As if sensing my gaze the female looked up with tear soaked eyes. She opened her mouth as if to speak when they suddenly shot away and I felt myself thrown to one side by an abrupt change in course.
  105. I had barely regained my senses when I saw them again passing just below as we circled the black tower in opposite directions. Again and again they passed above and below as we gained altitude.
  106. As we rose higher I could see the endless barren wasteland reach out to the horizon in every direction. This land was bleak and dead and in the middle of it stood the manifestation of sorrow and mourning.
  107. Near the top I spotted only a few changelings working on the uneven surface of the tower, repairing damage of the storm that had first greeted my arrival to this world. One stopped for a moment and for that instant I saw defeat in his eyes.
  108. My focus was again pulled away by a sudden shift in direction. My body was thrown up against the great beast that carried me as we rushed toward the ground. I can't recall if I screamed. I'm not even sure if I was capable of it at the time. The ground came at us and in an instant parted as we entered a tunnel just big enough for us to fit with little margin for error.
  109. The sound of the giant changeling's wings became deafening in the confined space. Intermittent light flashed past as quickly as the ground had passed outside. My body pulled downward as our course leveled and the confinement broke into a massive cavern around us.
  110. Throughout the cavern changelings numbering in the hundreds toiled by torchlight under watchful gaze of of beasts not unlike the one that carried me. Most seemed to keep to their work while a few turned a curious eye upward as we passed. Looking to me with the same broken resolve as the one at the top of the tower.
  111. My head became heavy and my vision began to fade. My mind and body had endured all they could. The looking sense of danger was the last thing I was aware of as sounds grew muffled and distant. Then there was again only blackness.
  113. ……………
  115. The corridor was dark and seemingly endless. I was unsure as to how I came to be there or where I was trying to go. All I knew is that I had to keep moving.
  116. The passage snaked back and forth at times seeming as though it might intersect with itself but the walls remained solid and constant, broken only by the occasional locked door. I had long since stopped checking them.
  117. The monotonous sound of my own footfalls echoed away and back again. Each step became a hammer blow to my skull. I couldn't stop. I had to keep going but if I continued I was sure to go mad before I reached… wherever it was that I was going.
  118. I slowed after a time. I began to question my motives. Why couldn't I stop? Why couldn't I just stop and rest a while?
  119. The thrumming in my head pushed its way to the front of my mind. The unbearable drumming of my feet against the stone floor. I couldn't take it anymore. I curled my lips and growled a curse in defiance of my own mission.
  120. I let one foot fall next to the other and I stopped. It was so wrong and yet it felt so good.
  121. The silence was exquisite. Suddenly I could hear the sound of my own breathing. I could head low pulsing of my heart. And then I heard the whispers. Distant yet familiar, I recognized them as the ghostly voices of the Crystal Empire. The voices that had spoken to me all those months ago.
  122. I listened carefully trying to make out what they were saying. I tried so hard to hear them but another sound drown them out. The sound of my footsteps.
  123. I looked down to see my feet were still stationary but the sound continued. Again and again it beat through my head. It was so loud I could feel it in my chest.
  124. Through the noise I could still hear them though. The whispers beckoning me forward with promises of relief from the endless drumming.
  125. I ran. I ran forward in a desperate attempt to escape it all. Where was I? What was I doing? Where was I trying to go? These questions filtered through my breaking mind. I felt I was about to either snap or die. Clutching my head I screamed and then there was silence.
  126. Slowly and cautiously I brought my arms down and looked around. I was now someplace different yet similar. It was the same stone wall and floor but the corridor had become a large open room lined on each side by stone pillars.
  127. The whispers returned sounding much closer now. I looked around trying to find their source but it seemed to move from place to place.
  128. “What do you want?” I shouted. “Why am I here?”
  129. The whispers receded behind one of the pillars and from the other side stepped a pony. One I knew but only fleetingly.
  130. “L-Luna?” I said recognizing her face.
  131. Although familiar she was different somehow. Older… Ancient even. Her coat was pale; pulled tight over visible bones. And her mane hung to one side limp and lifeless.
  132. She looked at to me and even with her eyes shut tight she seemed to look through me. It was as if we were in the same room but not in the same world.
  133. “Y-you’re not Luna… are you.” I said more as a statement than a question.
  134. Slowly… reluctantly her eyes opened showing featureless glowing orbs. Her mouth opened but didn't move to speak. The whispers flowed out from inside her.
  135. “I don't understand.” I said in reply. “What am I supposed to do?”
  136. She walked to a door that hadn't previously been there. It opened before her to a brightness that enveloped her as she walked through and I followed.
  137. As my eyes adjusted I found that Luna had vanished as did the door behind me. I stood in room ringed with pillars. Wrapped around each one was one or more bright luminescent chains. From the pillars they all reached inward toward a point where their combined light was too bright to look at.
  138. I stepped forward into the ring of pillars. The chains rattled and shifted. Whatever was bound by them was alive and seemed to be aware of my presence.
  139. The whispers returned but lacked a defined point. They seemed to come from everywhere and their tone was desperate.
  140. The thing in the middle of the room moved again; not violently but just enough to rattle its chains.
  141. An uneasiness came over me quickly growing toward fear. I stepped back and instinctively reached back to find a pillar. My hand brushed one of the chains and from the point of contact the light of the chain faded and went dark.
  142. One by one blackness crept across each link as it expanded toward the center. The light began to fade. Darkness fell. I heard the chains pull tight then snap. I opened my mouth to scream but it was too late. A great darkness rushed over me.
  144. ………….
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