
Calliope event

Sep 20th, 2016
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  1. Kyro Asteri recovery event aka Missing Pieces
  3. The group, or Solo adventurer (Whichever the case) arrives at the end of the road. Cutting off where Alteros once stood above the ground, the crater like incision at this point looks them all back in the face!
  5. Water is seen for miles, not as darkened as any other counterpart they might have seen in recent times; changed in ways separate from what Plague Effects might have allowed. This set of liquid carries with it some sort of pulling effect for Calliope in particular. Something that’s tethered to Acrux, the soul bound pieces inside her resonate, flinging imagery her way of the once great Alterosi kingdom since it’s time in this domain.
  7. Visions of Dominic, of Vindicators, of Tampering, and ‘mistakes’. The birth of John, the fall of Leaders, the stains of transgression and what have you. Calliope is suddenly taken aback by ‘episodes’, nothing too far out there from what she’s probably use to, but a bit of flavor there for this so far!
  9. After this greeting, the group is probably set to dive straight into adventure, and work on rediscovering kryo Asteri- fun.
  11. Instead of just diving straight in- the option still being there though- it seems that this odd new adaptation of acrux in the water has given birth to some pretty peculiar amphibian lifeforms! A bit on the large side, two heads extend from the water to greet the party. Their faces are silhouetted by the splash, and rain of water and mist; glinted turquoise eyes stare down at Calliope and those who travel with her.
  13. These things aren’t really capable of speech but they can project images- mentally. A neat little thing, and they have a few ‘helpful’ images for the gang! Something Calli might like, that’s for sure. The gist: these two are to serve as transport should the group decide they want to venture down with them. Safe passage, and a quick boost through, a path to kryo asteri, but along the way – some spots might be visited by them that seem off course from where they want to go.
  15. Leading them to Acrux’s old tower of residence, where those memories strongest of it’s time here are imparted- knowledge for the star harboring witch amongst them.
  17. Like with before, those creatures who took them down here aren’t the only things present – others like them. Not so friendly. A lot of water-themed things; squid people, sharks, sirenians, crab people.
  18. This is what Calliope, and company are met with. They seem hostile, but not without cause – they don’t attack without deliberation. Only trying to ward off, they never advance. The group has the choice to approach, or circle around considering. If they march forward… REWARDS some dainty little stash of treasure, some crowns, a nifty little necklace (3 md, 6 water pow, 5 water def) , and a key.
  20. After this little mess though, there’s something deeper in the burrow, that these guys if fought- are likely to tell them upon defeat, otherwise they’re probably stumbling upon it. The remains of one particular house that normally- might not have anything to do with what is sought here, but for the sake of nostalgia- they find Howard, the Necromancer’s abode.
  22. Ruined in it’s own way, the remnants of Acrux energy, and the powerful magic that initially sunk Alteros is put to use here in the form of random spirits that seem much too helpful at first glance to the group. Eager to answer questions, and a bit on the playful side- the group deals with this
  24. They offer to lead the way to Kryo Asteri. Leading the group form Howard’s residence, and to the tower where Acrux once stood actually at this point. Not at all where the staff should be one might suspect, but this is what they say.
  26. Along the way, there’s another set of episodes for Calliope that come. More intense, and direct this time. It’s probably a sign for caution.
  28. After all of this, they’re led to a room – to no one’s surprise hopefully, these spirits suddenly begin cackling, and doing the dance of mad men, and women in their own way. Forcing a ‘trial’ of sort. Wanting to see what Calliope could do, if she deserves/can she handle what she’s seeking out.
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