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Sep 10th, 2016
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  1. I love technology.
  2. But not quite only because it gives me a game to play when I'm bored, or even the noble reason of keeping the majority of the population alive.
  3. I love technology, because technology in all of its forms is the simplest and shortest bridge between pure logic and everything that I consider existing.
  5. At any point, whether I feel sad, angry or just lonely, I know I can escape into logic. A place where many people can join, where we can build toghether, on top of each other's work, or we can build the same thing in parallel.
  6. It doesn't matter, the conclusions are there whether we discover them or not. They're the only undisputable truths, something we can all hang on to. In completely different notation, any complex-enough amount of particles (similar to us, but actually not that different than an electron in an atom) will reflect it and reach the same conclusions.
  7. Just like Ramanujan was unaware that he was solving what was already solved by europeans, our society is doing the same with any system in the universe. Logic is something that is inherently shared, and of which complexity can be chosen.
  8. Yet most of it feels like magic, and the more tricks are unveiled, the better you feel.
  10. What brings me closest to the beloved place that is logic, is, by definition, technology. Apart from feeling so close to that world, technology also allows me to fulfill my purpose in society in a way that I can enjoy. Between the obvious medical/accessability implications of Computer Science, there are also entertainment, management, security options.
  11. But this you will hear from anyone. What you are unlikely to hear about is a student so eager to get to logic, that he's decided to spend quite some time also doing, rather than dreaming up.
  13. I'm fairly known in the front-end creative industry, so for what concerns graphics and user interaction I am simply going to leave a single link that can hopefully explain itself
  17. I also developed an interest for security, and to prove that I'm not just one of those good willed people who think they're good at hacking because they can see the source code of a page without really understanding HTML, I got myself a CEH, which I'll be vary happy to show.
  18. Although I realize that the CEH is considered to be a joke among professionals, it also shows commitment and proves that I generally know what I'm talking about when it comes to security, hopefully more than the huge majority of the applicants.
  20. Beside what you can immediately see, I've also worked at various companies (that I can cite if asked to, although most of the results are confidential) for both front-end, back-end and security on both sides, in teams and as a standalone dev.
  21. I've been to a couple of hackathons and been through various competitions, mostly for front-end, whose focus ranged from algorithm-design, user interface design, minification, code beauty and similar. I'm quite proud to not have officially won most of them, but still having gotten in contact with many communities and winning the popularity prizes, which I often gave away. Of course I'm happy to explain more in detail what those events were and how did I classify, if asked.
  22. I also frequent different regular dev meetups about topics such as worshipping JavaScript, developing AI or just other programming-related topics, and ended up falling in love with the amazing community who kept the meetups going and could always teach something to the rest of the people. A place where despite my young age, I can be considered a peer, as for example not many people in the JavaScript world are proficient in using the Canvas API for rendering.
  24. I'm aware that although those skills are helpful to know for University, they may also overlap with them in less helpful ways, but I'm also known to easily switch mode of thinking, way of writing, so that's not to worry about.
  25. What I think does matter is that I love the subject, and I'm eager to learn and improve myself to the highest standards.
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