
Miscellaneous Fixes 10

Mar 20th, 2020
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  1. Minotaur mob fight.
  3. >Droplets rain down around you, filling the air with even more of that delicious smell.
  4. >Though your body is tingling from the show the horny beasts are giving you, it doesn’t effect you as much as it could have.
  5. These two lines (or only one of them) seem to increase lust but have no lust damage indicator.
  7. >tight ring of your tight pucker.
  8. Repetition.
  10. >Once they’ve gone, you collapse into the cummy mud-puddle you’ve made underneath yourself and giggle madly!
  11. What an awful sentence. replace "they've" with "they're", "cummy" with "cum", and the exclamation mark with a period.
  13. Isn't the plague rat supposed to be a demon? Encountering him at the lake is a problem in that case.
  15. A message that Jojo walked up to Rathazul appeared while I was with Rathazul at the lake.
  17. Minotaur encounter.
  18. >swollen with the minotaur’s long pent-up need.This minotaur seems to have found a deadly looking axe somewhere!
  19. Missing space.
  21. >the musky aroma burning a path of liquid heat to your groin.
  22. This raises lust but has no lust damage indicator.
  24. Minotaur cum addiction isn't triggered on consumption but rather after you progress another hour for some reason. This leads to oddities on the Stats menu like "Minotaur Cum: 117.4%".
  25. Afterwards it's also displayed as "Minotaur Cum: 100+%". Is there a reason why it's not just 100%?
  27. >“What’s the problem? Too horny to think straight?” Ember teases.
  28. This message from Ember can be followed up by
  29. >A pair of scaly, clawed hands suddenly grab your flared thighs and you feel Ember take a big whiff of your scent. “So good... you smell so good, y’know [name]?”
  30. in the same text box which strikes me as odd.
  32. >Helspawn gasps in mock surprise
  33. Missing period.
  35. Also, this Helspawn scene has her say "sorry for keeping you so long" but it's still the reglar 6 AM when you're done. A nice touch would also be if each option increases your current lust.
  37. Kid A dream.
  38. >In the middle of the night...The church bell chimes overhead as you regard the figure opposite you.
  39. Spacing. The first sentence should also be on its own line heading the paragraph.
  41. >Kid A retaliates and grabs the shark, twisting around and throwing the her to the ground.
  42. "the her"?
  44. Shark daughters.
  45. >too weak and horny to resist.Your other children hurry over,
  46. Spacing.
  48. The SwimInStream option has unique blurbs for your companions. While a must-have touch, they're shit and easily recognized as Kitteh's writing. I'd be very grateful if these could be touched up and reworded to not be as terrible.
  50. Deep Cave, zetaz fight.
  51. >Kill the imp. After all, he deserves to be bad-ended.
  52. I don't appreciate the meta commentary.
  54. Getting the pacifist fetish after losing to Ceraph for the third time doesn't have a bold line saying so like the previous two.
  56. Ceraph.
  57. >Multiple times you catch glimpses of demons and monsters from the fringe of your vision, but none of them seem keen on approaching your mistress or her new slave, you.
  58. That last comma should probably be a colon.
  60. >Thank you again, Mistress for supporting your pet’s ever-growing harem. I’ll be sure and put the new pocket-pussy to use right away so that you’ll have some good dreams soon.
  61. Comma after "Mistress", the "and" should be replaced with "to".
  63. >You blink open long, mascara-laden eyes and are treated to the sight of Ceraph (your mistress?) pumping away at the device she has on your clit, increasing the suction.
  64. I so don't enjoy these redundant comments in parethesis that are sometimes used.
  66. Ceraph's Rape Play doesn't take virginity. Add the message after "Your virgin, wet pussy is free for her taking, but even so, you don’t expect her to do it so forcefully, letting out a shriek as her cock is rammed into you in one savage motion."
  68. Drinking La Bova
  69. >You shift uncomfortably as you realize you feel off balance. Gazing down, you realize you have grown SLIGHTLY taller.
  70. Italicize "slightly" instead of capitalizing it fully.
  72. >You have a cow tail.
  73. "now" after "You" and bold it fully.
  75. >You stumble as you feel the bones in your hips grinding, expanding your hips noticeably.
  76. Repetition of "hips".
  78. >You feel your ears tug on your scalp as they twist shape,
  79. "in" after "twist".
  81. Breastfeeding an imp.
  82. >Unfortunately it looks like you won’t find out, as the last of your ERROR, breastDescript() working with invalid breastRow runs dry. The imp wobbles and falls over, clearly not used to the added weight. Now that you get a good look at him, you see some subtle changes. He’s got a very full belly. It’s a shame as your milk is not potent enough.
  83. This was after chugging a bunch of LaBova. The scene also refers to more than two breasts which I didn't have.
  85. Fetish cultist.
  86. >You find that your inquisitor’s corset are back to normal,
  88. Marae.
  89. >You are dropped from the tree, and with little choice, you waddle to your boat, doing your best to cover up your violated muff.(New Perk Gained: Marae’s Gift — Fertility)
  90. The perk message should be after "A small runner of a thick green substance slowly slides out." It also should use a regular dash.
  92. >Now get out of here before I change my mind and lock in an orgasm for the rest of your life.”
  93. Missing "you".
  95. The Volcaonic Golem's Wait button shows as Distance with the tooltip text "Execute a strategic retreat to avoid the golem's devastating strikes." It still does the same as Wait too despite what the tooltip says, "​You decide not to take any action this round."
  97. Marble.
  98. >“Sweetie, I’m feeling really horny .
  99. I need less space.
  101. If you go down Marble's addiction route and aren't fully addicted yet you can infinitely raise your affection stat with her well beyond 100% by simply visiting her. This should be probably be hard capped at 100% unless there is a reason it should be able to go higher.
  102. The same goes for the Marble Milk addiction stat. It can go beyond 100% but gets reverted to 100% when the final scene happens where she joins your camp.
  104. >You continue to rest for another hour.
  105. If this text displays in the camp it also shows a New Game button at the top for some reason.
  107. Give Item is grayed out in Marble's menu when you're not addicted to her.
  109. >Your hair’s growth has reached a new threshold, giving you shaggy, blonde hair.
  110. -
  111. -
  112. -
  113. >The sky begins to grow brighter as the moon descends over distant mountains, casting a few last ominous shadows before they burn away in the light.
  114. There are three empty lines between these two messages when it should only be one.
  116. Izma's tooltips in her Sex menu are missing a couple of "a"'s, mainly the Anal, FuckVag, Get HJ, Girl69,
  118. Vapula's Fuck Her option in her Sex menu is missing a period.
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