
Wacky PickleHead, BP, and Theseus Roommate Circlejerk

Mar 25th, 2013
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  1. "Three wacky ponyfags (BadPacing, PickleHead, Theseus) share a college home together! These obsessive merch-horders have MAD success at the bars with the ladies! But when the party comes home, it NEVER works out for them!
  2. BUT! What happens when BadPacing unknowingly brings back a Human Fluttershy, craving the hot monkey doxk?! HILARITY ensues!"
  4. >"Is this your house right here?" the tipsy barskank slurs.
  5. >You smile a victorious grin as you whip out your keys.
  6. Sure is.
  7. >The key slips neatly into the keyhole, the metals grinding into each other.
  8. >"A nice house..." she comments, grabbing and holding onto your arm, "For such a nice boy..."
  9. >You smile again.
  10. >Man, TOO easy.
  11. >Your game at the bars is second to none.
  12. >If only the boys were there tonight to see the 9/10 you snagged.
  13. >You push open the door into your dark college home.
  14. Welcome to my humble abode.
  15. >You say, mimicking a classy butler.
  16. >She eats this up, and bows courteously to you before stepping in.
  17. >Piece of cake.
  18. >Now, to get her up to your room....
  19. >"It looks so spacious..." she says seductively, "but if only there was a place we could--
  20. >You flick on the lights.
  21. >"...We could... oh..."
  22. >She's looking into the living room of your home.
  23. >Colors everywhere.
  24. >Plushies of the Mane 6 galore.
  25. >Figurines, both plastic and comb-able countlessly decorate shelves.
  26. >Pillows.
  27. >Posters.
  28. >DVDs.
  29. >It's...
  30. >Fantastic.
  31. >You smirk.
  32. >Bitch is probably mirin' like crazy.
  33. >No one has as much swag in their house as you or your roommates.
  34. >"This... THIS... is where you live...?"
  35. >The look on her face is indescribable.
  36. >You smile slyly.
  37. >The same one that got her attention at the bar.
  38. >You lean close to her ear and whisper:
  39. Just wait til you see my room...
  40. >She's speechless...
  41. >...Then...
  42. >"...ha...ha!...HA! HAHAHAHA!"
  43. >She breaks into a fit of laughter.
  44. >She doubles over, holding her stomach as she completely cracks up.
  45. >Your jimmies are instantly rustled.
  46. >What? Again!? Why is ANOTHER girl laughing?!
  47. >You look visibly bothered.
  48. >She walks back toward the door, wiping a tear from her eye.
  49. What? Where are you going?!
  50. >She looks to you again, holding it in, before bursting out again.
  51. >"...Home! Have a good night... faggot!"
  52. >She slams the door, her laughing audible as she leaves the porch.
  53. >You stand at the entranceway speechless.
  54. >The light flicks on from the kitchen.
  55. >A man emerges with some leftover pizza.
  56. >"...Dude, PickleHead," he says, taking a bite. "...You fucking SUCK at picking up girls!"
  57. >You scowl at one of your roommates.
  58. Shut up, BadPacing, you're no fucking better than me!
  60. >A day later, on Saturday night, you, BadPacing, get ready to hit the bar with your roommates PickleHead and Theseus.
  61. >You just finished filling in the hilarity of Pickle's failure to Theseus as you all style your hair in your Crystal Empire-themed mirror.
  62. >"Man, Pickle, you fucked up again," Theseus cracks as he gets his fo-hawk just right.
  63. >You join in on this laugh.
  64. >"These, you haven't successfully brought a girl home either," Pickle retorts.
  65. >"Yeah, but..." he gets his hair just right, then pops his collar. "It's your game at the bar that counts."
  66. Well a lot of good that does you for getting laid!
  67. >You crack.
  68. >Theseus frowns and smacks you in the chest.
  69. >You all laugh.
  70. >When your hair and clothes are perfect, you all head downstairs.
  71. >"Honestly, I'm confused, though." PickleHead says as he graces the last step, quickly admiring his shrine to Twilicorn at the base of the stairs. "Why are things so successful when we go out, but fall apart when we bring girls back?"
  72. >You pass by the living room table, quickly putting the alicorn princess figures back in order of best butt, on your way to the door.
  73. No clue, man. I guess we just gotta keep trying.
  74. >"That's the spirit," Theseus adds. "Now come on, the cab is here."
  76. >The bartender gives you a friendly look as he passes you the whiskey sour you ordered.
  77. >You smile meekly at him, then turn around and sip your drink.
  78. >You look out from the bar to the small dance floor.
  79. >You are Fluttershy.
  80. >Or, well, you like to think you are...
  81. >You're just like her from your favorite show...
  82. >Shy... timid... good with animals...
  83. >You love to wear yellow...
  84. >Oh, you MUST be her human embodiment!
  85. >You take a small sip from your drink.
  86. >...Where are the girls?
  87. >They said they'd meet you here...
  88. >...
  89. >Oh... were you the butt of yet another joke...?
  90. >...
  91. >You sigh, then take a bigger gulp.
  92. >Looks like you'll be out on your own again...
  93. >You order another drink and quickly slam it back.
  94. >You then head over to the moderately packed dance floor, subs booming with bass, and try your best to have fun.
  95. >You swing your hips awkwardly to the beat.
  96. >...
  97. >About ten minutes into dancing, a rather attractive boy dances his way slowly over to you.
  98. >You look at him, and your eyes meet for a second.
  99. >His beautiful, deep eyes...
  100. >...
  101. >Oh, my!
  102. >You blush, and quickly hide behind your hair.
  103. >This elicits a laugh from him.
  104. >He comes over closer, and starts dancing with you.
  105. >...Is he...?
  106. >...Is he actually interested in you...?
  107. >He smiles at you as he tries to match your own awkward dancing movements.
  108. >He seems so... charming...
  109. >You meekly smile yourself.
  110. >Perhaps you'll actually have some fun tonight after all...
  111. >After about five minutes of dancing, he leans in toward your ear.
  112. >"BadPacing!" he says, yelling a little so he can be heard over the beat.
  113. >You smile.
  114. Um... you can call me... Shy...
  115. >You're not sure he heard, but by his nodding, you'd wager he must have.
  116. >"Shy?!" he shouts, "That's a bit of an odd name! But alright, I can dig it!"
  117. >He places his hand on your lower back.
  118. >Oh my...~
  119. >"Can I buy you a drink!?"
  120. >You look up to his entrancing eyes, and nod slowly.
  121. >He responds with a smile.
  123. >After a few drinks in you, you really seem comfortable with this BadPacing guy.
  124. >You and him grabbed a table, and talked about quite a few things.
  125. >School, life, friends...
  126. >He really is... quite charming...
  127. >...How you'd love to talk with him about your... hobby...
  128. >Maybe even share some romantic experiences like your favorite fanfics...
  129. >...No, Shy, don't mess this up!
  130. >You can't!
  131. >"--So after that, I'm thinking of switching into Software Engineering, but my courses might not match up."
  132. >You nod and smile.
  133. >He's so fascinating...
  134. >"Yo, Bee-Pee!" a voice calls from behind you.
  135. >Your new friend lifts his head up and gazes behind you, a smile gracing his face.
  136. >"What's up, boys?" he says with a smirk.
  137. >Two other guys cross into your field of vision from behind you.
  138. >You look up and meet their own eyes.
  139. >...Ohh... my...~
  140. >They're both just as...
  141. >...But how can...?
  142. >One of them gives you a quick look, then grins.
  143. >"So buddy, who's your friend?" he asks.
  144. >He looks to him, then you.
  145. >"Boys, this here is Shy," he says, motioning to you, then them.
  146. >One extends his hand.
  147. >"Theseus, pleasure to meet you."
  148. >You shake it tenderly.
  149. >The other waves, too far to shake hands with.
  150. >"PickleHead, charmed."
  151. >"These guys are my roommates," BadPacing adds.
  152. >Your heart flutters in your chest.
  153. >These three...? All live together...?
  154. >"Actually, Bee-Pee," Pickle says, snagging his beer from him and taking a sip. "We're heading back now. Called a cab already. You coming?"
  155. >BadPacing snags his beer back, then puts his thumb and index finger to his chin and looks to the ground for a moment.
  156. >"Maybe..."
  157. >He looks up to you, his gorgeous eyes piercing yours.
  158. >He throws on a smile that could win over supermodels.
  159. >"...Would you like to come with me?"
  160. >Your heart skips a beat.
  161. >Is he really...?
  162. ...Y-Yes! I-I... would...
  163. >He smiles.
  164. >"Great."
  166. >BadPacing opens the cab door for you as you exit into his driveway.
  167. >His other two roommates, Theseus and PickleHead, are already heading toward the house.
  168. >As you and your new friend walk toward the door, your heart pounds, and mind races.
  169. >What's going to happen tonight?
  170. >Are you going to go... all the way?
  171. >Could this really happen?
  172. >You've never had sex before.
  173. >All your past boyfriends or hookups ditch you at the last minute.
  174. >You have NO idea why.
  175. >And here's this gorgeous guy, taking you to his home...
  176. >...Oh, you can hardly take it!
  177. >His two roommates glance at you, then give their friend a quick smile-and-nod before they open the door into their home.
  178. >BadPacing smiles too, then lifts his hand to his face and covers it, literally wiping it away.
  179. >"Welcome to my home," he says politely, as he lets you inside.
  180. >Theseus and PickleHead head inside the dark living room, already familiar with the layout of their home.
  181. >BadPacing reaches over and flicks on the light.
  182. >It's temporarily blinding, but opening your eyes from your squint, you gaze unto their residence.
  183. >It's...
  184. >It's...
  185. >BadPacing notices your shocked expression.
  186. >"...Wh-What's wrong?" he stammers.
  187. >His two roommates lean back in from the stairs and give him a quick look, as if saying: "What's wrong?"
  188. >You look upon their... glorious merch.
  189. >The plushies.
  190. >The pillows.
  191. >Figures.
  192. >Comics.
  193. >DVDs.
  194. >Oh.
  195. >MY~
  196. >You smile so wide you think your mouth might rip your face open.
  197. >BadPacing looks to you with slight question.
  199. >Theseus and PickleHead look to each other quizzically, then quickly make their way back downstairs.
  200. >BadPacing is taken aback slightly.
  201. >"W-Well yeah..." he says. "What's that mean?"
  202. >You fling over and bear hug him.
  203. I LOVE PONIES!!!
  204. >You shout at the top of your lungs.
  205. >PickleHead laughs a little under his breath.
  206. >"A girl who likes ponies? Really?"
  207. >You launch off of BadPacing and dart up to the recent speaker.
  208. YEAH! Who's the best pony!?
  209. >PickleHead stumbles back a little from your sudden assertiveness.
  210. >"Well, umm..." he stutters, scratching behind his head. "I like Braeburn..."
  211. >You scowl.
  212. NO! Fluttershy is the best pony!!
  213. >You hear a laugh from just to your left.
  214. >You dart your head and lock eyes with the culprit.
  215. >It's Theseus, who shakes his head, then walks over to the wall by the kitchen.
  216. >"No," he says, pointing to a posted sheet of thick paper. "House rules."
  217. >You furl your brow, then stomp over to the poster.
  218. "Rule 1: Fluttershy is worst pone."
  219. >He smiles smugly.
  220. >You can't believe this!!
  221. How is Fluttershy the worst pony!?
  222. >PickleHead walks over, meeting you two.
  223. >"Rules are rules," he says with a sarcastic smirk.
  224. >BadPacing laughs a little, still positioned by the door.
  225. >He closes it, then walks over to join you three.
  226. How can you not like Fluttershy!?
  227. >You stare into the three pairs of eyes.
  228. She's the best one! She's so sweet, and kind, and shy! And she tries so hard to please her friends and everyone around her, but often times she can't! She's so tragic!!
  229. >"She sucks!"
  230. >You can feel the excitement and frustration well within you.
  231. Maybe you just haven't been exposed to her enough!!
  232. >Their faces shift to that of confusion as they glance to each other.
  233. >"What do you mean?" Theseus chimes in.
  234. Fanfics!! Have you read any Fluttershy fanfics!?
  235. >PickleHead shifts in place a little.
  236. >"...Fanfics? Like... fan stories...?"
  237. >"W-Well, maybe a few..." BadPacing adds.
  238. >Your face drops.
  239. >"The kind we're into aren't really... 'fair' to Fluttershy..."
  240. >You can't believe this!
  241. >They need to care more about Fluttershy!
  242. Do you know about 4chan!?
  243. >BadPacing coughs a little in surprise.
  244. >"Y-Yeah, but... how do you--"
  246. >You scream.
  247. >They all practically jump backwards.
  248. Have you read any Flutterrape!? It shows her true tortured character!!
  249. >"...FlutterWHAT!?"
  250. >"How the fuck do you--"
  252. >They take a few steps back, staring at you as they do.
  253. >Complete pokerfaces.
  254. >Until finally, PickleHead clears his throat a little.
  255. >"Uhm, Bee-Pee?" He says.
  256. >This grabs his attention.
  257. >"I'd like to direct you to Rule number two..."
  258. >He points to the same board.
  259. >Your eyes glance to it.
  260. >Right under the first rule.
  261. "Rule 2: Never stick your dick in crazy."
  262. >You feel something snap.
  264. >You are BadPacing.
  265. >And ho-ly shit, is this Shy girl insane.
  266. >How the fuck does she know about Flutterrape?
  267. >She's WAY too into it.
  268. >You look to your bros.
  269. >They're looking at you with wide eyes.
  270. >...You know what they're thinking.
  271. >Maybe you could just show her the door and--
  272. >"Anon..." she mutters.
  273. >...
  274. >You look to your roommates once more.
  275. >They heard it too.
  276. ...Um, Shy...?
  277. >Her head is down, face covered by hair.
  278. >She's mumbling to herself.
  279. >"...Shy...?" Theseus repeats.
  280. >Still no response.
  281. >You three look to each other.
  282. >"Holy shit." PickleHead mouths.
  283. >You, wide eyed, nod back to him.
  284. >What is this girl's problem?
  285. >"Anon..." she says again suddenly, whipping your attentions back to her.
  286. >"Don't you love me... Anon...?"
  287. >Theseus almost laughs at the absurdity of the situation.
  288. Shy...
  289. >"FLUTTERshy..." she corrects.
  290. >You put your hand over your mouth in shock.
  291. >Good God.
  292. >You may have broken her.
  293. >"I know you love me, Anon..."
  294. >She finally lifts her head up, the hair falling from in front of her face.
  295. >Her terrible, awful teal eyes.
  296. >So full of lust and desire...
  297. >...
  298. Shy, I--
  299. >She launches herself at you, tackling you to the ground, her skirt riding up against you.
  300. >She slams her lips down onto yours, forcing her tongue into your mouth.
  301. >You think you can feel her wetness through her underwear.
  302. >You twist and break the kiss.
  303. Holy shit, woman!
  304. >You glance quickly over to your two friends.
  305. >They're doubled over laughing.
  306. >Any seriousness of the situation gone in their eyes.
  307. Guys!
  308. >You yell.
  309. Help!
  310. >PickleHead waves you off.
  311. >"Nah, dude! Fuck Rule 2, you need this!"
  312. >Theseus and he quickly walk toward the stairs.
  313. >"Good luck, bro!"
  314. >They laugh and stomp quickly up the stairs.
  315. No, guys! Damn it, I--
  316. >You're silenced again by her lips.
  317. >Shy reaches down and grabs your belt, miraculously undoing it, and slides your pants down to your ankles.
  318. >Why is this woman so strong!?
  319. >She breaks the kiss.
  320. >"Hush, Anon! Let momma show you her love!"
  321. >Your body betrays you as the stimulation causes you to get hard.
  322. >Damn it, body!
  323. >Rule 2!
  324. >RULE 2!
  325. >She slides off her panties and positions herself over you.
  328. >She slams down on top of you.
  329. >Waves of pleasure instantly shock through your body.
  330. >Ahh~
  331. >...No, damnit! You aren't supposed to like it!
  332. >Her hips gyrate on top of you.
  333. >"Ah~! Ah~! Oh, Anon~!"
  334. You clench your eyes shut, and turn your head towards the stairs.
  335. >Your boys...
  336. >How could they do that to you?
  337. >Opening them, you glance at the Shrine to Twilicorn.
  338. >Her glorious winged plushie idol is turned to you as this human-embodied Fluttershy has her way with you.
  339. >Her beady eyes beam into yours.
  340. (Mah waifu...)
  341. (Avert your eyes... don't look...)
  342. (I'm... sorry...)
  343. >An immense surge of pleasure snaps you back to your rape.
  344. >Shy is trying her best to contort her vaginal muscles into a milking motion.
  345. >Despite failing to do so, it still feels so good.
  346. >You're so close...
  347. >She can tell.
  349. >Oh fuck!
  350. >No!
  351. >Don't!!
  353. >You release everything you have into Shy.
  354. >You open your mouth and yell at the top of your lungs as you do.
  355. >Suddenly, the door pops open real quick.
  356. >"BadPacing! It's your neighbor! I heard some commotion, so I--"
  357. >He stops mid sentence.
  358. >"...Ew."
  359. >You hear the door slam shut again.
  360. >God damn it, Domino!
  361. >You pump a few more squirts into her before you feel yourself empty.
  362. >You feel spent... weak...
  363. >Shy gets up off your junk, dumping some of your own seed out onto you.
  364. >You feel hazy... fuzzy...
  365. >"Anon..." she mutters as she steps away from you towards the stairs.
  366. >Your vision goes hazy, and you pass out.
  368. >You are PickleHead.
  369. >And looks like BadPacing will be the first in the house to get laid since you moved in!
  370. >About damn time!
  371. >You look at yourself in the mirror, performing the third of the triple S.
  372. >You like to keep them separated.
  373. >As you slick that last piece of pesky hair from your face and place your razor down, you finally admire that damn handsome face of yours.
  374. >Smooth.
  375. >You grab a towel and give your face a good wipe.
  376. >Suddenly, there's a knock on the door.
  377. >Huh...
  378. Who is it?
  379. >You ask as you walk over.
  380. >You grip the handle and twist, pulling the door open.
  381. >A pantsless Shy is there to greet you.
  382. >Your eyes widen in disgust as you back up into the room further.
  383. >Her snatch drips with your roommate's cum.
  384. >What the fuck!?
  385. >"H-Hi Anon..." she mutters.
  386. >Your heart jumps in your chest.
  387. >"I'm h-here for the daily f-fetish guess..."
  388. >She slowly walks into the room after you, eyes piercing yours.
  389. Um... I-I don't think...
  390. >"Are s-sloppy seconds your fetish...?"
  391. >You quickly look to your mirror.
  392. >Shining Armor and Princess Cadence stickers eye you from their Crystal Empire.
  393. (Guys, help!)
  394. >The stickers' faces fall, and they shake their heads.
  395. >No help came from the Crystal Empire that night.
  396. >...Wait, did those fucking stickers just--
  397. >You're pushed violently backwards, tripping over the edge of the tub and falling back into it.
  398. >Your head crashes into the tile, giving your head a thorough rattle.
  399. >Your vision blurs slightly, and you can feel yourself weaken.
  400. >Ohh, what a hit...
  401. >A shadow is cast over you.
  402. >You glance up groggily at the tall, bottomless woman staring down at you.
  403. >She grips your pants and tears them down to your ankles.
  404. >Your fully erect member is there to greet her.
  405. >Damn concussion fetish!
  406. >She throws herself down toward your junk, engulfing the whole thing in her mouth.
  407. >You wince as the shocks of pleasure rattle up you.
  408. >She really goes at it: head up and down, tongue dancing around every corner of your shaft.
  409. >Where did she learn this skill!?
  410. >You try your best to move, but you're held still by awkward positioning and a groggy state of mind.
  411. >"Anon..." she mumbles on your dock.
  412. >The slight vocal vibrations only add to the sensation.
  413. >"Cum for momma... I want your seed, mister..."
  414. >What is this girls' issue??
  415. >You can't hold it in any longer...
  416. >...No, not for her!
  417. >We must! We're gonna blow!
  418. >NOT FOR HER!
  419. >I'M SORRY, BRAIN!
  420. >You jet out of your member like confetti from a party cannon.
  421. >You can see Shy's cheeks expand as she fills from your liquid love.
  422. >You pump again and again, until finally, you're spent.
  423. >Shy stands up from you, gulping your seed down her throat.
  424. >The haze is finally taking over your mind.
  425. >Shy turns around and walks away, just as you fade from consciousness.
  427. >You are Theseus
  428. >And you're just finishing getting ready for bed.
  429. >You fling off your shirt in your dark room, replacing it with your comfy, longsleeved pajama shirt.
  430. >You drop your pants, opting to sleep in your boxers.
  431. >As you walk toward your comfy mattress, the evening shifts through your mind.
  432. >No woman this time at the bar...
  433. >...That's odd for sure.
  434. >But hey... at least BadPacing is getting some.
  435. >Even if it's from some crazy bimbo who's...
  436. >You laugh a little as you climb into bed.
  437. >...Convinced she's Fluttershy.
  438. >Ha! What a riot.
  439. >You start to reach over to the other side of your bed with your eyes closed.
  440. >You feel around for your Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie plushies.
  441. >Custom made at Build-a-Bear.
  442. >You only wish you could get those "Autism Speaks" tags off of them.
  443. >Why the cashier insisted those stay on, you'll never know.
  444. >You pat the bed a few times, until finally, you feel something.
  445. >The soft, velvety feeling of their fur on...
  446. >...
  447. >Wait... these aren't your plushies...
  448. >These are... smooth, meaty... is that a tip on the top?
  449. >...are these--
  450. >"Anon, you naughty boy, touching momma's crotchtits~"
  451. >WHAT!?
  452. >You shoot up from your bed.
  453. >But a quick, nimble leg swings around your chest, pinning you back down.
  454. >A definite squelching noise reverberates through the room as it makes contact.
  455. >...eww, what is this stuff between her legs?
  456. >A human silhouette forms on top of you as you feel weight press down on your waist.
  457. >You're being straddled.
  458. >Your member betrays you as it slowly starts to rise.
  459. >You try to sit back up, but Shy presses her hands into your shoulders, holding you down.
  460. >She's stronger than she looks.
  461. >"Don't resist, baby. It's just our love!"
  462. >She releases you for a moment to reach behind her.
  463. >Is she spreading her...?
  464. >...
  465. >OH GOD!
  466. >You can't react in time.
  467. >She slams down on top of you.
  468. >An incredibly tight, warm hole envelops your manhood.
  469. >Before you can even try to push yourself up, her hands slam back down onto your shoulders.
  470. >She starts pumping up and down, gripping your sex organ with her second hole.
  471. >"I reserved this hole just for you, Anon!"
  472. FUCK!
  473. >You scream.
  475. >The age-old bro code of yonder!
  476. >How could you break it!?
  477. >Your second head seems to care little for this, though, and quickly charges its lazor with each pump from Shy.
  478. >She moans with ecstasy.
  479. >"Ah~ Ah~ Oh, Anon!~"
  480. >You're getting close.
  481. >This tight hole taking your dignity with your seed.
  482. >You brink on climax.
  483. >You scream out an apology for your broken code as you pelt Shy's insides with your poor, unfortunate little potential future children.
  484. >You're in a daze.
  485. >What is this power...?
  486. >Calmly, Shy picks herself up off of you.
  487. >Her loosened hole sliding up off of your member.
  488. >As your tip is finally released into the cool air, Shy dumps a fat greasy shit onto your lap.
  489. Oh, come on!
  490. >You groan as you slip from the world of the waking.
  492. >9:00am.
  493. >Sunday morning.
  494. >You, BadPacing, silently eat your bowl of cereal in the kitchen.
  495. >Only the clinging sound of spoon-to-bowl filling the morning air.
  496. >Silence.
  497. >...
  498. >You hear footsteps down the stairs.
  499. >A groggy PickleHead breaches the threshold, rubbing an ice pack into the back of his head.
  500. >He sits down at the table with you.
  501. >Neither of you say anything.
  502. >You continue eating.
  503. >More silence...
  504. >...
  505. >You hear a door open and close from upstairs.
  506. >Heavy footsteps bang down your wooden steps.
  507. >Theseus enters the kitchen, looking like he's seen better days.
  508. >He silently takes a seat with the rest of you.
  509. >...
  510. >You take another bite of cereal.
  511. >...
  512. >"...Does anyone else smell that?"
  513. >"...I tried to wash my lap. I really did. It just won't go away."
  514. >Everyone awkwardly looks around.
  515. ...There are cum stains on the living room carpet the landlord ain't gonna like.
  516. >"Oh, shit. There goes our deposit."
  517. >"...yup."
  518. >...
  519. >"...Your stains, your responsibility."
  520. ...Shut up, Pickle.
  521. >...
  522. >None of you say anything.
  523. >You could hear a pin drop in that kitchen.
  524. >...
  525. >Theseus puts his hands down on the table.
  526. >The soft noise gets your and Pickle's attention.
  527. >"...I'm gonna be the first to say it, aren't I?"
  528. >He looks over to you two.
  529. >You look at each other.
  530. >Then back down.
  531. >...
  532. >"...We were raped last night."
  533. >Neither of you say anything.
  534. >But you look at Theseus's stern face.
  535. >...He looks back and forth to you guys.
  536. >...Then, raises his hand up to you.
  537. >"...And it was pretty fuckin' sweet."
  538. >You look to PickleHead.
  539. >He puts the icepack down from his head.
  540. >...And cracks a smile.
  541. >...You can't help it.
  542. >You crack one too.
  543. >You lift your hand up and slap Theseus's.
  544. >An epic high five.
  545. Yeah, that Anon guy's a chump!
  546. >"Shit was sweet!"
  547. >"Yeah, you'd know all about the 'shit,' wouldn't you, Theseus?"
  548. >"Shut your damn mouth!"
  549. >"Can't believe you got the asshole!"
  550. >"Well at least I didn't get sloppy seconds!
  551. Ohh snap!!
  552. >You and your roommates yuck it up.
  553. >What an odd night you had...
  554. >...Fucking Fluttershy.
  556. The End.
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