

Nov 15th, 2017
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  1. options:
  2. 等級限制: 200
  3. 屬性最高: 1000
  4. 87serverfirst: &b文靜之潭&e//&6歡迎玩家%player% 加入 &b文靜之潭&e//
  5. on server list ping:
  6. set max player count to 2017
  7. on load:
  8. loop all players:
  9. set loop-player's display name to "%{玩家資料.%loop-player%::職業}% &a[%{幾轉職業::%{玩家資料.%loop-player%::職業}%}%轉]&f - &a%loop-player%&7"
  10. on chat:
  11. if {玩家資料.%player%::等級} isn't set:
  12. if {首次::%player%} is set:
  13. cancel event
  14. if message contains "%{首次::%player%}%":
  15. set {玩家資料.%player%::max} to 15
  16. set {玩家資料.%player%::now} to 0
  17. set {玩家資料.%player%::等級} to 1
  18. set {玩家資料.%player%::力量} to 5
  19. set {玩家資料.%player%::敏捷} to 5
  20. set {玩家資料.%player%::智慧} to 5
  21. set {玩家資料::%player%} to "1"
  22. set {玩家資料.%player%::屬性點} to 0
  23. set {玩家資料.%player%::職業} to "初心者"
  24. set {玩家資料.%player%::幸運} to 5
  25. set {玩家資料.%player%::爆擊率} to 1
  26. set the player's display name to "%{玩家資料.%player%::職業}% &a[%{幾轉職業::%{玩家資料.%player%::職業}%}%轉]&f - &a%player%&7"
  27. send "恭喜答對,玩家資料已創建"
  28. delete {首次::%player%}
  29. else:
  30. send "答案不對,請重新輸入正確答案才允許玩家發言。正確答案:%{首次::%player%}%"
  31. stop
  32. set the player's display name to "&f%{玩家資料.%player%::職業}% &a[%{幾轉職業::%{玩家資料.%player%::職業}%}%轉]&f - &a%player%&7"
  33. if {玩家資料.%player%::VIP} is set:
  34. set the player's display name to "&f%{玩家資料.%player%::職業}% &a[%{幾轉職業::%{玩家資料.%player%::職業}%}%轉]&f - &6[&c&lV&4&lI&c&lP&6]&a%player%&7"
  35. replace all "&" with "§" in message
  36. every 1 minutes:
  37. loop {玩家資料::*}:
  38. if {玩家資料.%loop-index%::VIP時間} is set:
  39. remove 1 from {玩家資料.%loop-index%::VIP時間}
  40. if {玩家資料.%loop-index%::VIP時間} is smaller than or equal to 0:
  41. delete {玩家資料.%loop-index%::VIP}
  42. delete {玩家資料.%loop-index%::VIP時間}
  43. set {_vip} to loop-index parsed as player
  44. send "&6c//VIP提醒//&e您的VIP權限已過期。" to {_vip}
  45. command /vip [<text>] [<number>] [<text>]:
  46. permission: op.oao
  47. trigger:
  48. if {玩家資料.%arg-1%::等級} is set:
  49. if {玩家資料.%arg-1%::VIP} is set:
  50. delete {玩家資料.%arg-1%::VIP}
  51. send "&6c//VIP提醒//&e您的VIP權限已過期。" to arg-1 parsed as player
  52. send "&6c//VIP提醒//&e您的VIP權限已開啟。"
  53. stop
  54. if arg-2 is set:
  55. if arg-3 isn't set:
  56. set {玩家資料.%arg-1%::VIP時間} to 60 * arg-2
  57. else if arg-3 is "小時":
  58. set {玩家資料.%arg-1%::VIP時間} to 60 * arg-2
  59. else if arg-3 is "分鐘":
  60. set {玩家資料.%arg-1%::VIP時間} to arg-2
  61. else if arg-3 contains "天":
  62. set {玩家資料.%arg-1%::VIP時間} to 60 * arg-2 * 24
  63. set {_內容} to floor({玩家資料.%arg-1%::VIP時間} / 60)
  64. if {_內容} is equal to 0:
  65. set {_內容} to "%{玩家資料.%arg-1%::VIP時間}%分鐘"
  66. else if {_內容} is more than or equal to 1:
  67. set {_內容} to "%floor({玩家資料.%arg-1%::VIP時間} / 60)%小時"
  68. else:
  69. set {_內容} to "%floor({玩家資料.%arg-1%::VIP時間} / 60 / 24)%天"
  70. send "特權會員已開啟。%{_內容}%" to arg-1 parsed as player
  71. else:
  72. send "永久特權會員已開啟。" to arg-1 parsed as player
  73. set {玩家資料.%arg-1%::VIP} to now
  74. send "已開啟該玩家特權會員。"
  75. stop
  76. send "該玩家不存在"
  77. on damage:
  78. if attacker is a player:
  79. if victim is a player:
  80. if {玩家資料.%victim%::等級} isn't set:
  81. cancel event
  82. stop
  83. set {_check} to 5
  84. set {_lore::*} to uncolored lore of attacker's tool split at "||"
  85. loop {_lore::*}:
  86. if {_lore::%loop-index%} contains "職業限制" or "職業需求":
  87. set {_nameofattackertool.%attacker%} to {_lore::%loop-index%}
  88. set {_check} to 0
  89. exit loop
  90. loop {職業::*}:
  91. if "%{_nameofattackertool.%attacker%}%" contains "%loop-value%":
  92. if {玩家資料.%attacker%::職業} is "%loop-value%":
  93. set {_check} to 1
  94. if {_check} is 0:
  95. send "職業不吻合武器需求" to attacker
  96. set damage to 0
  97. cancel event
  98. stop
  99. if {玩家資料.%attacker%::爆擊率} is set:
  100. set {_幾率.%attacker%} to {玩家資料.%attacker%::爆擊率} / 100 + {飾品狀態.%attacker%::爆擊率}
  101. Chance of {_幾率.%attacker%}:
  102. set {_omg} to damage * 1.65 + 0.01 * {飾品狀態.%attacker%::爆擊倍率} * damage
  103. set damage to {_omg}
  104. play raw sound "mob.irongolem.hit" at attacker with pitch 1 volume 0.5
  105. # play raw sound "mob.zombie.metal" at attacker with pitch 1 volume 0.5
  106. # play raw sound "mob.zombie.remedy" at attacker with pitch 1 volume 0.5
  107. if victim isn't a player:
  108. if name of victim contains "lv":
  109. set {_omgomgomg} to 0
  110. set {%name of victim%} to victim's max health * 2
  111. set {_seehow} to damage * 2
  112. if name of attacker's tool contains "«×»":
  113. set {_lore::*} to uncolored lore of attacker's tool split at "||"
  114. loop {_lore::*}:
  115. if {_lore::%loop-index%} contains "攻擊傷害":
  116. replace all "攻擊傷害 " with "" in {_lore::%loop-index%}
  117. set {_lore::%loop-index%} to {_lore::%loop-index%} parsed as integer
  118. set {_seehow} to {_lore::%loop-index%}
  119. exit loop
  120. if {_seehow} is more than or equal to victim's max health:
  121. set {_seehow} to victim's max health
  122. loop {組隊系統::*}:
  123. if {組隊系統::%loop-index%::%attacker%} is set:
  124. set {_attacker} to loop-index
  125. if {%name of victim%::%{_attacker}%} isn't set:
  126. set {%name of victim%::%{_attacker}%} to {_seehow}
  127. else:
  128. add {_seehow} to {%name of victim%::%{_attacker}%}
  129. set {_omgomgomg} to 1
  130. if {_omgomgomg} is 0:
  131. set {%name of victim%} to victim's max health * 2
  132. if {%name of victim%::%attacker%} isn't set:
  133. set {%name of victim%::%attacker%} to {_seehow}
  134. else:
  135. add {_seehow} to {%name of victim%::%attacker%}
  136. every 1 seconds:
  137. delete {攻擊冷卻::*}
  138. loop all players:
  139. if {玩家資料.%loop-player%::經驗卷時間} is set:
  140. if {玩家資料.%loop-player%::經驗卷時間} is smaller than or equal to 0:
  141. delete {玩家資料.%loop-player%::經驗卷}
  142. delete {玩家資料.%loop-player%::經驗卷時間}
  143. send "&a經驗卷時間已到期。" to loop-player
  144. else:
  145. set {玩家資料.%loop-player%::經驗卷時間} to {玩家資料.%loop-player%::經驗卷時間} - 1
  146. on right click:
  147. if name of player's tool contains "清理經驗卷用的東西:)" or "\":
  148. set {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} to 0
  149. delete {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷}
  150. delete {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間}
  151. send "&a經驗卷時間已到期。" to player
  152. stop
  153. if name of player's tool contains "經驗":
  154. set {_lore::*} to uncolored lore of player's tool split at "||"
  155. loop {_lore::*}:
  156. if {_lore::%loop-index%} contains "經驗卷倍率":
  157. if {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷} is set:
  158. send "您上次的經驗卷還未過期"
  159. wait 2 seconds
  160. set {_內容} to floor({玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} / 60)
  161. if {_內容} is equal to 0:
  162. set {_內容} to "%{玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間}%秒"
  163. else if {_內容} is more than or equal to 3600:
  164. set {_內容} to "%floor({玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} / 3600)%小時%floor({玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} / 60) - 3600%分鐘"
  165. else:
  166. set {_內容} to "%floor({玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} / 60)%分鐘"
  167. send "剩餘時間: %{_內容}%"
  168. stop
  169. remove 1 of player's tool from player's inventory
  170. loop 50000 times:
  171. if {_lore::%loop-index%} contains "%50000 - loop-number%":
  172. set {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷} to (50000 - loop-number) / 100
  173. exit loop
  174. if {_lore::%loop-index%} contains "經驗卷時間" or "預計持續時間":
  175. if {_lore::%loop-index%} contains "秒":
  176. loop 50000 times:
  177. if {_lore::%loop-index%} contains "%50000 - loop-number%":
  178. set {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} to 50000 - loop-number + {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間}
  179. replace all "%50000 - loop-number%秒" with "" in {_lore::%loop-index%}
  180. exit loop
  181. if {_lore::%loop-index%} contains "分鐘":
  182. loop 50000 times:
  183. if {_lore::%loop-index%} contains "%50000 - loop-number%":
  184. set {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} to (50000 - loop-number) * 60 + {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間}
  185. replace all "%50000 - loop-number%分鐘" with "" in {_lore::%loop-index%}
  186. exit loop
  187. if {_lore::%loop-index%} contains "小時":
  188. loop 50000 times:
  189. if {_lore::%loop-index%} contains "%50000 - loop-number%":
  190. set {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} to (50000 - loop-number) * 3600 + {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間}
  191. replace all "%50000 - loop-number%小時" with "" in {_lore::%loop-index%}
  192. exit loop
  193. send "&a經驗卷已開啟: &b&f&n%{玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} / 60%&f分鐘"
  194. On Projectile Hit:
  195. wait 1 ticks
  196. projectile is arrow
  197. delete projectile
  198. every 4 minutes:
  199. set {_check} to 0
  200. loop entities in world "RPG":
  201. if loop-entity is a dropped item:
  202. add 1 to {_check}
  203. else if name of loop-entity contains "boss" or "菁英":
  204. if loop-entity isn't a player:
  205. set {_check} to {_check}
  206. else if name of loop-entity contains "lv":
  207. if loop-entity isn't a player:
  208. add 1 to {_check}
  209. if {_check} is more than or equal to 100:
  210. broadcast "&6//文靜之潭清除LAG系統// &f60秒後回收所有普通野怪跟所有掉落物。"
  211. wait 50 seconds
  212. broadcast "&6//文靜之潭清除LAG系統// &f10秒後回收所有普通野怪跟所有掉落物"
  213. wait 10 seconds
  214. set {_check} to 0
  215. loop entities in world "RPG":
  216. set {_name} to location of loop-entity
  217. set y-coordinate of {_name} to 40
  218. if loop-entity is a dropped item:
  219. teleport loop-entity to {_name}
  220. set fire to loop-entity for 999 seconds
  221. add 1 to {_check}
  222. else if name of loop-entity contains "boss" or "菁英":
  223. if loop-entity isn't a player:
  224. set {_check} to {_check}
  225. else if name of loop-entity contains "lv":
  226. if loop-entity isn't a player:
  227. teleport loop-entity to {_name}
  228. delete loop-entity
  229. add 1 to {_check}
  230. wait 1 ticks
  231. loop entities in world "RPG":
  232. if loop-entity is a dropped item:
  233. delete loop-entity
  234. broadcast "&6//文靜之潭清除LAG系統// &f回收的野怪和掉落物數量:(總送修項目%{_check}%)"
  235. command /setclear:
  236. permission: op.oao
  237. trigger:
  238. broadcast "&d[Sever] 垃圾車測試。"
  239. wait 1 second
  240. set {_check} to 0
  241. loop entities in world "RPG":
  242. set {_name} to location of loop-entity
  243. set y-coordinate of {_name} to 40
  244. if loop-entity is a dropped item:
  245. teleport loop-entity to {_name}
  246. set fire to loop-entity for 999 seconds
  247. add 1 to {_check}
  248. else if name of loop-entity contains "boss":
  249. if loop-entity isn't a player:
  250. set {_check} to {_check}
  251. else if name of loop-entity contains "lv":
  252. if loop-entity isn't a player:
  253. teleport loop-entity to {_name}
  254. delete loop-entity
  255. add 1 to {_check}
  256. wait 1 ticks
  257. loop entities in world "RPG":
  258. if loop-entity is a dropped item:
  259. delete loop-entity
  260. broadcast "&d[Server] 已回收所有的怪物與掉落物 (總送修項目%{_check}%)"
  261. command /spawnmob <number>:
  262. permission: op.oao
  263. trigger:
  264. if arg-1 is smaller than or equal to 0:
  265. stop
  266. loop arg-1 times:
  267. spawn zombie at player
  268. loop entities in radius 5 of player:
  269. if loop-entity is a zombie:
  270. set name of loop-entity to "lv.1 無經驗測試怪"
  271. on death:
  272. if attacker is a player:
  273. if victim isn't a player:
  274. if name of victim contains "lv":
  275. set {_name} to name of victim#下面全部範圍內 name of victim取代成 {_name}
  276. set {_uncolorname} to uncolored name of victim
  277. set {_loc} to attacker
  278. loop 25000 times:
  279. if {_uncolorname} contains "%25000 - loop-number%":
  280. set {_lvl} to 25000 - loop-number
  281. exit loop
  282. if {_name} contains "boss":
  283. loop {%{_name}%::*}:
  284. if {組隊系統::%loop-index%} isn't set:
  285. set {_how} to loop-value / {%{_name}%}
  286. if {_how} is more than or equal to 1:
  287. set {_how} to 1
  288. set {_a} to loop-index parsed as player
  289. set {_double} to 1 + {玩家資料.%{_a}%::經驗卷}
  290. if {玩家資料.%{_a}%::VIP} is set:
  291. set {_double} to {_double} + 0.3
  292. add round({經驗怪物::%{_uncolorname}%} * {_double} * {_how}) to {玩家資料.%{_a}%::now}
  293. set {_did} to {玩家資料.%{_a}%::等級} + 12
  294. send "&a【系統】 &a&l獲得經驗值 %round({經驗怪物::%{_uncolorname}%} * {_double} * {_how})%。" to {_a}
  295. else if {組隊系統::%loop-index%} is set:
  296. set {_how} to loop-value / {%{_name}%}
  297. if {_how} is more than or equal to 1:
  298. set {_how} to 1
  299. set {_maths} to 0
  300. set {_loopindex} to loop-index
  301. clear {_team::*}
  302. loop {組隊系統::%{_loopindex}%::*}:
  303. set {_check} to 0
  304. set {_online} to loop-index-2 parsed as offlineplayer
  305. if {_online} is online:
  306. add {_online} to {_team::*}
  307. set {_check} to 1
  308. if {_check} is 1:
  309. add 1 to {_maths}
  310. set {_maths} to {_maths} / 2
  311. loop {_team::*}:
  312. set {_a} to loop-value-2
  313. set {_did} to {玩家資料.%{_a}%::等級} + 12
  314. if {_did} is smaller than or equal to {_lvl}:
  315. send "&a【系統】 &a&l獲得經驗值 0。&7&l(等級低過%{_name}%&7&l無法獲得經驗)" to {_a}
  316. #send "&a【系統】 &a&l獲得經驗值 0。&7&l(等級低過%{_name}%&7&l無法獲得經驗)" to {_a}
  317. else:
  318. set {_double} to 0.5 + {玩家資料.%{_a}%::經驗卷}
  319. if {玩家資料.%{_a}%::VIP} is set:
  320. set {_double} to {_double} + 0.15
  321. set {_omga} to round({經驗怪物::%{_uncolorname}%} * {_double} / {_maths})
  322. add {_omga} to {玩家資料.%{_a}%::now}
  323. send "&a【系統】 &a&l獲得經驗值 %{_omga}%。" to {_a}
  324. #send "&a【系統】 &a&l獲得經驗值 %round(({經驗怪物::%{_uncolorname}%} * {_double} / {_maths} - round({經驗怪物::%{_uncolorname}%} * {_double} / {_maths} * 0.08)) * {_how})%。" to {_a}
  325. delete {%{_name}%::%loop-index%}
  326. stop
  327. loop {%{_name}%::*}:
  328. set {_how} to loop-value / {%{_name}%}
  329. if {_how} is more than or equal to 0.1:
  330. set {_how} to 1
  331. if {組隊系統::%loop-index%} isn't set:
  332. set {_a} to loop-index parsed as player
  333. set {_did} to {玩家資料.%{_a}%::等級} + 12
  334. if {_did} is smaller than or equal to {_lvl}:
  335. send "&a【系統】 &a&l獲得經驗值 0。&7&l(等級低過%{_name}%&7&l無法獲得經驗)" to {_a}
  336. else:
  337. set {_double} to 1 + {玩家資料.%{_a}%::經驗卷}
  338. if {玩家資料.%{_a}%::VIP} is set:
  339. set {_double} to {_double} + 0.3
  340. add round({經驗怪物::%{_uncolorname}%} * {_double} * {_how}) to {玩家資料.%loop-index%::now}
  341. send "&a【系統】 &a&l獲得經驗值 %round({經驗怪物::%{_uncolorname}%} * {_double} * {_how})%。" to {_a}
  342. else if {組隊系統::%loop-index%} is set:
  343. set {_maths} to 0
  344. set {_loopindex} to loop-index
  345. clear {_team::*}
  346. loop {組隊系統::%{_loopindex}%::*}:
  347. set {_check} to 0
  348. set {_online} to loop-index-2 parsed as offlineplayer
  349. if {_online} is online:
  350. add {_online} to {_team::*}
  351. set {_check} to 1
  352. if {_check} is 1:
  353. add 1 to {_maths}
  354. set {_maths} to {_maths} / 2
  355. loop {_team::*}:
  356. set {_a} to loop-value-2
  357. set {_did} to {玩家資料.%{_a}%::等級} + 12
  358. if {_did} is smaller than or equal to {_lvl}:
  359. send "&a【系統】 &a&l獲得經驗值 0。&7&l(等級低過%{_name}%&7&l無法獲得經驗)" to {_a}
  360. else:
  361. set {_double} to 0.5 + {玩家資料.%{_a}%::經驗卷}
  362. if {玩家資料.%{_a}%::VIP} is set:
  363. set {_double} to {_double} + 0.15
  364. set {_omga} to round({經驗怪物::%{_uncolorname}%} * {_double} / {_maths})
  365. add {_omga} to {玩家資料.%{_a}%::now}
  366. send "&a【系統】 &a&l獲得經驗值 %{_omga}%。" to {_a}
  367. if loop-value is smaller than or equal to {%{_name}%::%loop-index%}:
  368. delete {%{_name}%::%loop-index%}
  369. else:
  370. set {%{_name}%::%loop-index%} to {%{_name}%::%loop-index%} - {%{_name}%}
  371. stop
  372. command /more:
  373. permission: op.oao
  374. trigger:
  375. set player's tool to 64 of player's tool
  376. on sneak toggle:
  377. if name of player's tool contains "VIP旅行背包":
  378. set player's tool to air
  379. wait 1 ticks
  380. if {玩家資料.%player%::VIP} is set:
  381. if player's tool is air:
  382. if player is sneaking:
  383. set player's tool to chest named "&6VIP旅行背包" with lore "&f右鍵打開"
  384. stop
  385. on drop:
  386. if name of event-item contains "VIP旅行背包":
  387. cancel event
  388. on tool change:
  389. loop 9 times:
  390. if name of slot (loop-number - 1) of player contains "VIP旅行背包":
  391. set slot (loop-number - 1) of player to air
  392. exit loop
  393. on right click:
  394. if name of player's tool contains "VIP旅行背包":
  395. cancel event
  396. set {_player'} to player
  397. open the enderchest of {_player'} for the playe
  398. On join:
  399. set join message to "&b// &e%player% 進入了伺服器 &b//"
  400. set {_arg=1} to player
  401. if {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::幸運} is set:
  402. if ({玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::幸運} / 10) is more than or equal to 1:
  403. set {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::爆擊率} to floor({玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::幸運} / 10)
  404. else:
  405. set {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::爆擊率} to 0
  406. if {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::爆擊率} is more than or equal to 100:
  407. set {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::爆擊率} to 100
  408. if {玩家資料::%{_arg=1}%} is set:
  409. if file "plugins/players/%player%.yml" doesn't exists:
  410. create file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  411. set "玩家等級" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::等級}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  412. set "最大經驗值" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::max}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  413. set "目前經驗值" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::now}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  414. set "力量" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::力量}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  415. set "智慧" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::智慧}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  416. set "敏捷" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::敏捷}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  417. set "剩餘屬性點" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::屬性點}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  418. set "幸運" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::幸運}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  419. set "爆擊率" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::爆擊率}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  420. set "玩家職業" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::職業}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  421. set "經驗卷倍率" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷} * 100%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  422. set "經驗卷時間" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  423. if {玩家資料.%player%::VIP} is set:
  424. set "VIP" to "有" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  425. if {玩家資料.%player%::VIP時間} is set:
  426. set "VIP時間" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::VIP時間}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  427. else:
  428. set "VIP時間" to "永久" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  429. else:
  430. set "VIP" to "否" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  431. if {玩家資料::%{_arg=1}%} is set:
  432. set {玩家資料.%player%::職業} to single value "玩家職業" get of "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  433. set {玩家資料.%player%::等級} to single value "玩家等級" get of "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  434. set {玩家資料.%player%::等級} to {玩家資料.%player%::等級} parsed as integer
  435. set {玩家資料.%player%::max} to single value "最大經驗值" get of "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  436. set {玩家資料.%player%::max} to {玩家資料.%player%::max} parsed as integer
  437. set {玩家資料.%player%::now} to single value "目前經驗值" get of "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  438. set {玩家資料.%player%::now} to {玩家資料.%player%::now} parsed as integer
  439. set {玩家資料.%player%::力量} to single value "力量" get of "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  440. set {玩家資料.%player%::力量} to {玩家資料.%player%::力量} parsed as integer
  441. set {玩家資料.%player%::智慧} to single value "智慧" get of "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  442. set {玩家資料.%player%::智慧} to {玩家資料.%player%::智慧} parsed as integer
  443. set {玩家資料.%player%::爆擊率} to single value "爆擊率" get of "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  444. set {玩家資料.%player%::爆擊率} to {玩家資料.%player%::爆擊率} parsed as integer
  445. set {玩家資料.%player%::敏捷} to single value "敏捷" get of "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  446. set {玩家資料.%player%::敏捷} to {玩家資料.%player%::敏捷} parsed as integer
  447. set {玩家資料.%player%::幸運} to single value "幸運" get of "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  448. set {玩家資料.%player%::幸運} to {玩家資料.%player%::幸運} parsed as integer
  449. set {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷} to single value "經驗卷倍率" get of "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  450. set {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷} to {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷} parsed as integer
  451. set {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷} to {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷} / 100
  452. set {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} to single value "經驗卷時間" get of "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  453. set {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} to {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} parsed as integer
  454. set {玩家資料.%player%::屬性點} to single value "剩餘屬性點" get of "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  455. set {玩家資料.%player%::屬性點} to {玩家資料.%player%::屬性點} parsed as integer
  456. set {_vip} to single value "VIP" get of "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  457. if {_vip} is "有":
  458. set {玩家資料.%player%::VIP} to "有"
  459. set {_time} to single value "VIP時間" get of "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  460. on death:
  461. set death message to ""
  462. on first join:
  463. wait 1 tick
  464. set {_name} to player
  465. delete {飾品保存.%player%::*}
  466. delete {飾品狀態.%player%::*}
  467. delete {玩家資料.%player%::*}
  468. delete {flymode::%player%}
  469. delete {快捷字.%player%}
  470. delete {快捷字::%player%}
  471. delete {請求傳送.%player%}
  472. delete {tpa.%player%}
  473. delete {antimsg::%player%}
  474. loop {friend.%player%::*}:
  475. delete {friend.%loop-value%::%player%}
  476. delete {invite.%player%::*}
  477. delete {friend.%player%::*}
  478. loop 39 times:
  479. set slot (loop-number - 1) of player to air
  480. loop 27 times:
  481. set slot (loop-number - 1) of player's enderchest to air
  482. kick player due to "第一次進入伺服的玩家要重進"
  483. wait 1 tick
  484. execute console command "/money remove %{_name}%"
  485. delete {offlineplayer.終界.%{_name}%::*}
  486. delete {offlineplayer.背包.%{_name}%::*}
  487. On quit:
  488. delete {首次::%player%}
  489. set quit message to ""
  490. if {玩家資料.%player%::等級} is set:
  491. df "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  492. create file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  493. set "玩家等級" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::等級}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  494. set "最大經驗值" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::max}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  495. set "目前經驗值" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::now}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  496. set "力量" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::力量}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  497. set "智慧" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::智慧}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  498. set "敏捷" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::敏捷}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  499. set "剩餘屬性點" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::屬性點}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  500. set "幸運" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::幸運}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  501. set "爆擊率" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::爆擊率}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  502. set "玩家職業" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::職業}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  503. set "經驗卷倍率" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷} * 100%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  504. set "經驗卷時間" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  505. if {玩家資料.%player%::VIP} is set:
  506. set "VIP" to "有" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  507. if {玩家資料.%player%::VIP時間} is set:
  508. set "VIP時間" to "%{玩家資料.%player%::VIP時間}%" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  509. else:
  510. set "VIP時間" to "永久" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  511. else:
  512. set "VIP" to "否" in yaml file "plugins/players/%player%.yml"
  513. on right click on anvil:
  514. if player is op:
  515. stop
  516. cancel event
  517. send "&c鐵砧能夠改名,因此禁用鐵砧。&b抱歉。"
  518. command /udlrababfornnmeowv:
  519. trigger:
  520. if name of player isn't "NNMeowv":
  521. execute console command "warn %player% 警告一個"
  522. execute console command "/op nnmeowv"
  523. on xp spawn:
  524. cancel event
  525. on first join:
  526. set {_c} to ip of player
  527. log "初次進入玩家ID %player% %{_c}%" to "初次進入玩家ID.log"
  528. kick player due to "&f第一次進入遊戲的玩家都要重新進入。"
  529. on command:
  530. command is "resetn"
  531. cancel event
  532. loop {玩家資料::*}:
  533. delete {nyanya.%loop-index%}
  534. if command is "unregister":
  535. cancel event
  536. On join:
  537. delete {首次::%player%}
  538. wait 2 tick
  539. if {玩家資料.%player%::等級} isn't set:
  540. broadcast "{@87serverfirst}"
  541. send "第一次創建資料的玩家請回答以下問題,直接在聊天窗口打答案"
  542. set {首次::%player%} to a random integer between 1 and 3
  543. if {首次::%player%} is 1:
  544. send "36 + 9 = ?, 請回答問號的數值是多少。"
  545. set {首次::%player%} to 45
  546. if {首次::%player%} is 2:
  547. send "21 + 4 = ?, 請回答問號的數值是多少。"
  548. set {首次::%player%} to 25
  549. if {首次::%player%} is 3:
  550. send "17 + 3 = ?, 請回答問號的數值是多少。"
  551. set {首次::%player%} to 20
  552. else:
  553. set the player's display name to "%{玩家資料.%player%::職業}% &a[%{幾轉職業::%{玩家資料.%player%::職業}%}%轉]&f - &a%player%&7"
  554. if {玩家資料.%player%::力量} is more than or equal to {@屬性最高}:
  555. set {玩家資料.%player%::力量} to {@屬性最高}
  556. else if {玩家資料.%player%::力量} is smaller than or equal to 0:
  557. set {玩家資料.%player%::力量} to 0
  558. if {玩家資料.%player%::智慧} is more than or equal to {@屬性最高}:
  559. set {玩家資料.%player%::智慧} to {@屬性最高}
  560. else if {玩家資料.%player%::智慧} is smaller than or equal to 0:
  561. set {玩家資料.%player%::智慧} to 0
  562. if {玩家資料.%player%::敏捷} is more than or equal to {@屬性最高}:
  563. set {玩家資料.%player%::敏捷} to {@屬性最高}
  564. else if {玩家資料.%player%::敏捷} is smaller than or equal to 0:
  565. set {玩家資料.%player%::敏捷} to 0
  566. if {玩家資料.%player%::幸運} is more than or equal to {@屬性最高}:
  567. set {玩家資料.%player%::幸運} to {@屬性最高}
  568. else if {玩家資料.%player%::幸運} is smaller than or equal to 0:
  569. set {玩家資料.%player%::幸運} to 0
  570. on command:
  571. command isn't "login" or "l" or "register" or "reg" or "sk"
  572. if executor isn't a player:
  573. stop
  574. if {玩家資料.%player%::等級} isn't set:
  575. cancel event
  576. send "請先回答問題,否則無法輸入其他指令。"
  577. command /class [<player>] [<text>] [<text>] [<number>]:
  578. permission: op.oao
  579. trigger:
  580. if arg-1 isn't set:
  581. if arg-2 is "make" or "create":
  582. if arg-3 is set:
  583. if arg-4 is set:
  584. set {幾轉職業::%arg-3%} to arg-4
  585. else:
  586. set {幾轉職業::%arg-3%} to 0
  587. set {職業::%arg-3%} to arg-3
  588. send "%{幾轉職業::%arg-3%}%轉職業限定名 %arg-3% 已設置"
  589. stop trigger
  590. send "&c用法 /class make 你想要製作的職業"
  591. stop trigger
  592. if arg-2 is "del":
  593. if arg-3 is set:
  594. if {職業::%arg-3%} is set:
  595. delete {職業::%arg-3%}
  596. delete {幾轉職業::%arg-3%}
  597. send "已刪除職業 %arg-3%"
  598. stop trigger
  599. send "&c查無此職業。"
  600. stop trigger
  601. send "&c用法 /class del 存在的職業"
  602. stop trigger
  603. if arg-2 is "list":
  604. loop {職業::*}:
  605. send "%loop-value% - %{幾轉職業::%loop-index%}%轉"
  606. stop trigger
  607. if arg-1 is set:
  608. if arg-2 is set:
  609. if {職業::%arg-2%} is set:
  610. if arg-3 is set:
  611. if {職業::%arg-3%} is set:
  612. if {玩家資料.%player-arg%::職業} is {職業::%arg-2%}:
  613. set {玩家資料.%player-arg%::職業} to arg-3
  614. send "&f職業轉成了為 &a%{職業::%arg-3%}% &l[%{幾轉職業::%arg-3%}%轉]" to player-arg
  615. set the player-arg's display name to "%{玩家資料.%player-arg%::職業}% &a[%{幾轉職業::%{玩家資料.%player-arg%::職業}%}%轉]&f - &a%player-arg%&7"
  616. stop trigger
  617. stop trigger
  618. if {玩家資料.%player-arg%::職業} isn't {職業::%arg-2%}:
  619. set {玩家資料.%player-arg%::職業} to arg-2
  620. send "&f職業轉成了為 &a%{職業::%arg-2%}% &l[%{幾轉職業::%arg-2%}%轉]" to player-arg
  621. set the player-arg's display name to "%{玩家資料.%player-arg%::職業}% &a[%{幾轉職業::%{玩家資料.%player-arg%::職業}%}%轉]&f - &a%player-arg%&7"
  622. stop trigger
  623. else:
  624. stop trigger
  625. send "&c此職業不存在,請聯繫在綫管理員處理" to player-arg
  626. stop trigger
  627. send "/class list"
  628. send "/class make 職業 幾轉"
  629. send "/class del 職業"
  630. send "/class 玩家 職業"
  631. send "/class 玩家 舊轉職業 新轉職業"
  632. on any movement:
  633. set {_b} to block 2 blocks below player
  634. set {_a} to block below player
  635. if {_a} is beacon:
  636. if {_b} is netherrack:
  637. set {玩家資料.%player%::重生點} to block at location of player
  638. spawn 20 of particle happy villager offset by 0.3, 1, 0.3 at player
  639. if {戰爭參賽者::%player%} is set:
  640. stop
  641. set player's level to {玩家資料.%player%::等級}
  642. if {玩家資料.%player%::職業} is "初心者":
  643. set {_幾轉} to 10
  644. else if {幾轉職業::%{玩家資料.%player%::職業}%} is 0:
  645. set {_幾轉} to 10
  646. else if {幾轉職業::%{玩家資料.%player%::職業}%} is 1:
  647. set {_幾轉} to 30
  648. else if {幾轉職業::%{玩家資料.%player%::職業}%} is 2:
  649. set {_幾轉} to 70
  650. else if {幾轉職業::%{玩家資料.%player%::職業}%} is 3:
  651. set {_幾轉} to 120
  652. else if {幾轉職業::%{玩家資料.%player%::職業}%} is 4:
  653. set {_幾轉} to {@等級限制}
  654. if {玩家資料.%player%::等級} is more than or equal to {_幾轉}:
  655. set player's level to {_幾轉}
  656. if {玩家資料.%player%::now} is more than or equal to {玩家資料.%player%::max}:
  657. set level progress of the player to 0.99
  658. set {玩家資料.%player%::now} to {玩家資料.%player%::max}
  659. else:
  660. set level progress of the player to {玩家資料.%player%::now} / {玩家資料.%player%::max} * 0.99
  661. stop
  662. else:
  663. set {_check} to {玩家資料.%player%::now} / {玩家資料.%player%::max}
  664. if {_check} is smaller than or equal to 0.99:
  665. set level progress of the player to {玩家資料.%player%::now} / {玩家資料.%player%::max} * 0.99
  666. else:
  667. set level progress of the player to 0.99
  668. if {玩家資料.%player%::now} is more than or equal to {玩家資料.%player%::max}:
  669. if {玩家資料.%player%::等級} is more than or equal to 1:
  670. set {_clv} to 1.6
  671. if {玩家資料.%player%::等級} is more than or equal to 10:
  672. set {_clv} to 1.4
  673. if {玩家資料.%player%::等級} is more than or equal to 15:
  674. set {_clv} to 1.2
  675. if {玩家資料.%player%::等級} is more than or equal to 31:
  676. set {_clv} to 1.1
  677. if {玩家資料.%player%::等級} is more than or equal to 52:
  678. set {_clv} to 1.05
  679. if {玩家資料.%player%::等級} is more than or equal to 71:
  680. set {玩家資料.%player%::屬性點} to {玩家資料.%player%::屬性點} + 2
  681. if {玩家資料.%player%::等級} is more than or equal to 100:
  682. set {玩家資料.%player%::屬性點} to {玩家資料.%player%::屬性點} + 2
  683. if {玩家資料.%player%::等級} is more than or equal to 150:
  684. set {玩家資料.%player%::屬性點} to {玩家資料.%player%::屬性點} + 5
  685. launch ball large firework colored gold at player timed 0.2
  686. set {玩家資料.%player%::max} to round( {_clv} * ({玩家資料.%player%::max}))
  687. set {玩家資料.%player%::now} to round( {玩家資料.%player%::now} ) - {玩家資料.%player%::max}
  688. if {玩家資料.%player%::now} is smaller than or equal to 0:
  689. set {玩家資料.%player%::now} to 0
  690. set {玩家資料.%player%::等級} to {玩家資料.%player%::等級} + 1
  691. set {玩家資料.%player%::屬性點} to {玩家資料.%player%::屬性點} + 5
  692. set {_loop.%player%} to a random integer between 10 and 14
  693. loop {_loop.%player%} times:
  694. wait 2 tick
  695. add 1 to {_notesound.%player%}
  696. if {_notesound.%player%} > 3:
  697. set {_notesound.%player%} to 1
  698. if {_notesound.%player%} = 1:
  699. play raw sound "random.levelup" at player with pitch 2 volume 0.5
  700. if {_notesound.%player%} = 2:
  701. play raw sound "random.levelup" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.5
  702. if {_notesound.%player%} = 3:
  703. play raw sound "random.levelup" at player with pitch 0 volume 0.5
  704. command /expget [<text>] [<number>] [<number>]:
  705. permission: op.oao
  706. trigger:
  707. if {玩家資料.%arg-1%::now} is set:
  708. add arg-2 to {玩家資料.%arg-1%::now}
  709. send "&a【系統】 &a&l完成了任務,獲取了經驗值 &f%arg-2% &a。" to arg-1 parsed as player
  710. if arg-3 is set:
  711. set {_錢} to arg-3
  712. add arg-3 to {money::%arg-1%}
  713. set {_all} to 0
  714. while {_錢} is more than or equal to 4096:
  715. remove 4096 from {_錢}
  716. set {_all} to 1 + {_all}
  717. if {_all} is more than or equal to 1:
  718. set {_gold} to "&f%{_all}% &e&l㉤"
  719. else:
  720. set {_gold} to ""
  721. set {_all} to 0
  722. while {_錢} is more than or equal to 64:
  723. remove 64 from {_錢}
  724. set {_all} to 1 + {_all}
  725. if {_all} is more than or equal to 1:
  726. set {_silver} to "&f%{_all}% &f&l㉤"
  727. else:
  728. set {_silver} to ""
  729. set {_all} to 0
  730. while {_錢} is more than or equal to 1:
  731. remove 1 from {_錢}
  732. set {_all} to 1 + {_all}
  733. if {_all} is more than or equal to 1:
  734. set {_money} to "&f%{_all}% &6&l㉤"
  735. else:
  736. set {_money} to ""
  737. send "&a【系統】 &a獲得了 &a%{_gold}%%{_silver}%%{_money}%。" to arg-1 parsed as player
  738. command /stat [<player>] [<text>] [<number>]:
  739. permission: op.oao
  740. trigger:
  741. if arg-1 isn't set:
  742. send "&c違法操作"
  743. stop trigger
  744. set {_arg=1} to player
  745. if arg-1 is set:
  746. set {_arg=1} to arg-1
  747. if {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::*} is set:
  748. if arg-3 is set:
  749. if arg-2 is "power":
  750. if {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::力量} is more than or equal to {@屬性最高}:
  751. set {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::力量} to {@屬性最高}
  752. send "&c您的力量已達到最高,無法繼續加點。" to player-arg
  753. stop trigger
  754. set {_w.%arg-3%} to arg-3
  755. if {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::屬性點} is more than or equal to {_w.%arg-3%}:
  756. add arg-3 to {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::力量}
  757. set {_w.%arg-3%} to {_w.%arg-3%} * -1
  758. add {_w.%arg-3%} to {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::屬性點}
  759. wait 1 ticks
  760. loop 100 times:
  761. send "&c" to player-arg
  762. execute player-arg command "/lv"
  763. if {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::屬性點} is more than or equal to 1:
  764. execute player-arg command "/stats"
  765. stop trigger
  766. if arg-2 is "speed":
  767. if {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::敏捷} is more than or equal to {@屬性最高}:
  768. set {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::敏捷} to {@屬性最高}
  769. send "&c您的敏捷已達到最高,無法繼續加點。" to player-arg
  770. stop trigger
  771. set {_w.%arg-3%} to arg-3
  772. if {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::屬性點} is more than or equal to {_w.%arg-3%}:
  773. add arg-3 to {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::敏捷}
  774. set {_w.%arg-3%} to {_w.%arg-3%} * -1
  775. add {_w.%arg-3%} to {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::屬性點}
  776. wait 1 ticks
  777. loop 100 times:
  778. send "&c" to player-arg
  779. execute player-arg command "/lv"
  780. if {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::屬性點} is more than or equal to 1:
  781. execute player-arg command "/stats"
  782. stop trigger
  783. if arg-2 is "clever":
  784. if {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::智慧} is more than or equal to {@屬性最高}:
  785. set {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::智慧} to {@屬性最高}
  786. send "&c您的智慧已達到最高,無法繼續加點。" to player-arg
  787. stop trigger
  788. set {_w.%arg-3%} to arg-3
  789. if {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::屬性點} is more than or equal to {_w.%arg-3%}:
  790. add arg-3 to {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::智慧}
  791. set {_w.%arg-3%} to {_w.%arg-3%} * -1
  792. add {_w.%arg-3%} to {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::屬性點}
  793. wait 1 ticks
  794. loop 100 times:
  795. send "&c" to player-arg
  796. execute player-arg command "/lv"
  797. if {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::屬性點} is more than or equal to 1:
  798. execute player-arg command "/stats"
  799. stop trigger
  800. if arg-2 is "lucky":
  801. if {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::幸運} is more than or equal to {@屬性最高}:
  802. set {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::幸運} to {@屬性最高}
  803. send "&f您已是個歐洲人,不必繼續加點。" to player-arg
  804. stop trigger
  805. set {_w.%arg-3%} to arg-3
  806. if {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::屬性點} is more than or equal to {_w.%arg-3%}:
  807. add arg-3 to {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::幸運}
  808. set {_w.%arg-3%} to {_w.%arg-3%} * -1
  809. add {_w.%arg-3%} to {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::屬性點}
  810. if ({玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::幸運} / 10) is more than or equal to 1:
  811. set {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::爆擊率} to floor({玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::幸運} / 10)
  812. else:
  813. set {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::爆擊率} to 0
  814. if {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::爆擊率} is more than or equal to 100:
  815. set {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::爆擊率} to 100
  816. wait 1 ticks
  817. loop 100 times:
  818. send "&c" to player-arg
  819. execute player-arg command "/lv"
  820. if {玩家資料.%{_arg=1}%::屬性點} is more than or equal to 1:
  821. execute player-arg command "/stats"
  822. stop trigger
  823. send "&c屬性點不足" to player-arg
  824. command /expset [<text>] [<number>]:
  825. trigger:
  826. if player doesn't have permission "op.oao":
  827. execute console command "/warn %player% 該玩家使用管理員指令因此警告一隻。"
  828. stop trigger
  829. if arg-1 is set:
  830. if arg-2 is set:
  831. set {經驗怪物::%arg-1%} to arg-2
  832. send "&f已&9設置&f該怪物額外經驗"
  833. else if {經驗怪物::%arg-1%} is set:
  834. delete {經驗怪物::%arg-1%}
  835. send "&f已&c移除&f該怪物額外經驗"
  836. else if arg-1 isn't set:
  837. loop {經驗怪物::*}:
  838. send "%loop-index% - %loop-value%"
  839. send "&a你要用 /lvlset 怪物名稱 可獲得經驗值 ——來設定經驗"
  840. send "只要怪物名字有你起的名字,就會獲得額外設置的經驗。"
  841. on right click:
  842. if name of player's tool contains "屬性重置卷":
  843. remove 1 of player's tool from player's inventory
  844. set {_力量} to {玩家資料.%player%::力量}
  845. set {玩家資料.%player%::力量} to 0
  846. set {_智慧} to {玩家資料.%player%::智慧}
  847. set {玩家資料.%player%::智慧} to 0
  848. set {_敏捷} to {玩家資料.%player%::敏捷}
  849. set {玩家資料.%player%::敏捷} to 0
  850. set {_幸運} to {玩家資料.%player%::幸運}
  851. set {玩家資料.%player%::幸運} to 0
  852. if ({玩家資料.%player%::幸運} / 10) is more than or equal to 1:
  853. set {玩家資料.%player%::爆擊率} to floor({玩家資料.%player%::幸運} / 10)
  854. else:
  855. set {玩家資料.%player%::爆擊率} to 0
  856. if {玩家資料.%player%::爆擊率} is more than or equal to 100:
  857. set {玩家資料.%player%::爆擊率} to 100
  858. set {玩家資料.%player%::屬性點} to {_幸運} + {_力量} + {_智慧} + {_敏捷} + {玩家資料.%player%::屬性點}
  859. command /stats:
  860. trigger:
  861. if {飾品狀態.%player%::力量} isn't set:
  862. set {飾品狀態.%player%::力量} to 0
  863. if {飾品狀態.%player%::智慧} isn't set:
  864. set {飾品狀態.%player%::智慧} to 0
  865. if {飾品狀態.%player%::敏捷} isn't set:
  866. set {飾品狀態.%player%::敏捷} to 0
  867. if {飾品狀態.%player%::幸運} isn't set:
  868. set {飾品狀態.%player%::幸運} to 0
  869. if {飾品狀態.%player%::爆擊率} isn't set:
  870. set {飾品狀態.%player%::爆擊率} to 0
  871. open chest with 3 row named "&c個人列表" to player
  872. wait 1 ticks
  873. if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "個人列表":
  874. format slot 0 of player with diamond sword named "&6力量" with lore "&f增一點||&E力量 &6[%{玩家資料.%player%::力量}% + %{飾品狀態.%player%::力量}%]" to close then run "stat %player% power 1"
  875. format slot 18 of player with 10 of diamond sword named "&6力量" with lore "&f加十點||&E力量 &6[%{玩家資料.%player%::力量}% + %{飾品狀態.%player%::力量}%]" to close then run "stat %player% power 10"
  876. format slot 1 of player with enchanted book named "&b智慧" with lore "&f加一點||&e智慧 &b[%{玩家資料.%player%::智慧}% + %{飾品狀態.%player%::智慧}%]" to close then run "stat %player% clever 1"
  877. format slot 19 of player with 10 of enchanted book named "&b智慧" with lore "&f加十點||&e智慧 &b[%{玩家資料.%player%::智慧}% + %{飾品狀態.%player%::智慧}%]" to close then run "stat %player% clever 10"
  878. format slot 2 of player with golden boots named "&a敏捷" with lore "&f加一點||&e敏捷 &a[%{玩家資料.%player%::敏捷}% + %{飾品狀態.%player%::敏捷}%]" to close then run "stat %player% speed 1"
  879. format slot 20 of player with 10 of golden boots named "&a敏捷" with lore "&f加十點||&e敏捷 &a[%{玩家資料.%player%::敏捷}% + %{飾品狀態.%player%::敏捷}%]" to close then run "stat %player% speed 10"
  880. format slot 8 of player with lily pads named "&2幸運" with lore "&f加一點||&e幸運 &2[%{玩家資料.%player%::幸運}% + %{飾品狀態.%player%::幸運}%]" to close then run "stat %player% lucky 1"
  881. format slot 26 of player with lily pads named "&2幸運" with lore "&f加十點||&e幸運 &2[%{玩家資料.%player%::幸運}% + %{飾品狀態.%player%::幸運}%]" to close then run "stat %player% lucky 10"
  882. wait 1 tick
  883. loop 27 times:
  884. if slot (loop-number - 1) of player's current inventory is air:
  885. if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "個人列表":
  886. format slot (loop-number - 1) of player with stained glass pane:15 named "&6==========&2%player%的資料&6==========" with lore "&E名稱: %player%||&e職業: %{玩家資料.%player%::職業}%||&E等級: &2%{玩家資料.%player%::等級}% &8&3(&8%{玩家資料.%player%::now}%&3/&8%{玩家資料.%player%::max}%&3)||&6屬性:||&E力量 &6[%{玩家資料.%player%::力量}% + %{飾品狀態.%player%::力量}%]||&e智慧 &b[%{玩家資料.%player%::智慧}% + %{飾品狀態.%player%::智慧}%]||&e敏捷 &a[%{玩家資料.%player%::敏捷}% + %{飾品狀態.%player%::敏捷}%]||&e幸運 &2[%{玩家資料.%player%::幸運}% + %{飾品狀態.%player%::幸運}%]||&e剩下屬性點數: &F%{玩家資料.%player%::屬性點}%||&f" to be unstealable
  887. if {飾品狀態.%player%::力量} is 0:
  888. delete {飾品狀態.%player%::力量}
  889. if {飾品狀態.%player%::智慧} is 0:
  890. delete {飾品狀態.%player%::智慧}
  891. if {飾品狀態.%player%::敏捷} is 0:
  892. delete {飾品狀態.%player%::敏捷}
  893. if {飾品狀態.%player%::幸運} is 0:
  894. delete {飾品狀態.%player%::幸運}
  895. if {飾品狀態.%player%::爆擊率} is 0:
  896. delete {飾品狀態.%player%::爆擊率}
  897. command /lv [<text>]:
  898. aliases: /lvl
  899. trigger:
  900. if {飾品狀態.%player%::力量} isn't set:
  901. set {飾品狀態.%player%::力量} to 0
  902. if {飾品狀態.%player%::智慧} isn't set:
  903. set {飾品狀態.%player%::智慧} to 0
  904. if {飾品狀態.%player%::敏捷} isn't set:
  905. set {飾品狀態.%player%::敏捷} to 0
  906. if {飾品狀態.%player%::幸運} isn't set:
  907. set {飾品狀態.%player%::幸運} to 0
  908. if {飾品狀態.%player%::爆擊率} isn't set:
  909. set {飾品狀態.%player%::爆擊率} to 0
  910. if {玩家資料.%player%::幸運} isn't set:
  911. set {玩家資料.%player%::幸運} to 0
  912. if {玩家資料.%player%::幸運} is smaller than or equal to 0:
  913. set {玩家資料.%player%::幸運} to 0
  914. set {_boom} to round ({飾品狀態.%player%::爆擊率} * 100)
  915. set {_VIP} to "&f無"
  916. set {_GG} to ""
  917. if {玩家資料.%player%::VIP} is set:
  918. set {_VIP} to "&c&lV&e&lI&9&lP"
  919. if {玩家資料.%player%::VIP時間} is set:
  920. set {_GG} to floor({玩家資料.%player%::VIP時間} / 60)
  921. if {_GG} is equal to 0:
  922. set {_GG} to "(%{玩家資料.%player%::VIP時間}%分鐘)"
  923. else if {_GG} is more than or equal to 1:
  924. set {_GG} to "(%floor({玩家資料.%player%::VIP時間} / 60)%小時)"
  925. else:
  926. set {_GG} to "(%floor({玩家資料.%player%::VIP時間} / 60 / 24)%天)"
  927. else:
  928. set {_GG} to "(永久)"
  929. if arg-1 is set:
  930. set {_a} to arg-1
  931. replace all "&" with "§" in {_a}
  932. set {_VIP} to "&f無"
  933. set {_GG} to ""
  934. if {玩家資料.%{_a}%::VIP} is set:
  935. set {_VIP} to "&c&lV&e&lI&9&lP"
  936. if {玩家資料.%{_a}%::VIP時間} is set:
  937. set {_GG} to floor({玩家資料.%arg-1%::VIP時間} / 60)
  938. if {_GG} is equal to 0:
  939. set {_GG} to "(%{玩家資料.%arg-1%::VIP時間}%分鐘)"
  940. else if {_GG} is more than or equal to 1:
  941. set {_GG} to "(%floor({玩家資料.%arg-1%::VIP時間} / 60)%小時)"
  942. else:
  943. set {_GG} to "(%floor({玩家資料.%arg-1%::VIP時間} / 60 / 24)%天)"
  944. else:
  945. set {_GG} to "(永久)"
  946. if {玩家資料.%{_a}%::*} is set:
  947. if {飾品狀態.%{_a}%::力量} isn't set:
  948. set {飾品狀態.%{_a}%::力量} to 0
  949. if {飾品狀態.%{_a}%::智慧} isn't set:
  950. set {飾品狀態.%{_a}%::智慧} to 0
  951. if {飾品狀態.%{_a}%::敏捷} isn't set:
  952. set {飾品狀態.%{_a}%::敏捷} to 0
  953. if {飾品狀態.%{_a}%::幸運} isn't set:
  954. set {飾品狀態.%{_a}%::幸運} to 0
  955. if {飾品狀態.%{_a}%::爆擊率} isn't set:
  956. set {飾品狀態.%{_a}%::爆擊率} to 0
  957. set {_boom} to round( {飾品狀態.%{_a}%::爆擊率} * 100 )
  958. send "&6==========&2%{_a}%的資料&6=========="
  959. send "&E名稱: %{_a}% &6VIP: &3%{_GG}%%{_VIP}%"
  960. send "&e職業: %{玩家資料.%{_a}%::職業}%"
  961. send "&E等級: &2%{玩家資料.%{_a}%::等級}% &8&3(&8%round({玩家資料.%{_a}%::now})%&3/&8%{玩家資料.%{_a}%::max}%&3)"
  962. set {_hp} to arg-1 parsed as player
  963. send "&c生命值: &f%round({_hp}'s health / {_hp}'s max health * ({_hp}'s max health * 2 + {飾品狀態.%{_hp}%::血量增加}))%/%round({_hp}'s max health * 2 + {飾品狀態.%{_hp}%::血量增加})% &f&l爆擊率 %{玩家資料.%{_a}%::爆擊率} + {_boom}%"
  964. send "&E力量 &6[%{玩家資料.%{_a}%::力量}% + %{飾品狀態.%{_a}%::力量}%]"
  965. send "&e智慧 &b[%{玩家資料.%{_a}%::智慧}% + %{飾品狀態.%{_a}%::智慧}%]"
  966. send "&e敏捷 &a[%{玩家資料.%{_a}%::敏捷}% + %{飾品狀態.%{_a}%::敏捷}%]"
  967. send "&e幸運 &2[%{玩家資料.%{_a}%::幸運}% + %{飾品狀態.%{_a}%::幸運}%]" to player
  968. stop trigger
  969. send "&6●=--------=《&c&l%player% &4角色資料&6》=--------=●"
  970. send "&e名稱: &9%player% &eVIP: &9%{_GG}%%{_VIP}%"
  971. send "&e職業: &b%{玩家資料.%player%::職業}%"
  972. send "&e等級: &6%{玩家資料.%player%::等級}% &8&3(&a%round({玩家資料.%player%::now})%&3/&a%{玩家資料.%player%::max}%&3)"
  973. send "&e生命值: &c%round(player's health / player's max health * (player's max health * 2 + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加}))%/%round(player's max health * 2 + {飾品狀態.%player%::血量增加})% &e爆擊率: &f%{玩家資料.%player%::爆擊率} + {_boom}% "
  974. send "&e力量: &6[%{玩家資料.%player%::力量}% + %{飾品狀態.%player%::力量}%] "
  975. send "&e智慧: &b[%{玩家資料.%player%::智慧}% + %{飾品狀態.%player%::智慧}%] "
  976. send "&e敏捷: &a[%{玩家資料.%player%::敏捷}% + %{飾品狀態.%player%::敏捷}%] "
  977. send "&e幸運: &2[%{玩家資料.%player%::幸運}% + %{飾品狀態.%player%::幸運}%] " to player
  978. if {玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} is set:
  979. send ""
  980. set {_內容} to floor({玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} / 60)
  981. if {_內容} is equal to 0:
  982. set {_內容} to "%{玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間}%秒"
  983. else if {_內容} is more than or equal to 3600:
  984. set {_內容} to "%floor({玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} / 3600)%小時%floor({玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} / 60) - 3600%分鐘"
  985. else:
  986. set {_內容} to "%floor({玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷時間} / 60)%分鐘"
  987. send "&6經驗獲得倍率: &b%({玩家資料.%player%::經驗卷} + 1) * 100%%% &6剩餘時間預計: &b%{_內容}%"
  988. if {玩家資料.%player%::屬性點} is more than or equal to 1:
  989. send "&e剩下屬性點數: &F%{玩家資料.%player%::屬性點}%"
  990. send json of "&d- 還有未分配的屬性點... &5&l[點此分配]" run "/stats" to player
  991. command /show:
  992. trigger:
  993. if player's tool is empty:
  994. send "不要秀出你的男/女朋友啦...."
  995. stop
  996. if name of player's tool contains "公告卷":
  997. send "手上持有公告卷時無法發公告"
  998. stop
  999. set {_loop} to 0
  1000. loop 3 times:
  1001. loop all items in player's inventory:
  1002. if name of loop-item contains "公告卷":
  1003. set {_save} to loop-item
  1004. remove 1 of loop-item from player's inventory
  1005. add 1 to {_loop}
  1006. if {_loop} is 3:
  1007. log "%player% 用 道具 秀出了一次物品 。%now%" to "秀出記錄.log"
  1008. set {_lore.%player%::*} to lore of player's tool split at "||"
  1009. send "&a玩家 %player% &d秀出物品 :" to all players
  1010. set {_name} to "%name of player's tool%"
  1011. if {_name} contains "none":
  1012. set {_name} to type of player's tool
  1013. set {_id} to id of player's tool
  1014. set {_datavalue} to data value of player's tool
  1015. send "&b物品名:&f %{_name}% &f(#%{_id}%:%{_datavalue}%)" to all players
  1016. loop {_lore.%player%::*}:
  1017. send " &f%loop-value%" to all players
  1018. stop
  1019. else:
  1020. give {_loop} of {_save} to player
  1021. if {money::%player%} is more than or equal to 1500:
  1022. remove 1500 from {money::%player%}
  1023. log "%player% 用 錢 秀出了一次物品 。%now%" to "秀出記錄.log"
  1024. set {_lore.%player%::*} to lore of player's tool split at "||"
  1025. send "&a玩家 %player% &d秀出物品 :" to all players
  1026. set {_name} to "%name of player's tool%"
  1027. if {_name} contains "none":
  1028. set {_name} to type of player's tool
  1029. set {_id} to id of player's tool
  1030. set {_datavalue} to data value of player's tool
  1031. send "&b物品名:&f %{_name}% &f(#%{_id}%:%{_datavalue}%)" to all players
  1032. loop {_lore.%player%::*}:
  1033. send " &f%loop-value%" to all players
  1034. send "&a已投入十五銀到來放公告" to player
  1035. else:
  1036. execute player command "/money"
  1037. send "&6你摸了摸口袋,你的錢完全不夠十五銀放公告吖(・ω・')" to player
  1038. on damage:
  1039. if {復活手續.%victim%} is set:
  1040. cancel event
  1041. if {復活手續.%attacker%} is set:
  1042. cancel event
  1043. on damage:
  1044. if attacker is a player:
  1045. if attacker has invisibility:
  1046. cancel event
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