

Sep 30th, 2014
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  1. Game 3 vs sharfik
  2. TOP LANE:
  4. Cent have to block initial wave, it's very very important.
  5. Learn in lobby to last hit under tower, 1hit each creep.
  6. The goal of the lane is to get as much gold/exp and deny it to him, so we want to have the lane near our tower and deny some creep with neutral. So at 4:30 you should pull side camp and reset lane.
  7. Keep in mind that when target is silenced take 30% more dmg from your double edge, so you want to use it as soon as possible before expire.
  8. As i told you already, you dont need Return versus a Void short lane better have more damage.
  9. At 2:20 he doesnt have any regen left, you have a salve and 2 tango left, and you will have regen from tranquil so you really want to spam double edge on him.
  10. Dagger timing should be around 8-9 min.
  12. OFFLANE:
  14. You should try to start with tango 3potion ring of protection and braches, then complete basilius buy power treads and meka, blink first item is useless.
  15. As i told you before you dont have to take third spell at lvl 4, but take stun, also you have to max demonic conversion at 7.
  16. You have to use your demonic conversion on CD to prevent him to take exp and if possible when he's not in range.
  17. At start should deny the front creep and then block the wave as much as u can, if you are near your tower they can't kill you.
  18. When you dont have anything to do you have to go back use conversion and block the wave as much as u can
  19. Watch some replays if you are not really confident with what u have to do on the lane.(iceiceice or universe are good enigma)
  21. Dual mid.
  23. Buy stick on morphling please and conventional item build.If you want to farm you go linken into ethereal.Also you need lvl 2 ulti at 11, you really want extra time on ulti.
  25. Lich remember to buy a stack of sentry to counter mid ward at min around min 5-10.
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