
Lack of response will be taken as a sign of submissiveness

Apr 23rd, 2014
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  1. Sokaru: . . . .
  2. moorsy: mmmm
  3. InCreedible: hi
  4. SageOfPhilia: Hello.
  5. moorsy: Hi.
  6. InCreedible: mooorrssssyyy
  7. InCreedible: long time no see
  8. GeluMartin: hi
  9. SageOfPhilia: How goes it?
  10. Sokaru: Oh, awful. Just awful. Thanks for asking.
  11. SageOfPhilia: Why so awful, Sokaru?
  12. Sokaru: Chaos to Exalt rates are 26 to 1 now. That's 6 Chaos per Exalt more than I thought it was.
  13. SageOfPhilia: Uh huh.
  14. SageOfPhilia: This is on PoE, I presume?
  15. Sokaru: I have 30% fewer Exalts-worth in Chaos than I thought I did.
  16. Sokaru: QQQQQQQ
  17. Sokaru: And I keep getting low-level uniques that are worthless to me.
  18. Sokaru: QQQQQQQQQQQQ
  19. SageOfPhilia: That is a sad thing to learn indeed.
  20. moorsy: So many Qs
  21. furrymessiah: So very many.
  22. SageOfPhilia: If only you had friends who were just beginning to get back into the game, ones who would love free low-level uniques.
  23. Sokaru: **** you they're mine
  24. Sokaru: I'll sell them to you for 1 Ex each.
  25. SageOfPhilia: Hah.
  26. Sokaru: And maybe a body part.
  27. SageOfPhilia: Which body parts?
  28. Sokaru: Whichever you don't need to continue surviving. Unless you're okay with not surviving.
  29. Sokaru: Then any that I can sell will do, really.
  30. SageOfPhilia: I don't think people are interested in buying much beyond vital organs.
  31. SageOfPhilia: Yet another disappointing market.
  32. furrymessiah: It's your own fault, really.
  33. furrymessiah: You haven't made the acquisition of non-vital body bits a viable economy.
  34. Sokaru: Tell that to prostitutes.
  35. furrymessiah: HEYO
  36. Sokaru: I'M SO WITTY
  37. SageOfPhilia: Just keep telling yourself that.
  38. Sokaru: I will. If I say it enough, people around me might start believing it.
  39. Sokaru: For some reason.
  40. furrymessiah: Cognitive dissonance, all around.
  41. Sokaru: Yes, those words seem large enough to work.
  42. furrymessiah: It's so crazy.
  43. furrymessiah: It just might work.
  44. SageOfPhilia: Sokaru is crazy and doesn't work.
  45. SageOfPhilia: So... there's that....
  46. Sokaru: I'm not crazy.
  47. furrymessiah: Operative word being 'might'
  48. SageOfPhilia: You're crazy cool!
  49. Sokaru: That statement is my only defense, but it's true.
  50. Sokaru: Oh.
  51. Sokaru: And witty, right?
  52. SageOfPhilia: Of course. You've convinced me.
  53. furrymessiah: Against the multitudes of contrary evidence.
  54. Sokaru: It's all that cognitive dissonance.
  55. furrymessiah: It's the Circle of Life.
  56. SageOfPhilia: On second thought, perhaps I am crazy.
  57. Sokaru: Oh?
  58. furrymessiah: The odds are stacked in favor of that.
  59. moorsy: We're all crazy.
  60. moorsy: Just... different brands.
  61. furrymessiah: Oh, there is no doubt.
  62. janeks91: hi
  63. InCreedible: hi
  64. SageOfPhilia: Is it more likely that Sokaru is cool and witty, or that I am mad?
  65. SageOfPhilia: Hmm.
  66. moorsy: Sokaru, cool?
  67. furrymessiah: I think he's more pithy than witty.
  68. furrymessiah: But anyone who stays in this room long enough becomes pithy.
  69. SoulofBloodvale: We are a beautiful community of fruit.
  70. Sokaru: Did you just call me a fruit?
  71. SoulofBloodvale: We are all fruit here, Sokaru.
  72. moorsy: You're a prune.
  73. SageOfPhilia: He did.
  74. SageOfPhilia: You going to take that, Sokaru?
  75. furrymessiah: I pride myself on being a green raspberry.
  76. Sokaru: I can't take that. I don't know how take that. I don't even know what it means.
  77. Sokaru: How to.
  78. SageOfPhilia: I believe it's a play on the word "pithy."
  79. Sokaru: I still feel offended.
  80. Sokaru: Where do you get prune?
  81. SageOfPhilia: I think you're being called an old homosexual.
  82. Sokaru: I'm only about 30% of either of those.
  83. martyn898: hi
  84. Sokaru: Ah, unique.
  85. Sokaru: Not even one that means I need to kill myself.
  86. martyn898: i woudl never need a mean to kill my self ever
  87. Sokaru: . . . .
  88. moorsy: That's entirely relevant. Thank you for the contribution.
  89. Sokaru: Are you saying you don't need a reason to kill yourself?
  90. Sokaru: That's great for me.
  91. Sokaru: Go on then.
  92. moorsy: He's never lacking the means.
  93. SageOfPhilia: Fantastic. Go to.
  94. Sokaru: I think he means he'd never need the means. Which now that I think about it implies the exact opposite of what I was hoping for.
  95. furrymessiah: So much animosity here. Quickly, fan the flames of passionate thought.
  96. SageOfPhilia: Well, perhaps "go to" would be enough to provide motivation.
  97. Sokaru: That would require passion.
  98. SageOfPhilia: I don't know how easily his mind is swayed.
  99. Sokaru: I might have difficulties here.
  100. SageOfPhilia: Quick, Sokaru, invent a way to have emotions.
  101. Sokaru: Can I hurt someone until they have emotions for me?
  102. Sokaru: Have emotions in my place, that is.
  103. moorsy: A weird Stockholm syndrome.
  104. moorsy: Oh.
  105. Sokaru: Yes, that's what I got from my reading as well.
  106. moorsy: Very weird.
  107. Sokaru: That being the reason I reworded a bit.
  108. SageOfPhilia: You need an emotional surrogate?
  109. Sorcerer_: hello (reply)
  110. To Sorcerer_: ey
  111. Sokaru: One that I can injure.
  112. Sorcerer_: Rather Be is going high in Hot 20 last days(except today) (reply)
  113. Sokaru: I think that's how obedience is formed.
  114. To Sorcerer_: o i see
  115. Sokaru: That's also the reason I'm not allowed to have pets.
  116. Sorcerer_: monday - 2nd, yesterday - 1st, today - 18th (reply)
  117. Sorcerer_: but its normal, opponents are going high too (reply)
  118. SageOfPhilia: Or one who actually enjoys you.
  119. SoulofBloodvale: Sokaru, I think Sage is volunteering.
  120. Sokaru: But then I wouldn't get to injure anything, Soul. Unless she's into that.
  121. SoulofBloodvale: ...are you, Sage?
  122. Sokaru: Lack of response will be taken as a sign of submissiveness and will therefore imply a 'yes'.
  123. SoulofBloodvale: Well there you have it.
  124. SoulofBloodvale: A pain buddy.
  125. Sorcerer_: how long u will be listening? (reply)
  126. Sokaru: Now I just need a car.
  127. To Sorcerer_: Foreva.
  128. SoulofBloodvale: Or you can demand your slave to come to you.
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