
FDE magisk

Apr 25th, 2019
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  22. >> Start time: 09:25:17
  23. >> Device: xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus
  24. >> ROM:
  25. >> Kernel version: 3.18.71-perf-gaf4fa42
  26. >> Android SDK: 27
  27. >> SElinux state: Enforcing
  28. >> CPU: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc MSM8953
  29. >> CPU arch: arm64-v8a
  30. >> CPU cores online: 8
  31. >> RAM: 3578 MB
  32. >> GPU: Qualcomm, Adreno (TM) 506, OpenGL ES 3.2 V@269.0 (GIT@8e3df98, Ie4790512f3) (Date:04/11/18)
  34. - Boot process optimization
  35. - Starting AI..
  36. - Very deep sleep activated
  37. - Input boost optimized
  38. - System wakelocks optimized
  39. - Scroll speed optimized
  40. - Adreno freq optimization
  41. - SIT logs disabled
  42. - Various kernel debugging disabled
  43. - Net buffers tuned
  44. - Network stack optimized
  45. - TCP congrestion controller set to cubic
  46. - TCP congrestion controller tuned
  47. - Network queues optimized
  48. - Disabled Doze settings reset
  49. - Wifi module optimizations enabled
  50. - Doze and Light Doze parameters optimized
  51. - Cleaned cache partition
  52. - Cleaned system trash from user partition
  53. - Cleaned system trash from internal memory
  54. - I/O optimization for all partitions
  55. - Internal memory read speed optimization
  56. - FS optimizations for all partitions
  57. - Kernel tracing deactivated
  58. - Kernel entropy pool optimized
  59. - FS cache optimized
  60. - VM memory allocation optimized
  61. - Kernel OOM killer deactivated
  62. - VM dirty cache size optimized
  63. - VM cache optimized
  64. - VM panic deactivated
  65. - VM dump deactivated
  66. - VM r/w speed optimized
  67. - Memory compaction activated
  68. - Task dump deactivated
  69. - FS kernel parameters optimized
  70. - Kernel panic deactivated
  71. - Kernel scheduling boost optimized
  72. - HMP scheduler optimized
  73. - Thermal engine deactivated
  74. - ARM SWP activated
  75. - RAM dumps deactivated
  76. - CPU governor optimized
  77. - Power efficient CPU queues activated
  78. - CPU bandwidth optimized
  79. - Thermal engine re-activated
  80. - LMK debugging deactivated
  81. - LMK agressiveness optimized
  82. - System processes optimized
  83. - KSM is not supported
  84. - zRAM is not needed
  85. - DalvikVM memory allocation optimization
  86. - Checking file system on all partitions
  87. - Multitasking optimization
  88. - UI renderer optimization
  89. - DalvikVM allocation optimization
  90. - Patching SafetyNET
  91. ALL is GOOD
  93. >> Finish time: 09:26:29
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