
11/24/2015 Night

Nov 25th, 2015
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  1. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer has joined the chat
  2. LeonCruxAngel has joined the chat
  3. LilicaWolfKnight has joined the chat
  4. LilicaWolfKnight: he poofed :O
  5. QueenXendra has joined the chat
  6. LilicaWolfKnight: or no XD wb Petros
  7. LeonCruxAngel: Lol
  8. LilicaWolfKnight: not*
  9. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Welcome Back Petros. My word we are having problems today aren't we?
  10. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Sorry about that. My internet hiccuped. And indeed.
  11. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: And do forgive my ignorance on the subject.
  12. LilicaWolfKnight: brbr must use the loe
  13. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: tyt
  14. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Not an issue, Lady Xendra is Lord Cain's Counselor. She helps out when we need her.
  15. QueenXendra: tyt
  16. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: tyt
  17. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: I see. It must certainly be a hell of a job
  18. QueenXendra: So are you joining in the Tournament Brother Petros?
  19. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: I think I will be. If that is alright
  20. LilicaWolfKnight: back ^^
  21. QueenXendra: And it certainly is, but someone has to do it.
  22. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: wb
  23. LilicaWolfKnight: tyvm ^^
  24. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Most welcome. -he bowed his head a little-
  25. LilicaWolfKnight: no need to bow your head, i am a guard like yourself
  26. LilicaWolfKnight: ^^
  27. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I don't see an issue as to why you can't participate. If you wish to do so, then you will need to show up. So, when did you wish to begin your trial?
  28. QueenXendra: Wb Lilica
  29. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: I see. It is still a sign of respect for myself. If possible I would like to start this trial immediately if that is also acceptable.
  30. LilicaWolfKnight: tyvm My lady
  31. LilicaWolfKnight: and ah i see, very respectful i can tell
  32. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Welcome Back. I take you are one of the night guards then if you are here now?
  33. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: I am a priest. It is only proper of me to respect others.
  34. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Yes. If that is what is needed.
  35. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: How about you remain and observe everything for tonight, and then once you obtain your armor we can start your trial period?
  36. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Fair enough.
  37. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Lilica, are you going to be a night guard then?
  38. LilicaWolfKnight: perferably yes, but it also depends on my work
  39. LilicaWolfKnight: sometimes they have me working mornings, and sometimes evenings but majoity of the time it is mornings so most of the time i can be a nightly guard
  40. LilicaWolfKnight: majority*
  41. LeonCruxAngel: ((WTF THERE IS A WHITE BLANK WALL))
  42. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: If things change with your work schedule let me know as soon as you can. Remember RL comes first, emergencies happen, and with the holidays here, everyone's schedule is going to be an absolute mess.
  43. RaduBarvon has joined the chat
  44. LilicaWolfKnight: of corse, as for the next few weeks or so, i have mornings but as for thanksgiving i am working 2:30p all the way til 11 pm and then on black friday i will be working 9 am til 3 pm
  45. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Welcome Back Radu.
  46. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Wb, Radu.
  47. LilicaWolfKnight: wb
  48. LilicaWolfKnight: also for female guard armor what is considered correct attire?
  49. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I don't believe many are going to be on for Thanksgiving in all honesty.
  50. LilicaWolfKnight: i'm hoping it will be fairly slow
  51. RaduBarvon: 8'I
  52. RaduBarvon: ty
  53. RaduBarvon: -kicks internet and imvu-
  54. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: o . o
  55. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: The more armored you are, the better in all honesty. That goes for males and females.
  56. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Yessir.
  57. LilicaWolfKnight: i don't exactly have full bodied armor only this and one other and its very revealing a gift from an old friend lol
  58. RaduBarvon: o -o well that looks pretty goodd
  59. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Right now, until a Captain is named, you answer to me. Once one has been established, you will report to them, and they will report to me, and I report to Lord Cain. Does that make sense?
  60. LilicaWolfKnight: yes very much so
  61. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Yessir.
  62. RaduBarvonRaduBarvon : = w=
  63. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Well, work with what you can, but it's highly reccomended that as soon as you possibly can, do so. If we can prevent injuries, let's make every attempt to do so. A severely injured guard doesn't serve too well now do they?
  64. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Yessir.
  65. RaduBarvon: <u< Issy.... I love it when you take charge like that
  66. QueenXendra: -Giggles-
  67. LilicaWolfKnight: no they do not, i shall invest in better armor as soon as possible
  68. LilicaWolfKnight: hehe
  69. RaduBarvon: - w - this is certainly going to be interesting
  70. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Petros, you can have a seat if you would like.
  71. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsiniGuest_BrotherPetrosOrsini : Thank you sir.
  72. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: And what's that supposed to mean Radu?
  73. RaduBarvon: I'm just saying... the tournament...
  74. LeonCruxAngel: How many people are going to be at this tournment?
  75. RaduBarvon: It's going to get interesting. Especially now that there's a member of the Inquisition Department in it.
  76. LeonCruxAngel: ((I am gonna try to be on for it))
  77. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: That is true....I believe...5-6 now, but I would need to check with Lord Cain on that.
  78. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: I know that for sure I will be available for it.
  79. LilicaWolfKnight: anymore females besides myself?
  80. LeonCruxAngel: Yes Kiara.
  81. LeonCruxAngel: she is another guard here.
  82. LilicaWolfKnight: i haven't offically met her yet, but heard she was very nice
  83. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: I have little to no prior arangements.
  84. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: There is another female as well, I don't reall her name. So as far as I know, 3 females. and two males,and if thoses that I spoke to earlier enter, that will but 7 people in it.
  85. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: put*
  86. LeonCruxAngel: Iam i one of the two males?
  87. LilicaWolfKnight: very awesome!
  88. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: What did Lord Cain tell you?
  89. LeonCruxAngel: Yes i will be able to participate.
  90. LeonCruxAngel: I told him i would not be judge though since it causes and uproar.
  91. LeonCruxAngel: an*
  92. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Now that I am doing calculations, we might be at 8 people.
  93. LeonCruxAngel: Okay so we need four judges.
  94. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Alright, whatever. If that's what's been decided so be it.
  95. LeonCruxAngel: one for each pair.
  96. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: No, whoever is observing should be enough.
  97. LeonCruxAngel: Okay
  98. LeonCruxAngel: But we need to get through four fights in one day though
  99. LilicaWolfKnight: there isn't any female armor that either isn't ugly or very sexualized lol
  100. LeonCruxAngel: if people t1 that will not be possible
  101. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Depeding on what we are being judged upon, it is.
  102. QueenXendra: If you want, I can wake up Lord Cain, and you can put it up with him, although I don't think he'll be too happy about it.
  103. LeonCruxAngel: Um we are being judged by normal rp standards of if the opponent can't continue or a fatal blow is imminant the fight will be stopped.
  104. LeonCruxAngel: Immiment*
  105. LilicaWolfKnight has left the chat
  106. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Nay, there are far other qualities to a warrior than who deals the last blow. Such as strategy, weapon handling, use of terrain and fighting technique.
  107. RaduBarvon: That is true.
  108. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Not to mention in T1, there are many subtypes one can use.
  109. LeonCruxAngel: Yes but that comes in the battle as well.
  110. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Then why are you arguing about this, when you're not the one running the tournament.
  111. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: If you want to be a judge in a tournament, run your own.
  112. RaduBarvon: o -o I like this guy.
  113. RaduBarvon: But he has a point.... If Cain wants to do something a certain way, he has his reasons.
  114. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Did I not state that everything is being worked on?
  115. RaduBarvon: That too
  116. KiaraDarkWalker has joined the chat
  117. LeonCruxAngel: You know what I'll just wait no mattrer the challange I will let my actions speak for themselves.
  118. Guest_JacksonLector has joined the chat
  119. Guest_JacksonLector: -stumbles in0
  120. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Greetings.
  121. KiaraDarkWalker: *she would slither in from behind Jackson* haha
  122. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Is there something you need to share Leon and Kiara?
  123. Guest_JacksonLector: -drops his bottle and begins to nod to everyone as he makes his way to his position-
  124. KiaraDarkWalker: O.o what do you mean?
  125. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Well certainly you feel the need to whisper?
  126. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: And Jackson, what the hell have you been doing?
  127. Guest_JacksonLector: im drunk my lord..
  128. KiaraDarkWalker: oh no its for something that doesnt concern this rp
  129. Guest_JacksonLector: -smirks- I had a bad day
  130. RaduBarvon has left the chat
  131. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: If it doesn't cencern the rp then why can't you inbox instead?
  132. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Or at least a private chat?
  133. KiaraDarkWalker: cause its annoying to inbox and it sorta is private chat....
  134. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: So this is the behaviour of the other guards... -he frowned and raised a brow-
  135. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Appararently it is.
  136. LeonCruxAngel: Why should whispering matter? I want to know why?
  137. QueenXendra: It's rude.
  138. QueenXendra: And disrespectful.
  139. KiaraDarkWalker: and if you wanted to was about someone wanting me dead....
  140. LeonCruxAngel: Whisper happens all the time.
  141. LilicaWolfKnight has joined the chat
  142. LordCainKnightLord has joined the chat
  143. KiaraDarkWalker: it really rude to ask for help? and is it rude when idk i whispers others in here for advice?
  144. KiaraDarkWalker: idk was a typo my bad
  145. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Welcome Back Lilica, Lord Cain.
  146. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Welcome back, Lord Cain. Welcome back, Lilica.
  147. KiaraDarkWalker: WB
  148. KiaraDarkWalker: *taps jackson nose* why are you drunk?
  149. Guest_JacksonLector: Welcome back my lord -takes a bow-
  150. LordCainKnightLord: What is going on now
  151. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: If it has nothing to with this rp, why bring it up in here?
  152. Guest_JacksonLector: <.< Its private..
  153. KiaraDarkWalker: >_> okie
  154. LeonCruxAngel: To be honest from day one you people have been pissed off at god knows what and wanting to point out the smallest details. I want to know why you guys are intent on doing this every time we come in?
  155. LordCainKnightLord: What going on Isaak?
  156. LeonCruxAngel: First its not communicating then its the tournment rules then its whisper.
  157. LilicaWolfKnight: Thank you very much intertnet problems ugh
  158. LeonCruxAngel: We were whispering and he told us it was rude since it was emergency
  159. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Lord Cain I will answere you question as soon as I am allowed to speak.
  160. LeonCruxAngel: You are.
  161. LordCainKnightLord: Then everyone needs too Silents them selfs plz
  162. QueenXendra: Instead of me speaking sir, I am going to give you a log.
  163. QueenXendra: Or Isaak*
  164. LordCainKnightLord: alright
  165. LordCainKnightLord: brb reading
  166. Guest_JacksonLector: tyt
  167. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: tyt My Lord.
  168. LilicaWolfKnight: tyt sire
  169. LilicaWolfKnight has left the chat
  170. LilicaWolfKnight has joined the chat
  171. LordCainKnightLord: is that all of them Isaak?
  172. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: wb, Lilica.
  173. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Yes sir.
  174. LilicaWolfKnight: thank you Petros
  175. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: And welcome back Lilica.
  176. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Most welcome.
  177. LordCainKnightLord: Kiara and Jeason,when im not here you will stand on the post on each side of the rug too guard Isaak
  178. LilicaWolfKnight: thank you Isaak
  179. LordCainKnightLord: Plz Move up too me
  180. Guest_JacksonLector: As you command my lord
  181. LordCainKnightLord: ty you two
  182. LordCainKnightLord: brb
  183. LeonCruxAngel: tyt
  184. Guest_JacksonLector: tyt
  185. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Tyt, My LordCainKnightLord
  186. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Tyt sir.
  187. LilicaWolfKnight: tyt sire
  188. Guest_JacksonLector: Lord Isaak
  189. QueenXendra: tyt sir.
  190. Guest_JacksonLector: I assume i report to you untill lord cain returns?
  191. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: You should already know, I know you have been told this a few times.
  192. Guest_JacksonLector: I like formalities my LordCainKnightLord
  193. Guest_JacksonLector: *lord issak
  194. LilicaWolfKnight: brb for a moment my mother has pced me
  195. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: That is how the Command works.
  196. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: tyt, Lilica.
  197. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Tyt Lilica
  198. Guest_JacksonLector: I understand how command works Lord Issak
  199. Guest_JacksonLector: But in formalities such as command shifting I like to make it known who holds me leash
  200. Guest_JacksonLector: Now, May i be dismissed
  201. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: You may go.
  202. Guest_JacksonLector: -snaps to attention saluting him- Thank you my lord.
  203. Guest_JacksonLector: -slowly moves toward the door- If you need me, ill be at the bottom of a bottle in a tevern
  204. Guest_JacksonLector: *tavern
  205. Guest_JacksonLector has left the chat
  206. LordCainKnightLord: the other guard if there is one in here needs too step up and take jeasons place plz
  207. LilicaWolfKnight: back still conversing with my mother, Sire would you like for me to take his place?
  208. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Yes, please Lilica.
  209. QueenXendra has been sent a friend request.
  210. KiaraDarkWalker: *she would coil up as she let out a soft snort*
  211. LordCainKnightLord: ok i red the chat log,and i have put Isaak in charge y im gone,if he feels it is rude too whisper in here then plz take it too pc,i have no problems with whispering but like i state its Isaak that is in Charge y im out, the rules of the tournament will be told on the day of the tournament,all Guards should report too The Throne room one hour befor the tournament, we will ask all the guards that los there mash too leave the tournament area so we may keep in mine who wins,any more Quetions
  212. KiaraDarkWalker: may i speak?
  213. LordCainKnightLord: you may
  214. KiaraDarkWalker: ok....when people in here talk behind my back it is rude....i know who is too yet i let it be yet when i come in to report yet i am bother cause of something yet it is an emergency i ask some for help cause it will be too late to pc with all the loading and is it really rude to ask for help? is it rude when people talk behind others? cause Everytime i am in here members here are trying to find ways to kick me out and that i find rude
  215. KiaraDarkWalker: i feel threaten cause others want me out...
  216. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Had you STATED that there was something going on when you first came in we wouldn't be doing this.
  217. KiaraDarkWalker: that is rude....i stated silent and i was addressing cain....
  218. KiaraDarkWalker: stayed*
  219. LordCainKnightLord: ill say it this way Kiara,the way i look at it i have the last say in here,you are here becuz i want you here,Not Isaak,Not Radu or the other guards or the ones i have not named,if you need help then you say it out load,everyone here im sure will help younot just Leon
  220. KiaraDarkWalker: oh may i say one more thing that is really bothering me
  221. LordCainKnightLord: then speak
  222. KiaraDarkWalker: im trying to put it in nice words/.....
  223. KiaraDarkWalker: hm....ok
  224. LordCainKnightLord: becare Kiara in here you are not the Empress you are the Guard
  225. KiaraDarkWalker: One thing that really annoys me is that you all call me Kiara....that is not my name it is Lucifer the only one person i agree to call me is Kiara is cain everyone else will call me Lucifer weather they like it or not...cause if you want Kiara the Empress you will get the whole DarkWalker in here so lets not go calling me kiara only cain is allowed to do that...
  226. LordCainKnightLord: Lucifer,kiara,all poeple on here go by the name you come in with , i have told you this befor, 9 time out of 10 they will copy what they see your name as in the room,
  227. KiaraDarkWalker: Kiara will be called by you no one else i agreed to it Lord Cain
  228. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Is that not bringing in a second character, sir?
  229. LeonCruxAngel: not really multi rp can have mutliple characters but she is wanting to be lucifer on here. As it is her friend she is allowing him to use her user name.
  230. LordCainKnightLord: no Isaak she wants too be call Lucifer,and im not trying too talk about you Kiara like you are not here,but i think she should just change her name too Lucifer, just dont tell the Lucifer that she gots hes name lol
  231. LilicaWolfKnight: sire, would you like me to prepare tea for you?
  232. LilicaWolfKnight: and anyone else who would like some>?
  233. LordCainKnightLord: NO stay at your post
  234. KiaraDarkWalker: question do you all not know if you use you name in a death match your dead?
  235. LilicaWolfKnight: alright
  236. LordCainKnightLord: why hind,Abel and Cloud do it all the time
  237. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: What does that have to do with what we are talking about?
  238. KiaraDarkWalker: Hence is why i do not use Kiara name i use a different name to not get my Name killed
  239. LeonCruxAngel: ((also it costs alot of money now.))
  240. KiaraDarkWalker: ive already got 25 out of 320 names killed....
  241. KiaraDarkWalker: THAT too
  242. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: This room is zoned, is it not?
  243. LeonCruxAngel: ((about 20 bucks per name change))
  244. KiaraDarkWalker: you dont see my point issak
  245. LeonCruxAngel: ((have about 10 name changes and thats two hundred dollars))
  246. QueenXendra: It is, unless Cain changes it.
  247. LeonCruxAngel: ((but he would still have to buy it))
  248. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: I believe they were refering to zones about changing
  249. KiaraDarkWalker: wait issak have you ever done a death match?
  250. LordCainKnightLord: lest the rules have change since i t1 in a deathmash,everyone in the deathmash haves too agreee too teams,
  251. LeonCruxAngel: Zones like NFZ = no fight zone. NKZ= no kill zone
  252. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: What I do is not of your business.
  253. KiaraDarkWalker: answer me please have you ever done a death match?
  254. LeonCruxAngel: ((so i take that as a no. If someone challanges you to a death match in an unzoned area you have to accept or you have died.))
  255. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Well then...
  256. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: May I say something after having observed for a while now?
  257. LordCainKnightLord: you have too agree on the deathmash teams befor the fight,then it is done in a spar area with judgs
  258. KiaraDarkWalker: that actually not true cain
  259. QueenXendra: Petros HAS something to SAY
  260. QueenXendra: May he PLEASE SPEAK?
  261. LordCainKnightLord: if you just go into a room with all saze zones up the and kill the fight never happen
  262. KiaraDarkWalker: again that is not true and i go silent
  263. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: It is fine, xendra. I may not stay if this is how others are to act in this place.
  264. LordCainKnightLord: you are going agind the tearms of imvu that you agreed too when you made your name and acc
  265. LeonCruxAngel: ((SillyDwarf: (( You don't have to accept, but if you get killed then your RPC is dead. You can run if you want, Hide if you want, Etc. Roleplay is all about freedom, choices, and actions. )) )) by fellow t1er
  266. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Petros, I sincerely apologize about this.
  267. KiaraDarkWalker: im waiting on petros...forgive me
  268. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: I am waiting on others as well...
  269. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Do I have permission to speak, my lord?
  270. LordCainKnightLord: yes
  271. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Thank you kindly.
  272. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: I have stated previously that there are different subdivision OF T1. You are technically both correct in a sense. You are both following your own T1 formats that you are familiar with. However the most accepted and consentualized rules of T1 are what Cain had posted. Yes, this room is zoned therefore any character you wish to be untouched is considered safe in this. Also in the room rules, Cain is the only one who can lift these rules therefor he is the only one who can appoint an attack in this room. If you are going to join an empire, please not the format of T1 that is being used and follow that T1 format so that you don't get arguments such as this. Another thing is that Isaak I believe was noted as the General of this empire and is therefore a supierior. If you have any qualms about how he chooses to run things, calmly and politely address him about it. And as Cain stated earlier, you are a guard in here not an empress, if you have any protests about the rules, then calmlly and politely bring it up with Cain as well. However, there are others who are also part of this empire and they also might disagree with rules, however this IS an Empire and Cain is the one who has the final say even if he asks for input from his members.
  273. KiaraDarkWalker: yet is it fair to deal with others judging another? is it fair for them to how you say strip Lucifer voice making her silent and now want her to socialize after she is to remain silent? is it fair that everyone wants her out or is trying to get her kicked out?
  274. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: And you have proof of this?
  275. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Hard-core proof of this.
  276. KiaraDarkWalker: *points to leon* my proof is there
  277. LeonCruxAngel: I think so let me llook.
  278. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Do you have copies of chatlogs?
  279. LeonCruxAngel: ((i may have a copy odf a chat log))
  280. LeonCruxAngel: ((He does have a point if you have an issue copy the chat log and address it later to the highest superior))
  281. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Not to mention, what should it matter if other people think ill of you? Would it not be to the point where you simply need to prove yourself to the others that you are indeed of your merity?
  282. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Merit*
  283. LeonCruxAngel: ((i have to do it often but let me look and see))
  284. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: And now I would like to know as to why Leon is answering for Kiara.
  285. KiaraDarkWalker: cause he is my mate
  286. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: You are two seperate entities and individuals.
  287. LeonCruxAngel: ((not here rp wise))
  288. LeonCruxAngel: ((but i am her mate on imvu))
  289. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: I see. However you cannot technically speak here for one another seeing as you two do not share a brain.
  290. LordCainKnightLord: 10.If there is a Problem with in the Empire,you are too bring it too the Throne for the IpsissimusEmperor for judgment an too help solve the problem
  291. LeonCruxAngel: ((true i will see if i have evidence))
  292. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Thank you very much for that, Lord Cain.
  293. KiaraDarkWalker: Cain i brought it to you multiple times yet it has not stopped
  294. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Not to mention, how come you are only bringing this problem to public now? Why not during the time that it was occuring? Perhaps there was some serious miscommunication?
  295. LeonCruxAngel: ((We have))
  296. LordCainKnightLord: well when i think i got it solve another problem comes up and the old problem comes back
  297. LeonCruxAngel: ((but thats a different issue))
  298. KiaraDarkWalker: now i have to go my brother (irl) needs my attention
  299. LeonCruxAngel: ((I am sad to say i have no recorded chat logs.))
  300. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Then sadly there is no hard core proof and unfortunately we are going to have to sum this up to paranoia.
  301. LeonCruxAngel: ((but if i do see it i will copy it the next time))
  302. KiaraDarkWalker: *vanishes*
  303. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: And we shall all examine it.
  304. KiaraDarkWalker has left the chat
  305. LeonCruxAngel: ((that seems fair))
  306. LeonCruxAngel: ((till then lets keep these addressed))
  307. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Let Cain say what he needs to first, Leon.
  308. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: It might pertain to what you are about to say.
  309. LeonCruxAngel: ((of course sorry))
  310. LordCainKnightLord: ok everyone Call Kiara by her name she wants too be called by plz so there is no more problem with the matter, im asking not ordering,ask her too tell you over and over if you forget
  311. LeonCruxAngel: ((that seems fair i suggested that she remind people if they call her wrong name. I can see where our multi rping can get confusing
  312. LordCainKnightLord: i want all the guard too go over the rules of this Order and there is atopic in the group i want the guards and asassin and Knughts to read as well .it is called what we expect from our guards, knights, etc, asassins
  313. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Yessir.
  314. QueenXendra: Then I have a question?
  315. LordCainKnightLord: plz ask Xendra
  316. LordCainKnightLordLordCainKnightLord Whisper: or who was first?
  317. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Xendra was the only one with a question, My Lord.
  318. LordCainKnightLord: alright ask away Xendra
  319. QueenXendra: Why was Isaak pretty much ripped to shreds when he was only guilty of making the attempt to do his job? And the fact that he kept getting cut down or cut off every time he made an attempt to answer a question or explain his actions?
  320. LordCainKnightLord: was it by me?
  321. QueenXendra: No sir. Leon and Kiara.
  322. LeonCruxAngel: Really? didn't look that way on my chat.
  323. LilicaWolfKnight: i am sorry for my silence i am being introduced to family members i didnt even know i had lol to many to count x...x
  324. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Leon, please keep quiet. It is a biased opinion
  325. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I can also say that I have many times asked people to tell me if there is a problem to tell me. No one has once come to me about a problem.
  326. LeonCruxAngel: Do you not remember when Shini said something
  327. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Leon, please...
  328. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: this is between Cain and Isaak for the time being.
  329. LordCainKnightLord: then you must remind them Isaak Silents them and ask them too speak one at a time with you,when i walk in here chaos and had no order,i kept remineing everyone he is in charge,if they still dont listen then boot Isaak ,ther disrespecting you
  330. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: So if there were any problems I was not aware of anything because nothing was mentioned to me. I fail to see how that is my fault.
  331. LordCainKnightLord: it isnt
  332. LeonCruxAngel: Its not your fault. we all just have different opinions that keep colliding for some reason.
  333. QueenXendra: Why isn't Isaak allowed to speak?
  334. LeonCruxAngel: but you are in charge when he is not he officially in this rp.
  335. LeonCruxAngel: here*
  336. QueenXendra: This is what I was talking about.
  337. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: -he shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose-
  338. LordCainKnightLord: ill say this,when you disrespect my General you disrespect me,and i like other Crusnik's dont like being disrespected
  339. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Perhaps this should become a large banner hanging on the side of the room. -he chuckeld-
  340. LeonCruxAngel: Well its settled. Issak is in charge when your gone his rules will apply if their is an issue with his rules speak to him first then cain if not resolved. Right?
  341. LeonCruxAngel: Issak will follow the general rules and such but his word is law is what i am trying to say. And not in a disrespectful way if it seems like i am saying that.
  342. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: LeonCruxAngel
  343. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Please let Isaak speak.
  344. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: I feel like I am being judged in part by the guest in front of my name. It is assumed because I am new on here that I do not have experience in Management or in anything at all.
  345. Guest_EloraIndigo has joined the chat
  346. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Greetings.
  347. LeonCruxAngel: I am not judging you don't know how to rule. just difference of opinions.
  348. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Welcome Elora, how may we help you this evening?
  349. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Then perhaps keep your opionions to yourself unless they are asked for. They can be seen as rude by others who are not seeking them.
  350. Guest_EloraIndigo: -She would appear from a flux of energy and materialize fully before speaking.- "Greetings. I am Elora. I am a Guard here."
  351. LeonCruxAngel: that is all. But its been settled your in charge period when cain is gone.
  352. LordCainKnightLord: see , you could have said that in a different way,thats how fights start
  353. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Are you coming on duty?
  354. Guest_EloraIndigo: "Yes" (For a few. I got some time to spare))
  355. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Thank you. That is exactly the point I was trying to make, My Lord. -he chuckled-
  356. Guest_EloraIndigo: -Looks around- "What have I missed?"
  357. Guest_EloraIndigo: >.>
  358. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Although there should not have been anything to 'settle' other than this is opinion 1 and this is opinion 2 and that they are different yet the biggest opinion that matters is the Lord of this Empire. He is our leader here, he is the final call. If you disagree with his opinion, you are allowed to, but you accepted that HE is the leader and HE calls the shots, end of story.
  359. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Elora, I do not believe we have met?
  360. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: And on that note, if he chooses to give Isaak the same decision-making power while he is not present, then it is the same scenario. No argument or 'settling' needed.
  361. Guest_EloraIndigo: -Nods to the gentleman and extends her hand- "Indeed. I am Elora Indigo. A pleasure"
  362. LilicaWolfKnight: sire
  363. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: -Takes it and nods- I am Isaak, I am in charge when Lord Cain is not present. Nice to meet you.
  364. LeonCruxAngel: -Hence which is why it will be our last and final time
  365. LeonCruxAngel: Any other issues and a simple boot will suffice
  366. LordCainKnightLord: plz speak names and title when we Isaak and i are here
  367. Guest_EloraIndigo: "Good to know, Sir." -She would say with a nod and take a step back-
  368. LilicaWolfKnight: Lord Cain
  369. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: -furrows brows and pinches the bridge of his nose again-
  370. LordCainKnightLord: Yes
  371. LeonCruxAngel: Your shaking your head and i agreed to the terms. i cannot change my past mistakes but i have learned from them.
  372. LilicaWolfKnight: the rules are posted in the gp?
  373. LordCainKnightLord: yes'
  374. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: I smiply have a headache.
  375. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Enough, Leon. What is said is done and we are agreeing to it.
  376. Guest_EloraIndigo: "Forgive my intrusion. But what happened?"
  377. LordCainKnightLord: me and you both Brother
  378. LeonCruxAngel: Agreed
  379. LilicaWolfKnight: -smiles and bows her head- i am very excited to begin reading upon them
  380. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Do not worry of it Elora, it didn't involve you and the matter has been dealt with.
  381. Guest_EloraIndigo: -nods-
  382. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Now, I am going to state this.
  383. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Is there a place I am allowed to read the rules and such?
  384. LeonCruxAngel: the RoseCrossOrder Group page.
  385. LeonCruxAngel: i think.
  386. LordCainKnightLord: you are right Leon
  387. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Is it an invite-only group?
  388. LordCainKnightLord: yes
  389. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: Lord Cain has some medical issues and can't attend to every single little issue. That is what I am here for, to help take the burden off of his shoulders. If there are issues, no matter how big or small, come to me first instead to help this poor man. He was been woken up over this issue, a matter which could have been easily settled by comin to me politely first.
  390. LeonCruxAngel: Alright.
  391. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsiniGuest_BrotherPetrosOrsini : My deepest apologies, My Lord.
  392. Guest_EloraIndigo: "Understood"
  393. LordCainKnightLord: well said Isaak ,and this is why im 50% Crusnik right now,
  394. LordCainKnightLord: just one preason at a time, ill get Wonrose too dev a bored that says that so we maybe can keep order
  395. QueenXendra: Please go get some rest, you really need it.
  396. LilicaWolfKnight: i hope that Lord finds a peaceful rest
  397. LordCainKnightLord: ok im out* a port hole opens as i walk thrw the blineing white like i wave bye *
  398. Guest_IsaakVonKampfer: As do i, I do not wish to hear of ill health before the holidays officially kick off.
  399. Guest_BrotherPetrosOrsini: Please take care, My Lord.
  400. LordCainKnightLord has left the chat
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