

Apr 12th, 2018
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  1. in my personal opinion, i will judge every userhosted game based on my experience. please do not completely reflect your opinion on what i think, but it's something to keep in mind.
  3. 20 Questions - Generally a great, fun game to host for both the players and the participants. Just please, please double-check your answers as the host and decide on whether guesses are after the game/allowed in pms/etc before halfway through the game, thanks.
  4. Abra’s Ability Switch/Kirlia’s Tracing Show - Works well if the host is fast enough, and doesn’t make too many errors on which Pokemon gets the said ability/vice versa; games like this with a mobile host really don’t work, as the host is usually too slow to keep my attention span (that’s just my opinion, don’t let it stop you if you genuinely can’t non-mobile host). Fun for both players and probably the host, probably shouldn’t have most twists, and I’d recommend to have a scorecap around 10-15 with 1-2 winners.
  5. Acrotopia - HOST THIS GAME MORE. Genuinely a really underrated game that should be hosted much more than it is now, and both the players and the host have an amazing time. Not really much you could possibly fuck up.
  6. Aerial Race - This is your basic reaction game, again, not really much you could fuck up. Just please, please type out the Pokemons’ names over using randpoke. It is overall less spammy, and it doesn’t blatantly show whether the given mon is a flying type or not. Fun for the players, assuming they’re good at reaction.
  7. Ambush - Also a basic reaction game, slightly harder to host than most others, though. I’d highly recommend clarifying the signal before the game starts, to reduce any confusion with fakes.
  8. Anagrams - Have anagrams for this pretyped, and it’s all gucci. Probably should have a scorecap around 7-10, with 1-2 winners.
  9. Battle Maison - I don’t play this because I suck at mons, but from what I’ve seen players tend to enjoy it with a faster host (don’t spend 4 minutes of your game giving out starters tyvm). A twist like putting it in Balanced Hackmons or 1v1 sounds really neat.
  10. Catch That Pokemon - Pretty hard to host, tbf. I wouldn't recommend it if you can't keep up the speed this host requires - and not mess up with points every round.
  11. Chain Fishing - Easy to host, kind of a bland experience for the players, however. I don’t have anything personally against it; it just seems like a ‘ehhhh’ kind of game. You should probably do fakes, so it isn’t that boring.
  12. Chimecho’s Stat School - Not really hosted or played much, so I don’t have any stern views on it. Seems pretty alright as a game, like a FJ Cups variant in a way.
  13. Commonyms/Similarities - Good with pretypes. Do not host this without pretypes. That is not a good idea. But in all seriousness, when these games are hosted they’re both really fun for both the host and the players. I would recommend these if you’re either super creative or a complete smartass.
  14. Corners - Do not do obnoxiously long corners to travel to, and then your host will be good. Stick to colours or basic words of the alphabet thanks xox (but genuinely, this game is not going to be fun to a majority of users, so i wouldn’t host it personally)
  15. Cups - Have parameters pretyped, and eliminate the right players, and it’s all going to be good on you. You can use the DHS charms pastebin linked above for params for this game if you so desire.
  16. Delcatty’s Hide and Seek - SPEAKING OF DHS. I didn’t plan this out I swear, I’m just going in order of the list and then probably going to add some Zetaboards games afterwards. This game is fun for all players, as it does not require any “skill” to play, and not overplayed to the point where people just hate it based on that fact alone. Again, like Cups, have parameters either pretyped or at easy access (use my pastebin)! Enjoyable time for both the host and players. Would highly recommend.
  17. Diddly Dice - Fun game. Even though it is really, really easy to host, nobody really has anything against it on that fact. If you want to add a small twist to it you could change the number 100 to Pokemons’ dex numbers or just random numbers in general, but honestly using 100 works fine.
  18. Dugtrio's Dex Entries - I made this game. It's really fun, mainly because I love writing about Pokémon ATTACKING AND KILLING EACHOTHER AND SUCKING EACHOTHERS BODY FLUIDS. But in all seriousness, this game should be hosted a LOT more - it's really fun, and there are many good writers in GC hiding in plain sight.
  19. Edges - Edges is cool. Moving to the next point.
  20. Empires - Empires is a really cool, honestly quite underplayed game. Remember to store aliases on a pastebin incase you disconnect, and you’ll be all gucci. Fun for both the players and the host.
  21. Excluded - Excluded is usually a great game to both host and play. In my personal opinion, you should provide each player with 1 chance to guess the parameter at the end of each round without risk of elimination; especially if it is a move.
  22. Gameathlon - Fun, when done with a good host (if it isn’t it’ll just be a mess!). I personally prefer Gameathlon twists in which there are blocks of each game, as it allows skills to be practiced at once. Team Gameathlon Showdown is also an amazing twist that you should try hosting at some point, but not before you deem yourself “half-decent at hosting”.
  23. Ghost - A very underrated game. Can be worked with a Poke-Related twist, or you could just stick with words (remember to specify the dictionary site you’re using!). One of the good twists is Orders Ghost, in which you may add a letter anywhere rather than just at the end.
  24. Guess that Auth - Both users and hosts tend to enjoy this game. If you know people with auth (and possibly have pretypes to make the game faster) then it genuinely is a fun experience.
  25. Hangman - DO NOT HOST THIS GAME IF YOU ARE NOT STAFF. I’m dead serious, the game ends up slow and overall boring. Sure, the host’s dedication is nice, but the utter speed of the game contributes so much to its enjoyment that it really makes the game completely unenjoyable to everyone. (If you really feel you're fast enough, go ahead.) Turn-based hangman (where users add a letter/guess the word when it is their turn and get eliminated on the Xth letter) is a genuinely fun twist, though.
  26. Hunches - This game shouldn’t be userhosted at all, in my own opinion, and my reasons are the same to why non-staff hangman is. It doesn’t seem too bad compared to hangman though, so if you’d like to you can do ahead. I just fear mess-ups, that's all.
  27. Hunger Games - You probably shouldn’t host this unless you have a complete outlining of the story you wish to convey, and the games involved. Don’t let me win if I literally AFK the whole game. Make users have considerable effort. Have gaps in the story under 1 minute without chat, and your host will probably be decent. This game is very hard to get right, so don’t make any rushed decisions of “oh shoot i better host hg” because it definitely won't work out.
  28. Letter Getter - Don’t host this without pretypes, and without stupid prompts, and you’ll be all gucci.
  29. Lost Letters - Fun if the host has a decent typing speed, doesn’t make an error every 3 prompts, and is co-operative to all the players playing.
  30. Lugia's Obtstructive Letters - Oh fuck, flashbacks. I really messed this up on my first host as AH (badly) while doing it on mobile, so I wouldn't recommend anyone to mobile host it who has the same awfulness as me. The game itself seems a bit hard to host, though, go ahead if you'd like.
  31. Luig-E's Challenge - You definitely shouldn't host this unless you're AH, if you don't know how don't host it. I'm not going to elaborate on this because honestly I have no clue how this is meant to be hosted myself.
  32. Lyrics - Use pretypes for this, please. Aside from that, this game seems genuinely fun to host if you have a half-decent music taste, and the same thing with the players.
  33. Mad Gabs - No. This game SUCKS. No, do not host this - that's not a good idea, it won't go well, and we're ending this point now.
  34. Mashups - Use pretypes or Monita to get your mashups, please. Just remember that mashups are NOT an anagram of 2 Pokémon and it'll be okay!
  35. Mass Effect - Excluding the fact that I hate this game with a fucking burning passion, it's probably a pretty easy host with pretypes as much as I hate to admit. It'll probably be a pretty smooth host.
  36. wip
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