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Apr 23rd, 2020
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  1. # RevoltCrates
  2. # Made by PM2
  4. # ** Commands and permissions
  5. # /rc list - Lists all Available Key Names. ; RC.List
  6. # /rc virtualkey gift <player> <keyName> <amount> - Gifts Player a key from your virtual key balance. ; No permission
  7. # /rc key give <player> <keyName> <amount> - Gives a Player the Specified Key. ; RC.Give
  8. # /rc set <CrateName> - Sets the block you are looking at as the specified crate. ; RC.Set
  9. # /rc remove <CrateName> - Removes the block you are looking at from being the specified crate. ; RC.Remove
  10. # /rc virtualkey give <player> <keyName> <amount> - Gives Player the specified key. ; RC.VGive
  11. # /rc virtualkey set <player> <keyName> <amount> - Sets the Players virtual key balance to the given amount. ; RC.VSet
  12. # /rc reload - Reloads all Plugins Configurations. ; RC.Reload
  13. # /rc errors - Sends out why and where Crates are not Configured Properly. ; RC.Errors
  15. # ** Variables **
  16. # {player_name} - replaces with the users nickname.
  17. # {random_number} - requires additional conditions: RandomNumberMin (number) ; RandomNumberMax (number)
  19. # ** Configurations **
  21. # What should be the main command in order to use RevoltCrates plugin, default is /rc
  22. main_command: "rc"
  24. # Debug Mode
  25. Debug_Mode: false
  28. # Some configurable settings are explained, others should be self-explanatory.
  29. # Contact "PM2." on SpigotMC or PM2#5811 on Discord with any questions or bug reports.
  32. Crates:
  33. BoxOpeningCrate:
  34. Animation: "BoxOpening" #There are currently 3 animations, each has it's special options so be make sure you have them all
  35. Name: "&e&lElite Crate Key" #Crate key name
  36. Item: "TRIPWIRE_HOOK" #Crate key item material
  37. Enchanted: true #Crate key enchanted or not? (true/false)
  38. Lores: #Crate key lores
  39. - ""
  40. - "&e&lThis is a key for"
  41. - "&e&lThe BoxOpening animation"
  42. - "&e&lWill receive multiple reward option soon"
  43. ClosedCrateText:
  44. - "&e&lHello &f&l%player_name%&e&l!"
  45. - "&e&lYou have &f&l%virtualkeys_available% &e&lvirtual keys available!"
  46. TimeUntilDissapears: 10 #seconds until the crate closes/opens itself if the player isn't opening the crate himself
  47. Size: 18 #how many possible crate panels there are in the animation (currently not changeable)
  48. CanOpen: 2 #how many crate panels can the player open (will receive this amount of rewards)
  49. OpenDistance: 1.5 #how far away should the player be from the panels to be able to open the rewards? (it is recommended to have at least 1 block away as it might be not as accurate from upclose)
  50. RightTextLocation: "0;0;0" #move the right text hologram (x,y,z) (this is the text that is being displayed from individual rewards)
  51. LeftText: #This is the left hologram text
  52. - "&fYou have opened"
  53. - "&d%opened_amount% &f/ 2 Crates"
  54. LeftTextLocation: "0;0;0" #move the left text hologram (x,y,z)
  55. ClosedItem: "CHEST" #material of the closed panels
  56. Prizes: #Create rewards for the players to receive
  57. Anvil:
  58. Name: "&e&lAnvil"
  59. Item: ANVIL
  60. Enchanted: true
  61. RightText:
  62. - "&aThese can be"
  63. - "&cUsed as item's Lores"
  64. - "&bSo the player gets a better"
  65. - "&dUnderstanding of what"
  66. - "&5He is receiving"
  67. Commands:
  68. - "give {player_name} anvil 1"
  69. - "broadcast &e&l{player_name} Just Won an Anvil!"
  70. Chance: 10
  71. OPsword:
  72. Name: "&c&lEPIC SWORD"
  74. Enchanted: true
  75. RightText:
  76. - "&aYou can describe this swords"
  77. - "&cenchants here, so the winner"
  78. - "&5Knows better what he will receive"
  79. Commands:
  80. - "give {player_name} diamond_sword"
  81. Chance: 10
  82. Bedrock:
  83. Name: "&a&lBedrock"
  84. Item: BEDROCK
  85. Enchanted: true
  86. RightText:
  87. - "&aThis is how a"
  88. - "&cBlock reward looks like"
  89. Commands:
  90. - "give {player_name} bedrock"
  91. Chance: 10
  92. Apple:
  93. Name: "&b&lApple"
  94. Item: APPLE
  95. Enchanted: true
  96. RightText:
  97. - "&aThis is how an"
  98. - "&cItem reward looks like"
  99. Commands:
  100. - "give {player_name} apple"
  101. Chance: 10
  102. Diamond:
  103. Name: "&2&lDiamond"
  104. Item: DIAMOND
  105. Enchanted: true
  106. RightText:
  107. - "&aYou can as well remove this section"
  108. - "&fSo there are no holograms here"
  109. Commands:
  110. - "give {player_name} diamond"
  111. Chance: 10
  112. Key:
  113. Name: "&4&lGood Keys (x2)"
  114. Item: TRIPWIRE_HOOK
  115. Enchanted: true
  116. RightText:
  117. - "&aBe creative with your rewards :)"
  118. Commands:
  119. - "give {player_name} TRIPWIRE_HOOK"
  120. Chance: 10
  121. QuickCrate:
  122. Animation: "QuickCrate"
  123. Name: "&e&lQuick Crate &c&l2019"
  124. Item: "TRIPWIRE_HOOK"
  125. Enchanted: true
  126. Lores:
  127. - ""
  128. - "&e&lThis is a key for"
  129. - "&e&lThe quickest animation there"
  130. - "&e&lCurrently is available"
  131. - "&cUseful for vote crates"
  132. ClosedCrateText:
  133. - "&e&lHello &f&l%player_name%&e&l!"
  134. - "&e&lYou have &f&l%virtualkeys_available% &e&lvirtual keys available!"
  135. MiddleText:
  136. - "&fYou have opened"
  137. - "&d%opened_amount% &f/ 2 Crates"
  138. Prizes:
  139. Anvil:
  140. Name: "&e&lAnvil"
  141. Item: ANVIL
  142. Enchanted: true
  143. Commands:
  144. - "give {player_name} anvil 1"
  145. - "broadcast &e&l{player_name} Just Won an Anvil!"
  146. Chance: 10
  147. OPsword:
  148. Name: "&c&lEPIC SWORD"
  149. Item: DIAMOND_SWORD
  150. Enchanted: true
  151. Commands:
  152. - "give {player_name} diamond_sword"
  153. Chance: 10
  154. Bedrock:
  155. Name: "&a&lBedrock"
  156. Item: BEDROCK
  157. Enchanted: true
  158. Commands:
  159. - "give {player_name} bedrock"
  160. Chance: 10
  161. Apple:
  162. Name: "&b&lApple"
  163. Item: APPLE
  164. Enchanted: true
  165. Commands:
  166. - "give {player_name} apple"
  167. Chance: 10
  168. Diamond:
  169. Name: "&2&lDiamond"
  170. Item: DIAMOND
  171. Enchanted: true
  172. Commands:
  173. - "give {player_name} diamond"
  174. Chance: 10
  175. Key:
  176. Name: "&4&lGood Keys (x2)"
  177. Item: TRIPWIRE_HOOK
  178. Enchanted: true
  179. Commands:
  180. - "give {player_name} TRIPWIRE_HOOK"
  181. Chance: 10
  182. RouletteCrate:
  183. Animation: "Roulette"
  184. Name: "&e&lRoulette Key (x1)"
  185. Item: "TRIPWIRE_HOOK"
  186. Enchanted: true
  187. Lores:
  188. - ""
  189. - "&e&lThis is a key for"
  190. - "&e&lThe Roulette animation"
  191. - "&e&lWill receive multiple reward option soon"
  192. ClosedCrateText:
  193. - "&e&lHello &f&l%player_name%&e&l!"
  194. - "&e&lYou have &f&l%virtualkeys_available% &e&lvirtual keys available!"
  195. MiddleText:
  196. - "&eGood luck &f&l%player_name%"
  197. - "&5This hologram can be moved"
  198. - "&5To your preference in the config"
  199. TextLocation: "0;0;0" #You can move the middle text in the animation to your liking (x,y,z)
  200. LeftSidePrizeIndicator: #These are special heads that point at the won item, you can change these textures. You can find different head textures here:
  201. # To find the skin texture, look for it on the bottom of the selected head page in the "Others:" section under "Value:"
  202. Name: ""
  203. Item: SKULL_ITEM
  204. SkinTexture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTNmYzUyMjY0ZDhhZDllNjU0ZjQxNWJlZjAxYTIzOTQ3ZWRiY2NjY2Y2NDkzNzMyODliZWE0ZDE0OTU0MWY3MCJ9fX0=
  205. RightSidePrizeIndicator:
  206. Name: ""
  207. Item: SKULL_ITEM
  208. SkinTexture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWYxMzNlOTE5MTlkYjBhY2VmZGMyNzJkNjdmZDg3YjRiZTg4ZGM0NGE5NTg5NTg4MjQ0NzRlMjFlMDZkNTNlNiJ9fX0==
  209. Prizes:
  210. Anvil:
  211. Name: "&e&lAnvil"
  212. Item: ANVIL
  213. Enchanted: true
  214. Commands:
  215. - "give {player_name} anvil 1"
  216. - "broadcast &e&l{player_name} Just Won an Anvil!"
  217. Chance: 10
  218. OPsword:
  219. Name: "&c&lEPIC SWORD"
  220. Item: DIAMOND_SWORD
  221. Enchanted: true
  222. Commands:
  223. - "give {player_name} diamond_sword"
  224. Chance: 10
  225. Bedrock:
  226. Name: "&a&lBedrock"
  227. Item: BEDROCK
  228. Enchanted: true
  229. Commands:
  230. - "give {player_name} bedrock"
  231. Chance: 10
  232. Apple:
  233. Name: "&b&lApple"
  234. Item: APPLE
  235. Enchanted: true
  236. Commands:
  237. - "give {player_name} apple"
  238. Chance: 10
  239. Diamond:
  240. Name: "&2&lDiamond"
  241. Item: DIAMOND
  242. Enchanted: true
  243. Commands:
  244. - "give {player_name} diamond"
  245. Chance: 10
  246. Key:
  247. Name: "&4&lGood Keys (x2)"
  248. Item: TRIPWIRE_HOOK
  249. Enchanted: true
  250. Commands:
  251. - "give {player_name} TRIPWIRE_HOOK"
  252. Chance: 10
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