
A Heartwarming Cup of Coffee 1

Nov 6th, 2014
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  1. >"Well? Which one, Anon?"
  2. >"Yeah, which one of us has the juicier plot?"
  3. >you are Anon.
  4. >and you are currently in danger of being squished by the two most glorious pony butts you have ever seen.
  5. >you'd be in paradise, if they weren't fighting over you.
  6. >as the two mare's continue bickering amongst themselves, you start to wonder how you ended up in this situation.
  7. >it probably started about a month ago.
  10. >just another day in Ponyville.
  11. >when suddenly...
  12. >your front door slams open from the outside.
  13. "That's it, I'm moving!"
  14. >you are Anon, and you're tired of life in Ponyville.
  15. >as you walk into your house, your clothes singed and smoking a bit, you are followed inside by a panicky purple princess.
  16. >"Come on, Anon. You can't be serious."
  17. >she trots right behind you as you make your way to your room.
  18. "I can't be anymore serious. Ever since I got here, I've been in the middle of every catastrophe that's hit this country."
  19. >you grab a suitcase and start putting clothes into it.
  20. >"It's not as bad as you make it out to be."
  21. >you stop packing and turn towards Twilight.
  22. "First, I was captured by changelings and was almost queeny chow before the day was saved."
  23. >"That's one tim-"
  24. "Second, I was almost crushed by rampaging crystals."
  25. >"Anon, plea-"
  26. >you put your finger to her lips the shush her.
  27. "Third, I was almost violated by these knarly black vines, and not in a good way."
  28. >she rolls her eyes and turns away from you.
  29. "And just now, I was hiding in your library from the centaur from hell, and right before it gets blown to bits, you save the owl."
  30. >she turns to you, a look of sadness on her eyes.
  31. >"I didn't know you were in there."
  32. >you turn and resume your packing.
  33. "I know, you told me. And I forgive you, but that doesn't change my mind."
  34. >she walks up to your side and looks up at you as you finish packing.
  35. >"Then tell me one thing."
  36. >you close your suitcase, and turn towards her.
  37. >"Where are you planning on going?"
  38. >…
  39. >you didn't think that far ahead.
  40. "I don't... no clue, Twi."
  41. >she puts her head down and sighs.
  42. >she looks like she is about to say something, when a voice comes from your living room.
  43. >"I may be able to help with that, darling."
  44. >you both turn towards the door to see Rarity standing at your bedroom door.
  45. >Twilight responds first.
  46. >"How long have you been there!?"
  47. >"Long enough, my dear."
  48. "And how might you help me in this situation?"
  49. >"Well, it depends on where you want to go."
  50. >pushing your suitcase aside, you sit down on your bed.
  51. "I don't care where, just anyplace that's not Ponyville."
  52. >"Good, that's just what I wanted to hear. Now if you'll give me just a moment on the phone, I'll let you know if I can help."
  53. >with that, she trots off to use your phone.
  54. >you look over to Twilight who returns your gaze with one of sadness.
  55. >sighing, you put your hand on her shoulder.
  56. "Listen Twilight, Ponyville has been fun, but I want to get out there and see other cities."
  57. >"I know, but do you really have to go?"
  58. >as you're about to respond, Rarity walks back into your bedroom.
  59. >"Alright, It's done, Anonymous. I called an acquaintance of mine in Manehattan, and he knows of an apartment complex that would be suitable for you."
  60. >"That is if you are comfortable with it not being in the more... cultural part of the city."
  61. >you shake your head slightly while chuckling softly.
  62. "Rarity, when have I ever been one to prefer living the high life? As long as it's a roof over my head, I'll be happy."
  63. >clearly, this was the response she wanted.
  64. >"Good, I'm glad you accept. Now, onto my requirements to finish this."
  65. >so much for generosity.
  66. "What do you want?"
  67. >"Nothing much. Just stay in Ponyville until the day after tomorrow, so we girls can all give you a proper farewell."
  68. >you ponder this for a second.
  69. "Ah, what the hell. I'll stay, but only as long as there are no more attempts to make me stay."
  70. >you notice Twilight hasn't attempted to speak this entire time.
  71. >Rarity walks over to Twilight, and starts to pull her from your room.
  72. >"Perfect, now Twilight and I shall leave you to properly pack, and we will start the preparations for your farewell."
  73. >you wave to them as they leave.
  74. "Bye girls. See you later then."
  75. >Rarity waves back.
  76. >"Goodbye, Anonymous."
  77. >you hear a very halfhearted "Bye" from Twilight.
  78. >as they leave your house, you turn your attention back to your suitcase.
  79. >well, might as well pack this thing properly.
  80. >who knows, this moving thing could be fun.
  82. >this moving thing sucked.
  83. >the past couple days were fun at least.
  84. >Pinkie's party sure was a blast.
  85. >even if it lasted the whole day.
  86. >in your house.
  87. >well, former house.
  88. >you're currently on the train to Manehattan.
  89. >and it has been a long and boring ride.
  90. >but it should almost be over.
  91. >proof of that is what you see in the distance.
  92. >as the city's landscape begins to appear on the horizon, you think back to what Rarity told you earlier in the day.
  94. >"Now remember, when you get off at the station, there will be a pony waiting for you. You remember Coco Pommel, yes?"
  95. "Oh, Coco? Yeah, haven't seen her for a while, though."
  96. >Rarity stands next to you on the platform.
  97. >the other girls have already said their goodbyes.
  98. >and it's not like you weren't going to keep in touch.
  99. >"Good, you remember her. She will take you to the apartments. So keep an eye out for her. Poor girl still has confidence issues in crowded places."
  100. >the train lets out a whistle right before the conducter calls out all aboard.
  101. "Looks like that's my que. Thank you again, Rarity."
  102. >"No need to thank me. Now move along before you're to late."
  103. >you make your way onto the train and find a seat.
  104. >the window is open, so you call out to Rarity.
  105. "Bye Rarity. I'll give you a call tonight to let you know I made it."
  106. >she waves her hoof at you.
  107. >"Goodbye Anonymous. Have fun in the city."
  108. >with that, you take a seat as she leaves the station.
  110. >the doors open up, and you step out onto the platform.
  111. >you notice that the Manehattan station is a lot busier that Ponyville.
  112. >as you make your way into the lobby, you keep an eye out for that familiar hair color and red flower.
  113. >and you see the pony they belong to on a bench by the corner of the room.
  114. >making your way over to Coco, you notice that she has her head down and is trembling slightly.
  115. >she doesn't notice you walk up beside her, so you decide to have some fun.
  116. "Hey there, little cutie. How's about you and I head back to my place for some gud fug."
  117. >she tenses up at the sound of your voice, but still doesn't look up.
  118. >"S-sorry, but I'm waiting to meet somepony."
  119. "I know, that's why I'm here."
  120. >she shoots her head up and finally looks at you.
  121. >her look of fear turns into mock frustration.
  122. >"Anon! You jerk! You scared the life out of me "
  123. >she playfully smacks your leg before laughing.
  124. >you can't help but join in.
  125. >fun fact: you and Coco became good friends last time you were here.
  126. >you'd even go so far as to consider her a 'bro', so to speak.
  127. >the laughter dies down pretty quick.
  128. "So, you're gonna be taking me to my new housing?"
  129. >she hops off the bench and turns towards the exit.
  130. >"Yes, but we have to hurry, I have a busy schedule tonight."
  131. >she starts off towards the exit.
  132. >luggage in hand, you follow right after her.
  133. >a few minutes after you both leave the station, she stops at what looks like a coffee shop.
  134. >AppleBucks... how quaint.
  135. >Coco turns towards you before speaking.
  136. >"I'm gonna get myself a cup of coffee real quick. The apartments are just a couple more blocks down, but you can join me if you want."
  137. "Sure."
  138. >as she opens the door, a little bell rings, signaling your arrival.
  139. >you hear a mare's voice call out from somewhere in the shop.
  140. >"I'll be with you in just a minute!"
  141. >as Coco heads to the counter, you take notice of the shop.
  142. >it's a small little coffee shop, a couple of booths against the wall, and three little tables in the middle.
  143. >behind the counter is the usual coffee making items, albeit different due to being made by pony's.
  144. >and there looks to be a back storage room.
  145. >must be where the voice came from.
  146. >it appears that you two are the only customers.
  147. >and judging by all the chairs on the tables, the shop's about to close.
  148. >you stay by the door as Coco waits at the counter.
  149. >you don't have to wait long as the mare who called out earlier comes out of the back room.
  150. >she's a unicorn, with blue eyes, a light tan coat and a coffee brown mane with what looks like cream colored streaks mixed in.
  151. >she has a green apron on and SWEET JESUS LOOK AT THAT ASS!
  152. >she has hips that are about twice as wide as her waist.
  153. >every step has a sway that just exudes an innocent sexiness with just the barest hint of jiggle.
  154. >you're shaken from your trance when the butt goddess speaks up.
  155. >"Sorry about that, I was just doing some last minute... Oh, hi Coco! I thought you weren't going to show up tonight."
  156. >"Yeah, I had to pick my friend up from the train station tonight."
  157. >the pony looks behind Coco and sees you by the door.
  158. >"Wow, you're different. Hi there."
  159. >she says this with the sweetest little smile.
  160. "Uh... hi."
  161. >"So, what can I get you two?"
  162. >Coco looks back at you.
  163. >"Well, I'll get my usaul, do you want anything?"
  164. >she gestures to the menu on the wall behind the counter.
  165. "Oh. Umm... yeah. I'll just have a hot cocoa."
  166. >the barista pony gets a big shit eating grin.
  167. >"Well you don't have to order that from me. She's right here in front of you."
  168. >both Coco and yourself turn a deep shade of red.
  169. >"I-It's not l-like that!"
  170. "Hold on there. We're just friends, nothing more miss..."
  171. >the mare looks surprised for a second.
  172. >"Oh I'm sorry. Java. Java Chip. And I'm sorry about that. I'm just playing around."
  173. "Anonymous. Anon for short. And it's ok."
  174. >"But you are kinda cute, Anon. So watch yourself. Anyway, I'll have your orders ready in a minute."
  175. >you turn your attention to Coco, who is still blushing.
  176. "Is she always like this?"
  177. >Coco just nods slightly.
  178. >pretty soon you both have your drinks and are heading out the door.
  179. >Java calls out to you as you leave.
  180. >"Bye Coco, have a nice night. And bye Anon, don't be a stranger."
  181. >Coco is quiet as she leads you to the apartments, so you decide to break the silence.
  182. "Isn't it a little late for coffee?"
  183. >"Not right now. We just took a big job order, and to help speed it up, I offered to work nights to get the more delicate designs done while its quiet. So i get one every night to help me focus."
  184. >you're about a block to the complex.
  185. "Ah, I see. And your friend with the plot from heaven?"
  186. >"Figures you'd notice that. Java's nice. And she means well. Well, we're here."
  187. >Coco walks up to the door and opens it for you.
  188. >you both make your way inside and up three flights of stairs.
  189. >you walk down the hallway to your apartment.
  190. >apartment 3C.
  191. >Coco pulls a key out of her scarf and opens the door for you.
  192. >it's a simple little place.
  193. >living room is a pretty fair size.
  194. >a single couch is in the middle of it.
  195. >there is a kitchenette off to one side, and on another, a door leading to the bedroom with what looks like a queen size bed in it.
  196. >when putting your luggage in the bedroom, you see another door leading to the bathroom.
  197. "Hmm, it's simple... I love it."
  198. >as you leave the room, you see Coco has put your drink on a little half wall that seperates the living room and kitchen.
  199. >"Well, I'm glad you like it. Unfortunately, I have to get to work, so I'll see you around then?"
  200. "Yeah, we'll get together someday. Well, I too must depart. There is a bed in there that is calling to my name. So, I bid you goodnight."
  201. >Coco giggles at your display before heading to the door.
  202. >you follow her out into the hallway.
  203. >"Goodnight Anon. See you later."
  204. "Night Coco."
  205. >she makes her way to the stairs and starts heading down.
  206. >as you turn back to your apartment, you notice that your neighbor across the hall's door is slightly open.
  207. >as you take notice, you hear a gasp before it gets slammed shut.
  208. >you could have sworn you saw a reddish-orange eye looking at you before it closed.
  209. >oh well, no time to worry about it tonight.
  210. >after you go back in your room, you unpack your phone and make a quick call back to Ponyville, before heading to bed.
  211. >as you lay in bed, you wonder what could be in store for you in the city.
  212. >well, whatever it is, I'm sure you'll have a blast.
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