
Ryan Stone: Mall Owner

Sep 16th, 2015
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  1. 20:34 Ryan-Stone There was a large gathering of people in front of a huge fence off area, the aftermath of a huge fight. Utterly destroyed and busted. A dump, in this city no surprise, Ryan Stone was in front of a podium, to both his side body guards in suits. One a large man with scared eyes, other a dark skin female wearing s scarf, both in sunglasses like you'd expect...
  2. 20:36 Ryan-Stone Ryan Stone walked up to the Podium,making sure The mic worked. "right then, shall we get started?" The male shrugged and the female just looked, angry. "Hello everyone! Welcome to what looks like a dump. I am Ryan stone. One of the richest men in the world, but I'm sure you knew that. Now, one of the reason I am so rich is because my advancements...
  3. 20:38 Ryan-Stone holographic technology. I-" The male whispered into his ear. "oh, Nevermind I need to go, be back in a few minutes, you all get comfy." He flashed his smile and left
  4. 20:40 *** Tectonic quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  5. 20:40 Wells was there, a bit disguised. His hair was in a ponytail and he sported a baseball cap. He was wearing a sweater that read "Oppai" and was holding a particular looking catalog, the cover featuring one of those Chinese cartoon characters. He was impatiently tapping his foot on the ground, waiting for things to go forward. He sneered, mumbling to himself, "O bai da way, did I tell u all I'm...
  6. 20:40 *** Tectonic joined #covenger_rp
  7. 20:40 Wells ...rish. Yup, loaded out the ass. Jus thought I'd tel u all dat. Hur."
  8. 20:41 Jonsi approaches the crowd, carried by the wind. His open sweater ruffles in the breeze as he hovers in the air
  9. 20:42 AnnaClaskovic was amongst the crowd, wearing what seemed to be very formal clothing. She was wearing a usual looking set of glasses, Her hair all done up in a bun along with a very puffy, loose shirt, and a long skirt. She had been guided here by the gathering of people, looking at some ruined building. She was a bit confused as to why.
  10. 20:43 The-Haze had no particular reason to be there, he had simply been passing by when he noticed the formation of a crowd and had been there in time to catch Ryan's big, old bullshit speech. He hadn't bothered to put on his uniform, because he felt he didn't need to do so because he had just been going down to the convenience store to grab some milk just earlier. So he had slapped on a jacket and some...
  11. 20:43 The-Haze ...other basic clothing. The only real thing of note was a pair of shades completely obscuring his eyes, hell, almost all of his face was obscured at this point. So nobody could see how he felt about the crowd in general.
  12. 20:48 Bud stood at the back of the crowds that had amassed in the area, the commotion stopping an otherwise calm day of walking about the city. He wore only a dark tshirt and pair of blue jeans, seemingly leaving behind his mask and other vigilante bits behind for the tranquil day. "That guy again?" was mumbled.
  13. 20:49 *** Werruso joined #covenger_rp
  14. 20:50 Oyuun reappeared next to Bud, invisibility of her vibrations wearing off, arms crossed while she looked up to what was going on. She was hardly tall enough to see what is going on. "Which guy?"
  15. 20:53 Tectonic is among the crowd, curious as why they has gathered in front of a ruined building. wearing a simple black shirt with 'My High is Epik' written onto it and a pair of blue jeans, she just dismissed the old man's ramblings and instead listen to some weird music.
  16. 20:58 Ryan-Stone He came back a few minutes later. "Right sorry, one of my guards' He looked to the female angrily 'Was being a pain. Now, behold, this old busted up area..." He presses a button, the entire area behind him changes shape. A giant two story mall with the words 'STONE MALL'on it. "Is actually Stone Mall! A little pet project of mine to give back to the people of
  17. 20:58 Ryan-Stone Neon! Now please enjoy!" He pushes another button and opens the doors
  18. 20:59 Oyuun came to the point of trying to jump up and see what was going on that she tried to jump on Bud's back and look over his shoulder.
  19. 21:00 *** Wells quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 40.0.3/20150826023504])
  20. 21:00 *** Werruso is now known as Wells
  21. 21:00 Jonsi 's ears twitch as he sees the crowd of people enter the mall
  22. 21:01 Bud cracked a smirk and tried to help Oyuun up onto his own back. "Ryan. Stone. That guy and his weird smile."
  23. 21:02 *** Tectonic quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  24. 21:02 *** Tectonic joined #covenger_rp
  25. 21:03 Oyuun pouted a bit as her chin laid against his neck, arms wrapped around him as she held on. "Oh, so that's what this is. Rich dick looking guy. Know where he lives?" The question was only half joking. She did have a habit of burglarizing guys like that.
  26. 21:06 Wells looks around. He says rather smugly, "Sure is a lotbof people here for fucking nothing huh?" He gives a mockingly disappointed look. "This Stone jerk seems to be blowing hot air if you ask me..." He pretends to be talking to himself when really he's hoping his discontent to spread.
  27. 21:07 AnnaClaskovic recognized that voice
  28. 21:08 The-Haze stood completely still, only daring to blink a couple of times before speaking "A mall? Is this it?" he stated, placing his hand on his chin as he paused "...There's going to be something else too, right? Has to be."
  29. 21:08 AnnaClaskovic "U-uhh..." She looked around. Nobody really poked out all that much, but, she didn't care. The Mall was open, she could browse for a while or so.
  30. 21:08 Jonsi flies higher to see the full span of the mall
  31. 21:08 Bud thinks about it for a minute, adjusting his weight in the meantime. "Sorta wish I did know his place now. Can't believe he built another mall. Hrm..Wanna check it out?" The only person he could be talking to is the girl on his back.
  32. 21:09 Jonsi 's eyes widen as he sees how much space the mall occupies. And this wasn't there the other day?
  33. 21:09 Jonsi floats down onto the ground, landing neatly near the entrance
  34. 21:10 Jonsi "Let's see if there's any good clothes to buy..."
  35. 21:10 Oyuun "Might as well. Hya!" Oyu gently tried to spur Bud to go forward like one would a horse, still resting on his back for the time being. It was comfortable.
  36. 21:13 Ryan-Stone The entrance lead to food court, Taco Bell, Popular Pizza Place, a copy of Mcguffies called Buddies, all that stuff. Well all but the workers, all robots staring with dead glowing eyes
  37. 21:13 The-Haze He walked to the entrance of the mall, his hands in his pockets and his head down. He was absolutely certain nobody would recognize him, but at the same time he didn't wish to be caught checking out this shitty mall.
  38. 21:14 AnnaClaskovic took a peak into the Mall. It had almost seemed like it had everything. She looked around, examining each shop the Mall harbored, looking for the right one...
  39. 21:14 Wells walked to the entrance and paused before walking in completely. He sneered. "I aint ever heard of no Buddies before..."
  40. 21:14 Tectonic is quite interested right now, lowering the volume of her music and checking her purse to see if she can splurge on a thing or two. Walking inside the mall she could feel a strange aura, that kind when she know shit's about to get down.
  41. 21:14 Jonsi entered the mall. Of all the bazaars and shopping outlets he had patronized over the years, this one was certainly the glitziest.
  42. 21:15 Jonsi perked his ears up as he saw the Popular Pizza Place. He wondered if they served neapolitan. Then again, none would ever be as good as that served at the table of the inventor. He felt himself grow hungry.
  43. 21:18 Bud walked both himself and his 'rider' into the interior of the capitalist paradise to take in the sights, while expertly weaving around other curious mall-goers. "Well well. This place isn't creepy in the slightest. Anywhere you wanna check out first, Ganzi?". He still doesn't understand traditional Mongolian naming systems or how they're related to fathers
  44. 21:20 Jonsi wondered if there was a music store or instrument shop inside of this mall. Given the sheer size of the property, it had to be.
  45. 21:21 Oyuun "Close, but no cigar. Unless you are trying to flirt with my dad." Oyu said a little glibly as she picked up her head and started looking around at the stores. At that moment there was a grumble in her stomach. "...Food court. After that we can see the overpriced stuff they're selling."
  46. 21:21 Jonsi saw other people stare at him. Either they disapproved his lack of pants, or they disapproved his current outerwear. All the better to find better clothes...
  47. 21:21 Wells "H-Hey, why's everyone going in...I-I guess I may as well...too confirm how bad it is myself..." He walks in reluctantly.
  48. 21:23 AnnaClaskovic looked around for a place to relax. She came across a small little Cafe. It was just being set up, but it seemed to be up and running. She was a little bit delighted with herself. She could come here for her lunch and sip on coffee and such without some mumbling Irish guy coming in talking about gods or donuts. This was truly paradise.
  49. 21:23 Ryan-Stone Ryan was waving everyone in, he saw Wells and while he stilled smiled, he had hate in his eyes
  50. 21:26 Ryan-Stone The robot went to life when Anna got near the cafe "WELCOME! What can I get you?"
  51. 21:27 Wells felt a chill down his spine that forced him further into the mall.
  52. 21:27 Bud was genuinely confused for a moment before starting the trek to glorious capitalist food palace. "Your d-da? Er..right food yes here we go, lot's of places for that yes."
  53. 21:27 *** Tectonic quit (Quit: Tectonic)
  54. 21:28 *** Tectonic joined #covenger_rp
  55. 21:28 The-Haze searched around for a map, he assumed learning what stores were here was the first thing he should do before he attempted to actually go anywhere of importance.
  56. 21:29 *** Ivory joined #covenger_rp
  57. 21:31 AnnaClaskovic was a bit startled as soon as the robot came up to her. "U-uhh. Cappuccino. A packet of sugar to go with that, please.." She corrected her posture, sitting neatly in the chair.
  58. 21:31 Wells walked further in, looking around, hoping to not find something interesting. This normalfag mall probably wouldn't appeal to his refined, patrician tastes. He wonders why he even came. He looks down at the floor asbhe strolled around. "H-Hey these tiles are pretty nice looking..."
  59. 21:31 Oyuun "Its like, you know how in Iceland if your father is Bluhblah you are Bubub Bluhblahson? Its like that." With that she sought out somewhere to get food. For now burgers seemed the best bet buuut there's always options.
  60. 21:32 Tectonic wanders around, looking at the stores and taking her time before buying anything. She's not on a rush today.
  61. 21:33 Ryan-Stone The second she finished her order rised from the counter, ready to take "Cash or Credit"
  62. 21:34 Jonsi approaches a music store. Inside, there were more t-shirts and merchandise than CDs and vinyl. He looked for the Shady Records display. If his retail partners were competent, it would be ready by now.
  63. 21:34 AnnaClaskovic "Uhh. C-cash. Here..." She rumbled through her bag and gave the Robot the appropriate amount needed.
  64. 21:35 The-Haze ducked into the nearest restaurant, not even bothering to check what it served. He headed up to the counter and slapped his hand down on it "Do you serve alcohol here?"
  65. 21:35 Ivory got attracted into the mall and walks in, though she's a rag doll and doesn't have much to do in there. She peacefully strolls, getting a weird nostalgia vibe.
  66. 21:37 Ryan-Stone "What kind would you like Sir?"
  67. 21:38 Bud stared into space as he understood the horrible misfire his pet name brought about. "Oh. Oh I see. R-right, now uh to focus on food yes. Burgers? Pizza maybe?" He'd make sure to do accurate research in his next attempts at being cheeky.
  68. 21:38 The-Haze "I'm going to need... the strongest kind you have. Like this stuff needs to be well above the legal limit."
  69. 21:39 Oyuun seemed rather entertained at the least, smiling as she thought. "Alright. Pizza. Lets go for pizza. What do you get on yours anywho?"
  70. 21:41 Ryan-Stone A bottle of Everclear rised up like with Annas coffe, and just as fast "Cash or Credit"
  71. 1:43 Wells ceased his admiration of fine tile arrangement and actually took notice of an actual store. He gaped his mouth in awe at the store's main display, showing the name. It was in Japanese but Wells being the intellectual he was deciphered the name. "Kawaii as fuck" he said. The store was displaying a disgusting amount of moe, frilly, chinese animated women. It was obscene.
  72. 21:43 Bud "I usually just go for everything, supremes y'know. But anything works." The not-masked man said as he scoped out an appropriate table in the food court of hellish convenience.
  73. 21:44 AnnaClaskovic "Uhh. Cash." She stopped for a moment. Then started fumbling through her bag again for more money.
  74. 21:45 The-Haze grabbed the bottle with one hand while handing over the required cash with the other, seconds later he had popped open the top of the bottle and had downed the entire thing. Not like he was able to actually get drunk due to the nature of his powers, but he liked to drink regardless of that fact. He would then immediately turn and exit, having gotten a drink in him, maybe he'd go and see if...
  75. 21:45 The-Haze ...anything interesting was going on.
  76. 21:47 Ryan-Stone The robot took the money from Anna agan, even though she already paid
  77. 21:47 Jonsi finds the Shady Records display. Of course, werewolf-boy's band was front and center, with secondary artists off to the side, including himself. He narrowed his eyes as the display before walking past it.
  78. 21:47 Oyuun "Works with me. Unless they are putting, like, fish on it. Erh." Oyu hopped off of Bud's back, ruffling into her wallet to see how much she was working with. It was a good heist this week, so, a lot.
  79. 21:48 Ryan-Stone By the time Oyuun had the money ready their pizza was ready and waiting
  80. 21:48 Wells removed his cap and threw it to the floor. He need not hide his true self in a holy place. He walked in, his face solemn and stoic, ready to taste what this store had to offer.
  81. 21:48 Jonsi thought back to his dozens of albums, rotting on the shelf. A cold wind followed in his wake.
  82. 21:49 Oyuun blinked at the sudden quick service. "D-Damn!"
  83. 21:49 *** Ivory quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  84. 21:51 *** Ivory joined #covenger_rp
  85. 21:52 Ryan-Stone "Cash or Credit"
  86. 21:52 Jonsi walks up to one of the robots at the front counter of the record store
  87. 21:52 Tectonic happens to bump into Ivory when she's about to enter a clothing store. Well, at least they're not falling on top of each other. "S-sorry! I wasn't looking where I'm going and I bumped into you and.." her speech degrades into mumbles about how stupid she is.
  88. 21:53 Bud stared at the 'employee'. "Jeez. Guy knows how to turn a profit."
  89. 21:53 Jonsi "I'm a rep from Shady Records. Can you tell me how well the Silver Bullets' albums are selling?"
  90. 21:53 Ryan-Stone "We have just opened sir."
  91. 21:53 Oyuun "...Just cash." Oyu puts up a twenty.
  92. 21:54 AnnaClaskovic was just about to leave the Mall, along with her cappuccino and whatever else she had, until she saw Wells. Ehh. Why not. She waved over at Wells, walking over quickly yet being careful with the beverage. "Hey, Wells! Fancy meeting you here, huh?"
  93. 21:54 Jonsi "Well, make sure you order double. They're doing a tour around here and I expect full shelves."
  94. 21:54 Ryan-Stone The bot took her money
  95. 21:55 Jonsi thought back to that disastrous concert. Damn it, kid. You have everything and you're wasting it.
  96. 21:55 Ivory "..." She just stands up and grabs her staff. "I'm sorry too. I.. don't know what this place is actually, and I'm looking for something in this city."
  97. 21:56 Wells was almost too engrossed in his newfound browsing and almost didn't catch Anna. He jumped like a surprised animal and turned around erratically
  98. 21:57 Wells
  99. 21:57 Oyuun assumed to take the pizza as soon as the money was transacted, amazed by how quickly that went.
  100. 21:59 Tectonic "Something? Hmm..." She thought to herself for a while, deciding whether she will help Ivory or turn down her request. "Look. I think we should just grab something and discuss about it. I-I know it sounds rude but, trust me, I might help you."
  101. 21:59 Bud had managed to find a table completely devoid of crumbs and soda stains, to which he waved at Oyuun from. "Wanna walk or sit? I got both options covered."
  102. 22:01 Jonsi headed to the instrument store. Not that they would have anything he wouldn't otherwise have access to, just to see what they had.
  103. 22:01 Jonsi entered the instrument store, which happened to be close to the record store.
  104. 22:02 Jonsi saw guitars on the walls, keyboards on the floor, and several drum sets ready to play.
  105. 22:03 Jonsi headed towards the guitars, picking up a featured acoustic guitar from a brand he had not heard of, somehow
  106. 22:03 Jonsi strapped it on and played a few chords, before beginning an improvised country ditty
  107. 22:04 Oyuun "We'll sit. For now. I hear that there are even a few people around we might know!" Oyu settled and immediately took a slice, rolling it up and taking a bite out of the roll-pizza. More pizza per bite that way.
  108. 22:04 Jonsi tapped his hoof as he enjoyed himself
  109. 22:04 Jonsi played the last chord and opened his eyes again, seeing that several customers had gathered around him. He smiled and nodded his head as they clapped for him. Well, it isn't the Neon Arena, but it's something.
  110. 22:06 Ivory "....." More silent. "I... Alright then." She nodded, holding the staff close to her.
  111. 22:08 Ryan-Stone was walking around, the two bodyguards behind him "See, told you this would work, all the cash inflow, its beautiful''
  112. 22:09 Bud grabbed a slice for himself and prepared to start crust first, like a barrel chested man. "People we know huh? Might have to ruin their day. Oh, thanks for paying. Need any chip in?"
  113. 22:11 Jonsi went up to the sales-bot with the guitar
  114. 22:11 Oyuun "Naaaah. I'd usually but you get special privileges" Oyu gave a little cute grin before returning to the pizza, nibbling on the rolled up slice like it was a burrito of good pizza stuff
  115. 22:11 Jonsi "I'll take this one. Charge it to Shady Records."
  116. 22:11 Jonsi hands the robot the company card
  117. 22:11 Jonsi "If you can, ship it to my apartment. Here's the address."
  118. 22:12 Jonsi gives the robot the address and takes back the card, slipping it back into his shirt
  119. 22:12 Ryan-Stone The bot nods, taking the guitar
  120. 22:13 Jonsi looks back at the rest of the store. There were people of all ages trying the different instruments, talking about music, everything. Jonsi smiled to himself as the robot finished the transaction
  121. 22:13 Jonsi "Thanks."
  122. 22:14 *** Tectonic quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  123. 22:16 *** Tectonic joined #covenger_rp
  124. 22:16 The-Haze looked around a bit before spotting a store with some sort of... moon language (?) on the sign that he couldn't possibly begin to understand. These mystical symbols were clearly telling him about something, but he couldn't tell what, failing to read it he just went right in to see what they had. As soon as he stepped foot in the door he stopped, shocked, what is this Korean bullshit? He...
  125. 22:16 The-Haze ...immediately went up to the counter and demanded an explanation "The fuck is this?"
  126. 22:17 AnnaClaskovic was taken back a bit by Wells' reaction. "Oh, uh, I see, that I startled you..." Anna cleared her throat and laughed nervously. "So, what's up?" She managed to conjure.
  127. 22:18 Tectonic smiles. "Alright then! What do you want? Coffee? Tea? Some kind of meal? I'll pay for it!" She's too excited that she forgot to introduce herself.
  128. 22:19 Bud smiled back as he took a bite out of the crust. "How're your classes goin'? Anything neat coming up?" His questions come with a certain level of curiosity for something he can't quite remember if he ever attended.
  129. 22:20 Ivory "...
  130. 22:20 The-Haze smacked his fist down on the table "Hey, robot... are you broken or something? Explain." he questioned, leaning over the counter as he begun to violently shake the robot "What is this bizarre store? What is its purpose? Spit it out."
  131. 22:22 Ivory "... I'd prefer some tea." She smiles too in a 'i-don't-fucking-know-you-but-free-stuff-yay' way. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Ivory."
  132. 22:23 *** Jonsi is now known as Deft
  133. 22:23 *** Deft is now known as Defrt
  134. 22:24 Oyuun "Its been doing well! I mean. For pre-med. By that I mean its pretty terrible. Its a lot of work when I'm a lot more used to being out and about. Part of the fun of being out with you, besides the obvious"
  135. 22:24 *** Defrt is now known as Deft
  136. 22:24 Ryan-Stone "Welcome to Weeaboo emporia XXX. Are you of Age to be in here?"
  137. 22:25 Wells "S-Startled...?" He was holding several magazines and a body pillow just as tall as him in his arms as he came to his senses. "Right...right.....So uh. Anna. What brings you here?" He smiled a nervous smile
  138. 22:26 *** DeftBeck is now known as Jonsi
  139. 22:26 Oyuun "It dooooes get in the way of some of my heists, though."
  140. 22:26 The-Haze let go of the robot "You're completely useless, do you think I understand this moon babble? I'll go ask an actual person." he stated, turning away and walking over to the first people he saw in the store, waiting for them to finish talking before he'd say anything
  141. 22:27 Tectonic "I'm Steph! Nice to meet you Ivory." She grabs Ivory's hand and sorta dragged her through the mall, seeking for a decent restaurant that serves tea and other food. After a while there's this Asia restaurant that caught her attention. "Wanna go there?"
  142. 22:28 Jonsi continued to walk past the mallgoers gawking at him
  143. 22:29 Jonsi brushed his hair out of his face as he looked for the most flattering clothing store for an eternally-young goatman with a penchant for showing off
  144. 22:29 Bud "Well maybe you should go to heisting full-time?" He chuckled off, taking another bite of pizza.
  145. 22:32 Ivory "Okay." She was just wanting to get some information.
  146. 22:34 Oyuun "I would. I mean- I can. Its just a bit of an inconsistent job. Dangerous too. Plus if I ever go back home it'd be a bit harder to find big rich guys like this to blatantly take from, y'know" Oyu said, softly chewing
  147. 22:38 Jonsi finds a shop called Pan's Labryinth. In the window are various bohemian outfits, modeled on plastic dummies that were supposed to look like other satyrs. He sneers, especially at their choice to wear pants
  148. 22:39 Ryan-Stone walked near Bud and Oyuun. Stopping near them "Say, you sound familar, you're that buddy fellow right?"
  149. 22:39 Jonsi explores the shop. It appeared to be in the vein of an Abercrombie and Fitch, although for an older, more sophisticated audience. Also one with deeper pockets, perhaps isolated from the pants most of his kind chose to forego
  150. 22:39 Oyuun froze up as she was biting into some pizza
  151. 22:41 *** Tectonic left #covenger_rp
  152. 22:41 Jonsi finds several items he likes and heads to a nearby mirror
  153. 22:41 *** Ivory quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  154. 22:43 Jonsi takes off his current outerwear, rendering him as bare as the god Pan had rendered him. He was never the nicest person, but he blessed him with a handsome face and charming musical talents, so he wasn't so bad after all. Jonsi pined after his patron god.
  155. 22:43 Jonsi tried on several of the items, admiring how they framed his torso.
  156. 22:43 Bud turns to Ryan, his mouth open as if he was about to say something else. "Uh. What makes you ask that?"
  157. 22:45 *** Wells is now known as Revolver_Ocelot
  158. 22:47 *** Revolver_Ocelot is now known as Wells
  159. 22:47 Jonsi tries on a cardigan
  160. 22:47 Ryan-Stone "No no, you're him. I know that voice, you're one of the fighters from the Tournament, Buddy. Had that suit"
  161. 22:47 Jonsi Hm, maybe a bit too metro.
  162. 22:47 Jonsi tries on a leather vest
  163. 22:48 Jonsi grins, but takes it off. A little too forward.
  164. 22:49 Jonsi "If I wanted one of these, I would just make it myself. Although, who knows where I could find live cattle in this technopolis..."
  165. 22:49 Jonsi continued to muttered to himself as he tried on item after item
  166. 22:50 Bud "I've gotten into a lot of fights. What do you want?" An ever so slight malice was in that voice.
  167. 22:50 Oyuun kept herself quiet, nibbling on the pizza as the two talked aggressively
  168. 22:52 Ryan-Stone "Oh nothing nothing, just find it funny we run into each other again, you healed up quiet nicely I see. And you have a friend." He brings his and out to Oyuun "Ryan Stone"
  169. 22:53 Oyuun "Uhh, nice to meet you?" She briefly shook his hand but wasn't giving much. She didn't like to catch the attention of people she might rob.
  170. 22:55 Jonsi chose the items he liked and proceeded to pay for them on the company card. As he was handed the bags, he attempted to hook them onto his horns for fun, but proceeded to almost lose his balance and fall. He held the bags in his hands like a normal humanoid.
  171. 22:56 Bud "Uh huh. Yeah. Lifes funny like that."
  172. 22:56 Jonsi went to a bench just ouside of the store to sit down and rest his hooves
  173. 22:58 Wells after gathering his much needed supplies from his haven treks to the food establishment where some eccentric twat is harrasing a nice couple. He notices Stone conversing with Bud and Oyu, and decides to leer at him with all his contempt
  174. 23:02 Ryan-Stone "yes yes. How is the mall to your liking?"
  175. 23:03 Oyuun "Food was damn quick"
  176. 23:03 Ryan-Stone "I can't have people waiting in lines can I?"
  177. 23:04 Bud "Yeah. It was pretty quick. How's that done exactly?"
  178. 23:05 Ryan-Stone "Trade secret"
  179. 23:05 Wells "Probably has a bunch of underage illegal alien, kids controlling the robots from below the floor." Wells said as he approached the group, body pillow in hand.
  180. 23:06 Wells "Crafty, Stone...real crafty."
  181. 23:06 Wells "Finely tiled floors I might add..."
  182. 23:07 Ryan-Stone "Why thank you Wells"
  183. 23:07 Oyuun didn't pretend she didn't notice the body pillow. "...Heya Wells"
  184. 23:07 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  185. 23:08 Wells gripped his companion under his arm proudly, "and a hello to you too Oyuun. And please Stone. Credit is due where it's deserved."
  186. 23:09 Bud full-well noticed the bodypillow but was already used to this level of weird. "Oh hi Wells. Having fun being you? Why don't you and Ryan here"
  187. 23:09 Jonsi glances over at the group of young people talking
  188. 23:09 Jonsi sees several of the pople from the concert the other night
  189. 23:10 Ryan-Stone "..yes, perhaps we may"
  190. 23:10 Jonsi sighs to himself. What a disaster.
  191. 23:10 Oyuun "Go riiiiight ahead!"
  192. 23:10 Jonsi "At least that shadow-person isn't here."
  193. 23:11 Jonsi reached up to scratch his nose, healing since the punch the other other night
  194. 23:11 Ryan-Stone Ryan's female guard was staring right at Wells, even behind the sunglasses Wells can feel the pure uncontained /hate/ from her
  195. 23:11 McGoFuckYourself {DID SOMEBODY SAY HATE}
  196. 23:12 Ryan-Stone [yee]
  197. 23:13 Wells flashed a wink and at the woman who was clearly eyeing him up. But sorry. He gripped his pillow even more. He's taken.
  198. 23:14 Bud "Yeah, you two got a lot in common and I'm sure Wells would looove to catch up." He began glaring at Wells and moving his eyes between him and Ryan rapidly.
  199. 23:19 Oyuun quickly looked to her phone, cursed softly in Mongolian under her breath before getting up, tiptoeing up to Bud. "Friend needs help with something. Gotta scram real quick... I'll catch you outside the mall in a bit, yeah?" A little kiss on his cheek followed.
  200. 23:21 Wells smirked smugly. "Us catch up? Ha. I just like the utter look of disdain that overcomes him when I'm around. I think he has it out for me..." Wells looks at the pillow in his arm and presents it to Stone, looking apologetic. "D-Did I steal your love or something? I'm awful can have her back." The scantily clad neon haired woman on Wells' pillow stared at Stone with little life.
  201. 23:21 Bud "Oh, alright. Yeah, see you in a bit then."
  202. 23:23 Oyuun smiled and then a moment later she completely disappeared, her body vibrating to a degree she was no longer visible and barely audible taps to the ground signifying the speedy movement she made
  203. 23:23 *** Oyuun quit (Quit: Page closed)
  204. 23:24 Ryan-Stone was so close to snapping his fingers and having his female guards eat Wells. "Oh no no, its alright. I must say you were quiet close to winning that fight, ALAs you lost to that Isidora"
  205. 23:26 Wells blushes, thinking fondly of the life threatening event. "I wouldn't say I really lost that day...hehe"
  206. 23:29 Bud shot a glare to Ryan, suddenly remembering that he left all of his firearms at home in an attempt for a peaceful afternoon. "Hey maybe not make shitty puns about blue people."
  207. 23:32 Ryan-Stone looked to the female guard, then back to Bud and Wells "Perhaps I will."
  208. 23:37 Ryan-Stone "Well, enjoy your pizza and your, pillow." Ryan turns and leave. The female guard staying for sec before following
  209. 23:38 Bud got out of his seat and wiped his hands of pizza grease before catching up to Ryan. "I want you to know something, Ryan. I know your little game was a sham. You let that Ala go full on HAM. I don't know why, but you better hope I don't find out. Peace." was what he had to say before turning around and fucking off toward the door.
  210. 23:39 Wells just stood there, feeling kinda triumphant. "Yeah....I got him good..."
  211. 23:40 Wells He stood around for a few seconds before realizing he was alone and should probably leave, which he did.
  213. 23:45 Ryan-Stone Something pulled him away, literally something like smoke pushed him into a closed shop, no on in there to see him or what got him. He was being push against the wall by smoke, slowly gaining shape, the female body guard
  214. 23:49 Wells was holding onto his animes for dear life as he was assaulted so suddenly.
  215. 23:52 Ryan-Stone The brown skin washed off her, starting from her hand her true blueness was showing. The short black hair grew longer and grey. Her skin was completly blue as well as her hair grey. This could only be one person, right?
  216. 23:53 Wells smiled, "Oh hey Dora."
  217. 23:54 Wells looks around the empty area, worried, "Real odd place for a violent hello if ya ask me..."
  218. 23:54 Ryan-Stone The female bashed him against the wall "How DARE you say that name to me Mortal"
  219. 23:55 Wells was shut up immediately as he cringed in pain.
  220. 23:55 *** Ryan-Stone is now known as Cveta
  221. 23:59 Cveta "I am Cveta, you are Thadeus Sainthill, and will only talk when I say so, or I shall eat one of your limbs. Your mortal brain understand?"
  222. 00:02 Wells quietly complied with the woman with a nod as he slowly reached for his watch, as inconspicuous as he could be.
  223. 00:05 Cveta "I am going to ask you a few questions. Firstly, The Child"
  224. 00:06 *** The-Haze quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 40.0.3/20150826023504])
  225. 00:06 Cveta "What gives a mortal like you the rights to raise one of my kind?"
  226. 00:09 Wells "I-I found him. Sitting in a shack in the mountains. I wasn't going to just leave him. Especially with the rest of you all 1000s of Leagues below the earth, cooking in lava." He was still reaching for his watch.
  227. 00:10 Cveta "Hes an Ala, what could bring him harm?"
  228. 00:13 --- Bud is away (shower )
  229. 00:14 Wells "Ala or not, he's still a kid" he smiled. "And from what I've learned since taking him in, he isn't as built as you and your sister. Who'd let a kid stay on a mountain for a few centuries anyway. Worst case scenario he'd end up a weirdo. Hehe. L-Like me." His hand was on his watch and ready to suit up when he felt ready. He was actually kind of enjoying this.
  230. 00:16 Cveta bashed him aginst the wall again harder "That was a rhetorical question you waste of life!" She grabbed his left arm, yelling through her teeth "NEXT QUESTION"
  231. 00:18 Cveta "The Child, how much of Ala culture does he know?"
  232. 00:20 Wells "You're being kinda rough man. Can't ya tone it down a bit? I've been damaged one too many times by demons in my young life."
  233. 00:21 Cveta squeezed the arm harder, pulling it just enough any more it will pop out
  234. 00:24 Wells "Right, the kid knows all about you guys, N-Not that I always make time to listen... B-But from what I can gather. H-He uh..."
  235. 00:24 Wells "He's not the biggest fan of you guys"
  236. 00:25 Wells "Detests you all even. D-Don't quote me on this..."
  237. 00:25 Cveta stopped pulling his arm, just for a sec as she resumed "You LIE!"
  238. 00:30 Wells "Why don't you ask your sister. I don't know the fucking details! Kid was raised by some fucking kook who apparently whooped all of your asses back in the day. Worships the guy!"
  239. 00:33 Cveta "he, worships him." She lets go of the arm to whipe her arm, from the dust. Yep. Dust. She removes her Sunglasses saring right at Wells with her impossible ring eyes
  240. 00:33 Cveta [eyes*]
  241. 00:35 Cveta "Isidora, how much influence does she have on him?"
  242. 00:36 Wells looks to the floor briefly to confirm thr safety of his dropped goods. If the figure he bought got trashed he was going to file a really big complaint. He looked her back in the eyes. "Yup worships him. Dora just takes him shopping occasionally I think. Probably talk about Ala stuff."
  243. 00:37 Wells "L-Like, your blue skin."
  244. 00:37 Wells "I bet that's a real icebreaker in your culture." He pulls a cheeky smile despite the situation.
  245. 00:38 Cveta "Its blue, not much to really talk about"
  246. 00:38 Cveta "wait"
  247. 00:40 Cveta bashes even harder "You DARE TO MANIPULATE MY MIND!? I am not like Isidora, I wont forget about my culture"
  248. 00:43 --- Bud is back
  249. 00:45 Cveta "You will do exactly as I say. Tell nothing of this to the child or Dora, or any living soul. Or else"
  250. 00:46 Wells was writhing in pain. Not the good kind. It was getting kinda hard to maintain composure as he was slowly losing consciousness. "M-Ma'am. You have m-my. MY word...."
  251. 00:47 Wells "But please"
  252. 00:47 Wells "I-I implore you to consider if I don't."
  253. 00:47 Wells "I'm a bit of an asshole."
  254. 00:48 Cveta smiled
  255. 00:50 Cveta opened her mouth, wider and wider, the swirling atomic vortex in plain veiw. She slowly brought Wells head closer and closer to it, he could feel his skin tingle as it was broken down. Slowly and painfully
  256. 00:52 Wells tried to resist with all he could, he wasn't being too serious about the situation until now. "Ok. OK. Ok. I-I think I get your point!"
  257. 00:54 Cveta brought him out "good." Dropping him to the ground, and for fun, ripped the pillow he got to unrepairable shreds, even stomping on some of the stuff he bought
  258. 00:55 Cveta "Now get out" Her body returned to its human look "The Mall is closing"
  259. 01:00 Wells felt crushed. He spent good money on that. He struggled to get to his feet, and gathered what was left of his bought goods. "Y-You know...That wasn't very nice..." He was tearing up a bit. He walked off slowly. "You're just mad I don't kiss on the first date...Of course you'd go after the superior girl..." He kept mumbling in some weird code as he went for the exit, talking about "3DPD"
  260. 01:00 Wells stopped at thr exit and looked back for a minute. "Uh."
  261. 01:01 Wells "S-Should I call you for the next date or what. I-I'm not used to this."
  262. 01:02 *** AnnaClaskovic quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  263. 01:02 Wells "You really threw a lot of mixed signals around today so don't be disappointed if I break you heart or something."
  264. 01:02 Wells left, "Man I don't fucking get women..."
  265. 01:05 Cveta walked up, grabbed Wells left arm, breaking it then popping it out of socket. Disappearing into smoke
  266. 01:08 Wells looked at his mangled arm im utter indifference as he suited up. He began to quietly cry to himself as his suit carried him off to home.
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