
AEB Present 1.5 Log 65

Jan 29th, 2016
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  2. Chloe has connected.
  3. Kaorin Sakura has connected.
  4. Eclipse has connected.
  5. Avara has connected.
  6. Avara: hi
  7. Chloe: helleow!
  8. Kaorin Sakura: I am the here.
  9. Eclipse: Greetings.
  10. Kaorin Sakura: Right. I need to open a document.
  11. Kaorin Sakura: You guys made it to the thing.
  12. Kaorin Sakura: What's after Parasect?
  13. Eclipse: Venonat.
  14. Kaorin Sakura: Excellent.
  15. Kaorin Sakura: I don't have help today. T_T
  16. Kaorin Sakura: Anyone want to recap?
  17. Kaorin Sakura: Date: February 26th, 1549. 0115 Hours, Thursday.
  18. Eclipse: ...I've remembered I still have to write that letter. Anyway, I believe I can do a recap.
  19. DNA: After giving chase to the dudes, we notice some very interesting markings that go up into the trees, and then above the clouds. Trying to find a way to utilize this path without drawing attention - and also noticing that Chloe is as usual the Badass Normal - we take to the skies until we get to a castle(?) behind the clouds. It's early in the morning, but steady sleep schedules are for chumps.
  20. DNA: We get ready to open the door to go in, and...
  21. Kaorin Sakura: (( Dat lag. ))
  22. Avara: *hugs everyone*
  23. Chronicler: Entering into the cloudflesh castle in the sky through its only discernable opening leads you into a long stretch of corridor. It has absolutely no light sources of any kind though a strange force permeates the air. Like a gloss of liquid slapped onto some unseeable surface with a translucent rainbow mist. It twists and flows slowly through the air, visible but not touchable, giving off just the faintest glow to illuminate the area with enough light to see. Any attempts to reach out and touch it causes you to reach through it, as if it were visible in this world but present in another.
  24. DNA: Reach out and touch what: the mist?
  25. Chronicler: The corridor stretches forward a long ways, beyond 30-meters easily. Its floors, walls and ceilings are circular, ensuring no sharp corners of any kind and it seems to twist this way and that, like a tunnel dug by a perfectly circle massive worm that only had a vague sense of 'forward'.
  26. Chronicler: Yes, the mist.
  27. Chloe Blanchett: "The door is open now, we can enter." Chloe said, taking the first step into the strange magic sky castle.
  28. Chronicler: The entire corridor pulses from time to time, like a heartbeat.
  29. Saturn Rosewell: Saturn follows quickly behind her, as she's already suspicious. Perception 3d6+2 ; Intuition 6d6+2 .
  30. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe keeps an ear out for alarms or other signs of people watching. Perception
  31. Chronicler whispers: Your ability to perceive your surroundings with sight is easily confused and misgiving. Overwhelmed by the sense that you stand in limbo between worlds. Your Life Sense, however, shows that not many individuals in your immediate area (30-meters) give off the voice of life.
  32. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: What is 'not many'? How many besides our party can Saturn sense?
  33. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe walks forward, down the hallway until she starts seeing turns in either direction.
  34. * Jennifer Attaway pursues the group diligently.
  35. Saturn Rosewell: Saturn keeps blinking a lot, her smaller eyes spinning in different directions. "Ow. I'm not used to this kind of place. Everything feels muddled when I look at it."
  36. Chronicler whispers: Just roughly eight diminutive balls of life scattered throughout the corridor.
  37. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: Eight including us, or eight excluding us?
  38. Chronicler whispers: Excluding.
  39. Saturn Rosewell: "There's 8 Finch-sized creatures in this corridor, though..."
  40. Chloe Blanchett: "Interesting..."
  41. Chloe Blanchett: "I can't see them."
  42. Saturn Rosewell: "Hmm..." Saturn takes a deep breath, clutching her head for balance.
  43. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe tries to look for the things Saturn mentioned Perception.
  44. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: Is it possible for Saturn to get a distance estimate of how far the 8 things are away from me?
  45. Chronicler whispers: You pass them by as you walk. They appear to be incredibly tiny spheres of light. They have the voice of life but float slowly - aware of you but non-hostile.
  46. Saturn Rosewell: "I think we're walking past them. They're like...really non-hostile tiny spheres of light."
  47. Saturn Rosewell: *non-hostile really tiny
  48. Chloe Blanchett: "I see scattered spheres of light, I'm not sure if they are living creatures."
  49. Saturn Rosewell: "They are..."
  50. Saturn Rosewell: "At least that's what my senses are telling me..."
  51. Chronicler: As you move forward about twenty-meters through the corridor you can it split into two directions about 12-meters beyond. The corridor curves both upward and downward, almost like shutes.
  52. DNA: Chutes.
  53. Chronicler: (( Many thanks! ))
  54. DNA: No problem.
  55. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe tries to identify these glowing lights. Occult? Pokemon?
  56. Chloe Blanchett: "Do you know what they are Jen? You seem to know a bit about everything."
  57. Saturn Rosewell: Saturn tries to see what lies down the chute corridors ahead. Maybe she could get a better idea of which path, if any, is a safer pick. Perception and Intuition .
  58. Jennifer Attaway: "I'll see if I can get a look."
  59. Jennifer Attaway: Perception.
  60. Chloe is disconnected.
  61. Chronicler whispers: Looking at it allows you to see that they both have airflow. Perhaps a sort of suction that would draw you in whichever direction you decide. But you can't see which is safer or what lies beyond.
  62. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: ...So like an air-based slip 'n' slide or something?
  63. Chronicler whispers: Kinda sorta.
  64. Chloe has connected.
  65. Avara: internet, behave
  66. Chloe: Jen's perception is the last thing I saw
  67. DNA: Nothing else non-whisper based was said since then.
  68. Avara: it's the last thing that happened
  69. Avara: at least as far as i've seen
  70. Jennifer Attaway: "It's..." she hesitates, a little creeped the fuck out. "You know how Yamask are, supposedly... uh, human souls reborn? They're... it's kind of like that, but not. They're shadows of the dead. Something about this place... it might be the strange feeling and energy in the air, this sense of... limbo... or some experiment. Something is drawing spirits to manifest this way here."
  71. Saturn Rosewell: "That makes me feel like this place is like a boundary between worlds or something."
  72. Saturn Rosewell: "It might explain why I'm having trouble seeing straight..."
  73. Chloe Blanchett: "It's... haunted?"
  74. Avara: after all this time joking about people going to find and punch the reaper to revive a fallen PC, is it actually gonna happen?
  75. Jennifer Attaway: "I... think so. This place is really creepy..."
  76. Saturn Rosewell: "If that's the case, we probably shouldn't stay in one place for very long. ...I looked ahead and I can feel like each of those paths has a minor suction to it, but...I can't tell anything beyond that, not from this distance."
  77. Jennifer Attaway: "I'll follow where you lead."
  78. Chloe Blanchett: "We have two chutes. Up and down."
  79. Chloe Blanchett: "If they were deploying, they would come from the upward one, right? Because it's easier to slide down in whatever armor they have."
  80. Jennifer Attaway: "Probably. Unless they like to fight gravity."
  81. Chloe Blanchett: "So down might be where we want to go first. But we don't know enough to know which to take yet."
  82. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe examined the chutes. What kind of scratches and scuffs are on them, if any. What signs of what slides down these are present? Perception
  83. Jennifer Attaway: "If we're preventing an attack, we'd want to go upstairs and say hello. Preferrably with our strongest attacks."
  84. Jennifer Attaway: "Or maybe sneakily, with a lot of sabotage."
  85. Jennifer Attaway: "If they stay upstairs before deployment, anyway."
  86. Saturn Rosewell: "Hmm...what would they expect us to do?"
  87. Jennifer Attaway: "That'd be where the gear to suit up and load out would be, right?"
  88. Chloe Blanchett: "No signs of anything. Upward smells nicer, like perfume. While the lower one smells like fresh water."
  89. Saturn Rosewell: " perfume?"
  90. Saturn Rosewell: "That might be where they come from, if they bother to keep it smelling like that. Which means the lower one could lead to a spring or river or something...
  91. Jennifer Attaway: "I still stand by what I said, but if you disagree we can go the other way."
  92. Saturn Rosewell: "No, I agree with you. Freshwater smell doesn't tell or hint at a whole lot."
  93. Chloe Blanchett: "Lets go up. If anything, escaping downward is faster."
  94. Saturn Rosewell: "Heh, true."
  95. * Jennifer Attaway will follow.
  96. * Saturn Rosewell hops to the upper corridor.
  97. Schloop!
  98. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe goes in first! Probably.
  99. Chronicler: The chute makes a loud sucking noise as it inhales your whole group, single file. You grow slightly nauseous from the sudden force and change in altitude. You feel as though you went up several stories before you're spat onto a soft, malleable floor.
  100. Chronicler: Disoriented for a moment as the floor is curved much like the corridor, though the curve flows upward rather than downward you feel as though you're standing on some soft bubble that's strangely firm enough to support you. The room smells pleasant and sweet and you find it difficult to keep your wits about you here.
  101. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe stumbles on the bubble, slipping and falling on her face.
  102. * Saturn Rosewell stops breathing as she rights herself after falling.
  103. Chronicler: Dulled and fuzzy, you struggle to maintain focus and the idea of carnal desires enticing.
  104. Chloe Blanchett: She eventually pushes herself upward.
  105. Alsine Kolstad: Alsine's eyes widen. "I hate this room. I hate it. Haaaaaaaate."
  106. * Jennifer Attaway attempts to resist these desires!
  107. Saturn Rosewell: Focus 6d6+2 because I know you're going to ask for it !
  108. Chronicler: While in this area, you suffer a -5 penalty to resist checks made to infuence your disposition. You fail infatuation rolls on 6 or higher and suffer a -2 penalty to Save Checks.
  109. Avara: oh god it's the room of morgan.
  110. Saturn Rosewell: Saturn looks towards Alsine, "You've...been here before?" She also scans the area as usual, P I . Particularly in regards to finding an exit.
  111. DNA: My mind just went. "Oh, right, that one. Wait, your character? No, my first guess was right."
  112. * Jennifer Attaway stands up, trying to clear her head. Uuugh. Damnit, why does everyone have to be a cute and beautiful person?
  113. Alsine Kolstad: Alsine exhales. Her Auroma Veil fighting the scent of the room. (all allies immune to infatuation.)
  114. DNA: ...Wait a sec. What do you mean you fail infatuation rolls on 6 or higher?
  115. Chronicler: (( Yes. ))
  116. DNA: That sounds mechanically incorrect; normally you fail infatuation rolls on 10 or lower.
  117. Chronicler: (( Roll 1-5 to succeed. ))
  118. Chronicler: (( I'm aware. ))
  119. Jennifer Attaway: "... Thanks, Alsine. That helps."
  120. Avara: the perfume is pretty badass
  121. DNA: Oh, you're inverting/replacing the roll effect. Okay.
  122. Chloe Blanchett: "I would like some of this perfume though, I like the scent."
  123. Alsine Kolstad: "Please. Please no."
  124. Jennifer Attaway: "I'd like some too, but not for use on the road. This is a special occasions smell."
  125. Jennifer Attaway: "Like... *very* special."
  126. Chronicler whispers: You find several life forces at work here. Seven creatures at just on the other side of this bubble floor. Two diminutive. Two medium. Three large.
  127. DNA: (Saturn asked Alsine a question a little while ago.)
  128. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe searches this strange room. For any items, or hidden doors. Or regular doors for that matter. Perception to search.
  129. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: When you say other side, do you mean underneath the floor, or do you mean this room's floor is basically a bubble and they're 180 degrees on the other side?
  130. Avara: brb
  131. Chloe: ((didn't notice))
  132. DNA: sa'right
  133. Alsine Kolstad: "I haven't been here before Saturn. But I'm always feeling these... succubus instincts. The second I fell into this room..."
  134. Saturn Rosewell: "Oh. Oh..." Her voice trailed off, ashamed.
  135. Alsine Kolstad: "It was a fair question. I should be more open about my issues."
  136. Chronicler whispers: Bubble other side.
  137. Saturn Rosewell: "There's 7 things in here...3 big, 2 our size, 2 Finch-sized. They're on the other side of this floor - like if we kept walking, they'd be there."
  138. Saturn Rosewell: "There's gotta be a door or something..." Saturn's eyes dart around, irritated. (Anything from the Perception check?)
  139. Avara: back
  140. Chloe Blanchett: "I only found one door." Chloe said, pointing to the hidden outline. She lifted it, if she could.
  141. Chronicler : You are not able to reach through the fleshy ground.
  142. Saturn Rosewell: "Hm?" Saturn goes to where Chloe is, and looks at the outline. Perception - How is it constructed; does it look mobile; any switches/locks maybe?
  143. Chronicler whispers: It looks like a normal door. Just on the other side of the room, through the floor. So, probably underneath the floor. Or in the middle of the fleshy floor. Its not on this side of the mound you stand upon.
  144. Saturn Rosewell: "Um...Chloe, I think it's on the other side."
  145. Saturn Rosewell: "...uh oh."
  146. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: They're standing on the door, aren't they.
  147. Chloe Blanchett: "This is a one-way room...?"
  148. Saturn Rosewell: "Maybe from one end, but there has to be at least one way out."
  149. Avara: is the chute blocked off by gooey floor?
  150. Chronicler : It is not.
  151. Chloe Blanchett: "This might be a trap room then? Lets try downward."
  152. Jennifer Attaway: "If we can get back down, yes." Jen, with her flying mount, will attempt to Descend.
  153. Chronicler: You cannot shift through the fleshy mound.
  154. Chronicler: Unless, of course, I'm misinterpreting your meaning of 'down'.
  155. Avara: down the chute that you said isn't blocked off?
  156. DNA: I think the chute is on the ceiling.
  157. Avara: ... ah.
  158. Avara: that's... okay.
  159. Avara: going along the chute.
  160. DNA: The floor is a sphere
  161. DNA: which would mean that the chute is above us.
  162. Chronicler: The chute is along the side of the wall. When you approach it a gust of force thrusts you onto the floor where it deposited you.
  163. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe rolls back into the center of the room, tumbling in a heap with the increasingly frustrated Alsine.
  164. * Jennifer Attaway is knocked down, and rises back to her feet, helping her mount do the same.
  165. Saturn Rosewell: "Maybe there's a switch to reverse the vacuum..."
  166. Saturn Rosewell: Time to search for hidden or non-obvious objects !
  167. Chloe Blanchett: "The floor is fleshy, we might be able to cut it. I don't know what it will do with our minds if we do."
  168. Chronicler whispers: You find naught that is not obvious on your side of mound. The walls are smooth but fleshy and pulse with eerie life. The floor echoes this pulse but remains firm enough for you to get solid footing. A door is visible, through the mound, but remains out of your reach. The ceiling, due to the shape of the room, appears to be 30-meters above you, but possibly closer or farther.
  169. Chloe Blanchett: "What do you think?"
  170. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: Can I tell where that door leads, or just that the door exists?
  171. Saturn Rosewell: "I don't know if I'm brave enough to try that..."
  172. Chronicler whispers: Just that it exists.
  173. Saturn Rosewell: "There's a door on the opposite side of the room, on the floor, but...I think that's where the other creatures are lurking.
  174. Jennifer Attaway: "I was thinking of letting Rai out to start destroying something myself, but I'm not sure what."
  175. Jennifer Attaway: (( is saturn mentioning a single door, or multiple doors? ))
  176. Saturn Rosewell: A single door.
  177. Jennifer Attaway: "Well, if we're inviting trouble, do we have any traps we can set?"
  178. Chloe Blanchett: "I don't have any."
  179. Chloe Blanchett: "We have two options, right? Try to find a way to turn off the wind, or dig through to this door. Did you find any others Saturn?"
  180. Saturn Rosewell: "Sadly not... The door is all I could notice. My eyes aren't that good yet..."
  181. Chloe Blanchett: "Then we have no choice but to dig. Alsine, do you want to try and cut it?"
  182. DNA: I am really wishing we made it to TL 21 by now...
  183. Alsine Kolstad: Alsine drew her fire blade and tries cutting the fleshy substance over the trapdoor.
  184. Chronicler: Roll to hit and damage.
  185. Alsine Kolstad: Rolling to hit. -2
  186. Alsine Kolstad: Alsine slipped and nearly fell.
  187. Alsine Kolstad: "..."
  188. Alsine Kolstad: "I don't have much in the way of weapons training."
  189. Saturn Rosewell: "May I try something?"
  190. Alsine Kolstad: "Please, go ahead."
  191. Saturn Rosewell: Saturn's going to try and freeze-dry the floor instead, desiccating it with cold. I forgot if that work has 2 Ss or 2 Cs. I must ask Mike.
  192. Chronicler: Roll to hit and damage.
  193. Saturn Rosewell: 12 vs Special; if that hits, 29 Special Ice Piercing damage. Water-type is weak to Ice this move, if that somehow applies to the floor.
  194. Eclipse: Apparently it is 2 Cs, so I guessed the right spelling.
  195. Saturn Rosewell: "Maybe that'll soften it slightly for the flame sword?"
  196. DNA: And now, I wait.
  197. Fleshy Mound: Fleshy Mound loses 24 hit points.
  198. Fleshy Mound: Fleshy Mound suffers some icy damage, crackling and where struck, begins to bleed.
  199. Chronicler: The ground shudders briefly and you hear a deep and powerful hum from all around. It continues for a moment but then ceases.
  200. Chronicler: The blood quickly begins to coagulate over the struck area.
  201. Chloe Blanchett: "Do we have any telepathic pokemon? Or anyone who can commune with this? It might be alive."
  202. Saturn Rosewell: "Natasha can, but...I'm already scared of getting her involved in this."
  203. Chloe Blanchett: "It would be better to ask nicely if we can, wouldn't it? Maybe that's how they move through here."
  204. Saturn Rosewell: "Mmmmmmmaybe...?"
  205. * Saturn Rosewell releases Natasha but keeps her close by so she doesn't wander or get dragged off somewhere.
  206. Chronicler whispers: You see a diminutive sphere of light silently floor over the mound to where you are before slowly making its way back on the other side.
  207. Avara: chronicler, was that the right person to whisper to?
  208. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: She shall be speaking in Poke-Kantonese, first to the floor. She will first ask it telepathically (Are you there?)
  209. Chronicler: Yes.
  210. Avara: okay.
  211. * Jennifer Attaway will follow what she sees.
  212. Saturn Rosewell: "...I wasn't the only one who saw th-"
  213. Chronicler whispers: You do not sense any mind outside of the seven Saturn pointedly felt in the same room though on the other side of the mound.
  214. Chloe Blanchett: "H-hey little light! Come back!"
  215. Saturn Rosewell: "...Nope. Guess not." Saturn cautiously follows Jen.
  216. * Natasha recalls herself. She told Saturn that she couldn't sense anything from it. It doesn't have a mind.
  217. Chronicler : You may drop your token around Q130 on Battlefield
  218. Chronicler : Traveling across the mound you can finally see the seven creatures Saturn mentioned earlier just on the other side.
  219. Chronicler : Two plant-lady creatures, two sphere of light, two creatures of light and a woman with black wings.
  220. Chloe Blanchett: "Those plant ladies are so cute~"
  221. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature stands among a stream of runes that vanish once she looks up at your group.
  222. DNA: Wow, Alraunes. Wasn't expecting that. ...I think.
  223. Chronicler : Awesome. You're back?
  224. DNA: I'm back, yeah.
  225. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature clenches her fists as she feels your presence, having no eyes to see you with, "And thus the demons return to haunt me." Black-winged creature scoffs with a turn o fher head and the creatures about her jump, suddenly at attention.
  226. Avara: still writing? don't want to interrupt the gm
  227. Chloe Blanchett: "Where did you come from?"
  228. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature pauses, an unfamiliar sound reverberating among the room. A boy? Young? A girl? She could not tell. But new. Definitely new.
  229. Saturn Rosewell: "What? Wait,, we're just trying to find our way forward. We aren't here to annoy anyone..."
  230. Black-winged creature: "A trick! A deception!"
  231. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature stretches her arms up toward the ceiling, "Why master? You corrupt and mutate me so. I do as you ask...I do as you ask..."
  232. DNA: "...How can we prove we aren't here to bother you? ...Who are you talking to?" Saturn gulped, like a peach pit was lodged in her throat.
  233. Jennifer Attaway: "Please calm down and listen to us. We're just trying to investigate this place to stop attacks on a settlement."
  234. Saturn Rosewell: "...How can we prove we aren't here to bother you? ...Who are you talking to?" Saturn gulped, like a peach pit was lodged in her throat.
  235. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature pants and turns her head to the side, revealing she has no ears as well, "It lies. It lies, a trick it must be." Black-winged creature shakes but with fear or fury you cannot tell, "Another test? A demon? No-no-nonono." Black-winged creature clenches her long-nailed hands, "Don't let it in..."
  236. Chloe Blanchett: "Do you know how to leave this room? We found a door, a way out. All we want to do is leave this room."
  237. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature raised her hands and thrusts them at the creatures around her, "Don't. Let. It. In." Black-winged creature maneuvers her hands as if pulling at invisible strings and the creatures raise like puppets, "Don't let it in! Don't let it in! Don't let it in!"
  238. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: Could a Telepath try and fight off whatever is trying to fight its way into the creature's head with a Focus check?
  239. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature thrusts her army forward, "Kill it! Kill it!"
  240. Chloe Blanchett: Initiative = 12
  241. Alsine Kolstad: Initiative = 7
  242. Saturn Rosewell: Initiative = 15
  243. Jennifer Attaway: Initiative = 33
  244. Black-winged creature: Initiative = 18
  245. Creature of light 1: Initiative = 15
  246. Creature of light 2: Initiative = 15
  247. Sphere of Light 1: Initiative = 31
  248. Sphere of Light 2: Initiative = 31
  249. Plant-lady 1: Initiative = 4
  250. Plant-lady 2: Initiative = 4
  251. Jennifer Attaway has received initiative.
  252. Fleshy Mound: New Encounter Starts: Initiative Sorted, Top of the Order, Round 1
  253. Fleshy Mound whispers: You very well could try on your turn.
  254. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: All right - what action would that be? Standard? Full?
  255. Fleshy Mound whispers: Standard.
  256. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: ...Sounds like I've got my work cut out for me, then.
  257. * Jennifer Attaway starts singing, attempting to Fascinate her enemies! Charm vs Focus or Intuition within 18 meters of her! Requires Vision and Hearing. Max Targets: 6.
  258. DNA: Currently everyone is within 16m of her, so this works.
  259. Creature of light 2: (( What's your charm rank? ))
  260. Avara: 6.
  261. Avara: i have a focus in singing
  262. Avara: so 5d6+6
  263. Sphere of Light 1: (( Not why I asked. ))
  264. Avara: plus 3 spirit, plus 1 sunglasses
  265. Avara: okay
  266. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature is not affected by Jennifer's fascination. She is a number above 6.
  267. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 resists the attempt through sheer willpower.
  268. Creature of light 1: Creature of light 1 becomes fascinated by Jennifer's song.
  269. Creature of light 2: Creature of light 2 becomes fascinated by Jennifer's song.
  270. Sphere of Light 2: Sphere of Light 2 becomes fascinated by Jennifer's song.
  271. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 becomes fascinated by Jennifer's song.
  272. Plant-lady 1: Plant-lady 1 becomes fascinated by Jennifer's song.
  273. * Jennifer Attaway will end her turn, continuing to fascinate those she's caught with her siren song.
  274. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 goes up 3 meter(s).
  275. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 pulses briefly.
  276. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 has had it's Attack modified by 1 stages.
  277. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 has had it's Attack modified by -1 stages.
  278. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 has had it's Sp.Attack modified by 1 stages.
  279. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 has had it's Sp.Defense modified by 1 stages.
  280. Sphere of Light 2: Sphere of Light 2 remains fascinated.
  281. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature strikes at Plant-lady 2! "Kill it! Kill it!"
  282. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 loses 16 hit points.
  283. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 snaps from her fascinated state.
  284. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 has had it's Defense modified by 1 stages.
  285. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 has had it's Sp.Defense modified by 1 stages.
  286. Plant-lady 2: "Hng!" Plant-lady 2 winces and looks about.
  287. Saturn Rosewell has received initiative.
  288. Avara: gah. half-bird jerk!
  289. Saturn Rosewell: Saturn first takes a deep breath, as white fog is exuded from her mouth and pores. 4 uses of Mist! After which, she releases Natasha as a Shift Action.
  290. Natasha: Initiative = 15
  291. Natasha: Due to them having the same Initiative, Natasha gets to go right away!
  292. Plant-lady 2: (( Pfft, no she doesn't. ))
  293. Natasha: Don't you tease me son, before I start dropping points into speed
  294. Plant-lady 2: (( You're tied with two enemies. She doesn't get to act immediately. ))
  295. DNA: Sigh, fine. Continue.
  296. Creature of light 1: Creature of light 1 remains fascinated.
  297. Creature of light 2: Creature of light 2 remains fascinated.
  298. Natasha has received initiative.
  299. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: Natasha is a telepath! Focus 4d6+6 to overpower whatever influence or voice is in black-winged creature's head.
  300. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: Will wait for result effect.
  301. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature twitches.
  302. Avara: heh.
  303. Natasha: Is that all I know/can see?
  304. Black-winged creature whispers: As you reach into her head, you find she is intentionally disbelieving anything you or any of your group says. She hears you fine and is not influenced by any forcefully controlling source though is entirely enslaved by conditioning to The Master. Attempting to discern her motives or hint at your trustworthiness causes the Black-winged creature to force you out of her mind violently.
  305. Chronicler : Let me know if you do anything else.
  306. Natasha: "Ouch!" Natasha backs off a little, but that's all for her turn.
  307. Chloe Blanchett has received initiative.
  308. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe casts Spell Shield (generic) on herself!
  309. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature gasps, "M-Magick?" Black-winged creature hisses, "Another Jovvam perhaps...?"
  310. You whisper to Chloe: "She's intentionally disbelieving whatever we do or say. She's not...she's not mind-controlled but she IS conditioned."
  311. Chloe Blanchett: "Some of us are studying the arts... are you looking for a new master?"
  312. Natasha: Natasha says something in Dutch.
  313. Alsine Kolstad has received initiative.
  314. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature scoffs, "I am no Esp--" Black-winged creature grits her teeth, "Why do you test me so?!"
  315. Alsine Kolstad: Alsine does not take action.
  316. Plant-lady 1: Plant-lady 1 remains fascinated.
  317. Chloe Blanchett: "Because we don't want to fight!"
  318. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 ingrains herself.
  319. Jennifer Attaway has received initiative.
  320. Fleshy Mound: Initiative Sorted... Round Incremented... Top of the Order!
  321. Avara: maintaining the current song.
  322. Avara: iirc that's a standard?
  323. Avara: yeah.
  324. Chronicler : Yes.
  325. Avara: and you can send out a 'mon as a shift?
  326. Chronicler : Roll the DC.
  327. Chronicler : And yes.
  328. Avara: 27 Charm vs Focus or Intuition.
  329. Avara: ... asdf. not gm'd.
  330. DNA: Hm, the document doesn't say that Songstress needs to reroll DC to maintain a song. Will have to make a note of that.
  331. * Raijin appears in a flash of light!
  332. Chronicler : Its not like Countersong.
  333. Raijin: Initiative = 20
  334. DNA: I know it isn't. It just doesn't say or suggest it anywhere.
  335. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 floats a bit southwest and unleashes a beam of light at Alsine! 2 vs. SDEF Eva!
  336. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 lives and learns.
  337. Sphere of Light 2: Sphere of Light 2 remains fascinated.
  338. Raijin has received initiative.
  339. Natasha: Don't forget! Victory Star~
  340. * Raijin uses Double Team and gains 3 activations of this self-applied illusory coat!
  341. Avara: need a token for that, but end.
  342. Black-winged creature: "Don't just stand there! There's magicks to sap!" Black-winged creature strikes plant-lady 1! "Kill the mage!"
  343. Plant-lady 1: Plant-lady 1 loses 16 hit points.
  344. Plant-lady 1: Plant-lady 1 snaps out of her stupor and looks about, "Hng!"
  345. Plant-lady 1: Plant-lady 1 has had it's Defense modified by 1 stages.
  346. Plant-lady 1: Plant-lady 1 has had it's Sp.Defense modified by 1 stages.
  347. Saturn Rosewell has received initiative.
  348. Natasha: Can I take my turn now and have Saturn go a bit later, or is that not allowed?
  349. Plant-lady 1: (( You cannot go before the two enemies ahead of you in initiative. ))
  350. Natasha: All right.
  351. DNA: Thinking...
  352. Saturn Rosewell: Saturn Rosewell spent 1 AP!
  353. * Saturn Rosewell points at the ingrained Plant-Lady #2. 11 vs Status Evasion.
  354. Saturn Rosewell: ...I am not sure why I spent an AP against no Status Evasion, but I think I'm just paranoid.
  355. Saturn Rosewell: If it hits, the target gains Psionic Aura for 5 rounds, and is Reaved for 5 rounds. While Reaved, the target's nervous system is attacked by psionic fields repeatedly; it loses 1/10 max HP at the end of each of its turns (then the user heals HP equal to that amount), and can't recover any HP from any source.
  356. Plant-lady 1: Plant-lady 1 winces and cries out, "Agao!"
  357. Black-winged creature: "Pipe down damn you!"
  358. Black-winged creature: (( Anything else from Saturn? ))
  359. DNA: Um...Hm.
  360. DNA: ...Yes.
  361. Creature of light 1: Creature of light 1 remains fascinated.
  362. Creature of light 2: Creature of light 2 remains fascinated.
  363. Natasha has received initiative.
  364. Natasha: Natasha is persistent!
  365. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: Focus 4d6+6 against the black-winged creature again ! It's got to work eventually if I keep trying at it.
  366. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature winces and clasps her head, "Don't let it iiiiiiiiiiiin!"
  367. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: Speaking in Poke-Kanto: "Stop, please! We don't want to hurt you; we just want to get out of here!"
  368. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: Or Human-Hoenn. Heck with it, both. Maybe she understands one of them.
  369. Black-winged creature whispers: She is a Jovvam and while in this lair, capable of drawing from the lifestream as if it were a scroll. Tasked with two things: Locating the legendary Watcher locked in limbo and release her and locate the first Esper rune in the lifestream. And unleash it.
  370. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: And I learned all of that from a FOCUS check?
  371. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature gasps loudly and knows. Black-winged creature knows you saw. You got in.
  372. Natasha: Oh. That's why.
  373. Chronicler : Anything else, Natasha?
  374. Natasha: Natasha relays this information to Chloe/Saturn! Other than that, no.
  375. Chloe Blanchett has received initiative.
  376. You whisper to Chloe: "She is a Jovvam and while in this lair, capable of drawing from the lifestream as if it were a scroll. Tasked with two things: Locating the legendary Watcher locked in limbo and release her and locate the first Esper rune in the lifestream. And unleash it." That's what I learned, Natasha said!
  377. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe draws and arrow and lets it loose against the Sphere of Light 1! -4 Special Evasion!
  378. Chloe Blanchett: Failure!
  379. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: Just my personal curiosity... Who or what is the Legendary Watcher? Aren't all the Watchers gone from this plane?
  380. Chloe Blanchett: Complete
  381. Chronicler whispers: Edi was killed. Sakura was shunted to another world. The last one was banished to limbo forever.
  382. Alsine Kolstad has received initiative.
  383. You whisper to Kaorin Sakura: ...So now I wonder how this creature knows of Rawi. Hmm.
  384. Alsine Kolstad: Alsine uses Mega Drain on the sphere of light 1! 14 Special Evasion.
  385. Alsine Kolstad: 32 Special Grass Piercing
  386. Alsine Kolstad: She is done as well.
  387. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 loses 7 hit points.
  388. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 suffers a bit of damage.
  389. Plant-lady 1: Plant-lady 1 ingrains herself.
  390. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 turns to a pool of acid.
  391. Jennifer Attaway has received initiative.
  392. Chronicler : Initiative Sorted... Round Incremented... Top of the Order!
  393. DNA: Did PlantLady 2 lose 1/10 of her max HP?
  394. Avara: both plants got smacked
  395. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 loses 9 hit points.
  396. Avara: oh
  397. DNA: Reave drains HP from its target for 5 rounds
  398. Plant-lady 2: (( Reave is deliciously evil. ))
  399. Plant-lady 2: (( Its fucking me over and I can't help but respect it. ))
  400. * Jennifer Attaway will maintain her song for now!
  401. Avara: end
  402. Chronicler : DC please.
  403. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 shimmers.
  404. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 has had it's Sp.Attack modified by 1 stages.
  405. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 has had it's Sp.Defense modified by 1 stages.
  406. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 goes up 4 meter(s).
  407. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 floats upwardly.
  408. Sphere of Light 2: Sphere of Light 2 breaks free of its fascination and shimmers brightly.
  409. Sphere of Light 2: Sphere of Light 2 has had it's Sp.Attack modified by 1 stages.
  410. Sphere of Light 2: Sphere of Light 2 has had it's Sp.Defense modified by 1 stages.
  411. Sphere of Light 2: Sphere of Light 2 goes up 3 meter(s).
  412. Raijin has received initiative.
  413. * Raijin moves forward slowly, and uses Charge! "KAUA E OMA." +1 sdef, and bonus damage if an electric damaging move is used next! (end turn)
  414. Avara: translation, for those who can understand poke kanto: "DON'T RUN."
  415. Black-winged creature: "Come on! There are mages to smash!" Black-winged creature strikes Creature of light 1!
  416. Creature of light 1: Creature of light 1 loses 31 hit points.
  417. Creature of light 1: Creature of light 1 has had it's Defense modified by 1 stages.
  418. Creature of light 1: Creature of light 1 has had it's Sp.Defense modified by 1 stages.
  419. Creature of light 1: Creature of light 1 shudders from its stupor.
  420. Saturn Rosewell has received initiative.
  421. Saturn Rosewell: Saturn exudes black fog over the battlefield. Everyone's Combat Stages are reset to the default. (Other effects on combatants are left alone.)
  422. Saturn Rosewell: (This includes Raijin's SpDef increase from Charge, but the increase-damage effect still applies.)
  423. Creature of light 1: Creature of light 1 has had it's Defense modified by -1 stages.
  424. Creature of light 1: Creature of light 1 has had it's Sp.Defense modified by -1 stages.
  425. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 has had it's Sp.Attack modified by -2 stages.
  426. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 has had it's Sp.Defense modified by -2 stages.
  427. Plant-lady 1: Plant-lady 1 has had it's Defense modified by -1 stages.
  428. Plant-lady 1: Plant-lady 1 has had it's Sp.Defense modified by -1 stages.
  429. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 has had it's Defense modified by -1 stages.
  430. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 has had it's Sp.Defense modified by -1 stages.
  431. Avara: does it remove coats?
  432. DNA: No, only combat stages.
  433. DNA: It's not Clear Smog, sadly.
  434. Avara: ok
  435. Sphere of Light 2: Sphere of Light 2 has had it's Defense modified by -1 stages.
  436. DNA: I WISH it was
  437. Avara: no, that's good
  438. Sphere of Light 2: Sphere of Light 2 has had it's Defense modified by 1 stages.
  439. Sphere of Light 2: Sphere of Light 2 has had it's Sp.Attack modified by -1 stages.
  440. Sphere of Light 2: Sphere of Light 2 has had it's Sp.Defense modified by -1 stages.
  441. Avara: you would've potentially screwed me over if it was.
  442. DNA: Ah right. That.
  443. Chronicler : Anything else?
  444. Avara: we'll see when the accuracy check comes up.
  445. Saturn Rosewell: Saturn also isn't shifting! Her range is incredible.
  446. Creature of light 1: Creature of light 1's arm suddenly becomes a blade and it charges Alsine! "Ggggraagh!!" 1 vs. DEF Eva!
  447. Creature of light 1: Creature of light 1's attack goes wide.
  448. Creature of light 2: Creature of light 2 remains fascinated.
  449. Natasha has received initiative.
  450. Natasha: HH: "She seems dangerous, and not under control either... If this keeps up..."
  451. Natasha: A huge fireball hovered over her head, as it went crashing into Black-winged creature! 2 vs Special
  452. Natasha: The residual Smite hit her for 50 Special Fire Piercing damage! Resisted 1 step further.
  453. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature loses 6 hit points.
  454. * Natasha then withdraws to another location.
  455. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature seemed to resist it more so than usual, "Fire? FIRE?!"
  456. Avara: what's the range of victory star?
  457. Chloe Blanchett has received initiative.
  458. DNA: All allied Pokemon
  459. Black-winged creature: (( Forever ))
  460. Avara: okay
  461. Natasha: As long as I am the actively commanded creature, Victory Star's effect applies.
  462. Chloe Blanchett: "Come on! We can win this fight!" Celebrate. Raijin and Alsine gain +1 Specal Attack stage.
  463. * Raijin isn't sure what to do with this special attack stage, but quietly accepts the cheer while grinning evilly.
  464. Alsine Kolstad has received initiative.
  465. Chloe Blanchett: Sorry
  466. Alsine Kolstad: Alsine plants a kiss on the Creature of Light 1! -1 Special!
  467. Alsine Kolstad: Failure, what I get
  468. Natasha: Technically that got a +2 afterwards, but it was still a 1 ;-;
  469. Plant-lady 1: Plant-lady 1 is healed and gains 9 hit points.
  470. Plant-lady 1: Plant-lady 1 crawls along the ground and thrusts a seed at Chloe! 2 vs. SPE Eva!
  471. Chronicler : Chloe becomes seeded.
  472. Chloe Blanchett: "Th-that's not good... How do I get these off...?" Chloe seemed worried.
  473. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 solidifies between both Saturn and Chloe!
  474. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 has had it's Defense modified by 1 stages.
  475. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 thrusts a seed at Saturn! 7 vs. SPE Eva!
  476. DNA: Checking...
  477. Chronicler : Saturn becomes seeded unless she can do a thing.
  478. DNA: Saturn does a thing!
  479. DNA: Saturn Teleports elsewhere!
  480. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 loses 9 hit points.
  481. Jennifer Attaway has received initiative.
  482. Plant-lady 2: Initiative Sorted... Round Incremented... Top of the Order!
  483. Avara: is it a legal action to cancel a song and then start up the same song again?
  484. Plant-lady 2: (( Hm. I only placed the placebo of one-per-day targeting for suggestion. ))
  485. Plant-lady 2: (( Fascinate should probably not work on targets that succeed its check like suggestion.
  486. But there's nothing to stop you from breaking concentration and then singing the same song again. ))
  487. DNA: I would assume that, if you do that, anyone currently fascinated by this song becomes unfascinated. Then, they all make checks again.
  488. Plant-lady 2: (( Yep ))
  489. Avara: so are you saying that i won't be able to re-ensnare those who beat my song already?
  490. Plant-lady 2: (( Yes. ))
  491. Avara: okay
  492. Plant-lady 2: (( Not those who broke out by damage, but who resisted it. ))
  493. Avara: ... ah, alright. that's fine then
  494. Avara: since that's everyone who got out
  495. DNA: Oh, hm. ...yeah, this class needs better explanation.
  496. DNA: ...Everyone except Ball of Light 2
  497. Plant-lady 2: (( Songstress? ))
  498. DNA: Yes, Songstress
  499. Plant-lady 2: (( 1 and 2 broke out. ))
  500. Avara: everyone who got out, not everyone who's loose now
  501. DNA: 1 was never affected by it to begin with.
  502. Plant-lady 2: (( No, it resiste dit. ))
  503. Avara: ah, alright.
  504. Avara: oh well!
  505. Plant-lady 2: (( The black winged creature was never affected. ))
  506. DNA: ...I guess I'm just splitting hairs at this point.
  507. * Jennifer Attaway breaks her song... and then after a few beats, starts it up again! Charm vs Focus or Intuition, doesn't apply to Winged Creature (no eyes), nor the Spheres of Light (beat check previously)
  508. Plant-lady 1: Plant-lady 1 becomes fascinated.
  509. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 becomes fascinated.
  510. Creature of light 1: Creature of light 1 resists the effect.
  511. Creature of light 2: Creature of light 2 also resists the effect.
  512. Chronicler : Anything else?
  513. Avara: no.
  514. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 goes down 4 meter(s).
  515. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1 fires a beam of light at Alsine! 14 vs. SDEF Eva!
  516. Alsine Kolstad: Alsine is struck!
  517. Sphere of Light 1: Sphere of Light 1's beam deals 59 Glass Special Damage!
  518. Alsine Kolstad: Alsine Kolstad loses 74 hit points.
  519. Sphere of Light 2: Sphere of Light 2 floats south and fires a beam of light at Natasha! 6 vs. SDEF Eva!
  520. DNA: ...wait, weak to glass?
  521. Avara: D=
  522. Alsine Kolstad: Three injuries
  523. Sphere of Light 2: The injury lowered the Attack stat!
  524. Sphere of Light 2: The injury lowered the Special Attack stat!
  525. Sphere of Light 2: The injury lowered the Defense stat!
  526. Natasha: At Natasha? Okay, that hits.
  527. Sphere of Light 2: Sphere of Light 2's beam of light strikes for 57 Glass Special Piercing Damage!
  528. Chloe Blanchett: "Alsine!!"
  529. Raijin has received initiative.
  530. Natasha: Natasha lost 18 HP!
  531. Saturn Rosewell: "Oh no... This isn't good..."
  532. Raijin: "NGARO TERE." (PERISH SWIFTLY). Raijin's tail flicks, and his eyes and marks light up with Primal Fury! He then disappears in a lightning flash, appearing next to Black-Winged Creature already lit up in bloody thunder. A use of Double Team is consumed! 7 vs physical.
  533. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature is hit for sure.
  534. Raijin: 104 Electric Physical damage.
  535. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature loses 72 hit points.
  536. DNA: Oh, tits yes
  537. Avara: 24
  538. Raijin: Raijin loses 24 hit points.
  539. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature recoils from the strike and staggers!
  540. Black-winged creature: The injury lowered the Attack stat!
  541. Black-winged creature: The injury lowered the Accuracy stat!
  542. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature has had it's Attack modified by -1 stages.
  543. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature has had it's Accuracy modified by -1 stages.
  544. DNA: Staggers means only 1 action on your next turn, right?
  545. Black-winged creature: (( Standard or Shift. ))
  546. DNA: Right, that
  547. Black-winged creature: (( Its a dick. ))
  548. Avara: that was shift, swift and standard.
  549. Black-winged creature: (( o7 ))
  550. Avara: so, raijin's done for this round
  551. Chloe Blanchett: Plant Lady 2 is the one who seeded Chloe, right?
  552. DNA: No, #1 did
  553. DNA: #2 tried to seed Saturn, but failed.
  554. Avara: 2 was aiming for saturn
  555. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature cringes and strikes at Raijin, "Away from me, demon!" 13 vs. SDEF Eva!
  556. Avara: and this is why raijin was spending so much time preparing for the attack
  557. DNA: I flashbacked to the days of PR1, when I used Grace's emergency NOPE button to teleport away from stuff
  558. * Raijin ... roars like a demon.
  559. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature's wings thrust Raijin south of her 5-meters and deals 49 Dark Special Slashing damage!
  560. Saturn Rosewell has received initiative.
  561. Saturn Rosewell: I interrupted, so I have to pass
  562. Raijin: Raijin loses 32 hit points.
  563. Creature of light 1: Creature of light 1 sharpens its claw arms.
  564. Avara: 1 injury
  565. Creature of light 1: Creature of light 1 has had it's Accuracy modified by 1 stages.
  566. Creature of light 1: The injury lowered the Attack stat!
  567. Creature of light 1: Creature of light 1 has had it's Attack modified by 1 stages.
  568. DNA: Is Raijin Defiant? I forgot.
  569. Avara: yes
  570. DNA: Very nice.
  571. Avara: does that basically cancel out the injury for this fight?
  572. Creature of light 2: Creature of light 2's body becomes covered in spikes as it creates a payload.
  573. 2
  574. DNA: It gives you -1 Atk and then +2 Atk. net gain of +1
  575. Avara: danke
  576. DNA: np
  577. Natasha has received initiative.
  578. DNA: ...I am so picking up that ability for Natasha at lv40. She may never use it, but it will be worth it.
  579. * Natasha hurls an Energy Ball at the black-winged creature! 2 vs Special.
  580. Natasha: nooooooooooooooo ;-;
  581. Black-winged creature: Black-winged creature ducks the energy ball and hisses.
  582. Natasha: Pass.
  583. Chloe Blanchett has received initiative.
  584. DNA: Chloe loses 1/10 of her max HP, unless she is immune to Leech Seed damage now.
  585. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe Blanchett loses 11 hit points.
  586. Plant-lady 1: Plant-lady 1 is healed and gains 7 hit points.
  587. Holiday: Hello! I am here now!
  588. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe does nothing this round.
  589. Holiday: Initiative =
  590. Plant-lady 1: (( One day there'll be stats on that token. >_> ))
  591. DNA: Not the response I was expecting, but okay.
  592. Chloe Blanchett: Added
  593. Alsine Kolstad has received initiative.
  594. Alsine Kolstad: Alsine Kolstad loses 7 hit points.
  595. Alsine Kolstad: Alsine Kolstad bleeds on the fleshy mound.
  596. Holiday has received initiative.
  597. Holiday: Holiday skips on over closer to Natasha and uses Heat Wave! Close blast 3 against Natasha and Sphere of Light 2. 2 Special Evasion. Spending AP + Smite.
  598. Chloe Blanchett: Chloe Blanchett loses 1 ability points. Current Ability Points: 8, Maximum Ability Points: 9
  599. Holiday: Smite damage, resist one step: 54 Special Fire... checking.
  600. Sphere of Light 2: Sphere of Light 2 avoids the blast of flames, luckily.
  601. Sphere of Light 2: Oh.
  602. Natasha: HH: "Ah, that feels nice~"
  603. * Natasha gains 1 Flash Fire stack!
  604. Sphere of Light 2: Sphere of Light 2 loses 34 hit points.
  605. Sphere of Light 2: Sphere of Light 2 wheels from the strike, ringing.
  606. DNA: 34 is the resisted 1 step further? For real?
  607. Holiday: ((it's weak to it, it seems))
  608. DNA: Just want to make sure that's correct
  609. Plant-lady 1: Plant-lady 1 remains fascinated.
  610. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 remains fascinated.
  611. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 loses 9 hit points.
  612. Plant-lady 2: Plant-lady 2 is no longer fascinated.
  613. Saturn Rosewell: But at least it wasn't via resisting the effect!
  614. Jennifer Attaway has received initiative.
  615. Chronicler : Initiative Sorted... Round Incremented... Top of the Order!
  616. DNA: ...Can we call it here, please?
  617. DNA: I just realized what time it is.
  618. Chronicler : I am fine with this.
  619. Avara: alright.
  620. Avara: *hugs everyone*
  621. Avara: more battle next time
  622. Chronicler : I'll drop TXP and PKMN XP before leaving notes on tokens so I won't forget wtf is happening.
  623. Avara: but holyshit i've been looking forward to that volt tackle for ages
  624. DNA: Mmm, juicy.
  625. Chronicler : TXP: 2
  626. PKMN XP: 45
  627. Avara: do we apply either/both mid-battle?
  628. Chronicler : You can, yes.
  629. Chronicler : Notes done. Saving campaign and log~
  630. DNA: Neat!
  631. DNA: TL+ gogogo
  632. DNA: 21.1 to be precise.
  633. Eclipse is disconnected.
  634. Avara: thanks for the fun session!
  635. Avara is disconnected.
  636. DNA: Agree
  637. Kaorin Sakura is disconnected.
  638. You have disconnected.
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