
Man Made Horrors

Oct 4th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. As the screams increased in both frequency and volume, Hal began to wonder if he should have provided some form of anaesthesia, but the restraints continued to hold steady despite the subjects desperate attempts to thrash about and the thought was fleeting as he once again became lost in the work of improving his latest product.
  3. His distended skeletal fingers danced nimbly as they carefully meshed flesh and machinery together attaching nerve endings to a variety of receivers. after carefully attaching subject D4RHM37's weapons array with his central nervous system. A rapid clicking noise from the plasma casters attempting to discharge on an empty clip alerted Hal to the fact that the connection had been successful and once the subjects involuntary pained spasms ceased it should cease its futile attempts to discharge the unloaded weapon.
  5. Hal carefully completed the finishing touch's on his work before injecting the subject with a dose of his latest variation of MTGN-KX. It was a sickly Yellow green glowing fluid that when stored would swirl ominously within its containment cannister as if seeking an exit.
  7. He did not bother to look up as the sound of the subjects laboured breathing was momentarily interrupted by the lab door opening as his Receptionist Gladis entered armed with a clipboard flanked by two large Servitor's who lumbered into the room burdened with several large cannisters filled with a variety of glowing fluids. They carefully and wordlessly began placing them on the various shelving units before turning mechanically and taking up position on either side of the doorway awaiting further instruction.
  9. "Report." Hal stated absentmindedly as he studied subject D4RHM37 as its muscles contracted and spasmed sporadically before relaxing and going slack as the subject lost consciousness to the MTGN-Kx variant coursing through its veins
  11. "Mr Theseus, the phase 03 Biobeasts have entered final gestation with only a 5% failure rate so far and only 10% showing minor deformities. Phase 02's shipment has been successfully received and the Supreme leader sends his regards"
  13. she quickly flipped the page "The Nuyu enhanced adrenal glands are also selling better than anticipated. I imagine it will only be a matter of time until every major sports event moves to ban them."
  15. "Have the lobbyists delay any action to do so while promoting the health benefits, maybe we can spin this to being a required upgrade for all future competitors."
  17. Noting the lack of necrotization from the latest variant of MTGN-KX Hal lifted his hand and gestured to the operating table as the servitors lumbered forward disconnecting the restraints and dragging the newly upgraded test subject from the room its ragged breathing finally silenced as the doors shut behind them leaving only a trail of bodily fluids to mark its passage.
  19. Gladis carefully adjusted her glasses as Hal turned to face her
  21. "Also, your 3 o clock have arrived we have ushered them into room 5 and they are currently being plied with, refreshments."
  23. Hal Sighed as he attempted to massage his temples, the action provided no relief but old habits die hard.
  25. "Another press conference? Which over hyped product are we feeding those self important vultures this time?"
  27. Hal felt as though he should be more annoyed at having to pander to the same scum who had until very recently sought to drag his company down for the sake of sensationalized headlines.. in truth since his awakening he often felt as though he should have felt, something. Anything.
  29. Gladis checked her notes
  31. "Boglins sir."
  33. Hal paused his skeletal features motionless but his head tilted to the side slightly in question, his pale glowing eye's seemed to bore into her.
  35. "Didn't they fail horribly in the product testing phase due to, and allow me to quote you directly. Possessing hyper cannibalistic tendencies, causing bodily harm to minors, heightened aggression and being absolutely terrifying to children? not to mention the smell."
  37. "Well yes, sir. But you also instructed the boys downstairs to, and these are your words sir. I don't care if you have to skin the fucking things or stuff a gun in them, find a market for it..."
  39. She paused as she returned Mr Theseus's incredulous look and taking his silence as permission to continue, she elaborated.
  41. "Since their skin was very similar to rubber I believe they have been refashioned into hand puppets and are proving surprisingly popular with children."
  43. Hal seemed momentarily lost in thought as he left the room, Gladis moving to follow listing of various stocks ready for acquisition as Hal chuckled to himself.
  45. "Man Made horrors indeed."
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