

May 8th, 2014
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  1. >You've lost contact with the world. Stripped from your senses.
  2. >A Gregorian chorus assaulted you with religious chants.
  3. >Echoes bumping inside all corners of your mind.
  4. >All thoughts were lost. You had been reduced to a slob.
  5. >Haphazardly your senses came back. But they're gone as quickly as they come.
  6. >You had been trapped in the nothingness. Into pitch blackness.
  7. >Is death this empty? Is dead. A body; soul and mind annihilated?
  8. >Without any sense of self?
  9. >Sounds strike your consciousness. Described in one word: Noise.
  10. >Distorted random commands can be heard in the distance.
  11. >Horns of alarm had silenced any further words.
  12. >Muffled conversations. Shadowy figures rushing on the sides of your vision.
  13. >The chaotic shift of timbres, tones and pitch overload your eardrums.
  14. >The sensation of pain cuts your skull in half.
  15. >Within your broken crane, you see pones running in all directions.
  16. >Scared of a shapeless tentacle composed of fur.
  17. >The streets are burning. The guards are panicking. The city is being demolished by this evil.
  18. >A silent darkness stabs you from behind.
  19. >You feel a warm sensation climbing your spine.
  20. >Engulfing you again in the nothingness.
  21. >The chants are slowly dying. Fading.
  22. >A spectral voice calls upon you.
  23. y'̨ái̛ ha̛f̷h'͢d̛rn
  24. >Its power runs shivers down your spine.
  25. >Momentarily, you feel your extremities. Yet they're gone instantaneously.
  26. >You try to find your body. Looking in all directions.
  27. >Nothing. Are you the invisible man?
  28. >Trying to remember who are you yields empty memories.
  29. >This mystery is intriguing yet, not knowing is soothing.
  30. >Fused with the unknown. No need for explanations.
  31. >It feels like freedom. Free of all discomforts and obligations.
  32. >The poltergeist asks for your attention once more.
  33. y'a҉i͞ h̸a̧fh͡'͠d͟rn̢
  34. >It heard like... like it wants to talk.
  35. "Yes... What is it you want?"
  36. g͠o̵͘k̡̢a̴͢ ̷͠h͢a̢͞f̸̀͢h'd͘͟r͞͞n̶ ͠҉̷ģ̴otha̡͢a̵̢͞
  37. "And what kind of desires?"
  38. n͜i̕l͠g̡h̴'҉r̷i
  39. "Anything. That sounds rather vague. Are you sure?"
  40. ni̴l̀g̷h'̵ri̶
  41. "I see... In that case. Tell me. Where Am I?"
  42. s̴h̛ògg̷
  43. "Wait. Why Am I here?"
  44. n͟n҉͝͡n͏ya̷̧
  45. >You take its word for granted. Whatever this thing is. It yearns for your safety.
  46. >Still... aren't you supposed to be somewhere else?
  47. "So. Can I wish to get out of here?"
  48. h̛ą͡f͘h̢́'̵̸̡d̢̢͠r̶̸n͏̨͏ ̷g̵̡̕o͏́th̛a̕͡ ̶̢́ç̸h'̢̛b̕t͝h̴͟͡n͜͢k
  49. >This time it sounds like a question.
  50. "Yes."
  51. h̴̴'̡͘g̶̵o̶̵k͠a̷
  52. >This thing is very amiable.
  53. "Thanks. Whatever you are."
  54. y̶'͡haf͝h͜'dr̵n̸-͠n͝yt́h̷
  55. "Wait. Are you serious?"
  56. >The ghost doesn't respond your question.
  57. >A generous silence passes.
  58. "If you don't answer me I'll take it as a yes..."
  59. >As you wait for the phantom to respond you feel something slimy climbing your limbs.
  60. >You try to identify whatever is crawling on you but you fail to see a thing.
  61. >Slowly it engulfs your torso. Applying pressure as it goes.
  62. >And yet. You can't see anything. You can't move. You can't fight back this sensation.
  63. >As it begins to smother you. The ethereal being speaks again.
  64. nnn̡҉y͏a͟͜͡
  65. >And so; the incorporeal being crushes all your bones with terrible force.
  66. >Violently relinquishing your body.
  67. >The crippling pain reanimates your senses.
  68. >You scream a battle cry in the progress.
  69. >Back to reality. You start in a bed... again.
  70. >As you return to the world you feel wrapped by a soft fabric.
  71. >A terrible humming noise rings thru your brain.
  72. >You try to escape this cocoon of silk by rolling against it.
  73. >While on it, you fell into the marble floor.
  74. >The noise generated by your struggles attracts the attention of pones.
  75. >"Wait. He's still alive!!"
  76. >"I thought he D.O.A!!"
  77. >Quickly, they trot to your direction.
  78. >Suddenly; a magic field levitates you back to soft surface.
  79. >You try to greet them with your vision. But they look like blurry oval-shaped giants.
  80. >The pones use unidentified equipment to measure something.
  81. >As the world fades again. The voices distort slightly.
  82. >Once silence reigns. Sleep claims you once more.
  83. >As your surroundings come once more you begin to worry.
  84. >Are you a narcoleptic? Am I in a 90's adventure game?
  85. >The latter was an allegory; the former was a serious question.
  86. >You feel warm. For some reason your caretakers enfolded you in many blankets.
  87. >Now you have become cozy.
  88. >As you stand straight you notice a plastic tube near your left hoof.
  89. >Your eyes are agonizing. All you can see is a blurry-bloody world.
  90. >There's an annoying buzz in your head. It's constant and still going.
  91. >Your body feels weak. It barely responds to your commands.
  92. >Looking around. You see the silhouettes of expensive furniture.
  93. >As you observe this foggy room you try to pinpoint your location.
  94. >You have no clue.
  95. >Anyway. How did you ended up here?
  96. >You remember being in an interrogation room.
  97. >You remember that stupid machine that broke.
  98. >You remember Luna as she broke within your thoughts.
  99. >Yet; you can't remember anything else.
  100. >Trying your hardest. You try to reminiscence what happened...
  101. >This only gives you a headache.
  102. >After some fruitless attempts and many migraines you give it a rest.
  103. >It is obvious that you're on a bed. A royal bed. But why?
  104. >A synthetic worm captures your attention. You follow it to its origin.
  105. >Is it... a pole? And is that a bag with liquid?
  106. >Looking for the other extreme. You find that it concludes in needle.
  107. >A needle that digs into the inside of your left hoof.
  108. >Uh. Intravenous. Interesting.
  109. >You try to identify; where the hell are you; one more time.
  110. >Same answer. No idea.
  111. >As you rub your temples with your right hoof you pick up a conversation.
  112. >"She is back. Can I visit him now?"
  113. >"Sorry. But no. We need to stabilize him first."
  114. >You heard a feminine groan. Well as feminine as it can be.
  115. >"I'm sorry your highness. But there is nothing I can do."
  116. >The voices stop. Now you hear trotting.
  117. >You look at the source of the noise but your eyesight is messed up.
  118. >A door opens. You can see a murky white spot approaching you.
  119. >"Ah. So you're awake."
  120. >It was a mare. Her voice gave her away.
  121. >You try to respond to her. Your mouth refuses.
  122. >"Are you feeling better now?"
  123. >Wait... She is talking to you? Is she not scared?
  124. >You wave your head in an up and down motion.
  125. >"Very good. You seem to have an impressive recovery."
  126. >Well. You're covered by sheets once more. Still.
  127. >"Keep looking at me."
  128. >She sprayed your eyes with a light.
  129. >Your eyes accommodate to it. You can see her face now.
  130. >"Oh my."
  131. >She drops her flashlight.
  132. >"I-I'm sorry. I got jumpy for some reason."
  133. >She spoke a bit embarrassed. This earth pone doesn't seem that bad, but it sounds like your presence is returning.
  134. >The nurse proceeds to use stethoscope.
  135. >"Sounds weak."
  136. >Using all your strength you ask her.
  137. "What happened?"
  138. >Your therapist replies as she proceeds with her routine.
  139. >"Well. As far as I can tell. You were in the core of a magical incident. Along with princess Luna and some guards, like him."
  140. >She finishes her work and points at your roommate.
  141. >It was your previous warden. He had the same treatment as you.
  142. >"Anyway. You suffered from severe hypothermia. The guards called us and prep improvised ERs all over this floor."
  143. "I see... But don't you need to sterilize first?"
  144. >"Yes; but we were dealing with hypothermia. Nothing that would require an operations room."
  145. >You stare at her for a while. Thinking.
  146. >This is probably gonna bite you back; but.
  147. "And how come you don't fear me?"
  148. >Your doctor isn't amused.
  149. >"I... I don't know. Why would I be afraid of you?"
  150. >Now this is peculiar.
  151. "Well. For starters. I'm not your typical looking stallion. If you know what I mean."
  152. >"Well. You do look a bit bug-eyed."
  153. >You chuckle at her snark.
  154. "You're saying you had laid eyes in better looking stallions than me?!" Sardonically; you ask.
  155. >She laughs softly.
  156. >"My. It looks like you're handling it very well."
  157. >You smile. Finally you're having a normal conversation... something is wrong here.
  158. >As nice as it's to talk with a stranger.
  159. >You have a hunch that tells you that an hilarious tragedy is incoming.
  160. >"Now if you excuse me. I need to check on officer Gravel."
  161. >She moves to check your roommate as she excuses herself.
  162. >You stare at her. Checking the callipygian medic. Lewd.
  163. "Wait. So officer Gravel here has a visitor?"
  164. >"No. Actually, the visit is for you."
  165. "Interesting. And it was a princess, right?"
  166. >"Indeed. She's been waiting for long now. And she is rather impatient."
  167. "I see..."
  168. >You let her doctor finish with your ex-warden.
  169. >"He's stable."
  170. >She looks back at you.
  171. >"Anything in your mind?"
  172. >That booty. But aside from that.
  173. "Yes. Could I talk to her?"
  174. >"You mean your visitor?"
  175. "Yep. Her."
  176. >She cocks her head to the side as she gives a heavenly hum.
  177. >"Well. Your signs are good. For severe hypothermia that is."
  178. >She dwells on this a bit further.
  179. "I'll like to talk to her majesty."
  180. >She blinks quickly.
  181. >"Okay. But only for thirty minutes."
  182. "Thanks."
  183. >"You're welcome."
  184. >She smiles back... Okay. This is starting to creep you out.
  185. >Anytime soon. Something will fall from the sky and crush the castle.
  186. >She trots her way outside the room.
  187. >Anytime now...
  188. >You can heard some discussion going on the other side of the door.
  189. >Her highness sounds agitated.
  190. >Due to the buzz in your head you can't figure which of the senior princesses is looking for you.
  191. >Putting your hooked hoof on your chin.
  192. >You expect her majesty to appear now.
  193. >Disaster incoming...
  194. >The door bursts open. Your eyes widen in what you see.
  195. >"Hello Anonymous. Long time no see."
  196. >Your eyebrows clash in disapproval.
  197. >She still had the same saddle from before.
  198. >She begins to approach you. With disdain in her features.
  199. "I'm too, very excited to see you again."
  200. >"Save the sarcasm. I've got plenty already."
  201. >It's her. Worst alicorn.
  202. "So why do you visit the wounded if you come to speak ill of them?"
  203. >"I know we've had our clashes before. But now we are on the same page."
  204. "How so?"
  205. >She was now facing you. She scowls.
  206. >"Who do you think asked, for me, to help you?"
  207. "Twilight. I'm ill. I can't see straight and there is damn buzzing in my head."
  208. >Twaltlot has an angry expression. She was unhappy.
  209. >"Cut to the chase Anonymous. And stop using otherworldly vernacular."
  210. "I am not in the mood for your mind games."
  211. >She snorts lightly.
  212. >"...I will admit. Our reunion could have been; less hostile."
  213. "I second that motion."
  214. >A small beat.
  215. >She exhales in irritation as she bows her head.
  216. >Looking back at you. She says.
  217. >"I appreciate that you took off your terrifying presence..."
  218. >Oh. It's gone? That explains everything...
  219. >Actually, no. How did you un-cast it anyway?
  220. "Yeah... I suppose I did?"
  221. >She cock her head in curiosity.
  222. >"You mean to say; it wasn't by your command that it disappeared?"
  223. "Indeed... *cough*
  224. So, anyway. Why would the mare that threw me to jail visit me?"
  225. >She sighs once more. Forcing a smile, she speaks.
  226. >"Let's be friends!"
  227. >You blink once in surprise. Then frown to her once more.
  228. >What kind of scheme is she running now?
  229. "Yeah... About that. I don't think you mean it."
  230. >Her right eye twitches.
  231. >"But I thought you wanted my friendship. Wasn't that the point of your gambit?"
  232. >Her voice cracks as she says so. She's having a hard time faking interest.
  233. "No. My purpose was to show you I was not as bad as I looked."
  234. >"Well. Here I am! Asking for redemption!"
  235. >So much forced acting.
  236. "I think you made it clear when we reached Canterlot. You will never trust me..."
  237. >Her face constantly contracts itself in loathing.
  238. >She wants something; but it's funny; to see how much she hates to ask for it.
  239. >"Well. I am sorry Anon... Would you forgive me?"
  240. >Time to go for the kill. You tap your chin rapidly with your good hoof. Whilst looking up.
  241. >You feign to think about it.
  242. >You throw your hoof next to you, with closed eyes, you say:
  243. "Nah."
  244. >Once reopened; you see that her majesty is fully red.
  245. >Her head was about to asplode.
  246. >She scrunches; as hard as she can; so she won't succumb to her anger.
  247. >All this anger. An impish smile draws itself without your consent.
  248. >That was the last drop for her.
  249. >She throws her hooves at the air.
  250. >"FINE!! Have it your way! When you get sent to Tartarus don't ask for my help!!"
  251. >That you what?
  252. >She trots back to the door furiously.
  253. "Wait. I didn't meant to upset you... that much."
  254. >She stops halfway. Without turning, she asks.
  255. >"So. Are you going to listen to me?"
  256. >Before you could answer. The blond physician came to your rescue.
  257. >"Are both of you alright?"
  258. >Her head pops from the door. Eyebrows rising with her question.
  259. >Twilight was a bit red from her previous rant.
  260. >You appease her doctor.
  261. "Yeah. This is how we show how much we love each other."
  262. >"Is that correct, princess?"
  263. >You can't see it. But her expression becomes dead serious.
  264. >"Yes. We make for a bizarro duo..."
  265. >"I see... Nevertheless. Please keep your affection at minimal volume."
  266. >Your savior closed the door, to be never be seen again.
  267. >The alicorn turns to you with a stoic aspect.
  268. >Once again. She approaches your mattress.
  269. >This time she went straight to the point.
  270. >"Anonymous. Do you have any idea of the trouble you are right now?"
  271. >There it is. The hilarious disaster.
  272. >You signal her to continue.
  273. >"Well let's see. To kick things off. The Council is thinking about sending you to Tartarus. The moon is red, and all citizens panicked at its suddenness. The Sun Court is having an internal rift due to the lack of personnel. Seven soldiers are on critical state because of you and somehow you are my problem now."
  274. >Welp. When she puts it like that.
  275. >"Any questions?"
  276. >...DAYUM. Things always get worse.
  277. "Uh. Can you expand all of the previous points?"
  278. >"Yes... But first and foremost. I would like to introduce you to your lawyer."
  279. >Stoical; she extends her wings and stands proud.
  280. >Cool beans Twilight.
  281. "Please tell me it's an earth pony with a blue suit and a hedgehog hair."
  282. >She now looks a bit concerned.
  283. >"Actually... No."
  284. >Fuck. Why world?!
  285. "Well. In that case; is it a yellow pegasus with a quirky mask?"
  286. >"I think you completely missed the point."
  287. >No bird for you.
  288. "Then, is it an elderly-"
  289. >She cuts you mid-sentence with an angry facehoof. She looks at you very irked.
  290. >"No Anonymous. It is-" Her tongue momentarily trips.
  291. >She sighs.
  292. >"There is no sensitive way to say this so... I'll say it bluntly..."
  293. >She inhales as she gathers bravery to speak.
  294. >"I am your attorney at law!! There. I said it."
  295. >Your face when this was a shocking development.
  296. >First off.
  297. "LOLWUT?!?"
  298. >Followed by.
  299. "You what mate?!?"
  300. >Finally.
  301. "WHY"
  302. >Her highness awaited for your next question.
  303. >Once the turmoil passed. She resumed her speech.
  304. >"Well. I'll like to explain this to you; but first."
  305. >Her horn glows in anticipation.
  306. >"We need some privacy."
  307. >That accidental double entendre.
  308. >A purple, transparent dome encloses both you and her majesty. Then, she continues.
  309. >"As your lawyer. We are going to discuss sensitive information. So we need this shield that assures us no eavesdroppers will catch us conspiring."
  310. >Erotic scenarios will never happen.
  311. "Um. Why so paranoid? Why would anyone eavesdrop in the first place?"
  312. >She was a surprised again. She didn't thought this thru.
  313. >"Well... Anyone could be out there; really. Do I need an excuse?"
  314. "When you put it like that..."
  315. >Using your hooves. You rube both of your eyes in exasperation simultaneously.
  316. "Alright. Just tell me about this lawyer thing."
  317. >"What do you want to know?"
  318. >You stop the rubbing and look at her.
  319. "Everything. All my questions are a variation of how."
  320. >"Fair enough. I suppose I should start by what happened at the armory."
  321. "I am more interested in the lawyer thing."
  322. >"Both are correlated."
  323. "Fair enough."
  324. >She cleans her throat.
  325. >"Very well. In a concise manner."
  326. >She points at your roommate.
  327. >"As you can see; an incident occurred in the middle of your interrogation."
  328. >She retracts her hoof.
  329. >"For what I've heard. A small, but strong anomalous magical 'rift' took place inside it."
  330. >With her magic, she takes a photo from her saddle and flashes it in your face.
  331. >"This is the scene after the everypony was sent into improvised ERs."
  332. >You look at it. Expecting chaos, weirdly enough. It's all neat and clean.
  333. >"Do you see what is wrong in it?"
  334. "Nothing..."
  335. >"Exactly."
  336. >She stores the photo back inside her saddle.
  337. >"Now what is funny is that there are leftovers of magic use. But they're all from Luna's."
  338. "Wait. How would you know that?"
  339. >"Well..."
  340. >She giggles slightly as she thinly blushes.
  341. >"Are you aware of how I got my cutie mark?"
  342. >You nod to her. Hesitantly.
  343. >Her face returns to its cold demeanor.
  344. >"Well anyway. Since the institute did not desire for an accident similar to that. They green lighted a research from their students, its purpose, to devise a machine capable of measuring magic fields."
  345. "I didn't knew that. Sounds interesting."
  346. >"It is. But back on topic; the reason why this matters. See I was requested by the princess to aid you."
  347. >Your face when the surprises never end.
  348. "So. Somepony from above is willing to help me?"
  349. >"I am not sure if I understand that metaphor. But; yes. The princess, for some reason, wants to help you."
  350. >You don't believe it. Moonbutt is sticking her neck for you.
  351. >And by extent; Purple Smart.
  352. >But wait.
  353. "Hold on. Why are you my attorney? Aren't there other options?"
  354. >Humorlessly she shakes her head to the sides.
  355. >"Nobody wants to defend you, Anonymous. In fact. If it was not for the princesses; you would have awaken inside Tartarus."
  356. >And you bet your ass you gonna praise the moon.
  357. >Last thing you need is to be in a hellhole. One that is populated by equally edgy OCs.
  358. "So princess Luna is helping me out?"
  359. >"Actually. Both of them are."
  360. "Huh?"
  361. >"That is an accurate mimic to my response."
  362. "But then. If both are backing me up. Can't they just nullify the trial?"
  363. >For the thousandth time today she erupts in wrath.
  364. >"WHAT? Are you suggesting that the senior rulers of Equestria would disregard the very system they have upheld for more than a millennium!!"
  365. >It seems like one of your talents is angering Twitchlit Speckle.
  366. >"I swear Anonymous!! You're the worst enemy I've ever confronted!!"
  367. >Is it possible for her to have a throb? It does make you wonder.
  368. "A bit off topic here. But how Am I the worst?"
  369. >"Well. You are in the top at least. It is your fault that Canterlot is a mess today. Because of you; princess Luna has a severe migraine and can't walk straight. Celestia is trying to appease the Sun Court while the Council tries to remove her from this case due to 'bias'. And to top it off. Because of you I've got the WORST grade of my life."
  370. >She is scary, cute and hilarious all at once. The troll in you is hard to suppress.
  371. "I'm just saying. If they want to help. Why can't they just ignore the process for once?"
  372. >She's incredibly red. Her hair is starting to lose its shape.
  373. >Okay. Enough fun for now.
  374. "Fine. But please tell me. How come you're a lawyer? Don't you need to pass the bar exam or something?"
  375. >Her highness exhales all her anger. Still red, she speaks.
  376. >"Yes. I just did it some hours ago. After a small revision."
  377. >Connecting the dots is easy on this one. Still.
  378. "I see. So you barely passed the exam."
  379. >She looks down in sadness.
  380. >"...I've got a C+..."
  381. >Purple Smart is very serious when it came to grades.
  382. "Wait. Since when do you study laws?"
  383. >She gives you a weird look.
  384. >"...Since I became a princess. After all; it is my duty to know about the legal concerns of the state."
  385. >Interesting. Makes sense that this won't appear in the show.
  386. >Hasbro being too focused on EM TOYZ.
  387. >"Anonymous. I thought you said you knew about our lives. How come you don't know this?"
  388. >Well...
  389. "I know something. Partially. Not everything."
  390. >"Uh. Huh..."
  391. >Beat.
  392. "So anyway. What happened when we were separated?"
  393. >"Oh that. I was put into a 'revision'. Not a big thing. They just check me in case of mental tampering"
  394. "Metal tapping? What is that?"
  395. >Dry as ever. She answered.
  396. >"Mental tampering. You know how Changelings are able to brainwash some ponies?"
  397. "Oh yeah. That. But I thought that only the queen could do that?"
  398. >Her highness smiles playfully.
  399. >"See. This is why the shield is useful."
  400. "Huh."
  401. >"Nopony knows about queen Chrysalis. At least civilians don't."
  402. "How does this correlates?"
  403. >"If someone could hear us. They could declare you spy of some sort."
  404. >You snort. Her smile becomes impish.
  405. >"See. I help. But anyway. The princess was not going to take her changes. So that is why I was thoroughly checked."
  406. "Very well. So about being my attorney."
  407. >Finally we are back on track!!" There is joy in her voice as she speaks.
  408. "What charges Am I gonna face?"
  409. >Her smile contracts until it leaves a worried face.
  410. >"Those are the bad news."
  411. >Oh boy. Here we go again.
  412. >"Well. You are facing a charge of casting dark magic. You are a suspect on account of eight aggravated assaults. And the last charge: Possible enemy of the state."
  413. >...
  414. >Fuck. Your. Life.
  415. >You can feel your head spinning at these facts.
  416. >All you can do is to rub your temples once more.
  417. >The purple princess tries to soothe you.
  418. >"Look Anonymous. I know this looks bad; but cheer up! We'll help you on this."
  419. >You look at her and ask sincerely.
  420. "And how do you plan to do it?"
  421. >"Anonymous. I am your attorney. I'll represent you in court today."
  422. "Today!! Isn't that too soon!?"
  423. >"Yes. It is. The date was forward due to the incident at the armory."
  424. >Just your luck.
  425. >All you can do is groan.
  426. >"Look. I know that it seems grim now. But tell me; when have I failed the princess?"
  427. >She's right on that you know.
  428. "I dunno Twilight... You're just a rookie, fresh and blue. How do you expect to win this?"
  429. >"Anonymous. You forget one thing. A very important factor."
  430. >This raises a question.
  431. "Which is?"
  432. >"Nobody is willing to take the case." She speaks with confidence.
  433. "Huh."
  434. >"Correct. In fact; the only confirmed staff so far is me and princess Celestia. And the two of us are on your side."
  435. >That does gives you a little bit of hope. Albeit, Purple Smart is on this reluctantly.
  436. "But if there aren't ponies running the case. Then how can they run a trial?"
  437. >Twilight bobs her head to the side.
  438. >"You are taking it too literal. By that I meant; there are few competent prosecutors willing to risk themselves."
  439. "Oh. So then, I suppose those who do want to are more or less at your level. Are you implying that?"
  440. >She reaffirms your notions with a smile.
  441. >"Correct."
  442. >Well that is weight off.
  443. "So about Celestia being accused of 'bias'. What does it mean?"
  444. >"Since I am your defense attorney. The Council wants to remove Celestia as a judge."
  445. "Ah. I see."
  446. >"Furthermore; the same problem repeats itself here; too."
  447. "No one want to pick my case."
  448. >She nods. Apparently everyone is afraid of your terrible revenge.
  449. >"Hopefully she can strike a deal amongst them."
  450. >Yeah. Hopefully.
  451. "Anyway. Explain me these felonies of mine."
  452. >"Very well. What would you like to know?"
  453. >Two out of three are obvious. So that leaves.
  454. "Enemy of state. What exactly did I do?"
  455. >Your lawyer enchants a document from within her saddle.
  456. >She proceeds to read it.
  457. >"In account to conspiracy against the state: The stallion named 'Anonymous User' is suspected to have orchestrated his approach to the princess, using younger princess Twilight, as a proxy to effortlessly enter the facilities. Then, fooling the polygraph, so he could perform an unknown spell with grave consequences against the well being of seven soldiers (as mentioned on the previous point) and on one of the royal sisters."
  458. >Your face when what the fuck?
  459. "And from WHERE did they got THAT idea?"
  460. >The attorney gave you a shocked surprise. She then giggled timidly.
  461. >"Well... Remember when you fell asleep in the wagon?"
  462. >You think about her words. Now that she mentions it.
  463. >There was a conversation you couldn't hear.
  464. "As a matter of fact. I remember waking up to hear some mumblings."
  465. >"She looks at you sheepishly.
  466. "I'll like to know what went down."
  467. >"About that..."
  469. >Be Twilight Sparkle
  470. >After extracting what you believe is Sombra from Ponyville.
  471. >He pointed at the whereabouts of the elements and uncovered your forgery.
  472. >Suspiciously enough, he did not put a fight.
  473. >It seems like he is willing to go to Canterlot. This raises the question. Why?
  474. >His knowledge of otherwise classified information is unsettling.
  475. >Him being afraid of the Elements means that he knows their power.
  476. >You remember reading about a spell called terrifying presence.
  477. >The spell described resembles perfectly the atmosphere exuded by this stallion.
  478. >The physical parallels between the two is superfluous. Still, all records of banned spells are gone.
  479. >Following the law. Dark magic hexes are destroyed so that no one can use them.
  480. >And the ban was introduced more than seven centuries.
  481. >No magician should know it. Yet here it is; being cast by this stallion.
  482. >You believe this to be the proof that, indeed, this is Sombra. An interesting theory.
  483. >But then. If it really is Sombra, a paranoid tyrant with forbidden powers.
  484. >Why would he simply not run right now?
  485. >What could he possibly achieve?
  486. >Immediately, you take out the books you requested from Rarity.
  487. >Shortly after, the frightful pony falls asleep.
  488. >The Advents of Darkness predates the Treaties of Magical Conventions.
  489. >A collection of powerful magic spells. Most of which ended up prohibited by the law.
  490. >Written by an unknown author. It vaguely describes the enchantments.
  491. >Funnily enough. It did not have any instructions on how to cast them.
  492. >The purpose of the book is a mystery. Nowadays serving as a testament to the days before the term "dark magic."
  493. >Next; My Statements on The Crystal Situation. This one is journal written by the princesses.
  494. >Short but informative. It condenses the last days of the Crystal Empire.
  495. >There was even a small section dedicated to Sombra.
  496. >This gives you an insight into the suspect's personality.
  497. >After finishing with both books. You turn to the girls.
  498. "Very well. Everyone gather. And be as discreet as possible."
  499. >The other mares close up as much as they can.
  500. "Okay girls. I've already read the books."
  501. >"And?" Dash asked impatiently.
  502. "... I am a bit embarrassed but; I actually don't know what we are dealing with."
  503. >The girls sigh in frustration.
  504. >"Didn't ya said that he was Sombra or somethin'?" AJ spoke.
  505. "Yes."
  506. >"Why was it again?"
  507. "Well... Apart from some physical similarities. Both are unicorn stallions. He also exudes a terrifying presence. It is dark magic."
  508. >"As my dear Twi already explained; the photo proofs that." Rarity said.
  509. >"So what? Can't we just send him to Candance so that he won't be our problem?"
  510. >"RAINBOW!" AJ decries.
  511. >"Shh... you may wake prince Sombra..." Pinkie Pie reestablished some order.
  512. >...What a twist!!
  513. "No we can't. What if he disappears into thin air."
  514. >"And why he hasn't already. If he knows about the Elements then why do we even bother!"
  515. >Rainbow's short temper was getting the best of her.
  516. >"Well my Rainbow Dash. As easy as that is; Twi already sent the process in motion."
  517. >Rarity reaffirmed your position. Dash replied.
  518. >"And again. SO?"
  519. "If the target banishes then preventive operations will take place. They'll hunt him and in the process hurt the image of Canterlot's security."
  520. >"And that wouldn't be good for ya; right?" AJ says concerned.
  521. "More or less; having soldiers everywhere on Equestria wouldn't look good. Besides. He hasn't used his magic; yet. I think he may have found a host body."
  522. >"You mean as in... he took control of somepony else?" Quietly; Fluttershy asks.
  523. "Possibly. According to the princesses. Sombra was a despot known for an unnatural charisma and eloquence mixed with cruelty and forbidden sorcery."
  524. >"Are you sure darling? He does not strikes me as a pony who concerns himself with his image."
  525. >"And neither do Ah, Rarity." The cowgirl scowls.
  526. "Charm isn't limited to looks. He recently contrasted my skepticism with my previous mistakes..."
  527. >"And this worries you because...?"
  528. >Rainbow Dash was curious.
  529. "I think his plan is to build confidence. What bugs me is for what? And why is it working?"
  530. >"Ya think he has a reason to be lyin'?"
  531. "As I already mentioned. Sombra's smooth-spoken. He either can't escape; for some reason... OR..."
  532. >"Uh I can't take the suspense!!"
  533. >Pinkie was a bit overjoyed.
  534. "... he wants to get to the castle? I seriously can't think of other reasons."
  535. >"Ugh that ruffian!! He probably has some nefarious scheme. How should we impend it?"
  536. "...I really don't see any other way. By playing along."
  537. >"Unnn. Why don't we just force him to say it?!?"
  538. "Dash that would be dangerous. We don't even know if he is holding back his magic."
  539. >"So, why would he tell ya 'bout the fake Elements?"
  540. "...As I already said. He desires to gain our trust. The question then becomes for what. And until he gives better info. WE MUST play along. And I think I know how we can do so."
  541. >"Um... Twilight... I don't want to contradict you or anything is just that... Didn't you said that he wanted to live in Ponyville?" Flutters raises her voice timidly.
  542. >"I am pretty sure he made that up to confuse Twily." Rarity has a point.
  543. "He also barged in and tried to extort Spike. He also has an unnatural knowledge of Ponyville. And was intimidated when I mentioned the elements. He is hiding something."
  544. >"Then can we be friends?!?" Pinkie's bizarreness is stunning today.
  545. "... For the time being. We must try to extract as much intelligence as we can before we get to Canterlot... I have a bad feeling about him."
  546. >"I dunno Twilight. Lying? Since when?" There is some disapproval on AJ's voice.
  547. "I am not proud of it neither. But he isn't like the other enemies we have confronted. He prefers talking."
  548. >"Um... girls...
  549. >"Pfft. What a pansy."
  550. "Dash be serious. He came out of nowhere, went directly to my home and demanded to see me. I don't know what he would have done if I had not threaten him."
  551. >"Girls..."
  552. >"Urh. And AGAIN. Why he hasn't done anything?"
  553. "...That's what frightens me."
  554. >"Okay okay okay. Enough talking. Time to be friends!!"
  555. "Not so fast Pin-"
  556. >"GIIIRLS!!" Fluttershy screamed.
  557. >And from that point on. A series of unfortunate events transpired.
  559. >Twilight smiled a bit feebly.
  560. >You, on the other ha-hoof, were still shocked.
  561. "So... in other words. This was your idea."
  562. >All she could do was to awkwardly laugh it off.
  563. >Meanwhile; you keep staring at her with prejudice.
  564. >"I know. I am sorry Anonymous..."
  565. >Thinking back to the wagon. A distant echo hits your mind.
  566. "Wait. Didn't you said I was gonna face a charge on attempted assault and another on breaking and entering?"
  567. >Back on the train, this was the only useful info you could extract.
  568. >Her highness replied a bit embarrassed.
  569. >"Well..."
  570. >She spoke as she played with her hooves.
  571. >"I dropped those charges..."
  572. "What? Didn't you said you were dead set on prosecuting them?"
  573. >She resumes her composure.
  574. >"I never said that."
  575. "Okay maybe not. But then why?"
  576. >Twilight continued a bit ashamed.
  577. >"Well... I thought about what you said. And I came to the conclusion that; yes. I was a bit quick to judge."
  578. >Her words provide you a small relief; but almost immediately her expression flatter.
  579. >"And then you went on to extend your criminal record."
  580. >You gotta give it to her. You sure know how to get yourself in problems.
  581. "Welp. Nothing I can do about it."
  582. >"Which is why I came here."
  583. "Mmh."
  584. >"Anonymous. I need to know what happened in the armory."
  585. >Well. This is the point where everything comes tumbling down.
  586. "Shoot. But be wary. I can't remember what happened after Luna entered my head."
  587. >"Wait."
  588. >Twitlite was dazzled by this.
  589. >"Are you telling me that. Luna was allowed to use her dream walking?"
  590. "Yes."
  591. >Twilight frowns.
  592. >"Why Am I not surprised?"
  593. >Curious.
  594. "Care to elaborate?"
  595. >"Well. As you may already know. Nobody likes Luna's dream walking."
  596. "Right."
  597. >"But when the Aristocrats are scared. They let her do it without a complain. Correct?"
  598. >Indeed."
  599. >Her answer was filled with bitterness.
  600. >"They are a bunch of hypocrites."
  601. >Some tension within the royal circle. It seems.
  602. "How so?"
  603. >"One of Luna's duties as a princess is to guard her subjects, guard them from things nopony else can do."
  604. >Nightmares.
  605. >"But. You know how the Nightmare Moon rumors started?"
  606. "Erh. Actually. No."
  607. >"Nevermind. Nopony does. I thought you would."
  608. >Still trying to suck information out.
  609. >"Back on topic. It is a common belief that while trapped in the moon. She was still able to access ponies' dreams."
  610. >So this means.
  611. >"At least, I think that is how the cannibalism legends started."
  612. "And thus, why no one wants her using that magic."
  613. >"Exactly. It was controversial; that is. Until a valiant lawyer made a motion to the Sun Court."
  614. "Really."
  615. >"Don't interrupt me."
  616. "Sorry."
  617. >A glare is focused in your forehead. It's like someone is drilling a hole on it.
  618. >She continues.
  619. >"As I was saying. The motion was successful, and Luna can use her dream walking without unsettling the Aristocrats. Still. There is some bad blood..."
  620. >So this explains the "why no one cares about a potential Freddy Kruger?" scenario.
  621. >They cared. It got settled on court. How dramatic.
  622. "But this is something I don't get. Couldn't Luna clear these rumors?"
  623. >Twilight is perplexed.
  624. >"I suppose... but I never heard an explanation for it."
  625. >She meditates as she rubs her chin with her hoof.
  626. >This leads to two things:
  627. >1) She can't remember or
  628. >2) She won't tell about her secrets.
  629. >But anyway. About this dark magic.
  630. >It makes one wonder. Does Celestia approves censorship?
  631. >Let's start by something a bit unrelated.
  632. "So. Is Luna's dreamwalking... dark magic?"
  633. >Twilight gives you a deadpan look.
  634. >"Sure. I mean. Forget the fact that only her can do so. And thus, there is no need for such drastic measure."
  635. "Oh cool. How epic Twilight."
  636. >She snorts. You return the favor.
  637. >A small beat.
  638. "So anyway. How does this banning work? I don't see Celestia censoring ponies."
  639. >"It was done; because; no matter how much she trusted her subjects to not abuse the spells. They still did so."
  640. >This is quiet the shock.
  641. "I... I didn't expect that."
  642. >"And neither did she."
  643. >My. Even the pones fall prey of lust for power... wait that isn't new.
  644. "Well, my apologizes."
  645. >"..."
  646. >She just stood like a statue.
  647. >You wait for her to reply.
  648. "Uh. Anything on your mind?"
  649. >Beat.
  650. >"Anonymous. Your case."
  651. "Oh I get it. You want to know about the armory."
  652. >"Yes. We already spent too much time on trivial matters."
  653. "Mmph."
  654. >"Now is not the time to be grumpy Anonymous."
  655. >She scolded at you.
  656. >"I need to know. Tell me in full detail. What happened after our separation."
  657. >You sigh. Welp.
  658. "Fine. I'll give it to you... in full detail."
  659. >"Please be succinct. It seems like we already spent eighteen minutes."
  660. >She pointed out to a clock on the wall. A clock you haven't notice.
  661. >Time does fly fast when you're having a blast.
  662. >"Also, apologizes accepted."
  663. >Beat.
  664. "Very well. Everything up to where I blacked out..."
  665. >You told Twilight everything.
  666. >You spoke about the quivering calm the black crypt provided.
  667. >About that green mare that was scared to death of you.
  668. >About the malfunction of the machine.
  669. >About the quiet time you had with the soldiers as you waited for the officer's return.
  670. >About how you used your mouth to sign a contract.
  671. >And lastly, the very last moments before everything went white.
  672. >"...I see."
  673. >A bit disappointed. She said.
  674. "Well. Why are you so down? I told you everything."
  675. >"I know. It's just that... your testimony... It is not as useful."
  676. "What?"
  677. >"I hoped that you could remember what occurred inside your dreams but..."
  678. >That's not the case.
  679. >"..."
  680. >The mare could only give you a bothered look.
  681. >"I am sorry Anonymous. But I really need to know what transpired there. That is the only missing piece."
  682. >No matter how much you try.
  683. >You can't recall what happened.
  684. >Before you could talk. Her majesty spoke.
  685. >"Don't worry, I am sure that princess Luna will... Once her migraine is gone, that is."
  686. >Something about that sentence gives you the creeps.
  687. >Why is it that you expect the worse to happen?
  688. "Anyway. Are you done?"
  689. >"Why; yes indeed. Any questions I left unanswered?"
  690. >The lawyer thing.
  691. "It still bothers me."
  692. >"What exactly?"
  693. "How did you became a lawyer? I mean. Did Celestia or someone else gave you a special date to a bar exam? Don't they have a strict schedule or something?"
  694. >Her features flattered impassively.
  695. "Actually. You already answered your own question without noticing." She says rather impishly.
  696. "So... You used your princess statues?"
  697. >"No. Not precisely. See, the way that-"
  698. >A hammering against the shield was heard.
  699. >You both turn to see her doctor was knocking.
  700. >She gave a signature to indicate a time out.
  701. >Then she pointed to the clock.
  702. >"Looks like time is up."
  703. >Twilight's horn glowed. She was about to dispel the shield.
  704. "No wait. Can you answer me."
  705. >The purple light surrounding her horn flickered.
  706. >"Oh about the bar exam?"
  707. >Actually. A better one.
  708. >"Sure, no problem, see-"
  709. "No. Forget that. I want to rephrase a previous one."
  710. >"Oh. Sure."
  711. >Let's think how to say it without offending her.
  712. "The princesses are the highest eh, 'echelons', of your government. Correct?"
  713. >"Correct."
  714. "Then how come THEY have to do what the Council says?"
  715. >This was a good question. You figure because even Twilight was puzzled. At least, on how to explain it.
  716. >"Well. To start with, you know that the Council assists princess Celestia on her duties?"
  717. "Yes I do."
  718. >"Very well. Then you should know that the Council runs Canterlot along with her."
  719. "Still, that does-"
  720. >"Anonymous. Let me finish."
  721. >She clears her throat.
  722. >"Anyway. Even though the princess is undeniably influential. So is the Council. Especially when all its members agree on one topic."
  723. >This doesn't sound good.
  724. "And let me guess. They agree on..."
  725. >"On sending you to Tartarus."
  726. >...Dammit.
  727. "I... I see."
  728. >The blonde earth mare knocked once more.
  729. >One could see that she said something. But the shield didn't let any sound in or out.
  730. >Your attorney began to dissipate the shield.
  731. >"Anyway. Don't let the name fool you. Luna and I have influence on the court, albeit minimal. Luna is 'warming up' to them while I am too 'young' of a princess."
  732. >The purple dome was gone by the time she stopped.
  733. >"In short. Celestia is our main backbone on this."
  734. >Then praise the sun. Too.
  735. >Her majesty trotted to the white mare.
  736. >"Do you think he is going to be healthy in, say. An hour?"
  737. >The physician takes a glance at you.
  738. >She assumes a thinking position.
  739. >"Well. His recovery has been impressively good. So. Maybe?"
  740. >"Good. I'll be back in an hour Anonymous."
  741. >She leaves the room.
  742. "Uh, yeah. Bye."
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