
Kappa Nu? Kappa No.

Nov 20th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn was in the kitchen cooking up a storm, a large wok on the stove already sizzling potatoes and onions. She had a cutting board in front of her with a half cut up pepper on it, wielding the knife expertly as she chopped what was left of it into pieces before adding it to her wok full of food.-
  2. Covet: Thorn pulled up to the house and got out of his Jeep choosing to leave his backpack behind. He walked up past the gate and the walkway taking the steps two at a time before he went to knock on the door.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing the knock at the door, she turned away from her chopping and walked through the kitchen to the front door, pulling it open and pointing her large knife at Thorn. "I figured it was you. And I think it's a little silly that you still knock. It's not like you're wandering into someone's bedroom unnanounced. It
  4. Alexithymiaa: (Okay.)
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing the knock at the door, she turned away from her chopping and walked through the kitchen to the front door, pulling it open and pointing her large knife at Thorn. "I figured it was you. And I think it's a little silly that you still knock. It's not like you're wandering into someone's bedroom unnanounced. It's just the front door." She turned and walked back into the kitchen, setting the knife down as she began opening the package of raw chicken.-
  6. Covet: Thorn smiled at Quinn and stepped in, "It's not my house and it's polite?" He said quirking an eyebrow at her, looking her over before he hopped himself up on the island, "Well it smells good, so you must know what you're doing. I was only slightly concerned I'd end up ill tomorrow."
  7. Tsaaq: ((Okay I'm here too my lovelies.))
  8. Covet: [lol yay!]
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Wow, such confidence in me. Thanks Thorn." She said with a laugh, pulling the chicken onto the cutting board to begin slicing it. "I'm a fairly good cook, thank you very much. It was one of my chores when I lived at home. My parents worked a lot and I was always home first. That combined with the fact that my dad believed a healthy set of chores was important... there you go, I know how to cook."-
  10. Tsaaq: Penelope's cab dropped her off in front of the sorority house. She shivered a bit as she went to jog up the steps of the porch and went inside of the house. She quietly shut the door behind her. She went to look at the two while they were in the kitchen. Penelope saw Thorn and lowered her head a bit then went to walk over to them. Attempting to seem casual. "Good evening you two." She greeted as she went to prepare her tea kettle.
  11. Covet: "You're welcome. I didn't know that before, but I do now. I'll let you know just how good after we eat." He responded, then saw Penelope walk in with her head down, "Hey hot lips." He said with a smirk as she came in and got her tea set up.
  12. Alexithymiaa: "You better." She said with a smirk, glancing over her shoulder when Penelope came into the kitchen. "Hey Penelope, I'm making chicken stir fry if you'd like some." She said, continuing to move her knife chopping chickens.-
  13. Tsaaq: "Would you like some tea to go with it?" She asked Quinn with a raise of her eyebrow. "I wouldn't mind if we're making a fair trade." Penelope looked over to Thorn and masked her bashful reaction. "Honestly Thorny, is this your new nickname for me?" She asked him, putting her hand on her hip as she tilted her head at him.
  14. Covet: "Yeah, I don't want to die alone. For all I know this is one of those terrible college thriller murder movies." Thorn said with a laugh, then cackled harder at Penelope's comment. " You said I can't call you Penny in front of other people, so...Yes. But it's an honest knickname."
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, I'm okay, thank you Penelope." She spoke, furrowing her brows at their exchange and looking over her shoulder again. "Did I miss something?" She asked, moving her knife just a bit to close to her finger and slicing right through the flesh of her thumb. Quickly pulling her hand away and dropping the knife, she grabbed for the dishtowel and pressed it firmly to her finger that was now throbbing and gushing blood. "Shit."-
  16. Tsaaq: She nodded as she smiled to the other female. Penelope went to pour water into her kettle and her eyebrows rose. "Um..." She whispered, reluctantly turning to Thorn and waiting to see if he'd spill the beans. She gasped and went to run over to Quinn. "Oh no. There's so much blood." Penelope ran to get a paper towel.
  17. Covet: "Yes you did, but you probably don't want the details and I'm sure that Penelope wouldn't want me spreading all her secrets either. I'm a gentleman afterall." He said with a smirk then furrowed his brow, "Don't say shit when you're cutting things it's never anything good." Thorn said, "And of course you do it on the one night I decide not to bring my bag in. I'll be right back." He said as he slid off the island and jogged out the door to his Jeep to get his backpack.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "It's fine, I'm fine." She said quickly to both of them, leaning on the counter to apply more pressure with the dish towel. She took a deep breath because shit stung like a bitch, moving over to the sink to turn the faucet on, trying to disregard Thorn's words and focus on the task at hand. One thing at a time.-
  19. Smokeless: Bea had jsut pulled into the garage and closed it when Thorn had jogged out of the house. She slid out of her black suv and tighten her pony tail after grabbing her bags. She made her way up to the door that led her inside and she heard people talking. she headed to the kitchen and smiled."Hey Penelope. Hey Quinn." she frownedseeing Quinn bleeding."Are you okay? Do I need to call an ambulance or something.?"
  20. Tsaaq: "Are you sure?" She asked Quinn with a concerned expression. "I should get you some ibuprophen." She suggested. Penelope glanced to Bea. "Oh, Quinn cut herself by mistake while cutting the meat..." She trailed off. "You must be careful." Penelope frowned, waiting for Thorn to return so she could run to the bathroom to get the pain killers.
  21. Covet: Thorn grabbed his backpack and came running back into the house, closing the door behind him as he set the bag on the counter. Unzipping it he pulled out the very nice neoprene first aid kit that was issued to all the ambulance crew. "Come here, Quin...but bring the dishtowel at least." He said as he opened up the first aid kit, that had way more things then a standard one that sits on a wall has. He started pulling out some things. setting them on the table, but didn't seem to be in a rush, rather focused.
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Really, it's fine. I've got it." She said again, being a little stubborn on the matter. "I don't need ibuprophen. It's just a little cut. Fingers tend to look worse than they actually are." Pulling the dishtowel away from her finger to see the slice through her skin, she stuck it under the cool water to rinse the blood away, examining just how badly she'd cut herself now that she could actually see it blood-free.-
  23. Smokeless: Bea watched as Thorn was focusing and Quinn went on about how she was fine. She stuffed her hands in her pocket and looked at everyone."We got bandaids in the bathroom if you need one."
  24. Tsaaq: She pursed her lips at Quinn then went to stand beside Thorn. "Any moment now would be good." She said hurriedly. "I think Thorn has some type of bandages in his little kit." She said to Bea. "Well... If you say you're fine then..."
  25. Covet: "Excuse me I'll be the one to determin that. You're not a dead person, you're living and It's my job to look after the living." He said taking her hand because bitch let him do his job. He looked at her thumb closely, picking up a small spray bottle that was going to sting when he sprayed it on her thumb a few times before drying it off with the towel. "Thanks for washing it first. Makes my job a little easier."
  26. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes and shut off the faucet, letting him inspect her hand. "It's still my finger, first and foremost..." She mumbled, feeling like a child being bossed around and shutting her mouth. When he sprayed shit on the thumb she immediately yanked her hand back out of his grasp, hissing through her teeth. "Ow, didn't they teach you to warn people before you do things that will hurt?"-
  27. Smokeless: Bea went to the fridge and shrugged some grabbing some kool aid and a glass pouring herself some."so other then cutting fingers what has everyone been up to today?"
  28. Tsaaq: Penelope watched the two carefully before she went to turn to Bea. "Nothing really. I went to work and visited mother for a little. She and daddy are in town a few days for the holiday." She explained. "I was about to make tea for Quinn before her accident."
  29. Covet: "You're in the medical field, I assumed you knew some shit hurts. But it's going to hurt a lot less than an infected cut, seeing as you're cutting raw chicken. Give me your thumb back, I've got one more thing that's going to sting, then I'll put some lidocane spray on it and you won't feel a damn thing." He grumbled then looked over at Bea, "I did pretty much nothing. It was my day off, so I studied."
  30. Alexithymiaa: "I assume things will hurt, yes, but I wasn't prepared for what you were doing in that very moment to hurt." She hesitantly gave him back her hand, sticking her thumb out for him as she stared at what he was doing so he couldn't surprise her. "Studying... and reading... and dancing..." She spoke to Bea, clearly a bit distracted.-
  31. Smokeless: Bea sipped her kool aid nodding her head."Yeah same. Oh but I went to the cafe to do all that."she shrugged some leaning against the counter and she looked over at Penelope."So have you seen the new help? She is super nice.She left a little chocolate under my pillow this morning."
  32. Tsaaq: "I um... I left early this morning." Penelope's eyes wandered to Thorn's visage. "After breakfast." She sighed a little as her face turned red. She went to busy herself in the kitchen. Resuming her preparation of tea of the four of them. "I haven't seen her but I'm sure I will in the morning. Then I can instruct her on how to tend to my room." She said. "She sounds sweet."
  33. Covet: "Yeah, I left after I made and ate breakfast too. " Thorn said looking up with a grin, at Penelope, then went back to focusing on Quinn's cut. He took the cap off the surgical glue and swiped the brush over the cut, pinching it closed as he blew on it to get it to dry quicker.
  34. Alexithymiaa: -She winced as she watched him glue her skin together, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she listened to the group's conversation. "I wasnt home most of the day, so I guess I missed her as well." She tried her best to follow the conversation, picking up on small context clues before quickly dropping her eyes back down to her hand as Thorn worked.-
  35. Smokeless: Bea looked at Thorn."You do know you are not allowed to stay the night here right? If our Den motehr found you here doing one of her house checks that could be alot of trouble for all of us."Bea looked between him and Penelope.
  36. Smokeless: *mother
  37. Tsaaq: Penelope scoffed softly and rolled her eyes. "Are you serious?" She asked in a very flat tone of voice. "I don't mean to be too forward Bea. But I don't care. My father donates money. I live here. I can have whatever guest I want sleepover. We're not five years old. We're adults. Maybe you like to be single minded and blindly follow some silly gender disciminatory rule but I don't."
  38. Covet: "Staying the night implies that I slept at all. I was up studying. " He said glancing over at Penelope givng her a smirk, as she fired shots back at Bea. He took out the Lidocane spray, shaking the can before he gave Quiin a couple of spritzes of it so it would bother her as much right now, before he started cutting the gauze to fit and tape to her thumb. When he was finished with that he handed her a rubber glove, "Because food safety first, and you don't want the cause soaking up chicken juices. You're all patched up."
  39. Smokeless: Bea shrugged her shoulders looking at penelope."I personally could careless who you sleep with or don't sleep with it. It is not my concern, but what I am suggestion is to just be careful. Our Den mother is well excuse my french a bitch. She says having boys around and ocming and going makes us look like sluts and that is not what kappa nu is about. We are ladies and shall hold our selves as such." she nodded her head repeating the words."but any who I need to get some rest I ahve work in the morning and gods knows I need at least eight hours of sleep. So you guys have a nice night." she shrugged and went to her room closing the door behind her.
  40. Smokeless: [I really do need to go to bed]
  41. Smokeless: [i have to be back into work at 10]
  42. Covet: [Fun fun. Night x.x]
  43. Smokeless: [night guys sorry i couldnt stay long ]
  44. Tsaaq: ((Night.))
  45. Alexithymiaa: -She took the glove from him, giving him a gentle pat on the arm with her good hand. "Thanks Thorn." Her eyes shifted over to Bea, setting her jaw. "Sluts?" She retorted as the female walked out of the room. "Wait wait wait, so having men in the house, regardless of their reason for being here, automatically makes every woman in this house a slut?" She asked, her glance shifting between Thorn and Penelope. "What the hell is the big deal? If a man wants to sleep with whoever he pleases, he's deemed a God among his gender, but if a woman wants to do the same, she's cast out and ridiculed. What the hell is this?"-
  46. Tsaaq: Her brown eyes widened with ire as her jaw set. Trying her best not to yell or scream at Bea as she retorted. "Well then." She forced a smile onto her face. She put down her tea tray onto the kitchen island loudly. The porcelain clamoured as she angrily stomped. Swinging the cabinet open loudly. "That just means we'll just need a new Den Mother now, don't we?" She murmured. "It's fine." She turned to Quinn. "I should've known better in the first place." Penelope kept her fake smile in tact. "She's only relaying the message. I've been behaving like a slut." She scoffed. "It's not like I'm formulating a plan to leave her reputation and life ashes." She batted her eyelashes, trying to speak in a sweet voice.
  47. Tsaaq: ((*life in ashes.))
  48. Covet: "What exactly implies sluthood?" Thorn asked confused as all fuck because Quinn and Penelope both have been anything but, despite their penchant for teasing him. "I never once would have assumed you to be a slut Penelope. Confident? Yes. Sexy? Hell yes.. But a slut? Fuck that bitch. Besides, she doesn't even know what we did last night. She's probably just jealous her Gingerbread man ran away last night. She didn't have anyone to wake up next too."
  49. Alexithymiaa: "This is stupid." She grumbled, because it fucking IS stupid. Hearing Thorn's words, she furrowed her brows, her eyes slowly sliding to him again. "Wait, what exactly did you do last night?" She asked, looking back to Penelope. "Did you hook up?"-
  50. Tsaaq: "Really. It's okay." Penelope forced herself to sound calm. "Thank you though Thorn..." She trailed off. She added a few sugar cubes to her teacup and shivered as she lifted it to her lips. "Well... We kissed. A lot?" Penelope answered reluctantly. "Nobody was supposed to find out this way. I don't really like people to know those types of things for me." She pursed her lips and lowered her head. "But even when there's only three girl's in the house I guess word still gets around somehow." She sighed and finally took another sip.
  51. Covet: "Nope. We were behaved. Penelope just wanted to see how well her shade of lipstick looked on my lips." Thorn said with a grin, because he wasn't lying, just conviluting the truth. "I'm telling you, she's just mad because that dude in the dorky vest didn't stay the night with her."
  52. Alexithymiaa: "Oh. Okay." She spoke shortly, pushing up to her feet to walk over to the stove and turn the burner off under the food which was now burnt since they were busy doing other things. "Well.... this is ruined. I'm sorry..."-
  53. Tsaaq: Penelope kept her head down. "I suppose that's a reason to tarnish my image." She murmured. She turned to Quinn and shrugged. "It's too late for food anyways. Do you still want tea?"
  54. Covet: "Excuse you, it is never too late for food!" Thorn scoffed at Penelope's comment. "How dare you..." He laughed then gave Penelope a nudge while he re-packed his kit, "Don't look ashamed. You're a strong independent woman, and I totally respected that. There was nothing slutty and you have nothing to be ashamed about."
  55. Alexithymiaa: "I'm really tired of hearing the word 'slut' tossed around so freely here. I don't think anyone wants to see what's going to happen to the next person that I hear say it." She said with a bit of an attitude, picking up the pan and walking it over into the garbage to dump the food in the trash.-
  56. Tsaaq: "So that's a no on the tea then?" She asked Quinn and pouted her large lips. "It's fine. I'm not ashamed." She tried to speak to Thorn quietly as she watched the blonde. "I just don't like the dramatics that are resulting. So needlessly I might add."
  57. Covet: "Don't worry, Penny. We got your back. Besides it's not like she might have been doing anything worse than us making out, right?" He said with a grin, "I'll take some tea, because I don't want to disappoint you."
  58. Alexithymiaa: "Sorry, I'm fine on the tea Penelope." She set the pan down in the sink, filling it with water before taking a deep breath. "I think I'm just going to go up to bed and read for a bit. You guys.. uh.. you have a good night. Thanks for your help, Thorn." She said a little awkwardly because she didn't know if Thorn had intended on staying the night with Penelope again and didnt really know how to say goodnight to the two because of that. She turned and headed out of the kitchen, making her way up the stairs to her bedroom.-
  59. Tsaaq: Penelope sighed at Quinn. "Goodnight Quinn. Sweet dreams." She said as she put one hand flat on the surface of the kitchen island as her other hand poured the tea into another cup. She inhaled deeply and attempted to keep a neutral expression. "Is she angry with us?" Penelope asked quietly as she went to open the container that held her sugar cubes. "Sugar?"
  60. Covet: "I...don't think so? I hope not. I'm kind of torn, if I stay tonight, I totally want to sleep on the couch or somewhere right out in the open just to piss off Bea. At the same time, I don't want to get you in trouble either if she decides to nark as well. She seems like the narking type." Thorn stated then shook his head, "Nope, I'm good with it straight, just like my coffee."
  61. Tsaaq: "She didn't seem a bit irritated? Did she?" Penelope asked as she closed the lid on the sugar container then went to drink from her cup once more. "I want you to stay..." She trailed off. "But I don't want anything upsetting to happen either." Penelope sighed putting her tea down. She went to walk over to him and tilted her head to glance up at him. "You don't regret what we did. Do you?" She asked him in a whisper.
  62. Covet: "I'm not sure? I can ask her about it later. It was just two people having a little bit of fun." Thorn shrugged, "I can stay, fuck them what are they going to do throw me out? Oh no....Not like I can't come back later." He said with a laugh then looked back at her raising his eyebrows, "No, that'd be a stupid thing to do. It was my idea to kiss you first. Clearly I wanted to do it. Why would I regret something like that?"
  63. Tsaaq: Penelope lifted her shoulders into a shrug. "Oh... I don't know. I liked doing it. But I don't want to cause any problems." She sputtered her large lips. "Not any that directly involve me anyways." Penelope told him. "And I like Quinn. I don't want to make anything tense because of our... Explorations?"
  64. Covet: "I get you. I mean, I can make out with her too if she feels left out.. or we can just not talk about it in front of her if she's not comfortable with it. Quinn's cool. I don't want to get on her badside either. And I really don't want to have to stop exploring or flirting, or making out any time soon." He told her as he sipped his tea.
  65. Tsaaq: She chewed her lower lip a moment then tilted her head at him. "We could do all three? I suppose if that instance occurs it's fine." Penelope shrugged her shoulders. "Would you like to come up to my room and make out for a bit. Perhaps with a little more clothes so you're not uncomfortable?" She offered as her finger went the zipper of his hoodie and played with it as she stared up at him like a hungry tiger.
  66. Covet: "That works for me." Thorn said, "I can be happy with that." He laughed, then looked at her as she fingered his zipper, "C'mon Hot Lips. It's not tuesday, but I'll let you take my top off." He said, putting a hand on her back as he grabbed his bag and went to escort her upstairs. "So long as you're getting comfortable too."
  67. Tsaaq: Penelope smirked and her confidence returned as she went to tug on the collar of her hoodie as she turned to lead him up the stairs while swaying her hips all sexy like. "Oh that all can be arranged." She said in a sultry voice.
  68. Covet: "Good girl." He said with a smirk allowing her to tug him along while he watched that ass sway all the way up the stairs to her room.
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