
Maddox and Carmen return and prototype Maddox's sprite

Jun 24th, 2017
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  1. <Carmen_Chapman> "Nice job dude!!! Ur a badass with ur teleportin n zoomin round n shit!!!!"
  2. * Carmen_Chapman maXe a beaming grin towards MaddoX.
  3. <Carmen_Chapman> "Gotta get the lootz!"
  4. * Carmen_Chapman collects the grist and xP from their most recent fight--with MaddoX leveling up from level 10 to 11 and Carmen leveling up from level 9 to 10--then heads with MaddoX to the return node that Jay went through about 30 seconds earlier.
  5. <Maddox> "Thanks! You hit real hard though, and beating that thing alone would have been pretty hard!"
  6. * Carmen_Chapman stops next to the return node as they talk.
  7. <Carmen_Chapman> "S why we got teamwork!!! Ur really good at helpin people n not just stealin the spotlight urself!"
  8. * Carmen_Chapman frowns.
  9. <Carmen_Chapman> "Most peepsr not that nice! Maaaan u should see Adrian someti--"
  10. * Carmen_Chapman catches herself, stops talking and is suddenly very interested in looking at the ground.
  11. <Carmen_Chapman> "Sooooooo..... u wanna go back now?"
  12. <Maddox> "We probably should. My dad might be mad though."
  13. * Carmen_Chapman looX up.
  14. <Carmen_Chapman> "Mad??? Whyd he be mad? U saved his ass n showed him ur a badass!!!"
  15. * Carmen_Chapman furrows her eyebrows in perpleXion.
  16. <Carmen_Chapman> "Thats like a good thing hows he gonna be mad bout that?"
  17. <Maddox> "He didn't see that last bit, and we kinda threw him through the portal."
  18. * Maddox shrugs.
  19. <Maddox> "We kinda needed to, though."
  20. <Carmen_Chapman> "Yeah! Glad u got him outta our way! U cant just do what peeps tell u to all the time."
  21. * Carmen_Chapman moves her arms in a sort of swimming motion.
  22. <Carmen_Chapman> "U gotta go against the flow!!! Just followin along is soooo mainstream. Specially when its ur dad. U gotta be ur own person! I knew u had some rebel in u!!! Im proud of ya!"
  23. <Maddox> "Ah. Well, okay then."
  24. * Maddox smiles a bit, or at least attempts to.
  25. <Maddox> "So, we could find some stuff to fight more, or we could go back. I don't think we can deal with that crazy medusa octopus yet though."
  26. <Carmen_Chapman> "Fuck no!!!"
  27. * Carmen_Chapman looX a little frustrated, shaking her head vigorously.
  28. <Carmen_Chapman> "U got ur magic powers n shit but Im not gonna stand round on that beach just waitin to get turned to roX n tentacle groped!!!"
  29. * Carmen_Chapman sighs, shrugging.
  30. <Carmen_Chapman> "I dunno whats here sides crabs n bears."
  31. <Maddox> "I'm not sure there is anything. Even the other portal was pretty small in scale of contents. There were hidden areas in places though. Even still, it got scary very quickly."
  32. <Maddox> "This whole place is dead."
  33. <Carmen_Chapman> "Thats p sad!!! We gotta do somethin bout it!"
  34. <Carmen_Chapman> "What now?"
  35. <Maddox> "I guess we go through the portal here. Nothing else we really can do."
  36. * Carmen_Chapman shrugs.
  37. <Carmen_Chapman> "Whatevs. Good for me."
  38. * Carmen_Chapman steps through the return node, now about a minute or so after MaddoX's dad went through.
  39. * Maddox follows.
  40. <ProcyonA> carmen as soon as you go through, you get hit with a small rock
  41. <ProcyonA> after you hit the ground you realize it was maddo
  42. <ProcyonA> x's dad throwing rocks at where he came out of the portal
  43. <ProcyonA> maddox comes out next
  44. <ProcyonA> daddox is clearly relieved but also look pretty angry/worried
  45. <ProcyonA> he runs up and hugs maddox and then hugs carmen
  46. <ProcyonA> "oh youre back! Im so glad"
  47. <ProcyonA> once he releases, he starts to look more angry
  48. * Carmen_Chapman initially flinches in fear of more roX, but then relaXes when she sees who it is
  49. <ProcyonA> "Why did you do that!"
  50. * Carmen_Chapman is pretty confused when MaddoX's dad hugs her so she just kind of stands there
  51. * Carmen_Chapman maXe a :| face, deferring to MaddoX
  52. * Maddox accepts the hug, then replies, "You weren't thinking straight."
  53. <ProcyonA> he steps back, hurt a bit
  54. <ProcyonA> "Well maybe i was being over enthusiastic but at least a warning would have been nice"
  55. <Maddox> "I'm not sure what you did qualified as 'enthusiastic' ..."
  56. <Carmen_Chapman> "We couldnta really hung around n chatted bout it"
  57. <Carmen_Chapman> "Case u didnt notice a fuckin rock monster was tryin to kill alluv us"
  58. <ProcyonA> he just does a " :/ " face
  59. <Maddox> "It wasn't even overly strong - there wasn't really a need to do the whole 'heroic sacrifice
  60. <Maddox> ' thing."
  61. <ProcyonA> He kind of mumbles "I was just trying to pull my weight"
  62. <Maddox> "Well, it gave us a lot of grist at least, which is good."
  63. * Carmen_Chapman shrugs
  64. <Carmen_Chapman> "I mean like"
  65. <Carmen_Chapman> "S cool that u got all these feelins bout us n protectin us... *some* dads gotta be the totes opposite of that n not give a shit bout anythin...."
  66. <Carmen_Chapman> "S hard but gotta let ur feelins power u n good ways n not just everythin. Gotta think bout other peeps n shit sometimes."
  67. <Carmen_Chapman> "Fuck Im startin to sound like my dad now"
  68. <Carmen_Chapman> "Never mind"
  69. <Carmen_Chapman> "U guys get what Im sayin"
  70. * Maddox nods a little, turning to look back at his dad.
  71. <ProcyonA> hes standing there not saying anything
  72. <Carmen_Chapman> "Like emotions get me to aXually do shit"
  73. <Carmen_Chapman> "Do a *lotta* shit I wouldnt do otherwise n thats sweet"
  74. <Carmen_Chapman> "But like"
  75. <Carmen_Chapman> "When Im just a big fuckin ball of emotions doing stuff Im p good at fuckin up"
  76. <Carmen_Chapman> "MaddoX knows that bout me already"
  77. <Maddox> "Well, it's kind of excusable when you're in as bad shape as you were that time..."
  78. <ProcyonA> "can we just move on
  79. * Carmen_Chapman avoids eye contact awkwardly
  80. <Maddox> "alright."
  81. <Carmen_Chapman> <Maddox> "Well, it's kind of excusable when you're in as bad shape as you were that time..."
  82. <Carmen_Chapman> <ProcyonA> "can we just move on
  83. <Carmen_Chapman> * Carmen_Chapman avoids eye contact awkwardly
  84. <Carmen_Chapman> <Maddox> "alright."
  85. <Carmen_Chapman> Thats what was last said in case you disconnected
  86. <ProcyonA> nope
  87. <ProcyonA> but guys maddox's dad is not goign to respond any more
  88. <Carmen_Chapman> "Sooooooo......"
  89. <Maddox> "Yeah. I'll be at the alchimeter."
  90. <Maddox> "I need to upgrade my axes."
  91. <Maddox> ((Going to use this opportunity to craft the T3 weapon we talked about.))
  92. <Carmen_Chapman> "Ooh!"
  93. <ProcyonDM> Cool
  94. * Carmen_Chapman follows, glad for an eXcuse to leave the awkward silence
  95. <Maddox> ((We got a cost for it? Probably something a little bit less than Carmen's T3 upgrade, given the die size difference.))
  96. <ProcyonDM> What was carmens weapons cost?
  97. <Carmen_Chapman> ((Carmen's T3 weapon was in the low hundreds T1, around 25 T2 and in the single digits T3))
  98. <Carmen_Chapman> ((I don't remember the build grist))
  99. <ProcyonDM> Alright
  100. <ProcyonDM> Ty
  101. <ProcyonDM> Well just say
  102. <ProcyonDM> 125 t1, 30 t2, 3 t3 and no build
  103. <Maddox> Alright.
  104. * Maddox enters his room, and goes through the process of crafting, crafting a set of Lightaxe && HeartBatt)
  105. <ProcyonDM> You succeed in that
  106. <ProcyonDM> Your dad walks into the room afterward and watched kind of
  107. <Maddox> Having just completed the Hearxesabers, Maddox turns one on to test it.
  108. <Maddox> The blade is more rounded, and pulses with his heartbeat. It looks more solid than his previous weapons.
  109. * Maddox smiles
  110. <Maddox> "Got it."
  111. <ProcyonDM> ((The room with the machines is the living room right))
  112. <Maddox> ((It's all split up. The house is small on the first floor))
  113. <Maddox> "Well, we have to figure out what now."
  114. <ProcyonDM> "Let's not go back there"
  115. * Carmen_Chapman nods
  116. <ProcyonDM> Your dad goes to the fridge and there logsprite is, flashing and glowing in the freezer section
  117. <ProcyonDM> "Ah! Oh it's this thing"
  118. <ProcyonDM> "Maddox..?"
  119. <ProcyonDM> "What is this"
  120. <Maddox> "Uh, I'm not sure. It was a thing I threw a log in when all this crap started."
  121. <Carmen_Chapman> "U threw a log in?"
  122. <Carmen_Chapman> "Bet its caused u a fuckin lot less trouble for u then mine has!!!"
  123. <Maddox> "I haven't really noticed. I mean, I guess some of the first monsters were wooden."
  124. <Carmen_Chapman> "Mines just gone round messin with all the monsters near my house n makin them h-- go kinda crazy n shit"
  125. <Carmen_Chapman> "Its so flashy n annoying!!!"
  126. <Maddox> "Oh. Wow."
  127. <Maddox> "Yeah, I didn't know this thing was still around, honestly."
  128. <ProcyonDM> "Oh. Well shoo"
  129. <ProcyonDM> He bats at it with a fork he was using and it transforms
  131. <Carmen_Chapman> ((lol))
  132. <Maddox> ((lol. So useful.))
  133. <ProcyonDM> ((Just railroading a bit lol))
  134. <ProcyonDM> Your dad jumps back in awe
  135. <ProcyonDM> "My fork"
  136. <Maddox> "Yeah... Well, a fork probably isn't too bad for the enemies to have."
  137. <Maddox> ((Maddox doesn't know it's only pre-med protos :P ))
  138. <Carmen_Chapman> "The fuck just happened????"
  139. <Maddox> "I guess the orb took another thing?"
  140. <Maddox> "But it's not really an orb anymore. Weird."
  141. <Carmen_Chapman> "Why are these shitty things even here?"
  142. <Carmen_Chapman> "Theyre just flashy n annoying"
  143. <Carmen_Chapman> "Are they just tryin to make this game harder or somethin? Flashy wooden forX are kinda a lame way to make shit harder!"
  144. <Maddox> "I dunno. It's not like the game came with a manual or anything."
  145. * Carmen_Chapman laughs a bit
  146. * Maddox makes a :/ face
  147. <ProcyonDM> The fork speaks
  148. <ProcyonDM> "I am the manual"
  149. * Maddox 's mouth involuntarily opens, and he takes a step backwards.
  150. <ProcyonDM> Your dad does something similar
  151. <Maddox> "...what?"
  152. <ProcyonDM> "I am your Sprite."
  153. <Carmen_Chapman> "Uhhhhh"
  154. <Carmen_Chapman> "Am I goin crazy here? U guys hearin this too???"
  155. <Maddox> "Yeah, I'm hearing it."
  156. <Carmen_Chapman> "Geeeeeeez"
  157. <Maddox> "Sprite?"
  158. * Carmen_Chapman sits down in a chair with a heavy eXhale
  159. * Maddox thinks for a bit.
  160. <Maddox> "I think Orea might have mentioned something once about something from the game talking."
  161. <ProcyonA> "Yes thats me"
  162. <Maddox> "Huh. Why were you hiding in the freezer then?"
  163. * Carmen_Chapman turns back to the conversation
  164. <ProcyonA> "I can not pass through the lead of your 1940s era refrigerator/freezer"
  165. <Carmen_Chapman> "N why didntchu say anythin to MaddoX before???"
  166. <Carmen_Chapman> "We coulda used the help!"
  167. <ProcyonA> "I am unable to speak until second prototyping"
  168. <ProcyonA> "which was forgotten due to dm inconsistency"
  169. <Carmen_Chapman> "The fuck u talkin bout???"
  170. <Maddox> ((We meta now boyz))
  171. <Carmen_Chapman> "Thats a lotta words"
  172. <Maddox> "Huh. Well, alright then."
  173. <Maddox> "So, you're the manual? Any idea what's going on then?"
  174. <ProcyonA> "Yes I do have an idea."
  175. <ProcyonA> [awkward pause]
  176. <Carmen_Chapman> "Soooooooo...."
  177. <ProcyonA> "Would you like to heat it"
  178. <Carmen_Chapman> "U gonna tell us then?"
  179. * Maddox looks at the wooden forkish floating thing expectantly.
  180. <ProcyonA> "Yes I am"
  181. <ProcyonA> "Youre in s b u r b"
  182. <Maddox> "Yup. Game sure had that on the title screen."
  183. <ProcyonA> "Currently you are on the land of fog and steel"
  184. <Maddox> "Interesting. What does that mean?"
  185. <ProcyonA> "It means that there will be steel and fog elements in your land."
  186. <Carmen_Chapman> "Wow"
  187. <Carmen_Chapman> "So helpful"
  188. <Carmen_Chapman> "We totes havent seen a ton of steel n fog everywhere"
  189. <Carmen_Chapman> "ThanX for the heads up!"
  190. * Maddox whispers to Carmen, "Must have not put a lot of effort into the manual. :/ "
  191. * Carmen_Chapman shrugs
  192. <ProcyonA> "Would you like guidance?"
  193. <Maddox> "Guidance? To where?"
  194. <ProcyonA> "Towards the end of this game"
  195. <Carmen_Chapman> "Like"
  196. <Carmen_Chapman> "We dont even fuckin know what the end of this game even is dude"
  197. <Maddox> "I didn't think there was an end."
  198. <ProcyonA> "There is."
  199. <Maddox> "Just a giant unending deathtrap."
  200. <ProcyonA> "Press 1 for more information"
  201. * Maddox squints in annoyance, lifts up one finger with his left hand, and then "pushes" it with his right.
  202. <ProcyonA> "The end of this game is a door to another universe where you and your living coplayers will live and rule as gods"
  203. * Carmen_Chapman snorts in laughter
  204. <Carmen_Chapman> "Yeah right!!!!"
  205. * Carmen_Chapman laughs
  206. * Maddox gives the sprite a "really?" look
  207. <Carmen_Chapman> "Thats a good one!"
  208. <Carmen_Chapman> "U almost got me with that one!"
  209. <Maddox> "And Gods over what? The nobody that is still alive?"
  210. <ProcyonA> "The new universe will be fully populated"
  211. <Carmen_Chapman> "The fuck u talkin bout?"
  212. <ProcyonA> "I assure you it is real"
  213. <Carmen_Chapman> "Ha!"
  214. <Carmen_Chapman> "As fuckin real as this shitty alternate dimension video game stuff"
  215. * Maddox turns to Carmen again
  216. <Carmen_Chapman> "With fuckin monsters appearin outta nowhere"
  217. <Carmen_Chapman> "Crazy magic shit"
  218. <Maddox> "To be fair, that's been kinda real."
  219. <ProcyonA> "This is indeed real"
  220. <Carmen_Chapman> "So......"
  221. <Carmen_Chapman> "The peeps on earth gotta die all fast in fire n Xplosions n were trapped here takin the long n painful death?"
  222. <Carmen_Chapman> "Pickin us off one by one?"
  223. <Carmen_Chapman> "I think ur just tryin to make us feel better"
  224. <ProcyonA> "If you succeed you will be infinitely powerful in your reward universe"
  225. <ProcyonA> "I Have no motivation to increase your morale"
  226. * Carmen_Chapman squints suspiciously
  227. <Carmen_Chapman> "But ur a parta all this shit"
  228. <Carmen_Chapman> "Ur some crazy magic shit in this game too!"
  229. <ProcyonA> "True."
  230. <Carmen_Chapman> "Howm I sposed to know ur not tryin to kill us just like every fuckin thing else?"
  231. <Carmen_Chapman> "Im sick n tired of this shitty game"
  232. <Maddox> "Same."
  233. <Maddox> "But stupid endgame goals aside. What did you offer to tell us?"
  234. <ProcyonA> "Your purpose in this land"
  235. <Maddox> "And that is..."
  236. * Carmen_Chapman becomes silent, crossing her arms with a sigh of annoyance and just listening
  237. <ProcyonA> "You must slay the fog giant that is trapping the fog in the lower areas and stunting the growth of the land.
  238. <Maddox> "A fog giant."
  239. <Maddox> "Well, we have faced giant rocks I guess."
  240. <Maddox> "So nothing out of line there."
  241. <Maddox> "Where is it? How big is it?"
  242. <ProcyonA> "It is in the deepest level of the city and is approx. 12'7"
  243. <ProcyonA> 12 foot 7
  244. <Maddox> "Not too bad then."
  245. <Maddox> "But getting there is going to be a pain."
  246. <Maddox> "I vote no."
  247. <ProcyonA> "It is your quest in this land. YOu do not simply say "no""
  248. <Carmen_Chapman> "MaddoX can say whatever the fuck he wants"
  249. <Maddox> "Yeah. There's literally a portal to another planet a few staircases up."
  250. <Carmen_Chapman> "P sure my planets a whole fuckin lot more fun"
  251. <Carmen_Chapman> "No fog giants or rock crabs tryin to eat u"
  252. <Carmen_Chapman> "MaddoX can just say no n chill out somewhere else"
  253. <Carmen_Chapman> "This fork thingy just wants to try n kill u MaddoX just like everythin else"
  254. <Maddox> "Yeah, probably. It's also really bad at it. I mean, it already tried to inform the monsters on the thing thrown into it, and now it fabricates an objective in what is litterally the most dangerous place I have ever seen."
  255. <ProcyonA> "Warning: you will be continually attacked until your death if you do not escape"
  256. <Maddox> "Are you threatening to kill us now?"
  257. <ProcyonA> "I am simply warning you about the forces attempting to kill you already"
  258. <Carmen_Chapman> "K say I dont aXually think ur just a sleazy fork thing tryin to get us killed"
  259. <Carmen_Chapman> "How the fuck are we sposed to kill that giant thing???"
  260. <Carmen_Chapman> "Everythin in this land is fightin stuff n more fightin stuff"
  261. <Maddox> "Twelve feet isn't that bad. Remember the city monster I told you about? Multiple stories tall?"
  262. <Carmen_Chapman> "Were fuckin wimps compared to all that shit!"
  263. <Carmen_Chapman> "Its fuckin made of fog or somethin"
  264. <Carmen_Chapman> "Idk theres gotta be a catch"
  265. <Carmen_Chapman> "Theres always a fuckin catch"
  266. <Maddox> "Yeah, you're probably right."
  267. <Carmen_Chapman> "Whys this giant thing down there anyways?"
  268. <Carmen_Chapman> "Hows a bit a fog screw over a whole planet?"
  269. <ProcyonA> "No catch"
  270. <ProcyonA> "Reduction of sun contact killed plants"
  271. <Maddox> "That would do it."
  272. <Maddox> "So, anything else other than this fog giant?"
  273. <ProcyonA> "Not until afterwards"
  274. <Maddox> "Great."
  275. <Carmen_Chapman> "Hey"
  276. <Carmen_Chapman> "What bout me?"
  277. <Carmen_Chapman> "What bout MaddoXs dad?"
  278. <ProcyonA> "your land also has a quest"
  279. * Carmen_Chapman maXe a puzzled Xpression
  280. <Carmen_Chapman> "What is it?"
  281. <Carmen_Chapman> "That curse thingy????"
  282. <Carmen_Chapman> "We totes got that solved"
  283. <ProcyonA> "Jay is currently not a part of sburb."
  284. <Carmen_Chapman> "The fuck???"
  285. <Carmen_Chapman> "Course he is!"
  286. <ProcyonA> "he is not a player."
  287. <Carmen_Chapman> "Hes right here n the fuckin middle of it with us"
  288. <Carmen_Chapman> "U sayin hes not real???"
  289. <Carmen_Chapman> "S my dad not real either????"
  290. * Maddox looks concerned at this development
  291. <ProcyonA> "Both of your fathers are real, however they are not integral parts of sburb."
  292. <Maddox> "That's dumb."
  293. <Carmen_Chapman> "I dont believe u"
  294. <Carmen_Chapman> "K my dads useless since hes gone"
  295. <Carmen_Chapman> "But MaddoXs dad isnt!"
  296. <Carmen_Chapman> "Hes been all like fightin monsters n keeping this house safe for like a week or somethin!!!"
  297. <ProcyonA> "thanks" says jay
  298. <Carmen_Chapman> "Hes not not less important than Adrian"
  299. <Carmen_Chapman> "Than Ember!!!!"
  300. <Carmen_Chapman> "Theyre dead now!"
  301. <ProcyonA> "Perhaps, but he is not a player."
  302. <ProcyonA> "By sburb definitions, he is a guardian."
  303. <Maddox> "Who are the 'players' then?"
  304. <ProcyonA> "Maddox, Carmen, Adrian, Ember, Orea, Estval, Moibus, Frederick, and Mirkan"
  305. <Maddox> "Hm... Do, you know which of those are still alive?"
  306. <ProcyonDM> "Information restricted."
  307. <Maddox> "Wonderful."
  308. <Maddox> "So we have a vague goal to make a universe, We only have maybe eight people to do it, and everything is trying to kill us?"
  309. <ProcyonDM> "Consorts, guardians, prospitians, and agents do not try to kill you by default."
  310. <Carmen_Chapman> "Whats consorts n agents???"
  311. <ProcyonDM> "Consorts: peaceful citizens of lands. Example: Bears."
  312. <ProcyonDM> "Agents: rogue operatives of the kingdoms. Could be beneficial or an enemy."
  313. <Maddox> "Kingdoms? Do you mean like the dream places, or the planets?"
  314. <ProcyonDM> "Dream places"
  315. <Maddox> "...are those real places, or just shared hallucinations?"
  316. <ProcyonDM> "They are as real as I am."
  317. <Carmen_Chapman> "Sooooooo....."
  318. <Carmen_Chapman> "Real?"
  319. <ProcyonDM> "..."
  320. <ProcyonDM> "Yes."
  321. <Maddox> "So... there are two of us currently in existance right now?... That's so weird."
  322. <ProcyonDM> "Yes there are two of each of you."
  323. <Carmen_Chapman> "The other one can fly!!!!"
  324. <Carmen_Chapman> "How come I cant fly????"
  325. <Carmen_Chapman> "Thatd be soooo sweet!"
  326. <ProcyonA> "Flight and your other abilities are products of the ethereal nature of your bodies."
  327. * Carmen_Chapman frowns in confusion
  328. <Carmen_Chapman> "I dunno if that maXe sense but whatevs"
  329. <ProcyonA> "It does."
  330. <Carmen_Chapman> "...."
  331. * Maddox stares into space a bit, before snapping out. "It really doesn't."
  332. <ProcyonA> "It does, you do not have the prior knowlege to allow you to comprehend it."
  333. <Maddox> "Fine. In any case, anything helpful to add? We're kind of stuck."
  334. <Carmen_Chapman> "Like... what are we sposed to be doin?"
  335. <ProcyonA> It hums like a motor inside it is whirring.
  336. <Carmen_Chapman> "We cant just like go kill a fuckin fog giant boss monster thing now"
  337. <ProcyonA> "Sburb HUDs updated."
  338. <Carmen_Chapman> "Whaaa???"
  339. <Carmen_Chapman> "Whats that sposed to mean?"
  341. <ProcyonA> inside of your huds
  342. * Maddox glances around, still not seeing a HUD, finally, he pulls out his laptop and checks.
  343. <Carmen_Chapman> "U mean a hud like in video games n shit?"
  344. <Carmen_Chapman> "Or s a hub some more weird SBURB shit?"
  345. <ProcyonA> Ok what i typed is what Maddox finds
  346. <Maddox> "It's in here."
  347. <Carmen_Chapman> "Huh?"
  348. * Carmen_Chapman Carmen looX over then comes over to the computer screen to look
  349. * Maddox turns his laptop so Carmen can see.
  350. <ProcyonA> all the ones with brackets have been checked
  351. <Maddox> "So we haven't explored?"
  352. <Maddox> "But we've been through a few portals."
  353. <ProcyonA> "not fully"
  354. <Maddox> "And what is a Denizen?"
  355. <Carmen_Chapman> "We got a fuckin pile of planets dude"
  356. <Carmen_Chapman> "Whole fuckin planets"
  357. <ProcyonA> "The Denizen is the second to final boss."
  358. <Carmen_Chapman> "Oooooh"
  359. <Carmen_Chapman> "So the fog giant thingys the final boss???"
  360. <ProcyonA> "That is not the denizen."
  361. <Carmen_Chapman> "Oh."
  362. <ProcyonA> "That is simply a side quest."
  363. <Maddox> "Side quest."
  364. <Maddox> "...Just how strong are these things?!"
  365. <ProcyonA> "They are worthy of being side bosses."
  366. <Carmen_Chapman> "So we just gotta Xplore now?"
  367. <Carmen_Chapman> "Back to that city thingy u talked bout MaddoX?"
  368. <Carmen_Chapman> "Were kinda stuck here at ur house if we dont take the portals"
  369. <Carmen_Chapman> "Or maybe a different planet???"
  370. <Maddox> "Yeah. Um, lets not go back to the city."
  371. <Carmen_Chapman> "I dunno"
  372. <ProcyonA> "The city may be essential to your quest."
  373. <Maddox> "There are more quests, right? We can just go do another one."
  374. <Carmen_Chapman> "U said the fog giant thingys in the city right?"
  375. <Carmen_Chapman> "At the bottom or somethin?"
  376. <Carmen_Chapman> "Why dontchu wanna go back to the city MaddoX?"
  377. <Carmen_Chapman> "It sounds cool!"
  378. <ProcyonA> "THey are at the bottom, yes."
  379. <Maddox> "The big monster there was too big to handle."
  380. <Maddox> "And all the bears there... "
  381. <Maddox> "yeah. no."
  382. <Carmen_Chapman> "Thats lame!"
  383. <Carmen_Chapman> "What else do u wanna do then???"
  384. <Carmen_Chapman> "Sit round here all day?"
  385. <Carmen_Chapman> "U dont have enough grist to build all the way up more"
  386. <Carmen_Chapman> "Im not getting tentacle groped by that friggin octomonster thingy so were not goin there"
  387. <Carmen_Chapman> "Cant swim with a chainsaw anyways"
  388. <Maddox> "We could go to another planet. Like yours."
  389. <Carmen_Chapman> "I always down for more hoppin circus n pioneering shit!"
  390. <Carmen_Chapman> "Butchu gotta go back to the city sometime dude!"
  391. <ProcyonA> "You must face these challenges at some point
  392. * Maddox remains silent, but sort of half nods
  393. <Carmen_Chapman> "Im up for whatevs s long s its adventurin somewhere"
  394. <Carmen_Chapman> "Where dya wanna go neXt?"
  395. <Maddox> "Portal two. Then we can Portal two to yours."
  396. * Maddox turns to the wooden fork.
  397. <Carmen_Chapman> "Okie"
  398. <Maddox> "You just going to sit here so we can find you again, or you going to hide more?"
  399. <ProcyonA> "I will sit if you want."
  400. <Maddox> "Alright then."
  401. * Maddox turns to his dad
  402. <Maddox> "So, uh, I, don't think you should come with us."
  403. * Carmen_Chapman stops talking and steps off to the side
  404. <ProcyonA> Hes been quiet this entire conversation but he suddenly becomes very red.
  405. <ProcyonA> "I'm a liability then?"
  406. <Maddox> "I think so. You haven't been keeping up at the gym. There's food here, you just gotta use the machines to make more of it."
  407. <ProcyonA> "Ok..."
  408. <ProcyonA> He is resigned.
  409. <Maddox> "Carmen, you ready to go?"
  410. <Carmen_Chapman> "Ummmm"
  411. <Carmen_Chapman> "Would it be so bad if he came with us?"
  412. <Carmen_Chapman> "I mean"
  413. <Carmen_Chapman> "Like to my house"
  414. <Carmen_Chapman> "I dunno"
  415. <Carmen_Chapman> "Kinda seems like being stuck in this foggy place all by urself kinda suX"
  416. <Carmen_Chapman> "Least my house s got light n grass n shit"
  417. <Maddox> "Yeah, that's fair."
  418. <Maddox> "This place is garbage."
  419. <ProcyonA> "Its fine..."
  420. <ProcyonA> "I dont mind hiding out."
  421. <Maddox> "There are better places to hide though."
  422. <Carmen_Chapman> "S too bad the turrets at my place are busted"
  423. * Maddox nods
  424. <Carmen_Chapman> "Then itd be a lot safer!!!"
  425. <Carmen_Chapman> "Waaaaait"
  426. * Carmen_Chapman turns to MaddoX's dad
  427. <Carmen_Chapman> "Ur good with electroniX n shit right?"
  428. <Carmen_Chapman> "MaddoXs told me bout the cool stuff u do!"
  429. <Carmen_Chapman> "Maybe u could work on fixin em?"
  430. * Maddox looks at his dad
  431. <Carmen_Chapman> "I dunno how hard itd be, but I got nothin in skillz with shit like that"
  432. <ProcyonA> "yeah, I'kll work on it."
  433. <ProcyonA> He seem sinterested but not enthusiastic.
  434. <Carmen_Chapman> "I never thought Id say this but I kinda miss em"
  435. * Maddox thinks to himself, *I hope he's alright.*
  436. <Carmen_Chapman> "Now that were here n aXually got somethin to use em for"
  437. <Carmen_Chapman> "They always kinda freaked me out...."
  438. <Carmen_Chapman> "But now we can have em back!"
  439. <Carmen_Chapman> "Duuuude we can make like a sweet fort or somethin!!!"
  440. <Carmen_Chapman> "All my dads fuckin paranoid bullshit maybes kinda handy"
  441. <Carmen_Chapman> "Uuuugh"
  442. <Carmen_Chapman> "Anywaysies"
  443. <Maddox> "If a turret could be found working, copies could be made!"
  444. <Carmen_Chapman> "ThanX dude itll be awesome havin those workin again!!!"
  445. * Carmen_Chapman holds her hand up to MaddoX's dad for a fistbump
  446. <ProcyonA> He bimps it
  447. <ProcyonA> but he clearly doesnt like it
  448. <ProcyonA> "Ill get working. "
  449. <ProcyonA> "you kids be safe."
  450. <Maddox> "Uh, alright. This way."
  451. * Maddox heads for the second gate.
  452. * Carmen_Chapman follows MaddoX up the stairs
  453. <Maddox> "So, uh, the fire might have damaged the first floor of this building. It should be fine, but be careful."
  454. * Maddox enters his second gate, dropping into Ember's land, an open desert.
  455. * Carmen_Chapman gestures with her arm, bowing slightly to MaddoX's dad
  456. <Carmen_Chapman> "After u!"
  457. <ProcyonA> Ok so you emerge into the first section of ember's land at his house
  458. <Maddox> Primary Objective at this time: Ember's second gate.
  459. <Carmen_Chapman> "U waitin for somethin?"
  460. <ProcyonA> "I Dont know..."
  461. <ProcyonA> "I should go but maybe I am a liability."
  462. * Carmen_Chapman stands back up straight and puts her arms at her sides
  463. <Carmen_Chapman> "Hey"
  464. <Carmen_Chapman> "U know him better than me"
  465. <Carmen_Chapman> "But sometimes MaddoX can be like this"
  466. <Carmen_Chapman> "Bout whats most logical n efficient"
  467. <Carmen_Chapman> "Ur not a liability n dontchu let urself think that"
  468. <Carmen_Chapman> "Ur just not as good at fighting as the two of us"
  469. <Carmen_Chapman> "N u don't have super crazy magic weapon shit"
  470. <Carmen_Chapman> "Course a flaming magic chainsaw is gonna be better than a stick!"
  471. <Carmen_Chapman> "Ur just better at different stuff"
  472. <Carmen_Chapman> "U kept ur n MaddoX's house safe all that time!"
  473. <Carmen_Chapman> "U got me my computer!!!"
  474. <Carmen_Chapman> "ThanX for that btw I dunno how Id still be alive right now if I didnt have that"
  475. <ProcyonA> "Stikl the better stuff im good at are here"
  476. <ProcyonA> "Not in a desert world fighting things"
  477. <Carmen_Chapman> "U probs literally saved my life with that computer"
  478. <Carmen_Chapman> "Oh"
  479. <Carmen_Chapman> "Dude"
  480. <Carmen_Chapman> "Im not gonna go to a desert world"
  481. <Carmen_Chapman> "That sounds fuckin HOT"
  482. <Carmen_Chapman> "I promise u if MaddoX tries n stay there to fight or go somewhere Im gonna veto that shit so hard"
  483. <Carmen_Chapman> "Were gonna go to my place"
  484. <Carmen_Chapman> "Its on a grassy hill with some trees n theres a circus n a bunch of pretty flowers"
  485. <Carmen_Chapman> "Not hordes of fuckin monsters like here in this foggy place"
  486. <Carmen_Chapman> "I got stuff back there u can work on, a bunch of electronics n stuff like the turrets"
  487. <Carmen_Chapman> "Even got a big data server thingy of my dads in the basement u can try to get workin if u want"
  488. <Carmen_Chapman> "Theres gotta be a buncha useful shit on there but I cant touch it since my dad fuckin ran away or whatevers"
  489. <Carmen_Chapman> "If u really wanna stay here in this dark foggy pit Im not gonna stop u"
  490. <Carmen_Chapman> "But wouldnt it be nice to see some sun n go outside n have some cool projeX to work on?"
  491. <ProcyonA> HE meekly steps through after hering your speech
  492. * Carmen_Chapman follows through the portal
  493. <ProcyonA> alright where do you guys head to
  494. <ProcyonA> i assume the other peortal
  495. <Carmen_Chapman> "Fuck!"
  496. <Carmen_Chapman> "It is HOT!"
  497. <Maddox> "Yeah. Real hot here. Lets leave."
  498. * Maddox heads into Ember's house, and heads upstairs.
  499. * Carmen_Chapman pulls MaddoX's dad aside now that MaddoX has headed over
  500. <Maddox> The building is hot, as the AC unit has stopped functioning.
  501. <Carmen_Chapman> "Hey"
  502. <Carmen_Chapman> "I dunno if MaddoX tells u this kinda stuff or not"
  503. <Carmen_Chapman> "He kinda seems like the kind a dude that might not too often"
  504. <Carmen_Chapman> "But he really cares about u"
  505. <Carmen_Chapman> "When we kept goin places he was tellin me bout how cool he thinX u are"
  506. <Carmen_Chapman> "He was so worried when he hadnt seen u in a while"
  507. <Carmen_Chapman> "U saw his face when he saw u were still alive!"
  508. <Carmen_Chapman> "I just wantcha to know ur like the world to him"
  509. * Carmen_Chapman pats his shoulder a bit, smiling
  510. * Carmen_Chapman turns to follow MaddoX towards the house, waiting to see if MaddoX's dad follows
  511. <ProcyonA> He smiles as well but its more of an ebarrased kind of smile
  512. <ProcyonA> he does follow tpogh
  513. * Carmen_Chapman heads in to the house, stumbling a couple times from the sand
  514. <ProcyonA> His dad does as well
  515. <ProcyonA> doesnt seem very fleet footed
  516. <ProcyonA> Its just as you left ot
  517. <ProcyonA> you know minus the fire right
  518. * Maddox beckons them from the top of the stairs
  519. * Carmen_Chapman stops upon stepping through the door
  520. <Carmen_Chapman> "Its...."
  521. <ProcyonA> jay turns
  522. <Carmen_Chapman> "Just like on the computer"
  523. * Carmen_Chapman poXe her head around the corner to the hallway to see if the totem lathe is still where she dropped it in the bathroom
  524. <ProcyonA> Its just how you left it on the computer
  525. <Carmen_Chapman> "Haha.... I remember that."
  526. <Carmen_Chapman> "I...."
  527. <Carmen_Chapman> "I dont think I can hang around here"
  528. <Carmen_Chapman> "Im already feeling... not great."
  529. * Carmen_Chapman heads towards the stairs
  530. <Carmen_Chapman> "U heading to the gate, MaddoX?"
  531. <ProcyonA> Jay comforts you a bit
  532. <ProcyonA> Arm around shoulder etc.
  533. * Carmen_Chapman kind of jumps a bit at feeling Jay's arm
  534. * Carmen_Chapman accepts it, smiling to him before climbing the stairs to find MaddoX
  535. <Maddox> "Yeah. I don't think we have anything to do here anyway."
  536. <Carmen_Chapman> "U good to uhhh"
  537. <Carmen_Chapman> "Get outta here then?"
  538. <Maddox> "Yeah. I'd rather not think about what happened here."
  539. * Maddox continues to the second gate, hopping through it.
  540. * Carmen_Chapman gestures to Maddox's dad to follow them before hopping through herself
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