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- <Carmen_Chapman> "Nice job dude!!! Ur a badass with ur teleportin n zoomin round n shit!!!!"
- * Carmen_Chapman maXe a beaming grin towards MaddoX.
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Gotta get the lootz!"
- * Carmen_Chapman collects the grist and xP from their most recent fight--with MaddoX leveling up from level 10 to 11 and Carmen leveling up from level 9 to 10--then heads with MaddoX to the return node that Jay went through about 30 seconds earlier.
- <Maddox> "Thanks! You hit real hard though, and beating that thing alone would have been pretty hard!"
- * Carmen_Chapman stops next to the return node as they talk.
- <Carmen_Chapman> "S why we got teamwork!!! Ur really good at helpin people n not just stealin the spotlight urself!"
- * Carmen_Chapman frowns.
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Most peepsr not that nice! Maaaan u should see Adrian someti--"
- * Carmen_Chapman catches herself, stops talking and is suddenly very interested in looking at the ground.
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Sooooooo..... u wanna go back now?"
- <Maddox> "We probably should. My dad might be mad though."
- * Carmen_Chapman looX up.
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Mad??? Whyd he be mad? U saved his ass n showed him ur a badass!!!"
- * Carmen_Chapman furrows her eyebrows in perpleXion.
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Thats like a good thing hows he gonna be mad bout that?"
- <Maddox> "He didn't see that last bit, and we kinda threw him through the portal."
- * Maddox shrugs.
- <Maddox> "We kinda needed to, though."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Yeah! Glad u got him outta our way! U cant just do what peeps tell u to all the time."
- * Carmen_Chapman moves her arms in a sort of swimming motion.
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U gotta go against the flow!!! Just followin along is soooo mainstream. Specially when its ur dad. U gotta be ur own person! I knew u had some rebel in u!!! Im proud of ya!"
- <Maddox> "Ah. Well, okay then."
- * Maddox smiles a bit, or at least attempts to.
- <Maddox> "So, we could find some stuff to fight more, or we could go back. I don't think we can deal with that crazy medusa octopus yet though."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Fuck no!!!"
- * Carmen_Chapman looX a little frustrated, shaking her head vigorously.
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U got ur magic powers n shit but Im not gonna stand round on that beach just waitin to get turned to roX n tentacle groped!!!"
- * Carmen_Chapman sighs, shrugging.
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I dunno whats here sides crabs n bears."
- <Maddox> "I'm not sure there is anything. Even the other portal was pretty small in scale of contents. There were hidden areas in places though. Even still, it got scary very quickly."
- <Maddox> "This whole place is dead."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Thats p sad!!! We gotta do somethin bout it!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "What now?"
- <Maddox> "I guess we go through the portal here. Nothing else we really can do."
- * Carmen_Chapman shrugs.
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Whatevs. Good for me."
- * Carmen_Chapman steps through the return node, now about a minute or so after MaddoX's dad went through.
- * Maddox follows.
- <ProcyonA> carmen as soon as you go through, you get hit with a small rock
- <ProcyonA> after you hit the ground you realize it was maddo
- <ProcyonA> x's dad throwing rocks at where he came out of the portal
- <ProcyonA> maddox comes out next
- <ProcyonA> daddox is clearly relieved but also look pretty angry/worried
- <ProcyonA> he runs up and hugs maddox and then hugs carmen
- <ProcyonA> "oh youre back! Im so glad"
- <ProcyonA> once he releases, he starts to look more angry
- * Carmen_Chapman initially flinches in fear of more roX, but then relaXes when she sees who it is
- <ProcyonA> "Why did you do that!"
- * Carmen_Chapman is pretty confused when MaddoX's dad hugs her so she just kind of stands there
- * Carmen_Chapman maXe a :| face, deferring to MaddoX
- * Maddox accepts the hug, then replies, "You weren't thinking straight."
- <ProcyonA> he steps back, hurt a bit
- <ProcyonA> "Well maybe i was being over enthusiastic but at least a warning would have been nice"
- <Maddox> "I'm not sure what you did qualified as 'enthusiastic' ..."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "We couldnta really hung around n chatted bout it"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Case u didnt notice a fuckin rock monster was tryin to kill alluv us"
- <ProcyonA> he just does a " :/ " face
- <Maddox> "It wasn't even overly strong - there wasn't really a need to do the whole 'heroic sacrifice
- <Maddox> ' thing."
- <ProcyonA> He kind of mumbles "I was just trying to pull my weight"
- <Maddox> "Well, it gave us a lot of grist at least, which is good."
- * Carmen_Chapman shrugs
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I mean like"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "S cool that u got all these feelins bout us n protectin us... *some* dads gotta be the totes opposite of that n not give a shit bout anythin...."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "S hard but gotta let ur feelins power u n good ways n not just everythin. Gotta think bout other peeps n shit sometimes."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Fuck Im startin to sound like my dad now"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Never mind"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U guys get what Im sayin"
- * Maddox nods a little, turning to look back at his dad.
- <ProcyonA> hes standing there not saying anything
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Like emotions get me to aXually do shit"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Do a *lotta* shit I wouldnt do otherwise n thats sweet"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "But like"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "When Im just a big fuckin ball of emotions doing stuff Im p good at fuckin up"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "MaddoX knows that bout me already"
- <Maddox> "Well, it's kind of excusable when you're in as bad shape as you were that time..."
- <ProcyonA> "can we just move on
- * Carmen_Chapman avoids eye contact awkwardly
- <Maddox> "alright."
- <Carmen_Chapman> <Maddox> "Well, it's kind of excusable when you're in as bad shape as you were that time..."
- <Carmen_Chapman> <ProcyonA> "can we just move on
- <Carmen_Chapman> * Carmen_Chapman avoids eye contact awkwardly
- <Carmen_Chapman> <Maddox> "alright."
- <Carmen_Chapman> Thats what was last said in case you disconnected
- <ProcyonA> nope
- <ProcyonA> but guys maddox's dad is not goign to respond any more
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Sooooooo......"
- <Maddox> "Yeah. I'll be at the alchimeter."
- <Maddox> "I need to upgrade my axes."
- <Maddox> ((Going to use this opportunity to craft the T3 weapon we talked about.))
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Ooh!"
- <ProcyonDM> Cool
- * Carmen_Chapman follows, glad for an eXcuse to leave the awkward silence
- <Maddox> ((We got a cost for it? Probably something a little bit less than Carmen's T3 upgrade, given the die size difference.))
- <ProcyonDM> What was carmens weapons cost?
- <Carmen_Chapman> ((Carmen's T3 weapon was in the low hundreds T1, around 25 T2 and in the single digits T3))
- <Carmen_Chapman> ((I don't remember the build grist))
- <ProcyonDM> Alright
- <ProcyonDM> Ty
- <ProcyonDM> Well just say
- <ProcyonDM> 125 t1, 30 t2, 3 t3 and no build
- <Maddox> Alright.
- * Maddox enters his room, and goes through the process of crafting, crafting a set of Lightaxe && HeartBatt)
- <ProcyonDM> You succeed in that
- <ProcyonDM> Your dad walks into the room afterward and watched kind of
- <Maddox> Having just completed the Hearxesabers, Maddox turns one on to test it.
- <Maddox> The blade is more rounded, and pulses with his heartbeat. It looks more solid than his previous weapons.
- * Maddox smiles
- <Maddox> "Got it."
- <ProcyonDM> ((The room with the machines is the living room right))
- <Maddox> ((It's all split up. The house is small on the first floor))
- <Maddox> "Well, we have to figure out what now."
- <ProcyonDM> "Let's not go back there"
- * Carmen_Chapman nods
- <ProcyonDM> Your dad goes to the fridge and there logsprite is, flashing and glowing in the freezer section
- <ProcyonDM> "Ah! Oh it's this thing"
- <ProcyonDM> "Maddox..?"
- <ProcyonDM> "What is this"
- <Maddox> "Uh, I'm not sure. It was a thing I threw a log in when all this crap started."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U threw a log in?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Bet its caused u a fuckin lot less trouble for u then mine has!!!"
- <Maddox> "I haven't really noticed. I mean, I guess some of the first monsters were wooden."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Mines just gone round messin with all the monsters near my house n makin them h-- go kinda crazy n shit"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Its so flashy n annoying!!!"
- <Maddox> "Oh. Wow."
- <Maddox> "Yeah, I didn't know this thing was still around, honestly."
- <ProcyonDM> "Oh. Well shoo"
- <ProcyonDM> He bats at it with a fork he was using and it transforms
- <Carmen_Chapman> ((lol))
- <Maddox> ((lol. So useful.))
- <ProcyonDM> ((Just railroading a bit lol))
- <ProcyonDM> Your dad jumps back in awe
- <ProcyonDM> "My fork"
- <Maddox> "Yeah... Well, a fork probably isn't too bad for the enemies to have."
- <Maddox> ((Maddox doesn't know it's only pre-med protos :P ))
- <Carmen_Chapman> "The fuck just happened????"
- <Maddox> "I guess the orb took another thing?"
- <Maddox> "But it's not really an orb anymore. Weird."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Why are these shitty things even here?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Theyre just flashy n annoying"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Are they just tryin to make this game harder or somethin? Flashy wooden forX are kinda a lame way to make shit harder!"
- <Maddox> "I dunno. It's not like the game came with a manual or anything."
- * Carmen_Chapman laughs a bit
- * Maddox makes a :/ face
- <ProcyonDM> The fork speaks
- <ProcyonDM> "I am the manual"
- * Maddox 's mouth involuntarily opens, and he takes a step backwards.
- <ProcyonDM> Your dad does something similar
- <Maddox> "...what?"
- <ProcyonDM> "I am your Sprite."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Uhhhhh"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Am I goin crazy here? U guys hearin this too???"
- <Maddox> "Yeah, I'm hearing it."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Geeeeeeez"
- <Maddox> "Sprite?"
- * Carmen_Chapman sits down in a chair with a heavy eXhale
- * Maddox thinks for a bit.
- <Maddox> "I think Orea might have mentioned something once about something from the game talking."
- <ProcyonA> "Yes thats me"
- <Maddox> "Huh. Why were you hiding in the freezer then?"
- * Carmen_Chapman turns back to the conversation
- <ProcyonA> "I can not pass through the lead of your 1940s era refrigerator/freezer"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "N why didntchu say anythin to MaddoX before???"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "We coulda used the help!"
- <ProcyonA> "I am unable to speak until second prototyping"
- <ProcyonA> "which was forgotten due to dm inconsistency"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "The fuck u talkin bout???"
- <Maddox> ((We meta now boyz))
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Thats a lotta words"
- <Maddox> "Huh. Well, alright then."
- <Maddox> "So, you're the manual? Any idea what's going on then?"
- <ProcyonA> "Yes I do have an idea."
- <ProcyonA> [awkward pause]
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Soooooooo...."
- <ProcyonA> "Would you like to heat it"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U gonna tell us then?"
- * Maddox looks at the wooden forkish floating thing expectantly.
- <ProcyonA> "Yes I am"
- <ProcyonA> "Youre in s b u r b"
- <Maddox> "Yup. Game sure had that on the title screen."
- <ProcyonA> "Currently you are on the land of fog and steel"
- <Maddox> "Interesting. What does that mean?"
- <ProcyonA> "It means that there will be steel and fog elements in your land."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Wow"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "So helpful"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "We totes havent seen a ton of steel n fog everywhere"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "ThanX for the heads up!"
- * Maddox whispers to Carmen, "Must have not put a lot of effort into the manual. :/ "
- * Carmen_Chapman shrugs
- <ProcyonA> "Would you like guidance?"
- <Maddox> "Guidance? To where?"
- <ProcyonA> "Towards the end of this game"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Like"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "We dont even fuckin know what the end of this game even is dude"
- <Maddox> "I didn't think there was an end."
- <ProcyonA> "There is."
- <Maddox> "Just a giant unending deathtrap."
- <ProcyonA> "Press 1 for more information"
- * Maddox squints in annoyance, lifts up one finger with his left hand, and then "pushes" it with his right.
- <ProcyonA> "The end of this game is a door to another universe where you and your living coplayers will live and rule as gods"
- * Carmen_Chapman snorts in laughter
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Yeah right!!!!"
- * Carmen_Chapman laughs
- * Maddox gives the sprite a "really?" look
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Thats a good one!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U almost got me with that one!"
- <Maddox> "And Gods over what? The nobody that is still alive?"
- <ProcyonA> "The new universe will be fully populated"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "The fuck u talkin bout?"
- <ProcyonA> "I assure you it is real"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Ha!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "As fuckin real as this shitty alternate dimension video game stuff"
- * Maddox turns to Carmen again
- <Carmen_Chapman> "With fuckin monsters appearin outta nowhere"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Crazy magic shit"
- <Maddox> "To be fair, that's been kinda real."
- <ProcyonA> "This is indeed real"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "So......"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "The peeps on earth gotta die all fast in fire n Xplosions n were trapped here takin the long n painful death?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Pickin us off one by one?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I think ur just tryin to make us feel better"
- <ProcyonA> "If you succeed you will be infinitely powerful in your reward universe"
- <ProcyonA> "I Have no motivation to increase your morale"
- * Carmen_Chapman squints suspiciously
- <Carmen_Chapman> "But ur a parta all this shit"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Ur some crazy magic shit in this game too!"
- <ProcyonA> "True."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Howm I sposed to know ur not tryin to kill us just like every fuckin thing else?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Im sick n tired of this shitty game"
- <Maddox> "Same."
- <Maddox> "But stupid endgame goals aside. What did you offer to tell us?"
- <ProcyonA> "Your purpose in this land"
- <Maddox> "And that is..."
- * Carmen_Chapman becomes silent, crossing her arms with a sigh of annoyance and just listening
- <ProcyonA> "You must slay the fog giant that is trapping the fog in the lower areas and stunting the growth of the land.
- <Maddox> "A fog giant."
- <Maddox> "Well, we have faced giant rocks I guess."
- <Maddox> "So nothing out of line there."
- <Maddox> "Where is it? How big is it?"
- <ProcyonA> "It is in the deepest level of the city and is approx. 12'7"
- <ProcyonA> 12 foot 7
- <Maddox> "Not too bad then."
- <Maddox> "But getting there is going to be a pain."
- <Maddox> "I vote no."
- <ProcyonA> "It is your quest in this land. YOu do not simply say "no""
- <Carmen_Chapman> "MaddoX can say whatever the fuck he wants"
- <Maddox> "Yeah. There's literally a portal to another planet a few staircases up."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "P sure my planets a whole fuckin lot more fun"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "No fog giants or rock crabs tryin to eat u"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "MaddoX can just say no n chill out somewhere else"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "This fork thingy just wants to try n kill u MaddoX just like everythin else"
- <Maddox> "Yeah, probably. It's also really bad at it. I mean, it already tried to inform the monsters on the thing thrown into it, and now it fabricates an objective in what is litterally the most dangerous place I have ever seen."
- <ProcyonA> "Warning: you will be continually attacked until your death if you do not escape"
- <Maddox> "Are you threatening to kill us now?"
- <ProcyonA> "I am simply warning you about the forces attempting to kill you already"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "K say I dont aXually think ur just a sleazy fork thing tryin to get us killed"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "How the fuck are we sposed to kill that giant thing???"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Everythin in this land is fightin stuff n more fightin stuff"
- <Maddox> "Twelve feet isn't that bad. Remember the city monster I told you about? Multiple stories tall?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Were fuckin wimps compared to all that shit!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Its fuckin made of fog or somethin"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Idk theres gotta be a catch"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Theres always a fuckin catch"
- <Maddox> "Yeah, you're probably right."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Whys this giant thing down there anyways?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Hows a bit a fog screw over a whole planet?"
- <ProcyonA> "No catch"
- <ProcyonA> "Reduction of sun contact killed plants"
- <Maddox> "That would do it."
- <Maddox> "So, anything else other than this fog giant?"
- <ProcyonA> "Not until afterwards"
- <Maddox> "Great."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Hey"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "What bout me?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "What bout MaddoXs dad?"
- <ProcyonA> "your land also has a quest"
- * Carmen_Chapman maXe a puzzled Xpression
- <Carmen_Chapman> "What is it?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "That curse thingy????"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "We totes got that solved"
- <ProcyonA> "Jay is currently not a part of sburb."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "The fuck???"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Course he is!"
- <ProcyonA> "he is not a player."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Hes right here n the fuckin middle of it with us"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U sayin hes not real???"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "S my dad not real either????"
- * Maddox looks concerned at this development
- <ProcyonA> "Both of your fathers are real, however they are not integral parts of sburb."
- <Maddox> "That's dumb."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I dont believe u"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "K my dads useless since hes gone"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "But MaddoXs dad isnt!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Hes been all like fightin monsters n keeping this house safe for like a week or somethin!!!"
- <ProcyonA> "thanks" says jay
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Hes not not less important than Adrian"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Than Ember!!!!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Theyre dead now!"
- <ProcyonA> "Perhaps, but he is not a player."
- <ProcyonA> "By sburb definitions, he is a guardian."
- <Maddox> "Who are the 'players' then?"
- <ProcyonA> "Maddox, Carmen, Adrian, Ember, Orea, Estval, Moibus, Frederick, and Mirkan"
- <Maddox> "Hm... Do, you know which of those are still alive?"
- <ProcyonDM> "Information restricted."
- <Maddox> "Wonderful."
- <Maddox> "So we have a vague goal to make a universe, We only have maybe eight people to do it, and everything is trying to kill us?"
- <ProcyonDM> "Consorts, guardians, prospitians, and agents do not try to kill you by default."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Whats consorts n agents???"
- <ProcyonDM> "Consorts: peaceful citizens of lands. Example: Bears."
- <ProcyonDM> "Agents: rogue operatives of the kingdoms. Could be beneficial or an enemy."
- <Maddox> "Kingdoms? Do you mean like the dream places, or the planets?"
- <ProcyonDM> "Dream places"
- <Maddox> "...are those real places, or just shared hallucinations?"
- <ProcyonDM> "They are as real as I am."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Sooooooo....."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Real?"
- <ProcyonDM> "..."
- <ProcyonDM> "Yes."
- <Maddox> "So... there are two of us currently in existance right now?... That's so weird."
- <ProcyonDM> "Yes there are two of each of you."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "The other one can fly!!!!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "How come I cant fly????"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Thatd be soooo sweet!"
- <ProcyonA> "Flight and your other abilities are products of the ethereal nature of your bodies."
- * Carmen_Chapman frowns in confusion
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I dunno if that maXe sense but whatevs"
- <ProcyonA> "It does."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "...."
- * Maddox stares into space a bit, before snapping out. "It really doesn't."
- <ProcyonA> "It does, you do not have the prior knowlege to allow you to comprehend it."
- <Maddox> "Fine. In any case, anything helpful to add? We're kind of stuck."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Like... what are we sposed to be doin?"
- <ProcyonA> It hums like a motor inside it is whirring.
- <Carmen_Chapman> "We cant just like go kill a fuckin fog giant boss monster thing now"
- <ProcyonA> "Sburb HUDs updated."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Whaaa???"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Whats that sposed to mean?"
- <ProcyonA> inside of your huds
- * Maddox glances around, still not seeing a HUD, finally, he pulls out his laptop and checks.
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U mean a hud like in video games n shit?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Or s a hub some more weird SBURB shit?"
- <ProcyonA> Ok what i typed is what Maddox finds
- <Maddox> "It's in here."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Huh?"
- * Carmen_Chapman Carmen looX over then comes over to the computer screen to look
- * Maddox turns his laptop so Carmen can see.
- <ProcyonA> all the ones with brackets have been checked
- <Maddox> "So we haven't explored?"
- <Maddox> "But we've been through a few portals."
- <ProcyonA> "not fully"
- <Maddox> "And what is a Denizen?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "We got a fuckin pile of planets dude"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Whole fuckin planets"
- <ProcyonA> "The Denizen is the second to final boss."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Oooooh"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "So the fog giant thingys the final boss???"
- <ProcyonA> "That is not the denizen."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Oh."
- <ProcyonA> "That is simply a side quest."
- <Maddox> "Side quest."
- <Maddox> "...Just how strong are these things?!"
- <ProcyonA> "They are worthy of being side bosses."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "So we just gotta Xplore now?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Back to that city thingy u talked bout MaddoX?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Were kinda stuck here at ur house if we dont take the portals"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Or maybe a different planet???"
- <Maddox> "Yeah. Um, lets not go back to the city."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I dunno"
- <ProcyonA> "The city may be essential to your quest."
- <Maddox> "There are more quests, right? We can just go do another one."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U said the fog giant thingys in the city right?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "At the bottom or somethin?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Why dontchu wanna go back to the city MaddoX?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "It sounds cool!"
- <ProcyonA> "THey are at the bottom, yes."
- <Maddox> "The big monster there was too big to handle."
- <Maddox> "And all the bears there... "
- <Maddox> "yeah. no."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Thats lame!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "What else do u wanna do then???"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Sit round here all day?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U dont have enough grist to build all the way up more"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Im not getting tentacle groped by that friggin octomonster thingy so were not goin there"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Cant swim with a chainsaw anyways"
- <Maddox> "We could go to another planet. Like yours."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I always down for more hoppin circus n pioneering shit!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Butchu gotta go back to the city sometime dude!"
- <ProcyonA> "You must face these challenges at some point
- * Maddox remains silent, but sort of half nods
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Im up for whatevs s long s its adventurin somewhere"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Where dya wanna go neXt?"
- <Maddox> "Portal two. Then we can Portal two to yours."
- * Maddox turns to the wooden fork.
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Okie"
- <Maddox> "You just going to sit here so we can find you again, or you going to hide more?"
- <ProcyonA> "I will sit if you want."
- <Maddox> "Alright then."
- * Maddox turns to his dad
- <Maddox> "So, uh, I, don't think you should come with us."
- * Carmen_Chapman stops talking and steps off to the side
- <ProcyonA> Hes been quiet this entire conversation but he suddenly becomes very red.
- <ProcyonA> "I'm a liability then?"
- <Maddox> "I think so. You haven't been keeping up at the gym. There's food here, you just gotta use the machines to make more of it."
- <ProcyonA> "Ok..."
- <ProcyonA> He is resigned.
- <Maddox> "Carmen, you ready to go?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Ummmm"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Would it be so bad if he came with us?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I mean"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Like to my house"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I dunno"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Kinda seems like being stuck in this foggy place all by urself kinda suX"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Least my house s got light n grass n shit"
- <Maddox> "Yeah, that's fair."
- <Maddox> "This place is garbage."
- <ProcyonA> "Its fine..."
- <ProcyonA> "I dont mind hiding out."
- <Maddox> "There are better places to hide though."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "S too bad the turrets at my place are busted"
- * Maddox nods
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Then itd be a lot safer!!!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Waaaaait"
- * Carmen_Chapman turns to MaddoX's dad
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Ur good with electroniX n shit right?"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "MaddoXs told me bout the cool stuff u do!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Maybe u could work on fixin em?"
- * Maddox looks at his dad
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I dunno how hard itd be, but I got nothin in skillz with shit like that"
- <ProcyonA> "yeah, I'kll work on it."
- <ProcyonA> He seem sinterested but not enthusiastic.
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I never thought Id say this but I kinda miss em"
- * Maddox thinks to himself, *I hope he's alright.*
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Now that were here n aXually got somethin to use em for"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "They always kinda freaked me out...."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "But now we can have em back!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Duuuude we can make like a sweet fort or somethin!!!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "All my dads fuckin paranoid bullshit maybes kinda handy"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Uuuugh"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Anywaysies"
- <Maddox> "If a turret could be found working, copies could be made!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "ThanX dude itll be awesome havin those workin again!!!"
- * Carmen_Chapman holds her hand up to MaddoX's dad for a fistbump
- <ProcyonA> He bimps it
- <ProcyonA> but he clearly doesnt like it
- <ProcyonA> "Ill get working. "
- <ProcyonA> "you kids be safe."
- <Maddox> "Uh, alright. This way."
- * Maddox heads for the second gate.
- * Carmen_Chapman follows MaddoX up the stairs
- <Maddox> "So, uh, the fire might have damaged the first floor of this building. It should be fine, but be careful."
- * Maddox enters his second gate, dropping into Ember's land, an open desert.
- * Carmen_Chapman gestures with her arm, bowing slightly to MaddoX's dad
- <Carmen_Chapman> "After u!"
- <ProcyonA> Ok so you emerge into the first section of ember's land at his house
- <Maddox> Primary Objective at this time: Ember's second gate.
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U waitin for somethin?"
- <ProcyonA> "I Dont know..."
- <ProcyonA> "I should go but maybe I am a liability."
- * Carmen_Chapman stands back up straight and puts her arms at her sides
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Hey"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U know him better than me"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "But sometimes MaddoX can be like this"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Bout whats most logical n efficient"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Ur not a liability n dontchu let urself think that"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Ur just not as good at fighting as the two of us"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "N u don't have super crazy magic weapon shit"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Course a flaming magic chainsaw is gonna be better than a stick!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Ur just better at different stuff"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U kept ur n MaddoX's house safe all that time!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U got me my computer!!!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "ThanX for that btw I dunno how Id still be alive right now if I didnt have that"
- <ProcyonA> "Stikl the better stuff im good at are here"
- <ProcyonA> "Not in a desert world fighting things"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U probs literally saved my life with that computer"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Oh"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Dude"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Im not gonna go to a desert world"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "That sounds fuckin HOT"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I promise u if MaddoX tries n stay there to fight or go somewhere Im gonna veto that shit so hard"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Were gonna go to my place"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Its on a grassy hill with some trees n theres a circus n a bunch of pretty flowers"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Not hordes of fuckin monsters like here in this foggy place"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I got stuff back there u can work on, a bunch of electronics n stuff like the turrets"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Even got a big data server thingy of my dads in the basement u can try to get workin if u want"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Theres gotta be a buncha useful shit on there but I cant touch it since my dad fuckin ran away or whatevers"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "If u really wanna stay here in this dark foggy pit Im not gonna stop u"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "But wouldnt it be nice to see some sun n go outside n have some cool projeX to work on?"
- <ProcyonA> HE meekly steps through after hering your speech
- * Carmen_Chapman follows through the portal
- <ProcyonA> alright where do you guys head to
- <ProcyonA> i assume the other peortal
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Fuck!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "It is HOT!"
- <Maddox> "Yeah. Real hot here. Lets leave."
- * Maddox heads into Ember's house, and heads upstairs.
- * Carmen_Chapman pulls MaddoX's dad aside now that MaddoX has headed over
- <Maddox> The building is hot, as the AC unit has stopped functioning.
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Hey"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I dunno if MaddoX tells u this kinda stuff or not"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "He kinda seems like the kind a dude that might not too often"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "But he really cares about u"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "When we kept goin places he was tellin me bout how cool he thinX u are"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "He was so worried when he hadnt seen u in a while"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U saw his face when he saw u were still alive!"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I just wantcha to know ur like the world to him"
- * Carmen_Chapman pats his shoulder a bit, smiling
- * Carmen_Chapman turns to follow MaddoX towards the house, waiting to see if MaddoX's dad follows
- <ProcyonA> He smiles as well but its more of an ebarrased kind of smile
- <ProcyonA> he does follow tpogh
- * Carmen_Chapman heads in to the house, stumbling a couple times from the sand
- <ProcyonA> His dad does as well
- <ProcyonA> doesnt seem very fleet footed
- <ProcyonA> Its just as you left ot
- <ProcyonA> you know minus the fire right
- * Maddox beckons them from the top of the stairs
- * Carmen_Chapman stops upon stepping through the door
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Its...."
- <ProcyonA> jay turns
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Just like on the computer"
- * Carmen_Chapman poXe her head around the corner to the hallway to see if the totem lathe is still where she dropped it in the bathroom
- <ProcyonA> Its just how you left it on the computer
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Haha.... I remember that."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I...."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "I dont think I can hang around here"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Im already feeling... not great."
- * Carmen_Chapman heads towards the stairs
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U heading to the gate, MaddoX?"
- <ProcyonA> Jay comforts you a bit
- <ProcyonA> Arm around shoulder etc.
- * Carmen_Chapman kind of jumps a bit at feeling Jay's arm
- * Carmen_Chapman accepts it, smiling to him before climbing the stairs to find MaddoX
- <Maddox> "Yeah. I don't think we have anything to do here anyway."
- <Carmen_Chapman> "U good to uhhh"
- <Carmen_Chapman> "Get outta here then?"
- <Maddox> "Yeah. I'd rather not think about what happened here."
- * Maddox continues to the second gate, hopping through it.
- * Carmen_Chapman gestures to Maddox's dad to follow them before hopping through herself
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