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a guest
Nov 22nd, 2017
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  1. Display the problem, stored in the parameter prob_spec in the IDLE shell
  3. Grab the answer and strip the answer of whitespace to make processing easier
  5. Compare the user’s solution to the correct one (stored in the parameter prob_sol)
  7. If they got it right, tell them a happy message and return True
  9. Otherwise tell them to try again and the number of tries they have left
  11. If the number of tries exceeds the max_attempts then tell them they are out of tries AND what the actual answer was, and return False
  13. from random import randint
  15. def parse_line( prob_info ):
  16. list1 = []
  17. prob_info.find("<problem>")
  18. prob_info.find("<answer>")
  19. list1.append("<problem>")
  20. list1.append("<answer>")
  21. return list1
  23. def read_file():
  24. index1 = input("What is the name of the file containing your practice problems: ")
  25. testfile = (index1, "r")
  26. for line in testfile:
  27. parse_line("probs.txt")
  28. list_of_probs = []
  29. list_of_probs.append(list1)
  30. return list_of_probs
  32. def incorrect_feedback(list_of_msg):
  33. pos = randint(0, len(list_of_msg)- 1)
  34. return
  36. def test_student(incorrect_msg, max_attempts, prob_spec, prob_sol):
  37. num_of_attempts = 0
  38. print(prob_spec)
  39. index2 = input("Your answer: ")
  40. sol.strip()
  41. if sol == prob_sol:
  42. print("Great job!")
  43. return True
  44. else:
  45. print(message, "You have", max_attempts - 1, "tries left.")
  46. if max_attempts == 0:
  47. print("Out of tries for this one - moving on. The answer was", prob_sol)
  48. return False
  50. index = input("What is your name? ")
  51. print("Welcome", index, "to the math cognition tutor. You will practice some standard problems.")
  52. index3 = int(input("How many attempts do you want to give yourself per question? "))
  53. num_passed = 0
  54. read_file()
  55. for ele in list_of_probs:
  56. test_student(incorrect_msg, max_attempts, prob_spec, prob_sol)
  57. if test_student == True:
  58. num_passed = num_passed + 1
  59. print("Considering your final solutions, you got", num_passed, "problems correct out of 3")
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