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a guest
Dec 15th, 2017
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  1. config:
  2. cost:
  3. create:
  4. normal: 264:0-64:diamenty;322:0-64:refy;47:0-64:biblioteczki;20:0-64:szklo;46:0-64:tnt;18:0-64:liscie;368:0-16:perly;145:0-32:kowadla;170:0-16:siano;
  5. vip: 264:0-32:diamenty;322:0-32:refy;47:0-32:biblioteczki;20:0-32:szklo;46:0-32:tnt;18:0-32:liscie;368:0-8:perly;145:0-16:kowadla;170:0-8:siano
  6. svip: 264:0-32:diamenty;322:0-32:refy;47:0-32:biblioteczki;20:0-32:szklo;46:0-32:tnt;18:0-32:liscie;368:0-8:perly;145:0-16:kowadla;170:0-8:siano
  7. join:
  8. normal: 264:0-32:diamenty;
  9. leader:
  10. normal: 264:0-32:diamenty;
  11. owner:
  12. normal: 264:0-22:diamenty;
  13. enlarge:
  14. normal: 264:0-24:diamenty;
  15. prolong:
  16. normal: 264:0-64:diamenty;
  17. cuboid:
  18. size:
  19. start: 24
  20. max: 74
  21. add: 1
  22. between: 20
  23. spawn:
  24. distance: 400
  25. life:
  26. start: 3
  27. cooldown: 24
  28. prolong:
  29. start: 7
  30. max: 1
  31. add: 7
  32. database:
  33. mode: mysql
  34. tableprefix: core_
  35. mysql:
  36. host: localhost
  37. port: 3306
  38. user: root
  39. pass: Myszkamiki12345
  40. name: core
  41. sqlite:
  42. name: minecraft.db
  43. slot: 500
  44. chat:
  45. slowmode: 10
  46. format:
  47. global: '&8[{LVL}] {GUILD}{PREFIX}{PLAYER}&8: &f{SUFFIX}{MESSAGE}'
  48. admin: '{PREFIX}{PLAYER}&8: &c{SUFFIX}{MESSAGE}'
  49. guild: '&8[&2{TAG}&8]}'
  50. tag:
  51. format: '&8[{COLOR}{TAG}&8] {COLOR}'
  52. color:
  53. noguild: '&r'
  54. friend: '&a'
  55. enemy: '&c'
  56. alliance: '&6'
  57. tnt:
  58. cuboid:
  59. protection:
  60. enabled: true
  61. howhour: 24
  62. explodetime: 120
  63. border:
  64. world:
  65. radius: 2500
  66. netherworld:
  67. radius: 350
  68. combatmanager:
  69. combats: 30
  70. bossbar: '&4&lANTY-LOGOUT'
  71. createmsg: '&4Jestes podczas walki! Nie mozesz sie wylogowac przez {TIME} sec.'
  72. endmsg: '&aSkonczyles walczyc! Mozesz sie bezpiecznie wylogowac!'
  73. blocked:
  74. cmd:
  75. incombat:
  76. - spawn
  77. - home
  78. - sethome
  79. - tpa
  80. - tpaccept
  81. - tpdeny
  82. - repair
  83. - schowek
  84. - crafting
  85. - enderchest
  86. - gildia dom
  87. - g dom
  88. - schowek
  89. inguild:
  90. - spawn
  91. - home
  92. - sethome
  93. - tpa
  94. - tpaccept
  95. - tpdeny
  96. - repair
  97. - schowek
  98. - crafting
  99. - enderchest
  100. - gildia dom
  101. - g dom
  102. - schowek
  103. built:
  104. incombat: true
  105. linia:
  106. size:
  107. world: 100
  108. limit:
  109. pearl: 3
  110. refile: 12
  111. kox: 4
  112. ss:
  113. x: 0.5
  114. y: 60.0
  115. z: 0.5
  116. lvl: 3
  117. turbo:
  118. drop: 0
  119. exp: 0
  120. enable:
  121. kit: true
  122. create: true
  123. nether: false
  124. diamond:
  125. create:
  126. time: 22
  127. automsg: []
  128. ip: WWW.TRAPHARD.PL
  129. ts3: TS.TRAPHARD.PL
  130. wl:
  131. enable: true
  132. list:
  133. - Motereq
  134. - matroxPlayGames
  135. reason: " &8&m-----------------------\n &8» &6&lSTART SERWERA 15.12.2017 r. \n\
  136. \ &8» &2&lGodzina &7&l18.00 \n &8» &c&lZapraszamy \n &8&m-----------------------"
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