

Apr 25th, 2020
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  1. Every 1 second in "world":
  2. loop all players:
  3. if {サイドバー.%loop-player%} is true:
  4. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  5. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&l%loop-player%'s status"
  6. set score "&7&lkill: %{KILL::%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 13
  7. set score "&7&ldeath: %{DEATH::%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 12
  8. set score "&7&lPoint: %{POINT::%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 11
  9. set score "&7---===:&eお知らせ&7:===---" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  10. if {お知らせon} is true:
  11. set score "&6%{お知らせ}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  12. if {お知らせon2} is true:
  13. set score "&6%{お知らせ2}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  14. if {お知らせon3} is true:
  15. set score "&6%{お知らせ3}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  16. if {お知らせon4} is true:
  17. set score "&6%{お知らせ4}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  18. if {お知らせon5} is true:
  19. set score "&6%{お知らせ5}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  21. command /osion <number> <boolean>:
  22. permission: admin
  23. trigger:
  24. if arg-1 is 1:
  25. if arg-2 is true:
  26. set {お知らせon} to true
  27. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l] &aお知らせ1を有効化しました" to player
  28. if arg-2 is false:
  29. set {お知らせon} to false
  30. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l] &aお知らせ1を無効化しました" to player
  31. if arg-1 is 2:
  32. if arg-2 is true:
  33. set {お知らせon2} to true
  34. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l] &aお知らせ2を有効化しました" to player
  35. if arg-2 is false:
  36. set {お知らせon2} to false
  37. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l] &aお知らせ2を無効化しました" to player
  38. if arg-1 is 3:
  39. if arg-2 is true:
  40. set {お知らせon3} to true
  41. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l]&a お知らせ3を有効化しました" to player
  42. if arg-2 is false:
  43. set {お知らせon3} to false
  44. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l]&a お知らせ3を無効化しました" to player
  45. if arg-1 is 4:
  46. if arg-2 is true:
  47. set {お知らせon4} to true
  48. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l] &aお知らせ4を有効化しました" to player
  49. if arg-2 is false:
  50. set {お知らせon4} to false
  51. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l] &aお知らせ4を無効化しました" to player
  52. if arg-1 is 5:
  53. if arg-2 is true:
  54. set {お知らせon5} to true
  55. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l] &aお知らせ5を有効化しました" to player
  56. if arg-2 is false:
  57. set {お知らせon5} to false
  58. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l] &aお知らせ5を無効化しました" to player
  60. command /osireset <number>:
  61. permission: admin
  62. trigger:
  63. if arg-1 is 1:
  64. clear {お知らせ}
  65. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l] &cお知らせ1を削除しました" to player
  66. if arg-1 is 2:
  67. clear {お知らせ2}
  68. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l] &cお知らせ2を削除しました" to player
  69. if arg-1 is 3:
  70. clear {お知らせ3}
  71. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l] &cお知らせ3を削除しました" to player
  72. if arg-1 is 4:
  73. clear {お知らせ4}
  74. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l] &cお知らせ4を削除しました" to player
  75. if arg-1 is 5:
  76. clear {お知らせ5}
  77. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l] &cお知らせ5を削除しました" to player
  79. command /osirase:
  80. trigger:
  81. if {サイドバー.%player%} is false:
  82. set {サイドバー.%player%} to true
  83. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l] &aサイドバーを有効化しました"
  84. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1"
  85. stop
  86. if {サイドバー.%player%} is true:
  87. set {サイドバー.%player%} to false
  88. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l] &aサイドバーを無効化しました"
  89. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 0"
  90. delete player sidebar
  91. stop
  92. else if {サイドバー.%player%} is not set:
  93. set {サイドバー.%player%} to true
  94. send "&e&l[&bServer&e&l] &aサイドバーを有効化しました"
  95. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player ambient @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1"
  96. stop
  98. command /osiset <number> <text>:
  99. permission: admin
  100. trigger:
  101. if arg-1 is 1:
  102. set {お知らせ} to arg-2
  103. if arg-1 is 2:
  104. set {お知らせ2} to arg-2
  105. if arg-1 is 3:
  106. set {お知らせ3} to arg-2
  107. if arg-1 is 4:
  108. set {お知らせ4} to arg-2
  109. if arg-1 is 5:
  110. set {お知らせ5} to arg-2
  112. command /reset:
  113. permission: admin
  114. trigger:
  115. set {KILL::%player%} to 0
  116. set {DEATH::%player%} to 0
  117. set {POINT::%player%} to 0
  119. command /steset <number> <number>:
  120. permission: admin
  121. trigger:
  122. if arg-1 is 1:
  123. set {KILL::%player%} to arg-2
  124. if arg-1 is 2:
  125. set {DEATH::%player%} to arg-2
  126. if arg-1 is 3:
  127. set {POINT::%player%} to arg-2
  129. command /info <player>:
  130. trigger:
  131. send "&7---===:&e%arg%'s status&7:===---"
  132. send "&7&lKILL: %{KILL::%arg%}%"
  133. send "&7&lDEATH: %{DEATH::%arg%}%"
  134. send "&7&lPOINT: %{POINT::%arg%}%"
  135. send "&7---===:&e%arg%'s status&7:===---"
  137. on death of player:
  138. if victim is player:
  139. add 300 * {bai} to {POINT::%attacker%}
  141. command /bairitu <number>:
  142. trigger:
  143. set {bai} to arg-1
  144. send "&e&l[&bserver&e&l] &aKILL報酬倍率を%{bai}%にしました"
  146. on death of player:
  147. add 1 to {DEATH::%victim%}
  149. on death of player:
  150. if victim is player:
  151. add 1 to {KILL::%attacker%}
  153. on first join:
  154. set {KILL::%player%} to 0
  155. set {DEATH::%player%} to 0
  156. set {POINT::%player%} to 0
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