
Anon, the Wandering God. [Ch1]

Jul 25th, 2016
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  1. >Be Meili, God of travelers
  2. >Or at least that name used to mean something
  3. >Nobody offers any sacrifice nor prayer to you anymore, but you still do your job when you can
  4. >From upon the cloud you rest on, you're accompanying a hiker braving the wilderness of Norway
  5. >He had come upon a river he couldn't pass and had thrown his hands up and asked (although with a pretty pissy tone) for help from above
  6. >The look upon his face when you made that tree fall over and gave him a bridge
  7. >You kept him safe throughout the trip and made sure he only faced dangers he could overcome
  8. >Never make it so hard that they give up, nor so easy that they don't feel accomplished after overcoming the challenge
  9. >A journey should always bring growth and wisdom
  11. >After he had reached his destination, he decided to hitch a ride back to town with a trucker
  12. >He wouldn't need your help now and you left him with a small blessing of luck for his journey home
  13. >Returning to Asgard, you strolled into Valhalla, the halls of your father and took a seat by his side by a grand table
  14. >Old one-eye barely looked at you before he spoke
  15. >"You're looking morose, boy. What bothers you?"
  16. >He was right, of course
  17. "I'm bored, Father. Midgard has forgotten us and the warriors life here in Valhalla bores me."
  18. >Odin's chuckle echoes across the room
  19. >"Then perhaps you should take some time to yourself."
  20. >He turns to you, places a hand on your shoulder.
  21. "Perhaps the god of wanderers should make his own journey."
  22. >That... had never occurred to you.
  23. "But where? - I have seen all of the nine realms, surely nowhere I go could offer me an exciting journey."
  24. >"Then go beyond. There are more worlds than the nine. Though they are beyond our might and other gods rule there."
  25. >Really? That's news to you. You knew of other gods, Midgard itself had thousands of gods, but other worlds?
  28. "But what about my powers? Will they still work outside our realms?"
  29. >He strokes his beard and shrugs
  30. >"You are a god, Meili, that cannot be changed. Whether you will be as strong as you are within the nine realms however, that I do not know."
  31. >So you will still have powers, but they might weaken? - That's not too bad, all things considered, plus, the thought of a dangerous and challenging trip excites you.
  32. "Then it is decided, I shall seek out these strange worlds and return with stories to tell."
  33. >Haha! No longer will Thor be the only one with worthwhile tales to tell at the feast.
  34. >"I will look forward to hear of your adventures, my son."
  35. >He stood up and handed you a horn of mead.
  36. >"Let us drink tonight, for I will miss you greatly!"
  37. >You got seriously fucked up that night.
  38. >You might have punched Thor in the head and set the entirety of Valhalla into a brawl.
  39. >Not a bad way to start your journey.
  41. >Drunk out of your mind, you stagger across the courtyard where mortals did battle along the gods during the day, only to be resurrected at dusk to feast.
  42. >Heimdall stands at the Bifrost, the rainbow bridge that connects the worlds.
  43. >"So, you're really going to leave the nine realms, Meili?"
  44. "Indeeeed. *burp* My gran-grand adventure awaitsch!"
  45. >Stepping upon the bridge, you are enveloped by a rainbow light and you feel your vision stretch out.
  46. >Worlds upon worlds spread out before you that you have never seen before, courtesy of Heimdall.
  47. >If you had been sober, you might have taken your time to look into the worlds and pick one you found exciting.
  48. >But you are pretty messed up.
  49. "Uh... that one!"
  50. >You stare at the world before you, it has ancient ruins in some places, advanced city-scapes in others, beautiful women resembling elves, dressed in nothing but transparent togas.
  51. >What you dont realize is that your hand is pointing at another world.
  52. >Heimdall blows his horn. (heh)
  53. >The universe is warped in front of you, which would have been amazing to witness if you weren't about to throw up.
  55. >Hurling past the moon of this new world.. wait, the moon was supposed to be colonized, this one is completely barren.
  56. >Your drunken mind latches onto this fact and you don't really take into account how fast you're approaching the surface of the world itself.
  57. >As you break the atmosphere, you suddenly realize the fact and turn around just in time to-
  59. >The impact does three things; It creates an immense crater, leaves you making a high-pitched whine of pain and also answers the question of whether you could survive a fall from this height with your diminished powers.
  60. >After enjoying the dirt for a bit, you begin staggering to your feet.
  61. >Everything hurts, even more so than when Loki smashed a diamond bottle over your head earlier.
  62. >Summoning a staff to lean on, you hike your way out of the crater and set yourself down on a nearby rock.
  63. >Looking around, you seem to be in the middle of a large meadow in a forest.
  64. >The calm breeze rustles the leaves around you and a peaceful mood sets you at ease.
  65. >"My my, looks like you're made of sturdy stuff, mister rocket-man."
  66. >You shoot up and look around frantically for the disembodied voice.
  67. "Reveal thyself!"
  68. >You speak with the booming voice that you often use when addressing mortals, gotta keep up appearances.
  69. >The voice lets out a chuckle and the air begin twisting around itself, forming a strange body.
  70. >Part goat, part serpent, limbs of lizard, lion, eagle and bovine.
  71. >It's white eyebrows curling into a mocking arc and it grins widely.
  72. >"And they say I'm rude." He chuckles and snap his finger, summoning a floating chair to sit upon.
  73. "Whom art thou to-.. Wait! I know thee! - Apep of Egypt, no?!"
  74. >You point your staff at him.
  75. >His eyes open wide and he lets out what you can only guess is a squeal of glee.
  76. >"Ahaha! I haven't heard that name in ages, I had almost forgotten it!"
  77. >With a little dance, he makes his way over to you.
  78. >"If you can recognize me even in this form, then you must be a god too. - Hmm, no sense of style, rude, reeks of booze. I'm guessing... Asgardian?"
  80. >You frown, stumbling backwards as he comes closer. Even if he's weakened like you, this was still out of your league.
  81. >Apep was the Egyptian god of Chaos, the nemesis of Ra himself. He could go toe-to-toe with Odin. You wouldn't stand a chance.
  82. >"As much as I find your drunken shenanigans amusing, we don't have a lot of time."
  83. >He slithers up to you faster than you can react and pokes your forehead, dispelling the drunken haze from your mind.
  84. >With your mind sober, you take a step backward again and set the staff between you, knowing it won't do anything to save you.
  85. "Please forgive me, lord Apep. I wish not to test your patience."
  86. >You bow your head slightly, hoping not to incur his wrath.
  87. >"Stop that. We're not in the nine realms, stop cowering. Even if I wanted to I couldn't destroy you here."
  88. >You look up again, his voice sounds sincere but his face looks like he's building up to a joke.
  89. "What?"
  90. >"I'm saying relax, Odinsson. The whole "Great and mighty Apep" deal doesn't work in Equestria. Here I'm known as Discord, the spirit of disharmony. Our powers don't work here like they do back home."
  91. >Taking care to listen to every word he says, you find your suspicions correct.
  92. "So the realm is called Equestria? Are the gods here horse-themed?"
  93. >He shakes his head and clicks his tongue.
  94. >"Nope. No gods here. Meaning you're not one either. You may have bits and pieces of your power, but you'll find that they don't really work the same here as back home."
  95. >He shrugs and vanishes with a *pop* sound, only to reappear around your shoulders like a mink.
  96. >"Back home I could raise galactic storms with the wink of my furry brow, set the stars themselves ablaze. Here, I can make the clouds rain chocolate milk and turn into a talking pane glass window. I've gone from the essence of chaotic fury into a prankster who breaks the fourth wall."
  98. >You have no idea what he's talking about, but from what you can pick out, it seems this realm's definitions of miracles don't quite match yours.
  99. >You decide to test it out, perhaps flight would be a good start.
  100. >Tapping the ground with your staff, you rise up a few feet into the air.
  101. "Hmm, so far it seems I can still use my powers."
  102. >The serpent sneers.
  103. >"Wow, flying. As if that's a big whoop around here."
  104. >He makes a good point though. He himself has already shown that he can both fly and displace himself with ease.
  105. >Perhaps something more impressive.
  106. >Farsight, yes! That's a bit more challenging.
  107. >Closing your eyes, you begin peering into the lands around you.
  108. >Strange, you see a few hamlets, a larger village and a castle upon a mountain, but no sight of the beautiful women you saw earlier.
  109. >Just a bunch of small, colorful cattle walking around. Wow, those elves must be real liberal with how they let their animals graze free.
  110. >You decide to take a closer look at the castle when Apep pokes you again, breaking your concentration.
  111. >"As much as I like watching you mess around, we don't have much time."
  112. >You rub your forehead as you return the sneer he gives you.
  113. "What do you mean?"
  114. >He pops back into his chair and points towards the little village you saw earlier.
  115. >"As we speak, the elements of harmony, guardians of this realm are approaching, drawn by your loud arrival."
  116. >He appears before you, a claw pointed to your chest.
  117. >"Now this part is important, so pay attention."
  118. >You nod, sitting down upon the rock again. Better not piss him off, just to be safe.
  119. >"I know it's a clichΓ©, but I can't really tell you WHY just yet, but believe me when I say that it's for the better if they don't know that we are actually gods. If they ask, just tell them you're the spirit of whatever you did back in the nine realms. Don't draw too much attention and for the love of everything, DON'T use your real name. You have to stay Incognito around here. I'll explain it later. Just trust me."
  120. >With that, he vanished.
  122. >You stand alone again, somewhat dumbstruck.
  123. >A faint sound begins to pick up and you instinctively turn yourself ethereal.
  124. >The brush near the treeline rustles and a group of colorful horses jump out, looking... ready for trouble?
  125. >Wait a minute! There are pegasi and unicorns among them!
  126. >As well as one who display traits of both.
  127. >Six in total.
  128. >Two pegasi, one unicorn, the one who has both wings and horn and two ordinary horses.. or are they ponies? They look awfully small for horses, only reaching up to your waist.
  129. >Perhaps they're companions of the elven women you saw, it would make sense that a magical race would breed a magical animal. It would also explain why they were allowed to roam free, a pegasus and unicorn were a pet fit for a god back in the nine realms, noble creatures not fit for enclosures.. also how would you stop a pegasus from flying over the fence?
  130. >Nevertheless, they slow down to a trot as they approach the crater you made.
  131. >"See? I told you it was around here!" The purple one with wings and horn exclaims as it reaches the edge and looks down into it.
  132. >"Meh! I wasn't far off." The cyan pegasus retorts, crossing it's fore-hooves as it hover next to the pega-corn(?).
  133. >and they're talking now. You're gonna have to ask the locals if you can bring a few back home.
  134. >They continue talking among themselves, speculating what could have caused the crater.
  135. >No sign of the owners of the beasts.
  136. >After a while you tire of waiting and decide to ask them to take you to their leaders.
  137. >Undoing the ethereal disguise, you reveal yourself to them.
  138. "I believe that I can spread some light upon your conundrum, little ones."
  139. >Oh yeah, smooth as Freya's bussom.
  140. >You're lifted into the air by a purple aura and you hit your head on the rock you sat upon as you're flipped upside down.
  141. >Meanwhile in Valhalla, Thor just spat out his drink as Heimdall burst out in laughter next to him.
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