
Mashiko Kaoru Episodes

Jul 22nd, 2018 (edited)
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  7. 1: The Heart of a Mashiko
  9. 3 years ago--
  11. Classmate: Wait, on the next mission, we're with Mashiko-san?
  12. Classmate: I don't want to be in the same group as her!
  13. Kaoru: ...
  14. Teacher: Don't talk like that. All of you need to be able to work together.
  15. Classmate: But Mashiko-san helps aradama, doesn't she? That's what my father said! The Mashiko family is all like that.
  16. Classmate: There's no way we can fight alongside someone like her! What if she gets us hurt!
  17. Nene: Ne~...
  18. Classmate: See, she always has that weird aradama with her too. Who knows when it might try attacking us...
  19. Kaoru: Nene would never hurt anybody!
  20. Kaoru: And I'm the one who doesn't want to work with toji like you! You only think of yourselves!
  21. Teacher: M-Mashiko-san! Where are you going!?
  23. Kaoru: ......
  24. Nene: Ne...
  25. Kaoru: Forget about them, Nene. They're all wrong. Even though they don't know anything about you, they...
  26. Kaoru: ...People like that, they just listen to what they're told and don't think about anything else...
  27. Kaoru: ...But I can't stop myself from getting mad about it.
  28. Nene: ! Ne-!
  29. Kaoru: Nn? What's wrong?
  30. Kaoru: ...! An aradama!?
  31. Aradama: GRUUUU...!!
  32. Nene: Ne~~~~~!!
  33. Kaoru: ...It's almost like two cats having a turf war.
  34. Kaoru: --But now's not the time to relax. Nene, let's go.
  35. Nene: Ne-!
  37. Kaoru: See, you're not so tough. Let that be a lesson for you. Don't ever come back around here.
  38. Kaoru: If you get caught here again, you're gonna get killed for real.
  39. Aradama: ......
  40. Kaoru: ...And it's gone.
  41. Nene: Ne-?
  42. Kaoru: ...It was just guarding its home. There's no reason to kill it.
  43. Kaoru: No matter what people say, that's how the Mashiko- That's how I do things.
  44. Nene: Ne-!
  45. Kaoru: ...Ughh. If they find out I let another one go, everyone's going to get upset again.
  49. 2: The Infamous Slacker
  51. Nishi Kozue: Sigh... I'm used to getting dragged in to help out on operator duty by now, but...
  52. Kozue: The one in charge of dealing with this aradama is Mashiko Kaoru-san...
  53. Kozue: "Anyway, I don't feel like it." "I just wanna go home." "I'll pass on this mission."
  54. Kozue: Her reputation for her attitude really precedes her.
  55. Kozue: All other available toji are busy with other missions, so I'll just have to rely on her... I just have to get her feeling motivated.
  56. Kozue: Alright! Time to check on her progress!
  57. Kaoru: Hello.
  58. Kozue: Thank you for your work! So, how's the mission going?
  59. Kaoru: You too. It's going smoothly so far. I'll stay on alert for the time being.
  60. Kozue: When we received the request for this guarding and patrol mission, I know you just happened to be in the area. So thank you for quickly responding, Mashiko-san.
  61. Kozue: There are plans for another unit to join up with you in just a few days. I'm sorry, but, in the meantime, could you...
  62. Kaoru: Nah, I can handle this myself. There's been lots of reports of sighting the aradama, but it hasn't actually caused any damage yet.
  63. Kaoru: In fact, having more toji in the area might provoke it. It's probably best to keep this small scale.
  64. Kozue: ...!?
  65. Kozue: I see... You might be right.
  66. Kozue: It's just, with only you stationed there, you could be on assignment for quite some time...
  67. Kaoru: I'm prepared for that. You don't have to worry about me. I'll just keep up a steady search.
  68. Kaoru: I'm the one who accepted responsibility for this in the first place, after all. I have to see it through to the end.
  69. Kozue: ...Understood! Good luck in your search!
  70. Kozue: ...She's nothing like I heard... Mashiko-san is such a determined toji!
  71. Kozue: She makes good judgment calls, and has a strong sense of responsibility...
  72. Kozue: She didn't even complain once about being assigned such a basic mission. I have a newfound respect for her~.
  73. Kozue: Alright, I have to do my best assisting her. I can't overlook any bit of information that might help!
  75. Kaoru: Ahh~... What a pain. That's enough for today.
  76. Nene: Ne~!
  77. ???: Man, you're so cool, Kaoru-chan! I couldn't feel safer with a toji like you around!
  78. Kaoru: Heh, keeping the town safe's a small price to pay for getting to eat the super famous "Mare Sushi"'s sushi free of charge.
  79. Kaoru: Ah, I'll have some kanpyo rolls, thanks.
  80. Sushi Shop's Boss: You got it! Hey, Kaoru-chan, you should hang out here forever.
  81. Kaoru: I don't know~. I'm a pretty busy girl~.
  82. Sushi Shop's Boss: Well we can figure something out! We'd do anything for you toji! Here, your kanpyo rolls are ready!
  83. Kaoru: If you insist~. I guess I'll think about it. (chew chew)...
  84. Kaoru: Mmm~~~! So good. Boss, your sushi's the best. Next up, make it crab, salmon roe, and urchin.
  85. Nene: Nenene~!
  86. Kaoru: Throw in some engawa too.
  87. Sushi Shop's Boss: Coming right up!
  91. 3: Nene's Secret
  93. Nene: Nene-!
  94. Mirja: Despite there being an aradama right here, the spectrum finder shows no reaction... What a mysterious creature.
  95. Ellen: Nene isn't dangerous, after all. It's right not to react to him.
  96. Kaoru: Nene's my pet before he's an aradama.
  97. Mihono: I don't really get it, but if he's safe to be around then I don't mind.
  98. Kiyoka: He doesn't seem scary either, actually, kind of cute... Um, is it okay if I pet him?
  99. Nene: (dodge)
  100. Kiyoka: H-Huh?
  101. Mihono: Kiyoka-chan, you have to approach animals gently so they understand you aren't trying to hurt them~. Get close slowly, so they don't get scared, and...
  102. Nene: (dodge)
  103. Mihono: H-Huh? He keeps running off... Is Nene afraid of strangers?
  104. Ellen: No, actually, the thing about Nene... He loves big busts most of all~.
  105. Kiyoka: Ehh!? S-So that means, we...
  106. Mihono: Th-That's rude! All of a sudden you're not so cute anymore!
  107. Kaoru: Nene can see the future when it comes to chest sizes too. Hate to break it to you.
  108. Mihono: Ughh... So, someone like Chii-nee's more Nene's type...?
  109. Nene: Ne~!
  110. Mirja: Wha!? M-Me too!?
  111. Mihono: Huh, now that I look closer... Mirja-san's got it going on too...
  112. Mirja: P-Please don't make strange observations like that...!
  113. Nene: Ne~! Ne~!
  114. Kofuki: Yo, aradama-chan. How's it going. Come play with me too.
  115. Nene: Ne-Ne-!?
  116. *Nene hides behind Mihono*
  117. Mihono: H-Hey, Kofuki-san!? Put your okatana away!
  118. Kofuki: What for? That's an aradama, you know?
  119. Mihono: Yeah, but, uhh... Look how cute he is! And see, you're scaring him!
  120. Kofuki: Huh? What are you talking about? Every single aradama-chan's cute!
  121. Kofuki: Get it? Don't go thinking you're some special kind of cute, okay?
  122. Nene: N-Nene~...
  123. Kaoru: Oi. Go ahead and try it. See if you can get through me first.
  124. Kofuki: ...
  125. Kaoru: ...
  126. Mihono: The laid back Kaoru-san's... Acting super scary...!
  127. Kofuki: ...Heh, it was just a joke. As much as I love aradama-chan, a chihuahua like that's not gonna be any fun.
  128. Kofuki: ...But when I haven't seen any in a while, and I start getting bored, who knows.
  129. Kaoru: Nene. Never under any circumstances be alone with her.
  130. Nene: Ne~~~...
  134. 4: Highlights from the Tournament Selection Quarterfinals
  136. Announcer: In a moment, the first match of the quarterfinals will begin. Mashiko Kaoru, Maruyama Akane, step forward!
  137. Kaoru: ......
  138. Kaoru: (...This is so annoying. It's sad how long I've had to keep doing this...)
  139. Kaoru: (I carelessly got in a few wins, and now if I win here, who knows how long it'll be before they let me go...)
  140. Kaoru: (...Okay. This time I'm gonna lose for sure. Any toji who made it to the quarterfinals should be able to dodge if I do big slow swings.)
  141. Referee: Bow!
  142. Kaoru: (And, if I do it right, there's no way she'll ignore such a huge opening. Alright... With this plan, I'll shoot for a speedy defeat!)
  143. Referee: Begin!
  144. Kaoru: Kieee.
  145. (WHAM!!)
  146. Kaoru: ......Huh?
  147. Akane: Gh...! Such a heavy hit! The muscles in my arms and legs are tingling-!
  148. Kaoru: Oi... Why'd you go and block that? Take one look at Nenekirimaru and you should get how strong it is...!
  149. Akane: That's why I wanna take it head on! Kaoru-senpai! I've been waiting for this fight!
  150. Akane: Senpai's full strength... Don't hold anything back! Give it all you got!!
  151. Akane: Come on and show me---!!!
  152. Kaoru: A-Are you for real!?
  153. Akane: We'll do it fair and square! Blocking every hit! Feeling the results of all each other's training!
  154. Kaoru: (This is the worst... She's a total meat for brains. The natural enemy to my big instant defeat operation...!)
  155. Kaoru: (If we keep exchanging hits like this, I'm going to start feeling it too...)
  156. Kaoru: (And this hot-bloodedness... No mistaking it, she's a real stamina monster... This match could really drag on...)
  157. Akane: Was that enough warmup for you? The real deal starts here-!
  158. Kaoru: (...Hell no! I have to do something to get out of this situation...!)
  159. Kaoru: KIEEEEE!
  160. Akane: Gwahh-!
  161. Referee: That's enough!
  162. Kaoru: Ah.
  163. Referee: Winner, Mashiko Kaoru! You will advance to the semi-finals!
  164. Akane: Dammit, you got me good-!
  165. Akane: But that was an awesome match! Thanks a lot, Kaoru-senpai!
  166. Akane: I'll be rooting for you in the semifinals, and the finals too! So you better win!!
  167. Kaoru: ......Th-This can't be happening......
  171. 5: They're a Great Pair
  173. Ellen: The target aradama both ran in different directions!
  174. Ellen: Kaoru, let's split up! You take the one that went that way!
  175. Kaoru: Well, I guess we've got no choice... I'm on it~.
  176. Ellen: I'm counting on you! I'll see you later!
  178. Kaoru: That's how it was supposed to go, but...
  179. Kaoru: Pant, pant... This one, it's way too fast...
  180. Kaoru: At least it's stuck in this alley, since it doesn't seem populated, but why does it keep on getting narrower...?
  181. Kaoru: Damnit... If I go any further than this, fighting with Nenekirimaru is gonna get annoying...
  182. Kaoru: Whatever. It's sink or swim, I guess...
  183. Kaoru: Kieeee!
  184. Kaoru: Ah.
  185. Kaoru: ......I didn't see that sign up there... No good. Nenekirimaru's totally stuck.
  186. Kaoru: Nnghh~~~
  187. Kaoru: Nnnngh~~~~~
  188. Kaoru: ......
  189. Ellen: Kaoru-! I took care of the aradama on my end~! What about yours...
  190. Ellen: ......Kaoru~? Why're you swinging around on Nenemirimaru? Some new game you invented?
  191. Kaoru: If it is, it's no fun. I can't get it loose. Help me~.
  192. Ellen: Oh! That's bad! Wait a second, I'll help!
  193. Ellen: I'm going to start pulling, okay~? Heave, ho~!
  194. Kaoru: Owowowww! You're gonna rip me in half!
  195. Ellen: I got it free~! Kaoru, welcome back~!
  196. Kaoru: Ahh, okay, okay. I can't breathe, so quit hugging me already.
  197. Kaoru: That was dangerous. Please try not getting your okatana stuck while I'm away, okay~?
  198. Ellen: So? Is that mission complete?
  199. Kaoru: Nah, it got away. But I've got it cornered in this dead end alleyway. Just, like you saw, it's way too small for Nenekirimaru.
  200. Ellen: So you want me to go in and finish it off for you, right?
  201. Kaoru: Something like that. Alright, go, Ellen!
  202. Ellen: Hey, don't treat me like I'm your pet-!
  203. Kaoru: ...She says that, but she charged right in.
  204. Kaoru: Phew-. It's always a good time pairing up with Ellen.
  205. Kaoru: She's talented enough to handle anything. And she never makes me work harder than I have to.
  206. Ellen: Hey-! Kaoru~!
  207. Kaoru: Oh, what's up-? You finished already-?
  208. Ellen: The aradama's headed your way! Give it a big finishing blow for me-!
  209. Kaoru: H-Huh!?
  210. Ellen: Go, Kaoru~!
  215. [Yukata - Kaoru: Start]: Let's Test Our Courage!
  217. Ellen: Alright then, let's get this test of courage underway! We made lots to draw, so everyone take turns drawing them and pair up!
  218. Yui: Guhehehe, I can't wait to go.
  219. Kiyoka: I just hope I'm together with Kofuki-san... Ah, mine's number 3.
  220. Kofuki: It's not like it matters who you end up with. Uhh, number 5.
  221. Yui: Fufufu, Kiyoka-chan, mine's number 3.
  222. Kiyoka: Eeeek...!
  223. Kaoru: You guys sure are getting excited before we've even started-.
  224. Kaoru: I was wondering why you called us out here this late, but why're we doing a test of courage all of a sudden?
  225. Ellen: On summer nights, you've got to do a test of courage!
  226. Kaoru: No way; that's when you sit in an air conditioned room sipping juice watching night games of baseball.
  227. Ellen: Don't be like that, Kaoru! Draw a lot!
  228. Kaoru: Fine then... Nn, number 1.
  229. Mihono: Ah, I'm number 1, Kaoru-san!
  230. Kaoru: Guess we're together, Mihono.
  231. Ellen: Is everyone paired up? Now then, number 1, start us off!
  233. Mihono: Hmhmhmm~.
  234. Kaoru: It's supposed to be a test of courage, so what're you humming for? Aren't you scared?
  235. Mihono: I come out in the mountains at night for missions and training and stuff, so there's no way it'd be scary.
  236. Kaoru: (When she says it all matter of factly like that, it makes me want to scare her...)
  237. Kaoru: (...Alright.)
  238. Kaoru: Then, since this is a test of courage and all, how about we tell ghost stories while we walk?
  239. Mihono: Ghost stories?
  240. Mihono: I'm fine with that, but... There's not really any ghost stories I know off the top of my head.
  241. Kaoru: Don't worry about it. I've got the best ghost story to tell.
  242. Mihono: Huh, you do!? What's it about?
  243. Kaoru: (Kukuku, Mihono. You won't be making that face for long!)
  244. Kaoru: Actually, this one's about where we're walking right now.
  245. Mihono: Okay.
  246. Kaoru: This place used to be a graveyard.
  247. Mihono: ......Eh?
  251. [Yukata - Kaoru: End]: Tell Me You're Lying
  253. Mihono: ...No way, there's no way there's a graveyard this far in the mountains. You just came up with that now, right?
  254. Kaoru: You'd think so, wouldn't you?
  255. Kaoru: But, this is a true story. If you think I'm lying, you can check with Ellen.
  256. Mihono: You say that, but...
  257. Kaoru: (Maybe if I give one more push she'll buy it? What's something good... Oh.)
  258. Kaoru: See, look over there. There's a Jizo statue, right? [Jizo is a deity that is a savior of souls and also a protector of travelers. Statues are often found in graveyards, but also along roadsides.]
  259. Kaoru: That's a leftover from when this place was a graveyard.
  260. Mihono: It's true... Then, this place really is...
  261. Mihono: Eep!?
  262. Kaoru: (Though, I'm making all of it up.)
  263. Kaoru: There's a lot of paved roads up this mountain, see? Those are trails they made way back to let people pay a visits to the graveyard here.
  264. Mihono: Th-That makes sense...
  265. Kaoru: But, y'know, mountains come with a lot of trouble. Like... landslides and stuff.
  266. Mihono: Th-Then...
  267. Kaoru: Yeah. That's why they decided to move away from this graveyard. There was this really bad landslide... And, apparently, they couldn't even check on all the graves.
  268. Mihono: ...[gulp].
  269. Kaoru: ...Which means, some might've been left buried. Just under your feet right now, there could be a dead body.
  271. Kaoru: Uwah!? What're you doing here, Ellen!!
  272. Ellen: I made a mistake! I was planning on scaring you two, but I ended up screaming by accident!
  273. Ellen: Anyway, Kaoru! Because of you, I can't stay here anymore!
  274. Ellen: So, let me go with you!
  275. Kaoru: Guess I have to.
  277. Mihono: By the way, Ellen-san.
  278. Ellen: What is it?
  279. Mihono: When we left, you were there to see us off, weren't you? So how'd you get around ahead of us?
  280. Mihono: W-Wait, Ellen-san...? She's gone...?
  281. Kaoru: ...Maybe it was just a ghost borrowing the form of Ellen.
  282. Mihono: UWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!! We're going back! We're going back right now, Kaoru-san!!
  283. Kaoru: Quit yanking my arm! That hurts! I was just kidding; I was kidding about everything!
  284. Mihono: ...Huh? You were kidding?
  285. Kaoru: Everything I said I made up! Ellen probably just used jin'i too.
  286. Mihono: You were... That's going way too far for a prank! When we get back, I'm complaining to Ellen-san!
  288. Ellen: Welcome back! How did the test of courage go?
  289. Mihono: Don't ask me! That was really mean, scaring us like that, Ellen-san!
  290. Ellen: ...? What are you talking about? I was...
  291. Ellen: Right here the whole time, you know...?
  292. Kaoru: Then, the Ellen back there was...
  298. [Misogi - Kaoru: Start]: A Little About the Past
  300. Kaoru: Today's kinda hot, isn't it-... My water bottle's already run dry...
  301. Nene: Ne~~...
  302. Ellen: I only have a little bit left in mine, but, want to drink it, Kaoru?
  303. Kaoru: Gladly. Or at least, I'd want to, but, if you ran out of yours, that'd be bad too.
  304. Ellen: Should we make a trip back to town then? We'd be losing a lot of time though.
  305. Chie: Ellen-san, Kaoru-san. It's alright. I brought lots of drinks with me.
  306. Ellen: Chie, thank you so much!
  307. Kaoru: It's nice somebody came prepared. You really saved us. [gulp gulp]... Phwah. Can't thank you enough.
  308. Chie: It's just a part of me acting as everyone's onee-san.
  309. Ellen: Have you been an onee-san ever since you were a little girl, Chie?
  310. Chie: When I was little, I spent most of my time together with Mihono-chan, so it's true that back then I wanted to try hard to act as an onee-san.
  311. Chie: Though I'm not sure it went too well at first.
  312. Kaoru: Well, there's no way you could've been the same as a kid. But we all depend on you the way you are now.
  313. Ellen: That's right; Chie's our reliable onee-san.
  314. Ellen: By the way, I've never really asked you about it before, Kaoru, but, what were you like as a little girl?
  315. Chie: Ah, I'd like to hear about that too.
  316. Kaoru: Give me a break...
  317. Ellen: Don't be like that. Do it for meee.
  318. Nene: Nenenene~. Ne~ne.
  319. Chie: Nene-chan's asking for it too, see?
  320. Kaoru: Kh... Letting her hold you like that; you're totally on her side now...
  321. Kaoru: I'll tell you about it, but it's not all that interesting, okay?
  322. Ellen: I don't believe that for a minute, Kaoru! I have a feeling this'll be very interesting!
  323. Kaoru: Anyway, when I was little, I was a real brat. I used to play with kids around the neighborhood, and I sorta ended up in the position of leading them around.
  324. Chie: That's a little unexpected.
  325. Kaoru: It just sort of happened after I'd stand up for the ones who got left out or got messed with.
  326. Kaoru: Maybe it's cause I was hooked on the heroes you'd see in tokusatsu shows-.
  327. Nene: Nene!
  328. Ellen: You still like tokusatsu heroes now too, don't you, Kaoru-. Did aim towards becoming a toji ever since back then?
  329. Kaoru: I guess-. I know you know, but the Mashikos are a toji family, so my mom and grandma were both toji too. I respected it because of that, or maybe looked up to it.
  330. Kaoru: Becoming a toji meant you got to defeat aradama, after all.
  331. Ellen: What else were you like?
  332. Kaoru: What else-; when I was a kid, I played with my grandpa a lot too. I always felt at ease being around him.
  333. Ellen: Since I love my grandpa too, that makes us the same~.
  334. Chie: I'd imagine you always got along with Nene-chan too, right?
  335. Nene: Ne!
  336. Kaoru: About Nene...
  337. Ellen: Before we can talk about that, it looks like we've got work to do. There's a reading on the spectrum finder.
  338. Kaoru: Guess we'd better hurry-.
  339. Nene: Nene~!
  343. [Misogi - Kaoru: End]: Together With Nene
  345. Ellen: Kaoru! Behind you!
  346. Aradama: KSHAAAAAA!
  347. Kaoru: !?
  348. Nene: NENE--!!
  349. Aradama: GGGII...!
  350. Nene: Ne! Nenene-- NEEEE-......
  351. Chie: Nene-chan!?
  352. Kaoru: Damnit...!!
  353. Kaoru: Outta my way! KIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
  354. Kaoru: Is Nene okay!?
  355. Nene: ......
  356. Ellen: You can relax, Kaoru. He's only passed out.
  357. Kaoru: Oh...
  358. Chie: You really do treasure Nene-chan, don't you.
  359. Kaoru: He's family. I don't want him to get hurt anymore.
  360. Kaoru: All the more because, in the past, I hurt Nene once...
  361. Chie: Eh...?
  362. Ellen: Something like that happened between you and Nene...?
  363. Kaoru: I told you before, I looked up to toji. But, there was also a time I didn't want to be a Mashiko toji.
  364. Kaoru: I'm not proud of it, but that was my rebellious phase.
  365. Kaoru: ...I didn't want to work as a toji who killed aradama, so I hated it.
  366. Kaoru: But, since I was a girl from the Mashiko family... There's no way I could just not be one. It's not like I could go against Grandma and everybody.
  367. Kaoru: ...So I got way too fed up with it and started lashing out.
  368. Kaoru: ...Seeing me taking my anger out on stuff, Nene came and tried to calm me down... I hit him by mistake.
  369. Kaoru: And... really hard, too...
  370. Chie: That's...
  371. Ellen: Kaoru...
  372. Nene: ......
  373. Kaoru: If people won't get hurt, wouldn't it be fine to let aradama be around?
  374. Kaoru: I want to make the world a place where nobody hates aradama, including this guy here.
  375. Ellen: I see. I completely agree with that viewpoint of yours, Kaoru!
  376. Chie: A world where neither aradama or people hurt each other... I'd like that to be a reality someday.
  377. Ellen: And, as a symbol of that, when the time comes, let's make an Aradama Park!
  378. Chie: Eh?
  379. Kaoru: Kuku... Now there's an idea. We can quit being toji and kick back and relax at Aradama Park.
  380. Chie: I smell trouble brewing...
  381. Nene: ...Ne?
  382. Kaoru: Oh, you're up? You overslept a little, but I'll forgive you this once.
  383. Nene: Nee??
  384. Kaoru: You're gonna be the park's main attraction, after all. We'll be in trouble if you aren't in your best shape, Nene.
  385. Nene: Nene-!
  390. [Pajama - Kaoru: Start]: Isn't It Fine Every Once in a While?
  392. Ellen: That's the last one! It's coming your way, Kiyoka!
  393. Kiyoka: Right!
  394. Ellen: Good! Nice work!
  395. Kaoru: Good going-.
  396. Kaoru: Though, this whole thing took longer than I expected.
  397. Kiyoka: If we don't hurry, we won't make it back before the day's over.
  398. Kaoru: ...Couldn't we just not go back?
  399. Kiyoka: Eh?
  400. Ellen: Are you planning on running away from home, Kaoru?
  401. Kaoru: That's not what I mean.
  402. Kaoru: If we run all the way back to town now, then get on a train, what time'll it be when we get there?
  403. Ellen: That's true; it would be very late.
  404. Kaoru: And what do we do when we're hungry now? Get a beef bowl in front of the station and head home?
  405. Kaoru: I'm not... gonna take that!
  406. Kiyoka: S-So assertive...!
  407. Ellen: What you're saying makes some sense, Kaoru.
  408. Ellen: So basically, you think we should stay the night here?
  409. Kaoru: Exactly. It's fine every once in a while, right?
  410. Kiyoka: I do feel like I'd rather rest a little here than hurry back.
  411. Kaoru: Right? Even toji need a break.
  412. Ellen: If that's what we've decided on, then leave the hotel reservations to me-! I'll call a friend of mine-!
  413. Kiyoka: A friend who will reserve us a hotel room...?
  414. Kaoru: She's got a lot of weird friends, so don't think too hard about it.
  416. Kaoru: I'm all filled up~.
  417. Ellen: You sound like an old man, Kaoru.
  418. Kiyoka: But, it really was delicious. You'll have to thank your friend for me, Ellen-san, for telling us about this restaurant!
  419. Ellen: I'll be sure to let them know-! Now then, about the hotel... It's this way.
  420. Kiyoka: What kind of hotel is it?
  421. Kaoru: It's probably some little place tucked away-.
  422. Kiyoka: That's what the place we ate at was like, wasn't it.
  423. Ellen: Ah, I can see it. It's that hotel there-!
  424. Kaoru: Which one... Eh?
  425. Kiyoka: Umm, you mean... that high class looking hotel?
  426. Ellen: Yes!
  430. [Pajama - Kaoru: End]: Pajama Party!
  432. Ellen: Tah-dah-! We all have matching pajamas!
  433. Kiyoka: These pajamas are cute! Though...
  434. Kiyoka: (Since we're wearing the same pajamas, the difference in chest size is...)
  435. Kaoru: (That face says she's getting overwhelmed by the difference in Ellen's assets.)
  436. Kiyoka: No, that's not it. Those are just pectoral muscles... Those are just pectoral muscles...)
  437. Kaoru: (Kiyoka, this'll go a lot easier if you just don't think about it...)
  438. Ellen: What about pectoral muscles?
  439. Kaoru: She's probably wondering how to train 'em, right?
  440. Ellen: If you want to train up your pecs, I think it'd be good to ask Makimaki about it.
  441. Kiyoka: ...That's true; Shidou-san's like that too...
  442. Kaoru: Anyway, how about we get to sleep.
  443. Ellen: Since we're having a pajama party, we have to do a pillow fight and talk about love interests!
  444. Kaoru: Huh?
  445. Kiyoka: I'm not sure if that's right, but I'm interested in talking about love too!
  446. Kiyoka: When you become a high schooler, do you really start getting into that kind of thing!?
  447. Kaoru: Nah, not really.
  448. Ellen: We're too busy with missions, after all.
  449. Kiyoka: That's disappointing...
  450. Ellen: Now then, all that's left is a pillow fight!
  451. Kaoru: Count me out-. I'm going to bed already, so don't wake me up-.
  452. Ellen: You're not doing that-! Hiyah!
  453. Kaoru: Whoa!? ...Don't hit me in the back of the head!
  454. Ellen: I'm laser accurate!
  455. Kaoru: Damnit, Ellen... Help me out with her, Kiyoka!
  456. Kiyoka: E-Err... Here!
  457. Ellen: Hesitate like that and you'll never hit me!
  458. Kaoru: You're open!
  459. Kaoru: Owfh!?
  460. Ellen: You're getting serious now, huh Kaoru! Hyah!
  461. Kaoru: I can catch something like that easy! Hahh!
  462. Ellen: I caught it too!
  463. Kiyoka: I know we already started throwing them, but... is it really alright for us to have a pillow fight in a hotel like... Afwh!?
  464. Kaoru: Hahaha! Never let your guard down, Kiyoka.
  465. Kiyoka: Why do you look like you're having the most fun with this, Kaoru-san!
  470. [Nenegurumi - Kaoru: Start]: Let's Sell Nenegurumis
  472. Sana: Oh, you're here, Kaoru.
  473. Kaoru: You're the one who called me, right? So, what'd you need?
  474. Kaoru: You're not about to push another annoying mission on me, are you?
  475. Sana: We've decided to start selling Nenegurumis.
  476. Kaoru: Huhh? What the heck's a "Nenegurumi"?
  477. Sana: A Nene nuigurumi, so, Nenegurumi. [Nuigurumi are just stuffed toys/dolls, and I'm not punning around with the name]
  478. Kaoru: Just leaving it at that!?
  479. Kaoru: ...So, what do need me for with these Nenegurumis? You want to use Nene as a model?
  480. Sana: No, we already went ahead and made them. Here's one.
  481. Kaoru: Whoa!?
  482. Kaoru: ...I-It's not the real Nene... right? I-I thought it was for a sec... It seriously looks just like him.
  483. Sana: Kaoru, go and sell this.
  484. Kaoru: Huhh!? Why do I have to do it!!
  485. Sana: It's not forever; just for a limited time. You know the shopping mall? We rented a store there.
  486. Kaoru: Saying that doesn't make it any better...
  487. Sana: I called in somebody else to help too. So anyway, I'm counting on you, Kaoru.
  488. Kaoru: Seriously...?
  490. Fujikami Minaki: Ooh, you're here, Kaorucchi!
  491. Kaoru: Then you're the other person, Minaki.
  492. Minaki: Sure am! Glad to be here!
  493. Minaki: ...So, what am I meant to be doing anyway?
  494. Kaoru: Did that hag seriously leave all the explaining to me too...?
  495. Kaoru: Nenegurumis... We're selling Nenegurumis. This thing.
  496. Minaki: That was just a doll!? No way; I thought it was the real one...
  497. Kaoru: She said to sell these, but that's asking the impossible, right?
  498. Minaki: Won't these sell a whole lot? It's cute!
  499. Kaoru: If you want it, you have it.
  500. Minaki: Really!?
  501. Kaoru: I've got the real one anyway-.
  502. Minaki: Thanks a lot, Kaorucchi! Let's sell a bunch!
  503. Kaoru: ...If we have to.
  507. [Nenegurumi - Kaoru: End]: Poster Girl
  509. The Nenegurumi Shop, 3 hours before opening.
  511. Minaki: Uwah-!? The Nenegurumis fell over-!! Y-You okay, Kaorucchi!?
  512. Kaoru: Fine, but... For how big this store is, we've got way too few people!
  513. Kaoru: Give us more to work with-!
  514. Minaki: It's no use saying that now-.
  515. Minaki: We might only have two people here to set up, but more should be here to help this afternoon, so let's stick it out!
  516. Kaoru: Minaki...
  517. Minaki: Kaorucchi!
  518. Kaoru: ...If there's more coming to help, couldn't we call them now?
  519. Minaki: I thought I got you feeling motivated!?
  520. Kaoru: Nah, nah, there's no way I'd be. Though, I'll try in my own way.
  521. Minaki: Kaorucchi...
  522. Minaki: (...Huh? Isn't she moving a little livelier than before...?)
  523. Minaki: Ahaha, you just can't be honest, huh Kaorucchi!
  525. The Nenegurumi Shop, 2 hours before opening.
  527. Kaoru: Alright, this display's just about done. All that's left is this big Nenegurumi...
  528. Kaoru: ............
  529. Kaoru: Just big enough... Yeah. How's it feel... Yep, nice and fluffy.
  530. Kaoru: Ooph... Ahhh. Well what do ya know, so this is where they were keeping heaven...
  531. Kaoru: ...[snooze].
  533. The Nenegurumi Shop, 1 hour before opening.
  535. Minaki: Looks like we might actually make it in time for the opening, Kaorucchi!
  536. Minaki: ...Kaorucchi?
  537. Kaoru: ...[snooze].
  538. Minaki: Kaorucchi, you look like the Nenegurumi's hugging you. So heartwarming.
  539. Minaki: ...Hey, wake up, Kaorucchi! I can't finish the displays by myself!?
  540. Kaoru: Mmmnnm...
  541. Minaki: ...Kh. I'd feel real bad waking her up, but... I've gotta harden my heart!
  542. ???: Wait just a moment (dess)!!
  543. Minaki: Y-You're--!!
  545. The Nenegurumi Shop, now open.
  547. Girl: Mama, look-! That girl's sleeping with the dolly-!
  548. Mama: Well, would you look at that.
  549. Girl: Buy me that doll-!
  550. Mama: Goodness, if you need it that badly.
  551. Ellen: Just as planned! Kaoru and all her cuteness... she makes the perfect poster girl!
  552. Minaki: Thanks, Ellencchi~! With you here, we made it safe in time for the store to open~!
  553. Ellen: You're welcome! And, more importantly, before Kaoru wakes up, let's sell and sell till we're sold out!
  554. Minaki: Sure!
  555. Kaoru: .........[snooze].
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