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SQ42 stream before live

a guest
Jan 2nd, 2018
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  1. [11:26] juanfro_: any chance ATV is is time so I can schedule pizza time?
  2. [11:26] lowrencium: hi
  3. [11:26] jade77: Hmm, thought I was already following this channel
  4. [11:26] uhavebinrkownd: anyone think theyl launche 3.0 tonight?
  5. [11:26] dustfingerd3: Sorry guys rescheduled again
  6. [11:26] magnetrongw2: hello, i'm almost up for 24 hour.. when does it start? FeelsBadMan
  7. [11:26] absentpara: someone recoding this?
  8. [11:26] constantvariables: OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog
  9. [11:26] mariofan3g: there's always time for pizza
  10. [11:26] goldmanma: they did
  11. [11:27] goldmanma: @UhavebinRKOwnd apparently its open to everyone
  12. [11:27] refractive_index: guys it's NOT a live stream it's a special two hour long episode of ATV
  13. [11:27] estilgar: <message deleted>
  14. [11:27] sir_wesley86: 30 mins
  15. [11:27] kro_shan: @MarioFan3G well yes - i buy a new PC but only after SQ42 Release :D
  16. [11:27] singularityonline: FrostMelon do you use PTU password?
  17. [11:27] slaygan: @UhavebinRKOwnd open PTU is already out badChris
  18. [11:27] shadukar: no way uhavebin.
  19. [11:27] bust4cap: @Juanfro_ it will be a 2 hour stream, so just order it when it starts :P
  20. [11:27] z0rkie: @absentpara someone not recording?
  21. [11:27] goldmanma: and everyone is gonna complain it runs like garbage and buggy as hell
  22. [11:27] dustfingerd3: Gogogog
  23. [11:27] masterjts: when does this start?
  24. [11:27] planet_roq: it will be up on youtube
  25. [11:27] vahnkar: Hi !
  26. [11:27] vireaux: no need to record
  27. [11:27] spartan133789: holy... 30gb
  28. [11:27] chrispontiuspilate: Man this is exciting. cant wait to see what Sandi and Chris have for us!
  29. [11:27] dedunkel: @kro_shan Any plans on the specs yet? :D
  30. [11:27] magnetrongw2: Any of my friends in the chat room?
  31. [11:27] kirinskay: @vahnkar o7
  32. [11:27] mariofan3g: more chris singing
  33. [11:27] bust4cap: @masterjts half an hour
  34. [11:27] f0rtytwo42: 33 mins
  35. [11:27] constantvariables: CorgiDerp
  36. [11:27] shadukar: wow they opened it? as of last night it was not read in my opinion
  37. [11:27] goldmanma: @MagnetronGW2 aww ill be your friend
  38. [11:27] dustfingerd3: I'' just here for burndown
  39. [11:27] shockley1977: we are all friends
  40. [11:27] z0rkie: Cant wait to read bitter industry washup's twitter feed after
  41. [11:27] randbodhi: 3.0 is a big download, but after that the patches are like, tiny - couple hundred megs sometimes, or less
  42. [11:27] goldmanma: 32 minutes
  43. [11:27] nuir_: wtfoHYPE
  44. [11:27] vagelis4vp: nai..kapoio delay poly pithano na yparksei..haha :D
  45. [11:27] magnetrongw2: yay new friends :D
  46. [11:28] planet_roq: specs will be future technology so get them now!
  47. [11:28] scip85: gib!
  48. [11:28] sgriffin86: mffsMEGA wallet prepared
  49. [11:28] sgriffin86: nffsMEGA
  50. [11:28] shockley1977: 42 min .. confirmed
  51. [11:28] chrispontiuspilate: There must be some amazing stuff in the 3.0 download
  52. [11:28] artemis_black: Wait, so is the downloader seriously using GPU for BTC mining?!?
  53. [11:28] dreamer_plays: guys, if you haven't seen star wars yet, go see it! I just came back and it was wow
  54. [11:28] zholikov: gib
  55. [11:28] vasjose21: as elpizoume oti to delay tha einai katw apo wra axaxaxxa
  56. [11:28] kirinskay: gib ATV
  57. [11:28] uyghur_boy: Guys, just be calm, in case you get disappointed later...
  58. [11:28] artemis_black: that's pretty messed up
  59. [11:28] torbinatoroverwatch: Geeta Reyfund
  60. [11:28] cdt_astreos: hello !
  61. [11:28] jade77: I got some bizarre graphics bug. Is there an issue when running SLi?
  62. [11:28] nearchous: answair the call---> tomorrow : P
  63. [11:28] singularityonline: 3.0 is amazing seriously
  64. [11:28] mr_squarepeg: Keepo
  65. [11:28] goldmanma: @Artemis_black is ASIC mining not efficient anymore?
  66. [11:28] kro_shan: @deDunkel maybe a nVidea 1270 card 64GB Ram and a proper RyzenII CPU
  67. [11:28] goldmanma: @Jade77 yes dont run with SLI
  68. [11:28] randbodhi: ChrisPontius probably more like a new file structure to make the delta patcher possible
  69. [11:28] dedunkel: @Artemis_black It probably isnt... that would be absolutely terrible PR
  70. [11:28] mariofan3g: "Hello and welcome back to burndown, our weekly show dedicated to showing progress towards the release of star citizen 3.0. This week we are now are 456 must fix issues"
  71. [11:28] nards_of_doom_1980: jade, yes. disable sli
  72. [11:28] planet_roq: @Uyghur_Boy tru!
  73. [11:29] juanenrique82: 3.0 IS amazing and i get 20-30 fps at 4k... and this is some alpha
  74. [11:29] foo_diddley: hello friends
  75. [11:29] dugyx: masterSalut heySa heyLut
  76. [11:29] protoxa4: @kro_shan Ryzen is garbage. not optimized for SC
  77. [11:29] skurke_: When does it start? 30min?
  78. [11:29] jade77: Rgr thanks guys
  79. [11:29] sgriffin86: confirm 3.0 wont fry my pc? ninasThink
  80. [11:29] bust4cap: @skurke_ yes
  81. [11:29] jjpetrich: Yes, 30 min
  82. [11:29] z0rkie: 42 min Daztek
  83. [11:29] ethan_lysander: when does the holiday sale start?
  84. [11:29] skurke_: @bust4cap ty
  85. [11:29] legendary_mastery: @JuanEnrique82 proof or it never happened LUL
  86. [11:29] juanenrique82: i7 6700k 4.0ghz
  87. [11:29] jjpetrich: Ummmm... 1 year?
  88. [11:29] goldmanma: @sondrex76 force awakens was garbage too
  89. [11:29] borscht_bucket: Guys I'm so excited
  90. [11:29] dedunkel: @kro_shan 64GB? I think thats a bit overkill :P Also RyzenII will probably be a bit "outdated" when we get the 1270 in probably 2019
  91. [11:29] tims_titillating_titties: delayed another 24 h guys
  92. [11:29] legendary_mastery: @ethan_lysander soon Kappa
  93. [11:29] mariofan3g: @dustfingerd3 haha
  94. [11:29] borscht_bucket: I think 2017 is gonna be Star Citizen's year
  95. [11:29] kirinskay: i think it will start 20:18 utc
  96. [11:30] gautslayer: no guys 39 min ! -> look twitter
  97. [11:30] jjpetrich: :-)
  98. [11:30] planet_roq: I need to do push-ups to get this all out of me
  99. [11:30] tims_titillating_titties: Kappa
  100. [11:30] shadukar: gona go make some fish n chips
  101. [11:30] sondrex76: But at least force awakens felt like a Star Wars movie.
  102. [11:30] dreamer_plays: @sondrex76 I personally loved it. I liked Fin, I liked the sith vs jedi moments, everyhting. Amazing movie
  103. [11:30] juanenrique82: i play SC ONLY at 4k
  104. [11:30] lowrencium: i love coks
  105. [11:30] ethan_lysander: lol Soon (with a trademark)
  106. [11:30] foo_diddley: 2018 is the year of the citizen
  107. [11:30] i_like_techies: there is a countdown timer. Just go on StarCitizens subreddit and Search for "Countdown"
  108. [11:30] borscht_bucket: This stream is gonna blast the nips off the naysayers
  109. [11:30] foo_diddley: just keep on pledging
  110. [11:30] sc_dividion: @kro_shan I have a Ryzen 1800x, 64GB and 1080ti, and when I tried 3.0 a few days ago I was still only getting around 20 fps, and it didn't really matter if I was using high/low res or textures
  111. [11:30] jjpetrich: I did a push-up, now I can't breath
  112. [11:30] chastiell: how many time to stream start?
  113. [11:30] kro_shan: @ProtoXA4 maybe its vice versa and SC is garbage ;) - i think it will get optimized and i am talking about a next gen Ryzen...
  114. [11:30] palitir: @foo_diddley This isn't CCP
  115. [11:30] shadukar: you hope
  116. [11:30] juanenrique82: lol borscht
  117. [11:30] protoxa4: hate to be that guy to say it. SQ42 isn't coming out guys, initialy 2019 but i'd say 2020
  118. [11:30] mariofan3g: why did everything jump to 4K wouldn't make more sense to do 2K first?
  119. [11:30] capnphil: So i screwed up and lost my squadron 42 addon when I melted my game package and upgraded to a cuttie during the anniversary sale... Now I gotta pay 45 to get s42.......bleh
  120. [11:30] planet_roq: denied! you message was <baleeted>
  121. [11:30] goldmanma: @sondrex76 who cares if there was no tension, no likeable characters or emotional connection to them
  122. [11:30] goldmanma: it wasnt star wars
  123. [11:30] alexnssilent: moon2SMUG purple moon2SMUG face moon2SMUG lady moon2SMUG spam moon2SMUG moon2M
  124. [11:30] planet_roq: your*
  125. [11:30] sgriffin86: 6800K has extra cores Kappa
  126. [11:30] chrispontiuspilate: 2017 is going to finish as the year Star Citizen finally hit its stride. Great things are coming!
  127. [11:30] jade77: I applied to the team a while back, didn't get in sadly. Although I have updated all my work since then. If anyone fancies giving me some feedback.
  128. [11:30] bnryzombiedotcom: i have both a 1700x and an i7 8700k both with 1080ti's and they both run neck and neck to each other. some game rysen is better some intel wins
  129. [11:30] z0rkie: I hope its delayed by 3 hours. That way I can watch Arsenal-Liverpool with no regrets
  130. [11:30] ninefivenine: Opens page, see's cancerous chat, closes chat
  131. [11:30] commander800: How long from now?
  132. [11:30] goldmanma: and disney cant make a compelling movie to save its life
  133. [11:30] xrazielx_1: Hello
  134. [11:31] mariofan3g: Star Citizen is coming out in the year it's set: 2947
  135. [11:31] borscht_bucket: You can trust me because my uncle works at CIG
  136. [11:31] torbinatoroverwatch: Iza tima ta geeta reyfund you know it
  137. [11:31] borscht_bucket: this is gonna be awesome
  138. [11:31] bust4cap: @commander800 30 min
  139. [11:31] borscht_bucket: everyone should get their hopes WAY up
  140. [11:31] chastiell: guya xan someone tell me how many time need to wait until stream start, thank you!
  141. [11:31] vireaux: doesnt Disney own like 40% of movies now or something
  142. [11:31] glic2000: haha
  143. [11:31] protoxa4: test
  144. [11:31] vagelis4vp: with 3.0 out looks like a game :)
  145. [11:31] commander800: @bust4cap Thank you
  146. [11:31] mariofan3g: "Die from the very weapons you adore!"
  147. [11:31] planet_roq: XD
  148. [11:31] slaygan: badDisco badChris greyBrian djkSean
  149. [11:31] chrispontiuspilate: This is going to be the massive shot across the bow of the industry today!
  150. [11:31] randbodhi: Capn you will prob upgrade to a bigger package eventually which will likely have sq42 too
  151. [11:31] ulf_cig: Arsenal will win anyway :) #COYG
  152. [11:31] artemis_black: Who's looking forward to seeing some S42 gameplay?!?
  153. [11:31] fn1980: 29 mins!
  154. [11:31] jonorion688: is Derek Smart in here trolling ??
  155. [11:31] bvbdragon: @z0rKie just watch the game, squadron is just a video not live
  156. [11:31] nihilusomnibus: which is the best built in gfx for Star Citizen?
  157. [11:31] protoxa4: @kro_shan if you believe in some dreamy somewhere in the future it's going to be better then you're sorely mistaken
  158. [11:31] chastiell: ty
  159. [11:31] sondrex76: Well I am in the minority, my emotions does at most run at 50% efficiency, I am way to observant of deus ex's and I really just disliked what they did with Snoke.
  160. [11:31] goldmanma: @Artemis_black no one
  161. [11:31] dreamer_plays: @goldmanma lol, pretentious much? This was the best star wars movie yet. Dysney did a fantastic job
  162. [11:31] typhoonraider: DansGame
  163. [11:31] goldmanma: thats why were're all in here
  164. [11:31] z0rkie: @Vireaux Disney will become Umbrella corp
  165. [11:31] ac_black: o7 test
  166. [11:31] casham: 28 minutes to go :D
  167. [11:31] planet_roq: Disney going to purchase Mark Hamill
  168. [11:32] juanenrique82: hyyyyyyyyyype
  169. [11:32] sasek: halko
  170. [11:32] lt_general_falcon: o7 everyone
  171. [11:32] slaygan: Disney Star Wars danPuke
  172. [11:32] dustfingerd3: VIVA CHILE MIERDA
  173. [11:32] goldmanma: @dreamer_plays you seriously think the last jedi was better than any of the original trilogy?
  174. [11:32] randallone: bom
  175. [11:32] wsb_blackfang: 3.0 is great and lots of stuff to do, but man I'm looking forward to the first time I get to fly down a jump point to another system
  176. [11:32] cybermanspiff: o7
  177. [11:32] z0rkie: @bvbdragon yea but its SQ42 content, I need to see it ASAP LUL
  178. [11:32] borscht_bucket: I just ordered 2 more GTX1080s for 3.0
  179. [11:32] firefly4all: Heya
  180. [11:32] devz00r: we'll have Luke Skywalker ingame!
  181. [11:32] mariofan3g: "Can it be? Has the God of man abandoned us?"
  182. [11:32] chrispontiuspilate: Today is the day the industry is brought to its knees
  183. [11:32] dreamer_plays: @goldmanma yet, it was better, much better
  184. [11:32] bnryzombiedotcom: dont use sli
  185. [11:32] slaygan: @devz00r Mark Hamill danNo
  186. [11:32] luide1: Guten Abend zusammen
  187. [11:32] reinborn: ResidentSleeper
  188. [11:32] dreamer_plays: *yes
  189. [11:32] planet_roq: of course! haven't you seen the Stormtrooper dance group at Disney World?
  190. [11:32] blendhead: test
  191. [11:32] goldmanma: @dreamer_plays yikes lmao
  192. [11:32] agent_mothman_reddit: @Borscht_Bucket too bad SLI is bugged
  193. [11:32] skip_cameron: "Repent, and accept our righteous judgment!"
  194. [11:32] fn1980: 27 mins!
  195. [11:33] layzmon: by the time starcitizen come out you gonna need geforce 9000
  196. [11:33] goldmanma: well im glad you're able to find enjoyment in it
  197. [11:33] thebb88: bristoCupSunt
  198. [11:33] slaygan: @Luide1 Hallo, einen sch�nen guten Abend w�nsche ich dir ebenfalls wtfoK
  199. [11:33] jade77: I'm guessing the BOT here deletes all messages if there are links in it, was going to get your guys views on my art work being as though I am a game developer. I didn't get in at CIG but then I did only show all my old stuff.
  200. [11:33] kro_shan: @Borscht_Bucket so you are risc his job - i think he is under NDA :P - sereously where does he work frankfurt - LA...?
  201. [11:33] mariofan3g: @Skip_Cameron OMG someone gets it!
  202. [11:33] planet_roq: ice cold 9000
  203. [11:33] stanielpetrov: I don't have Hope for this game. I'm seeing amazing work and results, and i'm sure about it's realisation!!!!!!!!!!!
  204. [11:33] dreamer_plays: @goldmanma although darth vader was a better villain, I must admit
  205. [11:33] mrallting: The stream begins in 30 hours right?
  206. [11:33] 23magnus23: Nabend
  207. [11:33] foo_diddley: what will you guys do when all other video games are rendered moot
  208. [11:33] atlasau: how long left americans
  209. [11:33] daztek: i played 3.0 earlier and it was amazing, I got a rock solid 27 fps
  210. [11:33] savestarcitizen: Good evening fellow citizens and believers in the two magnificent Brothers
  211. [11:33] borscht_bucket: @Agent_Mothman_reddit I'm just using the fan on the second one to keep my PC from overheating from the awesomeness of 3.0
  212. [11:33] alexnssilent: moon21 moon22
  213. [11:33] prammster: wtfoMS wtfoMS wtfoMS wtfoMS
  214. [11:33] kro_shan: @Luide1 Guten Abend :)
  215. [11:33] dedunkel: o/ 23magnus23
  216. [11:33] t4rgetdron3: @fn1980 i am a fan too, but cig starting a holiday life stream on time seems a tad too optimistic ;)
  217. [11:33] chrispontiuspilate: Chris Roberts is going to end up as the Elon Musk or Richard Branson of the industry after today!
  218. [11:33] thebb88: ??
  219. [11:33] unnecessarilylong: 30 minutes
  220. [11:33] alexnssilent: moon23 moon24
  221. [11:33] layzmon: 27fps on my 144hz monitor yay
  222. [11:33] kirinskay: i have a 840m on my laptop and 2.6.3 runs smooth
  223. [11:33] theredbearone: i got 20fps solid. not more
  224. [11:34] bandaren: Nvidia Geforce 9000 series came out in 2008 Kappa
  225. [11:34] dedunkel: @AtlasAU Not american but 26 minutes
  226. [11:34] slaygan: @ChrisPontiusPilate badChris
  227. [11:34] borscht_bucket: I'm glad CIG does annual patches because every time a new patch comes out it reminds me to upgrade my computer
  228. [11:34] f_r_a_c_t_a_l: 30mins?
  229. [11:34] shwaank: herro
  230. [11:34] casham: FeelsGoodMan
  231. [11:34] grandell23: any news on the sale
  232. [11:34] narkosys: shouldnt it be 60 fps?
  233. [11:34] alexnssilent: moon2SMUG my chat experience moon2SMUG
  234. [11:34] luide1: Na dann hoffen wir mal das was sch�nes gezeigt wird ^^
  235. [11:34] borscht_bucket: I order all new stuff for big patches like 3.0
  236. [11:34] lipstickpaddy: Hopefully we'll see some hair technology today
  237. [11:34] bust4cap: @f_r_a_c_t_a_l yes
  238. [11:34] goldmanma: luke, leia, and han's friendship had more heart and realism than literally anything in the new star wars movies
  239. [11:34] dharkelin: Hey Everybody. Good evening citizen.
  240. [11:34] borscht_bucket: You guys should too
  241. [11:34] fritzgryphon: I hope they talk about the Xian language!
  242. [11:34] mariofan3g: Does nobody remember the fact Wing Commander ran at 12 fps in its day?
  243. [11:34] tjarkovich: Hello yall
  244. [11:34] liudeius: GRandell: They're selling a tank for $105
  245. [11:34] barrymccockinnnerr: 26 min to go!
  246. [11:34] starcitizen: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your 30 minute warning. Please make all necessary preparations. The show will begin at 12pm PST.
  247. [11:34] hound000: yep its a tank
  248. [11:34] daztek: i had to upgrade my RAM to 32gb
  249. [11:34] daztek: worth it though
  250. [11:34] atlasau: thanks
  251. [11:34] goldmanma: what does the audience care about finn and poe as characters or their "Friendship"
  252. [11:34] planet_roq: oh i
  253. [11:34] kro_shan: @ChrisPontiusPilate at least his speech skill is a little better than Elon Musk's
  254. [11:34] borscht_bucket: 12 fps is the new 144 fps in my opinion
  255. [11:34] atasergeynowak: Hello everybody!
  256. [11:34] latinkuro: @ChrisPontiusPilate what do you mean ?
  257. [11:34] goldmanma: everything is too fast paced
  258. [11:34] mariofan3g: Suiting up
  259. [11:34] juanenrique82: WOOHOOOO
  260. [11:35] fullarton469: I hope the CANCEL it again
  261. [11:35] juanenrique82: on time , you TROLLS
  262. [11:35] refractive_index: PIZZZAAA
  263. [11:35] dusty_lens: Hello everyone I am excited for this stream it should be good.
  264. [11:35] vagelis4vp: they said todays stream will be more than 2 hours long..but we will see.
  265. [11:35] infernal_stream: Hello fellow citizens!
  266. [11:35] dharkelin: Uh huh excited
  267. [11:35] borscht_bucket: People can get all "PC Master Race" or whatever but 24 fps just does look more cinematic
  268. [11:35] dustfingerd3: Who has seen trollhunters?
  269. [11:35] fullarton469: ohhhhh babbbyyyyyyy
  270. [11:35] fatrefrigerator: "Make all necessary preparations"?
  271. [11:35] planet_roq: Going no. 2 now and eating my lunch and dinner at the same time. READY!
  272. [11:35] medinchen1: soontm
  273. [11:35] captastro: Good Day everyone o7
  274. [11:35] borscht_bucket: it's just a fact
  275. [11:35] jade77: I upgraded my PC for SC, got two GTX 1080ti's and the game can't handle SLI :(
  276. [11:35] z0rkie: @goldmanma I felt The Force Awakens was good in that regard. TLJ tho felt like it killed whatever magic there was IMO
  277. [11:35] krispeykreme2012: Except Elon Musk speaks like that because he is literally too smart.
  278. [11:35] lipstickpaddy: Would great to see Elon Musk make a cameo in the single player
  279. [11:35] barrymccockinnnerr: Hey Derek Smart, you in here?
  280. [11:35] iainhayes: MarioFan3G on the amiga wing commander 1 often ran at 2-3 fps when you got into the thick of combat :D
  281. [11:35] layzmon: just pluck my eyes out and put monitors in
  282. [11:35] mariofan3g: Let me grab my flight suit
  283. [11:35] kro_shan: 30 mins @ StarCitizen
  284. [11:35] capon_d42: VaultBoy yaaaay
  285. [11:35] savestarcitizen: i hope they talk the whole live stream in x'ian langauge
  286. [11:35] liudeius: @Borscht_Bucket Good thing that's the most SC gets
  287. [11:35] nihilusomnibus: which ship would Elon Musk fly
  288. [11:35] dusty_lens: Me too
  289. [11:35] lipstickpaddy: Wonder if Elon Musk is a backer?
  290. [11:35] nihilusomnibus: I think probably the Tumbril
  291. [11:35] z0rkie: savestarcitizen LUL
  292. [11:35] rayne_bro: @Jade77 you should destroy whoever recommended SLI to you
  293. [11:35] chrispontiuspilate: It's fitting that Chris is announcing this today, he is the prodigal son that this industry needs.
  294. [11:35] refractive_index: YES X'IAN ONLY PLS
  295. [11:35] rinjindin: greetings commanders, hows it going
  296. [11:35] goldmanma: @z0rKie its like finn, rey and poe instantly became best friends, there was no turmoil, there was no growth, everything was way too fast paced
  297. [11:35] planet_roq: sorry @Jade77 but that will be obsolete next month. :P
  298. [11:35] dizmosnow: when is it going live 30 mins?
  299. [11:35] daztek: 24 fps is super immersive to me, it feels like I'm in a movie
  300. [11:35] nihilusomnibus: or the Guillotine
  301. [11:35] 4noname: xocWave
  302. [11:36] borscht_bucket: I heard a rumor that Mark Hamill is gonna be a special guest presenter on this one
  303. [11:36] narkosys: elon would make his own
  304. [11:36] borscht_bucket: so hyped
  305. [11:36] chrispontiuspilate: Jesus was made fun of and mocked, then the whole Easter thing happened and now look at him!
  306. [11:36] jmgdotcom: probably 45 mins, it would be strange if it were on time :)
  307. [11:36] goldmanma: you saw han and leai and luke become friends
  308. [11:36] goldmanma: they all hated each other at first
  309. [11:36] dusty_lens: Elon Musk is a pretty smart investor so he probably has a lot of star citizen pledges
  310. [11:36] ragesaga: XmasRaid RudolphWhoa FeelsGingerMan SnowYeti
  311. [11:36] jade77: lol yeah, wish I had known.
  312. [11:36] goldmanma: but you saw them grow as characters/friends
  313. [11:36] z0rkie: @goldmanma lazy and poor writing
  314. [11:36] dustfingerd3: Commanders? We are citizens here
  315. [11:36] goldmanma: 10000x more compelling than anything in the new movies
  316. [11:36] dusty_lens: also as a fan of space
  317. [11:36] borscht_bucket: That's the reason for the 24 hour delay, Hamill's flight got canceled
  318. [11:36] vagelis4vp: the Xi'an are the ones who look like turtles?..or the Banu?
  319. [11:36] gwildar: I hope there is Xian themed tanks. maybe turtle shaped or something
  320. [11:36] infernal_stream: I'd give my left nut to have 3.0 released right about now
  321. [11:36] goldmanma: yeah, in the new movies
  322. [11:36] fragun_: gleich gehts dann endlich los :)
  323. [11:36] gwbanshee41: Ola Senors
  324. [11:36] planet_roq: KAPOW
  325. [11:36] z0rkie: yeah the character development is non-existant @goldmanma
  326. [11:36] fn1980: @T4rgetDron3 hehe yeah i'm with you on that! xD I expect to be counting up at the full hour ;-P
  327. [11:36] shwaank: herro errbloddy
  328. [11:36] gwbanshee41: And Senoritas
  329. [11:36] commander800: @dustfingerd3 Hey!
  330. [11:36] skyrider_sc: What Game, there is no game yet.! All we have is some Alpha code. That we are more then lucky to be aloow to test ! ;-)
  331. [11:36] iainhayes: ChrisPontiusPilate yeah and gandalf also came back from the dead.. both fairytales :D
  332. [11:36] juicyjest3r: oh so it is on soon
  333. [11:36] aririnkitaku_the_second: inb4 stream delayed
  334. [11:36] lordkryptmann: moinsen
  335. [11:36] nihilusomnibus: I hope the Xian tanks are purple
  336. [11:36] goldmanma: which is what star wars is all about
  337. [11:36] shwaank: are this a starwar?
  338. [11:37] gwbanshee41: Guten Abend
  339. [11:37] goldmanma: i dont understand how anyone likes the new movies lmao
  340. [11:37] fritzgryphon: Best starwar
  341. [11:37] lipstickpaddy: HIGHT REQUEST: Christ Roberts and Elon Musk sit down for talk about space.
  342. [11:37] dusty_lens: Yes hello that is correct
  343. [11:37] thebatman414: lul
  344. [11:37] chilldot: yo o7
  345. [11:37] gwbanshee41: Viel zu viele Deutsche hier, die planen doch was
  346. [11:37] tcmcqueen: Greetings from the 127th Angry Angels Logistics Squadron.
  347. [11:37] thatgeordiebloke: Squadron 42 part 1 release fall 2019, p2 2020, p3 2021, full verse release 2022. 20 + 22 = 42 you're welcome ???
  348. [11:37] liudeius: You can paint your tank purple, you Vanu traitor
  349. [11:37] chilldot: any news about 3.0?
  350. [11:37] shwaank: can sumbudy hlp pls. is this a starwar movie?
  351. [11:37] lipstickpaddy: Last Jedi.. EPIC
  352. [11:37] anox777: wir planen nix
  353. [11:37] rayne_bro: @nihilusomnibus you some kind of Vanu?
  354. [11:37] kirinskay: @gwbanshee41 Gruss
  355. [11:37] chrispontiuspilate: I also heard that Hamill was going to be part of this today, but I'm just waiting to see Sandi
  356. [11:37] gwildar: will we see the female Xian characters?
  357. [11:37] lipstickpaddy: Old with the old, in with the new
  358. [11:37] dustfingerd3: @commander800 I think you are looking for Elite Dangerous
  359. [11:37] mariofan3g: "Your destruction is the will of God!"
  360. [11:37] dero_lavigne: hi
  361. [11:37] oolekking: my name jeff
  362. [11:37] z0rkie: @goldmanma TFA I can see people enjoy. But Im with you regarding the latest one. Really poor film all around
  363. [11:37] aririnkitaku_the_second: 3.0 is now available to all backers on the ptu bro
  364. [11:37] thatcrazyguytank: HYPEEE
  365. [11:37] borscht_bucket: TLJ is gonna be nothing compared to SQ42 Ep 1
  366. [11:37] shwaank: can I play as luke starwars?
  367. [11:37] tcmcqueen: @chilldot soon
  368. [11:37] angrypeas: HELLO ALL YOU LOVERLY PEAPLES
  369. [11:37] gwbanshee41: 3.0 PTU is aviable for everyone with a PAID package
  370. [11:37] winterwalkers: The Last Jedi ROCKS .. get used to it snowflakes :D
  371. [11:37] dreamer_plays: @goldmanma because they care more about the message of the movies, of hope, of facing an impossible challenge, and coming up on top. Its about the development of each character, not their relationships between them
  372. [11:37] foxanderson: is this the right place? i just downloaded twitch on my ps4 and its a little wierd compared to my computer.
  373. [11:37] yodashtein: STAY FROSTY
  374. [11:37] commander800: @dustfingerd3 heh
  375. [11:37] shwaank: pls send bob and vagen!
  376. [11:37] agenttekk: 22 min, right?
  377. [11:37] fadetofunk: I'm here for the trainwreck. I'll take my seat over there
  378. [11:38] bnryzombiedotcom: Luke dies in ep 8 and leya dies in ep 9
  379. [11:38] chrispontiuspilate: Sandi will look fantastic as always
  380. [11:38] z0rkie: wtfoF in chat for Star Wars. GJ Disney
  381. [11:38] fn1980: Who is drinking beer and what brand??? Newcastle Brown here. Sheers!!
  382. [11:38] dustfingerd3: 26
  383. [11:38] thatcrazyguytank: XD @bnryzombiedotcom
  384. [11:38] bust4cap: @FoxAnderson yup
  385. [11:38] fritzgryphon: Trains confirmed?
  386. [11:38] tcmcqueen: right Agentekk
  387. [11:38] iainhayes: Shwaank no.. this has nothing to do with star wars
  388. [11:38] wonkothesaneuk: I sees a Peas o/
  389. [11:38] sarsapariller: Alright time to get HYYYYYPE
  390. [11:38] liudeius: Is "stay frosty" a Wing Commander thing?
  391. [11:38] borscht_bucket: I'm eating beets
  392. [11:38] ac_black: Hello AngryPeas :)
  393. [11:38] mariofan3g: nothing it's not even 7am australia
  394. [11:38] manowars45: 22 minutes!
  395. [11:38] lipstickpaddy: Mark Hamil was in the teaser two days ago, so we'll see a longer cut today.. however he looked like Mark Hamil, crossed with Brad Pit... so pretty cool outlook for him.
  396. [11:38] hexley: Hobgoblin Ale
  397. [11:38] cgfmaster: wtfoFROSTY
  398. [11:38] juicyjest3r: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
  399. [11:38] dusty_lens: Did someone say free beer?
  400. [11:38] kirinskay: will there be any giveaways and raffls today? Like !Raffle and all
  401. [11:38] sarsapariller: I for one have not seen one thing... ONE THING... that could shake my faith in Star Citizen
  402. [11:38] kylonas: Heineken here xD
  403. [11:38] thatcrazyguytank: HYPE!
  404. [11:38] jacksheep80: when will this start?
  405. [11:38] dero_lavigne: lol
  406. [11:38] nihilusomnibus: I think Chris Roberts invented "stay frosty"
  407. [11:38] tcmcqueen: Hobgoblin Ale rocks ! :Love it
  408. [11:38] azzerhoden: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4
  409. [11:38] eruhilde: SQ42 will be more epic than the abomination called TLJ I know personal opinion and a topic much akin to religion and politics
  410. [11:38] iainhayes: Liudeius Aliens did it before Wing Commander 1 did.. so.. no
  411. [11:38] goldmanma: @dreamer_plays yes and we're given no reason to care about the characters, their motivations are paper-thin or done to death, they have a flimsy connection the world around them
  412. [11:38] mariofan3g: did someone say free pizza?
  413. [11:38] refractive_index: STAY FROSTY FrostyThump FrostyThump FrostyThump FrostyThump FrostyThump FrostyThump
  414. [11:38] aririnkitaku_the_second: 8pm gmt/utc
  415. [11:38] joelbl: in 20 min
  416. [11:38] woodynozz: on the jd a coke chat
  417. [11:39] kirinskay: 30mins
  418. [11:39] borscht_bucket: @Lipstickpaddy You didn't hear it from me but Hamil is gonna be a secret guest presenter today
  419. [11:39] mrdjsilva: badHype badHype badHype badHype badHype badHype badHype badHype badHype badHype badHype badHype badHype
  420. [11:39] sarsapariller: Chris Roberts about to come out here and reward ALL the faithful
  421. [11:39] wonkothesaneuk: 20 mins to go time!
  422. [11:39] agent_mothman_reddit: @Liudeius No it's slang for stay cool
  423. [11:39] sarsapariller: PRAISE BE
  424. [11:39] ac_black: 20 mins to start time
  425. [11:39] lipstickpaddy: Dr Pepper in the freezer, so hoping it'll start on time, or I'll be licking an ice lolly!
  426. [11:39] dustfingerd3: At 12 pm PST
  427. [11:39] doomsooth: Please send Bob to a vegan.
  428. [11:39] vagelis4vp: i made a special banana ice-cream for this Stay Frosty :D
  429. [11:39] skyrider_sc: 12PM PST == 20 UTC == 21 CET
  430. [11:39] mrdjsilva: badThump badLick
  431. [11:39] stewartr3: it starts in 24 hours
  432. [11:39] royfat: Deleyd
  433. [11:39] elluxie: crucHYPE crucHYPE crucHYPE crucHYPE crucHYPE crucHYPE
  434. [11:39] vireaux: 20 minutes to go
  435. [11:39] aririnkitaku_the_second: starting in 20 minutes
  436. [11:39] goldmanma: theres no tension in anything that happens
  437. [11:39] rayne_bro: Spoiler: Trillions die in the Yuuzhan Vong War
  438. [11:39] juicyjest3r: HeyGuys
  439. [11:39] savestarcitizen: @Borscht_Bucket stop spreading FUD
  440. [11:39] mariofan3g: just say 20 minutes
  441. [11:39] greedboy: Hallo
  442. [11:39] doomsooth: You deleted that message? Did you even read it?
  443. [11:39] lipstickpaddy: Secret guest... Awesome! My birthday today, so all good.
  444. [11:39] goldmanma: they're boring
  445. [11:39] maruun1986: @Sarsapariller Halleluyha
  446. [11:39] zraaaa: T-20minutes
  447. [11:39] mariofan3g: everyone lives in different timezones
  448. [11:39] buns3n: jleearSub jleearSub jleearSub jleearSub jleearSub gamsUNDER discolYo discolYo discolYo discolYo
  449. [11:39] greedboy: Is anyone here?
  450. [11:39] narkosys: will today be looked at as the day the game industry changed?
  451. [11:39] stewartr3: wow cant even make an obvious 24 hr joke :/
  452. [11:39] samfamily37: it's 18:45 UTC
  453. [11:39] thatcrazyguytank: Lmao they dont like me posting the word hype xD what is this russia?
  454. [11:39] eruhilde: likely because Star War is I suppose followed by many like a religion
  455. [11:39] goldmanma: @Narkosys no
  456. [11:39] teslovik: wanted to make a team now but will instead make it in 20minutes )
  457. [11:39] lipstickpaddy: 12:39 here in Mexico
  458. [11:39] greedboy: hype
  459. [11:39] borscht_bucket: @savestarcitizen it's not FUD, my uncle works there and said Hamil was coming down
  460. [11:40] teslovik: tea* sorry
  461. [11:40] 0access: Sierra Nevada - Coffee Stout, is what I currently have
  462. [11:40] kirinskay: @greedboy nope
  463. [11:40] planet_roq: brb jumping into MWO
  464. [11:40] d0ubl3d4v3: so it starts in 20 mins?
  465. [11:40] undersc0re: @Buns3n hi...
  466. [11:40] aririnkitaku_the_second: coming in ""20"" minutes
  467. [11:40] star_killer888: Soon!
  468. [11:40] jegekim: Happy holidays to all of you, except the ones who post SW spoilers. Bad holidays to you
  469. [11:40] heletzac: POUET?
  470. [11:40] borscht_bucket: this is a big presser for SQ42 so they wanted star power
  471. [11:40] radegast74: it's 1140 Pacific Tim
  472. [11:40] chrispontiuspilate: Chris Roberts and Richard Branson are going to synonymous after todays event!
  473. [11:40] radegast74: e
  474. [11:40] goldmanma: Star Wars had 3 good movies and a few good games, thats it, thats where it shoulda stopped lmao
  475. [11:40] yodashtein: hopefully Chris Roberts writing is better than Ryan's
  476. [11:40] dustfingerd3: Hype
  477. [11:40] dusty_lens: Hello Mexico friend
  478. [11:40] banmactyre: Don't get too excited, there's still time to push it back till tomorrow.
  479. [11:40] goldmanma: anything after it was because of greed and money
  480. [11:40] vicwaberub: Mark Hamill will be there?
  481. [11:40] dustfingerd3: Expectation
  482. [11:40] ninefivenine: Star wars was awesome
  483. [11:40] buns3n: O7 Undersc0re <3
  484. [11:40] farragoth: geht um 21Uher loa das ganze oder?
  485. [11:40] dreamer_plays: @goldmanma I care about them, they are as well developed as needed. And this movie had the right kind of tension. Its not about getting laid, its about bringing back hope to a defeated galaxy
  486. [11:40] anakwanar2: secret guest - we payed several millions for someone to appear on stream and milk you for 20 more millions
  487. [11:40] dusty_lens: Pod Racer is the best game of all time.
  488. [11:40] thatcrazyguytank: High expections!!
  489. [11:40] tims_titillating_titties: maybe they will have derek smart on
  490. [11:40] ac_black: we are soooo going to kill Twitch today eheh
  491. [11:40] mariofan3g: Han Solo dies wait wrong movie
  492. [11:40] bnryzombiedotcom: Chris bought a ticket to the moon
  493. [11:40] borscht_bucket: @vicwaberub Yeah, top secret guest presenter
  494. [11:40] yodashtein: GREEN MILK
  495. [11:40] chrispontiuspilate: Is there any truth to Mark Hamill being a special guest for this ATV?
  496. [11:40] greedboy: Now THIS is pod racing!
  497. [11:40] dustfingerd3: Leia is the woman of steel
  498. [11:40] iainhayes: goldmanma so stick your fingers in your ears and ignore all the rest.. some people like the other movies.. personally i thought rogue one was awesome :)
  499. [11:40] bust4cap: @farragoth jup, noch 20min
  500. [11:40] sarsapariller: @banmactyre A true wizard is never early or late. He releases precisely when he means to! And Chris Roberts IS A TRUE WIZARD
  501. [11:41] hermedic: SC is going to rick the gaming world, and destroy player base in many of the games.
  502. [11:41] relapse788: test
  503. [11:41] dustfingerd3: Test
  504. [11:41] mogami76: He will replace SCM with LUDICROUS SPEED
  505. [11:41] hermedic: Rock
  506. [11:41] vireaux: its pretty obvious that they have to kill off the older characters
  507. [11:41] nammer: half hour left
  508. [11:41] mariofan3g: rick?
  509. [11:41] foxanderson: HypeCitizen
  510. [11:41] kamsolastor: Test is good
  511. [11:41] planet_roq: milk they be Irish on Tatooine
  512. [11:41] cormaq_: @ThatCrazyGuyTank pretty sure it was your other immature comments that were the reason, sunshine
  513. [11:41] jadsoti: Jar Jar Binks is the special presenter
  514. [11:41] kawala999: succeeded
  515. [11:41] dreamer_plays: @IainHayes Rogue One was too sad for me
  516. [11:41] yodashtein: test
  517. [11:41] chrispontiuspilate: Comparisons could be made between Chris Roberts and Jesus. Not being silly either. Look at their history and what Chris is having to endure today.
  518. [11:41] greatmarquis: hi
  519. [11:41] goldmanma: @IainHayes you're right, its fine i guess
  520. [11:41] nammer: they started the 60min countdown a half hour ago on twitter
  521. [11:41] kawala999: 19mins left
  522. [11:41] jaxieman: STAR CITIZEN IS THE ONE TRUE GAME
  523. [11:41] ccughostjrdk: Everyone boycutt Crytek?
  524. [11:41] goldmanma: @IainHayes the original trilogy still exists
  525. [11:41] verduijnos29: when is the stream starting
  526. [11:41] imortell: crashaHYPE crashaHYPE crashaHYPE crashaHYPE crashaHYPE crashaHYPE crashaHYPE crashaHYPE crashaHYPE crashaHYPE
  527. [11:41] chronicles_of_criss: TEST is BEST
  528. [11:41] hermedic: rick = rock
  529. [11:41] goldmanma: thats all that matters
  530. [11:41] radegast74: !JarJar
  531. [11:41] greendra_tv: Hey guys! :D
  532. [11:41] lipstickpaddy: "Okay Mark, let's get the elephant herd in the room question over... Will you be in Episode 9?"
  533. [11:41] kronus11: ok
  534. [11:41] hansyolo42: wtfoHYPE
  535. [11:41] dusty_lens: Watch what you say there sparky
  536. [11:41] fritzgryphon: Chris literally means Jesus
  537. [11:41] toygrubin: Hello everyone! :)
  538. [11:41] verduijnos29: ty
  539. [11:41] goldmanma: @CCUGhostJrDK crytek boycotted itself lmao
  540. [11:41] zionzah: are we getting something tonight?
  541. [11:41] farewell_red: Hey all
  542. [11:41] tims_titillating_titties: @ChrisPontiusPilate so a cult?
  543. [11:41] iainhayes: dreamer_plays i liked that in it.. i was hoping that they werent all going to be saved :)
  544. [11:41] mariofan3g: "I don't want to build a game. I want to build a universe"
  545. [11:41] kawala999: ah ok, so already delay of 10mins? :D
  546. [11:41] josephsmith72: My anticipation is tripling every second
  547. [11:41] hombre31: Woohoo, thought I missed the stream
  548. [11:41] vireaux: test go die
  549. [11:41] narkosys: well CR resurrected the sim genre.
  550. [11:41] sarsapariller: @ChrisPontiusPilate Absolutely
  551. [11:41] layzmon: suddenly I am out of bananas
  552. [11:41] redroningaming: No wizard delays a live stream event of a RECORDED show a day late
  553. [11:41] dusty_lens: Yes I am refusing to play any Crytek products
  554. [11:42] migz90: what is this going to show us????
  555. [11:42] planet_roq: Mark! We know you're there. We love you!
  556. [11:42] dustfingerd3: Kerbal
  557. [11:42] wizzldissl: hey all
  558. [11:42] mogami76: Wonder how many people bought a tank
  559. [11:42] entitatea: Hello Star Citizens
  560. [11:42] jaxieman: Chris Roberts is VERY similar to Jesus Christ in a lot of ways guys.
  561. [11:42] dragonvirus: 15 minuten te gaan ( minuts to go!!) ! XD
  562. [11:42] refractive_index: FrostyThump FrostyThump FrostyThump FrostyThump FrostyThump FrostyThump FrostyThump FrostyThump FrostyThump FrostyThump FrostyThump FrostyThump FrostyThump STAY FROSTY!!!!
  563. [11:42] amontillado_on_twitch: woot
  564. [11:42] spacejay: not a cult
  565. [11:42] vireaux: elon musk is jesus christ
  566. [11:42] sc_dividion: @ZionZah 3.0 is available, if that's what you're asking
  567. [11:42] mariofan3g: jesus did it in 7 days
  568. [11:42] toygrubin: I bought like 250 land plots!
  569. [11:42] freedomerection: test
  570. [11:42] vireaux: he has come back to save us
  571. [11:42] verduijnos29: hahah they always delay make sure the money keep flowing in
  572. [11:42] planet_roq: hello Entite...titi
  573. [11:42] goldmanma: @Dusty_Lens SC is built with lumberyard which still has cryengine code, are you gonna not play?
  574. [11:42] drguillotin: ?
  575. [11:42] layzmon: we are all similar to Jesus bro
  576. [11:42] sarsapariller: Watching this from the deck of my Starfarer <salute>
  577. [11:42] hombre31: hail roberts
  578. [11:42] greedboy: FeelsGingerMan FeelsGingerMan FeelsGingerMan FeelsGingerMan
  579. [11:42] chrispontiuspilate: If they have Mark Hamill in studio, I am going to absolutely cry!
  580. [11:42] doctorddl: T minus 18 minutes
  581. [11:42] narkosys: always be frosty
  582. [11:42] infernal_stream: I'm only here to see Mark Hammil's gloriously rendered eyebrows
  583. [11:42] mogami76: Jesus.... he cuts my lawn
  584. [11:42] vagelis4vp: lol...for comments about Chris :D
  585. [11:42] radegast74: @jaxieman yeah, idiots are trying to crucify hi
  586. [11:42] rayne_bro: Chris Roberts looks a lot more like Julius Caesar than Jesus
  587. [11:42] anakwanar2: what's up moderators? deleted messages that's showing the truth about your scam?
  588. [11:42] 0access: I'm still debating on purchasing the ground package just not sure if I want to, already spent a fair amount on this so far.
  589. [11:42] kawala999: so are we all angrily excited? :D
  590. [11:42] hendenberg: Are we just going to get a nice gameplay video from SQ42 likely?
  591. [11:42] radegast74: m
  592. [11:42] relic_starbrook: its 11:42 :)
  593. [11:42] mariofan3g: I'm getting too cold I'm that frosty
  594. [11:42] scisshop: no jeesus did it in 33 years
  595. [11:43] borscht_bucket: better get your tissues ready then
  596. [11:43] greedboy: Delayed ending to holiday sale
  597. [11:43] sydmontague: was there some announcement how long the stream will be?
  598. [11:43] narkosys: jesus built my hot rod
  599. [11:43] lipstickpaddy: isn't lumberyard the latest version of crytek, as Amazon took over it?
  600. [11:43] k0naro: wann gehts los ?
  601. [11:43] martiks: why u are talking about elon
  602. [11:43] dusty_lens: @goldmanma Star Engine is ok because it is its own thing and unique
  603. [11:43] atasergeynowak: Get ready
  604. [11:43] dustfingerd3: 16:43 here
  605. [11:43] greedboy: Need more $$$$
  606. [11:43] mesca84: my body is ready
  607. [11:43] goldmanma: @Rayne_Bro is he gonna get backstabbed?
  608. [11:43] brad_gt: Merry Christmas Citizens..
  609. [11:43] hermedic: Cannot wait for tankalso
  610. [11:43] kawala999: 2h syd
  611. [11:43] dusty_lens: Built from the ground up
  612. [11:43] hombre31: my god we are down to 17 minutes
  613. [11:43] youweremyghost: :O
  614. [11:43] yodashtein: Chris Roberts is on Valve Time
  615. [11:43] radegast74: one last dog walk before the show!
  616. [11:43] doctorddl: T minus 17 minutes
  617. [11:43] tumbler41: They said the srteam was gunna be about 2 hours
  618. [11:43] t0o0nyvr: Wooooooooooooooooooooooooot
  619. [11:43] mariofan3g: Do you think Jesus crowdfunded the universe?
  620. [11:43] greedboy: Elon musk wants star citizen
  621. [11:43] rivaidanrahl: Everyone excited for delay #2?
  622. [11:43] maruun1986: Jesus huh, i have no problem with that but that being left hanging for so long is quite the situation..
  623. [11:43] drluv23: I am really looking forward for hamills input in this live stream!
  624. [11:43] vireaux: This is gonna be like a ATV + SQ42 gameplay
  625. [11:43] redroningaming: Crytek is gonna get millions of backer dollars from their valid lawsuit for CIG breaking contract, so expect more sales in the future.
  626. [11:43] goldmanma: @Dusty_Lens its CryEngine, not built from the ground up
  627. [11:43] pharein: I don't celebrate Xmas
  628. [11:43] rayne_bro: @goldmanma will it be Ben or Lando zizThinking
  629. [11:43] rsiupdates: Hey guys! :)
  630. [11:43] sydmontague: ty kawala999
  631. [11:43] goldmanma: @Dusty_Lens what did i just say lol
  632. [11:43] deltaecho50812: big falcon heavy will bring us to mars
  633. [11:43] crosseyedhorse: *dims the lights*
  634. [11:43] narkosys: cant wait for VR - never going to leave the game
  635. [11:43] arbiterscx: These delays are making me.... twitch
  636. [11:43] skander: @k0naro um 9 uhr
  637. [11:43] borscht_bucket: get hype boyooooooos
  638. [11:43] foxanderson: 18 minutes waiting around to see Mark Hamil in his best role yet. :)
  639. [11:43] heureh: delay again ?
  640. [11:43] kawala999: elon musk is a backer, I am sure :P
  641. [11:43] greedboy: Elon Musk follows Star Citizen
  642. [11:43] relic_starbrook: who is hyped as i am here
  643. [11:43] youweremyghost: Slow mode inc!
  644. [11:43] toygrubin: Jesus killed the dinosaurs, Chris Roberts is gonna put them back on some of the new planets!
  645. [11:43] planet_roq: tell them to hold the stream until I'm done with MWO
  646. [11:43] brad_gt: This just in... Streams Canceled again... muhahaha
  647. [11:43] deltaecho50812: real live robertsspaceindustries
  648. [11:43] borscht_bucket: BIG announcement coming today
  649. [11:43] songo20031: ?? ?
  650. [11:43] borscht_bucket: and NO it isn't a delay you haters
  651. [11:43] layzmon: >yfw HL3 will be a Starcitizen minigame
  652. [11:43] mesca84: Chris going to announce Half Life 3
  653. [11:44] greedboy: I wouldnt be suprized if he were here now ;)
  654. [11:44] vagelis4vp: Merry Xmas t o Citizens and Pirates alike..and Happy New 3.0
  655. [11:44] shcure: starting in 16mins?
  656. [11:44] floppy_donky: Elon Musk I heard is a backer
  657. [11:44] amontillado_on_twitch: are we there yet?
  658. [11:44] artemis_black: That wouldn't be so unexpected
  659. [11:44] sarsapariller: @Toygrubin The only dinosaurs Chris Roberts needs to kill are BIG GAME PUBLISHERS
  660. [11:44] felris: Soon �
  661. [11:44] kirinskay: 26 gigs left
  662. [11:44] mariofan3g: @Layzmon bahahaha
  663. [11:44] z0rkie: @mesca84 that would delete internet
  664. [11:44] odeis_: Greetings Citizen o/
  665. [11:44] hobbykiller: This delay was better then star wars tlj
  666. [11:44] hombre31: They won't delay delay
  667. [11:44] vireaux: SQ42 is coming out on christmas
  668. [11:44] eruhilde: A true wizard does things at the right and appropriate time, regardless of what the likes of those living in Orthanac think.
  669. [11:44] josephsmith72: I'm tanked for this event
  670. [11:44] youweremyghost: Whats everyones Spectrum/SC names?
  671. [11:44] rekkonv: @planet_roq We may be the only two MWO players here.
  672. [11:44] brad_gt: They will gives us the Tumbril Tank Thingy today..
  673. [11:44] dusty_lens: @goldmanma The only cry I hear are people crying about CIG building their own engine from the ground up ; )
  674. [11:44] rsiupdates: Yep. 15 minutes left! :D
  675. [11:44] artemis_black: CIG's track record is... bad
  676. [11:44] kalux_wt: Elon Musk already has his own spaceships
  677. [11:44] z0rkie: everything would implode
  678. [11:44] azmodiuz: soon!
  679. [11:44] youweremyghost: Show yourselves!
  680. [11:44] floppy_donky: I want space dinosaurs
  681. [11:44] yodashtein: third time mark hamil is in a Chris Roberts game? HL3 CONFIRMED
  682. [11:44] manowars45: HYYYYYYPPEEEE
  683. [11:44] ermgerdgaming: why does elon musk have to play SC when he's making it a reality :P
  684. [11:44] danoga27: trent
  685. [11:44] chrispontiuspilate: I also heard that Warren Buffet donated to this project through one of his endowments
  686. [11:44] kirinskay: soon
  687. [11:44] greedboy: Elon Musk is a concierge backer actually!
  688. [11:44] auxh7: hpe
  689. [11:44] yasoingg: so when?
  690. [11:44] capon_d42: happy belated solstice everyone PurpleStar
  691. [11:44] scisshop: Actualy Jesus didn't give any news for many years according to the bible
  692. [11:44] mariofan3g: how to install SC on DOS?
  693. [11:44] tumbler41: Tumbril Tank is called the "Nova" I believe.
  694. [11:44] deltaecho50812: falcon heavy will aunch january :D
  695. [11:44] molexer: i would say it's more like 45 min left. but i could be wrong
  696. [11:44] streamcoder: Stoked!
  697. [11:44] wonkothesaneuk: @Floppy_Donky Game character Silas Koerner (Head of Consolidated Outland) is allegedly based on Elon.
  698. [11:44] kirinskay: 20 min
  699. [11:45] yasoingg: i want mmo feature of this game with high amoount players per instance.
  700. [11:45] dusty_lens: Do you guys think that Chris Roberts will make an appearance like in the Wing Commander movie I really hope so
  701. [11:45] chrispontiuspilate: Warren Buffet being on board this project is HUGE
  702. [11:45] yasoingg: suppoort that ffs
  703. [11:45] lipstickpaddy: Elon Musk... to chill out with his family and friends
  704. [11:45] dusty_lens: It was cool to see him driving that tractor in the film
  705. [11:45] greedboy: Probably another 50 minutes
  706. [11:45] brad_gt: Everyones a backer..
  707. [11:45] dragonvirus: Mmm, the game launcher stays stil on 1 file.....Stil wating for the release then Xd
  708. [11:45] drguillotin: ?
  709. [11:45] zagarus01: Just loaded launcher to see PTU access, best Christmas ever!
  710. [11:45] tfb1968: come on! I need a sale so I can CCU an LTI token into an endeavor!
  711. [11:45] mariofan3g: Chris always cameos in his stuff
  712. [11:45] yojinbo90: hm
  713. [11:45] tdpl769: What if "tomorrow", has the same meaning as "weeks not months"?
  714. [11:45] youweremyghost: Does a sale come after this stream?
  715. [11:45] f0rtytwo42: UTC=GMT
  716. [11:45] sarsapariller: Did you hear Turkey just invested $500m into CIG
  717. [11:45] slishh: I just heard its going to be postponed to next week!
  718. [11:45] brad_gt: Thats why the game is going to be the greatest game every made..
  719. [11:45] dilead: Salutations!
  720. [11:45] borscht_bucket: He's already in as Dread Pirate Roberts I think
  721. [11:45] greedboy: IM SO HYPE FOR THIS I CANT WAIT THERE will be like an HOUR of footage!!!
  722. [11:45] youweremyghost: New website?
  723. [11:45] yojinbo90: should it not e running by now?
  724. [11:45] kleavers: Of course there's a sale coming! :D
  725. [11:45] narkosys: so daniel craig will have a cameo?
  726. [11:45] z0rkie: @Sarsapariller no they didnt lol
  727. [11:45] mariofan3g: 15 minutes
  728. [11:45] xr__: 15 min
  729. [11:45] tdpl769: I'm having turkey for Christmas.
  730. [11:45] goldmanma: @Dusty_Lens you know thats not true at all right? do you know anything about lumberyard?
  731. [11:45] mmoblitz: no
  732. [11:45] yodashtein: it starts at 12
  733. [11:45] supernewt: Hi citizens!
  734. [11:45] thornfoot: I have this stong Deja Vu feeling
  735. [11:46] mogami76: These live casts are about as reliable as my wife telling me she will be back out in 10 mins. 30 mins later Im still waiting.
  736. [11:46] lipstickpaddy: 2 hours long (confirmed)
  737. [11:46] dusty_lens: Yeah he's like the video game version of quentin tarantino he always makes an appearance
  738. [11:46] goldmanma: @Dusty_Lens i thought not lol
  739. [11:46] roninmaciel: 15 minutes Kreygasm
  740. [11:46] hombre31: 14 mimutes
  741. [11:46] streamcoder: 14 min
  742. [11:46] sarsapariller: @z0rKie Oh my bad it was Crytek
  743. [11:46] elbinooo: Guys, will I finally get to see some gameplay in 15 minutes?
  744. [11:46] greedboy: Tick Toc tick toc TICK TOC
  745. [11:46] ffuub: 14
  746. [11:46] dt_george: HYPE!
  747. [11:46] vireaux: its 11:47 PST, start time is 12
  748. [11:46] mariofan3g: Ever get the feeling of Deju Vu?
  749. [11:46] youweremyghost: Hmm getting the D elsewhere
  750. [11:46] z0rkie: turkey invested all their money into isis, they cant afford to invest in CIG
  751. [11:46] hatleyd: How long will the stream be delayed by, you think?
  752. [11:46] ffuub: 13
  753. [11:46] deep_focus1886: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4
  754. [11:46] hermedic: LOL @mogami76
  755. [11:46] lackogravitas: hello space friends :)
  756. [11:46] thanatoshyc: hello citizens
  757. [11:46] imonspartan: Catorce minutos por que soy espa�ol muy espa�ol y muchos espa�oles
  758. [11:46] imarobotgamer: I heard it was pushed back another day
  759. [11:46] istaran: So, what's the word. Is Derek Smart right?
  760. [11:46] vindi123: HYPE HYPE
  761. [11:46] pldesy: Im sure the reveal we will have is that they will annouce that squadron 42 is ready to download and merry chrismas everyone
  762. [11:46] youweremyghost: FuuuuuB!
  763. [11:46] brad_gt: Can you guys imagine the Choas at CIG right now..??
  764. [11:46] deltaecho50812: 42
  765. [11:46] pldesy: im sure
  766. [11:46] wilsonwy: SQ42!
  767. [11:46] elbinooo: I mean, I like Star Citizen but it is boring AF currently.
  768. [11:46] yodashtein: why 42?
  769. [11:46] lipstickpaddy: The teaser trailer from 2 days ago was actual gameplay from SQ42
  770. [11:46] sam332211: whats deju vu
  771. [11:46] youweremyghost: Ahahahah here is Mr Grinch!
  772. [11:46] hawken35: zop zob
  773. [11:46] jaxieman: Crytek is the devil and Chris Roberts is Jesus
  774. [11:46] siruss: demo is comming
  775. [11:46] greedboy: My mom told me not to do drugs but here I am
  776. [11:46] mariofan3g: greetings space cats
  777. [11:46] dumppanic: bonjour
  778. [11:46] camasi95: Sooooo today no delay? XD
  779. [11:46] mogami76: Hey Hermedic, you know it is true.
  780. [11:46] foo_diddley: where is the stream
  781. [11:46] dusty_lens: @goldmanma Friend I just want to enjoy the stream not be trolled Star Citizen made a great engine and enjoy it
  782. [11:46] eruhilde: So Which company in Stanton System would Musk and Branson each lead. ArcCorp, Hurston Dynamics, Crusader or Microtech?
  783. [11:46] reverendzombie72: I hope it will be game play and not another scripted scene!
  784. [11:46] lackogravitas: 41 was already taken
  785. [11:46] subsidy87: Violence, Speed, Momentum...
  786. [11:46] walrus_fist: don't get your hops up
  787. [11:46] eastend66: been playing 3.0 for the first time . love it . all is forgiven
  788. [11:46] 1nsane_eu: badObey badObey badObey badObey badObey badObey
  789. [11:46] z0rkie: @Sarsapariller hmm really? Wasnt Crytek founded by two turkish brothers from germany?
  790. [11:46] elbinooo: No it was a cinematic
  791. [11:46] kephael: When SC comes out I want to be a lawyer in space court. I will litigate Copyright and Breach of contract claims.
  792. [11:47] vireaux: Sq42 is done, thats the surpise
  793. [11:47] mariofan3g: G'day from down under
  794. [11:47] camural: hi
  795. [11:47] drguillotin: 42 is my favorite number since I was a little girl
  796. [11:47] nanotech47: salut :)
  797. [11:47] bust4cap: @pldesy lol nope xD
  798. [11:47] transgendercitizen: Merry Christmas Everyone <3
  799. [11:47] farewell_red: FFFFFF
  800. [11:47] borscht_bucket: @Elbinooo don't cry just cause they literally gave you a PLANET to play around on
  801. [11:47] elbinooo: Gameplay is interactive
  802. [11:47] oakbough: haha, that's funny you think it will start on time.
  803. [11:47] deltaecho50812: MICROTECH
  804. [11:47] genesteeler: FIRST
  805. [11:47] goldmanma: @Dusty_Lens ah the ol' reverse troll-o-roo, enjoy the stream friend lol
  806. [11:47] mendrael: its only a delay if something gets ever shown/released
  807. [11:47] quotated: 42 is the fourty second squadron in the UEE fleet
  808. [11:47] ffuub: at least SQ42 should run well on our pc's!
  809. [11:47] walrus_fist: best thing you'll get is a release date for summer 2018
  810. [11:47] greedboy: !raffle
  811. [11:47] lipstickpaddy: SQ42 is going to be a trilogy, so if the PU doesn't interest you, not to worry.
  812. [11:47] mariofan3g: Merry CHRISmas
  813. [11:47] aririnkitaku_the_second: i wonder if they fixed the animation issue yet
  814. [11:47] jalopp: :)
  815. [11:47] borscht_bucket: GET. HYPE. BOYYYYYYYYS
  816. [11:47] youweremyghost: @Ffuub you spelt your own name wrong!
  817. [11:47] pinkcitizen: Will they show this on YouTube as well?
  818. [11:47] seraphina2009: 42 is also my favorite number, but only because it's the meaning of life.
  819. [11:47] the_kronos1: jleearSub
  820. [11:47] toygrubin: They are gonna drop 3.0 to everyone today :P
  821. [11:47] sarsapariller: @z0rKie Your guess is as good as mine friend, I'm just glad they existed to make Star Citizen possible
  822. [11:47] jons420: ibiy
  823. [11:47] dusty_lens: It's funny how all of the criticisms about 3.0 never coming out tanked all of a sudden
  824. [11:47] eddy____malou: Please everyone stay frosty
  825. [11:47] razelhanout: 15 min!!!
  826. [11:47] zeiban: 42 is a hitch hikers guide to universe rererence
  827. [11:47] jons420: exciting stuff
  828. [11:47] z0rkie: @walrus_fist more likely to be holidays 2018
  829. [11:47] daojag: SQ42 is going to melt by cpu
  830. [11:47] mindtakerftw: lmao
  831. [11:47] redroningaming: Technically speaking Crytek is Jesus and Chris Roberts is Judas Iscariot.
  832. [11:47] pusztaburger: i am downloading 3.0 right now! The second time today - CIG hasnt mentioned to download patcher first
  833. [11:47] heureh: ?????
  834. [11:47] hermedic: They have been working 24/7 pushing out content I am proud of them
  835. [11:47] jaiceej: badHi
  836. [11:47] sof_friedhelm: Kreygasm
  837. [11:47] elbinooo: @Borscht_Bucket Yea and it is very impressive but it still isn't fun
  838. [11:47] vakrthewakeful: h y p e
  839. [11:47] ffuub: i hope they realease SQ42 today
  840. [11:47] pldesy: hey everyone CIG RESERVE US ABIG Surprise. Squadron 42 is ready and we will be able to play it right after the special :)
  841. [11:47] narkosys: rocket man
  842. [11:47] heureh: ????
  843. [11:47] mariofan3g: oh god... 42 is the meaning of life and it's Squadron 42
  844. [11:47] jons420: @Toygrubin 3.0 is live ptu for every backer
  845. [11:47] goldmanma: @Dusty_Lens its still not out, features were cut, and its buggy
  846. [11:47] shveet: o7
  847. [11:47] greedboy: \raffle
  848. [11:47] drguillotin: yea 3.0 showed the true star citizen
  849. [11:47] youweremyghost: ahahahaha
  850. [11:48] lipstickpaddy: YouTube upload yes... but expect it later than the 2 hour show.
  851. [11:48] z0rkie: @Sarsapariller but where did u get the information about turkey investing in crytek?
  852. [11:48] borscht_bucket: You gotta be able to make your own fun man
  853. [11:48] jaxieman: Guys once the sale starts we need each and everyone one of you to spend AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. Lets keep this train going for another year
  854. [11:48] the_kronos1: Get yo foods ready, get yo drinks ready, there's bout to be a stream on!
  855. [11:48] narkosys: tanks to turkey
  856. [11:48] borscht_bucket: it's space
  857. [11:48] goldmanma: @Dusty_Lens whats your point lol
  858. [11:48] xithlang: @Toygrubin Already available to all on the PTU as of 8 hours ago.
  859. [11:48] utherellus: boi how much left?
  860. [11:48] pappyboyington: 15min. then a 24hour delay
  861. [11:48] hombre31: This better punch above its weight
  862. [11:48] ffuub: downloading SQ42 right now...
  863. [11:48] jaxieman: We need at least $1000 from everyone here
  864. [11:48] subsidy87: Who thinks that 16GB memory is enough?
  865. [11:48] jacksheep80: cor blimey guvnor
  866. [11:48] dusty_lens: Disco Lando was worked all night to make sure that this stream was perfect CIG deserves a big round of applaud
  867. [11:48] siruss: stream tomorrow. technical problem
  868. [11:48] the_m0f0: what time does this thing start
  869. [11:48] casham: o7 all
  870. [11:48] greedboy: !enter raffle
  871. [11:48] borscht_bucket: CIG is making a game for hardcore gamers theyre not gonna hold your hand
  872. [11:48] path0g3n77: Sup Guys and Gals
  873. [11:48] grandell23: is that wave 5
  874. [11:48] daojag: I will cancel family christmas for PTU,
  875. [11:48] bloood12: lol
  876. [11:48] commander_jack_: So ready
  877. [11:48] eruhilde: Branson Crusader.. you know 30th century version of Virgin, and Must Microtech
  878. [11:48] toygrubin: I know.. i called it months ago :P
  879. [11:48] jons420: I've backed a grand already :(
  880. [11:48] z0rkie: Erdogan aiming for the video game industry LUL
  881. [11:48] diceggg: delayed till tomorrow
  882. [11:48] aririnkitaku_the_second: i hope 16gb is enough i looked on amazon for a 32gb kit & it was $400
  883. [11:48] lipstickpaddy: tech specs were given already this week... 16GB is the minimum
  884. [11:48] diceggg: ?
  885. [11:48] mogami76: I don;t trust 16gb ram was enough. I got 128gb DDR4
  886. [11:48] f0rtytwo42: @Subsidy plenty
  887. [11:48] borscht_bucket: The delay wasn't for stream related things my dudes. Hamil's flight got canceled last minute
  888. [11:48] jaxieman: @jons420 We need another 1000
  889. [11:48] tastyjuegos: I'll have to figure out what's wrong with two of my RAM slots then so I can install the other 16gb of RAM I have.
  890. [11:48] eddy____malou: @jons420 o7
  891. [11:48] brad_gt: um the train better pull into station at some point... its been going for 5 years now..
  892. [11:48] tonyiason: o7 all
  893. [11:48] ffuub: @Borscht_Bucket lol tell that to the IFCS
  894. [11:48] dedunkel: @Subsidy87 Should easily be enough. Its just memory leaks and general non optimization thats the issue
  895. [11:48] titiomm: red one ! red one !
  896. [11:48] borscht_bucket: and they ddin't want to do the stream without him
  897. [11:48] starksrealities: im just over here playing 3.0
  898. [11:48] persueder: got everything done at work, now i get to spend the next two hours watching and getting paid lol
  899. [11:48] kawala999: 128gb crashes the game
  900. [11:49] lt_general_falcon: All Nova Tank owners are standby to buy a expensive "Concept" tank dropship
  901. [11:49] siruss: squadron 2042
  902. [11:49] citizenmoderatus: So, have they announced delay for today?
  903. [11:49] greedboy: 10 minutes till my heart explodes
  904. [11:49] citizenmoderatus: Or they are still silent?
  905. [11:49] foxchard: JARED RED ONE
  906. [11:49] foxchard: RED ONE JARED!
  907. [11:49] jons420: @jaxieman @Eddy____Malou o7
  908. [11:49] lipstickpaddy: Wrong chat for hardware problems dude.
  909. [11:49] hobbykiller: Pizza and beer. nothings beat that
  910. [11:49] greedboy: I wonder when the new netcode is coming out
  911. [11:49] youweremyghost: @Ffuub H'es off already ahahahah!
  912. [11:49] superblack2: 10 MINUTES
  913. [11:49] will_grnsbk: discolRed1
  914. [11:49] subsidy87: @Aririnkitaku_the_Second look at ebay, got my 32 Corsair for 119�
  915. [11:49] fn1980: @Yodashtein 42 is the answer to life the universe and everything. It's taken from 'the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy'. Chris likes that book i guess.
  916. [11:49] mariofan3g: when people complain about waiting 5 years... try waiting as a WC fan
  917. [11:49] slaygan: badChris badDisco greyBrian djkSean wtfoMS
  918. [11:49] trevjenn: wooot
  919. [11:49] kirinskay: im downloading the game and litening to music in da launcher
  920. [11:49] josephsmith72: Just finished that 80s film with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rae Dawn Chong - anyone here remember the name?
  921. [11:49] kawala999: 64gb is currently the max that the game starts with
  922. [11:49] terriontv: anyone have info to download nthe new launcher ?
  923. [11:49] bust4cap: @citizenmoderatus delayed to next december
  924. [11:49] goldmanma: @deDunkel its the overall way the client interfaces with the server, its extremely complex
  925. [11:49] trevjenn: who's excited
  926. [11:49] jons420: 3.0 is really good
  927. [11:49] dedunkel: @citizenmoderatus they confirmed 10 minutes afaik
  928. [11:49] jons420: solid fps
  930. [11:49] greedboy: I heard netcode is getting its own segment
  931. [11:49] casham: LAMP LOVE YOU ALL!
  932. [11:49] titiomm: Dammit red one...
  933. [11:49] captainaddi: hype?
  934. [11:49] hitmanstallion: GIB ATV
  935. [11:49] zurakci: WOOOOOO WAITING!
  936. [11:49] superblack2: greyBrian
  937. [11:49] borscht_bucket: I was getting 90 fps in 3.0 this morning
  938. [11:49] foodcookieeaterbakeman: what up availJones availJones availJones availJones
  939. [11:49] youweremyghost: I get 144 fps
  940. [11:49] ffuub: 9 minutes to delay
  941. [11:49] lt_general_falcon: I'm waiting PowerUpR
  942. [11:49] flodaddelt: yo we're getting close ! :D
  943. [11:49] dedunkel: @goldmanma Yeah but im talking about ram^^ :P
  944. [11:49] iddkfa: sorry, i'm late Kappa / is dis the SC holiday special rebroadcast strimm? Keepo
  945. [11:49] kirinskay: gib gib gib
  946. [11:49] greedboy: I can only get 30 :O
  947. [11:50] narkosys: a defining day for CIG
  948. [11:50] tastyjuegos: @MarioFan3G Try waiting for Blizzard to make a real Warcraft game again. Oh wait they never will.
  949. [11:50] kawala999: you all get long noses as well
  950. [11:50] youweremyghost: lol
  951. [11:50] juanenrique82: i bet you do
  952. [11:50] starcaptainfett: My Dog wants to go to space
  953. [11:50] slaygan: @foodcookieeaterbakeman danWTF did you just shoot lasers from your exes at us?
  954. [11:50] lt_general_falcon: 198 fps ohyea
  955. [11:50] mariofan3g: T minus 10 minutes
  956. [11:50] dustfingerd3: 10
  957. [11:50] goldmanma: @deDunkel oh my bad
  958. [11:50] hitmanstallion: GIB ATV
  959. [11:50] chowderfist: whats good KappaGrinch
  960. [11:50] vagelis4vp: This game is gonna be a Space Second Life
  961. [11:50] ethanasia: 42 is the unsatisfactory answer that Deep Thought came up with, not the real answer
  962. [11:50] borscht_bucket: If you're getting bad framerates you need to stop being a pleb and get better hardware
  963. [11:50] goldmanma: @deDunkel then yeah you're right lol
  964. [11:50] silverstarfox: When does it starts??
  965. [11:50] thylbanus: Peace and Long Lamp!
  966. [11:50] kogoo2012: I member lamp
  967. [11:50] satrapo86: Delayed to Dec 22nd 2018
  968. [11:50] layzmon: My eyes can see 420Hz you plebs
  969. [11:50] eruhilde: 9 minutes to go
  970. [11:50] vireaux: ur dog is gonna die
  971. [11:50] pldesy: Honesly, they contacted IGN Why would they contact IGN to just annouced a road map for the relase f the game and saying that it is not ready. We should have been intrigue that why Cig asked IGN to reveal the teaser so yeah :) it is The release of squadron 42 today for sure :)
  972. [11:50] gwbanshee41: 9 Minutes till Delay Announcement
  973. [11:50] dustfingerd3: GIB ATV
  974. [11:50] cybaer84: 1 fps
  975. [11:50] utherellus: guys how much left?
  976. [11:50] rhobit42: lets go. fingers crossed
  977. [11:50] plinyvic: its just a prerecorded video, hopefully no delay on that
  978. [11:50] squareofortune: stay on target. STAY ON TARGET
  979. [11:50] c7826z: 600 seconds left
  980. [11:50] pharein: Hello SpaceBros
  981. [11:50] ccughostjrdk: Good god... i just saw the clip with Mark Hamill just after having seen episode 8. He looks like he just saw his entire family slaughtered in front of him.....
  982. [11:50] anci3ntali3n: hyyyype
  983. [11:50] whiskeyomega: LETS GO DISCO!!!
  984. [11:50] siruss: 5 fps in Levski lol
  985. [11:50] cybin9: ITS STARTING,,, oh wait nm
  986. [11:50] madstyle1911: Someone said Mark Hamill will make a guest appearance live?
  987. [11:50] chastiell: here we gooo
  988. [11:50] kephael: GiftRage GiftRage Gib broadcast GiftRage GiftRage
  989. [11:50] sgtsnead: WHAT THE CRAP! IT GOT CANCELLED AGAIN!!! just kidding [they see me trollin....]
  990. [11:50] midius_b4: No current viewer count?
  991. [11:50] momentzgamingeu: 10 mins left
  992. [11:50] sarsapariller: @Vagelis4VP This game is gonna be my space FIRST lofe, no seconds about it
  993. [11:50] youweremyghost: Don't eat yellow snow!
  994. [11:50] slaygan: @Layzmon My eyes can see 10 billion FTS danRage
  995. [11:50] dusty_lens: @goldmanma yeah I agree it's looking good
  996. [11:50] gleepskip: IT'S HAPPENING!
  997. [11:50] citizenmoderatus: @bust4cap you might it funy , but i dont, because they have rich history of fails with dates and deadlines.. so dont even joke about it please
  998. [11:50] unslept_em: gib atv
  999. [11:50] bust4cap: @EthanAsia well it was the wrong question :P
  1000. [11:50] the_kronos1: lol @CCUGhostJrDK
  1001. [11:50] captain_tysun: radTest radTest radTest
  1002. [11:50] darkfethus: HYPE
  1003. [11:50] subsidy87: 2-5 FPS in Olisar on landing pad =(
  1004. [11:50] slaygan: 10mins left danS
  1005. [11:50] eruhilde: clock will stop at 42
  1006. [11:50] borscht_bucket: y'all gonna poop your pants when Mark shows up to help host
  1007. [11:50] satrapo86: Will they start a holiday sale in conjunction with this stream???
  1008. [11:50] ffuub: download of SQ42 is really slow for me, anyone have this problem also?
  1009. [11:50] camural: its delayed
  1010. [11:50] hermedic: All the Devs from eve walked out and applied at SC
  1011. [11:50] dusty_lens: Yellow snow is fine so long as it stays frosty
  1012. [11:51] darkfethus: hype bois
  1013. [11:51] dedunkel: @goldmanma I know that the netcode is not quite what it should be right now. Servers and netcode are kind of bottlenecking right now but its getting worked on.
  1014. [11:51] jaxieman: Guys before you start talking smack about delays know this....Chris Roberts more like Jesus Christ than ANYONE CURRENTLY LIVING
  1015. [11:51] thegazbeard: !raffle
  1016. [11:51] cakestrike: > Chris Roberts rides out on a gold plated Segway > Crowd Cheers uncontrollably > Shows off a 45 minute demonstration of Spectrum > Shows nearly over, audience audibly sighs > Chris Roberts reaches into his back pocket > Pulls out a small, green piece of fruit > Audience begins to perk up > A big 3 appears on the screen > Crowd goes insane > A large E appears next to it > "We will be at E3 next year to show off the next 3.0 demo!"
  1017. [11:51] lipstickpaddy: It's going to be live, but the canned video inbetween like all the other holiday specials.
  1018. [11:51] kawala999: how many are we?
  1019. [11:51] aririnkitaku_the_second: 10 mins until the 20 min countdown
  1020. [11:51] brad_gt: I'm sure Mark Hamill is prouder to be a part of this then The Last Jedi..
  1021. [11:51] 1nsane_eu: badHype badHype badHype
  1022. [11:51] r_juan: They better show something really dynamic today, large fleets batteling and stuff and not just some NPCs standing/walking around
  1023. [11:51] arboger: so...there won't be subtitles right? Can watch it with sound :/
  1024. [11:51] farewell_red: Yooo
  1025. [11:51] barrysoscary: on the bright side i am actually getting 120+ fps in pubg now
  1026. [11:51] foodcookieeaterbakeman: we out here sucking toes availDoink availJones availDoink availJones availDoink availJones availDoink
  1027. [11:51] xsf561: Anyone from Utah in here (besides me)!!??
  1028. [11:51] rarometeoro: INB4 stream delayed one more day Kappa
  1029. [11:51] layzmon: 10 billion FTS oh my
  1030. [11:51] unslept_em: ? ? ?_? ?? GIB ATV ? ? ?_? ??
  1031. [11:51] clientsiman: Victoria 3!
  1032. [11:51] josephsmith72: I am so jazzed right now - 9 mins - it's the worst type of anticipation
  1033. [11:51] gabry_spacca: Wakiki culooo
  1034. [11:51] slaygan: @Aririnkitaku_the_Second true LUL
  1035. [11:51] youweremyghost: @Ffuub You are a mega trolllllll!
  1036. [11:51] chastiell: so start the coun
  1037. [11:51] ffuub: I hope he gets out of the box this time
  1038. [11:51] krullennostromo: !10 -10
  1039. [11:51] heureh: F5
  1040. [11:51] evarrslipstream: I will be honest and say, I will finally be happy when they can make 30 fps or higher a reality. The 15 fps is just unplayable
  1041. [11:51] nihilusomnibus: It's starting! Vin Diesel is in it?
  1042. [11:51] mrobesepotatoe: #TEAMGAMBLE
  1043. [11:51] dusty_lens: If Chris Roberts added a segway to ride around bases I'd have to buy lol
  1044. [11:51] hombre31: my gosh
  1045. [11:51] chrispontiuspilate: It took Jesus approximately 33 years to pull off his miracles, Chris is only on what, year 5? Cut him some slack
  1046. [11:51] kawala999: who took of yesterday? 07
  1047. [11:51] chowderfist: Would you like to play star c.... pay a 5 dollar fee
  1048. [11:51] drguillotin: I can't wait for 4.0 in 2020 with the second planet, critics will just have to shut up
  1049. [11:51] erwinandf1re: delayed
  1050. [11:51] irvnation: grayhePint
  1051. [11:51] jimaha: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
  1052. [11:51] ffuub: @youweremyghost lol
  1053. [11:51] brad_gt: I did.
  1054. [11:51] harrypopperrl: OMFG download 3.0 base files, finally done, then updating game content 3 x size update of last one
  1055. [11:51] mil_ouz: kaneunTacitus
  1056. [11:51] xenopr3d4tor: tue es tu es tu es tu es tu es tu es tu es tu es
  1057. [11:51] mataxp: mds
  1058. [11:51] harrypopperrl: noooooooooooo
  1059. [11:51] tweedledum47: FeelsGingerMan
  1060. [11:51] spaceventuralive: all aboard the hype train
  1061. [11:51] chastiell: F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5
  1062. [11:51] squaredspekz: Guys is it today?
  1063. [11:51] slaygan: @kawala999 danSad /
  1064. [11:51] z0rkie: @kawala999 suckers :P
  1065. [11:51] daydiayl224: GIB
  1066. [11:51] aussieastro: o7 chat from Downunder 5am
  1067. [11:51] jaxieman: Chris Roberts > Jesus Christ
  1068. [11:51] jimaha: accepting orion package donations
  1069. [11:51] eddy____malou: Praise Helix Roberts
  1070. [11:51] layzmon: 10 billion Frogs tethered in space?
  1071. [11:52] erwinandf1re: nope
  1072. [11:52] jimaha: 4Head
  1073. [11:52] heureh: f5
  1074. [11:52] kawala999: squad it's today
  1075. [11:52] flyawers: best game ever
  1076. [11:52] vn1x: walking on eggshell at resetera
  1077. [11:52] chrispontiuspilate: Chris Roberts is the savior of not just PC gaming, but gaming in general!
  1078. [11:52] reinborn: GIB SQ42 DansGame
  1079. [11:52] youweremyghost: I hate twitch!
  1080. [11:52] dusty_lens: I was going to fly home today after delaying a flight yesterday to catch this stream but it's ok I just had to delay one more day
  1081. [11:52] d3rpus: :)
  1082. [11:52] lt_general_falcon: no it around 2042
  1083. [11:52] xirma: @SquaredSpekz Nope, got delayed again.
  1084. [11:52] floppy_donky: panicBasket NO DELAYS PLZ JESUS panicBasket
  1085. [11:52] dedunkel: @EvarrSlipstream Well i did get up to 50FPS on some server instances. Its just dependant on netcode and such really
  1086. [11:52] xsf561: To everyone who took yesterday off from work or otherwise rearranged their schedules to watch - you have my sympathies
  1087. [11:52] subsidy87: New character introduction: Jar Jar Binks
  1088. [11:52] ihellcat: Salut Dim4k
  1089. [11:52] highdefww: here we go
  1090. [11:52] z0rkie: Baited FeelsBadMan
  1091. [11:52] brad_gt: @SquaredSpekz yes
  1092. [11:52] lipstickpaddy: Those who keep saying delayed... change the record for goodness sake!
  1093. [11:52] chief_at_war: pubHype pubHype pubHype pubHype pubHype pubHype pubHype
  1094. [11:52] ffuub: I hope the stream is at 15 fps, I'm kinda getting used to it
  1095. [11:52] titiomm: This is a good day, SQ42 news and my company got high earnings so I'm getting �10K worth of tech this christmas :p
  1096. [11:52] satrapo86: Holiday sale starting today as well??
  1097. [11:52] sarsapariller: Christmas Miracle: 4.0 is out early and has replaced reality, you are playing it now
  1098. [11:52] commonparadox: GIB SQ42!
  1099. [11:52] n_a_i_m_a: hello when does it start?
  1100. [11:52] captain_tysun: #TEST Best Squardron!
  1101. [11:52] earlsofduke: 8 mins
  1102. [11:52] kro_shan: So - jetzt gehen wir allen nochmals aufs Klo und dann reiten wir los...
  1103. [11:52] blue_s1x: We popcorn boiz now! o7
  1104. [11:52] sarsapariller: The ships will be landing shortly
  1105. [11:52] alexnssilent: Where are those filthy goons at moon2WINKY
  1106. [11:52] daydiayl224: Kappa
  1107. [11:52] kawala999: yes, you guys taking days off, you are my heroes
  1108. [11:52] chief_at_war: GIB
  1109. [11:52] hermedic: Elite Dangerous just said ok we are done, and went home
  1110. [11:52] jesperhh01: Guys! It's delayed again!
  1111. [11:52] mrdark604: how time is it?
  1112. [11:52] numinos_x: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  1113. [11:52] dusty_lens: Streams are always delayed it takes a long time to make sure that everything is hooked up
  1114. [11:52] chrispontiuspilate: When history is written, Jesus and Chris Roberts will be on equal footing, because SC is going to be so much more than just a game.
  1115. [11:52] jojoeyjojo: delayed another 24h
  1116. [11:52] atasergeynowak: lol
  1117. [11:52] rhobit42: has anybody already spotted DREAD PIRATE ROBERTS?!?!
  1118. [11:52] xirma: @Lipstickpaddy But it would be funny if it actually happened! Well...sad...but funny.
  1119. [11:52] vireaux: test is full of man babies
  1120. [11:52] layzmon: Luke Skywalker said the Gungun are the biggest threat to the universe
  1121. [11:52] mrpoussin: Het guys it's delayed 24h to line the event with Xmass
  1122. [11:52] captain_tysun: radHeart radHeart radTest radTest radHeart radHeart
  1123. [11:52] tdpl769: I quit my job yesterday because my boss wouldn't let me leave early. I so regret that now.
  1124. [11:52] daydiayl224: o7
  1125. [11:52] subsidy87: Who is excited to see Jar Jar Binks in the game?
  1126. [11:52] chowderfist: CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob
  1127. [11:52] jojo__o: SMOrc
  1128. [11:52] hobbykiller: star wars the last jedi sucks!!!
  1129. [11:52] borscht_bucket: @alexnssilent hopefully off pulling their puds somewhere else
  1130. [11:52] fn1980: 7 mionutes!!!
  1131. [11:53] ikbenhetjeopa: o7 Everyone
  1132. [11:53] jaxieman: Chris Roberts hears your prayers guys..
  1133. [11:53] mrdark604: really?
  1134. [11:53] dawnst34ler: !raffle
  1135. [11:53] magat00r: test SMOrc test @Jojo__o
  1136. [11:53] jesperhh01: Hype!
  1137. [11:53] z0rkie: @Subsidy87 I wish
  1138. [11:53] borscht_bucket: I'm tired of goons ruining my fun
  1139. [11:53] gwbanshee41: 8 Minutes till teh Internet explodes for one reason or another =7
  1140. [11:53] hitmanstallion: GIB ATV
  1141. [11:53] erwinandf1re: me!
  1142. [11:53] bloood12: only 5hr delay today hahaahahah
  1143. [11:53] arash_wu: o7
  1144. [11:53] yodashtein: Darth Jar Jar
  1145. [11:53] gwbanshee41: 07
  1146. [11:53] kro_shan: @N_a_i_m_a in about 10 mins
  1147. [11:53] atasergeynowak: The hype is real once again.
  1148. [11:53] musturdballs: its delayed till tomorrow again guys
  1149. [11:53] vicdor94: o7
  1150. [11:53] z0rkie: Jar Jar Abrams directs Episode 9
  1151. [11:53] dawnst34ler: raffle!
  1152. [11:53] liquidsen: last jedi was awesome
  1153. [11:53] jizzah01: seemingly dropping the f-bomb in this channel is frowned upon
  1154. [11:53] aesfere: wow, just finished a good hopur of successful missions in the new chat really smooth together with JohnH3x and now I am on time! great!
  1155. [11:53] kawala999: I will cancel xmas before i cancel a star citizen stream
  1156. [11:53] isthisepic: 07
  1157. [11:53] aririnkitaku_the_second: has cig ever actually done something on time?
  1158. [11:53] magat00r: o7
  1159. [11:53] jadsoti: I am a little concerned there has been no audio test yet.
  1160. [11:53] tastyjuegos: What happens if you punch a Vanduul in the junk with a TITAN suit?
  1161. [11:53] jojo__o: o7
  1162. [11:53] shady_jack: o7
  1163. [11:53] foxchard: GIB STAR WARS
  1164. [11:53] sf_sinety: ? ? ?_? ??
  1165. [11:53] o_lefty: o7
  1166. [11:53] foxchard: wait
  1167. [11:53] gwbanshee41: Gib SQ 42 VS
  1168. [11:53] ivarian: o7 from Australia
  1169. [11:53] aigroti: ARE YOU READY KIDS?
  1170. [11:53] mornielome: Sooo, let's get some snacks and a nice, cold beer and I'm ready to go!
  1171. [11:53] dawnst34ler: <o
  1172. [11:53] foxchard: GIB ATV
  1173. [11:53] arik407: Never did like twitch, will this also be streamed on youtube?
  1174. [11:53] pharein: kylo ren is a crybaby.
  1175. [11:53] sarsapariller: @Borscht_Bucket Goonism is a criminal offence in the new world order
  1176. [11:53] stormfire962: Greetings all and Happy Holidays to everyone here :D
  1177. [11:53] spaceventuralive: BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior
  1178. [11:53] mariofan3g: I won't lie Darth Jar Jar sounds like my worst nightmare
  1179. [11:53] bribe_guntails: Everyone, contain your powerplants!
  1180. [11:53] neridium: should be going live in about 7 mins from everything i've seen.
  1181. [11:53] gwbanshee41: PogChamp
  1182. [11:53] citizenmoderatus: @tdpl769 i had to but kiss my colleague to shift with me yesterday, then i had to do it again for tonight.. go figure
  1183. [11:53] ikbenhetjeopa: o7
  1184. [11:53] super_serious: any signs of life yet?
  1185. [11:53] tfb1968: yes.
  1186. [11:53] isthisepic: SALUTE
  1187. [11:53] tdpl769: Do you think, maybe, he will give us SQ42 as a present?
  1188. [11:53] capon_d42: PurpleStar PowerUpR HSLight HSVoid HSLight HSVoid PowerUpL PurpleStar tell us the future of the verse
  1189. [11:53] isthisepic: 07
  1190. [11:53] borscht_bucket: IT'S NOT A DEADLINE IT'S AN ESTIMATE
  1191. [11:53] gwbanshee41: o7 from Germany
  1192. [11:53] swissazid: o7
  1193. [11:53] bubberdunkey: tyler1BB
  1194. [11:53] millerlite_ow: Did it get delayed again?
  1195. [11:53] rambovital: o7
  1196. [11:53] kalateh: O7
  1197. [11:53] binevox: hi gwaiiissss
  1198. [11:53] stanielpetrov: Hello from Bulgaria!
  1199. [11:53] kawala999: technically they are 24h late already :P
  1200. [11:53] jdow9s: CAN I GET A LETS GO?!
  1201. [11:53] araaes: o7
  1202. [11:53] overkillmario: GIB
  1203. [11:53] foxchard: GIB FREE STUFF
  1204. [11:53] thegrimsey: o7
  1205. [11:53] jojo__o: ? ? ?_? ??? ? ?_? ??? ? ?_? ??
  1206. [11:53] jdow9s: o7
  1207. [11:53] subsidy87: Oooooooh.. who lives in a pineapple under the sea?!
  1208. [11:53] vireaux: its a pre-record watch party, this isnt live
  1209. [11:53] zacharydio: PTU is also out to everyone!!!!!!!
  1210. [11:53] z0rkie: 6 minutes left
  1211. [11:53] dukemark1: o/
  1212. [11:53] singularityonline: ya dread pirate roberts seems to be target placeholder on MFDs
  1213. [11:54] tfb1968: they announced this stream's delay ahead of time.
  1214. [11:54] jdigital1337: o7
  1215. [11:54] overkillmario: o7
  1216. [11:54] drummerxdan: no it's not 12pst yet lol
  1217. [11:54] zacharydio: WOOOO
  1218. [11:54] sgtteddybear59: AND SO IT BEGINS
  1219. [11:54] fn1980: 6 minutes!!!
  1220. [11:54] tobitege: tobiteHappy tobiO7
  1221. [11:54] borscht_bucket: quit acting like CIG promised you a stream at a certain time
  1222. [11:54] awc_tobi: SQ SourPls 42
  1223. [11:54] warlord1p: o7
  1224. [11:54] alastromlive: o7 friends
  1225. [11:54] serialmeme: Delayed till 2039!!!!!!!!!!
  1226. [11:54] stormfire962: grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint grayhePint boredOP boredOP boredOP boredOP boredOP boredOP boredOP boredOP boredOP boredOP boredOP boredOP boredOP boredOP boredOP boredOP boredEGG boredEGG boredEGG boredEGG boredEGG boredEGG boredEGG boredEGG boredEGG boredEGG boredEGG boredEGG
  1227. [11:54] cryingcyclops: @Jadsoti Check...1...2...3...can you hear me?
  1228. [11:54] pandahsykes: woot woot woot woot
  1229. [11:54] g3nie89: lol 24h late
  1230. [11:54] samorel: T -6:00
  1231. [11:54] borscht_bucket: they didn't promise you anything
  1232. [11:54] dustfingerd3: SPONGEBOB
  1233. [11:54] chowderfist: well lets make a nice planet there, ohh what the heck lets put a few trees in CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob
  1234. [11:54] jojo__o: ? ? ?_? ?? o7 ? ? ?_? ??
  1235. [11:54] frogger81: o7
  1236. [11:54] hermedic: Support has just ended for about 20 games now SC ruined them all
  1237. [11:54] vhandr: ALMOST THERE
  1238. [11:54] lokote1998: o7
  1239. [11:54] wonkothesaneuk: @Arik407 Not this time. Here only. It'll go to youtube tomorrow
  1240. [11:54] titiomm: Jared you had one mission ! :(
  1241. [11:54] hobbykiller: delay happend because of how bad star wars the last jedi is
  1242. [11:54] doncappelli: Live refresh
  1243. [11:54] rambovital: Greetings from the Skywatcher Tribe
  1244. [11:54] isthisepic: salute and they will start the stream with! o7
  1245. [11:54] citizenmoderatus: @Borscht_Bucket well they better switch to deadline asap.. im sick of their estimates and delays
  1246. [11:54] alex25919: can my potato pro run Sq42?
  1247. [11:54] tfb1968: they also take my subscriber fees every month, on time. :)
  1248. [11:54] natsamson: o7
  1249. [11:54] jadsoti: I hear ya
  1250. [11:54] pandahsykes: o7
  1251. [11:54] caerbanoob: hello from the iss
  1252. [11:54] vireaux: TIME TO SUMMON ? ? ?_? ??? ? ?_? ??? ? ?_? ??? ? ?_? ??? ? ?_? ??? ? ?_? ??
  1253. [11:54] jadsoti: :)
  1254. [11:54] xenthorx: Gib Morrow tour
  1255. [11:54] warfaced: 6 MINUTES GUYS IT'S GOING TO BE ON TIME
  1256. [11:54] juicyjest3r: what does o7 mean
  1257. [11:54] northernfox: o7
  1258. [11:54] varrakk: Twitch only and no Youtube stream on the side?
  1259. [11:54] georggusinski: \o/
  1260. [11:54] pandahsykes: LETS GOOOO
  1261. [11:54] dotmap: poggers
  1262. [11:54] azhighwayz: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati
  1263. [11:54] overkillmario: GIB NOVA TANK
  1264. [11:54] hitmanstallion: o7
  1265. [11:54] mariofan3g: ARE YE READY KIDS? "aye aye Captain!"
  1266. [11:54] linnception: 7o7
  1267. [11:54] dasbull389: o7
  1268. [11:54] agenttekk: stream isn't loading for me :(
  1269. [11:54] aussieastro: SnowSing SnowSing
  1270. [11:54] layzmon: yes potatos will work
  1271. [11:54] arik407: ? ? ?_? ??GIB all the things ? ? ?_? ??
  1272. [11:54] ghostxsix: o7
  1273. [11:54] georggusinski: HYPE
  1274. [11:54] toha042: greetings, citizens
  1275. [11:54] isthisepic: SALUTE to start the stream!!
  1276. [11:54] atasergeynowak: IT SHOULD START ANY MOMENT NOW
  1277. [11:54] dirtyklingon: ItS nOt A dEaDlInE iTs An EsTiMaTe!
  1278. [11:54] vireaux: GIB ? ? ?_? ??? ? ?_? ??? ? ?_? ??
  1279. [11:54] trevjenn: hello from CHRISTMASMAN
  1280. [11:54] huttenkaseru: LUKE SKYWALKER!
  1281. [11:54] prettieststar: when does presentation start
  1282. [11:54] isthisepic: 07
  1283. [11:54] jojo__o: Hello from CERN
  1284. [11:54] psilocynical: I cant HEAAARR YOUuuu
  1285. [11:54] shird360: 66
  1286. [11:54] swissazid: *\o/*
  1287. [11:54] dubian_slain: gimme
  1288. [11:54] ian747474: qwerty
  1289. [11:54] subsidy87: I can't hear ya!!
  1290. [11:54] borscht_bucket: @citizenmoderatus you should probably adjust your expectations instead of expecting CIG to adjust their style
  1291. [11:54] macjam0: o7
  1292. [11:54] drummerxdan: @AgentTekk it's not up yet ya dingus
  1293. [11:54] dusty_lens: Who here thinks that they're giing us a sq42 mission today I bet they are it would explain a lot
  1294. [11:54] mariofan3g: I CAN'T HEAR YOU "Aye Aye Captain!"
  1295. [11:54] jaykayl0l: HALF LIFE 3 ? LUL
  1296. [11:54] rarometeoro: ? ? ?_? ??GIB US ATV? ? ?_? ??
  1297. [11:54] magat00r: ? ? ?_? ?? take my energy CIG
  1298. [11:54] ricci219: o7
  1299. [11:54] sarsapariller: it's gonna be so on time that it retroactively goes back in time and fixes past delays
  1300. [11:54] gabriel_winters: all enjoy
  1301. [11:54] amazingpilot: I expect a delay as usual.
  1302. [11:54] serialmeme: its live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1303. [11:54] daydiayl224: o7
  1304. [11:54] a_random_titan: 07
  1305. [11:54] spaceventuralive: gib gib
  1306. [11:54] ismua: RaccAttack RaccAttack
  1307. [11:54] zackhenry: SnowHappy
  1308. [11:54] pandahsykes: 0707
  1309. [11:54] drguillotin: is it out yet ?
  1310. [11:54] longtr33: Ready
  1311. [11:54] alexlaird87: o7 is a salute
  1312. [11:54] pandahsykes: 11
  1313. [11:54] layzmon: potatos are given to human race by the gunguns
  1314. [11:54] atasergeynowak: o/ space and sci-fi lovers.
  1315. [11:54] chief_at_war: ? ? ?_? ?? GIB ? ? ?_? ??
  1316. [11:54] greedboy: 5 mins
  1317. [11:54] pharein: CIG set a time. That's when you should expect them to show up.
  1318. [11:54] eirreann: o7
  1319. [11:54] f_r_a_c_t_a_l: 5mins?
  1320. [11:55] stewartr3: hello CERN
  1321. [11:55] hitmanstallion: ? ? ?_? ?? ? ? ?_? ??
  1322. [11:55] longtr33: 07
  1323. [11:55] dawnst34ler: ? ? ??? ??
  1324. [11:55] a_random_titan: git gud
  1325. [11:55] stargameshollywood: The suspense is golden
  1326. [11:55] aririnkitaku_the_second: i paused my 3.0 download for this it better be good
  1327. [11:55] josephsmith72: I hope they add a cocktail venue to Port Olisar called the Space Bar
  1328. [11:55] drizztdohoenn: o7
  1329. [11:55] c0usland: HI
  1330. [11:55] karan56: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL
  1331. [11:55] psilocynical: ooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHhhhh
  1332. [11:55] btaens: stream's tomorrow guys
  1333. [11:55] xenthorx: ? ? ?_? ?? allyourbasearebelongtous
  1334. [11:55] narkosys: cant wait
  1335. [11:55] vindi123: Gib
  1336. [11:55] dolphogalland: Considering their partnership with Amazon, I'm not surprised it's an exlcusive
  1337. [11:55] awc_tobi: Gib Atv
  1338. [11:55] brad_gt: I bought a new Alienware PC with Alien 34 monitor and other alien tech just for Star Citizen.
  1339. [11:55] greedboy: 5 MINS BOYES
  1340. [11:55] subsidy87: Hello Spongemops!
  1341. [11:55] atasergeynowak: The hype intensifies.
  1342. [11:55] bolshlee: $20 paypal it doesn't launch on time!? Any takers! ?
  1343. [11:55] cpt_kim: o7 citizens :D
  1344. [11:55] sasek: sorry guys stream will be tomorrow :P
  1345. [11:55] arbiterscx: Chat is getting faster
  1346. [11:55] tfb1968: better than o|
  1347. [11:55] stewartr3: FIVE MIN HYPE!
  1348. [11:55] neutrino101: Still 5 minutes left to announce a delay until tomorrow
  1349. [11:55] texasgeek: /?? ?? ??\ Do you want to make a deal for ATV? /?? ?? ??\
  1350. [11:55] nepher99: hi all
  1351. [11:55] kephael: @citizenmoderatus Who is moderating chat today?
  1352. [11:55] jdow9s: GIB ? ? ?_? ?? o7 ? ? ?_? ?? GIB
  1353. [11:55] jojo__o: ? ? ?_? ?? kotol giff mana ? ? ?_? ??
  1354. [11:55] hobbykiller: thg ame of over all games
  1355. [11:55] greggy_d: What is GIB?
  1356. [11:55] gabry_spacca: Ciao bestie
  1357. [11:55] marmbo: m ( @ ? * ) m <miiiii~~~?
  1358. [11:55] millerlite_ow: why are nerds typing o7?
  1359. [11:55] john0sheppard: 5 min left people
  1360. [11:55] guylederer0: The stream is now ?
  1361. [11:55] jijicle: mitauchiJLEE mitauchiJLEE mitauchiJLEE mitauchiJLEE mitauchiJLEE mitauchiJLEE mitauchiJLEE mitauchiJLEE mitauchiJLEE mitauchiJLEE
  1362. [11:55] drummerxdan: @brad_gt that was a poor decision lol
  1363. [11:55] mariofan3g: Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea?
  1364. [11:55] donrosmarin: 5 mins
  1365. [11:55] sarsapariller: HEL-MET HEL-MET HEL-MET
  1366. [11:55] brad_gt: Who else has a SSD just for SC?
  1367. [11:55] sky_guy7: won't be on time, never was
  1368. [11:55] borscht_bucket: SO PUMPED
  1369. [11:55] publicfunction: a to the t tothe v
  1370. [11:55] ezekyler: hype intensifies monkaSHAKE
  1371. [11:55] arboger: if you bought a new PC just for SC...that you are not really smart :D
  1372. [11:55] chipmunkcheeze: 2 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1373. [11:55] kaprakahn: Anyone ready for a game of 42?
  1374. [11:55] fearskipper: hi
  1375. [11:55] kappamerc: HYPE?!
  1376. [11:55] satrapo86: F5 spam activated
  1377. [11:55] not_nawledgelambo: hello friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1378. [11:55] semphis_rythorn: Inb4 stream is delayed until tomorrow
  1379. [11:55] piksl5: RaccAttackRaccAttack RaccAttack
  1380. [11:55] arbiterscx: How can it not launch on time, its a prerecorded show
  1381. [11:55] borscht_bucket: this is gonna be awesome
  1382. [11:55] kawala999: why there's a great monitor coming from lg with 5k and hdr600
  1383. [11:55] rarometeoro: ? ? ?_? ??Please, consider providing us with the Around The Verse programme? ? ?_? ??
  1384. [11:55] kirasakuy: stream moved to yesterday.
  1385. [11:55] gfrally: @TexasGeek boobs?
  1386. [11:55] gery270: Your mom
  1387. [11:55] drummerxdan: o7 @Cpt_Kim ! :D
  1388. [11:55] vocabox: good evening space cowboys
  1389. [11:55] isthisepic: message me for 5000 extra UEC when you start :D
  1390. [11:55] maxxina82: :)
  1391. [11:55] pandahsykes: lol i get 7 fps in the 3.o how bout you NERDS
  1392. [11:55] hammond175: liggernover
  1393. [11:55] cpt_kim: jleearSub jleearSub jleearSub jleearSub jleearSub
  1394. [11:55] tfb1968: Bidet everyone!
  1395. [11:55] azmodiuz: I think they delayed it yesterday, just so IGN could have the trailer for 1 day before anyone
  1396. [11:55] jdow9s: SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS
  1397. [11:55] malzergski: @guylederer0 no it's cancelled it will be tomorrow
  1398. [11:55] borscht_bucket: HAM-IL HAM-IL HAM-IL
  1399. [11:55] liquidpl: monkaS
  1400. [11:55] azhighwayz: :)
  1401. [11:55] pharein: They can't delay now. It's too late.
  1402. [11:55] subsidy87: @brad_gt me, 250 GB ^^
  1403. [11:55] 1707gamer: brad gt me
  1404. [11:55] dusty_lens: I wouldn't be surprised if CIG ends up running Amazon's game department before long it'll be a real new franchise
  1405. [11:55] voidfarer84: yo yo yo
  1406. [11:55] xpaladin: greets to all
  1407. [11:55] killerkram: optane hype
  1408. [11:55] xenopr3d4tor: DEREK SMART here somewhere? There is a middle finger that I have to show you!
  1409. [11:55] reviapun: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  1410. [11:55] piksl5: RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack
  1411. [11:55] doesntevenmeta: GivePLZ TakeNRG
  1412. [11:55] fn1980: A CIG livestream is never late, nor is it early. It will air precisely when it means to!
  1413. [11:55] astrogimp: TEST 'Gimp in da house
  1414. [11:55] ac_black: 5 mins lol
  1415. [11:55] john0sheppard: 5 min til they tell us its delayed 1 day
  1416. [11:55] magnetrongw2: hello my name is Magnetron
  1417. [11:55] magat00r: ? ? ?_? ?? I'm too hyped ? ? ?_? ??
  1418. [11:55] steelouz: Full power on hype thrusters
  1419. [11:55] greedboy: live
  1420. [11:55] pharein: LIVE
  1421. [11:56] the_instigator00: @pandahsykes same here
  1422. [11:56] killerkram: dangGo dangGo
  1423. [11:56] wiborg1978: i really get hyped
  1424. [11:56] shwaank: what ho!? Is it that a hype train approacheth?
  1425. [11:56] isthisepic: LIVEEEE
  1426. [11:56] gremlich42: hide the chat window if you get stuttering/lag
  1427. [11:56] yomancs: am i at the right place
  1428. [11:56] bubberdunkey: live
  1429. [11:56] ebraygun: I can't get in
  1430. [11:56] corporateer: Greetings from the Corporation :-)
  1431. [11:56] megacale: live notification bopis
  1432. [11:56] anarck0s: anarckO7 anarckO7 anarckO7 dtoxHYPE anarckLOV greyBrian
  1433. [11:56] atasergeynowak: True that @fn1980
  1434. [11:56] daydiayl224: Kappa
  1435. [11:56] tgrox: f to blue milk
  1436. [11:56] damdsn: yo
  1437. [11:56] lucidstrike: Went live?
  1438. [11:56] magnetrongw2: wtfoHI5 greyTwerk gamsO7 crucCRY
  1439. [11:56] z0rkie: @pandahsykes same 5-15 fps, have an i7 and gtx 1070, 16gb ram
  1440. [11:56] will_grnsbk: discolYo
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