
[Marriage] Yuudachi

Sep 12th, 2015
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  1. TTK: I got married (Temp)
  2. TTK: From today on, I'm living together with her
  3. Poi: Admiral-san's room is interesting poi!
  4. TTK: Don't play with that pot!
  5. TTK: From now on, this is your home too (So use it carefully)
  6. Poi: Okay~
  7. Yuudachi
  9. Poi: From now on, I'm Admiral-san's wife poi!?
  10. Girls: Congratulations!
  11. Poi: What is this?
  12. Shigure: That's a present from us for you marriage (temp)
  13. Shiratsuyu: This is the best for newly wed after all!
  14. Shigure: I wish you happy forever
  15. Poi: Thank you everyone!
  16. Shiratsuyu: Anyway, this is how you use this
  18. TTK: I'm back
  19. Poi: Welcome back!
  20. Poi: Will you eat first? Or bath first?
  21. Poi: Or maybe you want Yuudachi, poi!?
  23. TTK: Why are you dressing like that!?
  24. Poi: It's a present from everyone. poi?
  25. Poi: Yuudachi did her best, poi
  26. Poi: As Admiral-san's wife!
  27. TTK: This is really fresh by many means... (Wife...)
  28. Gift from the sea
  29. Poi: I caught it poi! I got him on a sortie today!
  30. TTK: Well I'll bath first
  31. Poi: I've prepared everything!
  32. TTK: Won't you enter the bath with me?
  34. Poi: EH?
  35. Poi: EEEH!?
  36. Poi: If...if admiral-san said so then...
  37. Poi: I don't mind...
  38. TTK: I'm joking
  39. Poi: Joking...!?
  40. Poi: I don't know why... But I'm kinda disappointed
  42. Poi: No!
  43. Poi: If It continues like this...
  44. Poi: I won't be a good wife, poi...!?
  45. Poi: I must try harder...!
  46. Laundry
  47. Poi: Huh?
  48. Cleaning
  49. More...
  50. Poi: Eventhough I should do better...
  52. Poi: It's no good, poi...
  53. Hm?
  54. TTK: Just what happened...!?
  55. TTK: You okay!?
  56. Poi: I'm sorry
  57. TTK: What is this!?
  58. TTK: So this is the cause...
  59. Poi: Curry poi...
  60. TTK: Poi!? (Maybe!?)
  62. TTK: I'll clean this up...
  63. TTK: You go take a bath
  64. Poi: I failed again...
  65. Poi: Y-Yuudachi will clean it...
  66. TTK: It's fine
  67. TTK: You can't clean looking like that. I'm fine on my own
  69. Poi: I'm sorry...
  70. Poi: Yuudachi is not needed, poi...
  71. Poi: Or maybe I'm a problem for him? I couldn't help Admiral-san with anything...
  72. Poi: I failed as a wife...
  73. TTK: Yuudachi
  74. TTK: You're hungry, right?
  75. Poi: Eh?
  77. TTK: Then, you stop the heat for a while
  78. Poi: Curry! Looks delicious!
  79. TTK: Well I'm not very good at this
  80. Poi: Even without Yuudachi, Admiral-san can do everything, poi...
  81. TTK: Why are you thinking it like that?
  82. TTK: It's not like I want to live with you so you can take care of me
  83. Poi: Huh? Then why...?
  84. TTK: You asking that now!?
  86. TTK: Obviously
  87. TTK: That's because I love you!
  88. Poi: Eh?
  89. TTK: I thought you understand that when I gave you the ring!?
  90. Poi: I.. I'm very embarrassed, poi...
  91. TTK: But you made me say it!
  93. TTK: Yuudachi?
  94. Poi: Yuudachi... love Admiral-san too
  95. TTK: I thought there was a distance between us but
  96. TTK: Looks like everything will be fine
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