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Jun 27th, 2017
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  1. #---------------------------------------------------------------
  2. # KitPVP Like Cubecraft!
  3. # Script by WillCraftero
  4. #---------------------------------------------------------------
  5. #
  7. #
  8. # /kitpvp - info
  9. # /setspawn - set main spawn
  10. # /setrandomspawn - set all random spawn's in the world
  11. # /setdonatorspawn - set all donator's spawn's in the world
  12. #
  13. # kitpvp.default - access to all kits and go to random spawn's
  14. # kitpvp.admin - only for op's, perm for make a signs and for set commands
  15. # kitpvp.donator - Special perm only for vips, access to Donator spawn's
  16. #
  17. #---------------------------------------------------------------
  19. #========================[ OPTIONS ]=========================#
  21. Options:
  22. Motd1: &b-----------------------------
  23. Motd2: &7
  24. Motd3: &6Welcome to &9&lKitPvP
  25. Motd4: &6Website: &9&
  26. Motd5: &6Store: &9&
  27. Motd6: &7
  28. Motd7: &b-----------------------------
  29. Servername: &
  30. Ci-world: "world"
  31. Ci-time: 1
  32. Ci-msg: &c[KitPVP] &4Removing all items on the ground!
  33. NoPoints-msg: &cYou do not have enough points to get this!
  34. NoDonor-msg: &cOnly donator can choose what spawn they go!
  35. ShopGUI-Name: "&a&k:&6&lShop&a&k:"
  36. KitsGUI-Name: "&c&k:&7&lKit Selector&c&k:"
  37. Price-DiamondSword1: 80
  38. Price-DiamondSword2: 100
  39. Price-DiamondHelmet1: 120
  40. Price-DiamondHelmet2: 80
  41. Price-DiamondChestplate1: 120
  42. Price-DiamondChestplate2: 150
  43. Price-DiamondLeggings1: 80
  44. Price-DiamondLeggings2: 120
  45. Price-DiamondBoots1: 50
  46. Price-DiamondBoots2: 70
  47. Price-GodApple: 300
  48. Price-PotionPoison: 150
  49. Price-PotionRegeneration: 150
  50. Price-PotionStrength: 240
  51. Price-PotionSpeed: 40
  52. Price-PotionWeakness: 80
  53. Price-PotionFireResistance: 60
  54. donatorspawn-1: Middle
  55. donatorspawn-2: Army
  56. donatorspawn-3: City
  57. donatorspawn-4: Volcano
  58. donatorspawn-5: Sand
  59. donatorspawn-6: Mossy
  60. donatorspawn-7: Sandy
  61. donatorspawn-8: Skyscraper
  62. donatorspawn-9: Forest
  63. donatorspawn-10: Campsite
  64. donatorspawn-11: Mountain
  65. donatorspawn-12: Picnic
  66. donatorspawn-13: Tech
  68. #---------------------------------------------------------------
  70. #---------------------------------------------------------------
  72. #========================[ KIT AND SHOP MENU ]=========================#
  74. command /pvpkits:
  75. trigger:
  76. open chest with 1 rows named {@KitsGUI-Name} to player
  77. wait 5 ticks
  78. format slot 0 of player with iron helmet named "&c&lTank" to run [make player execute command "/kitpvp tank"]
  79. format slot 1 of player with iron sword named "&c&lWarrior" to run [make player execute command "/kitpvp warrior"]
  80. format slot 2 of player with bow named "&c&lArcher" to run [make player execute command "/kitpvp archer"]
  81. format slot 3 of player with nether star named "&c&lNinja" to run [make player execute command "/kitpvp ninja"]
  82. format slot 4 of player with golden sword of fire aspect named "&c&lPyro" to run [make player execute command "/kitpvp pyro"]
  83. format slot 5 of player with splash harming potion named "&c&lAlchemist" to run [make player execute command "/kitpvp alchemist"]
  84. format slot 6 of player with stick of knockback 5 named "&c&lWizad" to run [make player execute command "/kitpvp wizard"]
  85. format slot 7 of player with skeleton spawn egg named "&c&lHorseman" to run [make player execute command "/kitpvp horseman"]
  87. command /pvpshop:
  88. trigger:
  89. open chest with 4 rows named {@ShopGUI-Name} to player
  90. wait 5 ticks
  91. format slot 0 of player with diamond sword of sharpness named "&aDiamond Sword" with lore "&6{@Price-DiamondSword1} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bsword1"]
  92. format slot 1 of player with diamond helmet of protection named "&aDiamond helmet" with lore "&6{@Price-DiamondHelmet1} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bhelmet1"]
  93. format slot 2 of player with diamond chestplate of protection named "&aDiamond chestplate" with lore "&6{@Price-DiamondChestplate1} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bchestplate1"]
  94. format slot 3 of player with diamond leggings of protection named "&aDiamond leggings" with lore "&6{@Price-DiamondLeggings1} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bleggins1"]
  95. format slot 4 of player with diamond boots of protection named "&aDiamond boots" with lore "&6{@Price-DiamondBoots1} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bboots1"]
  96. format slot 9 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 2 named "&aDiamond Sword" with lore "&6{@Price-DiamondSword2} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bsword2"]
  97. format slot 10 of player with diamond helmet of protection 2 named "&aDiamond helmet" with lore "&6{@Price-DiamondHelmet2} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bhelmet2"]
  98. format slot 11 of player with diamond chestplate of protection 2 named "&aDiamond chestplate" with lore "&6{@Price-DiamondChestplate2} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bchestplate2"]
  99. format slot 12 of player with diamond leggings of protection 2 named "&aDiamond leggings" with lore "&6{@Price-DiamondLeggings2} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bleggins2"]
  100. format slot 13 of player with diamond boots of protection 2 named "&aDiamond boots" with lore "&6{@Price-DiamondBoots2} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bboots2"]
  101. format slot 7 of player with splash poison potion named "&aPotion of Poison" with lore "&6{@Price-PotionPoison} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bpofp"]
  102. format slot 8 of player with splash regeneration potion named "&aPotion of Regeneration" with lore "&6{@Price-PotionRegeneration} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bpofr"]
  103. format slot 16 of player with splash strength potion named "&aPotion of Strength" with lore "&6{@Price-PotionStrength} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bpofs"]
  104. format slot 17 of player with splash swiftness potion named "&aPotion of Speed" with lore "&6{@Price-PotionSpeed} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bpofsp"]
  105. format slot 23 of player with enchanted golden apple named "&aGod Apple" with lore "&6{@Price-GodApple} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bgodapple"]
  106. format slot 25 of player with splash weakness potion named "&aPotion of Weakness" with lore "&6{@Price-PotionWeakness} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bpofw"]
  107. format slot 26 of player with splash fire resistance potion named "&aPotion of Fire resistance" with lore "&6{@Price-PotionFireResistance} &dpoints" to run [make player execute command "/bpoffr"]
  109. #========================[ KITS AND SHOP ]=========================#
  111. command /kitpvp [<text>] [<text>]:
  112. executable by: players
  113. trigger:
  114. if arg 1 is not set:
  115. send "&aKitPVP Plugin created by WillCraftero! Exclusive on: {@Servername}"
  116. if arg 1 are "help":
  117. if player have permissions "kitpvp.admin":
  118. send "&5&m-------------------------------------------"
  119. send "&f &e&lKitPVP &7Plugin by &5&lWillCraftero"
  120. send ""
  121. send "&7 &6&lHelp Commands "
  122. send "&a/setspawn &7- &cSet main spawn"
  123. send "&a/setrandomspawn 1-15 &7- &cSet random spawn's"
  124. send "&a/setdonatorspawn [NAME] &7- &cSet donator's spawn's"
  125. send "&a/kitpvp reload &7- &cReload all the plugin"
  126. send "&5&m-------------------------------------------"
  127. if arg 1 are "reload":
  128. if player have permissions "kitpvp.admin":
  129. make console execute command "/skript reload KitPVPCCG"
  130. wait 5 ticks
  131. send "&e&lKitPVP &7By &5&lWillCraftero &aReloaded!"
  132. if arg 1 are "tank":
  133. if player have permissions "kitpvp.default":
  134. close player's inventory
  135. execute console command "/clearinventory %player%"
  136. remove speed from player
  137. remove fire resistance from player
  138. remove helmet from player
  139. remove boots from player
  140. remove chestplate from player
  141. remove leggings from player
  142. set chestplate of player to iron chestplate
  143. set leggings of player to iron leggings
  144. set boots of player to iron boots
  145. set helmet of player to iron helmet
  146. give a wood sword to the player
  147. give 16 cooked beef to the player
  148. if arg 1 are "warrior":
  149. if player have permissions "kitpvp.default":
  150. close player's inventory
  151. execute console command "/clearinventory %player%"
  152. remove speed from player
  153. remove fire resistance from player
  154. remove helmet from player
  155. remove boots from player
  156. remove chestplate from player
  157. remove leggings from player
  158. set chestplate of player to leather chestplate
  159. set leggings of player to leather leggings
  160. set boots of player to leather boots
  161. set helmet of player to leather helmet
  162. give a iron sword to the player
  163. give 16 cooked beef to the player
  164. if arg 1 are "archer":
  165. if player have permissions "kitpvp.default":
  166. close player's inventory
  167. execute console command "/clearinventory %player%"
  168. remove speed from player
  169. remove fire resistance from player
  170. remove helmet from player
  171. remove boots from player
  172. remove chestplate from player
  173. remove leggings from player
  174. set chestplate of player to chainmail chestplate
  175. set leggings of player to chainmail leggings
  176. set boots of player to chainmail boots
  177. set helmet of player to chainmail helmet
  178. give a bow to the player
  179. give gold sword to the player
  180. give 32 arrows to the player
  181. give 16 cooked beef to the player
  182. if arg 1 are "ninja":
  183. if player have permissions "kitpvp.default":
  184. close player's inventory
  185. execute console command "/clearinventory %player%"
  186. remove speed from player
  187. remove fire resistance from player
  188. apply speed to player for 100 days
  189. remove helmet from player
  190. remove boots from player
  191. remove chestplate from player
  192. remove leggings from player
  193. set chestplate of player to leather chestplate
  194. dye player's chestplate black
  195. give stone sword to the player
  196. give 16 cooked beef to the player
  197. if arg 1 are "pyro":
  198. if player have permissions "kitpvp.default":
  199. close player's inventory
  200. execute console command "/clearinventory %player%"
  201. remove speed from player
  202. remove fire resistance from player
  203. apply fire resistance 2 to player for 100 days
  204. remove helmet from player
  205. remove boots from player
  206. remove chestplate from player
  207. remove leggings from player
  208. set chestplate of player to chainmail chestplate
  209. set leggings of player to chainmail leggings
  210. set boots of player to chainmail boots
  211. give gold sword of fire aspect to the player
  212. give 16 cooked beef to the player
  213. if arg 1 are "alchemist":
  214. if player have permissions "kitpvp.default":
  215. close player's inventory
  216. execute console command "/clearinventory %player%"
  217. remove speed from player
  218. remove fire resistance from player
  219. remove helmet from player
  220. remove boots from player
  221. remove chestplate from player
  222. remove leggings from player
  223. set chestplate of player to chainmail chestplate
  224. set leggings of player to leather leggings
  225. set boots of player to leather boots
  226. set helmet of player to leather helmet
  227. give wood sword to the player
  228. give 16 cooked beef to the player
  229. give splash regeneration potion II to the player
  230. give splash strength potion to the player
  231. give splash swiftness potion to the player
  232. if arg 1 are "wizard":
  233. if player have permissions "kitpvp.default":
  234. close player's inventory
  235. execute console command "/clearinventory %player%"
  236. remove speed from player
  237. remove fire resistance from player
  238. remove helmet from player
  239. remove boots from player
  240. remove chestplate from player
  241. remove leggings from player
  242. set chestplate of player to leather chestplate
  243. dye player's chestplate purple
  244. set leggings of player to leather leggings
  245. dye player's leggings purple
  246. set boots of player to leather boots
  247. dye player's boots purple
  248. set helmet of player to leather helmet
  249. dye player's helmet purple
  250. give a stick of knockback 5 to the player
  251. give a blaze rod of fire aspect to the player
  252. give 16 cooked beef to the player
  253. if arg 1 are "horseman":
  254. if player have permissions "kitpvp.default":
  255. close player's inventory
  256. execute console command "/clearinventory %player%"
  257. remove speed from player
  258. remove fire resistance from player
  259. remove helmet from player
  260. remove boots from player
  261. remove chestplate from player
  262. remove leggings from player
  263. set chestplate of player to chainmail chestplate
  264. give a wood sword to the player
  265. give 16 cooked beef to the player
  266. give a horse spawn egg to the player
  268. command /bsword1 [<text>] [<text>]:
  269. executable by: players
  270. trigger:
  271. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-DiamondSword1}:
  272. remove {@Price-DiamondSword1} from player's balance
  273. give diamond sword of sharpness to the player
  274. else:
  275. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  276. command /bsword2 [<text>] [<text>]:
  277. executable by: players
  278. trigger:
  279. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-DiamondSword2}:
  280. remove {@Price-DiamondSword2} from player's balance
  281. give diamond sword of sharpness 2 to the player
  282. else:
  283. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  284. command /bhelmet1 [<text>] [<text>]:
  285. executable by: players
  286. trigger:
  287. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-DiamondHelmet1}:
  288. remove {@Price-DiamondHelmet1} from player's balance
  289. give diamond helmet of protection to the player
  290. else:
  291. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  292. command /bhelmet2 [<text>] [<text>]:
  293. executable by: players
  294. trigger:
  295. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-DiamondHelmet2}:
  296. remove {@Price-DiamondHelmet2} from player's balance
  297. give diamond helmet of protection 2 to the player
  298. else:
  299. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  300. command /bchestplate1 [<text>] [<text>]:
  301. executable by: players
  302. trigger:
  303. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-DiamondChestplate1}:
  304. remove {@Price-DiamondChestplate1} from player's balance
  305. give diamond chestplate of protection to the player
  306. else:
  307. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  308. command /bchestplate2 [<text>] [<text>]:
  309. executable by: players
  310. trigger:
  311. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-DiamondChestplate2}:
  312. remove {@Price-DiamondChestplate2} from player's balance
  313. give diamond chestplate of protection 2 to the player
  314. else:
  315. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  316. command /bleggins1 [<text>] [<text>]:
  317. executable by: players
  318. trigger:
  319. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-DiamondLeggings1}:
  320. remove {@Price-DiamondLeggings1} from player's balance
  321. give diamond leggings of protection to the player
  322. else:
  323. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  324. command /bleggins2 [<text>] [<text>]:
  325. executable by: players
  326. trigger:
  327. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-DiamondLeggings2}:
  328. remove {@Price-DiamondLeggings2} from player's balance
  329. give diamond leggings of protection 2 to the player
  330. else:
  331. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  332. command /bboots1 [<text>] [<text>]:
  333. executable by: players
  334. trigger:
  335. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-DiamondBoots1}:
  336. remove {@Price-DiamondBoots1} from player's balance
  337. give diamond boots of protection to the player
  338. else:
  339. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  340. command /bboots2 [<text>] [<text>]:
  341. executable by: players
  342. trigger:
  343. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-DiamondBoots2}:
  344. remove {@Price-DiamondBoots2} from player's balance
  345. give diamond boots of protection 2 to the player
  346. else:
  347. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  348. command /bgodapple [<text>] [<text>]:
  349. executable by: players
  350. trigger:
  351. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-GodApple}:
  352. remove {@Price-GodApple} from player's balance
  353. give enchanted golden apple named "&6God Apple" to the player
  354. else:
  355. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  356. command /bpofp [<text>] [<text>]:
  357. executable by: players
  358. trigger:
  359. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-PotionPoison}:
  360. remove {@Price-PotionPoison} from player's balance
  361. give splash poison potion to the player
  362. else:
  363. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  364. command /bpofr [<text>] [<text>]:
  365. executable by: players
  366. trigger:
  367. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-PotionRegeneration}:
  368. remove {@Price-PotionRegeneration} from player's balance
  369. give splash regeneration potion to the player
  370. else:
  371. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  372. command /bpofs [<text>] [<text>]:
  373. executable by: players
  374. trigger:
  375. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-PotionStrength}:
  376. remove {@Price-PotionStrength} from player's balance
  377. give splash strength potion to the player
  378. else:
  379. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  380. command /bpofsp [<text>] [<text>]:
  381. executable by: players
  382. trigger:
  383. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-PotionSpeed}:
  384. remove {@Price-PotionSpeed} from player's balance
  385. give splash swiftness potion to the player
  386. else:
  387. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  388. command /bpofw [<text>] [<text>]:
  389. executable by: players
  390. trigger:
  391. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-PotionWeakness}:
  392. remove {@Price-PotionWeakness} from player's balance
  393. give splash weakness potion to the player
  394. else:
  395. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  396. command /bpoffr [<text>] [<text>]:
  397. executable by: players
  398. trigger:
  399. if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@Price-PotionFireResistance}:
  400. remove {@Price-PotionFireResistance} from player's balance
  401. give splash fire resistance potion to the player
  402. else:
  403. send "{@NoPoints-msg}" to player
  405. command /points [<text>] [<text>]:
  406. executable by: players
  407. trigger:
  408. if arg 1 is not set:
  409. make player execute command "/balance"
  411. #========================[ SIGNS ]=========================#
  413. on sign change:
  414. line 1 is "kitpvp":
  415. if line 2 is "kits":
  416. set line 1 to "&lKits"
  417. set line 2 to "&7Click to"
  418. set line 3 to "&7choose a kit"
  419. set line 4 to ""
  420. on rightclick on sign:
  421. if line 1 of clicked block is "&lKits":
  422. if line 2 of clicked block is "&7Click to":
  423. if line 3 of clicked block is "&7choose a kit":
  424. make player execute command "/pvpkits"
  426. on sign change:
  427. line 1 is "kitpvp":
  428. if line 2 is "spawn":
  429. set line 1 to "&lSpawn"
  430. set line 2 to "&7Click to go"
  431. set line 3 to "&7to a random"
  432. set line 4 to "&7spawn"
  433. on rightclick on sign:
  434. if line 1 of clicked block is "&lSpawn":
  435. if line 2 of clicked block is "&7Click to go":
  436. if line 3 of clicked block is "&7to a random":
  437. if line 4 of clicked block is "&7spawn":
  438. wait 5 ticks
  439. make player execute command "/randomspawn"
  441. on sign change:
  442. line 1 is "kitpvp":
  443. if line 2 is "shop":
  444. set line 1 to "&lShop"
  445. set line 2 to "&7Click to"
  446. set line 3 to "&7open the shop"
  447. set line 4 to ""
  448. on rightclick on sign:
  449. if line 1 of clicked block is "&lShop":
  450. if line 2 of clicked block is "&7Click to":
  451. if line 3 of clicked block is "&7open the shop":
  452. make player execute command "/pvpshop"
  454. on sign change:
  455. line 1 is "kitpvp":
  456. if line 2 is "donatorspawn":
  457. if line 3 is "{@donatorspawn-1}":
  458. set line 1 to "&lSpawn"
  459. set line 2 to "&7Click to go"
  460. set line 3 to "&7to spawn:"
  461. set line 4 to "&7{@donatorspawn-1}"
  462. on rightclick on sign:
  463. if line 1 of clicked block is "&lSpawn":
  464. if line 2 of clicked block is "&7Click to go":
  465. if line 3 of clicked block is "&7to spawn:":
  466. if line 4 of clicked block is "&7{@donatorspawn-1}":
  467. wait 5 ticks
  468. make player execute command "/donatorspawn {@donatorspawn-1}"
  470. on sign change:
  471. line 1 is "kitpvp":
  472. if line 2 is "donatorspawn":
  473. if line 3 is "{@donatorspawn-2}":
  474. set line 1 to "&lSpawn"
  475. set line 2 to "&7Click to go"
  476. set line 3 to "&7to spawn:"
  477. set line 4 to "&7{@donatorspawn-2}"
  478. on rightclick on sign:
  479. if line 1 of clicked block is "&lSpawn":
  480. if line 2 of clicked block is "&7Click to go":
  481. if line 3 of clicked block is "&7to spawn:":
  482. if line 4 of clicked block is "&7{@donatorspawn-2}":
  483. wait 5 ticks
  484. make player execute command "/donatorspawn {@donatorspawn-2}"
  486. on sign change:
  487. line 1 is "kitpvp":
  488. if line 2 is "donatorspawn":
  489. if line 3 is "{@donatorspawn-3}":
  490. set line 1 to "&lSpawn"
  491. set line 2 to "&7Click to go"
  492. set line 3 to "&7to spawn:"
  493. set line 4 to "&7{@donatorspawn-3}"
  495. on rightclick on sign:
  496. if line 1 of clicked block is "&lSpawn":
  497. if line 2 of clicked block is "&7Click to go":
  498. if line 3 of clicked block is "&7to spawn:":
  499. if line 4 of clicked block is "&7{@donatorspawn-3}":
  500. wait 5 ticks
  501. make player execute command "/donatorspawn {@donatorspawn-3}"
  503. on sign change:
  504. line 1 is "kitpvp":
  505. if line 2 is "donatorspawn":
  506. if line 3 is "{@donatorspawn-4}":
  507. set line 1 to "&lSpawn"
  508. set line 2 to "&7Click to go"
  509. set line 3 to "&7to spawn:"
  510. set line 4 to "&7{@donatorspawn-4}"
  511. on rightclick on sign:
  512. if line 1 of clicked block is "&lSpawn":
  513. if line 2 of clicked block is "&7Click to go":
  514. if line 3 of clicked block is "&7to spawn:":
  515. if line 4 of clicked block is "&7{@donatorspawn-4}":
  516. wait 5 ticks
  517. make player execute command "/donatorspawn {@donatorspawn-4}"
  519. on sign change:
  520. line 1 is "kitpvp":
  521. if line 2 is "donatorspawn":
  522. if line 3 is "{@donatorspawn-5}":
  523. set line 1 to "&lSpawn"
  524. set line 2 to "&7Click to go"
  525. set line 3 to "&7to spawn:"
  526. set line 4 to "&7{@donatorspawn-5}"
  527. on rightclick on sign:
  528. if line 1 of clicked block is "&lSpawn":
  529. if line 2 of clicked block is "&7Click to go":
  530. if line 3 of clicked block is "&7to spawn:":
  531. if line 4 of clicked block is "&7{@donatorspawn-5}":
  532. wait 5 ticks
  533. make player execute command "/donatorspawn {@donatorspawn-5}"
  535. on sign change:
  536. line 1 is "kitpvp":
  537. if line 2 is "donatorspawn":
  538. if line 3 is "{@donatorspawn-6}":
  539. set line 1 to "&lSpawn"
  540. set line 2 to "&7Click to go"
  541. set line 3 to "&7to spawn:"
  542. set line 4 to "&7{@donatorspawn-6}"
  544. on rightclick on sign:
  545. if line 1 of clicked block is "&lSpawn":
  546. if line 2 of clicked block is "&7Click to go":
  547. if line 3 of clicked block is "&7to spawn:":
  548. if line 4 of clicked block is "&7{@donatorspawn-6}":
  549. wait 5 ticks
  550. make player execute command "/donatorspawn {@donatorspawn-6}"
  552. on sign change:
  553. line 1 is "kipvp":
  554. if line 2 is "donatorspawn":
  555. if line 3 is "{@donatorspawn-7}":
  556. set line 1 to "&lSpawn"
  557. set line 2 to "&7Click to go"
  558. set line 3 to "&7to spawn:"
  559. set line 4 to "&7{@donatorspawn-7}"
  560. on rightclick on sign:
  561. if line 1 of clicked block is "&lSpawn":
  562. if line 2 of clicked block is "&7Click to go":
  563. if line 3 of clicked block is "&7to spawn:":
  564. if line 4 of clicked block is "&7{@donatorspawn-7}":
  565. wait 5 ticks
  566. make player execute command "/donatorspawn {@donatorspawn-7}"
  568. on sign change:
  569. line 1 is "kitpvp":
  571. if line 2 is "donatorspawn":
  572. if line 3 is "{@donatorspawn-8}":
  573. set line 1 to "&lSpawn"
  574. set line 2 to "&7Click to go"
  575. set line 3 to "&7to spawn:"
  576. set line 4 to "&7{@donatorspawn-8}"
  577. on rightclick on sign:
  578. if line 1 of clicked block is "&lSpawn":
  579. if line 2 of clicked block is "&7Click to go":
  580. if line 3 of clicked block is "&7to spawn:":
  581. if line 4 of clicked block is "&7{@donatorspawn-8}":
  582. wait 5 ticks
  583. make player execute command "/donatorspawn {@donatorspawn-8}"
  585. on sign change:
  586. line 1 is "kitpvp":
  587. if line 2 is "donatorspawn":
  588. if line 3 is "{@donatorspawn-9}":
  589. set line 1 to "&lSpawn"
  590. set line 2 to "&7Click to go"
  591. set line 3 to "&7to spawn:"
  592. set line 4 to "&7{@donatorspawn-9}"
  593. on rightclick on sign:
  594. if line 1 of clicked block is "&lSpawn":
  595. if line 2 of clicked block is "&7Click to go":
  596. if line 3 of clicked block is "&7to spawn:":
  597. if line 4 of clicked block is "&7{@donatorspawn-9}":
  598. wait 5 ticks
  599. make player execute command "/donatorspawn {@donatorspawn-9}"
  601. on sign change:
  602. line 1 is "kitpvp":
  603. player has permission "kitpvp.admin"
  604. if line 2 is "donatorspawn":
  605. if line 3 is "{@donatorspawn-10}":
  606. set line 1 to "&lSpawn"
  607. set line 2 to "&7Click to go"
  608. set line 3 to "&7to spawn:"
  609. set line 4 to "&7{@donatorspawn-10}"
  610. on rightclick on sign:
  611. if line 1 of clicked block is "&lSpawn":
  612. if line 2 of clicked block is "&7Click to go":
  613. if line 3 of clicked block is "&7to spawn:":
  614. if line 4 of clicked block is "&7{@donatorspawn-10}":
  615. wait 5 ticks
  616. make player execute command "/donatorspawn {@donatorspawn-10}"
  618. on sign change:
  619. line 1 is "kitpvp":
  620. if line 2 is "donatorspawn":
  621. if line 3 is "{@donatorspawn-11}":
  622. set line 1 to "&lSpawn"
  623. set line 2 to "&7Click to go"
  624. set line 3 to "&7to spawn:"
  625. set line 4 to "&7{@donatorspawn-11}"
  627. on rightclick on sign:
  628. if line 1 of clicked block is "&lSpawn":
  629. if line 2 of clicked block is "&7Click to go":
  630. if line 3 of clicked block is "&7to spawn:":
  631. if line 4 of clicked block is "&7{@donatorspawn-11}":
  632. wait 5 ticks
  633. make player execute command "/donatorspawn {@donatorspawn-11}"
  635. on sign change:
  636. line 1 is "kitpvp":
  637. if line 2 is "donatorspawn":
  638. if line 3 is "{@donatorspawn-12}":
  639. set line 1 to "&lSpawn"
  640. set line 2 to "&7Click to go"
  641. set line 3 to "&7to spawn:"
  642. set line 4 to "&7{@donatorspawn-12}"
  644. on rightclick on sign:
  645. if line 1 of clicked block is "&lSpawn":
  646. if line 2 of clicked block is "&7Click to go":
  647. if line 3 of clicked block is "&7to spawn:":
  648. if line 4 of clicked block is "&7{@donatorspawn-12}":
  649. wait 5 ticks
  650. make player execute command "/donatorspawn {@donatorspawn-12}"
  652. on sign change:
  653. line 1 is "kitpvp":
  654. if line 2 is "donatorspawn":
  655. if line 3 is "{@donatorspawn-13}":
  656. set line 1 to "&lSpawn"
  657. set line 2 to "&7Click to go"
  658. set line 3 to "&7to spawn:"
  659. set line 4 to "&7{@donatorspawn-13}"
  660. on rightclick on sign:
  661. if line 1 of clicked block is "&lSpawn":
  662. if line 2 of clicked block is "&7Click to go":
  663. if line 3 of clicked block is "&7to spawn:":
  664. if line 4 of clicked block is "&7{@donatorspawn-13}":
  665. wait 5 ticks
  666. make player execute command "/donatorspawn {@donatorspawn-13}"
  668. #========================[ MOTD AND SCOREBOARD ]=========================#
  670. on join:
  671. send "{@Motd1}"
  672. send "{@Motd2}"
  673. send "{@Motd3}"
  674. send "{@Motd4}"
  675. send "{@Motd5}"
  676. send "{@Motd6}"
  677. send "{@Motd7}"
  679. on first join:
  680. if {totalkills.%player%} is not set:
  681. set {totalkills.%player%} to 0
  682. if {totaldeaths.%player%} is not set:
  683. set {totaldeaths.%player%} to 0
  684. if {currentkillstreak.%player%} is not set:
  685. set {currentkillstreak.%player%} to 0
  686. if {topkillstreak.%player%} is not set:
  687. set {topkillstreak.%player%} to 0
  689. every second:
  690. loop all players:
  691. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  692. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&lKitPVP"
  693. set score "&aKills" in sidebar of loop-player to {totalkills.%loop-player%}
  694. set score "&4Deaths" in sidebar of loop-player to {totaldeaths.%loop-player%}
  695. set score "&5Killstreak" in sidebar of loop-player to {currentkillstreak.%loop-player%}
  696. set score "&cTopKillstreak" in sidebar of loop-player to {topkillstreak.%loop-player%}
  697. set score "{@Servername}" in sidebar of loop-player to -1
  699. on death:
  700. loop all players:
  701. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  702. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&lKitPVP"
  703. set score "&aKills" in sidebar of loop-player to {totalkills.%loop-player%}
  704. set score "&4Deaths" in sidebar of loop-player to {totaldeaths.%loop-player%}
  705. set score "&5Killstreak" in sidebar of loop-player to {currentkillstreak.%loop-player%}
  706. set score "&cTopKillstreak" in sidebar of loop-player to {topkillstreak.%loop-player%}
  707. set score "{@Servername}" in sidebar of loop-player to -1
  709. on death:
  710. victim is a player
  711. attacker is a player
  712. add 1 to {totalkills.%attacker%}
  713. add 1 to {totaldeaths.%victim%}
  714. add 1 to {currentkillstreak.%attacker%}
  715. set {currentkillstreak.%victim%} to 0
  716. if {currentkillstreak.%attacker%} is greater than {topkillstreak.%attacker%}:
  717. set {topkillstreak.%attacker%} to {currentkillstreak.%attacker%}
  719. on death of player:
  720. add 10 to attacker's balance
  722. #========================[ SPAWN, RANDOM SPAWNS AND DONOR SPAWNS ]=========================#
  724. command /setspawn:
  725. description: Set the spawn!
  726. permission: kitpvp.admin
  727. executable by: players
  728. trigger:
  729. set {spawn} to location of player
  730. send "&6Spawn&9 set to %location of player%!"
  732. command /spawn:
  733. executable by: players
  734. trigger:
  735. send "&fUnknown command. Type /help for help."
  737. on join:
  738. teleport player to {spawn}
  739. on death:
  740. teleport player to {spawn}
  742. command /setrandomspawn [<text>] [<text>]:
  743. permission: kitpvp.admin
  744. executable by: players
  745. trigger:
  746. if arg 1 are "1":
  747. set {randomspawn1} to location of player
  748. send "&6Random Spawn&9 1 set to %location of player%!"
  749. if arg 1 are "2":
  750. set {randomspawn2} to location of player
  751. send "&6Random Spawn&9 2 set to %location of player%!"
  752. if arg 1 are "3":
  753. set {randomspawn3} to location of player
  754. send "&6Random Spawn&9 3 set to %location of player%!"
  755. if arg 1 are "4":
  756. set {randomspawn4} to location of player
  757. send "&6Random Spawn&9 4 set to %location of player%!"
  758. if arg 1 are "5":
  759. set {randomspawn5} to location of player
  760. send "&6Random Spawn&9 5 set to %location of player%!"
  761. if arg 1 are "6":
  762. set {randomspawn6} to location of player
  763. send "&6Random Spawn&9 6 set to %location of player%!"
  764. if arg 1 are "7":
  765. set {randomspawn7} to location of player
  766. send "&6Random Spawn&9 7 set to %location of player%!"
  767. if arg 1 are "8":
  768. set {randomspawn8} to location of player
  769. send "&6Random Spawn&9 8 set to %location of player%!"
  770. if arg 1 are "9":
  771. set {randomspawn9} to location of player
  772. send "&6Random Spawn&9 9 set to %location of player%!"
  773. if arg 1 are "10":
  774. set {randomspawn10} to location of player
  775. send "&6Random Spawn&9 10 set to %location of player%!"
  776. if arg 1 are "11":
  777. set {randomspawn11} to location of player
  778. send "&6Random Spawn&9 11 set to %location of player%!"
  779. if arg 1 are "12":
  780. set {randomspawn12} to location of player
  781. send "&6Random Spawn&9 12 set to %location of player%!"
  782. if arg 1 are "13":
  783. set {randomspawn13} to location of player
  784. send "&6Random Spawn&9 13 set to %location of player%!"
  785. if arg 1 are "14":
  786. set {randomspawn14} to location of player
  787. send "&6Random Spawn&9 14 set to %location of player%!"
  788. if arg 1 are "15":
  789. set {randomspawn15} to location of player
  790. send "&6Random Spawn&9 15 set to %location of player%!"
  792. command /randomspawn:
  793. description: Go to random spawn!
  794. permission: kitpvp.default
  795. executable by: players
  796. trigger:
  797. set {randomspawn.%player%} to a random integer between 1 and 15
  798. if {randomspawn.%player%} is 1:
  799. teleport player to {randomspawn1}
  800. if {randomspawn.%player%} is 2:
  801. teleport player to {randomspawn2}
  802. if {randomspawn.%player%} is 3:
  803. teleport player to {randomspawn3}
  804. if {randomspawn.%player%} is 4:
  805. teleport player to {randomspawn4}
  806. if {randomspawn.%player%} is 5:
  807. teleport player to {randomspawn5}
  808. if {randomspawn.%player%} is 6:
  809. teleport player to {randomspawn6}
  810. if {randomspawn.%player%} is 7:
  811. teleport player to {randomspawn7}
  812. if {randomspawn.%player%} is 8:
  813. teleport player to {randomspawn8}
  814. if {randomspawn.%player%} is 9:
  815. teleport player to {randomspawn9}
  816. if {randomspawn.%player%} is 10:
  817. teleport player to {randomspawn10}
  818. if {randomspawn.%player%} is 11:
  819. teleport player to {randomspawn11}
  820. if {randomspawn.%player%} is 12:
  821. teleport player to {randomspawn12}
  822. if {randomspawn.%player%} is 13:
  823. teleport player to {randomspawn13}
  824. if {randomspawn.%player%} is 14:
  825. teleport player to {randomspawn14}
  826. if {randomspawn.%player%} is 15:
  827. teleport player to {randomspawn15}
  829. command /donatorspawn [<text>] [<text>]:
  830. executable by: players
  831. trigger:
  832. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-1}":
  833. if player have permissions "kitpvp.donator":
  834. teleport player to {dspawn-1}
  835. else:
  836. send "{@NoDonor-msg}" to player
  837. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-2}":
  838. if player have permissions "kitpvp.donator":
  839. teleport player to {dspawn-2}
  840. else:
  841. send "{@NoDonor-msg}" to player
  842. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-3}":
  843. if player have permissions "kitpvp.donator":
  844. teleport player to {dspawn-3}
  845. else:
  846. send "{@NoDonor-msg}" to player
  847. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-4}":
  848. if player have permissions "kitpvp.donator":
  849. teleport player to {dspawn-4}
  850. else:
  851. send "{@NoDonor-msg}" to player
  852. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-5}":
  853. if player have permissions "kitpvp.donator":
  854. teleport player to {dspawn-5}
  855. else:
  856. send "{@NoDonor-msg}" to player
  857. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-6}":
  858. if player have permissions "kitpvp.donator":
  859. teleport player to {dspawn-6}
  860. else:
  861. send "{@NoDonor-msg}" to player
  862. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-7}":
  863. if player have permissions "kitpvp.donator":
  864. teleport player to {dspawn-7}
  865. else:
  866. send "{@NoDonor-msg}" to player
  867. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-8}":
  868. if player have permissions "kitpvp.donator":
  869. teleport player to {dspawn-8}
  870. else:
  871. send "{@NoDonor-msg}" to player
  872. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-9}":
  873. if player have permissions "kitpvp.donator":
  874. teleport player to {dspawn-9}
  875. else:
  876. send "{@NoDonor-msg}" to player
  877. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-10}":
  878. if player have permissions "kitpvp.donator":
  879. teleport player to {dspawn-10}
  880. else:
  881. send "{@NoDonor-msg}" to player
  882. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-11}":
  883. if player have permissions "kitpvp.donator":
  884. teleport player to {dspawn-11}
  885. else:
  886. send "{@NoDonor-msg}" to player
  887. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-12}":
  888. if player have permissions "kitpvp.donator":
  889. teleport player to {dspawn-12}
  890. else:
  891. send "{@NoDonor-msg}" to player
  892. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-13}":
  893. if player have permissions "kitpvp.donator":
  894. teleport player to {dspawn-13}
  895. else:
  896. send "{@NoDonor-msg}" to player
  898. command /setdonatorspawn [<text>] [<text>]:
  899. permission: kitpvp.admin
  900. executable by: players
  901. trigger:
  902. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-1}":
  903. set {dspawn-1} to location of player
  904. send "&6Donator Spawn&9 {@donatorspawn-1} set to %location of player%!"
  905. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-2}":
  906. set {dspawn-2} to location of player
  907. send "&6Donator Spawn &9 {@donatorspawn-2} set to %location of player%!"
  908. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-3}":
  909. set {dspawn-3} to location of player
  910. send "&6Donator Spawn&9 {@donatorspawn-3} set to %location of player%!"
  911. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-4}":
  912. set {dspawn-4} to location of player
  913. send "&6Donator Spawn&9 {@donatorspawn-4} set to %location of player%!"
  914. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-5}":
  915. set {dspawn-5} to location of player
  916. send "&6Donator Spawn&9 {@donatorspawn-5} set to %location of player%!"
  917. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-6}":
  918. set {dspawn-6} to location of player
  919. send "&6Donator Spawn&9 {@donatorspawn-6} set to %location of player%!"
  920. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-7}":
  921. set {dspawn-7} to location of player
  922. send "&6Donator Spawn&9 {@donatorspawn-7} set to %location of player%!"
  923. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-8}":
  924. set {dspawn-8} to location of player
  925. send "&6Donator Spawn&9 {@donatorspawn-8} set to %location of player%!"
  926. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-9}":
  927. set {dspawn-9} to location of player
  928. send "&6Donator Spawn&9 {@donatorspawn-9} set to %location of player%!"
  929. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-10}":
  930. set {dspawn-10} to location of player
  931. send "&6Donator Spawn&9 {@donatorspawn-10} set to %location of player%!"
  932. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-11}":
  933. set {dspawn-11} to location of player
  934. send "&6Donator Spawn&9 {@donatorspawn-11} set to %location of player%!"
  935. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-12}":
  936. set {dspawn-12} to location of player
  937. send "&6Donator Spawn&9 {@donatorspawn-12} set to %location of player%!"
  938. if arg 1 are "{@donatorspawn-13}":
  939. set {dspawn-13} to location of player
  940. send "&6Donator Spawn&9 {@donatorspawn-13} set to %location of player%!"
  942. #========================[ CLEAR ITEMS ]=========================#
  944. every {@Ci-time} minutes:
  945. loop entities in world {@Ci-world}:
  946. clear dropped Items
  947. broadcast "{@Ci-msg}"
  948. stop
  950. #========================[ PROTECTION ]=========================#
  952. on explode:
  953. cancel event
  954. on weather change to rain or thunder:
  955. cancel event
  956. on enderman pickup:
  957. cancel event
  958. on enderman place:
  959. cancel event
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