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Nov 2nd, 2018
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  1. # Use a YAML editor like NotepadPlusPlus to edit this file.
  2. # After editing, back up your changes before reloading the server in case you made a syntax error.
  3. # Use dollar signs ($) for formatting codes, which are documented here:
  4. Messages:
  5. RespectingClaims:
  6. Text: Now respecting claims.
  7. IgnoringClaims:
  8. Text: Now ignoring claims.
  9. SuccessfulAbandon:
  10. Text: Claims abandoned. You now have {0} available claim blocks.
  11. Notes: '0: remaining blocks'
  12. RestoreNatureActivate:
  13. Text: Ready to restore some nature! Right click to restore nature, and use /BasicClaims
  14. to stop.
  15. RestoreNatureAggressiveActivate:
  16. Text: Aggressive mode activated. Do NOT use this underneath anything you want
  17. to keep! Right click to aggressively restore nature, and use /BasicClaims to
  18. stop.
  19. FillModeActive:
  20. Text: Fill mode activated with radius {0}. Right click an area to fill.
  21. Notes: '0: fill radius'
  22. TransferClaimPermission:
  23. Text: That command requires the administrative claims permission.
  24. TransferClaimMissing:
  25. Text: There's no claim here. Stand in the administrative claim you want to transfer.
  26. TransferClaimAdminOnly:
  27. Text: Only administrative claims may be transferred to a player.
  28. PlayerNotFound2:
  29. Text: No player by that name has logged in recently.
  30. TransferTopLevel:
  31. Text: Only top level claims (not subdivisions) may be transferred. Stand outside
  32. of the subdivision and try again.
  33. TransferSuccess:
  34. Text: Claim transferred.
  35. TrustListNoClaim:
  36. Text: Stand inside the claim you're curious about.
  37. ClearPermsOwnerOnly:
  38. Text: Only the claim owner can clear all permissions.
  39. UntrustIndividualAllClaims:
  40. Text: Revoked {0}'s access to ALL your claims. To set permissions for a single
  41. claim, stand inside it.
  42. Notes: '0: untrusted player'
  43. UntrustEveryoneAllClaims:
  44. Text: Cleared permissions in ALL your claims. To set permissions for a single
  45. claim, stand inside it.
  46. NoPermissionTrust:
  47. Text: You don't have {0}'s permission to manage permissions here.
  48. Notes: '0: claim owner''s name'
  49. ClearPermissionsOneClaim:
  50. Text: Cleared permissions in this claim. To set permission for ALL your claims,
  51. stand outside them.
  52. UntrustIndividualSingleClaim:
  53. Text: Revoked {0}'s access to this claim. To set permissions for a ALL your claims,
  54. stand outside them.
  55. Notes: '0: untrusted player'
  56. OnlySellBlocks:
  57. Text: Claim blocks may only be sold, not purchased.
  58. BlockPurchaseCost:
  59. Text: Each claim block costs {0}. Your balance is {1}.
  60. Notes: '0: cost of one block; 1: player''s account balance'
  61. ClaimBlockLimit:
  62. Text: You've reached your claim block limit. You can't purchase more.
  63. InsufficientFunds:
  64. Text: You don't have enough money. You need {0}, but you only have {1}.
  65. Notes: '0: total cost; 1: player''s account balance'
  66. PurchaseConfirmation:
  67. Text: Withdrew {0} from your account. You now have {1} available claim blocks.
  68. Notes: '0: total cost; 1: remaining blocks'
  69. OnlyPurchaseBlocks:
  70. Text: Claim blocks may only be purchased, not sold.
  71. BlockSaleValue:
  72. Text: Each claim block is worth {0}. You have {1} available for sale.
  73. Notes: '0: block value; 1: available blocks'
  74. NotEnoughBlocksForSale:
  75. Text: You don't have that many claim blocks available for sale.
  76. BlockSaleConfirmation:
  77. Text: Deposited {0} in your account. You now have {1} available claim blocks.
  78. Notes: '0: amount deposited; 1: remaining blocks'
  79. AdminClaimsMode:
  80. Text: Administrative claims mode active. Any claims created will be free and
  81. editable by other administrators.
  82. BasicClaimsMode:
  83. Text: Returned to basic claim creation mode.
  84. SubdivisionMode:
  85. Text: Subdivision mode. Use your shovel to create subdivisions in your existing
  86. claims. Use /basicclaims to exit.
  87. SubdivisionVideo2:
  88. Text: 'Click for Subdivision Help: {0}'
  89. Notes: 0:video URL
  90. DeleteClaimMissing:
  91. Text: There's no claim here.
  92. DeletionSubdivisionWarning:
  93. Text: This claim includes subdivisions. If you're sure you want to delete it,
  94. use /DeleteClaim again.
  95. DeleteSuccess:
  96. Text: Claim deleted.
  97. CantDeleteAdminClaim:
  98. Text: You don't have permission to delete administrative claims.
  99. DeleteAllSuccess:
  100. Text: Deleted all of {0}'s claims.
  101. Notes: '0: owner''s name'
  102. NoDeletePermission:
  103. Text: You don't have permission to delete claims.
  104. AllAdminDeleted:
  105. Text: Deleted all administrative claims.
  106. AdjustBlocksSuccess:
  107. Text: 'Adjusted {0}''s bonus claim blocks by {1}. New total bonus blocks: {2}.'
  108. Notes: '0: player; 1: adjustment; 2: new total'
  109. NotTrappedHere:
  110. Text: You can build here. Save yourself.
  111. RescuePending:
  112. Text: If you stay put for 10 seconds, you'll be teleported out. Please wait.
  113. NonSiegeWorld:
  114. Text: Siege is disabled here.
  115. AlreadySieging:
  116. Text: You're already involved in a siege.
  117. NotSiegableThere:
  118. Text: '{0} isn''t protected there.'
  119. Notes: '0: defending player'
  120. SiegeTooFarAway:
  121. Text: You're too far away to siege.
  122. NoSiegeYourself:
  123. Text: You cannot siege yourself, don't be silly
  124. NoSiegeDefenseless:
  125. Text: That player is defenseless. Go pick on somebody else.
  126. AlreadyUnderSiegePlayer:
  127. Text: '{0} is already under siege. Join the party!'
  128. Notes: '0: defending player'
  129. AlreadyUnderSiegeArea:
  130. Text: That area is already under siege. Join the party!
  131. NoSiegeAdminClaim:
  132. Text: Siege is disabled in this area.
  133. SiegeOnCooldown:
  134. Text: You're still on siege cooldown for this defender or claim. Find another
  135. victim.
  136. SiegeAlert:
  137. Text: You're under siege! If you log out now, you will die. You must defeat
  138. {0}, wait for him to give up, or escape.
  139. Notes: '0: attacker name'
  140. SiegeConfirmed:
  141. Text: The siege has begun! If you log out now, you will die. You must defeat
  142. {0}, chase him away, or admit defeat and walk away.
  143. Notes: '0: defender name'
  144. AbandonClaimMissing:
  145. Text: Stand in the claim you want to delete, or consider /AbandonAllClaims.
  146. NotYourClaim:
  147. Text: This isn't your claim.
  148. DeleteTopLevelClaim:
  149. Text: To delete a subdivision, stand inside it. Otherwise, use /AbandonTopLevelClaim
  150. to delete this claim and all subdivisions.
  151. AbandonSuccess:
  152. Text: Claim abandoned. You now have {0} available claim blocks.
  153. Notes: '0: remaining claim blocks'
  154. CantGrantThatPermission:
  155. Text: You can't grant a permission you don't have yourself.
  156. GrantPermissionNoClaim:
  157. Text: Stand inside the claim where you want to grant permission.
  158. GrantPermissionConfirmation:
  159. Text: Granted {0} permission to {1} {2}.
  160. Notes: '0: target player; 1: permission description; 2: scope (changed claims)'
  161. ManageUniversalPermissionsInstruction:
  162. Text: To manage permissions for ALL your claims, stand outside them.
  163. ManageOneClaimPermissionsInstruction:
  164. Text: To manage permissions for a specific claim, stand inside it.
  165. CollectivePublic:
  166. Text: the public
  167. Notes: as in 'granted the public permission to...'
  168. BuildPermission:
  169. Text: build
  170. ContainersPermission:
  171. Text: access containers and animals
  172. AccessPermission:
  173. Text: use buttons and levers
  174. PermissionsPermission:
  175. Text: manage permissions
  176. LocationCurrentClaim:
  177. Text: in this claim
  178. LocationAllClaims:
  179. Text: in all your claims
  180. PvPImmunityStart:
  181. Text: You're protected from attack by other players as long as your inventory
  182. is empty.
  183. SiegeNoDrop:
  184. Text: You can't give away items while involved in a siege.
  185. DonateItemsInstruction:
  186. Text: To give away the item(s) in your hand, left-click the chest again.
  187. ChestFull:
  188. Text: This chest is full.
  189. DonationSuccess:
  190. Text: Item(s) transferred to chest!
  191. PlayerTooCloseForFire2:
  192. Text: You can't start a fire this close to another player.
  193. TooDeepToClaim:
  194. Text: This chest can't be protected because it's too deep underground. Consider
  195. moving it.
  196. ChestClaimConfirmation:
  197. Text: This chest is protected.
  198. AutomaticClaimNotification:
  199. Text: This chest and nearby blocks are protected from breakage and theft.
  200. UnprotectedChestWarning:
  201. Text: This chest is NOT protected. Consider using a golden shovel to expand an
  202. existing claim or to create a new one.
  203. ThatPlayerPvPImmune:
  204. Text: You can't injure defenseless players.
  205. CantFightWhileImmune:
  206. Text: You can't fight someone while you're protected from PvP.
  207. NoDamageClaimedEntity:
  208. Text: That belongs to {0}.
  209. Notes: '0: owner name'
  210. ShovelBasicClaimMode:
  211. Text: Shovel returned to basic claims mode.
  212. RemainingBlocks:
  213. Text: You may claim up to {0} more blocks.
  214. Notes: '0: remaining blocks'
  215. CreativeBasicsVideo2:
  216. Text: 'Click for Land Claim Help: {0}'
  217. Notes: '{0}: video URL'
  218. SurvivalBasicsVideo2:
  219. Text: 'Click for Land Claim Help: {0}'
  220. Notes: '{0}: video URL'
  221. TrappedChatKeyword:
  222. Text: trapped;stuck
  223. Notes: When mentioned in chat, players get information about the /trapped command
  224. (multiple words can be separated with semi-colons)
  225. TrappedInstructions:
  226. Text: Are you trapped in someone's land claim? Try the /trapped command.
  227. PvPNoDrop:
  228. Text: You can't drop items while in PvP combat.
  229. SiegeNoTeleport:
  230. Text: You can't teleport out of a besieged area.
  231. BesiegedNoTeleport:
  232. Text: You can't teleport into a besieged area.
  233. SiegeNoContainers:
  234. Text: You can't access containers while involved in a siege.
  235. PvPNoContainers:
  236. Text: You can't access containers during PvP combat.
  237. PvPImmunityEnd:
  238. Text: Now you can fight with other players.
  239. NoBedPermission:
  240. Text: '{0} hasn''t given you permission to sleep here.'
  241. Notes: '0: claim owner'
  242. NoWildernessBuckets:
  243. Text: You may only dump buckets inside your claim(s) or underground.
  244. NoLavaNearOtherPlayer:
  245. Text: You can't place lava this close to {0}.
  246. Notes: '0: nearby player'
  247. TooFarAway:
  248. Text: That's too far away.
  249. BlockNotClaimed:
  250. Text: No one has claimed this block.
  251. BlockClaimed:
  252. Text: That block has been claimed by {0}.
  253. Notes: '0: claim owner'
  254. SiegeNoShovel:
  255. Text: You can't use your shovel tool while involved in a siege.
  256. RestoreNaturePlayerInChunk:
  257. Text: Unable to restore. {0} is in that chunk.
  258. Notes: '0: nearby player'
  259. NoCreateClaimPermission:
  260. Text: You don't have permission to claim land.
  261. ResizeNeedMoreBlocks:
  262. Text: You don't have enough blocks for this size. You need {0} more.
  263. Notes: '0: how many needed'
  264. NoCreativeUnClaim:
  265. Text: You can't unclaim this land. You can only make this claim larger or create
  266. additional claims.
  267. ClaimResizeSuccess:
  268. Text: Claim resized. {0} available claim blocks remaining.
  269. Notes: '0: remaining blocks'
  270. ResizeFailOverlap:
  271. Text: Can't resize here because it would overlap another nearby claim.
  272. ResizeStart:
  273. Text: Resizing claim. Use your shovel again at the new location for this corner.
  274. ResizeFailOverlapSubdivision:
  275. Text: You can't create a subdivision here because it would overlap another subdivision. Consider
  276. /abandonclaim to delete it, or use your shovel at a corner to resize it.
  277. SubdivisionStart:
  278. Text: Subdivision corner set! Use your shovel at the location for the opposite
  279. corner of this new subdivision.
  280. CreateSubdivisionOverlap:
  281. Text: Your selected area overlaps another subdivision.
  282. SubdivisionSuccess:
  283. Text: Subdivision created! Use /trust to share it with friends.
  284. CreateClaimFailOverlap:
  285. Text: You can't create a claim here because it would overlap your other claim. Use
  286. /abandonclaim to delete it, or use your shovel at a corner to resize it.
  287. CreateClaimFailOverlapOtherPlayer:
  288. Text: You can't create a claim here because it would overlap {0}'s claim.
  289. Notes: '0: other claim owner'
  290. ClaimsDisabledWorld:
  291. Text: Land claims are disabled in this world.
  292. ClaimStart:
  293. Text: Claim corner set! Use the shovel again at the opposite corner to claim
  294. a rectangle of land. To cancel, put your shovel away.
  295. NewClaimTooNarrow:
  296. Text: This claim would be too small. Any claim must be at least {0} blocks wide.
  297. Notes: '0: minimum claim width'
  298. CreateClaimInsufficientBlocks:
  299. Text: You don't have enough blocks to claim that entire area. You need {0} more
  300. blocks.
  301. Notes: '0: additional blocks needed'
  302. AbandonClaimAdvertisement:
  303. Text: To delete another claim and free up some blocks, use /AbandonClaim.
  304. CreateClaimFailOverlapShort:
  305. Text: Your selected area overlaps an existing claim.
  306. CreateClaimSuccess:
  307. Text: Claim created! Use /trust to share it with friends.
  308. SiegeWinDoorsOpen:
  309. Text: Congratulations! Buttons and levers are temporarily unlocked.
  310. RescueAbortedMoved:
  311. Text: You moved! Rescue cancelled.
  312. SiegeDoorsLockedEjection:
  313. Text: Looting time is up! Ejected from the claim.
  314. NoModifyDuringSiege:
  315. Text: Claims can't be modified while under siege.
  316. OnlyOwnersModifyClaims:
  317. Text: Only {0} can modify this claim.
  318. Notes: '0: owner name'
  319. NoBuildUnderSiege:
  320. Text: This claim is under siege by {0}. No one can build here.
  321. Notes: '0: attacker name'
  322. NoBuildPvP:
  323. Text: You can't build in claims during PvP combat.
  324. NoBuildPermission:
  325. Text: You don't have {0}'s permission to build here.
  326. Notes: '0: owner name'
  327. NonSiegeMaterial:
  328. Text: That material is too tough to break.
  329. NoOwnerBuildUnderSiege:
  330. Text: You can't make changes while under siege.
  331. NoAccessPermission:
  332. Text: You don't have {0}'s permission to use that.
  333. Notes: '0: owner name. access permission controls buttons, levers, and beds'
  334. NoContainersSiege:
  335. Text: This claim is under siege by {0}. No one can access containers here right
  336. now.
  337. Notes: '0: attacker name'
  338. NoContainersPermission:
  339. Text: You don't have {0}'s permission to use that.
  340. Notes: '0: owner''s name. containers also include crafting blocks'
  341. OwnerNameForAdminClaims:
  342. Text: an administrator
  343. Notes: as in 'You don't have an administrator's permission to build here.'
  344. ClaimTooSmallForEntities:
  345. Text: This claim isn't big enough for that. Try enlarging it.
  346. TooManyEntitiesInClaim:
  347. Text: This claim has too many entities already. Try enlarging the claim or removing
  348. some animals, monsters, paintings, or minecarts.
  349. YouHaveNoClaims:
  350. Text: You don't have any land claims.
  351. ConfirmFluidRemoval:
  352. Text: Abandoning this claim will remove lava inside the claim. If you're sure,
  353. use /AbandonClaim again.
  354. AutoBanNotify:
  355. Text: Auto-banned {0}({1}). See logs for details.
  356. AdjustGroupBlocksSuccess:
  357. Text: 'Adjusted bonus claim blocks for players with the {0} permission by {1}. New
  358. total: {2}.'
  359. Notes: '0: permission; 1: adjustment amount; 2: new total bonus'
  360. InvalidPermissionID:
  361. Text: Please specify a player name, or a permission in [brackets].
  362. HowToClaimRegex:
  363. Text: (^|.*\W)how\W.*\W(claim|protect|lock)(\W.*|$)
  364. Notes: This is a Java Regular Expression. Look it up before editing! It's used
  365. to tell players about the demo video when they ask how to claim land.
  366. NoBuildOutsideClaims:
  367. Text: You can't build here unless you claim some land first.
  368. PlayerOfflineTime:
  369. Text: ' Last login: {0} days ago.'
  370. Notes: '0: number of full days since last login'
  371. BuildingOutsideClaims:
  372. Text: Other players can build here, too. Consider creating a land claim to protect
  373. your work!
  374. TrappedWontWorkHere:
  375. Text: Sorry, unable to find a safe location to teleport you to. Contact an admin.
  376. CommandBannedInPvP:
  377. Text: You can't use that command while in PvP combat.
  378. UnclaimCleanupWarning:
  379. Text: The land you've unclaimed may be changed by other players or cleaned up
  380. by administrators. If you've built something there you want to keep, you should
  381. reclaim it.
  382. BuySellNotConfigured:
  383. Text: Sorry, buying and selling claim blocks is disabled.
  384. NoTeleportPvPCombat:
  385. Text: You can't teleport while fighting another player.
  386. NoTNTDamageAboveSeaLevel:
  387. Text: 'Warning: TNT will not destroy blocks above sea level.'
  388. NoTNTDamageClaims:
  389. Text: 'Warning: TNT will not destroy claimed blocks.'
  390. IgnoreClaimsAdvertisement:
  391. Text: To override, use /IgnoreClaims.
  392. NoPermissionForCommand:
  393. Text: You don't have permission to do that.
  394. ClaimsListNoPermission:
  395. Text: You don't have permission to get information about another player's land
  396. claims.
  397. ExplosivesDisabled:
  398. Text: This claim is now protected from explosions. Use /ClaimExplosions again
  399. to disable.
  400. ExplosivesEnabled:
  401. Text: This claim is now vulnerable to explosions. Use /ClaimExplosions again
  402. to re-enable protections.
  403. ClaimExplosivesAdvertisement:
  404. Text: To allow explosives to destroy blocks in this land claim, use /ClaimExplosions.
  405. PlayerInPvPSafeZone:
  406. Text: That player is in a PvP safe zone.
  407. NoPistonsOutsideClaims:
  408. Text: 'Warning: Pistons won''t move blocks outside land claims.'
  409. SoftMuted:
  410. Text: Soft-muted {0}.
  411. Notes: '0: The changed player''s name.'
  412. UnSoftMuted:
  413. Text: Un-soft-muted {0}.
  414. Notes: '0: The changed player''s name.'
  415. DropUnlockAdvertisement:
  416. Text: Other players can't pick up your dropped items unless you /UnlockDrops first.
  417. PickupBlockedExplanation:
  418. Text: You can't pick this up unless {0} uses /UnlockDrops.
  419. Notes: '0: The item stack''s owner.'
  420. DropUnlockConfirmation:
  421. Text: Unlocked your drops. Other players may now pick them up (until you die
  422. again).
  423. DropUnlockOthersConfirmation:
  424. Text: Unlocked {0}'s drops.
  425. Notes: '0: The owner of the unlocked drops.'
  426. AdvertiseACandACB:
  427. Text: You may use /ACB to give yourself more claim blocks, or /AdminClaims to
  428. create a free administrative claim.
  429. AdvertiseAdminClaims:
  430. Text: You could create an administrative land claim instead using /AdminClaims,
  431. which you'd share with other administrators.
  432. AdvertiseACB:
  433. Text: You may use /ACB to give yourself more claim blocks.
  434. NotYourPet:
  435. Text: That belongs to {0} until it's given to you with /GivePet.
  436. Notes: '0: owner name'
  437. PetGiveawayConfirmation:
  438. Text: Pet transferred.
  439. PetTransferCancellation:
  440. Text: Pet giveaway cancelled.
  441. ReadyToTransferPet:
  442. Text: Ready to transfer! Right-click the pet you'd like to give away, or cancel
  443. with /GivePet cancel.
  444. AvoidGriefClaimLand:
  445. Text: Prevent grief! If you claim your land, you will be grief-proof.
  446. BecomeMayor:
  447. Text: Subdivide your land claim and become a mayor!
  448. ClaimCreationFailedOverClaimCountLimit:
  449. Text: You've reached your limit on land claims. Use /AbandonClaim to remove one
  450. before creating another.
  451. CreateClaimFailOverlapRegion:
  452. Text: You can't claim all of this because you're not allowed to build here.
  453. ResizeFailOverlapRegion:
  454. Text: You don't have permission to build there, so you can't claim that area.
  455. NoBuildPortalPermission:
  456. Text: You can't use this portal because you don't have {0}'s permission to build
  457. an exit portal in the destination land claim.
  458. Notes: '0: Destination land claim owner''s name.'
  459. ShowNearbyClaims:
  460. Text: Found {0} land claims.
  461. Notes: '0: Number of claims found.'
  462. NoChatUntilMove:
  463. Text: Sorry, but you have to move a little more before you can chat. We get lots
  464. of spam bots here. :)
  465. SiegeImmune:
  466. Text: That player is immune to /siege.
  467. SetClaimBlocksSuccess:
  468. Text: Updated accrued claim blocks.
  469. IgnoreConfirmation:
  470. Text: You're now ignoring chat messages from that player.
  471. NotIgnoringPlayer:
  472. Text: You're not ignoring that player.
  473. UnIgnoreConfirmation:
  474. Text: You're no longer ignoring chat messages from that player.
  475. SeparateConfirmation:
  476. Text: Those players will now ignore each other in chat.
  477. UnSeparateConfirmation:
  478. Text: Those players will no longer ignore each other in chat.
  479. NotIgnoringAnyone:
  480. Text: You're not ignoring anyone.
  481. TrustListHeader:
  482. Text: 'Explicit permissions here:'
  483. Manage:
  484. Text: Manage
  485. Build:
  486. Text: Build
  487. Containers:
  488. Text: Containers
  489. Access:
  490. Text: Access
  491. HasSubclaimRestriction:
  492. Text: This subclaim does not inherit permissions from the parent
  493. StartBlockMath:
  494. Text: '{0} blocks from play + {1} bonus = {2} total.'
  495. ClaimsListHeader:
  496. Text: 'Claims:'
  497. ContinueBlockMath:
  498. Text: ' (-{0} blocks)'
  499. EndBlockMath:
  500. Text: ' = {0} blocks left to spend'
  501. NoClaimDuringPvP:
  502. Text: You can't claim lands during PvP combat.
  503. UntrustAllOwnerOnly:
  504. Text: Only the claim owner can clear all its permissions.
  505. ManagersDontUntrustManagers:
  506. Text: Only the claim owner can demote a manager.
  507. BookAuthor:
  508. Text: BigScary
  509. BookTitle:
  510. Text: How to Claim Land
  511. BookIntro:
  512. Text: Claim land to protect your stuff! Click the link above to learn land claims
  513. in 3 minutes or less. :)
  514. BookDisabledChestClaims:
  515. Text: ' On this server, placing a chest will NOT claim land for you.'
  516. BookUsefulCommands:
  517. Text: 'Useful Commands:'
  518. BookLink:
  519. Text: 'Click: {0}'
  520. Notes: '{0}: video URL'
  521. BookTools:
  522. Text: Our claim tools are {0} and {1}.
  523. Notes: '0: claim modification tool name; 1:claim information tool name'
  524. ResizeClaimTooNarrow:
  525. Text: This new size would be too small. Claims must be at least {0} blocks wide.
  526. Notes: '0: minimum claim width'
  527. ResizeClaimInsufficientArea:
  528. Text: This claim would be too small. Any claim must use at least {0} total claim
  529. blocks.
  530. Notes: '0: minimum claim area'
  531. NoProfanity:
  532. Text: Please moderate your language.
  533. PlayerNotIgnorable:
  534. Text: You can't ignore that player.
  535. NoEnoughBlocksForChestClaim:
  536. Text: Because you don't have any claim blocks available, no automatic land claim
  537. was created for you. You can use /ClaimsList to monitor your available claim
  538. block total.
  539. IsIgnoringYou:
  540. Text: That player is ignoring you.
  541. MustHoldModificationToolForThat:
  542. Text: You must be holding a golden shovel to do that.
  543. StandInClaimToResize:
  544. Text: Stand inside the land claim you want to resize.
  545. ClaimsExtendToSky:
  546. Text: Land claims always extend to max build height.
  547. ClaimsAutoExtendDownward:
  548. Text: Land claims auto-extend deeper into the ground when you place blocks under
  549. them.
  550. MinimumRadius:
  551. Text: Minimum radius is {0}.
  552. Notes: '0: minimum radius'
  553. RadiusRequiresGoldenShovel:
  554. Text: You must be holding a golden shovel when specifying a radius.
  555. ClaimTooSmallForActiveBlocks:
  556. Text: This claim isn't big enough to support any active block types (hoppers,
  557. spawners, beacons...). Make the claim bigger first.
  558. TooManyActiveBlocksInClaim:
  559. Text: This claim is at its limit for active block types (hoppers, spawners, beacons...). Either
  560. make it bigger, or remove other active blocks first.
  561. ConsoleOnlyCommand:
  562. Text: That command may only be executed from the server console.
  563. WorldNotFound:
  564. Text: World not found.
  565. AdjustBlocksAllSuccess:
  566. Text: Adjusted all online players' bonus claim blocks by {0}.
  567. Notes: '0: adjustment amount'
  568. TooMuchIpOverlap:
  569. Text: Sorry, there are too many players logged in with your IP address.
  570. StandInSubclaim:
  571. Text: You need to be standing in a subclaim to restrict it
  572. SubclaimRestricted:
  573. Text: This subclaim's permissions will no longer inherit from the parent claim
  574. SubclaimUnrestricted:
  575. Text: This subclaim's permissions will now inherit from the parent claim
  576. NetherPortalTrapDetectionMessage:
  577. Text: It seems you might be stuck inside a nether portal. We will rescue you in
  578. a few seconds if that is the case!
  579. Notes: Sent to player on join, if they left while inside a nether portal.
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