
Stanky Nerd Girl // Twilight [Finished]

Jul 1st, 2016
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  1. >"Alright, that about covers it. Remember, campus is closed tomorrow, so you have to check when the make up hour will be sometime next week."
  2. >Every student in the room jumps out of their seats and grabs their bags in an instant, forming into their cliques and heading out the door.
  3. >"See ya' Anon!", a few of your friends say as they head out.
  4. >You don't follow them out the building though.
  5. >It's not like you're in any rush.
  6. >There's something you've got to take care of first.
  7. >Well, someone.
  8. >You gather up your books and pack your bag, heaving it over your shoulder and heading downstairs.
  9. >The halls are still bustling with people, so you worm your way through the crowds to the quieter corridors.
  10. >Getting to the science and computer labs, the crowds thin until it's just you and a handful of others, all in lab coats and rushing from room to room.
  11. >You take a right and face a derelict and old wooden door.
  12. >You knock twice.
  13. >No response.
  14. >Not that you really expect one.
  15. >You turn the knob and push, entering the room.
  16. >And then it hits you.
  17. "Jesus Christ, Twilight. Are you keeping dead animals in here?"
  18. >The egghead recluse looks over to you, surprised for a second before realising who it is.
  19. >She takes off her headphones and greets you, unperturbed by the atmosphere she's basking in.
  20. >You hold your sleeve over your mouth and nose, closing the door behind you lest anyone in the hallway fall into a coma from the poisonous gas in here.
  21. >Making a B-Line to the one window in the room, you crack it open as far as it'll go and take a breath of the outside.
  22. >"I- Is something wrong?" Twilight asks, confused.
  23. "Wrong? How long has it been since you left this room, Twi?"
  24. >She opens her mouth to answer before closing it again and starts counting on her fingers.
  25. >As soon as she lifts the third one you sigh.
  26. "I thought I told you to stop doing this."
  27. >Crossing her arms, she swivels in her chair to face away from you, back at her desk.
  28. >"I know that! I just got caught up is all."
  29. "So caught up you couldn't even shower?"
  30. >"I told you, I got caught up!"
  31. >You lean on the wall next to the window, almost knocking over another one of her crazy inventions.
  32. "So, what was is this time?" You ask reluctantly.
  33. >Swinging back in her chair to face you, her face lights up like a Christmas light as she prepares papers.
  34. >"Oh, you're going to love this! So it was all after I finally compiled those graphs I showed you last week, right?"
  35. >She continues, rolling over to different corners of her room to show you where the red thread starts and stops on her cork-board of madness.
  36. >"Then, then, then!"
  37. >Pushing off the ground with the tips of her toes, she inches her way towards you while continuing her insane science story.
  38. >As she gets closer you feel yourself recoiling more and more into the counter to get away from her, but she keeps on coming without a sign of stopping.
  39. >Stale air and the smell of something that's been left to sit for way too long only get stronger as she encroaches ever further.
  40. >It's an attack on all of your senses by now.
  41. >Almost like you can SEE and FEEL it.
  42. >Before she gets close enough for you to begin tasting it, you stop her.
  43. "Wait!"
  44. >She freezes.
  45. "Other side of the room. Explain this all to me, but do it over there."
  46. >She huffs and slides away, taking the monstrous cloud along.
  47. >You sigh again, taking a breath of the cool air coming in through the window.
  48. >"So, why are you here?"
  49. >You raise a brow, confused.
  50. "Do you realise what day it is?"
  51. >It takes her a moment to respond.
  52. >"It's only Thursday."
  53. >You wait for her to figure it out herself.
  54. >"Oh."
  55. "Yeah."
  56. >"Long weekend."
  57. >Twilight leans back in her chair, looking up at the ceiling.
  58. >"I totally forgot."
  59. >She grips the sides of her head, racking her brain.
  60. >"But I'm not done! I thought I had all of tomorrow to finish!"
  61. >Again, she starts sliding to different corners of her room, graph paper fluttering through the air as she does so.
  62. >She checks a monitor, writes a note down somewhere on her hand or wrist that isn't already marked, and slides to the next one while muttering to herself.
  63. >You check your phone for the time, sighing again.
  64. >Gonna be the death of you, this one.
  65. "Come on, I don't wanna get stuck in traffic. Especially with you in the car."
  66. >"But I'm not-"
  67. "You've got 10 minutes."
  68. >"Aaaaaaugh!"
  69. >You take your bag and, careful not to step anything, leave the room.
  70. >Even through the door you can hear her frustrations with having to leave.
  71. >Once the ten minutes are up you peek your head back in, staring at her in deadpan silence.
  72. >She looks at you, then at the screen, back to you, back to screen, sweating and biting her lip.
  73. >"I know, I know! I just - I need to e-mail this to myself!"
  74. >You continue to stare.
  75. >She screams again.
  76. >After another five minutes the two of you finally make the trek to the car.
  77. >Twilight's got her bags with her, hair a mess and still in her labcoat.
  78. >It's quite embarrassing to walk with her every week like this.
  79. >Especially when people walk towards you as you leave.
  80. >They greet you and you wave back, but as they approach you watch as they wince or cringe.
  81. >All you can do is mouth the word sorry as you continue on your way out.
  82. >Throwing her bags in the car, Twilight gets in the passenger seat before you kick her out of it.
  83. "Nah, no. Not this time. You get in the back."
  84. >She looks offended, but does what you say.
  85. >You're her only ride home, after all.
  86. >She used to take the bus, apparently.
  87. >And for an autist like her, on top of the smell...
  88. >Well, it's not like she's oblivious to her own bad habits.
  89. >You get in the car and start it up, opening all the windows and heading home.
  90. >It's a thirty minute drive back, not too far if the roads are clear.
  91. >Though it is a lot further than the flat you had in first year.
  92. >The ride is mostly silent, with her being in the back like a dog and all.
  93. >But it's not your fault.
  94. >You've made it a clear rule that if she takes care of herself while you're busy, she can ride in the front.
  95. >Not that it's ever really worked.
  96. >It's always weeks like this, where you have to go away for a few days, that you come back and Twilight's a wreck.
  97. >You wonder how her parents must have dealt with it.
  98. >They probably did what you do now, actually.
  99. >Parking the car, you close the windows and step out.
  100. >Twi takes her bags and you take yours, locking the car and walking up the stairs to your apartment.
  101. >You unlock the door and step inside, heading into your room and dropping your bag on the floor.
  102. >Hearing the sound of Twilights socks sliding against the floor into the living room, you bolt back out as she's about to sit on the couch.
  103. "Ah ah ah! No! No, stop!"
  104. >She freezes like a dog being scolded, almost cowering.
  105. "Bathroom. Now."
  106. >She frowns.
  107. >"Oh, come on!"
  108. >You repeat yourself, more sternly this time.
  109. "Now."
  110. >"F- fine."
  111. >Sliding her feet against the ground, she makes her way into the bathroom, sticking her tongue out at you before turning into the hallway.
  112. >You pinch the bridge of your nose, sighing again and taking off your socks.
  113. >Going into your room and opening the dresser, you change into an old pair of shorts before making your way back out into the hall.
  114. >There's a line of dirty clothes from here to the bathroom, thigh highs and a stained labcoat amongst them.
  115. >How hard is it to just change IN the bathroom?
  116. >You pick up the clothes and stuff them into the washing machine straight away, not really caring if anything changes colour in the process.
  117. >They're all stained to hell regardless.
  118. >You knock on the bathroom door, twice.
  119. >No response.
  120. >Not that you really expect one.
  121. >You enter the room, cracking your fingers as Twilight stands in front of the mirror, taking off her glasses and untying her hair.
  122. >Picking up the showerhead and kicking over a stand, you check the temperature of the water.
  123. "Don't you ever get embarrassed?"
  124. >"Hm?"
  125. >You try not look directly at her, not like she's trying to hide anything.
  126. "Of this. Needing me to help shower you."
  127. >She answers almost instantly.
  128. >"Not really. My parents did it before, so I guess I'm used to it."
  129. >Used to it, huh.
  130. >Sigh.
  131. "Sit."
  132. >Running the water over your hands for a few more seconds, you make sure it's alright before standing behind Twilight.
  133. >When the water first touches her, she flinches, but relaxes as you start wetting her hair more.
  134. >"You sigh to much, you know that? They say you exhale happiness when you do that."
  135. >It almost makes you chuckle.
  136. "I didn't think you'd condone wives tales like that. Besides, who's fault do you think this is?"
  137. >"I don't, it's just what my mom told me. Also, rude."
  138. >You run your fingers through her hair, putting down the showerhead and pouring shampoo out into your hand.
  139. "If it's such a bother to take care of you can just cut your hair, you know."
  140. >She shakes her head.
  141. >"No, I like having long hair."
  142. >You rub shampoo through the length of her hair, concentrating on her scalp so you get as much gunk out as you can.
  143. "If you like having it, then take better care of it. It's all gonna die if you keep treating it like this, and you always have it up in a bun anyways, it's not like it would be any different to you."
  144. >Twi shakes her head again, splattering shampoo all over you.
  145. >This is why you need to change clothes every time.
  146. >After you're done you rinse her hair out and start again.
  147. >Considering how long it's been since the last time, you're probably gonna have to repeat this thrice.
  148. >Once everything's finished, you get out a handful of conditioner and stroke it right through to the tips of her hair, leaving it to settle there a while.
  149. >It's almost a workout to wash this much hair.
  150. >You can't imagine what it would be like to have to wash it everyday, like a lot of girls.
  151. >Though, it would make your life a whole lot easier if Twilight was like other girls.
  152. >As per routine, once you're done with her hair, Twi lifts her arm and waits for you to do your job.
  153. >What a presumptuous little...
  154. >Readying your hands on either side of her waist, you strike and poke her in the ribs.
  155. >She jumps and makes an "Eep!", almost falling off the stool.
  156. >Looking back over her shoulder and covering her sides, she pouts at you.
  157. >"Not fair, Anon!"
  158. >You have your laugh as she huffs and puffs, getting the soap and looking for the bath sponge.
  159. >Not on the floor.
  160. >Or the counter.
  161. >Or hanging on the shower.
  162. >Huh.
  163. "Hey, Twi."
  164. >"What."
  165. "You know where the shower scrunchie-thing is?"
  166. >"Oh."
  167. "What, oh?"
  168. >"I... kinda threw it away."
  169. >A second goes by before you process it.
  170. "What!?"
  171. >"It was old and falling apart, I threw it away the last time I used it."
  172. >You groan and bite your cheek.
  173. "You should have told me if you did that, then. We don't have any others, you know."
  174. >"O- Oh."
  175. >You sigh again, as per usual when you're around her, looking down at the handful of soap you're cupping in your hand.
  176. >Twilight mutters something, though too quiet for you to hear it.
  177. "What are we gonna do now. Are you gonna do it yourse-"
  178. >"We don't really n- need the sponge, right?"
  179. >You raise your brow.
  180. >Twi peeks back at you over her shoulder, kind of cowering behind it as well.
  181. "You mean-..."
  182. >She's shifty eyed, but doesn't say anything else.
  183. "You sure you're okay with it?"
  184. >She lightly nods, the only confirmation you get.
  185. >You clear your throat, feeling your face burning up.
  186. "R- right. Lift your arm."
  187. >She raises her right arm about 20 degrees, probably just as embarrassed as you are.
  188. >You put your hand under her elbow and lift it fully up, turning your hand so that the soap trickles down her arm and side.
  189. >She flinches a bit as it slides down, the liquid having cooled in the air.
  190. >Your hand follows the trail down, lathering it into her skin.
  191. >Slowly, since your hand is still kind of shaking, you criss cross from her waist over her back, pushing aside small bits of hair that get in the way.
  192. >Squeezing a bit more into your hand, you place it on her shoulder and make your way up her arm, stopping at her wrist and going back down.
  193. >Twilight, using her free arm, pushes her hair out of the way and lets it fall forward, exposing her whole back to you without saying anything.
  194. >God, you're burning up.
  195. >Is this also 'normal' to her?
  196. >Or is she as embarrassed as you are.
  197. >And why does this bother you so much?
  198. >It never got this weird when you had the scrunchie with you, but with just your hands..
  199. >It's a lot more - intimate.
  200. >You shake your head, cringing at yourself.
  201. >Don't use that word to describe it.
  202. >This is Twilight, for God's sake.
  203. >You touch the top of her spine, sliding your fingers down along the length of her back and up again.
  204. >She moves a little to your touch, but not trying recoil away from you.
  205. >Once up to the top of her back, you slowly move to her neck, pushing lightly until you get below where her hair ends.
  206. >In response to being touched, Twi's shoulders jump and she makes a... noise.
  207. >You freeze.
  208. >She does too.
  209. "You okay?"
  210. >"Yeah... I was just. Surprised."
  211. >She turns her head to look at you, and only now do you notice how red her cheeks are.
  212. >You can't really see yourself, but it's a safe bet that you're the same.
  213. >The extended silence forces you to smile, which she does too, eventually escalating to the both of you laughing at how weird this is.
  214. "Seriously, what the hell was that?"
  215. >She tries speaking in between laughing, shaking her head.
  216. >"I honestly don't - I don't know."
  217. >About a minute goes by before you calm down, breathing out slowly.
  218. >She does too.
  219. "You wanna keep going, or are you, uh, clean?"
  220. >She looks back to the wall, looking down.
  221. >"You're not even nearly done."
  222. "Yeah, yeah."
  223. >You crouch back down and get some more soap into your hands, placing your hand on her back.
  224. >As weird as that exchange was, you're glad it happened.
  225. >This isn't half as awkward as it was when you first started.
  226. >You wash the sides of her neck, shoulders, and back, pushing into her skin in certain areas.
  227. >It's almost like a massage now.
  228. >Finishing her sides as she tried not to laugh, you lift up her left arm and travel up her elbow and make it to her wrist, lathering in the soap.
  229. >Not stopping there, you reach higher to her hand, running your sud covered hand over hers, sliding your fingers between her own.
  230. >She slides her fingers through yours as well, gripping your hand tight and pulling her arm back down towards her, leaning back into your chest.
  231. >You catch her there, and she looks up at you.
  232. >Her hand, holding yours, lays across her stomach, which is... completely bare.
  233. >You quickly look to the side, biting your lip in reflex.
  234. >"What is it?"
  235. "You're naked, remember?"
  236. >She looks down and exhales sharply.
  237. >"As long as it's you, I don't really care."
  238. >Your hearts starts beating faster again.
  239. >Calm the fuck down, man.
  240. >"Besides, you haven't washed me in front yet... so you're not finished, right?"
  241. >You almost choke.
  242. "I don't //do// your front normally though."
  243. >She moves her own hand, which is still holding yours, up her chest, almost using your arm as the sponge.
  244. "F- fine."
  245. >Moving your free arm around her waist, you begin to lather up her front as well, though still making sure to avoid any... delicate areas.
  246. >She's still holding your left hand hostage, your hand currently lying right in the centre of her boobs.
  247. >Tracing your hand along the line of her pelvis, you stop and travel down the top of her leg, up and down, repeating it half a dozen times.
  248. >No matter how you try, you just don't have the resolve to go anywhere else.
  249. >You have no clue how Twilight would react.
  250. >Every rational thought in your head tells you that she'd probably be okay with it, considering where she's willingly led your left arm, but..
  251. >Curse you, indecisiveness.
  252. >Almost as if sensing your dilemma, Twi moves her arm over her breast, bringing yours along with it.
  253. >Well, that's just about all the justification you need.
  254. >With your free hand, you move up from her belly and up to her chest, tracing the line of her breast before sliding up it and over her nipple.
  255. >Her back presses into you further, sliding off the stool she's sitting on and resting more of her weight on you.
  256. >You move your hand back down again, this time stopping and softly cupping her in your hand, running your fingers over and off.
  257. >She exhales loudly right into your ear as you do it, pressing her head into your shoulder.
  258. >You repeat the process of caressing her down to her pelvis and coming back up to her collarbones a few more times, her hand gripping yours tightly.
  259. >Every time you do it you pause longer on her chest or move your hand further down her groin, her breathing erratic and hot right next to your ear.
  260. >After holding back long enough, you run your hand down her v-line and further than you ever did previously, feeling a roughness of stubble on the tips of your fingers.
  261. >Twilight bucks her pelvis into your hand, lifting herself right off her seat and into you.
  262. >The stool goes sliding over to the corner of the room, Twilight lying fully back into your body on the floor.
  263. >With her head now pretty much embedded into your neck, her breathing leaves beads of vapour and saliva that run down the front of your neck.
  264. >Minor setback finished, you continue going down as she grips your hand tighter, feeling the distinct change in flesh as you press your finger down.
  265. >With her free right hand, previously resting on your forearm and gripping it tightly, she lifts it up and slides it to the side of your neck, anchoring herself there and pressing down.
  266. >Gauging where you need to be by the breathing on your neck, you press down harder and start moving your first two fingers.
  267. >Escalating from raspy breaths to audible moans and whimpers, you continue.
  268. >With your left hand you continue to move up and down Twi's breast, running her own wrist over herself as she clings onto your hand.
  269. >Her grip on your hand and neck only get stronger as you keep on going, the feeling of her uncut nails digging into you making you clench your jaw.
  270. >Not that it bothers you all that much.
  271. >After another minute, Twilight begins gyrating her hips into your arm again, leaving you to fight the movements as they come in waves.
  272. >You feel lips on your neck, Twi moaning into you like someone would scream into a pillow to muffle the sound.
  273. >Her legs start shaking along with her pelvis, letting you know that she's almost there.
  274. >All this movement makes your job harder, but you continue going until you can be sure Twilight is satisfied.
  275. >Pushing herself into your chest even more, you slide back on the slippery floor as she continues to ride her high.
  276. >As the shaking becomes less violent and unexpected, Twi rests herself back down on the floor and you bring yourself to a slow stop, rubbing your whole hand along her slit a few times.
  277. >Both of you are panting as it all ends, red faced and light headed.
  278. >You've probably been in the steam for too long.
  279. >Twilight lets go of your hand and lies limply on your chest, head resting on your shoulder with her mouth agape.
  280. >You find the showerhead and rinse your hand off, doing her as well while being careful not to get any suds into her eyes.
  281. >It's a good thing that you didn't actually have any soap in your hands when you started, since you can only assume that it would burn her like crazy if you did.
  282. >After you're sure all of the conditioner is off of her hair, you rinse Twilight's back and arms again.
  283. >You try lift her up, but her legs don't seem to co-operate with you nor her, so after trying a few times you give it up.
  284. >You'll let her rest on you for a while.
  285. >Before you close your eyes to rest for a while, just basking in each other's warmth, you notice that one of the cupboards opened over the ordeal.
  286. >And in it, behind your shaving stuff and the extra toothbrushes, you see the shower sponge sitting there.
  287. >Did - Did she plan...
  288. >You crack a smile.
  289. >God damnit Twilight.
  290. >
  291. >The sun was already down by the time you both left the bathroom and went to your own rooms to get changed.
  292. >Crap.
  293. >You two were just roomates before this.
  294. >What is she to you now?
  295. >The relationship you two had before was pretty weird in it's own right, but is this a one time thing or...
  296. >Gah, shit.
  297. >After a relatively silent dinner you sat down on your own to watch TV, only to have Twilight drop herself right next to you.
  298. >You don't say anything at first, and neither does she, before she looks over to your neck.
  299. >She looks at the nail marks she left, not bleeding, but red and inflamed.
  300. >"Did I do those?"
  301. >You don't look over to her, keeping your eyes on the screen.
  302. >You'd be bound to go red if you took a look at her now.
  303. >She scoots over to get closer to you and look at the marks, before resting her head on your shoulder.
  304. >Linking her arm with yours and resting herself on your body, she acts like it's the most natural thing in the world.
  305. "Twi."
  306. >"Yeah?"
  307. "You're not always going to have someone around that can help you, you know. You should learn how to do all of this by yourse-"
  308. >"I could do it myself."
  309. >You pause.
  310. "Then why don't you?"
  311. >"Because that's what I have you for."
  312. >You sigh.
  313. >Good a reason as any, you suppose.
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