
Posh Nosh

Jun 3rd, 2018
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  1. Octavia sat patiently on the couch on her side of the house. Every now and then, the elegant earth pony would take a conservative drink from a cup of coffee while she watched the front door with judgmental eyes. Just as the morning sun broke new light through the window panes into the split living room the front door opened and the owner of the other half of the room, Vinyl Scratch, entered. This had been going on for around a year now, the cycle of Vinyl going out all night only to come home reeking of sweat, liquor and sporting an engorged stomach; and this morning was no different. Since then Octavia had made it a point to passive-aggressively sit on her couch and stare at her disheveled room mate as she strolled in as if her stench wasn’t a nose sore, as if the behavior hadn’t gone unnoticed by other Ponyvillians, as if Vinyl hadn’t put on a fair bit of weight since she started her all nighters.
  3. Without even shooting her a glance, Vinyl walked to her side of the room and flopped down on her murphy bed, her belly swaying and sloshing for a moment before coming to a rest. Octavia grit her teeth, ignored once more by her friend. Getting her cup of coffee Octavia stalked from the room, making sure her hoof falls made a noticeable thump against the wooden floor as she went to the kitchen.
  5. “Every morning. E-ver-y mor-ning,” Octavia muttered, getting something to eat before returning to the living room and glancing once more at the limp and snoring form of her room mate.
  7. Octavia rolled her eyes and left, giving the front door a harsher close than it needed in order to make her frustration known. As much as she tried, Octavia simply couldn’t let go of her irritation with Vinyl as she went about her day. A trip to Canterlot for practice, a few auditions, fan meet-&-greets, hobnobbing and of course a late afternoon performance left the earth pony drained by the time she returned home in Ponyville that evening. Opening the front door Octavia saw that not much had changed since her departure, Vinyl was still sleeping and still reeked of last night’s activities, though it appears that at some point she pulled her murphy bed out.
  9. Octavia’s frustrations with the unicorn came back and she made it no secret that she was home, stalking off to the bathroom to freshen up after her busy day. Milling about in the room Octavia quickly noticed an unusual sticky note on the bathroom mirror. Short and simple it read.
  11. “Please wake me when you get home
  13. -Vinyl <3”
  15. Octavia rolled her eyes and scoffed.
  17. “You probably only want me to wake you so you can go out partying again,” Octavia muttered, tossing the sticky note to the floor and going back to her personal business. “It is not my responsibility to be your alarm clock, missy!”
  19. Getting all the items she needed for a relaxing bath Octavia glanced back out in the living room where her friend slept quietly. As displeased as she was with Vinyl’s behaviour, Octavia relented, she had to be the better mare. Octavia walked up to Vinyl’s side and gently rubbed the unicorns side, her hoof brushing past the noticeably smaller bulge of her gut, the pudge giving way and cradling her hoof.
  21. “Vinyl. Vinyl, wake up,” Octavia said.
  23. Vinyl shifted and stretched, her joints popping and the bed creaking before she sat up and yawned. Vinyl cleared her eyes before patting her belly pudge thoughtfully and then opening up a container of pale pink pills and popping two into her mouth.
  25. “Are you going out again toni-Whoa, whoa!” Octavia began before magic lifted her off the ground and into mid air. “Vinyl! You put me down this instant! I have half a mind to deck you as it is and this is uncalled for!
  27. Surrounded by Vinyl’s magic aura Octavia was lead swiftly into the bathroom, despite her protests. Vinyl set the bathtub to shower and after a few moments of adjustments the water was a steamy warm. The protesting earth pony was then dropped into the tub before Vinyl hopped in herself.
  29. “Vinyl!” Octavia exclaimed, “You filthy cur!”
  31. Any further shouts were cut short as Vinyl locked lips with Octavia. Surprise on Octavia’s part gave Vinyl the opportunity to deepen the kiss, her tongue sliding gently over her roommates before Octavia pulled away.
  33. “Ugh!” Octavia groaned, “Booze breath,”
  35. Vinyl nodded, opting to kiss Octavia’s cheek, trailing her smooches down the elegant mares neck to her chest, taking a short break to pepper her belly and hips with a combination of licks and kisses. Octavia was mad with her, of course, the way the unicorn just did whatever she wanted this wasn’t the first time she had been intimate with her roommate. On occasion, Vinyl would come home early, her glowing rave regalia still as charged as she was from her night time activities and almost without fail her “laissez-faire” attitude would ultimately mean Octavia would receive some midnight delight. Vinyl was surely acquainted with Octavia’s figure, knowing just what to rub, lick, suck and even bite to rile up the high class earth pony.
  37. Vinyl gently took one of her friends teats into her mouth and while she nursed on it she stroked the inside of Octavia’s thigh and groped her rear and a bit of magic trailed the edges of her ear. Octavia moaned, her leg twitching as each moment brought a jolt of pleasure. No words were needed, Octavia needed to simply push down on Vinyl’s head and within seconds that tongue was lapping at her pussy. Vinyl buried her snout in her friend, delving her tongue as deep as she could get it before withdrawing and running it up her slit before completing the motion with a gently prod of her clit with the tip of her tongue.
  39. Octavia quickly lost herself in pleasure, her hind hoof kicking out in small bursts, while she muffled her moans by biting her one of her front legs. Vinyl’s relentless oral ended it just as suddenly as it began, with a series of high pitched grunts Octavia was in the throes of her orgasm; while Vinyl did all she could to prolong her friends orgasm. Lying in the shower, wet and relaxed Octavia didn't mind when Vinyl finally got that deep kiss she was going for.
  41. Vinyl got her tongue deep and with practice precision she dropped a single pale pink pill into the posh pony’s mouth, cupping Octavia’s chin and gently stroking her throat, making sure she swallowed it while she was still riding out the end of her climax. It was a moments later before Octavia spoke.
  43. “Vinyl...I appreciate your efforts... but I am still upset...with you,” Octavia panted “What have you been doing this past year that has you out till the break of dawn and putting on pounds?”
  45. Vinyl didn't answer, instead she began washing Octavia’s back with her hooves while levitating a loofah to wash her own. Octavia knew that ultimately, Vinyl was a shower not a teller and if she wanted to find out about her friends night time antics, she would have to accompany her. With the shower finished, some styling and a short time of get getting primed and prepped Vinyl looked ready for a night of fun while Octavia dressed down for the occasion; opting to only tie her mane up in a ponytail and feathering her bangs.
  47. “Are you sure this place is legitimate?” Octavia asked.
  49. Vinyl nodded in response.
  51. Octavia walked behind Vinyl as the day was coming to an end, she had never been to a late night party before and the worst scenarios made themselves clear in her head. The two mares approached the business side of Ponyville and Octavia balked, almost convinced she didn't want to know about Vinyl’s activities this much but right outside bowling alley Vinyl stipped and looked back at her. The eye catching, neon-lit sign of a bowling ball crashing into likewise lit bowling pins lit the edges of her neon blue mane and shined through her dark glasses giving Octavia a glimpse of her friends cheerful look. Even if she was uncomfortable in this setting, it was clear Vinyl was excited to share in her activity.
  53. “You won't disappear when we get in there...right?” Octavia asked.
  55. Vinyl shook her ear and waved for her to follow and quickly turned the corner, behind the bowling alley. Octavia followed, going down the side street and through a door that seemed to lead to the basement of the establishment. The sound of electronic music and funk pounder through the walls and got louder as Octavia followed Vinyl down the flight of concrete steps. Just as suddenly as the music stopped and the sound of other patrons could be heard, Octavia picked up the wonderful scent of fresh fruits and vegetables which only got stronger when she and Vinyl entered the club proper.
  57. The space wasn't tall, if Octavia really wanted to, she could jump and touch the ceiling with ease, and it was bathed in a disorientating combo of black and light and rave lasers coming from the caged off stage. Ponies milled about and the sweet, intoxicating smells she had been smelling came from all direction. Octavia stood at the entrance, basking in the smells and letting her senses fill with sights and sounds of the underground nightclub. A quick shake brought her back just as the beats from the next track began, Octavia looked to Vinyl who simply directed to follow with a nod of her head.
  59. “This is...quite the place Vinyl!” Octavia yelled, her voice suppressed.
  61. Vinyl heard, turning back to her and nodding with a wide grin. Octavia was lead to the bar, recognizing Berry Punch on sight serving up drinks to other patrons. Vinyl sat on a stool, spinning around once before patting the open seat right next to her which Octavia quickly occupied. Vinyl hailed Berry and in moments she had a blue drink sitting in front of her.
  63. “What’s your poison?” Berry asked, looking Octavia up and down.
  65. “I’ll…” Octavia said, a gob of saliva dripping unexpectedly from her mouth. Quickly wiping her mouth and swallowing Octavia tried to speak again “I’ll have whatever food your making, please,”
  67. “First timer, huh?” Berry Punch said “We only serve drinks here...your food will be along before long hon,”
  69. Octavia looked quizzically at Berry before giving an order and before long she was sipping a drink and trying her best to relax to the music pumping through the club.
  71. “Vinyl, what did she mean my food would be along? I didn’t order yet,” Octavia asked, leaning close to her friend, to be heard more clearly.
  73. Vinyl gently rocked her head to the beat of the music and after setting her drink down she spun on her stool and leaned back on the bar. Octavia watched as Vinyl seemed to smell the air before her horn lighting up and a single mare was plucked from the crowd and pushed in front of the unicorn raver, a mare Octavia recognized to be Golden Harvest. The chosen mare pinned her ears back and a blush came to her cheeks as she looked up at Vinyl from her sitting position on the floor.
  75. “Oh...Did you choose me?” Golden asked.
  77. Her answer was came in the form of Vinyl offering up her left hind hoof to the mare, pressing the edge to her mouth. Octavia gawked when Golden cupped the hoof with hers and began licking it, all the while looking to Vinyl for approval. Vinyl sat stoically, occasionally guiding the mares movements with a magical tug on her mane but otherwise she hid any emotion behind a stony look and dark sunglasses.
  79. “ it's one of ‘those’ clubs…” Octavia muttered.
  81. “S’cuse me, ma’am,” A voice called from behind Octavia.
  83. With a quick spin of her own, Octavia came face to face with what she was sure was the source of the the delicious smell that was making her mouth water since she arrived; Burnt Oak.
  85. “Yes?” Octavia asked.
  87. “Well…I was just hanging out and I couldn’t help but notice the smokey air hangin’ around you...Wonderin if’n you might be interested in me tonight?” Burnt Oak asked.
  89. Octavia could barely talk, constantly clearing her mouth of saliva, opting to nod her answer. Burnt Oak smiled and scooted closer, his muzzle brushing up against her lower tummy. Octavia felt herself getting swept up in the atmosphere once more, the beat of the music seemingly syncing up with her racing heart. A hunger pang became her primary focus as Burnt Oak licked her belly, tickling it lightly with his mustache. Instinct took over and Octavia grabbed the stallion by his neck and opened her mouth.
  91. “Oh! I don’t have to play? Well thats-” Burnt was cut short as Octavia’s jaws stretched over his face.
  93. The moment his coat met her tongue, it tasted as sweet as candy and popped wildly across her tongue and inside of her cheeks; a feeling that followed Burnt Oak as Octavia began swallowing him. Savory and soft the stallion relaxed in the grip of Octavia’s jaws, her mouth dripped with drool, slickening the rest of Burnt Oak that had yet to consumed. Octavia whimpered with each gulp, a feeling of panic in her chest with what she was doing but the need to feed smothering it as Burnt Oak’s barrel joined the rest of him in Octavia’s hungry gullet. The bulge in Octavia’s throat shifted and sank, her belly swelling out and hanging off the barstool while Burnt Oak curled up in the soft belly he was licking only moments ago.
  95. Octavia gripped her meals hind legs and with another few gulps his cutie mark vanished behind her lips, his thighs squeezing together to make himself a touch smaller and easier to pack away. Pack away she did, his legs practically slid down her throat, a little effort on Burnt Oak’s part as he pulled the rest of himself into her belly. Octavia panted and wiped her chin, the realization of what just happened settling on her; she just ate an entire pony, a stallion was currently in her stomach and from the rhythmic motions and the muffled grunts coming from his spot, it certainly felt like he didn’t mind. Octavia ran a hoof over her taut middle and licked her lips finding his flavor stained in her mouth; it felt right.
  97. “That was...amazing,” Octavia muttered, lolling her head back before burping.
  99. Octavia looked to Vinyl who still had Golden worshipping her body, the mare having graduated from kissing and licking her hooves to lavishing her soft thighs. Vinyl looked back at Octavia shooting her a domineering smirk before petting the mare between her legs. Octavia suddenly felt her meal jerking about, her stomach swaying back and forth for sometime before coming to rest. Octavia rubbed her belly once more before swiveling to get her drink, her meal a distant thought. Two mares approached, their bodies wreathed with glow stick apparel and smelling of the same delicious fragrance as her last meal.
  101. “Hey, we saw you down that guy!” One of the mares said. “Are you cool if we rub him down and snag a spot?”
  103. “Yeah...the others like to play with their food seem like your ready for a meal!” The other mare said.
  105. Octavia couldn’t keep the smirk from her face, she had never felt such a rush like this. Motioning the two forward she watched as they flanked either side of engorged middle and began stroking her belly, massaging the stallion while she nursed her drink. Basking in the worship of two more meals, that gave it their all to give her tummy the love it deserved, Octavia felt her belly soften, churning and gurgling. Octavia examined her drink, wondering if something in it was aiding her digestion when one of the mares spoke.
  107. “Heeey, it feels like he's pretty done. Care for seconds?”
  109. Octavia nodded, setting her drink down and guiding the mare into her hungry maw. The same taste filled her senses, just as savory as the first time and her tongue tingled as if electric followed in the wake of her meals fur. Thick, heavy gulps pulled the mare down, her friend watched excitedly as her friend filled Octavia out. When Octavia closed her lips, locking her friend away with a lighter gulp in her stomach, the other mare reached behind her ear and made two marks on the side of the freshly filled belly before getting back to her massaging.
  111. The feeling of being full was addictive, Octavia felt warm all over and sighed dreamily as her belly was rubbed tenderly on the outside as well as, if she wasn't mistaken, from the inside as well.
  113. “Such...good little meals! Vinyl, you should have invited me sooner!” Octavia called.
  115. Vinyl nodded, her rump presented to her meal, a promotion to giving her mistress oral; a job she showed only enthusiasm. Octavia let the high of the night take over from there, soon the mare inside stopped moving and by the time she finished her third drink she was digested into pony fat and her friend was well on her way to joining her and Burnt Oak when a trio of prey came to Octavia.
  117. While her meals waited for their turn, they passed a highlighter around, putting graffiti on the classy mares body as a mark they had been there before sliding down her throat; big bold letters that read “Heaven” printed across the broad expanse of her belly, tally marks of all the ponies she had devoured graced her thighs and dotted lines, as if marking out beef cuts, were sectioned off and the spaces filled with the names of a few of Octavia’s meals that night.
  119. Vinyl watched her friend binge, knowing in the morning she would regret it. Looking at the clock above the bar she nodded and signaled for one more shot. Vinyl’s horn lit up and magic grabbed Golden Harvest by her curly mane and with a push, stuffed a third of the mare into the asshole she was just frenching. Golden tried to push away but a harsh smack on her ass by the DJ pony gave her a reminder that she was less than food. Vinyl bit her lip, Golden’s activity in her bowels giving her more pleasure than any of the revering she had given Vinyl’s body that night. Slowly, Vinyl pushed the mare deeper, her anal ring widening and conforming to the contours of the mare, the wet flesh forming a seal around her as her hooves slid inside and with a wet squelch sealed around her midsection. Vinyl coo’d, her magic going out for a moment, her ring stretched to it’s limit and that pressure backing off always sent her for a loop. Her horn flared to life once again and with another push Golden’s barrel was fed into Vinyls ass, before Vinyl started to pull her out.
  121. Golden’s midsection was pulled from the depths of Vinyls hungry ass, the smearing of anal juices marking her deepest entry, until Vinyl felt the tug of Golden’s fore-hooves on her anal ring, the pink flesh inside her holding tightly. Vinyl then stuffed the mare back in, up to Golden’s hips, the neon-haired pony then set her meal to a rhythm in time with the music. Back and forth, Golden was reclaimed from and given to Vinyl’s hole; less than a meal she was a toy, something Vinyl used for her pleasure and each stroke of her innards using Golden stoked her coming orgasm. Vinyl panted, she could feel Golden trembling inside her, the shivering doubling as a sort of vibration which piled on her mounting excitement.
  123. “Vinyl….Vinyl!” Octavia called, Vinyl shakily looked at her roommate. “ I can’t seem to get my mouth around any more of my meals, I don’t know whats wrong, Do you?”
  125. Vinyl glanced at the clock once more, the end of the night was near and the pill would soon run it’s course, she had played with her food for far too long. Taking another gulp from her drink, Vinyl rose her ass into the air, lifting Golden high above the bar and pushed Golden into her ass, the mares hips acting as a stop gap that her ring was having trouble stretching around. Gritting her teeth, Vinyl pushed hard, the pleasure was being tinged with pain as inch by inch Vinyl worked to finish her meal.
  127. “Honestly Vinyl! Stop playing with your food!” Octavia announced, getting down from her stool.
  129. Vinyl felt Octavia approach from behind and grab Goldens legs. The realization of what Octavia was going to do came too late and Vinyl couldn’t do much else but let out a whinnying moan as gravity, magic and some friendly assistance packed Golden’s generous hips and thighs into her ass. Vinyl’s midriff bulged against the barstool and the shock of pleasure simply made her orgasm, her legs spasming and her mind losing coherence. Vinyl fell off the barstool, her bottom heavy body hitting the floor first, forcing what was left of her meal into her ass, her pucker sealing tight behind Golden when her hooves disappeared from the outside and giving the floor of the club a wet kiss.
  131. Vinyl laid there, her body still spasming as she rode the aftershocks of her orgasm. Octavia sat patiently, watching her friend collect herself while she stroked her own gurgling gut. Berry Punch had seen the whole thing and leaned over the bar to see if Vinyl was alright, relieved when she saw her struggle to hooves, before shakily downing the last of her drink. Vinyl produced a bag of bits, dropping it on the bar and pointing at herself and Octavia, Berry Punch nodded and jangled the contents around before leaving the mares.
  133. Forehooves slung around each other, Vinyl and Octavia left the club, Vinyl’s belly quivered and swayed with a fresh meal, occasionally bumping into Octavia’s own distended gut.
  135. “Can you believe them? They knew what was gonna happen and yet, here they are!” Octavia laughed before jiggling her new chubby figure “That was a lot of fun Vinyl, thank you for taking me along,”
  137. Vinyl nodded, her hoof wandering across Octavia’s pony padded frame and giving her ass a playful squeeze.
  139. “Mmm, why yes Vinyl. If I we still have the energy, I will gladly let you explore the newest additions to my figure,” Octavia purred, kissing Vinyl on the cheek “I see now where you got your figure,”
  141. Vinyl smiled and looked down at her belly, the quivering had stopped and by the time the two roommates got home her meal had digested enough for Vinyl to fit through the door. Daylight broke across Ponyville just in time to see the mares were already passed out, sharing Vinyl’s murphy bed.
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