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Feb 18th, 2020
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text 10.69 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Mono path[0] = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/Managed'
  2. Mono config path = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
  3. Initialize engine version: 2019.2.8f1 (347)
  4. [XR] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/UnitySubsystems
  5. GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
  6. Direct3D:
  7. Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
  8. Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (ID=0x2191)
  9. Vendor:
  10. VRAM: 5991 MB
  11. Driver:
  12. Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
  13. - Completed reload, in 0.112 seconds
  14. OnLevelWasLoaded was found on OVRScreenFade
  15. This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
  16. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
  18. (Filename: W:\unity1\Runtime/Mono/MonoScriptCache.cpp Line: 355)
  20. <RI> Initializing input.
  22. <RI> Input initialized.
  24. <RI> Initialized touch support.
  26. UnloadTime: 0.423200 ms
  27. Initializing Steam services
  29. (Filename: W:\unity1\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
  31. Application root directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica
  33. (Filename: W:\unity1\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
  35. [QModManager] [Patcher] [Info] Loading QModManager v3.0.2...
  36. [QModManager] [Patcher] [Info] Today is 18-February-2020
  37. [QModManager] [Patcher] [Info] Folder structure:
  38. + Subnautica
  39. |---+ AssetBundles
  40. | `---- (3 elements not shown...)
  41. |---+ MonoBleedingEdge
  42. | `---- (20 elements not shown...)
  43. |---+ OST
  44. | `---- (57 elements not shown...)
  45. |---+ QMods
  46. | |---+ CustomCraft2SML
  47. | | |---+ Assets
  48. | | | |---- cake1.png (27.18KB)
  49. | | | |---- cake2.png (26.54KB)
  50. | | | |---- cake3.png (25.96KB)
  51. | | | |---- cake4.png (24.96KB)
  52. | | | |---- cake5.png (26.55KB)
  53. | | | |---- cake6.png (26.37KB)
  54. | | | |---- cake7.png (25.06KB)
  55. | | | |---- cake8.png (26.01KB)
  56. | | | |---- juice.png (9.54KB)
  57. | | | |---- juice1.png (9.83KB)
  58. | | | |---- juice2.png (9.54KB)
  59. | | | |---- juice3.png (9.78KB)
  60. | | | |---- juice4.png (10.05KB)
  61. | | | |---- juice5.png (21.41KB)
  62. | | | |---- juice6.png (9.97KB)
  63. | | | |---- juice7.png (9.95KB)
  64. | | | |---- juice8.png (9.84KB)
  65. | | | |---- MoonPool.png (109.68KB)
  66. | | | `---- RReactorRodDUMMY.png (28.10KB)
  67. | | |---+ OriginalRecipes
  68. | | | |---- BasePieces_BasePiece.txt (1.73KB)
  69. | | | |---- BasePieces_BaseRoom.txt (1.52KB)
  70. | | | |---- BasePieces_BaseWall.txt (1.08KB)
  71. | | | |---- BioReactor_Values.txt (9.54KB)
  72. | | | |---- Constructor_Constructor.txt (3.02KB)
  73. | | | |---- CraftingPaths.txt (906.00B)
  74. | | | |---- Cyclops_Cyclops.txt (896.00B)
  75. | | | |---- Cyclops_CyclopsUpgrades.txt (2.69KB)
  76. | | | |---- ExteriorModules_ExteriorLight.txt (923.00B)
  77. | | | |---- ExteriorModules_ExteriorModule.txt (1.27KB)
  78. | | | |---- ExteriorModules_ExteriorOther.txt (811.00B)
  79. | | | |---- InteriorModules_InteriorModule.txt (4.11KB)
  80. | | | |---- InteriorPieces_InteriorPiece.txt (1.47KB)
  81. | | | |---- InteriorPieces_InteriorRoom.txt (1.29KB)
  82. | | | |---- Machines_Machines.txt (2.04KB)
  83. | | | |---- MapRoomUpgrades_MapRoomUpgrades.txt (1.53KB)
  84. | | | |---- Miscellaneous_Misc.txt (4.57KB)
  85. | | | |---- Miscellaneous_MiscHullplates.txt (3.98KB)
  86. | | | |---- Personal_Equipment.txt (4.11KB)
  87. | | | |---- Personal_Tools.txt (4.31KB)
  88. | | | |---- Resources_AdvancedMaterials.txt (2.02KB)
  89. | | | |---- Resources_BasicMaterials.txt (2.20KB)
  90. | | | |---- Resources_Electronics.txt (2.78KB)
  91. | | | |---- Survival_CookedFood.txt (2.92KB)
  92. | | | |---- Survival_CuredFood.txt (3.72KB)
  93. | | | |---- Survival_Water.txt (813.00B)
  94. | | | |---- VehicleUpgrades_VehicleUpgrades.txt (5.38KB)
  95. | | | `---- Workbench_Workbench.txt (4.32KB)
  96. | | |---+ SampleFiles
  97. | | | |---- AddedRecipes_Samples.txt (819.00B)
  98. | | | |---- AddedRecipes_Samples2.txt (588.00B)
  99. | | | |---- AliasRecipes_Samples.txt (2.24KB)
  100. | | | |---- AliasRecipes_Samples2.txt (683.00B)
  101. | | | |---- CustomBioFuels_Samples.txt (701.00B)
  102. | | | |---- CustomFabricator_Sample.txt (2.47KB)
  103. | | | |---- CustomFab_Sample2.txt (1.27KB)
  104. | | | |---- CustomFoods_Samplefile.txt (567.00B)
  105. | | | |---- CustomFragments_Samples2.txt (186.00B)
  106. | | | |---- CustomSizes_Samples.txt (524.00B)
  107. | | | |---- CustomSizes_Samples2.txt (211.00B)
  108. | | | |---- CustomTab_Samples.txt (2.25KB)
  109. | | | |---- ModifiedRecipes_Samples.txt (1.48KB)
  110. | | | |---- ModifiedRecipes_Samples2.txt (249.00B)
  111. | | | |---- MovedRecipes_Sample.txt (1.28KB)
  112. | | | `---- MovedRecipes_Samples2.txt (444.00B)
  113. | | |---+ WorkingFiles
  114. | | | `---- ModifiedRecipes.txt (151.00B)
  115. | | |---- CustomCraft2Config.txt (58.00B)
  116. | | |---- CustomCraft2SML.dll (246.00KB)
  117. | | |---- mod.json (255.00B)
  118. | | `---- README_HowToUseThisMod.txt (15.24KB)
  119. | |---+ Modding Helper
  120. | | |---+ CraftTreeTypeCache
  121. | | |---+ Language
  122. | | | |---+ Originals
  123. | | | |---+ Overrides
  124. | | |---+ RestrictedIDs
  125. | | |---+ TechTypeCache
  126. | | |---- EnableDebugLogs.txt (4.00B)
  127. | | |---- ExtraItemInfo.txt (20.00B)
  128. | | |---- mod.json (231.00B)
  129. | | |---- SMLHelper.dll (129.50KB)
  130. | | `---- SMLHelper.xml (268.77KB)
  131. |---+ SNAppData
  132. | `---- (2525 elements not shown...)
  133. |---+ SNUnmanagedData
  134. | `---- (19321 elements not shown...)
  135. |---+ Subnautica_Data
  136. | `---- (233 elements not shown...)
  137. |---- manifest.txt (565.83KB)
  138. |---- monitor_log.txt (42.00B)
  139. |---- steam_api64.dll (201.91KB)
  140. |---- Subnautica.exe (635.50KB)
  141. |---- Subnautica32.exe (68.50KB)
  142. |---- SubnauticaMonitor.exe (8.00KB)
  143. |---- unins000.dat (23.00KB)
  144. |---- unins000.exe (2.54MB)
  145. |---- UnityCrashHandler64.exe (1.56MB)
  146. |---- UnityPlayer.dll (23.16MB)
  147. |---- __buildnumber.txt (5.00B)
  148. `---- __buildtime.txt (21.00B)
  152. [QModManager] [Patcher] [Info] Loading QModManager v3.0.2...
  153. [QModManager] [GameDetector] [Info] Detected game: Subnautica
  154. [QModManager] [Patcher] [Info] Started loading mods
  155. [SMLHelper/Info] Enable debug logs set to: True
  156. [SMLHelper/Info] Loading v2.5.3.0 for Subnautica
  157. [CustomCraft2SML:INFO] Setting up logging. Version 1.8.3
  158. [CustomCraft2SML:DEBUG] Debug logging is enable
  159. [CustomCraft2SML:INFO] Restoring files. Version 1.8.3
  160. [SMLHelper/Debug] CustomFishPatcher is done.
  161. [SMLHelper/Info] Added 0 TechTypes succesfully into the game.
  162. [SMLHelper/Debug] TechTypePatcher is done.
  163. [SMLHelper/Info] Finished known CraftTreeType exclusion. 0 IDs were added in ban list.
  164. [SMLHelper/Debug] CraftTreeTypePatcher is done.
  165. [SMLHelper/Debug] CraftDataPatcher is done.
  166. [SMLHelper/Debug] CraftTreePatcher is done.
  167. [SMLHelper/Debug] DevConsolePatcher is done.
  168. [SMLHelper/Debug] 0 language override files found.
  169. [SMLHelper/Debug] LanguagePatcher is done.
  170. [SMLHelper/Debug] PrefabDatabasePatcher is done.
  171. [SMLHelper/Debug] SpritePatcher is done.
  172. [SMLHelper/Debug] BaseBioReactorPatcher is done.
  173. [SMLHelper/Debug] Options.SetVisibleTab is patched
  174. [SMLHelper/Debug] ItemsContainerPatcher is done.
  175. [SMLHelper/Debug] PDAPatcher is done.
  176. [SMLHelper/Debug] ItemActionPatcher is done.
  177. [SMLHelper/Debug] LootDistributionPatcher is done.
  178. [SMLHelper/Info] Extra item info set to: Mod name and item ID
  179. [SMLHelper/Debug] TooltipPatcher is done.
  180. [CustomCraft2SML:INFO] Started patching. Version 1.8.3
  181. [CustomCraft2SML:INFO] 1 files found in the WorkingFiles folder
  182. [CustomCraft2SML:DEBUG] 1 entries parsed from file 'ModifiedRecipes.txt'
  183. [CustomCraft2SML:INFO] 1 total entries discovered across all files.
  184. [CustomCraft2SML:DEBUG] Validating entries - First Pass
  185. [CustomCraft2SML:INFO] 1 of 1 ModifiedRecipe entries staged for patching
  186. [CustomCraft2SML:DEBUG] Validating entries - Second Pass
  187. [CustomCraft2SML:DEBUG] Sending requests to SMLHelper
  188. [CustomCraft2SML:DEBUG] Modifying recipe for 'Scanner' from WorkingFiles:ModifiedRecipes.txt with new values in: AmountCrafted Ingredients
  189. [CustomCraft2SML:INFO] 1 of 1 ModifiedRecipe entries were patched
  190. [CustomCraft2SML:INFO] Finished patching.
  191. [QModManager] [Patcher] [Info] Finished loading QModManager. Loaded 2 mods
  192. DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects.
  194. (Filename: W:\unity1\Runtime/SceneManager/SceneManager.cpp Line: 566)
  196. Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  197. [QModManager] [VersionCheck] [Info] Recieved latest version from GitHub. We are up to date!
  198. Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex'
  200. (Filename: W:\unity1\Runtime/Shaders/Material.cpp Line: 1371)
  202. Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex'
  204. (Filename: W:\unity1\Runtime/Shaders/Material.cpp Line: 1371)
  206. Loading game settings
  208. (Filename: W:\unity1\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
  210. Unloading asset bundle 'waterdisplacement' because it is no longer referenced
  212. (Filename: W:\unity1\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
  214. Process name: Subnautica
  216. (Filename: W:\unity1\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
  218. changeset 63668, QualityLevel = 2
  220. (Filename: W:\unity1\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
  222. OK Running Win64
  224. (Filename: W:\unity1\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
  226. Application version: 63668
  228. (Filename: W:\unity1\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
  230. SystemInfo:
  231. deviceModel = 81Q6 (LENOVO)
  232. deviceName = LAPTOP-I19C81BE
  233. deviceType = Desktop
  234. deviceUniqueIdentifier = c65b29aed1bdc403557ab997adac9bc63e71b2f1
  235. graphicsDeviceID = 8593
  236. graphicsDeviceName = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
  237. graphicsDeviceType = Direct3D11
  238. graphicsDeviceVendor = NVIDIA
  239. graphicsDeviceVendorID = 4318
  240. graphicsDeviceVersion = Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
  241. graphicsMemorySize = 5991
  242. graphicsShaderLevel = 50
  243. npotSupport = Full
  244. maxTextureSize = 16384
  245. operatingSystem = Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
  246. processorCount = 12
  247. processorFrequency = 2592
  248. processorType = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
  249. supportedRenderTargetCount = 8
  250. supports3DTextures = True
  251. supportsAccelerometer = False
  252. supportsComputeShaders = True
  253. supportsGyroscope = False
  254. supportsImageEffects = True
  255. supportsInstancing = True
  256. supportsLocationService = False
  257. supportsRawShadowDepthSampling = True
  258. supportsRenderTextures = True
  259. supportsRenderToCubemap = True
  260. supportsShadows = True
  261. supportsSparseTextures = True
  262. supportsStencil = 1
  263. supportsVibration = False
  264. systemMemorySize = 16303
  267. (Filename: W:\unity1\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
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